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Gateway Experience

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Quote from: Lumaza on July 30, 2023, 12:14:54
  "Doorway" technique.

I found this link.  I hope this is the correct one.  The two you posed were the exact same link.. So I went searching for that doorway technique..

This is a long post.  Fixing to read it in it's entirety..
Thank you so much!


"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
In Alice in Wonderland by 'Cheshire Cat'


Quote from: Blossom on July 30, 2023, 13:44:04
Are you a programmer/coder? You don't have to answer that if you don't want to. Your post leads me to believe you are. Its because of the KISS acronym.  Its the gold standard of programmers.

Also, I opened all my blinds to let the light in.  I'm hoping my falling sleep is due to being too darn comfortable and chilly in my house..  I'm going to use the new headphones vs the earbuds again and prop myself up in bed as close I can get to 37 degrees.  lol... I'm hoping this will trick me and my subconscious into staying awake..

I MUST find a cheap loungechair if this works.

I actually remember the name Lionheart from years ago.  There also used to be a huge following of avid phasers on this site but at the time I did not understand what was going on because I was not totally familiar with Monroe and phasing. I just read and moved on to continue trying to be a tree.
Jenn :-)
Coder or Programmer. Heavens no, lol. I first started using the cellphone for the first time in February 2022 and that was the month my wife died. The cellphone was hers. Anyone that knows me can vouch for that too, lol!  :-D

Just my thought. I would say the 37-degree angle would have to do with being "ergonomically correct". I have a completely ergonomically correct chair, known as the "Lafuma". It doesn't put any pressure on the spine at all. It feels like you are floating when you are in it.

I have never used Robert's tapes. I did buy a program from another guy though, but they were not Robert's or the Monroe tapes.

Yes, this Forum was much busier in the past. I guess it's a sign of the times. It's hard to stay focused on NPR exploration. The physical fights back and consumes all of your attention.
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Quote from: Blossom on July 30, 2023, 14:03:23
I found this link.  I hope this is the correct one.  The two you posed were the exact same link.. So I went searching for that doorway technique..

This is a long post.  Fixing to read it in it's entirety..
Thank you so much!

Yes, that is the one. It shows my personal evolution with NPR exploration. In the end it all came down to the ability to discern the different levels of brain frequency and the ability to utilize "mental motion". To be able to move forward, backwards, right or left into the darkness and actually feel that etheric sensation, is the most important thing I have learned to aid me in "navigating" the NPRs that I found myself in.
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Quote from: Lumaza on July 30, 2023, 18:56:06
Coder or Programmer. Heavens no, lol. I first started using the cellphone for the first time in February 2022 and that was the month my wife died. The cellphone was hers. Anyone that knows me can vouch for that too, lol!  :-D

Just my thought. I would say the 37-degree angle would have to do with being "ergonomically correct". I have a completely ergonomically correct chair, known as the "Lafuma". It doesn't put any pressure on the spine at all. It feels like you are floating when you are in it.

I have never used Robert's tapes. I did buy a program from another guy though, but they were not Robert's or the Monroe tapes.

Yes, this Forum was much busier in the past. I guess it's a sign of the times. It's hard to stay focused on NPR exploration. The physical fights back and consumes all of your attention.

I am so extremely sorry about your wife.  Learning to be alone is big deal.

I was married 25 years and he just up and left.  Rented an apartment 1/4 down the road.  It's been two years and I have yet to see his apartment.  It's just not my thing to be his buddy..

I have to turn the computer off.  We are fixing to be hit by a big storm..

I am going to look up Lafuma..  I've not heard of it before but I was searching meditation chairs today..

I will keep you in my thoughts..  Jenn

"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
In Alice in Wonderland by 'Cheshire Cat'


Today I'm going to immerse myself like I did yesterday.  I'm excited since learning I CAN stay awake by sitting up..

I definately reached focus 10 several times yesterday afternoon.  But I'm not sure what exactly focus 12 is supposed to feel like. I'm going to keep just going with the flow. Monroe say once you reach focus10 to just count from 10-12 and you will be there.  I absolutely reached a point where I could not feel my body but at the same time, my mind was still actively thinking and listening.  

I also understand what happens now when I fall asleep.  I get all these random thoughts shooting through my head that takes over VS listening to monroe and observing.  When those random thoughts start occurring, that's right before I fall asleep.  So I MUST keep those thoughts pushed down and recognize them as they are occurring in order to stop them and maintain my focus. If I don't recognize them, I can't stop them. I recognized them several times yesterday and stopped them.

The first one I'm starting with today is wave2-recording2 - Problem solving.  I think I will put "sleeping during meditation" in my big wooden box.  :roll: :lol:  I ended with this one yesteray but I'm going to start with it again. If I stay awake again, I'll move to the next, which is one month patterning.  I can't imagine what that one is.

I can tell the tapes "b-beats" are also different in this wave.  I like how they are making me feel.  

Jenn  :-D

p.s.  I realize I might be doing these slower than others might but I just want to make sure I "have it" before moving on. I feel like I am actually learning a method of control.

"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
In Alice in Wonderland by 'Cheshire Cat'


So happy!!

I finished Problem Solving, Patterning and Breathing Color.  I stayed awake.

All of these are, in my opinion, are a way to elicit change based on focus and energy manipulation.

In problem solving, you put your problem out in the universe and wait for the answer to your problem.  The problem I had with this is how I relate to myself as a human.  I ask for nothing from nobody.  Other people that view me may think I have problems, but I really don't.  So I wasn't sure what to ask for. I have a house, I have a garden, I have a car.  My bills are paid. I have plenty of food and clothes.  I have awesome grown kids and awesome grandkids. There might be things I want but there is nothing that I really need. I have a hole in my roof that is fixed by a bucket on rainy days.  On sunny days, I tape a trashbag over the hole.  I don't see that as a problem.  It's just how I live at this moment. I feel lucky to have roof over my head.  It's not a perfect roof, but it's my roof. There is a homeless shelter a few blocks away.  Those people have problems.

I wish one day for a little 600' foot house out on one acre to live the rest of my life that is off the grid.  But that is not a problem.  It's just a desire.  So I put that in patterning. Patterning is basically visualizing what your are, spirtually, emotionally, physically etc and willing it to happen.  This will be interesting.  I have had open heart surgery a few years ago.  I wished for my heart to be normal with all the calcium gone from my valves. And its actually doing really good.  I can do physically anything I want to do.  I have surprised myself with my vigor. I mow my yard.  I can move 5 yards of compost with a wheel barrow.  I am doing great heartwise. I've surprised my docs.

Color breathing was easy for me.  I do this all the time.  I usually breath lilac or purple or white.  In this exercise, it was green.  I concentrated it on my left leg which seems to jerk during these sessions.  So I tried to breathe green and imagine all my energy blockages cleared out.

I did these three recordings back to back since I was staying awake.

My son is coming over in a bit and after he leaves, I am going to continue with wave2. I have not told him about me doing the monroe tapes.  He is 40 and until the last couple years, he has been very rigid as far as religion. I'm not quite sure how he would view this. I realize these aren't religious recordings but he already worries about me going to hell since I am like I am ..  haha  I may tell him anyway. :lol:  He is more relaxed than he used to be.  Not much but a little..

But the next two recordings are Energy bar tool and the living body map..  I read the synposis on these in Monroes manual.  I think these will both be very insteresting.

I'm looking forward to starting wave3..


p.s.  A little story and me and energy manipulation..  

When I was around 38-39 years old, I had a hysterectomy..  After they sent me home, I got very very sick with extremely high fever within a couple days.  They had to re-admit me.. I was half dead with ecoli of the blood stream but at the time they did not know what I had.  I was so sick I did not care if I lived or died.  I felt that bad. They drew blood many times that first 24 hours and put me on IV antibiotics trying to cover all their bases.  

The next morning they came in and gave me the results of my blood test.  They told me I had gram neg rods in my blood but they still weren't sure what was causing it.  They did not know I had ecoli of the blood stream yet. I snuck out of my room that night and crept into the hospital library and read about gram neg rods.  I deducted that I had ecoli.  I went back and told my husband I had ecoli..  That morning they came in and said "You have ecoli"..  Husband just looked at me as he did not believe my diagnosis when I told him what was wrong the previous night.

When my husband went to sleep later on, I dragged me and my iv outside and got in our truck and started concentrating on my blood. I spent 45 min.  I was wet with sweat from my concentration.  All of a sudden, I felt WHOOSH.  From the bottom of my feet to the top of my head, I felt every vein, every artery in my body heat up rapid fast.  WHOOSH.  A wave of energy from my feet to my head that was red hot.  The hot energy traveled through my blood stream in a split second killing the ecoli.

I gathered my pole and went back to my room where my husband was frantic.  The nurses and him had been looking for me.  I told him I was cured and that I no longer had ecoli.  The nurse came in and I told her the same thing.  She didn't say anything but looked at me like I was crazy.  They drew more blood.  The next morning, test came back that ecoli was completly gone.

I was cured.  I knew I was.  I felt it. WHOOSH.. Hot energy.

They gave me many prescriptions and told me how to set up home health, which I never did.  I just resumed life..

And that's how I cured myself of ecoli of the blood stream.  So I believe in breathing color.  100 percent.

And I must add.  I have no idea how I did it.  I did have major intent as I concentrated.  That's one thing.  It just worked.  It just came together.  But I absolutely knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that I was cured.  I could TELL.  I felt it.

"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
In Alice in Wonderland by 'Cheshire Cat'


Quote from: Blossom on July 31, 2023, 15:20:46

In problem solving, you put your problem out in the universe and wait for the answer to your problem.  The problem I had with this is how I relate to myself as a human.  I ask for nothing from nobody.  Other people that view me may think I have problems, but I really don't.  So I wasn't sure what to ask for. I have a house, I have a garden, I have a car.  My bills are paid. I have plenty of food and clothes.  I have awesome grown kids and awesome grandkids. There might be things I want but there is nothing that I really need. I have a hole in my roof that is fixed by a bucket on rainy days.  On sunny days, I tape a trashbag over the hole.  I don't see that as a problem.  It's just how I live at this moment. I feel lucky to have roof over my head.  It's not a perfect roof, but it's my roof. There is a homeless shelter a few blocks away.  Those people have problems.

This is such a good attitude to live life. Gratitude is the magic that brings forth content. And we have to be careful what words do we use in our daily thinking and communication with others. The word "problem" is really problematic. It will reinforce and manifest more of it. I refrain from using strong negative words any more. If I observe something not per my taste I say "This doesn't resonate with me. It's not a part of my world", and I don't focus on it. I let it go. I try not to use words like "I don't like", or "I hate". It really softens the resistance type of energy within us that creates barriers.
   Even big names such as Robert Monroe, William Bulman, Dolores Cannon have admitted that their view and beliefs also change and they don't perceive things the way they did in the past. My suggestion to everyone is when you read or follow something from someone, check if your intuition tells you is right. Everyone has their own truths. Follow your own instincts. They may change as well down the road, but do things that resonate with you in the now.
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


Quote from: LightBeam on July 31, 2023, 15:40:14
This is such a good attitude to live life. Gratitude is the magic that brings forth content. And we have to be careful what words do we use in our daily thinking and communication with others. The word "problem" is really problematic. It will reinforce and manifest more of it. I refrain from using strong negative words any more. If I observe something not per my taste I say "This doesn't resonate with me. It's not a part of my world", and I don't focus on it. I let it go. I try not to use words like "I don't like", or "I hate". It really softens the resistance type of energy within us that creates barriers.
   Even big names such as Robert Monroe, William Bulman, Dolores Cannon have admitted that their view and beliefs also change and they don't perceive things the way they did in the past. My suggestion to everyone is when you read or follow something from someone, check if your intuition tells you is right. Everyone has their own truths. Follow your own instincts. They may change as well down the road, but do things that resonate with you in the now.

Thank you for that.. Seriously.

"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
In Alice in Wonderland by 'Cheshire Cat'


Hi Blossom, thank you for sharing your experiences here with us. I've been lurking around this thread and following along since day one. I haven't chimed in on the topic simply because I have not done Gateway so left it to the those more knowledgeable and experienced.

I really enjoyed reply #30 above. We have so much in common. You may have come here for advice and encouragement but dear heart you are giving so much more. Thank You
Remember, You came here to this physical earth to experience it in its physical form. NPR will always be there.


Quote from: Nameless on July 31, 2023, 16:25:45
Hi Blossom, thank you for sharing your experiences here with us. I've been lurking around this thread and following along since day one. I haven't chimed in on the topic simply because I have not done Gateway so left it to the those more knowledgeable and experienced.

I really enjoyed reply #30 above. We have so much in common. You may have come here for advice and encouragement but dear heart you are giving so much more. Thank You

Oh my goodness, thank you so much but I receive a lot from you guys.  You have no idea how much lurking I've done on this site for 21 years.  It has helped evolve me and change me for the better.  It has opened my eyes to possibilites. I never thought I would be doing the Monroe tapes but here I am. And I'm so incredibly grateful there is a place to share it.  You brought tears to my eyes..


"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
In Alice in Wonderland by 'Cheshire Cat'


This is just information that I find interesting in the main manual to the Gateway Experience.

This is the affirmation:
The Gateway Affirmation
I am more than my physical body. Because I am more than physical matter, I can perceive that
which is greater than the physical world. Therefore, I deeply desire to Expand, to Experience; to
Know, to Understand; to Control, to Use such greater energies and energy systems as may be
beneficial and constructive to me and to those who follow me. Also, I deeply desire the help
and cooperation, the assistance, the understanding of those individuals whose wisdom,
development, and experience are equal to or greater than my own. I ask their guidance and
protection from any influence or any source that might provide me with less than my stated

And this is what he says about it:
(Note: This Affirmation has evolved over time. On some Gateway Experience tapes it may be
slightly different from the way it is presented here. Both versions will help you make the most
of your experiences. Remember, it is the intent rather than the words themselves that is

Comments From Robert A. Monroe Regarding The Gateway Experience

Sometimes it's hard to determine a beginning, the point where an idea becomes a reality. The
Gateway Programs are not in this category. We remember well when they started.
In 1973, at Whistlefield Research Laboratories, in Afton, Virginia, we were conducting
research studies on the effects of the environment on human consciousness. The Esalen
organization at Big Sur, California, famous as the birthplace of many new trends in psychology
and philosophy, heard of our work and invited us to conduct a weekend workshop at their
facility. As a result, we had many requests to repeat the process elsewhere. Our Executive
Committee approved this new activity as a means of broadening our research model – and
indeed it did. Originally called the M-5000 Program, sessions were held on weekends at
various sites throughout the United States and Canada. Several thousand individuals from all
walks of life participated in this constantly evolving series of training exercises. When we
understood better the process taking place, we renamed it the Gateway Voyage Program –
because what we were presenting was a Gateway, a means by which the individual could move
into the exploration, knowledge, and understanding of oneself as well as the many reality
systems where one has existence. The Gateway Experience is a special version of the Gateway
Voyage Program. Designed for in-home application, it incorporates methods and techniques of
the Gateway, adapted so that you can benefit from it wherever and whenever you so desire.
Consisting of six exercises on tape cassettes, Discovery is the first album in this course. There
are a total of six albums (thirty-six tapes) in the Gateway Experience. Sequentially, the
remaining albums are: Threshold, Freedom, Adventure, Exploring, and Prospecting. Each tape
and album contain a specific pattern of training. Accordingly, it is very important that you
work with them in sequence. With in-home training, you have a definite advantage. You can
repeat each exercise until you feel comfortable and proficient with its use. Do this. Then move
to the next.

The sound pattern you will hear on the tapes is a scientific process that helps you develop and
absorb these Gateway states of consciousness. It is not hypnosis, although some of the
techniques seem similar. The Gateway forms of consciousness show significantly different
EEG brain-wave patterns from those of hypnosis subjects. At present, there is controversy as to
what such patterns truly mean and how to categorize them. What can you expect from the
Gateway Experience? As much or as little as you put into it. The exercises provide you with a
set of tools – how you use them and what you do with them is your responsibility. Some
discover themselves for the first time, and thus live more completely, more constructively.
Others reach levels of awareness so profound that only one such experience is enough for a
lifetime. Still others become seekers-after-truth and add an on-going adventure to their daily
activities. There is one basic promise – that you seriously consider the Gateway Affirmation at
the least a possibility: that you are more than your physical body, that you can and do exist in
energy systems that are not limited to time-space, that you can and do communicate with
intelligence beyond your physical consciousness – call it what you will.

I'm going to write my own affirmation using his as a guideline.  But I want one that is tailored to me.  His is so involved..  Mine will be shorter.  The universe knows my intent.  I'm going to use something a little simplier with the same intent.


"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
In Alice in Wonderland by 'Cheshire Cat'


Well I didn't get to meditate last night just due to circumstances of life.

My daughter n law will be here within the hour.  As soon as she leaves, I'll be ready to create my EBT (energy bar tool). I'm excited about this recording.

So in the meantime, I'm sitting here thinking about what I want to use as my EBT.  I have four crystals.  "Three from my sister and neice" and one showed up in my back yard after a rain when I was just standing there.  It's a small little crystal but I love it. It's the first crystal I have ever found.

These are the three I am possibly choosing from. The fourth one I'm not including as its not appropriate due to the shape. The smallest one (the one I found in my yard) is approx (and I'm guessing) 1.5" in length.  Thinking about making a necklace out of it...if I use that one.  I'll have to find some instructions.  I have never DYI-ed any type of jewelry. 

In the monroe manual for this wave, Monroe says we can use something external OR use our hands. This just feels like a big decision to me. I know there is no right or wrong here, but I just want to be sure. As far as things in the house to use for my EBT, I'm leaning toward a crystal.  All three of these have a special meaning or connotation to me.

Anyway, I'll be doing my EBT recording and my living body map recording in just a bit. Then wave 3, which I am really looking forward to. 

These are the wave 3 titles.  I'm getting to the good stuff..
QuoteWave III Exercises
Freedom #1—Lift Off
Freedom #2—Remote Viewing
Freedom #3—Vectors
Freedom #4—Five  Questions
Freedom #5—Energy Food
Freedom #6—First Stage Separation

I'll be back this afternoon and update this.. 

p.s.  I have a question that maybe someone knows the answer to.  Can you change your EBT at a later time or can you have more than one?


"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
In Alice in Wonderland by 'Cheshire Cat'


 Hello Jenn.

I work with Crystals and copper wire for a living. I make Crystal Amplifiers, which is my version of wire wrap tree sculptures and sell them at various Renaissance, craft and gift shows throughout the country here.

Personally, I would take a good 22 or 20 gauge copper wire, that you can buy in a craft store, and bond all of those together as one single piece. You said each one has a sentimental value to you. So, utilize all of them together as one powerful tool! All you would have to do is to coil them together. You could work on decorating it at a later time if you so wish to. Have fun with it. Close your eyes before you start and visualize what it would look like. Then have at it!   :-)
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Quote from: Lumaza on August 01, 2023, 10:51:35
Hello Jenn.

I work with Crystals and copper wire for a living. I make Crystal Amplifiers, which is my version of wire wrap tree sculptures and sell them at various Renaissance, craft and gift shows throughout the country here.

Personally, I would take a good 22 or 20 gauge copper wire, that you can buy in a craft store, and bond all of those together as one single piece. You said each one has a sentimental value to you. So, utilize all of them together as one powerful tool! All you would have to do is to coil them together. You could work on decorating it at a later time if you so wish to. Have fun with it. Close your eyes before you start and visualize what it would look like. Then have at it!   :-)

Wow! That sounds like a really good idea..  I'm so glad I came here and read that.  I have tried numersous times to listen to the tape about the EBT and I am back to falling asleep again.  I am fixing to just go to bed and get super rested and try it in the  morning.  I tried in my big comfy chair with an ottoman  and feel asleep. Tried twice in the bed.  Tried my computer chair.  etc etc...

I am going to have to look up Crystal Amplifiers to get a better idea of what that is.  Wire wrapped tree sculptures? That has sparked my interest.  I would LOVE to use all four pieces.  The fourth one is a purple quartz.  I had been looking up pendant blanks for necklaces and none were exactly what I was wanting.  You may have solved my issue.  YouTube, here I come..

You have an awesome job by the way!! Thank you thank you thank you!!!


"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
In Alice in Wonderland by 'Cheshire Cat'


I've lost count of how many times I have listened to the EBT tape.  If I had to take a guess, including yesterdays attempts, I would say approx 10-12 times.  :-o  Maybe more.  It flat knocks me out cold.  I wake when he says "Return now to full physical waking consciousness", which is right at the end of the tape. This happens every single time.  I lose consciousness on this tape before I can even get to focus 10. Every single time.  My crystal is still in my hand when I wake up..

I'm fixing to sit in my chair and just play it with no headphones or earbuds just to hear it and see what I've missed while I eat breakfast. I don't consider this a failure.. This tape just affects me.  But it's a little frustrating. This is a process I am going through. I need to center myself and ground myself today.  Its been so hot in SW Missouri.  But I am going to go outside and feel the sun today from my porch.  I think I need that. I have not been in the sunshine in two days.  I water my garden as the sun is setting.

But I am moving onward to the next recording which is living body map.  I will HAVE to come back to the one on EBT.  Crapola..

Ho hum....   Jenn

p.s.  My book by Monroe came.  I have it on the shelf with my other books.

"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
In Alice in Wonderland by 'Cheshire Cat'


I'm going to water my garden and listen to the EBT recording with my headphones.  I'll kill three birds with one stone.  Getting some sun to revive me, plants need water AND get to hear this tape in its entirety.  Takes about 45-1hr to water my plants.

"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
In Alice in Wonderland by 'Cheshire Cat'


Well, I just finished my EBT recording.  I stayed awake and went into a nice deep trance.  

I could not do it exactly like he was telling me.  This recording moved a little too fast for me to get into my focus 10-12 at the beginning. So I was a little behind at first.  I had to visualize that I was standing upright with my arms in front of me holding my crystal/light in both out reached hands in order to maintain focus. I can't just see something specific in the blackness.  I have to shift my mental focus to ME but away from my physical body in order to SEE anything.  My 'spirit feet' (or whatever you call them), when I do this, are where my physical head is and I'm standing upright at a 90 degree angle to my body and facing the length of my body.  I just flip up.  When I would do tree meditations and pretend to be a tree, this is also how I was planted in relation to my body. I would hold my spirit arms wide and try to feel the breeze..

Anyway....after I did that, the rest was just fine.  I could see it changing colors as he told me to change them. But I kept it in my outreached hands in front of me. The blue was the most difficult to maintain however.  And my yellow kept trying to fade to orange.  I did have a little trouble going from white to black or turning it off and on in the faster paced instructions.  But I do feel this recording was a success.

This is one I can definately practice on without the tape.

If the tape had not ended, I would have been in the void very soon.  I also listened to this tape in it's entirely TWICE while watering my garden today.  I missed a lot sleeping through it.

Next, and I plan on doing it right now, is the living body map. I suspect I may have to shift my awareness from my physical during this one as well.  I'll try it his way first..

Moving on...


"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
In Alice in Wonderland by 'Cheshire Cat'


And I must add, I love Monroes voice.  It is very soothing.

"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
In Alice in Wonderland by 'Cheshire Cat'


Living body map..

My body tingled the entire time this tape played. It was not a difficult recording to follow.  I think I needed this more than I know.  I envisioned my energy bar, that was created in the last recording, in my spirit hands sweeping up and down my body cleansing, recharging and restoring everything. I never would have thought something like this would be or feel so beneficial to me. After it was over, I just lay there and stretched like a cat.  It was great!  I have had minor surgery on my lower back less than a year ago and major surgery on my neck about six years ago due to nerves being pinched (I'm fine now).  When I stretched, my back popped. I am so grateful for that.. I can't even explain how great that felt. I really do feel renewed. I felt a lot of movement in my lower legs during this recording. Like waves. Waves like from my ankles to mid calf.

It's been about 10 minutes since the recording ended and I still feel tingly. The colors were not difficult to envision.  I still have sounds in my head as well. 

This is also a recording I could do without the tapes.  The benefit of that would be longer sessions of healing. I feel excellent right now.

These last two recordings will forever be in my arsenal..

AND NOW, I have made it to wave3.. I've been looking forward to this.  After my little 'floating experience in the corridor' during tape 5 (I think) of wave 1, I have hope.  Trying hard not to have any expectations, but its difficult not to. Trying hard to surpress the urge to jump up and down yelling "I made it to wave3... I made it to wave3..."  I'm not going to do that.   :-D :-D :-D

Hoping for a tiny beam from Scotty,

p.s.  The big decision:  tonight or tomorrow..  Prob one more tonight..  I'm on a row staying awake..

"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
In Alice in Wonderland by 'Cheshire Cat'


Not every session will resonate immediately; some work instantly, others don't or won't, or take time...
Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


You mentioned having to visualize...I am assuming you did this to help the process move along because the visuals didn't automatically show up when you expected.

This is normal at some point in sessions like involves a process of "priming the pump" or helping the visualization to either get started or to continue. I first read about it in some books relating to TMI sessions, and honestly, I rejected the idea out of hand, at least, at first...I don't like the idea of creating anything artificial or that can be construed as fantasy or "making it up as you go along"...

Probably during my third course at TMI, I realized I was getting nowhere early in the first couple days and had to redefine my strategy, and that is when I added a little creative imaging to my Hemi-Sync...and it wasn't in the first thirty seconds, but maybe after a minute or two of my own personal visualization, imaging interactions, imagining dialogue with other entities...BOOM...the visuals and dialogue carried on without my conscious input...I was quite amazed and found a new respect and understanding for the technique of Priming The Pump...

So, yeah, that is part of the learning...and the learning doesn't appear to ever stop...
Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


Quote from: EscapeVelocity on August 03, 2023, 01:33:14
Not every session will resonate immediately; some work instantly, others don't or won't, or take time...

Ok, I'll remember this.

"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
In Alice in Wonderland by 'Cheshire Cat'


Quote from: EscapeVelocity on August 03, 2023, 01:45:02
You mentioned having to visualize...I am assuming you did this to help the process move along because the visuals didn't automatically show up when you expected.  

This is normal at some point in sessions like involves a process of "priming the pump" or helping the visualization to either get started or to continue. I first read about it in some books relating to TMI sessions, and honestly, I rejected the idea out of hand, at least, at first...I don't like the idea of creating anything artificial or that can be construed as fantasy or "making it up as you go along"...

Ok, priming the pump..  Never heard of that. But I understand what you mean.. Great name for it too. And yes, that is exactly why I did it.  I could not see the white dot.  Tried hard.  I saw not a white dot but lots of static looking type stuff like when you just close your eyes with no trance.  Like I said, this recording moved so fast for me. I didn't have time to settle.  I had to do something. It was just what I chose in order to see the white dot.  Without the dot, how could I continue to make it a line or a rod? If I had not listened to it in my garden twice, I wonder what I would have done.  I knew it was coming is my point.  I knew ahead of time.

Quote from: EscapeVelocity on August 03, 2023, 01:45:02
Probably during my third course at TMI, I realized I was getting nowhere early in the first couple days and had to redefine my strategy, and that is when I added a little creative imaging to my Hemi-Sync...and it wasn't in the first thirty seconds, but maybe after a minute or two of my own personal visualization, imaging interactions, imagining dialogue with other entities...BOOM...the visuals and dialogue carried on without my conscious input...I was quite amazed and found a new respect and understanding for the technique of Priming The Pump...

So, yeah, that is part of the learning...and the learning doesn't appear to ever stop...

You are the perfect person to read my experiences and give me advice or insight.  You have walked my road that I am creeping down. I am enjoying these so much that I've already wondered, "what will I do when I finish?" This thought has crossed over me several times.  I DO know I'll get recording 8.  There is no way I'll do seven waves and NOT do the final one.  You know?  From there, I don't know.  I read somewhere online that one of Monroes goals is to have people not need the recordings any longer to reach these other states of consciousness.  So I will prob play with my knowledge for a bit and see what happens. I don't think there is a point where you are finished.  Once this door is open, I don't see it closing again.

The monroe tapes are much more than I thought they would be.  I thought it was just a way to achieve an obe. It is much more than that.  I can see this being a life long endevour.  This may sound stupid but I want to experience the planets.  I want to see Saturns rings. I want to see Jupiters gassy surface. I want to go beyond what is known in our universe. I want to see a black hole.  I want to see the sun. I would dearly love to visit an alien civilization. I also want to go back to the blue place, which was my first.  I would really love to sit with my sister who I don't get to see but once every couple or three years.  She has told me her door is always open to my spirit.  She keeps something on her mantle for me to identify. I am hoping to gain this ability to see her. I know it's possible.  I just have to learn how to consciously project to a certain place.  She is about eight hours driving from me.

I did not do the first wave3 recording tonight.  I went to bed and slept a couple hours.  It is 3:37am here.  I ate a little applesauce and I'm making some decaf.  I'll going to sit and read for an hour or so and I'll see if I'm sleepy or ready for another recording. I'm really glad I am retired and a non worker.  My time is my own.

Well, my decaf is ready.. I'm going to have a cup and lurk around a little and read other people stories or methods or what nots..

Thank you EscVel. :-)


p.s  Question:  Did I taint my results for the EBT by listening to it in my garden? I listened to it because I tried many times to get through it and kept falling asleep. Did that effect my results in your opinion?  


"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
In Alice in Wonderland by 'Cheshire Cat'


I have a question for anyone who might be knowledgable.

I read online (google) that before you use a crystal or make it your own for uses like my "energy bar tool", that I need to cleanse it of any energy residue.

It gave suggestions of burying it a few inches below the surface of the ground for a period of 7-8 days
soaking it in salt water for approx 8 hrs.

Those are the two methods I remember..

Just wondering if anyone has any knowledge of this.

I am really thinking of burying my four crystals for a week in my garden just to be on the safe side.  They crystals that were given to me -- I have no idea of their orgin.  I don't know the orgin of the one I found either but it was already on the ground when I found it.  The rain had to have brought it up to the surface.


"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
In Alice in Wonderland by 'Cheshire Cat'


OmCasey does a not of crystal work, maybe she'll pop in and see your question.
Remember, You came here to this physical earth to experience it in its physical form. NPR will always be there.