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i REALLY need help

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hi, im a 15 yr old kid from texas. i have suffered a lot in my life, and some things remain dormant in my mind. ive been trying to live my life, and continue in metaphysical studies, but i have many emotional blocks in me. i cant seem to just purify myself, and ive tried unearthing issues and examining them. im afraid that i have too many things that pain me, and if i take each one out to face it, and try to heal from it, i may just hurt myself so much more. please help me. i dont know what to do anymore.
im not really THAT psychic. i just like to pretend that i am. :)


I am a certified Reiki Master / Teacher,
I personally would like to help you. (My healing extends beyond Reiki Methods)

However, My help comes at a price,
Fortunetly for you and others it is not a monetary price.

If you would like my help I ask you to refrain from using any and all substances (Illegal or Legal)
that may alter your Temple (Body) but as well as your Mind and Soul.

I must also know wiether you have ever consulted Negative Forces,
or have dealt with Forces of Darkness for your benefit.

Send me a message with your name, message, and picture. (Photograph is not required but recommended)


yay. hooray for me. ok, i drink a lil bit of alcohol to numb the pain. i dont do drugs because those poisons have a greater affect, and i just cant do that to myself. alcohol binges happen once every couple months and are limited to 5 beers and 4 margaritas. ive done oui-ja board, but we said a prayer and asked for our spirit guides, then it gave a name, wandered around the board wondering why it was such crappy quality and drawn on paper, then said goodbye.....twice. um i talk TO the two negs who may or may not hang around me. i never see them, i just feel them. they dont talk back. and they dont try to scare me. and then there's some positive spirits in my house(about 4) that i talk to SOMETIMES. um....ive prayed to hecate? i dunno if that counts. ive repeated a chant to lucifer that i saw online. i dunno if that counts either. and ive done about 2 or 3 curses. dunno if they worked. one was just to use the contents of a bottle, because i needed the bottle for something else.
im not really THAT psychic. i just like to pretend that i am. :)


I will consult my Spirit Guides before making my final decision.

If I decide to assist you, Dispite you dealing with lower vibrations and energies.
I shall message you within 24hrs, to establish a specific date and time.

I ask you to cleanse your Body of all toxins and drink plenty of water.
I also ask you to not engage in any Sexual Activity (Sex, Masturbation, etc..)

* Substances and Sex effects the flow of Energy within your body *

I ask you to refrain from all Negative consultation, and dealings once I offer my healing services.


ok ^.^ thanks! :) just a question though. i keep wondering what happens to the bad energy. and if unity is a goal, then how come we have to leave out these energies? think of me as a child with many questions. :)
im not really THAT psychic. i just like to pretend that i am. :)

lady of the ring


You said: (sorry I dont know how to use the quote button yet)
However, My help comes at a price,
Fortunetly for you and others it is not a monetary price.

Please explain



My price is one must not use any legal or illegal mind or body altering substances,
refrain from sexual activity for a certain period, and not consult or work with Negative Forces.


lol. im dying here without my beer. omg aahh!!! jk. its something else thats actually a programmed habit for me. i schedule time for it. anyways. tmi it think. but yeah. im dying. haha.
im not really THAT psychic. i just like to pretend that i am. :)


Healing request honored today durning the time of 1:00 and 1:15 EST.


i think i was eating at mcdonalds. i was going crazy over some hot fudge sundaes and my fish sandwhich. :) so thanks for my healing. :)
im not really THAT psychic. i just like to pretend that i am. :)


I can give you a list of things to do about all these things you've unearthed:
Make a list of those who have hurt you.
Ask yourself if you have done anything in the situation to have made it easier to be hurt.
Divide the list (yes' & nos)
Ask the persons who you made it easy to forgive you for letting them;
Forgive the ones who hurt you without your cooperation.
Then, write letters to the people who hurt you explaining what they did and how you felt about it.
IF possible, forgive them.  Burn the letters as you forgive them.  If you can't forgive, as you burn them think of them as 'going away'.
Promise yourself that you will never help others hurt you.  Forgive yourself (the most important) for being human and not perfect.
(If you have a problem with this let me know, but I think this is important:)  Realize that God made you, and God doesn't make mistakes.  If you are of a religion that doesn't accept this statement, then you may have to adapt this idea.


amazing advice CFTraveler.  i thank you.


"Most people do not really want freedom, because freedom involves responsibility, and most people are frightened of responsibility."  -- Sigmund Freud


Thanks.  I hope it helps.


im doing the easier one, where i just say to myself, at some point before my life, i had a chat with all these people and we decided what was gonna happen, so dont hate the people for doing their job. besides, we are all here for a reason, and some people are just here to make us stronger.
im not really THAT psychic. i just like to pretend that i am. :)


So when you say not to take any drugs does medication count? I'm on three different perscription drugs, two for my stress, anxiety, drepression and one for my stomache problems. I would also be intersted in a healing session.
I've had one before but I couldn't feel much. Maybe it was because I had a cold. In your experience would it be hard to experience any healing while you have such a virus? What's funny is that she said I had a lot of pressure in my head.
Also, what about tobacco? Would we also have to restrain from that? I don't smoke much but I guess I could try and restrain myself. So I'm guessing ths would be for 24 hours? Thanks.


Quote from: Chris_com28 on April 30, 2007, 11:41:34
So when you say not to take any drugs does medication count? I'm on three different perscription drugs, two for my stress, anxiety, drepression and one for my stomache problems. I would also be intersted in a healing session.
I've had one before but I couldn't feel much. Maybe it was because I had a cold. In your experience would it be hard to experience any healing while you have such a virus? What's funny is that she said I had a lot of pressure in my head.
Also, what about tobacco? Would we also have to restrain from that? I don't smoke much but I guess I could try and restrain myself. So I'm guessing ths would be for 24 hours? Thanks.

I would not refrain from taking any medications due to any sort of medical condition you may have, Due to the condition of your sickness you probalay wasn't able to feel it, but I'm sure you reeked the benefits of it by getting over your sickness quickly. Not all people are receptive to Energy so I cannot make a guarantee towards that. Preferably I would like individuals to restrain themselves from using anything such as Alcohol or any other Drugs (Prescription medication does not count) However, I am obviously not able to prevent this. I would gladly provide you with a healing session (free). Please contact me via PM (Private Message).

For the most part my requirements are due in part to personal reasons of mine,
However, I do believe in the cleansing of the Body while recieving Healing. So you may be balanced in Mind, Body and Spirit.


i recommend his healing very much. its worth the sacrifice of small things. and who knows, you might not need your antidepressants after you get healed. i dont need my therapist anymore. all i need is a nice blue energy bubble and a shower of white liquid light coming from the top. that makes me feel so good, and it was so easy to make after i got healed.
im not really THAT psychic. i just like to pretend that i am. :)


I'm glad I was able to assist you, but I wouldn't make that recommendation to any individual. Obviously the proper and correct thing to do would be to consult your physican/doctor before ever considering to stop a medication.


Indeed. With the stuff in on you really need to be careful when coming off. I've had periods when I've stopped taking the medication and two days later you really feel the withdraw symptoms. I can't feel the medication working much at all but I'm sure it would make a difference to me it I were to stop taking it. Though I still can't wait till I'm able to come of it.

I'm glad some one where has benefited from your healing. Also thanks for offering me with a free session. I'll be contacting you soon to arrange a time. I read that it's possible to actually send the energy at any time the patient wishes. When you do the healing session you program it to activate at the certain time, ie the healer does the healing session at 13:00 and pragrams it to send it to the healer at 23:00. Can you do that?


Yes that is possible, What you read is correct.
Whatever you believe will work best for you, I will do.