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Gateway Experience

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Quote from: LightBeam on August 07, 2023, 17:03:42
Yummy! I have adopted the habit of labeling food now as low vibration and high vibration. That helps me eat as healthy as possible, because healthy brain translates NP messages more effectively. At least this is my observation with my own health state. Healthy brain comes from overall healthy body, so healthy lifestyle is extremely important for me to feel and stay as connected as possible and have vivid experiences and APs. But I do have one weekend per month to ground myself with low vibration food as a reward, so no deprivation from human pleasures, but only during the designated time. When I see commercials on TV about pizzas, burgers and pasta, I say to myself, well this is a low vibration food, but it's still mine as a reward, just not at this time. Be patient and the reward would taste a thousand times better when consumed at the right time because there will be no guilt, only pure pleasure.

You are so RIGHT!!  And how you label food items I believe is right on.  I am 99 percent vegan/whole food, which is a little different than just vegan.  Sklittez are vegan but are not healthy.  So I veer toward whole foods. Pizza, is a weakness.  I make my own crust with whole wheat flour.  Single serving size.  I make around 21 at a time and put them in freezer bags with wax paper between. I get out one at a time.  And then pile on the tomatoe sauce. I put spinach leaves next, and then pile on kale, black olives, mushrooms, hot peppers and more spinach on top.  Then more tomatoe sauce. PLUS anything else that strikes me at the moment.  Cheese is a weakness so I try to stick to vegan cheese or no cheese because even vegan cheese is processed. And processed and animal products, I try to avoid.  I consume no caffeine, no candy, no sugar, no salt, no sodas and no oil of any kind.  I drink herbal tea and water.  I love orange tea and blueberry. I drink a little caffeine free coffee in the morning and maybe one in the afternoon too.  That is my indulgence.

I feel so much better eating this way. I'm not bogged down with no energy.  I zip around!  Yea, I miss burgers but I have to stay away.  If I eat one, I'll be gone and back to animal products.  My body tells me it feels good eating this way.

I would love to do a month or two and only eat live food to further cleanse my system and for healing purposes.  I might do that real soon -- while I have my garden up and producing.  I also believe many of the diseases of the times can be cured/fixed with food. Not all, but many. 

Quote from: LightBeamBe patient and the reward would taste a thousand times better when consumed at the right time because there will be no guilt, only pure pleasure.
Yes.  Motto for life.

Jenn :-)

"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
In Alice in Wonderland by 'Cheshire Cat'


Well, I did the energy food recording twice and slept through it.  Both times after Monroe goes through the beginning and tells us "what he tells us" advises he will be back in focus 10 -- and then a little later he comes back -- sometime during that time frame I was gone..  Twice I never got to hear him come back.  

Going try again..  :-D

Hopefully three times is a charm.


"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
In Alice in Wonderland by 'Cheshire Cat'


Quote from: Blossom on August 07, 2023, 19:31:30
I try to stick to vegan cheese

Oh, my favorite vegan cheese is from "Follow your heart" Smoked Gouda. Tastes better than the real thing in my opinion. You just have to be careful with the quantity of course because it has lots of coconut oil = saturated fat. But just a slice or two would make the whole difference in the world.
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


Quote from: LightBeam on August 07, 2023, 19:47:29
Oh, my favorite vegan cheese is from "Follow your heart" Smoked Gouda. Tastes better than the real thing in my opinion. You just have to be careful with the quantity of course because it has lots of coconut oil = saturated fat. But just a slice or two would make the whole difference in the world.

I'll try it.  I usually get Chao from walmart.  I just looked up the "Follow your heart" Smoked Gouda and they say it's also at walmart here.  But I have never seen it. I may get some tomorrow and check it out. I'll let you know.
This is also one of my favorite meals.  This is the best meal ever... Seriously good.

1/4" thick sweet potatoes broiled on both sides in the oven and then you put pico de gallo on top... Sweet and hot.. The sweet potatoes cook fast in the oven. Once the first side browns and you flip it over, the second side cooks in less than five minutes. You have to keep a close eye on it. If you do it just right you can pick it up like a chip.. I LOVE this meal.

The side of mushrooms was cooked in a tiny skillet with a few tbs of water and some nutritional yeast. Great flavor. Cook about three min.. No oil and no salt. It is so incredible.

I take pictures of my food.  I have no idea why.. I originally found this recipe on the internet but modified it to my taste. But I love sweet potatoes and this is very filling. I eat it all the time.  :-D


p.s.  If you are not familiar with pico, it's tomatoes, onions, cilantro, and hot peppers cut up with a splash of lemon or lime juice.  My son puts avocado in his but I have to watch the fat content so I only eat about one avocado a week.  

In lieu of salt --

It has sodium but maybe because it comes from a plant, it doesn't effect your blood pressure ..  I love it! I believe the actual plant is called Salicornia or something like that.

And thank you so much.  I LOVE to try new things and experiment with food.


"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
In Alice in Wonderland by 'Cheshire Cat'


Ok, I am going to move on.  I have now tried to do the Energy Food 4 times and had four naps today.  I'll come back to this one.  The next recording and the last one on wave 3 is called First Stage Separation.

Going to do it now. I'm wide awake after four short naps today..

Jenn :roll:

"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
In Alice in Wonderland by 'Cheshire Cat'



So I was laying there meditating.  I had jumped ahead to listen to FreeFlow12 in wave4. I know I'm not supposed to but I am not having much "luck" on energy food and first stage separation in wave 3, which are the last two recordings of wave 3.  Keep falling asleep.  So I improvised.  I figured freeflow12 would not be any issue since I'm consistently in focus10 and 12.  Or at least I think so.  I know for sure 10.  But I believe 12 as well. Yeah, I absolutely believe focus12 as well.

Anyway, I'm laying there really deep into it.  Enjoying it.  Suddenly, there is this god awful noise.  A very loud banging.  I jumped sky high.  I thought it was someone banging on my door. I was so groggy when I jumped up.  I ripped my earbuds out, sat them down somewhere, and peeked outside.  I opened the door and noone was there. Dog wasn't barking. He had been asleep ...

I looked at my phone.  I had been about 15 min into the meditation.

Well, I'm guessing the sound was in my head.  I've never head that sound before.  Loud, and I mean loud banging.

After I figured out the sound was in my head -- I could not find my earbuds. Where did I put them?  omg... I looked 10 minutes.  When I found them, I had sat them on top of a really high chest thats like 6' tall..  I don't remember putting them there but thats where they were at.

I am a little confused. :|  hmm. But I think I'll be doing that again.  :-D Very interesting...


p.s.  I just remembered something that I was going to say here but had forgotten until this reminded me.  When my ex was here last weekend, I was meditating and he was sleeping.  We both heard a loud noise and both jumped up.  What we heard was a picture flying off the wall.  One of my neices paintings was broken to smithereens. It was in the middle of the room. I don't know if that is related to the meditation or just an odd coincidence. He was trying to be all analytical about it -- checking out the back of the painting, etc..  I said "well did the wind blow it over here to this location?"...


"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
In Alice in Wonderland by 'Cheshire Cat'


Well, I'm going to have to eat something.  It's 11 ish...

Then I'm going to mop vaccuum and do a little laundry...

Then I'm going to repeat that meditation.


"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
In Alice in Wonderland by 'Cheshire Cat'


Back in the day when FK was active, I was not into phasing.  I was doing my own thing. I didn't quite get it at that time. Didn't understand it and made no effort to understand.

I've downloaded his archive and am going to read it. I think this is a good time to read it.  I remember him. I think I will understand now.  He was a nice man. He always had time.


"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
In Alice in Wonderland by 'Cheshire Cat'


Is someone banging on your door? Hello! Anybody in there?!

The subconscious and/or higher conscious...or maybe just the Multiverse itself, has a weird, ironic sense of humor...that's what I get from the banging...Is someone banging on the door?
Is it you banging on your own door and the Multiverse banging along with you, lol?! Talk about a noisy etheric exit sensation...did I mention the audible types of exit sensations, lol...

Nice tacos, btw, need some kind of meat, lol...

This is good...just keep on with getting on...

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


Quote from: EscapeVelocity on August 09, 2023, 00:01:52
Is someone banging on your door? Hello! Anybody in there?!

The subconscious and/or higher conscious...or maybe just the Multiverse itself, has a weird, ironic sense of humor...that's what I get from the banging...Is someone banging on the door?
Is it you banging on your own door and the Multiverse banging along with you, lol?! Talk about a noisy etheric exit sensation...did I mention the audible types of exit sensations, lol...

Nice tacos, btw, need some kind of meat, lol...

I slept all night with FF12 playing softly in my ear.  Talk about a peaceful sleep.  I feel excellent this morning!!!  Its raining.  The day feels as fresh as I feel. I feel alert.  Very very alert.  I went outside and just stood in the rain this morning just soaking it in..

And whats this about meat? I can't ruin the taste of my food!!   :lol: :lol: :lol:

Actually, seriously, when you don't eat meat, it smells putrid when it cooks.  Its a nausating smell. Burned flesh.  HOWEVER there is an exception and that exception is BACON!!  That always smells good.  I think there should be a bacon scented air freshner.  lol...

Quote from: EscapeVelocityThis is good...just keep on with getting on...




"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
In Alice in Wonderland by 'Cheshire Cat'


Since I am wide awake and very alert, I'm going to repeat FF12 like it's supposed to be done..  Than I will start wave4 today.

"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
In Alice in Wonderland by 'Cheshire Cat'


Something weird is going on.

Where I am at it is 2:39am.  I went to bed with my earbuds playing the wave1, tape 5 playing.  It is the sleep tape.

Suddenly, a few minutes ago, there was a loud banging on my front door.  Seriously.  Just like what had happened during that previous session that startled me so.  ONLY this time, there was actually someone at my freaking door.  It was my neighbor telling me my car tail lights were on in the veh.

What in the universe is going on?

This man has probably knocked on my door three times in the last 7 years.  Very seldom.  Very very seldom.  And he knocked at 2:30 in the am????  In the am!!!  He knocked so loud, he woke me out of a dead sleep with Monroe in my ear.  Another thing I just thought about -- Eli, my aussie, did not bark.  Thats odd too. He always alerts me to someone outside.  Even the mailman, whom he knows. But he did not bark, just like day before yesterday when the banging jarred me out of my meditation. But of course that was because there was no one there. I'm saying there is an odd symmetry between the two incidents in more than just the physical knocking.


Was the astral banging day before yesterday a precognition of what just happened AND is this related to the Monroe tapes?  I've fixing to search online about the Gateway and see if anyone has reported this as a possible "happening" while they were doing the recordings. If it's Monroe tapes related, I can't be the only one.

--I'm fixing to look back and see the exact time I made that other post.  I want to know.  Trying to figure this out.  I have never precog-ed anything.  It could be just a weird, weird, very weird coincidence. I will say this.  My grandfather was a precogger..(is that a word?)  He could always tell when someone in the family was going to die. I wrote about this in some other post too.  He would tell my grandmother to get his suit ready for the funeral. He was always right about this. It was so common that it was a normal thing in our family for him to precog. It had nothing to do with Monroe. Pa was just Pa and that was part of him.  He did not know "who" would die.  He was knew it was going to happen.

First weird knock with noone there: reply #80 on August 08, 2023, 10:34:56. 
Second knock with someone there:  reply #86 on August 10, 2023, 02:43:53

Precog or coincidence, I'll be remembering this as I progress along my Gateway recordings.  That's for sure.

It's killing me and testing my will power to NOT read Monroes trilogy that I ordered from ebay until I finished the Gateway Experience.  I made a vow not to read them so my experience won't be tainted.   Two will be here in a couple days plus one a student of his wrote.  I'm not going to read that one either until I finish the recordings.  And a new copy of Bulhman's first and best book also - Adventures beyond the body.  I love that book.. I loaned my copy out a few years ago and can't remember who I loaned it to.. It needed replacing.


"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
In Alice in Wonderland by 'Cheshire Cat'


I have nearly finished wave 4. It's 4am.  I'll write about this tomorrow.  I need to sleep. I'm just buzzing in my limbs.

"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
In Alice in Wonderland by 'Cheshire Cat'


I'm not going to be able to sleep.  FF12 is on my mind, so I'm going to write it down.  I'll tell you NVC (non verbal communication) tomorrow or later today, however you want to look at it.

First of all, on wave4, FreeFlow12 -- I did this 4-5 times before I stayed awake.  I stayed awake because I propped myself up in bed on multiple pillows. Not quite in a sitting position but close.

After doing my preparatory work, I settled in.  I went in pretty fast.  I think my brain is getting trained how to find that spot.  When I was there, I saw images ..  Fleeting images of nonsense but I just kept watching.  Occasionally I would hear the PING sound that Monroe added as a beacon. Not sure why, but it brought me back from drifting too far each time.  I think its meaning was to not lose track and as a focus mechanism.  Anyway I just kept watching.. One image seemed expecially "bright".  As I watched the image, it became clearer and clearer and I could see it was a girl sitting on a bed.  As it became more prounouned, I could see it was me.  Not my physical body laying on the bed, but it was still me. I was watching myself. Or another version of myself. As I watched her/me, she got up and turned and looked back at me directly in my eyes.  Straight at me. Her face got larger and larger and then PING again from Monroe. I had to refocus again. I tried to find her again. She drifted in and out but was never as bright as at first when I first saw her.  When I finally saw her again, I was overcome with this intense feeling of sadness and remorse for her, for me, for us.  It was overwhelming.  My heart just ached as I watched her. I felt physical tears that I had no control over.  I watched her and studied her watching me through the entire tape.

When it ended, I had a good cry. What the hell?  What does this mean? I was in my spirit body watching myself watching me while I lay in bed.

This made me feel such overwhelming emotion.  I feel drained right now.  I feel like something important just happened and I missed it. It's like it's right here but I can't quite put my finger on it.

After this I listened to the NVC tape.  The first one.  I did not get much out of this one.  Monroe said a series of words and had you communicate that word in pictures .. First they were nouns -- your hand etc.  Then they were objects like a chair.  Then they were abstract like some type of feeling. Then it was over.

I should have waited to do this one.  I was still too emotional feeling from the prior recording.  Even now, I still feel emotional when I think about it.  It was very intense.

Ok, I'm going to crash.  I need to sleep.

Happy trails all,

p.s.  I have not proof read this.  Hopefully it is not too jumbled up in my thoughts.

"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
In Alice in Wonderland by 'Cheshire Cat'


Quote from: Blossom on August 11, 2023, 06:04:21
As I watched the image, it became clearer and clearer and I could see it was a girl sitting on a bed.  As it became more prounouned, I could see it was me.  Not my physical body laying on the bed, but it was still me. I was watching myself. Or another version of myself. As I watched her/me, she got up and turned and looked back at me directly in my eyes.  Straight at me. Her face got larger and larger and then PING again from Monroe. I had to refocus again. I tried to find her again. She drifted in and out but was never as bright as at first when I first saw her.  When I finally saw her again, I was overcome with this intense feeling of sadness and remorse for her, for me, for us.  It was overwhelming.  My heart just ached as I watched her. I felt physical tears that I had no control over.  I watched her and studied her watching me through the entire tape.

When it ended, I had a good cry. What the hell?  What does this mean? I was in my spirit body watching myself watching me while I lay in bed.

This made me feel such overwhelming emotion.  I feel drained right now.  I feel like something important just happened and I missed it. It's like it's right here but I can't quite put my finger on it.

This is happens exactly the same  to people who go into deep hypnosis to deal with something subconscious either from this life or from another life. They cry most of the time because they finally get to process the emotions that have been suppressed.  Typically within 3 days, they feel better because this was brough up to the surface and they analyzed it/understood where some troubles in their current reality were coming from. Then that blocked energy dissolves because it gets processed by the consciousness.
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


Great experience, Jenn!

Yes, the beacon ping is conveniently placed within the session to keep us from drifting off too far and to re-center ourselves. Later on, you can learn to ignore it if you wish and stay with an experience, as you prefer.

Propping myself up with pillows in bed has often worked quite well for me. Don't be afraid to experiment with this, especially if, early in a session it just doesn't feel right.

As the images slowly became more distinct, you just "casually observed them", which is one way a Phasing can begin. Often the images can be disorganized and nonsensical at first; then they stabilize and come more into focus. Then, as you described, your attention is drawn to one image in particular and, in this case, it seems you received some kind of clairvoyant experience. There can also be clairaudient (hearing) or even clairomniscient (that sense of intuitive knowing). And often, you may not get a complete and satisfactory answer as to what actually transpired, instead you have to rely on your intuitive/subconscious skills. And like LightBeam said, you may not get a more top-level explanation, but by the emotional energy that this generated, you can be sure that a very significant amount of Non-Physical consciousness accepting, processing and assimilating has begun...and might take a few days to complete. It is your choice to let that process continue on its' own or you could lay down for a brief ten minute meditation/reverie and ask a couple simple questions-this was part of doing the 5 Questions Exercise; now is when you might apply that technique. In this case, you might just let it go for now...but it is always your choice.

She could have been a past self, a parallel life self, an aspect of your current self-possibly childhood. As floriferous pointed out, most of us want and expect visuals to best explain an experience. Now you are realizing that even the visual may not provide enough context every time, and that your deeper insight sounds like it is buried within the strong emotions that are being experienced. Feeling drained, as you say, is a good sign that a fair amount of personal energy was involved, even in such a seemingly straight-forward experience.

Nice one!
Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


To LightBeam and EscapeVelocity:

Quote from: LightBeam on August 11, 2023, 08:14:15
This is happens exactly the same  to people who go into deep hypnosis to deal with something subconscious either from this life or from another life. They cry most of the time because they finally get to process the emotions that have been suppressed.  Typically within 3 days, they feel better because this was brough up to the surface and they analyzed it/understood where some troubles in their current reality were coming from. Then that blocked energy dissolves because it gets processed by the consciousness.

LightBeam, are you saying that 'troubles I had in a past life' can influence what happens in my NOW reality, even though I don't know what the troubles are? If that's what you are saying, thats heavy duty stuff. If thats the case, I hope that I can find her again and 'talk to her' before the end if these tapes.  Maybe we can end a troubling cycle so next time, it will be an easier life for me/her/us. Isn't that our goal, to live the best we can and learn while we are here?

Quote from: EscapeVelocity
Great experience, Jenn!

Yes, the beacon ping is conveniently placed within the session to keep us from drifting off too far and to re-center ourselves. Later on, you can learn to ignore it if you wish and stay with an experience, as you prefer.

Propping myself up with pillows in bed has often worked quite well for me. Don't be afraid to experiment with this, especially if, early in a session it just doesn't feel right.

As the images slowly became more distinct, you just "casually observed them", which is one way a Phasing can begin. Often the images can be disorganized and nonsensical at first; then they stabilize and come more into focus. Then, as you described, your attention is drawn to one image in particular and, in this case, it seems you received some kind of clairvoyant experience. There can also be clairaudient (hearing) or even clairomniscient (that sense of intuitive knowing). And often, you may not get a complete and satisfactory answer as to what actually transpired, instead you have to rely on your intuitive/subconscious skills. And like LightBeam said, you may not get a more top-level explanation, but by the emotional energy that this generated, you can be sure that a very significant amount of Non-Physical consciousness accepting, processing and assimilating has begun...and might take a few days to complete. It is your choice to let that process continue on its' own or you could lay down for a brief ten minute meditation/reverie and ask a couple simple questions-this was part of doing the 5 Questions Exercise; now is when you might apply that technique. In this case, you might just let it go for now...but it is always your choice.

She could have been a past self, a parallel life self, an aspect of your current self-possibly childhood. As floriferous pointed out, most of us want and expect visuals to best explain an experience. Now you are realizing that even the visual may not provide enough context every time, and that your deeper insight sounds like it is buried within the strong emotions that are being experienced. Feeling drained, as you say, is a good sign that a fair amount of personal energy was involved, even in such a seemingly straight-forward experience.

Nice one!

I DO remember Floriferous talking about visuals. I need more than just visuals. Like I was saying above to LightBeam, I need to find her again and hopefully talk to her on some level.. I just want to reassure her. That sounds dumb I know but I just want to tell her it's ok.

What both of yall said, makes complete sense. I have sat around all day long reflecting on this.  After reading what yall both said, I do believe it was more of a clairomniscient (I had to look that word up.. :-)
experience.  She did not look like me but at the same time, her physical aspect is unclear to me.  She was just different than me.  But I KNEW it was me. I could feel it if that makes any sense. It doesn't exactly make sense to me.  At the time, it was unquestionable.

The five questions sounds like a great idea.. No time like the present. I'm a slight skeptic but I'll give it a shot with an open mind.  My ex will be here this weekend.  After he goes to sleep, I'll do the five questions.  That's a very good idea.


p.s.  Juan is nearly asleep. He feels bad tonight. Dogs are nearly asleep.. I'm the only one stirring.  I feel like I am on a mission with Monroe.  :lol:  I'm going to sit and do a little reading on past lives and parallel realities to get into the right mindset. My new books will be here tomorrow I think.. ebay.  I have received two of them so far.  Three to go.  Got these used and they look nearly brand new. Hope I'm that lucky with the others.  These are burning a hole on my book shelf. 

I have to figure out what my questions will be.


"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
In Alice in Wonderland by 'Cheshire Cat'



You are so precise in your wording that I just noticed something I wanted to ask you about.

You said:
Quote from: EscapeVelocityit seems you received some kind of clairvoyant experience.

You said received vs had... Had is what most people would say.  But you are not most people.

Could you please explain the word received in the context that you meant.  Received for me is "came from something else or someone else".

So my question to you is, from where?  Is that the universe bestoying me something ??  And for what purpose? 

Could my experience be a healing gift?  That also cooresponds with what LightBeam was telling me. I hope I have some blockages that are dissolved or are going to be dissolving real soon..


"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
In Alice in Wonderland by 'Cheshire Cat'


I just found a post from 2012..;msg301238#msg301238

I clicked the link and there is an amazing song.  I guess he wrote it.  I bought it just to listen to all the time.  Amazing lesson in it.

Just wanted to share this.

"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
In Alice in Wonderland by 'Cheshire Cat'


Im sitting here in my computer chair, still in my nightgown,....vibrating as I type this.  That sounds crazy but I feel connected this morning.  Like I have new eyes.  It's ok to laugh but I really am sitting here vibrating.  My legs, my upper torso, the top of my head.  It feels amazing.

I guess it boils down to "colors are a little brighter."


"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
In Alice in Wonderland by 'Cheshire Cat'


I wrote clairomniscience, but I meant to write clairsentience...same thing, just not so confusing a

"Received" versus "had"...the more various NP experiences you have, you realize your vocabulary needs to expand and include all the varieties and reasons of possible experience. So, I became aware over time that my experiences may have been purely spontaneous or possibly generated from somewhere within myself (Higher Self/inner self/subconscious...) or from somewhere outside myself. That can mean the experience came from a Guide, Teacher, Higher Being or the Multiverse...I am left guessing. But, with enough experiences (and that doesn't necessarily mean many) this likelihood becomes apparent. These experiences, even the way your Gateway Course is currently playing out, is not by accident...I have no doubt, higher energies are noticing and participating in this process. And I will say again that you are doing great! Frustration and all, included at no charge!!

So, yes, I try to be precise in my wording...and thank you for noticing that!

And you are "buzzing" with energy! Arm, leg, torso tingles and buzzing that just won't quit. That is your frequency level moving up several notches. When you spend a week at TMI, most everyone leaves on Friday feeling this same energy and feeling a bit "stoned"'s referred to as the TMI High...they actually prefer that if you live close enough to drive, that you don't; that you have somebody available to drive you home. And I must admit, after my first two courses, i had to pull over a couple times during the two-and-a-half-hour drive home in order to clear my head and ground myself. The fact that you are getting this frequency increase with the at-home course just confirms how well you are doing with it.

Since the energy has become so noticeable, I would suggest some kind of "grounding" procedure. Go to your garden and stick your hands in the dirt for awhile, work with the earth, literally. Sit for ten minutes, with your back against a tree...reconnect with the Earth. Everything in moderation is a good rule here.

Don't worry about the Monroe or Rosalind McKnight books burning a hole in your bookshelf; they are good, but just not necessary right now.

Otherwise keep on doing just as you are; you are doing great! Thank you so much for sharing your journey!
Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


My goodness, I can't quit grinning this morning. I feel like I'm high on life. I am literally abuzz with life.  There is so much to tell that I'm not sure how to begin. I'll try one thing at a time.  That's all I can do.  First I'll answer your message.

Quote from: EscapeVelocity on August 13, 2023, 01:01:26
I wrote clairomniscience, but I meant to write clairsentience...same thing, just not so confusing a

Its all good.  I looked up all the clairs...  :-o I read a lot so a lot of the time when I see words that I don't know how to pronounce or don't know what they mean so I look them  up but make up my own unique pronunciation.  :-D

Quote from: EscapeVelocity
"Received" versus "had"...the more various NP experiences you have, you realize your vocabulary needs to expand and include all the varieties and reasons of possible experience. So, I became aware over time that my experiences may have been purely spontaneous or possibly generated from somewhere within myself (Higher Self/inner self/subconscious...) or from somewhere outside myself. That can mean the experience came from a Guide, Teacher, Higher Being or the Multiverse...I am left guessing. But, with enough experiences (and that doesn't necessarily mean many) this likelihood becomes apparent. These experiences, even the way your Gateway Course is currently playing out, is not by accident...I have no doubt, higher energies are noticing and participating in this process. And I will say again that you are doing great! Frustration and all, included at no charge!!

What a night!!!  omg..  I guess I will call it an immersive experience during the last 10 hrs or so. So many things. 
I'll take this one step at a time.  First I want to say that as far as actual physical progress on the tapes, as in doing new ones, I have not done that.  I have stayed in wave3 and wave4, but have made significant progress on this journey. MORE, much more than if I had of rushed forward in the tapes. It gives me comfort that higher energies are at play. And after last night, I believe it more than ever. More on that later.

So one thing at a time.

Received vs had.. I agree with you and I think it's both.  Something is going on with me from outside and inside.  I did the five questions again as you suggested, twice actually, and got no response like what I was hoping or expecting would happen.  This goes back to Wave 3, tape 4. So I was a little bummed out about that.  But never fear.. I think answers come in many varieties.  I'm not saying I eventually got an answer but since waking this morning, my attitude has changed about receiving an answer. Maybe I don't even need an answer. Maybe on some level I already know my answers and I'm leaning this direction. I just have to learn how to process what I already know. Today I feel cosmically that I just have to be "in the right space" organically to process what I already know.  What we all know. I don't mean my physicality. An organic space is more than your physicality.   

Anyone who does not have the monroe tapes, these are the five questions I am referring to.
1 - Who am I?
2 - Who and where was I before I entered this physical existence?
3 - What is my purpose for this existence in this physical matter reality?
4 - What action can I now take to serve this purpose best?
5 - What is the most important message I can receive and understand at this point in my existence?

These five questions are our very essence.


I have been studying that little song that I posted that link to (it resonates with me) and that got me to thinking about vibrational states. Love, so related to my closed heart chakra. So I started researching vibrational states of different living things, plants and humans.  I came across an article that I saved to pdf to link here.  I do a lot of the things suggested now, but I'm fixing to change a few things too.  I want a super clean living body. I am going to make a list of living foods I feel I could live on for a few weeks.

I read that love has the highest vibrational rate of any feeling.  And the rose is the flower with the highest vibrational rate. Do you see the symmetery between those two things? Its beautiful.

I found this article about human vibrational states.  And I found this prior to reading your answer.

Quote from: EscapeVelocitySo, yes, I try to be precise in my wording...and thank you for noticing that!

Your very welcome..

Quote from: EscapeVelocity
And you are "buzzing" with energy! Arm, leg, torso tingles and buzzing that just won't quit. That is your frequency level moving up several notches.

Oh yes....!! I hope it stays and doesn't wear off.

Quote from: EscapeVelocity
When you spend a week at TMI, most everyone leaves on Friday feeling this same energy and feeling a bit "stoned"'s referred to as the TMI High...they actually prefer that if you live close enough to drive, that you don't; that you have somebody available to drive you home. And I must admit, after my first two courses, i had to pull over a couple times during the two-and-a-half-hour drive home in order to clear my head and ground myself. The fact that you are getting this frequency increase with the at-home course just confirms how well you are doing with it.

Since the energy has become so noticeable, I would suggest some kind of "grounding" procedure. Go to your garden and stick your hands in the dirt for awhile, work with the earth, literally. Sit for ten minutes, with your back against a tree...reconnect with the Earth. Everything in moderation is a good rule here.

I am buzzing this morning much more than yesterday.  I actually feel taller, like my head is about 3 feet higher than my body. Like I'm glancing down.  I know I'm not actually taller. Very hard to explain how this feels. An illusion of some sort? I also took your advice and went outside and sat in the wet grass for a bit by my lilac bush just absorbing all the energy I feel around me. And I feel a lot. I never thought this possible while being awake. It's a very definate benefit of The Gateway Experience.  :-D

Now, let me tell you what I've been up to.


Yesterday, after doing the Five Questions and feeling a little bummed, I went about my day thinking about "love" and my heart chakra.

So last night around 9, it was quiet in the house so I put on the Focus 12 Free Flow from Wave4.  On repeat.
Did my little pre-meditation-routine.  And lay down.

OMG..  I stayed awake through four repeats, which is a little over two hours..  Same one playing - FF12.

When I first lay down, on my inhales, I mentally said "love" and tried to draw universal love through my nostrils.  Believe it or not, this helped me relax. I reached Focus10 easily but struggled going further to 12 so I stopped trying to go further. I accepted it for what it was.  I also made a concentrated effort to further relax my body at that point and it did.  I literally felt myself ease further in the bed.  I did not even know or realize my muscles were tense.  I know you are probably thinking this doesn't make sense.  I don't know how to explain it because I shouldn't have been aware of my body but I was but at the same time I was in F10.  Or maybe I wasn't but I had the mind split before that RB talks about.  This wasn't quite like that.

I also asked the "universe" if I had any helpers or guides out there watching me to help me attain my goals and I thanked them in advance. I did this mentally, and not out loud. This was in F10. Monroe mentioned doing this in the manual for one of the waves recordings.  I don't remember which one.  While in F10, I also did the healing bar thing sweeping up my body using a multitude of colors vs one color at a time.  It was a rainbow of colors.   This was prior to Monroe coming back on once you are in Focus 10. I had a very definate mind awake and body asleep state at that point. I love the way that feels.

After I did that, Monroe came on and counted the change from 10 to 12.  When he said 12, I actually felt the shift in consciousness, which startled me just a little.  And then I was there. The black got just a little bit blacker.  It was like I was floating in bliss. I had to maintain focus and not think about my body to stay in this state. All I knew were the sounds I was hearing for the most part. But at other times, I felt like I was in a perpetual state of light vibration with the strongest being on my upper legs. It seemed that the vibrations would play up my body but were mainly concentrated on my legs.  It was delicious. Waves of tingles. I maintained this state for an extended period of of FOUR recordings. I don't know how to explain this properly. I did not go anywhere.  I did not obe. I just WAS.. I quit hearing Monroe or the tapes.  The only thing I knew was my warm circle of bliss.  It was like a warm soothing coccoon. I drifted back to physical consciousness at some point because I began to hear Monroe again.  I got up and 2.5 hours had passed and I just sat in my chair amazed that I had stayed awake and had this extended experience. It was mind boggling.  It felt like minutes and not hours. This whole experience was one of FEELING and not SEEING. 

This is so difficult to express.  I could not feel or see my legs but I could tell they were vibrating WHILE I was in F12.  I could feel the sensations of the vibrations while at the same time I was in this state of blackness.  I did not even try to see anything or observe anything or actually did not have the power to see. The  sounds were all I could hear and they blocked everything out except the vibrations and I could tell it was legs.. The vibrations and this warmth of swirling black. I didn't want it to end.

I got up for an hour or so in a daze.  I just sat there absorbing all that I felt around me.  Then I put the tape back on and went back to bed.  I did not try to meditate.  I just let myself drift off.  This morning, at this moment that I am typing this, around three hours has passed since I got up.  I still feel the buzz.  Not as strong as when I woke up but here nervertheless. 

I can tell you that it feels like something is happening to me. Maybe it's more like a feeling of anticipation.  Maybe it's both.  I feel different and I'm excited for what is to come. I feel different today because I am different today. I am anticipating the possibilites of change of venue in my consciousness..  lol

One other physical thing I am noticing that is different.  In the cerebellum and occipital areas, across the back of my brain/head, it feel full of energy. I had to look up what those areas are called but they encompass the areas I am referring to.


p.s.  If I think of something else, I'll be back...

I just reread this and it sound so blase for what happened to me..  I cannot stress how significant last night felt.  I did not and cannot explain how it actually felt during these two hours.  I wasn't floating, like in the corridor experience, but I was surrounded by something that make me feel otherworldly?  That's a bad word. This was a non-seeing experience.  It was purely emotional and visceral.. It was an extended calm. I was surrounded by love. That's how it felt. That sounds corny but true.  I went down with love on my mind and love was what I got.


"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
In Alice in Wonderland by 'Cheshire Cat'


Quote from: EscapeVelocity
These experiences, even the way your Gateway Course is currently playing out, is not by accident...I have no doubt, higher energies are noticing and participating in this process.

I believe you. I actually feel it now. Saying "We are more than our physical body" is only the first step in believing. I asked for someone/something to help me last night and "something" did.  It is OBVIOUS to me.

I am more than my physical body. Yes I am...

I am rested and at peace today in spite of being active all night.

"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
In Alice in Wonderland by 'Cheshire Cat'


I think I'll do a meditation today without Monroe, my tree meditation, and just see what happens.  I'll see if I'm training my brain to do anything on its own.

"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
In Alice in Wonderland by 'Cheshire Cat'


Well I can't reach those focus levels without Monroe yet.  My brain is not retrained yet. What takes 10 min or so with Monroe, takes me an hour without Monroe.

"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
In Alice in Wonderland by 'Cheshire Cat'