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Flying in a Lucid dream

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When I fly, I just kind of lean forward and lift my feet off the ground by bending my knees. I've only had problems with it when I was watching other people do it in my dreams, then I couldn't lift off. The last time I flew was about a month ago, it must have been lucid, I ended up worrying about hitting the powerlines above me, and of course hit them. It sent a tingle through my head. After that, the dream went to completely odd teleporting, pyrokenisis, and telikenises, which the like have rarely happened in my dreams.

Yeah, I was young (probably 10) when I first flew in a dream, I was just able to do it, I don't think I thought about it, I just did it. I still remember the main parts of that dream.
- Skeptical until proven otherwise -


hi guys, pleased to hear i'm not the only one with a thing for lucid dream flying.  i find it a bit too easy to drop off to sleep, especially when trying to ensure i have a lucid dream, but have found flying to be the most fun.
i recently found a cd which guides you into lucid dreams, think it was "flying adventure", anyhow, despite being pretty skeptical i'm quite impressed. my problem has been greediness! i just want to experience everything, and can't really get my focus.  thought the cd really helped.  was an ebay purchase from a uk seller.


Hi freeflyer,

Welcome to the Astral Pulse forums!  :) Wanting to experience all things spiritual, such as nonphysical reality, is a deep desire within most folks. The fact that you recognize it is a good thing, freeflyer.

Thanks to everyone above sharing their experiences too. Lucidity and flying are great adventures.

Very best,
"What lies before us, and what lies behind us, are tiny matters compared to what lies within us...." - Ralph Waldo Emerson


Thanks for the welcome!! nice to feel part of the gang allready.

anybody else try using themed cds before? did they work for you too?


I never had LDs in the past but only this year i had maybe 4. Thats good! All of them were about flying.

I had normal dreams about flying but LD its completly different! So beautiful, perfect and with a real feeling of flying! I see things in great detail and i feel my stomach when flying at high speed!

When i have these dreams my wish for trying parashuts increases. I wanna fly in real life. That even greater!
I love you!


check out the cds on

They really work!!!


I've had many flying dreams mainly over the last few months. There so amazing and feel so natural and real it's very dissapointing when i wake up and i find i can't do them for real.  :cry:

I'm not sure if they're lucid or not but i seem to have some control over them and i remember them vividly when i wake up. I'm normally hovering about like i have a invisible jetpack on rather than flying ala superman.

I've also had a number of dreams where i am flying around a city in a hot air balloon. That's fun but i'm forever landing and find it difficult keeping the balloon in the air.


i've spent years flying in my dreams sometimes with lucidity sometimes without, sometimes on the verge.

I use to have real trouble flying in my dreams. getting off the ground etc. i spent time swimming in the air, lots of falling esp when i gained lucidity, but now my lucid flight control is pretty good.

checking to see if you can fly is a good reality check, and will carry over into your dreams.

two main ways i fly now.
1) i read in Astral Dynamics to pick a point in the distance and see if i can fly to it. here i fly really fast, not unlike superman. i continuously pick points in the distance and fly to them. a couple of times i saw stars and flew towards the stars and ended up resting up among the stars. sitting/floating with no effort (just like superman) until i woke up!

2) i discovered in my lucid dreams that flying was all about overcoming "dream gravity". what i found is when i am 'floating'/flying it feels like i have a anti-gravity field around me. really it feels more like gravity is coming from within into a bubble around me. propulsion through this will easily lift me into the air. when flying like this it sort of reminds me of birds when they sit in wind currents and float more than fly.
-listen, or your tongue may make you deaf-


Flew again last night! It never gets old. This time I used energy coming from the palms of my hands to move upward. Hmmm, it may have something to do with the Reiki work I've been doing.


"What lies before us, and what lies behind us, are tiny matters compared to what lies within us...." - Ralph Waldo Emerson


It was kind of neat last night, I party realized that I was dreaming. I ended up flying around while aware that I was lying in bed, because I felt my back on the matress. Sometime after this, I noticed that things started to change when I looked away from them (which brought me back into lucidity). I messed around with it for probably 15 seconds, looking away and looking back and thinking myself clever for noticing.

Then the scene started moving away from me, getting smaller in the distance and a loud noise started happening, so I jumped out of the dream and back awake.

All-in-all it was quite fun.
- Skeptical until proven otherwise -

astral man

You people are lucky that you can get off the ground when trying to fly in dreams.....When i try i usually get back up and then i come gently floating back to the ground  :cry: . My last flying dreams were a while ago, but in one of them, i had to use a paper plane to fly( had to hold it in my hand )????!?!?!?!?! weird huh! I just remembered that i had one a month ago, and in that same dream was a premonition, which came true the next day....Me and my god damn analytical mind ( i blame that on my English teachers BE ANALYICTAL WA WA WA) i was running along a road near my place, and was running really fast and then i would just and try and fly......I jumped REALLY high, and cam floating back down to the ground, and said to myself i am not dreaming, cause that wasn't flying, that was just jumping really really high......that high jumping thing just jumped my mind, and i just kept trying to jump and fly, but for some reason it was over a big pot hole in the road..... then all of a sudden i was on my nans from porch ( she lives down the street from me and i hadn't seen her for a long while, not enough time ) and there was commotion going on inside....the next day, i went into my nans place, cause i saw my mums car their. I knocked on the door, and then heard laughing etc....and mum and my nan were the laughing their heads off. ( she was their getting her dress fixed)

Just thought i would put my little say into the topic.

"People only see what they are prepared to see."


Quote from: NickFlew again last night! It never gets old. This time I used energy coming from the palms of my hands to move upward. Hmmm, it may have something to do with the Reiki work I've been doing.

I also fly with 'energy' coming from my hands. I sort of thrust myself into the air with the energy from my hands - and then I float, going down slowly...
But I can't fly for a long time... its like I have a certain amount of energy, and it burns out when I use it, and then it needs a couple of seconds to recharge (in which the energy amount is too low to rise again in mid-air**).

I doubt if it has something to do with 'Reiki', because I never did any Reiki work and I've been able to fly in this manner for most part of my life.

Should  you want to check if your 'energy' is similar to mine: the energy can also be used to move objects, to reshape objects, and to defend yourself (but its not very damaging to opponents).

**= I wanted to add on an unrelated note that the energy is enough to reach what you could call 'escape-speed'. In dreams I have that if I rise too high, that I lose my 'connection' with the dream I'm in; and when I land; the 'storyline' and the world I was in when I lifted off is gone. (this can be very disappointing).


flying dreams for me is a way of showing me that my awareness is heightened, and that I seek to be free in my life, and perhaps I feel so in reality, for me in any dream I try to fly, since it automaticly enhances my lucidity, and this is a great launching pad for obe's...
the thing about flying dreams is that most are actualy astral projections, with the subconscious tossed in the mix, the sub images can either be taken over or take over your dream, its up to you and your will to reach a high lucid state..

"When you discover the mind has no boundaries,..Nothing will"


I've read that you can test your willpower in lucid dreams. Trying to levitate objects or yourself is a good test to see how limited your willpower really is.

I've been flying a lot in the past, but unfortunately, I recently had a dream in wich I failed. Getting of the ground is fairly easy, but I never reach real height. I was even using rope technique to pull my higher. Very funny and stupid at the same time when I think about it now. Flying should come from sheer willpower indeed. I'm convinced of that now.


Greetings folks,

There is another lucid dream website that I just stumbled upon, I only skimmed it, but it looks interesting. I thought I'd post it here in the Flying in Lucid Dreams thread.

Here it is:  

Keep on flying!

"What lies before us, and what lies behind us, are tiny matters compared to what lies within us...." - Ralph Waldo Emerson


Just by way of a small "Hello again" I thought I'd post this:

If I'm not sure whether or not I'm dreaming, but kinda know I am, I grab the air, like a ladder or rope, and I can pull myself up.

In this situation, the 'air' is 'solid' and holds me.

Kinda resembles Toffee or Glyceryn.

Warm regards,



I don't know if I already mentioned it, but in that book that 'Flake' wrote, he mentiones something interesting:

In waking life you'd never question wheter you're dreaming or not. So if you   are thinking 'Am I dreaming?', you most probably are!


Quote from: RDI don't know if I already mentioned it, but in that book that 'Flake' wrote, he mentiones something interesting:

In waking life you'd never question wheter you're dreaming or not. So if you   are thinking 'Am I dreaming?', you most probably are!

Nice reflection :)

However some situations in real life come to mind where you would think you are dreaming :) ... but even so, clever quote !


Quote from: GeKKo
Quote from: RDI don't know if I already mentioned it, but in that book that 'Flake' wrote, he mentiones something interesting:

In waking life you'd never question wheter you're dreaming or not. So if you   are thinking 'Am I dreaming?', you most probably are!

Nice reflection :)

However some situations in real life come to mind where you would think you are dreaming :) ... but even so, clever quote !

I didn't add it in my post, but he (flake) mentioned that indeed. So my post excluded (almost) accidents/weird situations.


You all have to try this... rollercoaster flying.
I recently went to flamingo land (theme park) which greatly reinforced my love for fast rollercoasters. During a very long lucid dream today i decided i would fly (before that i was just following the dream lucidly). Mid-flight i suddenly thought about my enjoyment of rollercoasters and decided to try and replicate the experience. Do the following:
Fly like neo, put your hands beside your body and fly headfirst, get a decent height and then dive fast towards the ground, remember to arch your body as you get closer to the ground in order to arc back up into the air. Aswell as drops theres also loops, corkscrews etc.
I was almost addicted, did this for a good 5 minutes, flying fast between tree's and around chimneys, down the sides of house roof's touching the guttering as i passed :D. Lots of fun and the sensations are the same, feel of the air against you and i also had that feeling you get in your stomach when you drop fast. It eventually ended just as i was flying really high to try a much faster fall :(...

I think its safe to say Ive found my dream hobby.



I've been working my way up through the murkiness of beginner lucid dreams to mindful lucid dreams.  I recently had a mindful lucid dream experience which might be of interest to others here.

I had been dreaming all night and then I was walking up a hill with some folks, I was outside and it was day time, and I realized I was dreaming. Rather than my hasty "I'm dreaming! I better take what I want while I have time!" I thought, "Ok, I'm dreaming... I'm going to ground myself... *breathe*... I know this can last as long as I want it to... what do I want to do?"

I decided I wanted to fly.

So I took off the ground like a character from "Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon".  I moved upward above the trees and was frantically wobbling around.  I then noticed something shimmering above one of the tall fur trees. I made my way up to it and saw that it was a wooden carving of myself, balanced on the very tip of the tree, in a "flying sidekick" posture.  I immediately assumed this posture and began flying very fast in a straight line.  The land beneath me was short green grass with tall green fur trees all over it.  I was moving up an incline as if I were in the foothills of a mountain.  There was no wind, no clouds, and the sun was bright but not hot.  The landscape was so perfect it seemed almost "computer generated".

I realized that my posture while flying made a huge difference. Based on my associations with that posture, I was more or less confident to fly fast and under control.  I decided that if I were flying head first I could even move faster due to less resistance. So I moved my head into the fore position and flew on.  I did begin to move faster, but I wasn't comfortable moving this fast head first for fear of a crash.  So I "waved" as I flew headfirst like an eel or the waves of the sea.  This impeded my ability to maneuver well and stay moving fast.  So, I moved back to the "flying sidekick" posture.

At this point. I was coming to the outskirts of a town and there were randomly placed buildings. I flew down to one of these buildings.  It was large, concrete and painted white, with smoke stacks and glassless windows.  There were people on the veranda.  I landed and went inside.  Inside was a scene I will never forget.  

The inside was all concrete, floors walls and ceiling, all stained and dirty.  There was sparse florescent lighting. There were dozens of cubicles which were roughly 3ft wide, 3ft deep, 4 ft tall.  Above the concrete cubicle were rusty metal grates which continued the walls of the cubicles from 4ft to the ceiling. So each cubicle was almost a kennel, but had an open face to the hall.  Inside each cubicle was a desk, chair and a well dressed middle class person.  These semi-formally dressed people were all over this place, talking and working and carrying on like they didn't even notice their environment.  All of this chaos became to much for me and I slowly lost my mindfulness and then lost the lucid dream all together.


Follow up:

The next time I had a mindful-lucid-dream I went right back to work at flying.

This time I tried three different experiments.

1) I remembered this time that I couldn't experience physical pain in a dream. So I decided I would fly as fast as I could directly into the branches of a tree (not the trunk).  I zoomed right at them, but before I slammed into them, I lost (took away) my altitude and glided/fell to the ground.  I felt a pressure as I landed on my knees but it did not hurt.  I concluded that I wasn't confident enough yet to let myself do such things.

2) I wanted to fly into space.  I started soaring up and up.  Up up up.  Eventually everything above me was the night sky/space. It's vastness became so overwhelming that I lost my propulsion... almost like hitting an invisible (psychological) barrier.  It took so much effort to try and fly against this barrier that I much rather wanted to fall back to earth than keep trying.  Which is exactly what I did.

3) I remembered a visualization trick I use in my waking life for balance and attaching my intent to goals.  I send and attach luminous awareness tendrils to that which I want to attract or manifest in my life. Anyway, In my dream I thought perhaps I could use my "intenticles" to quickly maneuver through space, attaching them to objects and pulling myself towards those objects with the "intenticles", much like Spider Man uses his webbing.  This worked very well anywhere there were destinations to attach the tendrils to (trees, peaks, even clouds). Eventually though I tried attaching them to things I couldn't see like "the sky", and my confidence based on causal "attach then pull" fell apart. I got so confused over the physical dynamics involved with using this technique (was I supposed to pull, push, swing or just focus, and how could I attach them to an imaginary point in space?) that I eventually lost my finesse with them and lost the lucid dream all together in a mire of confusion and eventually helplessness.

My conclusion is that with the proper confidence, based on the proper techniques/experience, you can fly or move through space however you choose to in a lucid dream. The hardest part for me is getting over inhibitions rooted in waking life physics, and staying grounded in a mindful-lucid-dream state long enough to accomplish what I want.


Flying in dreams a definite way to obtain lucidity in dreams for me, the two sort of go hand in hand. If I start off flying , I'm pretty soon lucid in dreams and able to control my situation.

For me, when I was only knee high to a grasshopper, I used to have flying dreams where if I clenched my thumbs in a fist on each hand I would start levitating, and in my floating state I would usually go and sit on the roof of the house and watch the stars or just fly around the trees in my front yard. Very similar action with arms outstretched like superman , doing loop the loops, gaining momentum and then soaring up just before hitting the ground. In memory its got to be the most liberating feeling I remember having.
I used to have dreams like this at least once or twice a week.
It was a while before I found out what astral travel actually was, but looking back on these experiences , that's what I was doing!

I still have these lucid dreams now but maybe one a month or so.
Now I generally find myself soaring through parks and gardens of places nearby, or ducking and weaving through skyscrapers in the city.
I tend to have flying experiences in my non lucid dreams. some are with friends walking along and me sort of moving with them but floating on top of them, roughly at head height. Others with me flying around from different scenario to different scenario talking with different people. These people seem to have an air of importance about them, yet I never fully remember everything they say to me.
It's dreams like this where there hard to get out of your mind for at least a couple of days or so, because there just so wondrous and liberating.
I think that sometimes they happen as a way of relieving stress on the astral.


DrQuickbeam, it's hard for me to fly upwards in a straight vertical line, I always tend to slide to the sides, and at some point I can't gain more altitude, I just slide. I wonder how many people also experience this.
Where does this silence come from?

The untold past of the Earth:


Latest dream or Lucid or projection related:

I am free from my body again and floating about the room and house - my greatest excitement comes back again as I decide where I am going to fly outside - thing I can never control in my flights while dreaming is the navigation of direction - it always seems I am not heading in a direction to reach a desired location - its like I just soar through the air marvelling at the feeling.

In this scenario I rise up through the roof aggressively as if knowing the more aggression the less dense I will appear to squeeze between matter itself. Next I notice clear skies and buildings all around - I soar upwards to about 1000 feet and take in the beauty below me.

I am travelling very quick at this point  and seem to be focusing on the flight well enough to  keep  my gravity  from the ground ( it seems in older dreams as well - if I take my concentration off the flight I start to descend ) . Lately though when I am flying its like this ability is natural now - and also the aggressive approach to matter - to squeeze between it   also works naturally for me.

dream or projection related symptoms can be difficult to identify either 1 or the other occurring - in this case  with me  it seems  I m in a dream occurring but  getting  the feelings of flying occurring in-between the dream happening .  The flying aspect was playing itself into a dream occurring because  just b4 I woke up I noticed a old friend wanting me to give him a lift home lol - as if I  would hold him while I flied back to my house lol   but this was part of the complex dream state .

I held onto him while we were on the ground and tried to ascend the air again - I tried and tried    but could not defy gravity - hmm I wandered   - I wander why?  - it made me think of a defect maybe I have in the dream state - maybe I think the heavier the weight whilst flying the less I can defy gravity ?  To me it feels like "you are what you think "in these states it seems the projection or the dream or experience you have will be within your own laws at how you perceive the environment.  So for example if I think in real world that I can squeeze between matter but need to feel aggressive to defy its physicality - then when I am having a dream it actually plays out the beliefs I have.

Regards Experimental

; D