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strange dream -- interpretation?

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Last night I dreamed that I was in a house standing by a window, and a creature resembling a bat was hanging onto the screen of the window looking in at me.  He was kind of a cute little guy, and I stared at him curiously and fondly.  He stretched and refolded his arms/wings and seemed very content to be sitting there.  I have no idea why i did this, but the next thing that happened is as follows.  A base animal instinct came over me and I leaned in real close to him and hissed like a cat.  As I was hissing, the bat's eyes narrowed and his little ears went back a little. (I had no emotion while I was in this animal instinct mode.  It just came over me and I went with it.) Then he detached himself from the window and started crawling away very slow and dejected-like.  He turned his head to look back at me and he looked so sad.  My humanity came back to me and I felt really sad.  I couldn't believe I had done that to him.  In my mind I called out to him, 'Don't go!  I'm sorry!'  That's where the dream ended.

Anyone care to interpret?  Has anyone ever had any strange animal instinct experiences like that??


The window screen shows you are cautious and yet optimistic about things you are doing. The bat indicates that you are moving on to new and undiscovered territory where it doesnt fit in with your beliefs or ways. A compromise has to be made, out with the old beliefs and in with the new.
It suggests too that you are now attempting to develop new skills you never knew you had.This needs careful thought as the unknown can't be seen until you make.your move correctly.
By annoying the.bat this.signifies what you are actually doing to your new skills at the moment, the realisation of this will come and correct things. There will be some afterthoughts on your old ways. These will nag you for a while until you realise they are all wrong or false.

This is a reasonable interpretation. The things it applies to are yours to work out.
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.


Thanks Szaxx.  This interpretation seems to accurately describe my NPR goals.  I am cautious yet optimistic about projecting.  I am working on developing new skills.  I haven't changed any beliefs that I know of, but definitely am trying to change some of my ways.  I always have in mind what some of you have said about leaving fear, lust, ego etc. behind or you can't move to the next level.  I definitely have some issues to confront that are hard to leave behind, but I do feel I'm winning. :)


The last part of the dream where you realised the autonomous was bad, you changed it for what you need to be like to get to the next level.
Overall, good work,  keep this up and we'll.see you out there.  :wink:
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.