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What the heck are these?!?!?!!

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i get the same thing, almost like small stars that float around with little glow, or like fire flies only alot smaller. i think that it happens when ppl relax or get weak cuz its the energy flow in your body. when you relax too much then your energy flow slows down drastically because your body doesn't require as much, so it goes from flowing to hardly flowing, like damming up a stream or something. or like when you get up from a chair or something really fast and you start to black out. And the "when im really weak" part of it is when you r just low on energy, its your bodies way of telling you that you're low on energy, for those cases where you r too stubborn to pay attention to your energy levels, lol.


Ever heard the term "seeing stars"? Thats a fine example. If you go outside on a sunny day and look with no major focus at the sky, you will see those same starlike globules floating around, its an optical illusion, thats all. Then again, it could be the REAL energy floating around, but I doubt you have an extremely active third eye


Sometimes when I feel weak, or when I am just relaxing, I see little glowing things floating around, kinda like glowing dust! What are these things?!