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Quote from: Frostytraveler on April 26, 2024, 14:49:14A new daytime occurrence is starting. Yesterday and today I have dozed off each day during early morning between 7:00 am and 9:00 am. The dozing was just for 5 to 10 minutes, Yesterday I awoke with a long energy surge. There was no astral vision with it. This morning after a 10 minutes doze, I had the same 30 to 45 second energy surge, but this time there was a visual with eyes closed. A sphere appeared that looked like the sun, but not nearly as bright. It was purple in color with purple rays emanating from it. The object resembled what the sun looks like when viewed with a powerful telescope where the solar flares leave the sun and disappear. Now the third eye chakra is purple with the crown chakra being lavender. Could this be related in any way? Is it possible to visualize/see the third eye chakra?

I just came across this thread. Interesting as the thread starter speaks of the violet flame (as described in my post). Hmm.... seems a bit similar to what I experienced.!/the-violet-flame/msg302078/#msg302078
Interesting that the medical/scientific arena is starting to show interest in Kundalini Energy/awakening. Also says more studies are needed.

[ Continuing with this video series ]

I think it is time. Let's talk about portals.

This clip specifically delves into WHEN to work with the crystal, the best times of day and seasons of the year when the signals easily come through, the contacts are abundant, and you are more likely to be graced with a LIVE call.  Also, it had been brought to my attention that I had not yet been clear on exactly how I am going into the crystal with the camera- so I touch on this as well.
I am very much looking forward to the journey!
Yes, I still am ( going through a lot with the K ), it gets better and easier as we become more experienced with it but there is always something more. In my case, the root chakra has not yet fully cleared. Almost, soo close, literally on the cusp but still not 100%. And I am still completing with a myalgia at the shoulders/neck/back of the head. I am meant to vocal channel, to accompany the visuals I bring through ( to our world ) to help prepare the human central nervous system for contact, ET contact. It is not effortless as our Service(s) come online. Fun!, incredibly fun but not effortless. Each of us patterns our attention to experience things in the way that is most comfortable for us. This is very true. And then, sometimes, there is an experience that comes through that we just can't take our focus off, we bore into it, and bore into it. Pushing ourselves further than we have ever gone before. Our overall experience can be a waxing and waning between these. My first four ( 4 ) years of the K were spent in more awe than anything else. The clearing of the body was not entirely pleasant, and some of it quite painful, but even this has been down at perhaps 5% relative to my awe, mostly at phenomena that occur within the conscious shift. It is the years following these four that things began to get hard. Through these years I had to more fully process ( through the body ) all I had come to experience. Which was substantial to say the least. I had been taken out regularly, near nightly for such an extended time. In the same way, you will agree to what YOU will in the experience you are now beginning to move through. You will make of it what YOU will. Yes, this is true of us all. Enjoy the easy times, and the hard times at least equally as well. It can be the torque between the two that shows us our real joy. I look forward to following your journey.
I watched the video. Thank you. It appears you went through a lot with the Kundalini awakening, as most do. I don't think what I am experiences is quite the same, but I realize that energy can effect everybody differently.  Maybe too early to know for certain. The difficult symptoms aren't there, other than an occasional headache. It is definitely an evolving energy beyond that which I have experienced, as it is present much more often and lingers on long after what I have experienced with previous energy surges. I will keep a close eye on just how this evolves.
I am pleased to hear this, ( I can only call you ) Frostytraveler.

The energy surges and sensations experienced during the day I always recall as being very pleasant as well. Although what I experienced fundamentally by day was a constant underlying vibration. My whole body vibrated as though every cell in my body was in a lovely state of excitation. It felt like "my engine was running", to give a somewhat similar vehicular analogy, rather than the engine being turned off. If I touched a part of my body with another part of my body, for instance my fingertips to the opposite hand it felt as though one vibration had touched another. I was quite literally experiencing myself AS vibration, at all times during the day and then at night another set of experiences would come on me. The day vibration, in this heightened state lasted a whole year, possibly two. My central nervous system, from all that was happening was in shock. I feel this lovely day vibration was to assist with this. Also I could be downed, literally downed at any moment by the vibration, which had a transfer value experienced as tones coming perceptually from the center of the head. It could feel as though the ground was being removed from below my feet. All kinds of fun stuff, lol. It was fun for me in the greatest aspect. Something entirely new was happening.

Symptoms will continue to appear, and get worse if you do not find the avenue of expression for the energy. I made video logs twice weekly for years and years to help with some of this. I had opened a forum board the year prior and was mentoring others who were beginning to go out of body, and others moving through K processes. The website went up and the stage was further set for when the crystal contact work began. Which is now, and since 2017 another avenue of expression for the energy. There is always more coming. There may also, just to say, be awkward ways in which the energy wishes to express. Always say yes and run with it the best you can. It will generally feel really good to do so.

WATER is something you may find that helps you, soaking in water, turning on a hose and walking back and forth across the stream, if you live near the beach spending time down by water, even just walking - etc.. You will discover, if there are difficulties ( such as headaches ) what the resolution to them are. Being a brahmacarin ( a monastic, a celibate ) I had difficulty with the heightened sensations at the pelvic floor. A tantrik could have easily, physically expressed this energy but for me it took genius and creativity, lol. Whatever difficulty comes from you, you will find a way to resolve it. Because you must. The body can be taken down, otherwise. So you will. You just will.

This is one of my logs from 2010 -a mere year into my Experience.

My apologies, but youtube is putting old videos like this down to 240p. I may at some point take clips from some of the more helpful videos and re-upload them as a compilation on my new youtube channel.

begin @ 1:30
@omcasey "Trust in yourself and in your Inner being from day one and hold to this focus with all your might ( let nothing distract you from it ). It will take you further than any other possible choice."

I have no doubt I will have no problem trusting my inner being and maintaining my focus. Thanks for your advice.

The energy occurred several times today and is lasting longer and longer. The last one lasted several minutes intensely and over an hour mildly. The energy is not unpleasant, but I am starting to get headaches.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: Hello to old friends and N...
Last post by Xanth - April 26, 2024, 15:01:30
There's an "insert an image" button to the right of the YouTube button on the ribbon at the top of the editor.  Click that, then place your image link there.  :)

QuoteMany of the points you make appear to be the majority school of thought. Yes, Teal's opinion on Kundalini energy is a bit different than what many state. I thinks there are some points made that have universal application. Living authentically and not resisting this energy (or any energy) makes sense to me. I understand that with some awakenings, and depending on what the catalyst used, that Kundalini can be suddenly awakened and fully released too abruptly. For some, this can make the symptoms far worse.  Resisting an abrupt and full Kundalini awakening is likely impossible, while resisting sufficiently enough to keep this energy dormant by a lifetime of no spiritual development seems plausible.

Perhaps I am subconsciously concerned that there will be a rough patch ahead if this energy gets even stronger. I am hoping the gradual release of this energy and that laying the spiritual groundwork will make the transition easier, as Teal states.

In my earlier post I mentioned that of Chi energy is a 2, then "this" energy is an 11. I do not believe that Kundalini energy and Chi energy are the exact same thing. At minimum they are very different in scope and in intensity. At maximum, they are completely different energies.

So it appears that from your post even a top down Kundalini energy awakening could still be a rough ride. Regardless, even with differing opinions, all is helpful to me and I assimilate bits and pieces that ring true with me. Thanks for your response.

Mm.. I will concur, the top-down process is an all-at-once process, rather than the more linearly experienced ride. The experiencer comes in on it as That which does strikes the crown and synchronously the whole being, we could say all chakras at once. All lesser control is surrendered at once to the Greater. This said, a person does still get to choose what plays out in their knowing, in their conscious state of attention. One could, if they wished, choose for absolutely none of it to. And for it all to play out, as it were, behind the scenes. This, I feel, would be a grave loss, though, and the opportunity to step into pitfalls quite great. This opportunity exists on the aware end of the equation as well. For you enter new territory, galactic space, and are starting at ground zero in terms of your understanding of other species and races. False matrices can be created with fear and what you "think" you have come to know. Contact is not an effortless or easy part of the experience of a top-down awakener. In fact it is easy to be taken out of the game right here. Which is why, or one of the reasons why MOST Earth human consciousness will traverse the base to crown, linear process of gradually opening themselves to the awareness of all this -rather than hit the ground running with it at the very first, at the same time as the system is still being cleared. A certain skill set is required. I understand the concern that may naturally arise with regard to Kundalini, but know one's best bet once this Process has indeed begun, is to throw it with immediacy into the Fire. Trust in yourself and in your Inner being from day one and hold to this focus with all your might ( let nothing distract you from it ). It will take you further than any other possible choice.