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taste in dreams(and questions about said taste)

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Recently, like in the last six weeks, i have had 2 dreams where i have tasted stuff in my dreams. Both were long and Semi-lucid, But both tastes were extremely strange. here are both of the dreams. Both are shortened because i'm tired and lazy : )

1. I was in a race against Another team, and I got stranded in a parking lot on top of a hill because of a flood.  The flood cleared after a while and my team foud some balls that little kids siit on and bounce, but we could hold onto the handle and jump and fly (sort of). we got to this construction site, and one of my friend's parents were handing out snacks because we were jumping for a long time. The stuff i got looked like skittles at first, but I looked at them closer and they were sort of like sour skittles, but something was different about them. Everyone else liked them, but i took a handful and put them in my mouth. They tasted bitter, and the texture was strange, almost like skittles might taste if they went bad, but i don't really know how to describe them. Anyway, everytime i think of that taste, i can get an inkling of what it tasted like, but also not. then we did some more stuff and i woke up.

2. I was at school and the spanish teacher came into my math class. He Said he wanted to find out what  weed tasted like. He had all these containers (think tupperware) full of weed. he got it out and Me and the rest of the class began to eat it. I do not do any drugs, nor do i want to do any, so i was confused in my dream as to why i was eating it. The weed tasted sweet, but again indescribable. To make a long story short, I found one of my friends and we tried to steal a box to sell, but got caught. I woke up.

These are the some strange dreams, And thanks for getting through it. Now for a question.

How/why do we taste in dreams?

I told some of my friends about this, but most didn't know how that happened.  One thought maybe I was sleepwalking, and getting something to eat from the kitchen, but i want to get some more opinions.

One thing to note, all had a logical sequence of events, things leading from one thing to another without any skips. I just don't know what to think about these dreams. Thanks for reading this, and please post, I'm confused and intrigued about this subject.
Quote from: catmeow on August 16, 2006, 15:11:57
Every time I look at a clock it shows a different time!


Keep in mind that I am just kinda throwing a couple things out there.  I do not recall experiencing actual taste in a dream but I have experienced some serious smells.  It seems to be some what the same as we feel pain in dreams.  The pain itself is not real but the body is mimicing the pain, usually based off previous experiences.  It could be the same thing here, just distored because it is some thing you are not used to.

Sleep walking as mentioned is also a possability.

There are also some pretty scary statistics on what we tend to injest while asleep.  Mostly due to things falling or finding thier way into our mouths.  Consumptionis an automated response to clear out what ever it is.


When I was skinny and feared gaining weight (that ship has sailed, btw) I used to dream I was eating cheesecake and ice cream and stuff like that.  I would wake up with the taste still in my mouth.  I guess eating disorders are a good platform for real  lucidity, hm.  :-P

lily moonsong

It may be possible that your mind's ability to mimick taste in dreamland is underdeveloped.. so when you tried to remember the taste of sour skittles.. it didn't work out well.. and they tasted bitter.  Then your mind was like.. that didn't taste good, let me try this again.. so you tasted weed to see what it was like.. and it again worked out strangely.

I eat food in my dreams and it tastes normal.  However, the food I have on my plate looks one way at first... then I look away.. and when I look back.. there is different food on my plate.  My attention to detail is low.. and this is why things in my dreams shift a lot.

Also.. with morning breath... if a person has really bad morning breath... if they eat something in their dream, it may taste weird.  Or if they kiss someone in their dream, it may taste weird.

Just my little two cents in the discussion!  8)