Could We Do An Experiment??

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I was wondering what some of you experienced projectors would have to say about an idea I had. I have been reading through "The Complete Works of Robert Bruce", and after reading through the section about the Akashic records, I had a few thoughts. I've read about the Akashic records a few other times and I asked somebody about this in another thread once. Would it be possible for some of you guys who are very experienced to look something up in the Akashic records for me during your next projection? The "experiment" factor would come into play if more than one person was interested in participating.

Like many people here, I grew up Christian and fully came out of that religion last year. But like so many people I have always been fascinated with the historical person of Jesus. I've heard so many theories on who he really was, what is true of him in the gospel accounts and what isn't true. Scholars can see that much of what has been said of Jesus (son of God, resurrected, ascended, is coming again, etc) was attributed to him by his Jewish following who were attempting to start a new religion based on him. But here's what I do know about him: He was a brilliant Jewish man who was deeply centered in God, who somehow became extremely enlightened far beyond his time, and was a radical revolutionary on social justice, equality, and re-shaping the beliefs of an extremely fundamentalist culture.

I read an NDE account on once who said that when he was in Focus3 with "The Source", he like so many other people describe, had Universal Knowledge. He could know the answers to anything just by thinking about it. He claims he saw the life of Jesus. Here is a direct quote from his account: "I had the 1st person experience of the one called "Jesus." I had his entire life (remember, time does not exist). His name was not Jesus, something more like Josephus. He had regular mom and dad, no God intervention. He had a difficult birth and an NDE during birth. He had a difficult childhood because of his near death experience, he knew too much. As he got older he began to tell people about his experience. He told people not to fear death because they would live forever. He told people that after death there was perfect peace and a perfect state of love. He told people that everyone was exactly the same and everyone could know who they really were and awaken to their spiritual self. He drew a small crowd of followers. After a time some of his followers wanted to form a religion and replace the Jewish priests because of the money and power. He cast the power mongers out of his following. Five of them conspired against him. At his trial there were three witnesses against him, all were his followers. He was hanged (not crucified, he was just a petty criminal to the Romans). Being in a hurry the Romans cut him down a little early and his loyal followers carried his body off. He revived having had a second near death experience (his "second coming" so to speak). He lived for awhile hiding from his 5 traitorous former friends (the anti-Christ?) but died after a bit from his injuries."

So I'm admittedly not sure how this works, but I thought I would throw the idea out there. I would like to do this myself but I know it will probably be a long time before I am experienced enough to know how to find the Akashic records and how to properly use them. So I was just wondering if anyone here would be interested in going there during a projection and looking up the file of Jesus of Nazareth's life (or whatever his name was) and posting here about what information they find/see about his real life? I'm sure I'm not the only one interested in knowing as he is quite a major historical figure to say the least. If more than 1 person is interested we could turn it more into an experiment about how the information gathered lines up with each other or not. Let me know what you guys think!
It's hard to say that I'd rather stay awake when I'm asleep; because my dreams are bursting at the seams.


I've never accessed the Akashic so I wouldn't be the right one for this, but I just wanted to comment that I've read several accounts where people have claimed to do this--some quite famous sources like Edgar Cayce.  The trouble is that all the sources come up with different information so you end up not being able to believe any of it.  I have the Cayce book on this and it is different info. than the one you posted.  I think also 'Seth' claims to know the true Jesus story and it is different still.  There are others but I can't remember right now.   Not to discourage you, though.  If you can find someone with the right skills, have at it!


I second what soarin wrote. There are many sources with unfortunately different and even very contradicting info. It gives skeptics about the whole thing a real field day.  :wink:

I assume that they tap into maybe different "Jesuses" of that time. It would be logical since the name Joshua was very common back then in those days back in Palestine/Israel of the Roman occupation, such was being a wandering / healing / miracle-performing / preaching prophet. I also assume that it is a "real" mythological drama with a deep spiritual meaning that is 'performed' for humankind by certain individuals who are indeed historic and 'play their role'. The drama however existed beforehand. This would explain some similarities between different "sons of God" (see below for the "mythicist" position).

I've had my own experiences with an akashic screen where I see info visually, but did not get very far til now. Jesus was also one of my interests on my list, as I am generally very interested in the Akashic past (mostly however Atlantis, Lemuria, Egypt, our megalithic past, vanished high civilisations etc). I might give it a try but cannot promise anything 'reasonable' or conclusive. If I remember it in my Portal where I usuall am I will ask the question and see what I get. It might be again totally different from what others found out.

Not all data is from direct Akashic record viewing, although one might indirectly make the claim still as the source is the same and just the technique differs. A lot is from channelling, some from hypnotic (past life) regression, some just from speculation about historic facts ranging from the denial of Jesus historic existence in the first place to some way-out theories of him being an ET etc., some from remote viewing, etc.

I give some examples (only a few!), mostly relating to the crucifixion issue:

Just take this as an example for Remote Viewing, done by the Farsight Institute:

QuoteNew evidence has been collected regarding the real historical Jesus and the crucifixion drama. This evidence changes everything we thought we knew about that event. Using remote-viewing methodologies derived from those developed by the United States military and used for espionage purposes, we now have a more complete picture of what apparently actually happened 2,000 years ago. Courtney Brown, Ph.D., the leading scholar in the field of remote viewing involving such procedures, explains how these new data, collected under controlled experimental conditions, indicate that someone else was crucified instead of Jesus. Moreover, Jesus took part in the ruse, a risky plan that made Jesus into a martyr, allowing his teachings to spread across the millennia. Judas was a primary conspirator, and he acted to save, not betray Jesus. Importantly, this new evidence does not diminish Jesus or his legacy. He had no choice but to allow the crucifixion event to occur as it did. Now, the new evidence allows us finally to understand his teachings, something that was not possible in Jesus's day. Jesus undoubtedly knew that the truth would one day come out, once we matured as a civilization. That day is today. This is the most positive and inspiring new interpretation of Christian thought ever. Look at the data yourself, learn about the methodologies used to collect them, and then decide for yourself.

This is an example of past life regression:

QuoteIn Jesus And The Essenes, Dolores describes the account of a young lady named Katie who is regressed back to a life as a man named Suddi, who lived as an Essence at the time of Jesus. Suddi was born several years before Jesus and the book chronicles both scenes and events throughout many different periods of his life, ranging from the age of 12 to his death when he was over 60.

The messages relayed to and presented by Dolores in this book put forth a different perspective of Jesus and his work and gives comprehensive insight into the lives of the Essenes, an extremely important group who have been purposely left out of the bible. It was with the Essenes that both Jesus and John the Baptist completed their early education, some of which is described in the book, with their main function being to protect knowledge and keep it alive. The Essenes strictly adhered to the Laws of Torah and their community housed a library comprising a vast collection of scrolls in numerous languages and a detailed model of the solar system. Through the experiences described by Suddi, we are provided with new information about Moses, Daniel, David, Ezekiel, Adam and Eve, Ruth and Joseph of the "coat of many colours."

Suddi in D. Cannon's books btw believed that Jesus was indeed crucified.

This is an example of channelling (the famous Seth books!):

QuoteHe had no intention of dying in that manner; but others felt that to fulfill the prophecies in all ways, a crucifixion was a necessity. Christ did not take part in it (Pause.) There was a conspiracy in which Judas: played a role an attempt to make a martyr out of Christ.  The man chosen was drugged-hence the necessity of helping him carry the cross (see Luke:23) and he was told that he was the Christ. He believed that he was. He was one of deluded, but he also himself believed that he, not the historical Christ, was to fulfill the prophecies. (...)

Btw, some Muslim teachings also state that Jesus was not crucified but s.o. in his place:
Quotemost Muslims believe he was raised to Heaven without being put on the cross and God transformed another person to appear exactly like Jesus who was crucified instead of Jesus.

To add to the confusion, scholars of Mythicism tells us that there was not even a person but that it is all mythological. Hence 'no one' was crucified but it is rather an astrotheological symbol - the cross in the sky denominates a lot of things. (This theory is also prevalent in the Zeitgeist movies).

So again, take your pick or make the best mix out of everything 'on offer'.

Anyway, as I said, I love this topic of the Akashic past and might give it a try and report back here on what I got. Cannot promise when this will be the case as momentarily I hardly ever get out, even rarer to the place where I can do and remember doing such a thing as Akashic research.


Quote from: Volgerle on April 10, 2014, 07:12:01
I second what soarin wrote. There are many sources with unfortunately different and even very contradicting info. It gives skeptics about the whole thing a real field day.  :wink:

I assume that they tap into maybe different "Jesuses" of that time. It would be logical since the name Joshua was very common back then in those days back in Palestine/Israel of the Roman occupation, such was being a wandering / healing / miracle-performing / preaching prophet. I also assume that it is a "real" mythological drama with a deep spiritual meaning that is 'performed' for humankind by certain individuals who are indeed historic and 'play their role'. The drama however existed beforehand. This would explain some similarities between different "sons of God" (see below for the "mythicist" position).

I've had my own experiences with an akashic screen where I see info visually, but did not get very far til now. Jesus was also one of my interests on my list, as I am generally very interested in the Akashic past (mostly however Atlantis, Lemuria, Egypt, our megalithic past, vanished high civilisations etc). I might give it a try but cannot promise anything 'reasonable' or conclusive. If I remember it in my Portal where I usuall am I will ask the question and see what I get. It might be again totally different from what others found out.

Not all data is from direct Akashic record viewing, although one might indirectly make the claim still as the source is the same and just the technique differs. A lot is from channelling, some from hypnotic (past life) regression, some just from speculation about historic facts ranging from the denial of Jesus historic existence in the first place to some way-out theories of him being an ET etc., some from remote viewing, etc.

I give some examples (only a few!), mostly relating to the crucifixion issue:

Just take this as an example for Remote Viewing, done by the Farsight Institute:

This is an example of past life regression:

Suddi in D. Cannon's books btw believed that Jesus was indeed crucified.

This is an example of channelling (the famous Seth books!):

Btw, some Muslim teachings also state that Jesus was not crucified but s.o. in his place:Source:

To add to the confusion, scholars of Mythicism tells us that there was not even a person but that it is all mythological. Hence 'no one' was crucified but it is rather an astrotheological symbol - the cross in the sky denominates a lot of things. (This theory is also prevalent in the Zeitgeist movies).

So again, take your pick or make the best mix out of everything 'on offer'.

Anyway, as I said, I love this topic of the Akashic past and might give it a try and report back here on what I got. Cannot promise when this will be the case as momentarily I hardly ever get out, even rarer to the place where I can do and remember doing such a thing as Akashic research.

Wow...that is absolutely fascinating!! And you see, that's actually sort of what I'm looking for in this "experiment". We might get little details that contradict each other, but that's ok. Much like with "Near Death Experiences", each one is unique and different and some might seem to conflict. However when we look at the WHOLE of them, we can see that 80-90% of NDErs report the same types of things: "non-judgment, going through a tunnel of light, feeling indescribable love, briefly having Universal Knowledge, Understanding of Reincarnation" etc.

We could probably do the same thing with not just the story of Jesus, but Atlantis, Egypt, and other cultures you mentioned. If we can get a number of people to try and access the Akashic records, and everyone lay out their findings, we can see what commonalities there are and that would allow us to know almost certainly that those aspects are true. For example, you quoted a few sources saying his crucifixion was staged so he would be a martyr. Well if YOU happen to see that detail, as does someone else, to me that would be pretty convincing evidence.

It would be fun to do this with a bunch of different historical things we are curious about. I would definitely like to know what happened to Atlantis as well (or shoot, even the JFK conspiracy lol). I guess we can start with the story of Jesus since we have the ball rolling, and could move to another topic from there.

And btw thanks for being willing to check on it for me. I would do it myself if I had the ability :-p
It's hard to say that I'd rather stay awake when I'm asleep; because my dreams are bursting at the seams.


I was doing some reading about the historical Jesus and found out that there is not a single eyewitness account of him. Also everything written about him was written after he died, despite the fact that there were historians at that time writing about important events and people. If the Gospel accounts are even close to the truth, surely these historians of the time would have documented something about this man. There were also a number of people crucified during that time that we're documented by the Romans, but no mention of a Jesus. Everything written about Jesus was essentially hearsay, so my question is: did he even exist? Most scholars think he probably did, but no one can say for sure. I would like to see if we can get that question answered first before I start looking for the records of his life.
It's all a dream
Light passing by on the screen


Quote from: deepspace on April 10, 2014, 10:22:14
I was doing some reading about the historical Jesus and found out that there is not a single eyewitness account of him. Also everything written about him was written after he died, despite the fact that there were historians at that time writing about important events and people. If the Gospel accounts are even close to the truth, surely these historians of the time would have documented something about this man. There were also a number of people crucified during that time that we're documented by the Romans, but no mention of a Jesus. Everything written about Jesus was essentially hearsay, so my question is: did he even exist? Most scholars think he probably did, but no one can say for sure. I would like to see if we can get that question answered first before I start looking for the records of his life.

Yes indeed. I've heard these same arguments before, and they do hold some weight. Although the speculation is interesting, I do think there is plenty of evidence historically to show us that this person at the very least existed. More evidence in fact than we have of pretty much any one else during that time having existed. The vast majority of scholars agree that Jesus existed. Here is a quote from "The Historicity of Jesus"
Quotethe problem for the historian, wrote Blainey, is not therefore, determining whether Jesus actually existed, but rather in considering the "sheer multitude of detail and its inconsistencies and contradictions".[29] Although a very small number of modern scholars argue that Jesus never existed, that view is a distinct minority and virtually all scholars consider theories that Jesus' existence was a Christian invention as implausible. Today nearly all historians, whether Christians or not, accept that Jesus existed".

We all know that Josephus mentions Jesus in detail in one of his accounts, although there is speculation about whether or not a Christian editor added to that report later and attributed it to Josephus. However the meat of that passage is definitely attributed to Josephus minus the Christiany-sounding verbage near the end. There are other Historians who either lived during the time or shortly after the time of Jesus who mention him, such as Tacitus in his historical account called "The Annals" in book 15 chapter 44

Quote"Consequently, to get rid of the report, Nero fastened the guilt and inflicted the most exquisite tortures on a class hated for their abominations, called Christians by the populace. Christus, from whom the name had its origin, suffered the extreme penalty during the reign of Tiberius at the hands of one of our procurators, Pontius Pilatus, and a most mischievous superstition, thus checked for the moment, again broke out not only in Judæa, the first source of the evil, but even in Rome, where all things hideous and shameful from every part of the world find their centre and become popular. Accordingly, an arrest was first made of all who pleaded guilty; then, upon their information, an immense multitude was convicted, not so much of the crime of firing the city, as of hatred against mankind".

There is a letter written by "Pliny the Younger" to Emperor Trajan with mention of Jesus.
QuoteThey were in the habit of meeting on a certain fixed day before it was light, when they sang in alternate verses a hymn to Christ, as to a god, and bound themselves by a solemn oath, not to any wicked deeds

Both of these were written around the year 100 AD, which was around the time the Gospel of John was written and a few decades after the Synoptic gospels. The point remains that if Jesus never existed, people who were still alive around his time would have known this was simply a fabricated person by a sect of the Jews and would have been dismissed. We certainly wouldn't see historians or important figures referring to him as a real person just decades later if he never existed. That just seems implausible.

There is also another very convincing account from the Babylonian Talmud, which is simply a record of Jewish Rabbinical writings compiled between 70 AD and 150 AD. Here is a quote from this Talmud:

QuoteOn the eve of the Passover Yeshu was hanged. For forty days before the execution took place, a herald . . . cried, "He is going forth to be stoned because he has practiced sorcery and enticed Israel to apostasy.

Seems to also line up with the consensus of accounts about Jesus, that he raised some hell with the religious leaders from his teachings and his healings. Also states that he was executed on the eve of passover (or perhaps his stunt double) which also lines up with the accounts of Jesus' life.

We also have the Paulian epistles as a historical record of someone who lived during the time of Jesus that writes about him as an actual person. Paul was a Roman and a Pharisee during Jesus' ministry, and was later converted to this Christian movement through what he claims was a divine encounter with the spirit of Jesus. Paul also certainly wouldn't have written about a man named Jesus if he never actually existed during his own life time.

So it seems to me that with this much evidence, we can at least know that this person existed. Anything beyond that however, is very difficult to conclude.

It's hard to say that I'd rather stay awake when I'm asleep; because my dreams are bursting at the seams.


There are so many, what I perceive as, misunderstandings with how the non-physical works that it really makes something like this very hard to pull off accurately.

First... the non-physical isn't objective.

This physical reality isn't even objective.  <-- this concept took me a very long time to wrap my head around.  Listen a bit to Peter Russell and you'll begin to understand.

This idea alone makes this stuff almost impossible to nail down.

Also, in regards to the "Akashic Records"... this is something you actually interact with on a near daily basis whether you realize it or not.
For example, if you've ever predicted the next song on the radio station you're listening to... that's you interacting with the "Akashic Records". 
It's nothing mystical or magical... it's just the database of everything past (and future) that happens outside of the "NOW". 
You as a consciousness can not directly experience anything outside of NOW. 

I'll try to go into more depth on this later when I have more time.


Quote from: Xanth on April 10, 2014, 11:56:03
There are so many, what I perceive as, misunderstandings with how the non-physical works that it really makes something like this very hard to pull off accurately.

First... the non-physical isn't objective.

This physical reality isn't even objective.  <-- this concept took me a very long time to wrap my head around.  Listen a bit to Peter Russell and you'll begin to understand.

This idea alone makes this stuff almost impossible to nail down.

Also, in regards to the "Akashic Records"... this is something you actually interact with on a near daily basis whether you realize it or not.
For example, if you've ever predicted the next song on the radio station you're listening to... that's you interacting with the "Akashic Records". 
It's nothing mystical or magical... it's just the database of everything past (and future) that happens outside of the "NOW". 
You as a consciousness can not directly experience anything outside of NOW. 

I'll try to go into more depth on this later when I have more time.

Interesting...Do you think that the Akashic records would show exactly what actually happened, or would it be more like...every possibility of his life that could have happened and different possible outcomes, and this would take shape based on the expectation of the observer?

I suppose if you kept your intention strong to not view an alternate possibility but what actually happened, then it could work? There's got to be a way to find out what has actually happened, right?
It's hard to say that I'd rather stay awake when I'm asleep; because my dreams are bursting at the seams.


I'm of the belief that these kind of things are very difficult for us as humans is that our ego gets in the way.  Look at dreams, your ego plays a big role on what you recall a dream to be, even though its you experiencing it at the time but when I go to recall it you remember things differently then you though when looking back on it later. 

Not sure if my point is getting across here as I'm still learning how these things work myself, but what I'm trying to say is everyone sees things differently and you and your ego are no different in this respect, so when given a truth, you or your ego changes what you were told when recalled because of different perspectives.


Quote from: Machine1k on April 11, 2014, 09:34:46
I'm of the belief that these kind of things are very difficult for us as humans is that our ego gets in the way.  Look at dreams, your ego plays a big role on what you recall a dream to be, even though its you experiencing it at the time but when I go to recall it you remember things differently then you though when looking back on it later. 

Not sure if my point is getting across here as I'm still learning how these things work myself, but what I'm trying to say is everyone sees things differently and you and your ego are no different in this respect, so when given a truth, you or your ego changes what you were told when recalled because of different perspectives.
Well, it goes a bit beyond just 'ego', but yes... for the most part, you're correct.

That should answer your question.
Getting absolute answers is tough because there are a lot of factors that get in the way and cause 'extraneous' experiences to happen. 
The problem comes when people take these extraneous experiences to be fact... then this "fact" gets told to others, and then that person tells another... so you begin to understand how the current mess of "knowledge" that you've probably read about for many years has come about.

It wasn't until I pushed all that pseudo-knowledge aside, and began to actually look at my own experiences from within that perspective, as MY OWN, that I began to really realize what was truly going on with consciousness and projections in particular.  So when I say you have to empty your cup before you can begin to find the truth, I mean it.  LoL


Quote from: Xanth on April 11, 2014, 10:01:48
Well, it goes a bit beyond just 'ego', but yes... for the most part, you're correct.

That should answer your question.
Getting absolute answers is tough because there are a lot of factors that get in the way and cause 'extraneous' experiences to happen. 
The problem comes when people take these extraneous experiences to be fact... then this "fact" gets told to others, and then that person tells another... so you begin to understand how the current mess of "knowledge" that you've probably read about for many years has come about.

It wasn't until I pushed all that pseudo-knowledge aside, and began to actually look at my own experiences from within that perspective, as MY OWN, that I began to really realize what was truly going on with consciousness and projections in particular.  So when I say you have to empty your cup before you can begin to find the truth, I mean it.  LoL

Well I think you're absolutely right and I agree. The mind/ego probably gets in the way more than we like to admit and could definitely skew the information we receive. But that is precisely why I'm interested in running an experiment like this. Because if we can get a certain number of people to all look into the same thing, certainly every story is going to be different. That is why I would never hang my hat on just 1 source as "fact". However we could know almost for certain which details of a story are probably true if they line up across the broad spectrum of reports.

For example, lets say we get 10 people to look at the story of Jesus. Some of them say Jesus was married to Mary magdalene, some of them say he wasn't, some of them say they only had an affair, some of them say they had a secret child, etc. Well this would obviously be inconclusive and we could never say for certain which is true. However if 8 of the same 10 people happen to mention some kind of cover up conspiracy with the crucifixion, even if the details are different, we could speculate with great certainty that there was undoubtedly some sort of conspiracy/cover up with the crucifixion.

And we could do this with Atlantis, Egypt, Babylon, or whatever else we want. I think it would be cool to have a group of experienced projectors that would be willing to participate in this kind of experiment/study because it could give us at least some answers about the things we are so curious about in our past. We'll probably never know the entire true story of anything of course, but this would be one method of satisfying some of our curiosity, don't you think?
It's hard to say that I'd rather stay awake when I'm asleep; because my dreams are bursting at the seams.


Dolores Cannon has a couple of books on Jesus.  Someone already mentioned "Jesus and the Essenes". The other one is "They walked with Jesus".  I believe she said she gets information from different sources, not just past life regressions.  I think she also gets info from the akashic records, from other spirits or entities that come through, and from what sounds like a higher source which can speak through all of us during regressions when we're unconscious.  I believe she calls this the subconscious because she doesn't know what else to call it.  But, she says that it's not the same thing as how a psychiatrist would use the term.  She says that while she has regressed hundreds of people and they all speak with their own voice, at times it's like the same intelligence will come through different people.  It sounded like this intelligence can pick up the conversation with her where it left off when it was coming through another person.  Personally, I don't think this is the subconscious.  I think it is the Higher Self, or what Christians call the Holy Spirit.  Maybe you could also call it the collective consciousness or superconscious.  But, in any case, it seems like this particular source of info would be ego free. 

I felt like her info on Jesus made sense.  It felt right, but I think there is more to the story.  Personally, I do believe that he survived the crucifixion.  Because clearly he didn't resurrect 3 days later in a new body - people report seeing him again with his wounds and his body was missing from the tomb.  Both indicate that he had the same physical body.  In psychic Silvia Browns book on Jesus, her info suggests that he survived and lived into his 80s.  Interestingly, in the book "The Jesus Papers", the author comes to some of the same conclusions as Silvia Brown based upon his data. 

I also noticed similarities between Edgar Cayce's book on Atlantis and Dolores Cannon's.  One thing they both talk about is how the Atlantians mixed people with animals to get things like mermaids and centairs.