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hi mrnitro,
how long did it take u to astral project and for how long were u in that state. can u tell abt ur experiences that u had using the machine.


well thats the catch, I already know how to astral project so once out its up to me. Thats the same for almost anyone, once out its up to you to stay out unless you get fearful or your body needs you for any type of reason. The length of time staying out depends on you. I was out for a while but I'm always out for a while (NOT IN THE BEGINING THOUGH, TOOK A LONG TIME TO GET OVER FEAR) well let me take that back some times I get out then get slammed right back in my body for all types of reason. Thats why I said that it seems to work but at the same time more experimentation needs to be done. I suggest trying it on someone who never had an OBE before. Since after you try it you have to put yourself in to a state to astral project and anyone who knows how to do it already will just do it by going to that state. If I was scientist I would suggest trying it on someone who never heard of astral projection and on someone who has tried endlessly and has failed. I didn't think about my own ability to astral project coming into account and really theres no way around that because everytime I try the machine I will just go into a state of meditation and OBE. I can say though if it tingles at my solar  plexus and I come out there everytime instead of out of my head then I know its the machine but I don't plan on trying it again for 2 weeks for obvious reasons, you shouldn't just be shooting your charkras with eletromagnetism to much in this way. I don't know if its harmful but EVERYTHING IN MODERATION
To be more specific during meditation I lose track of time but it seemed like 30 mins of meditation after 3 mins of using the machine. I think the time depends on the person again here comes the mixed messages because it took me 30 mins and its the time it takes you to go to the theta/delta brain wave pattern borderline. Meaning just awake and sleep. This can be done by some in seconds, minutes, or hours, Depends on the person. Also some just fall asleep and awaken out of there body. I was concious through the meditation to OBE and I felt the vibriations like normal. My heart did feel funny, I'm not going to lie I was getting scared thinking this machine was going to give me a stroke or an heart attack (thats how it was nugging, not strong but still you never know) I didn't panic I just relaxed and kept meditating thinking I planned for the worst and to be disembodied was the worst that I planned for but that pain went away and the vibriations got stronger (that was my first difference then normal) the vibrations got stronger my solar plexus was tingling stronger then normal (thats where I put the magnet on during the 3 mins) then I thought to my self I"m above my body I"m out of my body (thats my method when I feel the vibrations many do differen't things. I tried to direct my attention to my pineal gland (third eye to leave but was having trouble) then I started to float out by my solar plexus then I promise you I felt my heart hurting again this time worst and if it wasn't for me relaxing myself and letting what ever happened, happen (even death) I probably would have stopped everything. But then I was out. I was more dense (physical looking) then normal,(this was my second difference then normal) From there I was out and the rest was up to me to get clarity "clarity now" and to make my body less dense. After the experience (I don't have to be anywhere special in the morning) I oversleep. I had a great nights sleep but thats normal for an astral projection depending on what plane you go to. I don't really need to go into the details of what I did while out since the topic is can the machine get you out. What you do when you out is up to you. I can say that it was a differen't then normal way of getting out and feeling when I was first out but I was able to stay out average like any other time. ALSO I FORGOT, I tried it with the crystal. I cleansed the crystal with a smudge stick and played the chakra chimes key notes C-B over the  crystal, prayed with it, then put it in the witness well. I did this because in the instructions it says that if you don't get results use the crystal. I didn't want to not get results then rationilze that it wasn't powerful enough then wait two weeks or so and do it with the crystal since I know others was waiting for what I had to say. Next time I want use the crystal to see what that will do for me. I hope this helps. I suggest if you have the money to get it and let me know. I plan to use it again but I dont hang around that many non spiritual people. I can move the machine around my circle but it would be best if it was tried on someone who never had an OBE before that is when I will know for a fact if it worked or not. Right now I'm 70/30 leaning towards the machine I would rather like to be 95/5 or better. buts right now thats on just things being a little different then normal and because astral projection is a wide experience what I experience with the machine also could have been normal. I'm open minded, everyone out there tell me what you think.


hi mrnitro,
i never had OBE and i dont even know how to. thats why i want to buy HDR and see if i can astral project or if i can physically travel to the time i really want to. i will order the machine now and i really need to travel physically than having astral projection. do u have any suggestions abt using this m/c for physical time travel.and yes, one more question, do u think if i m able to astral travel using this machine and that wud be same as physical travel except that other people wont be able to see me but i can see wat they have been doing in my astral projected state.....


Ok, first of all I see the lack of information in your statement. Thats nothing wrong with that if your trying to learn. What I mean by that is you need to know what your getting into because your really getting into something here. I don't know what your purpose is for time travel and again I said I never used it for that. I suggest buying all the reports from future horizons about time travel and reading them first. They are about $200, learn about crystals, earth grid points, dowsing, and the moon cycles. I suggest just astral travel because most of the spiritual growth you want to obtain at this level can be done there. Again this is all about what your trying to do. I suggest giving us a clue so we can guide you in the best way but the final decision is yours. I don't recommend anyone time traveling without spiritual development of assistance from a master of some sort. I don't even recommend time travel for myself. I don't see the need because if you realize that you can control time and that time is what you make it, then you can start your life from NOW. Live in the now. Plus you want really change this time line but go to an alternate dimension also you don't know how much your life effects everyone. For example just say you decide to go back and change an event then what the outcome will be may not be what you expected, then you go back to change that one and the original one and so on and so on where you run your life constantly changing things over and over. Where its not an event or time period in your life that was important to change etc. Its the pattern. You need to change your pattern or  behavior and live in the now, plus astral projection is must more rewarding. I also say that there are beings out there that love to prey on ignorant travelers, so hopefully your grounded in some type of spiritual calling.  PLus about astral travel being in the same space as physical, that is right many wont be able to see you but you can see them. THe thing is once out you are so fascinated with astral travel that you care less for going to visit others, also sometimes your subconcious takes control and shows you what you need to see (which most of the time your not even aware of) also its not as easy as it seems. I would say since this is all new to you to learn just how to stay out of your body and to remove fear. It seems as though you want to spy on an event etc. This can be done in OBE but it is diffuclt for the beginner. The closes I have gotten to phyiscal time travel (remember we aren't talking about astral projection) is changing time zones. [:D] I don't think your ready, to each there own. If I may ask what are you trying to accomplish because there can be better or other ways to go about it.

Remember I also said more experimentation needs to be done before I even conclude over 90% that the machine works.


Has your using/testing of HDR caused tornodes. There seem to have too much destructive tonodes within a few days. How many people ain the world actually buy HDR? I am just speculative.


Lol man there will be more tornados, hurricans etc as the planet cleanses its self. Tornados are the planets air condition, it uses them to cool itself off. Their mainly being created by the sun and moon cycles we have some sun and moon cycles right now and just wait to august then just wait to october, This will be a difficult year for some but we always pick up afterwards and time goes on. But the tornados cause is way bigger then some machine. You also need to look into the government harrp project and all kinds of other weather experiments that are going on. A  lot of this is experiments by public and private sectors (mostly not benificial to us) and the other is the sun and the moon which may not appear at first but is very benifical to us. Just get to researching.


well, i was just wondering that why everyone is so quiet after mrnitro wrote abt the experience with HDR. there were a couple of people trying to prove HDR and Steven Gibbs wrong and seemed very confident abt their statements and knowledge but all have disappeared suddenly. for anyone who just has the bookish knowledge, never try to condemn someone unless u have tried it. just by looking at the schematic of HDR u are trying to prove ur knowledge of theoretical physics that HDR can't work as steve say si s highly unacceptable. if u cant dare to spend just $360 for the sake of knowledge, better be quiet as u are now. never believe wat u hear, and just half of wat u see. dont try to put anyone down unless u know u could. never say anything bad abt sir steven gibbs, u shud accept this for a simple fact that atleast he is in discussion and in news even if his HDR doesnt work, but u are not discussed anywhere, so that guy is above u.


Tangi: I, for one, have nothing further to say because there is nothing further to say (no reply is often the answer). Certain effects did come about but nothing that could remotely be called proof of the machine's effectiveness. Plus, I note the person in question did not report having travelled through time.

In your latest post you talk about looking at a schematic of HDR allied to theoretical physics. The published schematic of this device is not to component level. However, I have seen component-level schematics of other devices which have equally fantastic claims attached. I note the components used are of a *very* basic type, and their connected effects are well known to anyone who understands electronics. So there's nothing remotely "theoretical" going on here.

I've neither spoken to the promoter, nor have anything against him. On the contrary, the commercial arena has always accommodated all types of novelty-value products, and long may it continue to do so. The axiom of caveat-emptor is something I've always supported and is, of course, the reason why $360 of my money is being sent nowhere.



Our Physical body being an integral part of the universe, can learn how to access the arkartic record.

Physically travel into the future is forbidden by the Universal law of the Creator of the universe. I am very sure but would accept if  mrnitro has proven otherwise.

Anyway, most people, when they have OBEs, their visons aren't as clear as reality and the visions always blur. Does HDR allow you to have vision as clear as reality? I know that when my passedaway grandmother directly assisting my OBE, I had vision as clear as physical world and navigation with no difficulty.

Even if there is a machine that can really help you to project into other world with vision as clear as physical world and with navigation as instant as the mind says so, we shouldn't depend on such machine as we ourself are capable to do it with proper training. It should be 100% mind stuff.


Are we now blaming the government for secret experiments for strange weather occurance? Cleansing? Cleanse what? Human beings and their construction I supposed. Human beings are the disease of the mother earth. We are to be blamed for damaging the environment? Have you taken conscious effort to save the mother earth? What happen when the cleansing failed? The death of mother earth? We died results of our own ignorance and arrogance? Will there be any aliens or spiritual masters that automatically save us from such catastrophic disaster? Death of morher earth. Then we all passed into astral world waiting to be reborn to learn the mistakes. This post is irrevelant to HDR discussion. If you want to discuss further, make a new topic.


Lol, FRANK good post. First I never said anything about Time Travel. I said I had an OBE, I also said that further experimentation will be needed to be over 90% sure that the machine works and it wasn't just me doing it from deep meditation. Plus there is nothing to gain from this but experience (which can be good) so there is no need to wonder why everyone is so quite about it now. (there will always be skeptics and beleivers) I did what I said I would do and unless a real scientific body would study the machine (which I beleive has happened just the information isn't public) then there is not much more to be said about it unless others have it and have specific questions on the use of it

Are we now blaming the government for secret experiments for strange weather occurance? Cleansing? Cleanse what? Human beings and their construction I supposed. What happen when the cleansing failed? The death of mother earth? We died results of our own ignorance and arrogance? Will there be any aliens or spiritual masters that automatically save us from such catastrophic disaster?

First it can help to do some research.  I don't know what present information you have so and I'm not the one to judge anyone since we are all on our own path. If I'm not mistaken bomohwkl you asked me if the machine is creating tornados and I told you why tornados are happening and what purpose they serve. Am I blaming the government. I deal with facts. Man just reserach the harrp project for one. There so many damn experiements going on above and under ground its crazy. Dulce air force base, in russia using telsa coils, etc. About mother nature. This planet is concious and has always been so. Its sick and tired of what people have done to her and is cleansing her self. Removing the people who aren't in tune with her. I can say research the earths mangetic frequency and how it effects us, the mayan prophecies, 2012 (NOT! the doomsday stuff about it), Solar and mooon cycles, kundalini and prana, zero point energy and scalar waves, the aquarian age, the golden age, egyptian mysteries and cycles and that should give you an overview of what I mean by cleansing. I agree that we have been a thorn in mother earths back, plus i have done bad things to the envirnoment before i woke up. Earth has cleansed itself before. Thats why its called a cycles happening every 25,000 years, every 12,500 years, every 5,100 years, every 3600 years, every 2,100 years, (all those are differen't cycles and their are smaller and bigger ones) many past cultures weren't wipped out by war but wipped out by the cycles. (This can be good or bad depending on how you look at it. We have seasons that kill plants then regrows them, this is a macro change of season, from winter to spring.)  About your alien, spiritual master question. Many are already here more will come as the energies from the sun change. The sun is like a huge chakra systems. THeirs a saying they can only help those who help themselves. What I mean is their are many Spiritual Master contacts because they have raised themselves to be able to be in the energy of one.    

Check out this link (very good channel of information)

About your OBE being blurry, you need to just request that its not, also about time travel while out of body it depends on the personals control and spiritual growth, yes their are guardians of each plane but you can raise yourself to do almost anything if you just raise yourself. It takes commitment but thats what we are all striving for anyway. (Even if we don't know it) I don't recommend any and everyone going out to get the HDR only if you have tired to do it naturally and have failed. I always push for the natural way in everything. Because if we continue to put the power on machine and drugs outside ourself we will never learn to awaken the light inside ourselves.


First time i have read this thread.
I don't doubt that that a device like the HDR could help to induce an obe, but the schematics on the site are hillarious. Looked to me like someone has managed to succesfully breed a static electricity generator and a lightbulb[:D].


mrnitro did u try using HDR again. do u have some more information abt the success if u achieved any using the HDR.


Concerning the HDR unit, I've had some promising results with the healing aspect; as for time travel, I can't see how, but I will keep trying.



Professor Opmmur

June 1997

The Steven Gibbs Time Machine

I have had my Gibb's Time Machine the (Hyper-Dimensional Resonator) well over one year now.  I have talked to Steven Gibbs by phone two times regarding my order and one time after I received the machine and his nine books.  I am not here to sell anyone on buying a machine or not to buy a machine.  I personally would buy the time machine again, It all depends on why a person wants the time machine in the first place.  I also feel, the nine books, Steven wrote are a good starting point on the subject of time travel and are not very deep.
I feel Steven's Time Machine is real and does work as a time machine, but first it has some small and large problems.  The four small problems can be very easily fixed before using the time machine.  Problem #2 is the larger problem and cannot be fixed every easily.

1. The electric shock problem - The machine uses a time cord which is placed around the persons head, which has 120 volts of AC power coming out of your home wall plug.  Most wall plugs in your home are fused at 15 or 20 Amps.  This much electric current or power in Amps can hurt a person if the time cord had a short or cut in the wiring.
The Fix: The problem was fixed by going to Radio Shack and buying the following: One package of 3 Amp fast blow fuses and a fuse housing to hold the fuse.   Next you drill a small hole in the side of the Time Machine Box the size of the fuse housing.  Then place the new fuse housing in the new hole and tighten it on place.  Next, cut one of the AC wires coming for the wall plug cord in half.  Solder the two cut AC wires to the two connections found on the fuse housing.  (NOTE:  Never fix or cut the wires when the AC plug is plugged in the wall.)

2. The poor tuning - The Time Machine's next problem is a big problem, no range or tuning.  There are two small knobs or dials used to control the tuning of the machine.  One for the dials is the main tuning dial and the other is a main tuner dial in serials with the first dial.  When tuning the dials, you must also use the rubbing plate on the machine to tune the dials.  When you find the point where your fingers stick to the rubbing plate means that you are close to the tuning point your looking for, per Steven's enclosed user's guide. The main problem I have had is that the machine doesn't  have the range of tuning required in order to work right.  It is like trying to find the Art Bell Show through all of the thousands of AM and FM stations.  There are two dials and a rubbing plate to find stations such as the Art Bell Radio Show when tuning the whole Electromagnet Bands from DC though the X-ray bands.  The chances for success are not very good when there is almost no range or tuning available to find the Art Bell Show or the setting for Time Travel targets.
The Fix: I feel it needs 10 to 16 more fine tuning stages or dials for success when using the device for physical time travel, astral time travel and/or remote viewing places or dates in time.

3. The sample well and the quartz crystal - Each machine has a small 1" x .25" double terminated quartz crystal used in the sample well.  Next the operator must use typing paper with their own saliva on it. The quartz crystal and saliva will help tune the time machine better. (Per the owner manual)
The Fix: A sample well for saliva and quartz crystals is used on most radionics devices when radionics healing is being done.  I feel the time machine needs a larger quartz crystal.  The size I use is 3" x 1" rounded on one end and pointed on the other end.  I do not use the saliva sample.  The clear colored  larger quartz crystal can be used as focusing point for the machine energy then you try to tune the dials.

4. The heavy AC electromagnet and small bar magnet - The heavy AC electromagnet used is a good size to be used on this time machine.  It is strong enough to make the machine work, but the small bar magnet is too small for the large electromagnet coil.  The operations manual states that the small bar magnet must be placed on the end of the AC electromagnet so it repels north to north on the AC electromagnet iron frame.  When the AC electromagnet is used with the permanent bar magnet, it vibrates at 60 cycles per second.  If this small bar magnet if working right when placed on your lower chakra (the naval area).  This will make your whole lower chakra vibrate at 60 cycles per second which the natural vibrations of the universe.  This is also the same 60 cycles used by the great Philadelphia Experiment in 1946. (The ship that traveled in time)
The Fix: The heavy AC electromagnet works great but the small bar magnet needs to be large and stronger.  I used a 2" x 2" x .5"  Neodymium 35. permanent magnet.  This strong Neodymium 35 magnet has
4 square inches of north surface area to use.  When placing the larger and stronger magnet on your naval area, this helps to closely aline your own body to the 60 cycles natural vibrations of the universe.  This should allow you to do physical time travel, astral time travel, or remote viewing to places or dates in time.

5. A time grid line or a natural energy point - If you listen to Steven Gibbs w hen he talks about energy points they are bad or good points.  I feel he is right that the good and bad spots found is natural.  A person should always take care when near a natural energy point because it can alter your machine's time settings.  You could open doors into bad or good alternate dimensions in time that you may not be able to close again.
The Fix: The best fix is never to operate a working time device near any active time grid lines or natural energy points.  If your time machine is a working machine, then it should work very well when there are no active time grid lines or natural energy points around.
I have done all the fixes listed above with the exception of number #2.  When you review the time and money spent you would be better to start over and not try to add 10 to 16 more fine tuning stages or dials.  In doing all but #2 repairs:  The following things have happened to me using the Gibbs time machine.

1. I have never done physical time travel using Steven's time machine.  I feel the chances of physical time travel are one in about one billion of it happening. (See problem #2 and why)

2. I have had success and here is my story.  About a month after receiving the time machine I used it to astral project in time for about four days. One day before a full moon I projected four days into the future which was Wednesday of the following week.  I was viewing my city's front page newspaper.  On the front page of the Wednesday newspaper I saw a full color picture of wreckage and destruction.  I was not sure if it was a bad tornado or earthquake.  Well when Wednesday came I hurried to view the front page.  I saw on the front page the following: It had a picture of mass destruction from a tornado, which had hit and destroyed most of a small town in Texas.  This was about the first or second week of May in 1997.  This machine of Steven Gibbs works well as a radionics astral time travel for remote viewing places and/or dates in time.  I have also traveled to other times over the past year with the same success.  For the best success you should do your traveling two days before or after the full moon or on the full moon.

PLEASE NOTE: I found that the range on my machine is about 4 to 7 days in the future, not weeks, months or years.  I am not sure, but I think because of the poor tuning of the machine your own mind corrects some of the bad tuning errors.  The greatest range I have gotten out of the time machine is about 4 to 7 days.

3. When your using the time machine for radionics astral time travel and/or remote viewing places or dates in time; then you must use the two dial settings and rubbing plate. Also use the large electromagnet and permanent magnet while tuning the machine to the time you want.  After you complete the tuning and use of the electromagnetic magnet which is pulsing at 60 cycles per second with the time coils around your head you can turn every thing off.  Next you lay down on a bed or other comfortable surface and concentrate on what your time target is.  After a few minutes of concentration you will start to see and/or hear sounds.  The information is extremely subtle and you still feel the pulsing of the 60 cycles per second on your lower body parts.  Next, you will start to experience the following:  You will start to hear voices or see pictures in your own minds eye.  It is so subtle that you would tend to believe or think that it was your own mind talking to you, on your time trip.  The difference between your mind talking too you and this type of Astral Time Travel is when you review the events later and all starts to come true.  If it was your own mind talking to you all the things would never probably come true or happen on the date you're Astral Time Travel said it would.

4. Now is the time for you the reader to judge if this time machine is for you are not.  Yes, I would buy the time machine again.  You should also note that Steven Gibbs is NOT the only source for time machines and time travel information.  There are many others if you look.  Steven Gibbs is just the most known in the field of time travel today. In time, I feel many other people will come to be known also.  Steven Gibbs will go down in history as the first person to sell time travel machines.  There is also a good friend of mine Alfred Bielek who is known as the very first person to travel in time and come back to talk about his time travel.  And Phil Schneider that was killed in 1996, if you do not know the name, look it up on the Internet.

Professor Opmmur

Professor Opmmur

I received an E-mail from a person that owns a Steven Gibbs Hyper-dimensional Resonator.   Here are his Five E-mail questions.  

1.  A time grid line or a natural energy point - you said that the best fix is never to operate a working time device near any active time grid lines or natural energy points.   Are you saying that the HDR does not have to be near a time grid line to do physical time travel?  I thought that you had to have a power inverter to connect to a cigarette lighter in a car and also the power inverter was also connected to the HDR and also you have to have a time grid line.
1. A.  Yes, for best results a time grid line or a natural energy point is used.  I would personally never used my Hyper-dimensional Resonator near any active time grid lines or natural energy points.   Because you do not have control over the Hyper-dimensional Resonator time unit.  The main problem is that, the machine doesn't have the range for tuning, required in order to work right.  There are two dials and a rubbing plate, it's like trying to find the Art Bell Radio Show by tuning the whole Electromagnet Bands from DC though the X-ray bands.  The chances for success are impossible, almost no range or tuning to find the setting for Time Travel targets.  A car power inverter or 120 volt, 60-cycle, 3 Amp source is need to run the machine.

2.  The heavy AC electromagnet and small bar magnet - you said that you put a Neodymium 35 permanent magnet on your navel area, which helps to closely align your own body to the 60 cycles natural vibrations of the universe.  I have a barium oxide bar magnet.  It is very powerful.  Would this do?  Could you do physical time travel just by pacing the magnet on the navel area without doing the tuning of the dials on the HDR?

2. A.  Yes, any strong permanent magnet will work per Steven Gibb's enclosed operating instructions.  I used a 2" x 2" x .5" Neodymium #35 permanent magnet.   Please understand that I have never used the hyper-dimensional Resonator to do physical time travel.   I used it to astral travel only; no time grid line or a natural energy point was used.  I tried to use the two dials and a rubbing plate and I do not know if it helped or not.  The small bar magnet and heavy AC electromagnet make your whole lower chakra vibrate at 60 cycles per second which the natural vibrations of the universe, per Steven Gibb's.  

3.  The poor tuning - I have great difficulty in tuning the hyper-dimensional resonator and getting a stick reaction on the rubbing plate.  Will the clear colored larger quartz crystal increase my chances of getting a stick reaction?  A problem I have is that I am not good at visualizing, which is what you do for the time travel targets.  Will this hinder my chances of success?

3. A.  Bigger is better to a point, a clear colored larger quartz crystal should increase your chances of getting a stick reaction.  Next, work in your visualizing skills, which will help to target your astral travel, I do not believe physical time travel targets will work using the hyper-dimensional resonator or using time grid lines or a natural energy points.  If you try using, the hyper-dimensional resonator and over real time grid lines or a natural energy points, you may not be able to control the device and you may have a very bad experience, or it may work for you. (Key words here: NO TUNEABLE RANGE)

4.  When your using the time machine for radionics astral time travel and/or remote viewing places or dates in time - do you put the magnet on your navel area at the same time that you are tuning the dials?

4. A. Yes, see #2 and #3.

5.  The sample well a and the quartz crystal - you said you need a larger quartz crystal.  Does it have to be a larger double terminated quartz crystal or will a normal quartz crystal do?
5. A.  Yes, any good clear quartz crystal larger double terminated quartz crystal or normal single ended quartz crystals will do.   All my large crystal are single ended crystals.  

Ending comment:  The Steven Gibbs Hyper-dimensional Resonator is a very poor cross between the original 1946 Hieronymus Machine by T. Galen Hieronymus and the 1943 Philadelphia Experiment.  I also believe in the next 5 or 10 years you will see better and more controllable Time Travel machines on the Internet, sold as research devices only.  Good Lucky, I hope I didn't confuse you more.

Professor Opmmur



I recently purchased the HDR unit. Clearly I need help with this device so that I do not waste time nor injure myself.

My first impression of it was the healing seemed to work. I placed the crysal in the well, and also placed the large electromagnet over the naval area. It seemed to immediately improve the arthritis condition I have in my hands, and various other injuries from weightlifting.

It's been 2 weeks since I last used it. I thought exposure to this device might be a problem; is it do you think?

My main purpose was to time travel and do it physically or quantumly.
Will this device work for me? Is the electromagnet supplied sufficient, or will I need a barium oxide magnet?

Any advice would be greatly apppreciated.



Professor Opmmur

Hi JH,

Thank you for your posting.   I do not think using the device a harmful to you in any way, the only comment I would make it is that the big magnetic coil does heat up.  I believe that the device can heal people based upon the devices construction, which is based upon work done by Ruth Drown in the 1930s and '40s, she did a lot of the healing with radionics devices and the Hieronymus Machine by T. Galen Hieronymus.

Also you need to clean the crystal or other crystals that you may use.  A simple process of sea salt or kosher salt and clean water sat outside for 24 hours does the trick.  You need to clean all crystals which you might be using for healing or other experimentation.

And I will like to give you a web site in which I do a lot of posting on time travel, a lot of technical information at this web site regarding the Stephen Gibbs time machine and your web site is a very good for practical information.   Good Lucky JH.

Professor Opmmur


Bunch of crap.  Physical time travel is an impossibility. If you think about it there is no aspect of time travel that is even comprehensible to our human mind. And if a time travel device existed, I asure it would be very world renound.  "$360 to time travel, but the coil heats up on the "delorian" so do be careful.  But if you keep cleaning the crystals all will be fine and you can morph the future into whatever you like it to be... have fun!" Absolutely ridiculous to even give in to such hype!



But you're here, aren't you? You obviously have an interest in the paranormal, but don't want to experiment and take chances. You just want to run your mouth.

That's fine; you can hide in the closet for all I care, but you'll remain uninformed and ignorant.

As for my investment of $360.00, that is indeed questionable. I've spent a lot more on other things, and learned a lot less.

And thanks for the constructive post.


Professor Opmmur

Mr. T.  Dead,

I except and respect your comments Mr. Dead: some points I agree, some point I disagree with in your posting.  I also believe everyone has to right to their own opinions.  

Here is my opinion for what it's worth:  I believe that if reincarnation is real.  You may have lived during the time of the Noah's Ark and other more resent times.  I believe Noah would have accepted and respected your comments also, "Noah you're crazy to build a large Ark, no sign of rain and not a cloud the sky".   Next, with water up your waist and rain still coming down your still shouting to Noah "the Ark will not float and the rain will stop soon, it's just a fluke in nature, it's raining so hard."

There are hundreds of other times when comments like the following were made:

"Orville, if man was to fly, God would have gave a man wings to fly".

In 1900, "we do not need a new patent office in Washington D.C. because all the patents in the world too date have been invented and their will be no new inventions to come".

And again, I thank you for your comments Mr. Dead.

Professor Opmmur  



I read in the other forum about your ideas to alter the HDR. I'm wondering if I can get satisfactory results in its' stock configuration.

My instructions say nothing of putting the bar magnet at the end of the electromagnet; should I have done this?

Gibbs did mention the barium oxide magnet going over the open end, but I don't know if its worth the $150.00 extra expense.

Where did you purchase the magnet and larger crystals you mentioned?

And you said you were successful in your first try at astral travel; why did you stop there, and what exactly were the steps you used to achieve it?



Professor Opmmur


It is very hard answer you questions, because I bought my machine in 1997.  I have 1997 instructions, you have a newer HDR device, I am not sure what changes have been made if any of the HDR device you have.  On my HDR unit the prominent magnet is used to find north on the elect-magnet T-bar unit.  You can purchase the magnets and larger crystals at more rock shops or metaphysic shops.

Yes, I was successful in my first try at astral travel.  My hobby is collecting Time Machines working or not.

Professor Opmmur


So basically a few of you are telling me that you spent $360.00 on a time travel device?  You've physically gone back in time and done, well, whatever you please and it hasn't affected anything?  That the entire destiny of the time we live in now and the entire future of the world lies solely in your hands, for 18 easy payments of 19.95?  You might call it ignorance, but I'm simply aware of the fact that I'm not naive enough to give into such hype.  "The future is not in my hands" you might say.  Consider the possibilities of time travel.  You could entirley stop WW2 from ever happening by just bringing a sophisticated weapon back in time and killing Hitler.  You could teach the 15th century all of our advanced scientific and medical solutions to everyday problems and make the 20th century FAR more advanced then we ever dreamed.  "I wouldn't do that" you might also say.  Well, for only $360.00 and such easy access to a time machine, obviously SOMEONE would commit such acts.  So why haven't they happened yet?  Why hasn't the world heard of this?  And if it's so ignorant for me to believe it doesn't exist, why is it so difficult for me to order... for the low, low price of $360.00?  Excuse my synicism, but I just went into this forum because there were so many readers, and only responded after reading the ridiculous topic.  Excuse my bluntness, but for anyone to believe in such a simple "order the time machine now" solution when science hasn't even brought up the subject is ignorance on your part, not mine.  Curiosity and skeptisism are always healthy, but one must always grasp a certain level of common sense... that's what it's there for.


There's a 99.9999999999999999999999999% probability that this is nonsense[;)]. Lt. Commander Data over
" In order to arrive at a place you do not know you must go by a way you do not know "

-St John of the Cross