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is the spiritual pursuit a selfish one?

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I stand at the threshold of what could be a new world


i believe spiritual journey is about realizing your no-self nature, but certainly it starts out as a selfish journey for many people. maybe it HAS TO start selfishly? maybe that's just how the ego works and there's no way around it. and maybe the further you go, the more it will be about the other people, not about you.


I started out because of curiosity. I have always been fascinated with spiritual/paranormal phenomena and wanted to learn more. I soon found out about astral projection and remote viewing. After practicing for several weeks I quickly found that this stuff was real. I then spent time experimenting with energy and started training my energy body to become 'stronger'. I found out that once your primary energy centers become very active you stop thinking selfishly and start thinking selflessly.  :-)


It's not when it fosters love and compassion.


 It can be, if your looking to gain a edge for ego or pride. Because, I have noticed when playing a card game with my nephew. (Magic the gathering) I can tell him what cards he has in his hand, if I do it for fun, or just to have a laugh. But, when I try to do it when I have been losing or upset I can't do it.


Quote from: malethatsees on December 30, 2009, 12:56:15
It can be, if your looking to gain a edge for ego or pride. Because, I have noticed when playing a card game with my nephew. (Magic the gathering) I can tell him what cards he has in his hand, if I do it for fun, or just to have a laugh. But, when I try to do it when I have been losing or upset I can't do it.
Spirituality != Metaphysical abilities
Spirituality is a tad subjective really, however to me, the quest to find yourself... the you that is here, and the you that isn't.  Psychic ability isn't part of that formula.

If you're looking for Spiritual growth, you're not going to get very far if you're working from a standpoint of the ego.
If you're talking about metaphysical abilities, well, that's another cup o'tea entirely.  There are no rules for how to use any abilities you train... but if you have no morality or code of ethics, you're going to very quickly hit a brick wall as well.  :)


That sounds about right Xanth. It's about how a person chooses to perceive and act.

My own spiritual growth has come from shocking surprises. Things I never imagined or expected to happen, which is also what has helped me stay open to new experiences. If what I wanted to happen in my life actually happened, I wouldn't have gotten what I needed.



Just felt it was a valid question for self reflection and reaffirmation. Not to mention, hearing others responses is interesting as well.

I think the argument can go either way, obviously, spirituality in nature is so different that the word "self" simply can't be considered, but that is just a goal. And it is the reasons of why or by what means it is pursued that I was considering.

It feels right, but at the same time I feel as though there is a lot to be sacrificed when considering others if you wanted any chance of achieving that desired state of being.

I guess to me, the question could be, is the pursuit of truth a selfish one? because I honestly feel like those words are interchangeable.

I stand at the threshold of what could be a new world


Quote from: GANAMOHA on December 31, 2009, 05:52:19
Just felt it was a valid question for self reflection and reaffirmation. Not to mention, hearing others responses is interesting as well.

I think the argument can go either way, obviously, spirituality in nature is so different that the word "self" simply can't be considered, but that is just a goal. And it is the reasons of why or by what means it is pursued that I was considering.

It feels right, but at the same time I feel as though there is a lot to be sacrificed when considering others if you wanted any chance of achieving that desired state of being.

I guess to me, the question could be, is the pursuit of truth a selfish one? because I honestly feel like those words are interchangeable.
Which words are interchangeable?  Truth and Selfish?
I don't quite understand how the pursuit of truth could be considered selfish.
That's kinda why we're all here... for the truth.  The truth, regardless of the outcome of that truth, is about as honest and pure as you can get.


I think (he?) means that spirituality and truth may be considered interchangeable.

Anyway (putting on my 'serious' hat), I do agree there is some self-involvement for the search for Truth, because of our need to exist in time and space- when you occupy space and decide to work on your understanding of truth, a lot of mental energy will go inwards, and not outwards.
However, I'm not sure that the word is 'selfish', especially when the search inwards leads you to the understanding that all is one and one is all.  Then there comes a moment when you realize that inwards is outwards, and that You and I are the same.
Then the word selfish ceases to apply, seems to me.

Of course, it's all perspective. 
Which, given my previous paragraph, seems to be an oxymoron.

Happy Old Year.


Well put CF. I wrote this before I read your reply:

I hold to the idea that we're all in this together, and that by pursuing "truth" for yourself, you're doing it for humanity as well. When a person finds "truth", that's when they also realize it's not about their self, but their self in connection to all of us. If a person doesn't find that, they haven't found the "truth" about consciousness. Maybe in the beginning it may seem selfish, but if they are really pursuing truth, they'll (maybe unexpectedly) find it and it won't be a selfish thing anymore.



I meant truth and spirituality.

And, interesting, but great answers nonetheless Stookie and CFTravler.
I stand at the threshold of what could be a new world


Is it selfish to pursue spirituality? I don't believe so.


I think Stookie and CFTraveller summed it up pretty well. The only thing I have to add is similar. All pursuits are inherently 'selfish' to a degree, because they revolve around you - yourself (as CFTraveller expounded upon). Everything is 'selfish' to a degree, because you are where you are. You're not me. You do things because it relates and resonates specifically to you. But development itself isn't inherently selfish in the sense that it deprives another of something. The fruits of your labour don't determine selfishness, in my opinion. How you use it might though. In the same way that a doctor develops his understanding of the human body - he/she can use this development to both heal or harm. In the same way that a martial artist might train his body - he/she has the possibility of helping or harming others as well. So in my humble opinion, conceptually - development is not selfish. What you do with it will dictate whether you are selfish or not.


My Aikido Sensei was talking about just that the other night in class.

He asked a simple question, "Who is the most important person in this dojo right now?"
Most of the new people answered with, "You, Sensei".

BZZZZZT  Incorrect!

It might sound very egotistical, but the answer applies as much to dojo life as it does in our everyday life.  The answer is YOU.
YOU are the most important thing in this world.  Think about it for a bit.  :)