Dubstep induced my AP

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Hey guys just want to apoligise if i am posting to many topics. I was trying out binuaral beats and they did'nt really work for me i found phasing easier without them...i tryed slow songs for example Emily Browning feat. Yoav - Where is my mind ....no luck...so i hit some heavy dubstep on ;) and guess what a few minutes later intense vibrations caused me to float out even though i was blind i found this most interesting :)


Cool. =D Dub really makes my imagination go wild too. It's a little too hardcore for me to phase to but I find if I listen to it before a nap, it can help sometimes. Music is powerful. =D


Might have to try electro next time see which works best for me hmmm :)


You can use heavy metal music if that's what relaxes you.  :)

The "what" you use isn't as important as the "effect" it has upon you.


Quote from: Xanth on February 17, 2013, 11:59:48
You can use heavy metal music if that's what relaxes you.  :)

The "what" you use isn't as important as the "effect" it has upon you.

That's actually what I listened to before my very first projection believe it or not. xD Two years ago about. Enya seems to be really powerful for me though. It has ever since. I love her stuff.


I don't really like "dubstep" music unless I am drunk and partying. It's okay, but I wouldn't normally listen to it by myself at home. Anyway, this morning I had an experience while doing wake back to bed. I rolled over and laid on my back and relaxed waiting for the vibrations. Soon after I realized I was creating and listening to really amazing dubstep type music in my head. I thought maybe it was vibrations and my mind took over and I was interpreting it as music. Well it was vibrations and I was able to separate easily. But the point is I wish I was able to record that somehow and bring it back to PMR. It was amazing and it would be awesome to make music like that


Ahh justin thats wikid dude i wish i could hear it sounds really interesting thanks for sharing man  :-D


I'm curious to which artist(s) you were listening to? I am a huge fan of dubstep but have never considered it for an AP. I have mostly been sticking to post-rock (which has done wonders for me).

Some people say quiet is the best for AP. I think they underestimate the power of music.


Hey dude at the time projected I was listening to "Avicci - Level's" was real surreal because it was still playing during my projection but didn't alter my concentration in the slightest to be honest hope that helps...and I completely agree people do underestimate the power of music :) 


Man, I want my own theme song to play while I fly around...
Take to the sky, feeling so alive! Past the clouds to the Milky Way, share our secrets with the starry brigade. The stars surround us like a million fireflies. For once I see infinity... it's in your eyes.


Create one and use the thought = action thing.
You'll need to control yourself well but that shouldn't be too hard.
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.


I have never induced OOBEs using Dubstep but I have had Sleep Paralysis noises that sounded like Dubstep!  :-D


I haven't heard dubstep before when I start to hear things... I usually hear 8 bit music stuff. xD I MUST UPGRADE!!!
Take to the sky, feeling so alive! Past the clouds to the Milky Way, share our secrets with the starry brigade. The stars surround us like a million fireflies. For once I see infinity... it's in your eyes.


The song i was listening to sounded like the pitch slightly changed and it felt like i heard it through a bubble was cool may have to try it again :D

Mini stapler

I couldn't do it, listening to dubstep forces me to search for the closest packed nightclub & can per chase a can of red stripe & go nuts. =] Now, Chillstep with female vocals = the most relaxing music for me!

Quote from: Bedeekin on February 27, 2013, 12:22:14
I have never induced OOBEs using Dubstep but I have had Sleep Paralysis noises that sounded like Dubstep!  :-D

:lol:  :-o Dance as an exiting technique!! :-D


Its amazing how we all respond to different music :)

majour ka

Quote from: Lookedynamixhales on February 17, 2013, 11:49:10
Hey guys just want to apoligise if i am posting to many topics. I was trying out binuaral beats and they did'nt really work for me i found phasing easier without them...i tryed slow songs for example Emily Browning feat. Yoav - Where is my mind ....no luck...so i hit some heavy dubstep on ;) and guess what a few minutes later intense vibrations caused me to float out even though i was blind i found this most interesting :)

Cool! finally a reason for dubstep lol


Dubstep also may induce crazy dancing ;)

Mini stapler


dude that guy has mad popping skills! inspirational.


Xanth wrote:
"You can use heavy metal music if that's what relaxes you. 

The "what" you use isn't as important as the "effect" it has upon you."

ooh yeah! I choose Iron maiden  :-)
mental layer by layer combat sux


Each to their own I may try chance as I have had a lot of love for the genre through out my life.