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Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Re: Breaking the Silence
Last post by Lumaza - May 01, 2024, 16:23:37
 Yes, you are correct, some forms of "raw Quartz" are inexpensive. Polished, not so much, as evident in these links here. Yours is a fairly large size. It is a beautiful specimen. Polished Calcite can be costly as well.

 Yes, it is great being around so many likeminded. good natured people on a continual basis. Conversations on meditation, Astral Projection, Lucid Dreaming, etc. are welcomed there. Each wellness show has a number of speakers on all different modes of Healing, Energy work and Meditative practices. There are all kinds of "Readers" there as well.

  Last weekend I started up with a new company that does Wellness shows too. Their name is "Soul and Synergy". The other company I have been vending with for a year and half now is "Bodylabs". I have some "Art in the Parks", other Art fairs and Renaissance Faires booked for this summer and fall as well. Some you have to book many months ahead of the actual show date. That gets to be pricey.

 My new Pyramid design is about 5 and half inches tall. I use only 20-gauge copper wire in the design. First, I twist a few pieces of 20-gauge wires together, then I braid them into the frame of the Pyramid. The fun comes when the Pyramid "chooses" the Crystal that it wants to amplify. After creating the first few, I went upstairs, sat in my chair and vibrated for a few hours. The energy of these Pyramids things is incredible.

 All of my wire wrap tree sculptures, Dragons, Butterflies, Dragonflies and Crystal Beings are made using 20-gauge artistic copper wire. I experimented for a while to find the right gauge to work with. 18-gauge was too hard to twist, in the bulk that I do. 20-gauge was perfect for the job. Teh copper is raw, so in time it will "patina".
Dream and Projection Journals / Re: Welcome to Tak's Journal -...
Last post by Tak - May 01, 2024, 13:14:52
I enter into the hypnagogic state and see, as usually, many geometric shapes, as if they were little venetian figures, a mosaic, in the shape of a circle tunnel and also many colored triangular pieces. In a moment a beautiful golden petals flower, with white and pink pearl pistils forms, and begins to spin on itself, it closes in a bud and opens constantly again and again, like into a loop. At one point the flower disappears and I see a black hole with a gray background, and I go through it. And suddenly something strange happened, I saw the tiles on the floor and I had the sensation of being kneeling on the tiles, as if a part of me was in bed looking at the ceiling, and the other part was already separated on the floor, in these two places at the same time, which was very confusing. In general, this happens the other way around, once out of the body, I feel in the background that my body is still in bed. But this time being in my bed, I felt in the background that I was also on the floor. I spent a long time entering and leaving the hypnagogic state, seeing many beautiful colors, there were also black and gray concentric circles that rotated in the background and many colorful spots. And the funniest thing was at the end starting to walk along a rainbow path that makes different shapes, bending, going up and down... that was really fun! Sometimes my mind is a little crazy in these states lol.

The hypnagogic state goes away and I can see my room! I'm still lying in bed, but I already know it's time to get out of the body. The room is fluctuating, I see that next to me I have a plate full of delicious figs, I grab one and eat it, I roll and fall to the side of the bed. At that moment I thought about be denser, I began to think that perhaps I cannot go to the etheric plane due to a density issue, since I felt very "vaporous" so I began to concentrate on being denser and I began to feel a very strong tingling sensation through the entire energy body... but this made me start to fall through the floor, falling and falling... watching as my room became smaller from the distance, as if it were a holographic cube in middle of the infinite blackness. I thought about flying, but I couldn't do it, I was almost motionless, I felt hard and numb.

I decided to return to the body because I couldn't control the situation, but when I did, I didn't feel it at all! I didn't feel my limbs, anything, it was like being a floating head on the pillow, a bit strange but a fun sensation. I decided to induce another experience and I began to see in a deep hypnagogic state that I was inside a vehicle on a street and I saw enormous trees, very long and green, little houses, but at one point I felt a strange vibration in my head, as if someone had passed over me an electric shaver and I had a very strong spasm on my head, only on the front left side. That made me go back, it was not pleasant. I induce another experience and I fall to the side of my bed with a thud and it is very difficult for me to get up and move my body, I felt pain, I don't know why, like I was numb and hurt. But finally, I was able to get up and the pain went away soon. At that moment I decided to go out the window, first I took out one arm just to prove, because in general when I leave my house I enter the Void, unless I be taken by the Guiding Force... then I proceeded to put my whole body outside and when I came out I saw the terraces of the buildings, which were a little different from the real ones, but very nice. I was flying for a bit, but suddenly everything faded away and I enter the Void.

Now I am in a huge room, there are wooden stands where I see many people sitting around and they are projecting some kind of movie. I was very curious to see this place, so I ran inside, and I don't know why, but it took me a bit to do it, it seemed as if there was a magnetic field that prevented me from doing so, but I used a lot of strength and I did it. When I enter, I asked what this place is... The people present told me a strange word that I didn't understand. Actually, I realized it was an advanced class, it wasn't my class! Everyone stopped doing their things and was very amused by my presence, as if a little girl suddenly walked into a classroom at the university. They laughed when they saw me asking so many questions and seeing me so confused because they weren't expecting it, they told each other secrets and I looked at them trying to guess what they were saying. Somehow through the concepts, I was able to understand that part of their task was to supervise younger students, like me, and I felt a bit like the rat lab of the class, but at the same time I had fun with the idea.

At that moment I began to feel confused and wondered if I was really in an astral area, or if this was just a projection of my subconscious. In general, I have no doubts when I am having a lucid dream or if, on the contrary, it is anything else. Although I am very aware in the lucid dream, I know that it is a projection of my mind, but when I have doubts about what I experience, I begin to make questions. So, I asked them if they were individual beings or higher aspects of my own consciousness, at which point I did a test, and thought about them telling me that they were aspects of my consciousness, to see if I could control what they said, as I generally do with my dream characters. But to my surprise they said NO, but that they were individual beings. I asked them the same question again, to corroborate and they said NO again, they were beings separate from me. I was frozen, it even gave me chills and I decided to sit down for a moment to recover from the impact.
But they just looked at each other and laughed, like seeing a cute little girl. And while I was sitting, I asked them if they were completely non-physical beings or they were embodied in human beings at this moment. But they did not want to answer, they became serious now and most of them began to disappear, fading in front of me. Somehow, I was able to recognize the teacher present, perhaps because she seemed older than the rest of the students... and I thought that it was my opportunity to bombard her with questions and gain a little more knowledge. However, it seemed like the teacher had enough of me dismantling the class (as always :-))

But before I had the opportunity to talk to her, I don't know what happened, something very strange and confusing. Suddenly I was being taken by the Guiding Force very far from there... But this time it was different, I felt infinite well-being, an inexplicable happiness, an incredible feeling... I felt like I was healing and regenerating. I was through different places, parks, cities, seeing many people, etc. But through those scenes I could see a transparent layer, like a filter of a pink hue with green kaleidoscopic fractals. I was feeling so happy that I started singing a song lol and I felt so grateful. At one point we passed by a small park and I remembered that I was there when I was 7 years old, but I had forgotten it! I couldn't believe it... there I was again. Lately I've had a lot of memories during lucid dreams, things that I had completely forgotten, could be situations, past dreams or physical objects. The Guiding Force leaves me inside a room, and I no longer feel that beautiful regenerative elixir anymore, the healing ended, and I returned to the normal state, I felt a marked difference in states of consciousness. In the end I decided to get out of there and I am now in a kind of bathroom, I see a towel and an elongated yellow insect walks on it, it looked very real and its surface shone, I was surprised by such realism. I opened a door to get out of there, but when I do it, I see in front of me another door closed, it was exactly the same door, I open it and the same thing again, another door closed, exactly the same as before, it happened three times. I started screaming desperately no, no, this can't be happening! And when the last door appeared, I made the decision to open it differently and I was finally able to get out...

I was in a room talking with many people, however I forgot most of the conversation. At that moment it seemed to me that I knew all of them and that we usually go there, but now I don't make the slightest sense of it. At one point I explained to them that sometimes I am on Earth, in two dimensions at the same time, and if they were aware of that and one of them nodded in agreement. The meeting ended and everyone was leaving, a few of us remained, and I started to stop listening! I generally have vision problems, but never hearing problems, so I told one of those people to help me. He took out a kind of white silicone pencil from his pocket to check my ears, first he observed them as if it were a kind of flashlight with a microscope and then I felt a sensation of suction and a lot of relaxation. I felt that he had inserted it very deep and it was almost like a brain massage LOL, it took a long time and he did it in both ears. At one point I got tired and wanted to leave, but he didn't let me do it and pulled me by the arm, because he hadn't finished yet, that seemed very funny to me. When he finished, I could hear perfectly, and I thanked him.
I decide to go to another room and find a kitchen, I don't know why I turn on the faucet and let the water run while I watch it. I decided to put my hands in the water and concentrate on the fact that the water that wets me is frozen, at zero degrees... at first it was difficult to achieve it, it just felt cold, but I concentrated more and it was possible! I really like to experiment with these things to have fun and see how much realism I can create in my experiences. It occurred to me that I would like to become very small now and enter the water molecules, go to the microscopic world, and I began to get closer and closer until I saw the water around me as if it were rain, but that was as far as I got, that was not easy to achieve.

The scene was so confusing that changes, and I appear sitting on a bench in a park, a man with a beard and long black hair, great bone structure and very tall with long brown clothes approaches me, he was blind and carried a cane, he comes to say goodbye to me because he has to go now. I realized that there was also a woman sitting next to me, but I couldn't see her, she was invisible, it's like she was just in her energy body at another frequency, but we could both perceive her, she also had to go. I realized they were my instructors and that we had been talking for a while before, but I didn't remember it until that moment, nor do I remember anything about our conversation. The man says goodbye to me, looking at me with a huge smile and a deep look that radiated peace, although he was supposedly blind, that was not noticeable, nor do I know why he appeared like that. The woman makes me understand that it is also time for me to leave, but I didn't want to leave! And she hugs me tight and starts giving me lots of kisses, as if to say, you got it girl! And I felt so much love from both of them! It was a very sweet and incredible moment.

I enter a kind of hypnagogic state again, but I am in the 3D blackness. I see an orange-white luminous ray and also violet and green phosphorescent figures around me, like streamers making undulating movements, all of this is extremely fun. When I opened my eyes, I continued feeling this wonderful love and healing sensation that I received on this journey.
I've had to remind some people over on reddit lately that it's great to have an open mind, but don't keep it so open that it falls out!  haha  :D
Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Re: Breaking the Silence
Last post by omcasey - April 29, 2024, 19:49:38
Quote from: Lumaza on April 29, 2024, 17:20:59Casey, for the last year and a half now, I have been a vendor at almost weekly "wellness shows" throughout Minnesota. I have many friends that sell all kinds of Crystals and I knows hefty price that accompanies the purchase of some of them. In one of your videos you spoke of how you came upon your awesome Crystal. You said it was in a rock shop in your locale. I showed your video to a few of my Rock and Gem friends and they said a Crystal of the size you have is quite pricey. Possibly into the thousands of dollars. Is that what it cost you? I have Crystals of all kinds. Many are unique and a bit pricey as well. But the ones I am talking about are about an inch to 2 inches long. Similar to the size of a small "Herkimer Daimond". You said yours was a form of "Calcite" Crystal. Is that correct?

 I have been working quite a bit with "Angel Aura Quartz". I place a double rutilated piece in the center of a new braided "Pyramid" design that I created, that was shown to me in 3 nights of Dreams. It has become a popular item in the shows I do. The design came to me about 3 weeks ago. I attempting to put a picture of that "energy device" on here right now. I don't have "Photobook" anymore. The cost of the account kept rising.

Hi, Lu.. Isza, the crystal I work with the for crystal contact is a mildly citrine, clear quart crystal. Quartz is generally inexpensive as it is in such abundance on our planet. I found Isza around 2010 and paid $200 for her. Now-a-days she might go for near twice that. She is not very large, just a tad larger than the the palm of my hand. Calcite, just to say, is perhaps THE most affordable crystal on the planet. You can get HUGE basketball sized chunks of it for $100. It must be really fun for you, traveling around weekly to the wellness shows and getting to be around not just crystals but crystal people! Thank you for showing them my work. I really appreciate that. Your angel aura pyramid is beautiful. So creative! Is the pyramid made of copper ( I just adore copper ).
Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Re: Breaking the Silence
Last post by Lumaza - April 29, 2024, 17:20:59
Casey, for the last year and a half now, I have been a vendor at almost weekly "wellness shows" throughout Minnesota. I have many friends that sell all kinds of Crystals and I knows hefty price that accompanies the purchase of some of them. In one of your videos you spoke of how you came upon your awesome Crystal. You said it was in a rock shop in your locale. I showed your video to a few of my Rock and Gem friends and they said a Crystal of the size you have is quite pricey. Possibly into the thousands of dollars. Is that what it cost you? I have Crystals of all kinds. Many are unique and a bit pricey as well. But the ones I am talking about are about an inch to 2 inches long. Similar to the size of a small "Herkimer Daimond". You said yours was a form of "Calcite" Crystal. Is that correct?

 I have been working quite a bit with "Angel Aura Quartz". I place a double rutilated piece in the center of a new braided "Pyramid" design that I created, that was shown to me in 3 nights of Dreams. It has become a popular item in the shows I do. The design came to me about 3 weeks ago. I attempting to put a picture of that "energy device" on here right now. I don't have "Photobook" anymore. The cost of the account kept rising.

Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: Hello to old friends and N...
Last post by Tak - April 29, 2024, 16:13:42
It's a pleasure to meet you Mustardseed :-) I always get very excited when the most experienced Apers share their lifelong experiences and all their learning, so thank you very much for that! Everything you say sounds nice. Another option to upload images without URL is, when you press the Reply button, under the white box, where it says "Click or drag files here to attach them" press and browse to the destination on your computer. The problem with this, it seems to me, is that only registered users will be able to see the image, not guests, I don't know why. I like to upload them to Pinterest and create the URL from there. If you are from a cell phone, you must go to User Actions/Reply. Since it does not appear in Quick Reply.

Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: Hello to old friends and N...
Last post by omcasey - April 29, 2024, 15:14:53

Yes you have to have to host the image somewhere, like Photobucket, or a website. I can host the image for you if you would like to send it to me. I will send you the URL.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: Hello to old friends and N...
Last post by Mustardseed - April 29, 2024, 13:14:17
Quote from: Mustardseed on April 26, 2024, 03:49:27For 3 Days on my birthday late Autumn 2019 I had 3 experiences 3 nights in a row. It was like I was watching an animation of a huge cataclysm, almost like it was done like a cartoon...The whole world was caught in a huge "net"...and it separated the world in zones. Maybe they were borders...but it looked much like this picture I the same time thousands upon thousands of souls left as if in a was quite overwhelming and very emotional. I believe that I understand now 5 years later...what do you think . I am trying different ways to post it...patience pls PS I could use some help Xanth, I cant figure out how to post a picture...sad but true lol
Quote from: Xanth on April 26, 2024, 15:01:30There's an "insert an image" button to the right of the YouTube button on the ribbon at the top of the editor.  Click that, then place your image link there.  :)

Sorry Xanth...I am not a computer asks for a URL height with etc...
Quote from: Frostytraveler on April 26, 2024, 14:49:14A new daytime occurrence is starting. Yesterday and today I have dozed off each day during early morning between 7:00 am and 9:00 am. The dozing was just for 5 to 10 minutes, Yesterday I awoke with a long energy surge. There was no astral vision with it. This morning after a 10 minutes doze, I had the same 30 to 45 second energy surge, but this time there was a visual with eyes closed. A sphere appeared that looked like the sun, but not nearly as bright. It was purple in color with purple rays emanating from it. The object resembled what the sun looks like when viewed with a powerful telescope where the solar flares leave the sun and disappear. Now the third eye chakra is purple with the crown chakra being lavender. Could this be related in any way? Is it possible to visualize/see the third eye chakra?

I just came across this thread. Interesting as the thread starter speaks of the violet flame (as described in my post). Hmm.... seems a bit similar to what I experienced.!/the-violet-flame/msg302078/#msg302078