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Society of the Future

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That would be very hard if not impossible. Humans have ANIMAL BRAINS below their outer evolved brains. Animal behavior is the cause of most human behavior. The neighbor has a new 80" tv... I want one!! *growl* *growl*. A child molester moved into the apartment building. *growl* I gotta do something about this moron *growl*. They do the equivalent of butt-sniffing at bars. We have mostly the same organs as a dog.


Thank you for touching on this point.

Most people do have ANIMAL BRAINS because of the input that was placed in them in their younger years.  Did you know that studies have shown that child molesters were molested themselves when they were children.  When people react in the way that they need to get rid of child molesters in the sense that they most kill them, they most also kill the molested because they will most likely become child molesters themselves.

This ANIMAL BRAIN concept is a problem though, I know.  This only stems from the lack in most peoples IQ and lack of information though.  These people with ANIMAL BRAINS would not be allowed in to this exclusive society though.  People talk about becoming better well if they want to become they most overcome these primitive wants.  See in this society material goods would not be focused on as being the main goal of existance as they are in today's society.  Instead by people having less of these things they would actually have more.  Also if you do not instill these qualities into your children they will also follow this none selfish way.  Therefore, making it easier to break people away from this concept every generation that comes around.  This is why isolation from the outer society would have to be mandatory.


If your idea of living ever goes into play i will gather every resource i have spend all my time and enegy into making sure it ends . You have overlooked so many things. The average i.Q. Is not 90. People with a 90 iq are total and complete idiots. The average i.q. is infact 140. If by some way im incorrect then i must be a genious because my I.Q. is 164. Having a baby sitter is not bad at all. My mom was in the army for 3 years and after the army she worked. This was all way before i turned 7. Im pretty sure that im not mentally unbalanced. When you said everybody is not good at something your wrong there to. Unless you have tested them at everything then you don't know. for all you know they could be good at a certain type of board game. Like right now i can tell your good at bullshitting. There is already a name for your way of life,Its called communism. You should now that people do not like being set by boundries and will revolt. A mother who wants better things than staying home takin care of children for seven years will do something about it. What if the father loses his job and his can't find work. The mother who has had to children within who has just had twins can't leave the house. Soon they lose the house and eventually die. By the way the reason a man in californiais doesn't care about john smith in new york is because it doesn't affect him at all. If you dropped dead right now it would not take blood from my veins, food from my table or a life away from my family. People look out for there loved ones, the ones who matter towards them. All people focusing on energy development as one of there prime concerns is not gonna happen. Everyone who has evr done anything towards energy develoment will understand that there are many skeptics out there who don't believe in or don't want to believe in energy develoment.  Thats enough bashing your bovine excrement theory for now. Have a nice day.


i couldn't help but be reminded of the book 'the giver' while reading your post. i read it for a summer reading program because it was the most available (and smallest!) book on the list. basically a community is set up pretty much like the one follower described, only more strict, and if somebody messed up, they were 'released', or.. well, i won't give away the plot [:P]

its an interesting idea, but it would be hard (easier said than done to the extreme!), and there would probably be lots of resistance, especially from political parties, the christian churches (who would probably suffer severely from a free-thinking community like that), etc.

sounds like maybe a few communist communities in a capitalist country? thats a really interesting idea. the only reason communism failed in the first place is because not every citizen held up their end of the deal, and the countries that experimented with communism were pretty poor in the first place. but if there was a rich capitalist government to look over it and keep everything running smoothly.. thats a really interesting idea.. [8D]
What is the sound of no leaves cloving?


Another reason why communism did not succeed, no leaf clover, was because it never was communism.  That system was called a dictatorship.  Another reason why communism did not work was because the link between the people in that country was weak and there were too many people in the one society.  If they broke each community up like I suggested then this would not happen.  Also each community must be fully independant but also willing to work with other communities for this system to be able to succeed with a greater number of people.[;)]


yes verry impressive but how will all humans ever work good together??? i mean theres nothing more than WAR WAR and stupid WAR


i think 90% of all conflicts would be elimated if this was set up, because 'holy wars' would die out as people would realize how ignorant such things were, and most wars throughout history have been holy wars. now the bigger ones, like WW2.. maybe people wouldnt be as easily brainwashed? i dunno.. it seems like one of those good ideas, like communism was, that dont really show flaws until you actually use them in the real world.
What is the sound of no leaves cloving?


You're right, no leaf clover, but this is comparing apples to oranges.  If my system were fully embraced then the other system which involves money and competition instead of self-improvement and cooperation would not exist.  Therefore, their would be no conflict where people are fighting over money and land because people would only take what they need and that would be alright.


Society of the Future !
LOL - you thought about it a long time but maybe that was not enough..


Hi Folks.

During a series of Journeys and visions a few years back, I was shown that we will revert back to Village life in the future.  But, I saw that this only started after the many changes that are about to happen on our world.

Seems the Native Americans are probably right,"Earth regularly shakes the fleas from here back."  This fits whith what I was shown, a cyclic series of changes and destructions force most of us to the hills.  Over the following 20 years, the survivors get village life happening successfully, Although what I saw for the initial few years was not a lot different to the 2nd MAD MAX movie (read Road Warrior movie for you americans).

I for one look forward to the end of the current civilisations and all the crap that is a pert of it, roll on the changes!
Love always.


Average IQ is 90-110 range, 110-130 start getting smarter obviously, 130-+ is considered genius.  If your IQ is 164 then you are one of the smartest people, highest on Earth I think is 186 or so, on the entire planet, btw if you took an internet IQ test... it doesn't count, ie Microsoft would only employ people that have an IQ over 130, the genius level.  Over 130 is 2% of population I believe. A tree's biomass is composed of almost half of the carbon it extracts from the air.

I didn't bother reading your entire posts because I saw were it was leading.  That would be the easiest society to live in, but remember great men aren't made in an easy society.  Bad genes and hardship is were greatness is born.  Thats why the USA has had a great deal of writers, poets, inventors, and businessmen in the entire world.  The hunger of men will drive them to do bad things regardless of the society they live in, reason for communism not working.  Another reason is that if you tell people they have to work in a field all day without any reward other than their own satisfaction, men will not work hard.  If you wanted to have small communities were no one has any real power then you will also have to have a strong policing body because people will begin to die.  Your idea is flawed in almost everyway imaginable.
Was this a sort of quiz to test everyones stupidity?  Why don't you just give all your "villagers" lobotomies while your at it?

To look forward to a village society is looking forward to the death of millions.  The idea that the earth kills its inhabitants is one that is being more wildly embraced.  It turns out humans have developed a couple times before being knocked again to their knees, but also remember we have never been this advanced technologically before.

There is a good chance I won't check back on this.  It seems it could only make me dumber, and I can't believe that your mental processes didn't pick up on any of this stuff before you posted it, especially if you have thought on it for a while.


Psionics you are the one that is misinformed.  Most people are idiots.  My IQ is infact 176.  Board games aren't considered anything to be good at anyway outside of chess clubs.  People are already sit to boundaries through school and work and the way they must live.  For instance, we are in the worst economic state we have been in for a while.  People are now forced to live in a way that is under par for anyone.  In my society there is no money so people don't lose their jobs.  Everyone monopolizes there own career field.  People not caring about one another is wrong.  It is the first principle of the
Bible to "Love one another."  This is the cause of all our troubles today.  The people who don't like the society can leave as well.  So quit your bullshiting.

Kuhl, your logic is flawed.  Your taking my part of my basic idea as my complete idea.  If I had stated every solution to every problem that there was with my plan then I would have to write whole volumes.  This is why I only wrote a basic plan so that people would get an idea of what I was talking about.  Furthermore, people do not work in the field everyday.  I know about farming, my grandfathers were farmers and so was my mother.  The hardest part is preparing the soil for the crop and harvesting when they're grown.  Do not overuse soil because it will harbor less nutrition the next time.  Anyone who has studied the Middle Ages knows that.  People do not work for their own satisfaction as well.  People work together so that everyone will have more.  For instance, the person who makes sure the solar panels and the transistors running from the grid work properly helps everyone have electricity, as well as, himself.  Didn't you read my post their is a policing power.  They do take care of everyone because the people they are protecting are their families.  [:(!] Argh!  Didn't anyone think about my idea before they started putting in their blasted idiotic one dimensional rubbish!  Actually scientists have predicted that we have done this technologically before and that we were probably even more advanced.

Tao, LOL you sure did think about your reply which did not even possess constructive critizism.

See the problem with you people is that you are too closed-minded.  Your idea of the perfect world is where we all compete with each other over the last piece of bread.


Follower of the Khuli, what you are describing is communism.  And yes i agree with you, if this system was genuinely worked upon by everyone then it would be beautiful system.  The closest we have come to this is socialism.  This is where everyone is equal except that there is a political party that remains with absolute power.  Basically like a dictatorship like you have said.

Although it is a beautiful concept, i think there is too much greed in the world at the moment.
Perhaps if buddhist philosophy was embraced by all the major powers throughout the world then we would come closer to this utopian society.

also , i agree with your signature.  And i want to the taker!![:P]


Thank you Ashy.  This system will happen too because this is what my dreams tell me will happen.  The world will fall and the great tribes will separate once more and stay separate for a time.  They will not be apart though because technology and the elders of the tribes will stay connected (I believe these are the telepaths of our day).  The new tribes will prosper and become technologically more advanced then we are now (e.g. fusion, nanotechnology, etc.)  People will also stop taking for granted their spiritual side and begin energy development because they realize that this makes them healthier and live longer.  This will bring "The Triangle of Being" into existence to everyone except for a few who will try to manipulate it to their own selfish gains.  Though through the protection of the Protectors they will not succeed and peace and unity will come over the land.  Nuclear weapons will no longer be an issue because fusion will be implemented for energy purposes.  So no more fear of nuclear strife.  

This form of communism as you say will work because a family is a communist society.  Everyone works to make the group prosper.  If a small number of people (200-1000) came together and created a larger more intricate family then this would also work like the Amish do.


holy crap [:O] ..i'm moving to ireland!!!

then again, that conflicts with a lot of things people such as mayatnik, inguma and myself, among others have been saying regarding the earth being reborn into a higher dimension between now and 2012 at the latest, and there is actual physical evidence as well as prophecies on that side of the argument.
What is the sound of no leaves cloving?


Yes I also agree that the shift will occur from 2012 to 2016 but, peace will happen much sooner than 2023; but only in localized areas in the remote spots of Europe and in North America.


Yes pmlonline, this is true but if happiness and peace are only in these localized areas then isn't that good enough.


I meant isn't that good enough, for a start, just to get those localized areas going.


Originally posted by beavis

That would be very hard if not impossible. Humans have ANIMAL BRAINS below their outer evolved brains. Animal behavior is the cause of most human behavior. The neighbor has a new 80" tv... I want one!! *growl* *growl*. A child molester moved into the apartment building. *growl* I gotta do something about this moron *growl*. They do the equivalent of butt-sniffing at bars. We have mostly the same organs as a dog.

You can't outrun death but you can make the Bastard work for it.

"Does the Walker choose the Path, or does the Path choose the Walker."

Like a light at the end of a tunnel that goes on forever.



Hello Fellow Practitioners of the Etheric Body,

I have come to share a new idea that I have thought about for a very long time now.  This idea involves people trying to work together as a whole and not be such selfish bastards.  It will also promote peoples education which is severely lacking (e.g. the literacy rate was higher back in the 1800's then it is now.)

I believe that we, as a people, have basic fundamental problems.  They stem from many different thing (e.g. organized religion, tree-huggers, the daily news, organized sports, etc. etc.)

Alright, I'll start with the children.  Now a child's mind develops habits until about seven.  From the time of birth to the time of seven they are being influenced by everything.  This is a fundamental problem.  Most people I would say are church goers or watch the religious channels on t.v.  So, when adults take their children to church they are influenced by this.  Now church, believe or not, a structure setup to promote a system where you should always obey what a supposed authority figure says.  This is wrong because most of the time these religious authority figures don't know what they are talking about.  For isntance, the Catholic church and the child molestation.  So I believe when I child is exposed to this they are actually building the habits to believe things no matter what.  For instance, one day I was talking to someone about trees.  I said, "Where do think trees get most of their mass from?"  He said, "Duh, the ground."  Then I said, "That's not true, anyone with a brain knows that trees get 90% of there mass from carbon released in the air from things like breathe and smoke."  He immediately called me a liar and I tried to persuade him further but he said, "Don't try to confuse me with the facts."  Now this is not the only instance that this has happened.  

Now, I have also found out that the average IQ is 90.  The IQ of an idiot is 70.  Not far off is it.  People belive what you tell them, as long as, you say your any kind of authority figure and then if another person tries to tell them different, even if they have facts, the person will not be persuaded 99% of the time.  This means that most people are idiots that are useless.  Remember that saying that everyone is good at something.  That's bull.  Most of the people I know and have witnessed are good at nothing except eating, sleeping, and crapping.  Most people aren't even ok at something.  These people should be disassociated with.

Another problem is that people hate each other.  People work well together when there is a common enemy.  For instance, during WWII everyone in America worked together to stop the Nazi's in Germany but after the war everyone broke apart and we had riots over segregation and women's liberation.  We had these problems during WWII but we didn't care because there was a bigger threat to us.  (By the way I am not racist or sexist.[:)].)  Now I believe if the people had a common enemy, we could actually get something done.

Next, society doesn't focus on the group, it focuses on the individual.  This is the wrong approach.  Individuals should focus on the group.  What's best for the group?  This idea of society makes people believe that they need no one else.  For instance, 66% of people believe can food comes from grocery stores.  Can food comes from farmers and assorted other companies that can these foods.  It's ridiculous how most people think about things.  I found if everyone focuses on the group the group will take care of the individual.  I call this the "All for one, one for all" approach.  This makes everything a competition when it should be a group effort.

My point is that we should make a new society.  One where towns get no bigger than one thousand people.  You may ask, "Why one thousand?"  Well, people want to help people when they know the person personally.  For instance, someone in California doesn't care about John Smith in New York City.  Smaller towns bring people closer together.  Also, I believe each town should grow its own food.  This promotes community and gives individual a direct effect from working for other people because he gets something in return.  Also these towns should not filled with idiots who will believe everything the newscaster says on the t.v.  Free ideas should be promoted.  Next, money would be done away with in this town.  When money is not available then a monetary class based system can not be put in place.  This gives everyone an equal position.  Then, technology should be localized so that it helps just that community and not millions of others.  This again makes the community closer.

Picture this.  There is a place far away from any cities, pollution, and churches.  There are approxiametly 200 people living in this community.  Fifty families with four people in each household.  Each couple has two kids because studies have shown if you have one kid then they become selfish and if you have more than two kids than all the kids in the middle have psychological problems to some extent.  There is a community field where everyone contributes to helping with it except for the very young and old.  The old people are the teachers because they are the most experienced.  The children can learn about what they are interested in.  They will learn from a teacher and become that teacher's apprentice.  There is a class based system but it is a system split up into three parts; the protectors, because lets face it a town does need protection of some kind, the artisans, or the specialists in certain fields, and the council, or the elders who vote on matters.  The children are not forced into any of these classes.  They may choose, of course, they must be able to do the job to get the job.  If the child wanted to be a protector then from the age of seven on they would be trained in energy development, weapons, etc.  If the the child wanted to be an artisan then the child could pick a field and he would be taught that.  The council on the other hand is made up of the elderly who have been placed there by the people because of their wisdom.  It will be a small council because the bigger the council the longer it will take to vote on a matter.  The council will be assembled of an odd number of member so there will never be a tie and so there will never be a need for council leader.  Each class is separate and not controlled by the others wholely.  The protectors can refuse orders from the council if they see fit.  The artisans are not completely controlled by the council because since there is no select time in office a council member can be essentially impeached immediately.  The council is not completely controlled by the artisans because the council makes all the decisions but they do not have any protection personally from the protectors.  Clothing is not an issue.  It is worn solely for its function.  Art is encouraged and so is pleasure.  People can get married at a young age if they wish because the only reason marriage doesn't work in our society is because you need to a master's degree just to get a good job.  Here on the other hand, the babies can be taken care of because the education process for the mother, as well as, father is accelerated due to natural selection.  For example, when a child is born we don't not aid in its birth if it is struggling.  One of our problems in society is that we save every single child.  This stops our natural progression as a species because we allow the bad elements to continue breeding in.  If we stopped this then we would find that our children were getting smarter and stronger through every generation.  So these parents that are probably 15,16, or 17 IQ's are above the average 90 and therefore can learn at an accelerated rate.  Now I have also found that when a mother does not stay home and take care of the children for the first seven years of their lives the child becomes mentally unbalanced.  It is not natural for the child to be without its mother, as well as, its father but the mother more so.  These children without mothers who are left with babysitters and child daycare become confused and don't mature accordingly.  So mothers who stay home would be mandatory and if need be the mother would leave the baby with the grandmother who would still be young herself (around 34 or so.)  After the child reaches seven, the mother can continue on with her work.  From the age of four on though the child will be taught by the mother and the father the basics and if learned well enough the more advanced stages of energy development and manipulation.  Why four?  Well this would give the child a firm basis for when he turned five.  Now at the age of five a child learns 90% of everything he is going to learn in his entire life.  Plus, the etheric body is stronger in younger children so why not promote this before they start to develop blockages and predispositions about energy development.  Back to society.  When the couple gets married the other villagers will build them a house which also promotes togetherness in the community.  Now the dreaded issue of religion.  In the community religion will be a personally thing and solely practiced in the home.  While I would rather see everyone have a loose relationship with God while focusing more on developing "The Triangle of Being" (which is the combination of mind, body, and spirit) I understand that this is not everyones beliefs.  This system I have is good because it promotes the individuals need to become better but through this it helps the society.  This place is not a backwards society though, it still has technology.  The artisans will still be inventing but they will be inventing to a small scale so that it benefits the community.  Therefore, solar energy will be a prime use for energy and possibly fusion (if it is ever figured out.)  Although I don't want to see technology become what it is right now where it is mostly used for entertainment and not for betterment.  Also the society would be closed off because outside influences would rupture the delicate fabric of this society.  People can leave but who would want to.

This is part of my basic outline for a new society.  If there are any questions then post them.  I know you will.  Please try to be open-minded.[:D]