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Hi quick question if you dont mind

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Hi im sixteen and im kinda interested in developing my energy if this is what this is that im feeling. Im not sure how i do this exactly it feels like me physically moving something thats already there but not touching nething just   kina forcing it to move with my mind i guess ( sorry this sounds so fake to me i can only imagine how it must sound to you) but thats about it my whole body will strongly tingle all around for like two seconds and then ill let it down  
So i was wondering is this energy or something else like medical lol um thanks for the time


I believe that it is probably energy people have described it as a heavy weight, tingling, pulsing, heat, or even cold as described from the New Energy guide. (my opinion is no substitute for a doctors advice however) But it is most likely energy that you are feeling If I understand your post correctly.
I believe in the Energy and I strive to make myself more aware of the Energy.
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