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LDs a Paradise for Perverts? & Future experiments!

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Can you explain that a little more in detail? How did you came to that conclusion?

As you can read in my previous post, it was just about the belief that reality is just a dream...  It's not a conclusion; I am just stating that some people believe in it...
If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?


Hyper D,

Since it seems that you have so many LD and have much controle over having them and over youself there... May I suggest you to do another kind of experiment in your LD:

When you are LD, ask anyone in your dream if she/he can tell the future... you can ask personal questions or more general questions about some events in the news. I guess for the purpose of experimenting it might be easier to ask a question about something that will be found in the news. You might want to be extremely specific such as: "do you know when is the next earthquake that will kill many people in the world? in which country? "  or you might want to try something more in the politics such as "Is Saddam going to be caught? When? etc...". Next you can post that here on the forum, with the question and the answer and we will all be able to check that out .... and see if some people in your LD can tell you the future....

How about that kind of experiements?

Now remember that the dreams, LD, OBE easily come with symbolism, not straightforward...



I'll experiment with your questions in my next LDs, I'll ask any question about the future to the people there and post the results here...

Best regards
The fear is the first natural enemy that a man must defeat in the way of knowledge


i think every one that has a lucid dream is psyco. no offence but it is what i think


Thanks HyperD for agreeing to be an indirect subject of experiment.  

Let me tell you that once in a LD I decided to ask the stary night sky to tell me the future (the stary night sky looks to me like addressing almost God), and instead of an answer with words or pictures, the only answer I got was a feeling of fear engulfing me, as if either the future is going to be "awfull" or as if I had actually digged into my very own self back to some very painfull experience.... The LD turned almost into a nightmare. So well than in another LD, when I saw the stary night sky, I immediately look down to avoid looking at it or asking it any question....

So you might want to be ready for that kind of answer too, and I hope you will be more sucessfull than me.

Good luck!



A Lucid Dream is a dream in which you take conscious that you are dreaming... It is for those who can reach a higher consciousness... nothing to do with "psycho"...

I am afraid you have just make me become kind of grumpy ... watch out as I get upset I become big and green!!!!!

Shaman The Dreamer


ty for clearing that up but i still think that is for psycos


Future experiments

First attempt 20/10/03:

 I found myself in the middle of a battle type wc3 (war craft 3 The Frozen throne, I start playing this game 2 weeks ago)and someone told me in the LD I'll wake up about 6:00pm, I took a nap about 2:30pm, suddenly I wake up and see my phone watch, it was 5:58pm, end of first experiment.

Best regards
The fear is the first natural enemy that a man must defeat in the way of knowledge


What you guys try with the future experiment is cool. I had the same kind of experiments in mind when I started my "help me explore the dreamworld" thread. It would be cool if you guys could use that thread for the experiments, cause it would be a more clear arrangement then, for other to follow. But never mind it's not so important
" In order to arrive at a place you do not know you must go by a way you do not know "

-St John of the Cross


Future experiments

Second attempt 10/22/03:

  In the LD I saw 2 huges armies, 1 female had 1 army and 1 male had the other army, both were involved in a relationship, Suddenly both armies mix and one (the male) of them betrayal the other taking both armies.

Best regards

The fear is the first natural enemy that a man must defeat in the way of knowledge


Thanks Hyper D.

that needs to elucidated/interpretated...

What color were dressed both the male and femal? Was there any special characteristics? such a mustash, glasses, etc.... What were they looking like? Asiatic, Europeean, American, etc...

And the armies, what color were their uniform? Did they have the same uniform? What weaponery did you see there?

What was the background like? Mountain, desert, forest, streets? ..etc..? What was the weather like? hot and dry? cloudy, rainy, snowy?

You need to go into the detail so I can try to elucidate with your help...

Thanks again!



What color were dressed both the male and femal? Was there any special characteristics? such a mustash, glasses, etc.... What were they looking like? Asiatic, Europeean, American, etc...

And the armies, what color were their uniform? Did they have the same uniform? What weaponery did you see there?

What was the background like? Mountain, desert, forest, streets? ..etc..? What was the weather like? hot and dry? cloudy, rainy, snowy?

You need to go into the detail so I can try to elucidate with your help...

The same night I have other 3 LD, I only can remember that the background was desert, hot and dry, no clouds, very similar uniforms..

The future experiments in LD are new for me, I'll try to focus more in the experiment and put more atention in the details, also I'll try to ask people about future, but sometimes in the LD you only see kids normal people and familiars, so you don't know if they could give you a good answer about future, well I have to ask their first and then analyse results..

Best regards
The fear is the first natural enemy that a man must defeat in the way of knowledge


Hey HyperD, you seem to have a LD pretty often. is there any certain methode you use to become lucid or are you just talented?
thanks Tom
" In order to arrive at a place you do not know you must go by a way you do not know "

-St John of the Cross


Hi HyperD,

the background sounds like the conflits in the middle east. It could be a military aliance but between who and who. It seems sure that if the uniforms are colors of sand, then we are talking about US troops in Irak. There is sure not enough details to inteprete correctly. The only sure thing is that it represent a military aliance where one leader will eventually leads his ally (troops) into something that she does not want. The alliance could be for example the british troops and the US troops in Irak... or even the Israeli troops attacking Syria with the accord of the US and then what was the betrayal in the dream could be the fact that the israeli army cannot do as it pleases for example. ...

It just too vague at this time, but it is an interesting experiment.

You can try just to ask the questions in the dream even if there is nobody.... we are there to explore and we do not know how "flexible" a lucid dream can be.

But only do what you feel confortable with. Let me know if anything "uneasy" happens (as in my LD with the night sky and the fear).




In other LD I recognized British and Iran "words" thinking about the experiment of the betrayal..

Future experiment


During the LD, I saw a school bus that will have an accident probably by a fail of the brake system, hitting other cars. Lately in the same LD I saw a Tv screen with some entities (5 or 6) talking about future events, the minds were talking about the school bus accident, but when I asked for more future events, only one entity stayed in the Tv screen, the others left, and the entity transform into a type of demon or a ghost but didn't give my an answer to the future that I could interpret. End of experiment.

Best regards

The fear is the first natural enemy that a man must defeat in the way of knowledge


Thanks for the details.

Well then we'll have to see what is hapening in the middle east with British (troops) and Iran. Since Iran is not in the conflict right now but only at the negotion table for its nuclear potential threat, we'll have to see if this could go into involving British troops in  a conflict again Iran or something similar... This is a very long term issue that could take years...

Your last experiement is more the kind of things I have experienced in some premonitory dreams: straightforward... Did you happen to see the school bus? Was it a yellow bus like the ones in the US? That would be very easy to verify in the news. If it is a little accident then we will not hear of it (only in local regional news), but if there are fatalities and injuries then we'll hear about it even if it is in Alaska. For it to be premonitory it has to happen within a few days, otherwise the statistics are that you can always wait enough time for such a "common" event to happen, since these happen pretty often.

Maybe as a first trial you should only "listen" to these entities talking about the future to get as much info as possible without disturbing them... It seems as intruding into their discussion made them stop, exactly the opposite than what we wanted.

On my side I only have regular dreams these days, really nothing special. Last night I met with Jerry Seinfeld in the dream... funny!



Originally posted by shenron_2012

i think every one that has a lucid dream is psyco. no offence but it is what i think


You don't really need to apologize.. It's kinda hard to take offence to somebody who doesn't seem to know what they're talking about in the first place...

Assuming that this post wasn't just to inspire flames, I would challange you to back that up, and explain what you mean by "psyco".  I have a hard time believing you've got a grasp on the definition of a word that you don't know how to spell.


Halloween perversion, mutilation and punishment.

I found myself in a dream very strange, first of all I have mutilate my own genitals and after that I realized that
it was a dream and start the LD, the scenary was a school with a lot of students, I kick one student badly and he told
me if I could give him my face to punish me only for a few minutes, I agree, I come back for my face and surprise my face was
really punish a lot, I had my own mask for Halloween, the students were laughing at me for my face and for my mutilation of genitals,
then with this situation I didn't feel fine so I decided to wake up, after I wake up I return to other LD but without mutilation or punishment,
only normal LD with no killing and no perversions..

Best regards
The fear is the first natural enemy that a man must defeat in the way of knowledge


Don't worry, mutilation of genitals, as well as incest, and killing happen quite often in normal dreams. So as long as that in dreams, and not LD or OBE, that's fine. It is not very pleasant for sure. But i believe it happens to almost everyone, if only they could remember their dreams. These have meaning in psychology. The most common recurring dream that people have is actually even as silly, it is (in the dream) to look for a bathroom (toilet) and that the bathroom cannot be used, it is either durty, or filthy, or flooded, etc.. and the need to look for more bathrooms then take over in the dream, where there is a whole set up of an expedition which is to look for a bathroom.... the meaning of it is that the unconscious part of the person is telling that peron that she/he has to get rid of something in her/his life, and the way to get rid of things is to go to the potty  (in dream language). I got all that kinds of stuff in dreams, the thing is to remember the dreams.

Shaman The Dreamer


Originally posted by shaman

Don't worry, mutilation of genitals, as well as incest, and killing happen quite often in normal dreams. So as long as that in dreams, and not LD or OBE, that's fine. It is not very pleasant for sure. But i believe it happens to almost everyone, if only they could remember their dreams. These have meaning in psychology. The most common recurring dream that people have is actually even as silly, it is (in the dream) to look for a bathroom (toilet) and that the bathroom cannot be used, it is either durty, or filthy, or flooded, etc.. and the need to look for more bathrooms then take over in the dream, where there is a whole set up of an expedition which is to look for a bathroom.... the meaning of it is that the unconscious part of the person is telling that peron that she/he has to get rid of something in her/his life, and the way to get rid of things is to go to the potty  (in dream language). I got all that kinds of stuff in dreams, the thing is to remember the dreams.

Shaman The Dreamer

There's no universal meaning for dreams in Psychology.  It all depends on the person.  Usually only recurring dreams can be made out to mean something in relation to the person's life.  Your toilet exapmple could be true for one person, but not for another.  The hard part is.. it's all post-hoc speculation.  You can pretty much relate anything to anything if you try hard enough.  Most psychologists don't think dreams mean much and pay little attention to them unless they're recurring.  Don't get me wrong, some devote their lives to it, but it often doesn't bring about concrete enough results to merit them as unconscious messages.  If it did it would simply be studied more and there would be manuals and data to reference, but all you'll find out there is theories.  The patterns that people have tried to latch on to and form theories about usually pull up coincidence and random when retested.


The exact meaning of a dream is very much specific for a spcific dreamer, but there are things that can be said in general from which and especially about symbolism. There are patterns that come back in every dreamers and seem to be general... dreaming of a wild animal running after you is often a nightmare due to problem of digestion (heavy dinner, etc..); the bathroom dream is another one; In general they have a meaning, but the details and 'exact' meaning depends from dreamer to dreamer. These symbols can be used by the dreamer/psychologist team to find the exact meaning for a dreamer, they are like helping tools. The toilet person is true for many people, however what exactly the person needs to get rid of depends on the specific situation. It might not be true for some people, but it is the first "best guess" from which to start when one wishes to interpret and understand her/his dreams.


Originally posted by shaman

The exact meaning of a dream is very much specific for a spcific dreamer, but there are things that can be said in general from which and especially about symbolism. There are patterns that come back in every dreamers and seem to be general... dreaming of a wild animal running after you is often a nightmare due to problem of digestion (heavy dinner, etc..); the bathroom dream is another one; In general they have a meaning, but the details and 'exact' meaning depends from dreamer to dreamer. These symbols can be used by the dreamer/psychologist team to find the exact meaning for a dreamer, they are like helping tools. The toilet person is true for many people, however what exactly the person needs to get rid of depends on the specific situation. It might not be true for some people, but it is the first "best guess" from which to start when one wishes to interpret and understand her/his dreams.

ok.. that's better [:)]  I just have a hard time with people posting things like they're facts.. which seems to be a common trend on these forums.. it may seem like nitpicking, but if you really think about it.. people form their collective knowledge based off things they pick up and read.. and then most often they forget the source.  It's called the "Sleeper Effect".  The problem with this, is by you making a declaritive statement about something that isn't always true.. it causes people to regurgitate it as a hard fact later on.. then causes those people to regurgitate it similarly.. ect.. I just think people should watch the way they phrase things.  Much better said the second time around and I completely agree.


Future experiment


Search for Saddam,

Where is Saddam?, I received images of saddam in Palestina territory, hide maybe in some canyons there for 13 days maybe, end of experiment.

Do you use glasses and are little fat?, if not I need to improve my technique..

Best regards
The fear is the first natural enemy that a man must defeat in the way of knowledge


Do you use glasses and are little fat?, if not I need to improve my technique..

Hum... I am afraid no and no...
Are you trying to sneak into my dreams for some more experimenting...? [|)]
If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?

Centa Five

I would assume that any perversion-oriented activity would call for very emotional conduct which would pull the perpetrator quickly back into his physical body, thus effectively ending the attack.