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Channeling God for healing

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this thread is ruined due to people quoting, commenting, indirectly being negative.  

Well this is ruined. to people who like to get there word out.  Argue and argue and argue.  You people wanna know something?  What does anger get you?  NOWHERE, what accomplishment does 'YOU' being more right than anyone else get yoou? NOWHERE,  You'll find out inthe end, all this anger, and Proving others wrong, so fourth is not right.

Faith and anger do not mix

Love and anger do not mix

Spiritual Enlighenment(SP?) and anger do not mix.

Soul Travel is an individual experience,
a realization of survival.  It
is an inner experience through which
comes beauty and love of all life.  It cannot
be experienced in rituals or ceremonies,
nor bottle in creeds


I think it is the fact that you keep coming back and attacking and attacking, McArthur.  You're like a bulldog.  It is getting tiresome watching you nip at peoples heels, can you perhaps give it a break, we all know how you feel.

Give the other good people of the forums a chance to see what it is all about, oh... and that means NOT posting or "quoting" after every post..ugh.  You can only say you hate something so many ways, and I think you have depleted that source.



Anger, hate, and envy will point you in the opposite direction of inner peace.  Why must people prove they are right, and someone else is wrong?  Why must there always be a superior and subordinate?  Why must we constantly jockey for a position of authority?  Why must somoene strive to establish a pecking order, when none is needed? why must someone be one up or one down?  I am not suggesting that in situations where you may have concerns for you own or someone's saftey you should not stick to your convictions.  However, when the stress of being incorrect is far less than the stress of proving correctness, why choose the latter - especially if neither outcome has a long-term effect on your life?
 One more reason why we shouldn't hold such inflexiable views is that we don't all think the same way.
It frequently appears as if we all create and operate in simultaneous yet flightly different realities.  For instance, two people can be exposed to the same situation yet perceive and recall the event differently.  
 A cool rule for life are simple stated by this basic credo, which helps people to balance there existence, in the body and out.

Judge, and you shall be judged.
Hate, and you shall be hated
Lie, and you shall be lied too.
Cheat, and you should be cheated.
Cursed, and you shall be cursed.
But Love, and so shall you be.

If all people would adhere to this simple yet challenging guidance, no doubt we'd all be charting a steady course toward spiritual enlightenment. whatever you put toward your experiences in life, is ultimately what youll get out of them.
Soul Travel is an individual experience,
a realization of survival.  It
is an inner experience through which
comes beauty and love of all life.  It cannot
be experienced in rituals or ceremonies,
nor bottle in creeds


Fine, whatever. Just remember that when one person walks away from a healing session with a broken heart thinking that God does not love them because they have done something wrong or are undeserving of Gods grace (and that is why they were not healed) and then enter a crisis of faith. It was this bulldog who spoke up for that person. I'm not sure what you think i "hate" because i feel no hatred when i post whatsoever. Can my first post in this thread really be classified as an "attack"?


Dear McArthur

I am hesitant to write this post but will do so inspite of this hesitation. I guess I am not sure whether it is "God" making me hesitant or myself. In any case here goes...

First off let me start with you sig file. I am fully aware that you include this in all your posts, however since you do exactly that , I and others , naturally assume that this is a statement you want to draw attention to. Hence the statement becomes part of every post you write, it is in a way, part of what you are or part of what you seem to say you believe.

About quoting the Bible, and having a doctrinal discussion , I have no problem with that. However are you stating, that by quoting the case of the centurian, that God heals everybody, no matter what they do or dont do, believe or dont believe? If so you are in the wrong and I could dig up several dozens of Bible verses explaining the falacy of this viewpoint. In the old testament as well as the new, there are conditions to healing. Yes conditions.  Just look up "healing and obedience" in a concordance and see the corelation. Besides that, the centurian was not an enemy of God's people. After the active ministry of Jesus started, believers were Gods Chosen people, the jews were , as you might recall, the ones who instigated the death of Jesus, and He called them .....well look that up too[;)]. In anycase, I would be careful throwing around Christian doctrine and theories interpretating the scripture. That is also covered in the book.  That might not be good for you.[:)]

I see from the way you speak of the Bible that you know it in a very superficial way, that in itself is not a bad thing , but when you start speaking as if you are a scholar you run into trouble. If you want to explore how little you know, I suggest you go to some Christian answer site and formulate the statements or notions, that you have put forth here and then be ready to answer emails for a very long time.[:)]

Regarding the Beam in my eye. Well, yes in a way you are right, it is the problem with the human condition, mine as well, however I did state that I had no problem with your belief. Just becourse we are told not to judge each other (as is the breaking of the law) there is nothing in the Bible that states that we should not judge spirits and attitudes. "Try the spirits", "judge righteous judgements" here you might look up judgement. We are supposed to judge, but in relation to God, and his nature and purpose, not as men in relation to ourselves and our own wants.

Last of all Flannery is fine but becourse of you, Rhinegirl and others our communication will be taking place in Private emails. She did not come away hurt and as damaged goods.

Now that we have touched on this I would like to respectfully draw your attention to yourself. I would like to ask you, to examine your input to the thread, as well as others. Honestly. If you can be honest to yourself you have come a long way. What have you done to encourage Flannery or others. Even the thread where you test spirits, is in its nature critical. What have you built lately. I am not saying this to offend you but in the hope that you will have a good honest talk with yourself. It seems to me that you have a facination for critisism, questioning, rebelling and tearing down. If this is the case, beware.

Life, and all the beauty it holds, might pass you by before you even know. Live your life in the shadows and your world will turn dark, live it in the sunshine and you will have colour enough to share with others.

Regards Mustardseed
Words.....there was a time when I believed in words!


Originally posted by Mustardseed

First off let me start with you sig file. I am fully aware that you include this in all your posts, however since you do exactly that , I and others , naturally assume that this is a statement you want to draw attention to. Hence the statement becomes part of every post you write, it is in a way, part of what you are or part of what you seem to say you believe.

you said "(such as Fx. quoting me 1 Timothy 4:1-2,)"

My sig is removed. I have nothing further to say.

edit: I changed my mind. I just wanted you to know what inspired me to put that bible quote into my sig file. It was after reading some of your "chanellings" of God about the Zetas in your "Chanelling God" thread that i chose to add it. So i find it sadly ironic that it would be you who would criticize my usage of a verse from the Bible in my sig file.

OK, now i'm done. Preach away if you like.


Dear McArthur
I suggest we just make peace. As I said I have nothing against you or your faith or belief. I also do not have a problem with your Bible quote but felt it was in order to draw your attention to the fact that when you quote the Bible it is important you realise what and why you quote it.

I must admit I feel a bit saddned by the whole thing. I never sought agression but I must admit that I am a agressive person. My intention were to create something and try to help someone. In the process I have upset someone. I dont think we see eye to eye on many things but I respect your opinion.[:)].

As I said to other people before you. If I have offended you I am truly sorry, I do that from time to time, unintentionally. It is my desire that we stay civil and respectful of each other, and make the best of it. If you feel I preach and am condesending, bear with me.

I intend no harm, honestly

Regards Mustardseed
Words.....there was a time when I believed in words!


So mustardSeed, what is it you going to do, Have you read my Posts here? you gonna dropp this thing, cause your Idea for a God's Office thing is pretty neat, infact I Had high intentions on going there myself.

Soul Travel is an individual experience,
a realization of survival.  It
is an inner experience through which
comes beauty and love of all life.  It cannot
be experienced in rituals or ceremonies,
nor bottle in creeds


Originally posted by Mustardseed

Dear McArthur
I suggest we just make peace. As I said I have nothing against you or your faith or belief. I also do not have a problem with your Bible quote but felt it was in order to draw your attention to the fact that when you quote the Bible it is important you realise what and why you quote it.

I must admit I feel a bit saddned by the whole thing. I never sought agression but I must admit that I am a agressive person. My intention were to create something and try to help someone. In the process I have upset someone. I dont think we see eye to eye on many things but I respect your opinion.[:)].

As I said to other people before you. If I have offended you I am truly sorry, I do that from time to time, unintentionally. It is my desire that we stay civil and respectful of each other, and make the best of it. If you feel I preach and am condesending, bear with me.

I intend no harm, honestly

Regards Mustardseed

You have a good heart Mustardseed. With a couple of alterations i could just copy that post back to you. I intend no harm either but sometimes i get a bit too passionate. Peace it is. [:)]


Originally posted by Kerrblur

So mustardSeed, what is it you going to do, Have you read my Posts here? you gonna dropp this thing, cause your Idea for a God's Office thing is pretty neat, infact I Had high intentions on going there myself.

I also agree that it is a great idea. In fact i had thought of building a similar "Healing Place" like AP Island about a week ago, although with certain differences to yours (not trying to steal your idea MS but what i say is true). Its just that disobedience=no healing thing that got me. So you do it your way MS and ill stay out the way.


Well, I think it'd be a good idea.  But this test patient showed how weak she is.  I'm sorry but that flannery girl is VERY weak minded I can tell you right now.  She cannot handle typing on the computer.  Therefore Stops everything.  My goodness.
Soul Travel is an individual experience,
a realization of survival.  It
is an inner experience through which
comes beauty and love of all life.  It cannot
be experienced in rituals or ceremonies,
nor bottle in creeds


Dear Kerr
With all due respect , I can assure you that you are wrong. Flannery, who I know well is actually an amazingly strong individual, however she has certain weaknesses as we all do. You merely caught her at a low point and remember, she willingly, made herself an example, so all could see her true battles and how she tried to fight her weak areas. She was very honest,and this honesty, though in the world thought to be weakness, is in the sight of God a great strenght.

She actually has a lot to offer, has fought many battles that you would poossibly have been blown away by , had they been yours. She also has fought physical handicaps, loneliness and ridicule, associated with these handicaps, things many of us will never face, and still fights on. I would encourage you to be very kind respectful and understanding of her and consider how you would have fared had these things been your fate.



PS still thinking and praying about how to proceed
Words.....there was a time when I believed in words!


Well said Mustardseed. [:D]

My thoughts are with her and hope she continues to get stronger!

Kerrblur, I know you have seen my rantings about verbally attacking someone on a personal level, right?  So, shall I edit your post or will you?.[;)]



Soul Travel is an individual experience,
a realization of survival.  It
is an inner experience through which
comes beauty and love of all life.  It cannot
be experienced in rituals or ceremonies,
nor bottle in creeds


Dear Friends
I have been praying for many of you, and though it may sound condecending to many ( not intended[:)]) I have decided that the Channeling I have been doing so far must take a practical form in order to have any validity.

I have prayed a lot about it and in order to do this, I have asked someone very special, to step forward. This person has in confidence talked to me about a disability that is caused by a spiritual or physical problem, and have agreed to try to let me help her by channeling some (hopefully ) helpfully messages from "God" to aid her healing.

Becourse of my Missionary work and subsequent connections, I am also setting up a Prayer chain, comprising initially of 2300 people, who in turn will add the prayer requests we all arrive at, to their own private mailing lists....the end result could be 10000s of people praying.

I realise the victory is not in numbers but I would like to explore this aspect and truly put my Channeling to the test. Is this "God" I channel able to actually Do anything or is it just words and clever thoughts.

I have not been dumb or blind nor "hearing" with a deaf ear. Some of you, Akensai among others and Shaman have been giving me input and questions concerning the validity and authenticity  of my Channeling, and though I am a bit sensitive as you all know[:I], I do appreciate this input. So let us do something about it!!

I would like to request your cooperation on the thread and that you keep your negative questions to a minimum. If there is something that you really feel you have to say, please use a PM to me or use the Channeling God thread.

I would like to keep this thread as upbeat as possible and ask that that you all let yourself be touched by the story of this dear one who will possibly let you in on a lot of very personal information.

Thankyou for your cooperation

Regards Mustardseed
Words.....there was a time when I believed in words!