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The "Healing with the Heart" Article by R.B.

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Hi everyone.

 Robert Bruce in his "healing with the Heart" article talks about sending energy to a diseased area in the body,  :shock:  just like that  :shock:  . I know that every ill person suffers of energy blockages, damaged energy pathways,  bad working chakras etc, or even a combination of all of this energetic problems.  
Also, most of the times the root of the problem is away from the part of the body which is causing the pain.

So, there must be a more complex technique (than just sending energy to a single spot in the human body) in order to give healing and at the same time getting good results.

Does anyone knows a procedure or at least a way to get good results by giving healing through this technique??

pd: I've been practicing energy intake through this technique and yes I can feel something like a balloon pumping up right under my throat. I'm not sure this is the heart center though.


I think the main thing that the healing is supposed to deal with is the critical areas of the body that are actively causing the diseases. Everyone has their own problems with their energy body, mostly caused by neglect. It's my understanding that this eventually builds to a critical mass, and then manifests as a disease with symptoms. The healing is not designed to overhaul the patient's energy system; it's designed as a quick fix, sort of "first aid" to deal with the symptoms and a bit of the root of the problem. Enough to drive the disease back to dormancy, at least. That's the way it seems to me.

But it's important to remember that energy problems are not always the culprits of discomfort. Most often it's a two-sided problem, energy and body. One can hardly say that a gash that was torn in someone's leg was caused by an energy blockage, and not the piece of twisted metal they scraped! The same goes, on a more mild level, for diseases. Energy certainly helps your immune system fight off virii / bacteria, but it doesn't magically whisk them out of your body. Neither does it replace lost blood. However, it does calm and soothe your body's energy lines, facilitating natural repair systems in a grand way.

I think that the technique Mr. Bruce presents is effective, but cannot replace the person doing their own personal energy work, no more than they can form a telekinetic shield around a leg to prevent twisted metal from carving into it. Also, sending energy to the afflicted area has more intention to fix the symptoms of the problem, rather than deal with the root problem itself. Such a problem may be beyond the scope of outside help, though you may be able to comfort and heal the symptoms.

In answer to your question, a system that might fit your bill is Reiki. From what I've read, it floods the entire body with energy at once, and accumulates in problem places. You can find resources by googling the word "reiki", and if you need an attunement, I'd head on over to


Thanks Cheyyne

Yes, probably Reiki would have more answers.  

I've been trying some experiments based on the "healing with the heart" article , in order to clear energy blockages in someone else.
I make the  energy in my chest area (base of the throat) draw a circle , going from my left arm and left  hand and then going back to my right hand , right arm and back again to the energy balloon-like  at the base of my throat.   Well , when I do this at the place of a secondary energy center of someone else (with the secondary energy center between my hands) , the other person sometimes feel a warm sensation , they think my hands gets warm , of course my hands remain the same, but I think they feel the energy clearing up energy blockages at the place of the secondary energy center.   The energy never leaves my body , it just passes through the energy center of the other person.

This could be seen as a procedure to clean up energy blockages in secondary energy centers, I'm looking for something more structured and scientific anyway , probably Reiki has some answers.

At the same time , if you or anyone else has a personal way to give healing to others, it would be great to read about and learn from each others.


Reiki is less scientific than anything you'll read from Mr. Robert Bruce. It's highly mystical, actually, based around faith that the universe will flood you with energy once attuned, and not around any sort of personal action or aptitude.


I post it here as I think that's more appropriate than starting a new thread.

I couldn't find the original Robert Bruce article mentioned, but instead found
an article called Heart Center Healing.

Part of the technique resembles NEW, but there also are difference,
for example how to direct the healing. What's interesting is that RB
says that the heart center begins to strobe after about one years

I must say the article is one of the best I've read on healing, and it
surprises me that I haven't looked it up before.
Former PauliEffect (got lost on server crash),


Quote from: Pauli2 on June 03, 2012, 19:25:13
I couldn't find the original Robert Bruce article mentioned, but instead found
an article called Heart Center Healing.


I must say the article is one of the best I've read on healing, and it
surprises me that I haven't looked it up before.

Thanks for the good link.  I think one of the reasons you have not seen it before is because a lot of stuff at the astraldynamics website is not linked from anything within the site.  They have stuff not on any menu at the site:(

In fact here is a link that is a bit difficult to find.

Astral Dynamics by Robert Bruce

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