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Take it easy guys.

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i was just saying that we should think about what we say before we say it, nothing more.

this is a bit out of hand and honestly a bit ridiculous.  kind of exactly what i was talking about.\


i regret starting this thread, and henceforth remove myself from it.
lol and a half.
be awesome.


I on the other hand have no regrets. 8-)

Quote from: Bedeekin on April 28, 2011, 15:58:06
lol... Go team Bedeekin... me and thee then WASD.  :-D

I would vote for Summerlander. I've known him for a year or so now. He's as batty as they come but he's a hard worker when it comes to moderating.

*Reads Bedeekin's mind*

Bedeekin's thoughts:

Yes! I'll back team Summerlander in order to get him promoted as a mod here so he doesn't post on Astral Viewers any more! My plan is working...

Summerlander concludes:

On second thoughts, Stookie, if you have doubts about me consider them seriously and take heed of your anti-Summerlander intuition if you have at least an ounce of it. Make Bedeekin a mod instead. This guy is an Admin on AVers. I was once a mod there but I got fired. That can't be good on my CV, can it? Or give the modship to personalreality if you feel that Bedeekin is already too much of something...



*Thread posted. Three seconds till detonation.* *Three* *Two* *One* Boom.

Heeeessshhh! People are being way too high strung! Whats with the stone head fighting? Take it easy, would ya? We can work things out without barking at each other like jackals....


Some bark like jackals and others hide...

But your the one that detonated the bomb, Dazino! Is that your solution to everything? :-D


My solution to most things. Sometimes I just set off a firecracker. ^ ^


In my first thread regarding to my first OBE, Pauli2 was the first person replied, and the only thing he said was:

"read some threads"

I'm not easily offended, in many forums I've been to I know this could happen often due to members who are more experienced can easily get bored by repetitive noob questions.
But for sure, that's not very encouraging.
Beedeekin has been the good guy though  :-D
I'm a guitarist, I love metal music, and I can riff like a crazy machine.


Quote from: personalreality on April 28, 2011, 18:10:48

i was just saying that we should think about what we say before we say it, nothing more.

this is a bit out of hand and honestly a bit ridiculous.  kind of exactly what i was talking about.\


i regret starting this thread, and henceforth remove myself from it.
lol and a half.
No no, this was a great opportunity to come together as a whole forum.. for the members AND moderators.
I, personally appreciate the effort you put forth here.  :)


Quote from: mykorock on April 28, 2011, 22:09:22
In my first thread regarding to my first OBE, Pauli2 was the first person replied, and the only thing he said was:

"read some threads"

I'm not easily offended, in many forums I've been to I know this could happen often due to members who are more experienced can easily get bored by repetitive noob questions.
But for sure, that's not very encouraging.
Beedeekin has been the good guy though  :-D

Thanks... but you must understand though mykorock... I have a ridiculous amount of patience that can verge on psychotic... some say inhuman.  :-D

I will have to say that this is a really interesting thread...

and personalreality... dude.. .wtf?

You can't set off a thread and not see it through. Also I haven't detected the usual tinkling contest that usually destroys a thread.


Greetings all
I feel compelled to post a response here. I should mention that possibly I have been here the longest among all non-moderators. I became a member back in 2002 or early 2003.
So let me articulate what I feel about the Astral Pulse.
When I started here I had about 6 or 7 years of experience with OBEs but had never been a member of a forum like this. I have never had a serious problem with any member or moderator. Only on two or three occasions have I had a serious disagreement with anyone here.
The only time that I ever became suspicious about anything here was when I read an article, posted on another website, about how Robert Bruce had originally started Astral Pulse and how Robert Bruce eventually lost control over this website to several people. I could go into details and yet will not do so because it is not immediately relevant to this thread. Anyway the gist of this is that I was concerned that Frank Kepple's "phase' model was going to be valued at Astral Pulse to the near exclusion of all other theories.
Let me state categorically and unequivocally that this is not the case and has never been the case. Phasing is discussed here at length, yes but so are all other theories, models, methods and techniques of OBEs and astral projection.
Now Frankly I am not 100 % sold on the concept of phasing. To me it sounds too much like remote viewing. And yet I HAVE managed to phase directly out of a lucid dream, (and a non-lucid dream too btw) into an OBE. So I Am open to discussions of phasing. Even if I was not open minded to it then I would simply avoid those threads about Phasing and concentrate on other posts.
So, let me conclude.
Yes there is probably some bashing. It really is not too bad here although when one is the Target of a bash it can seem excessive.
The mods do a Good job.
Every big site does lose valued members from time to time. That just happens. Fortunately Astral Pulse has managed to keep a solid cadre of experienced, intelligent and articulate OBEers and astral projectors. These members consistently share their OBEs here and try to encourage and help new members.
To new members. Yes, I admit it -- I can get bored to tears answering the same questions time and again. [Anyone care to guess how many posts in these forums are titled, "Was this an OBE or a dream?" (or something very similar).] Try to understand that even the most experienced members here cannot possibly answer most of your questions. Think about it, if you are not sure if your experience was a dream or a lucid dream or an OBE then How is anybody else going to be able to determine that simply by reading your post?? :?  The other members and I can only take an educated guess on many occasions and reply accordingly.
Oh yes, and one more thing, I never had any problems with Noy and did Not want to see him leave.  :-)

Regards  8-)


I have not left  8-)




Long live the "Take it easy guys" thread.



Now I'll butt in, because even though I got here in 2003 give or take a few months, I've also seen a lot of interesting stuff.
Both Stookie and Xanth can be said to have different styles of moderating, with almost opposing point of views- but this is necessary in a forum, because you have all kinds of people with all kinds of views/behaviors- and anytime you have 'just' one style the forums suffer.  I have seen this in many places.
Please both of you stay (I'm not sure what's happening behind the scenes now, I hope you're still here, Stookie) and get more moderators in- that way, when you disagree (and you may find that someday you end up not disagreeing all the time, things change in all kinds of ways) other mods can put things to a vote and reach a consensus.
So I hope the other invitees say yes, and that all of you moderate this forum- please!
OK, tnks bai.


This sounds like a plan! ^^^ 8-)



I have not left   8-)

Oops  :oops: 
O Yeah, Whoo Hoo !  :-D




"Life is only a dream and we are the imagination of ourselves."


incidentally, and just out of interest a silly question, as there is only talk here of the aforementioned two mods, what happened/happens to the others on the list?

Moderators: Rob, Kodemaster, AndrewTheSinger, clandestino, Gandalf, MisterJingo, Stookie, David Warner, Xanth



Quote from: Volgerle on April 29, 2011, 18:13:09
incidentally, and just out of interest a silly question, as there is only talk here of the aforementioned two mods, what happened/happens to the others on the list?

Moderators: Rob, Kodemaster, AndrewTheSinger, clandestino, Gandalf, MisterJingo, Stookie, David Warner, Xanth


Stookie and myself are here mostly everyday.  The others stop by from time to time, but the majority of the moderating gets done by the two of us.
Not to put down the fine job the others have done over the course of the time they've been moderators, but we're trying to get more active moderators to fill in now.


and I'm here too...the other mod with the little green stars (I'm special) who will keep an eye on the veteran mods.


Quote from: Summerlander on April 29, 2011, 19:24:12
and I'm here too...the other mod with the little green stars (I'm special) who will keep an eye on the veteran mods.
Keep 'em honest, Summerlander.  JK, I love you all.



Yeah, I am disappointed when there are personal arguments. I like all the long-time posters I have come to know through what they type here, and don't want to see anyone leave, especially on the premises of heated words (this including Nay, although I do agree she may have been a bit too spicy of late).

And frankly, I am very glad the forum dropped the "karma" system on the accounts- I thought it caused too many arguments, and gave newer people the wrong impression. It also caused some people to have sort of a negative halo cast around them when commonly they said things which went against what most of the group thought. There are enough accidental arguments in any social center like this, without artificial systems inspiring more, lol.
"The Gardener is but a dream of the Garden."

-Unattributed Zen monastic


Was Nay the one who spread the demon gospel? If so, thank god she's gone. :roll:



be awesome.

Leary Herring
