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The last 2012 Thread!!! Keep It In Here Only

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i think that 2012 is just a coincendence for what people will force them selves to believe in order to get on with thier lives...{i have nothing against people or this belief as i do believe in this as well} i am sorry if i have upset anyone by my comment.


The year 2013 is going to be a very interesting year for one main reason. All those who believed in this 2012 stuff are going to have to do some serious thinking about what they choose to believe in when nothing happens.
It will be like a huge mass Belief-system cleanse for the whole New Age industry. [:)]


i for one cannot wait for that to happen.


Originally posted by McArthur

The year 2013 is going to be a very interesting year for one main reason. All those who believed in this 2012 stuff are going to have to do some serious thinking about what they choose to believe in when nothing happens.
It will be like a huge mass Belief-system cleanse for the whole New Age industry. [:)]


just think of something right now....anything.....*poofff*...there is what people will believe....aka anything.


People really are cold about this sort of thing arn't they. The human race has always been arogant in stuborn havn't they. Oh well.
You can't outrun death but you can make the Bastard work for it.

"Does the Walker choose the Path, or does the Path choose the Walker."

Like a light at the end of a tunnel that goes on forever.


Originally posted by Clow

People really are cold about this sort of thing arn't they. The human race has always been arogant in stuborn havn't they. Oh well.

Oh yes! so arrogant because not all of wish to partake in the delusions of others. You have yours I have mine, so stop asking everyone else to agree to yours.

when 2013 comes you will be eating crow.

I can't beleive the demon warlord is ZI!!! especiall when thats teh name of a character from DRAGONBALLZ!!!



I had an overactive imagination aswell when I was 13.


Zi is a character of Dragon Ball Z wow I didnt know that he must be of GT or in the really old sagas. I also am not saying people are arogant and stuborn because they won't believe me. That could lead people to believe that I am even more immature than a 13 year old. I'm saying that because whenever a invading belief comes in everyone gets so personal. This thread is bordering a flame just like many others that are about 2012. Can't people just listen for once before they attack the subject. Even if you made up your mind like I'm sure most of you had. You could try to come back with bare facts. Instead of flaming. I'm just mad because whenever we have a disscusion about 2012 it turns into a public tinkling contest(Thanks for putting the new phrase into my Vocabulary Tisha).

Hepaestus there really isn't anything to say to you. I mean I have tryed convincing people that I am not like the stereotype 13 year old. Such as I could tell you that I never have to study for a test and somehow always get a A+ on them. I could also tell you that I don't do all my homework to get average grades instead of skipping grades and losing them. However no matter how mature I am about things I will have that flaw of a overactive imagination.

I don't have one Hephaestus. Back when I believed I was a character from DBZ maybe I had one. But not today. Anyway I can see that this will probably turn into a flame post if I am present maybe I too strongly believe in 2012. So I will just be a observer of this post.
You can't outrun death but you can make the Bastard work for it.

"Does the Walker choose the Path, or does the Path choose the Walker."

Like a light at the end of a tunnel that goes on forever.


Hey Rhine Girl and all yall that came in here just to bash this thread why don't yall get the f*ck outa here!!!!!!!
Thats right I said it!!!! now carry your close minded a** out the F*ckin door you skeptical little B******
If I wanted your skepticism I would have made a thread that said "Those who wanna bash 2012" OKay!!! so go away!!!!!!!!!!!
why do you have to diss people
oh yeah and if 2012 doesn't happen the people that trained for it will be so strong if you talk Sh*t they will beat your little nerdy a**
Sorry if I offended.... wait no I'm not...


OH MY!![:O][:O]

Threatening a girl with violence! No wonder Amerika is filled with so many boys and so few real men!!

I bet you like to fantasize about me....its a love hate relationship. LOL!

YOU are such a retard!

Originally posted by 1Zenryoku

Hey Rhine Girl and all yall that came in here just to bash this thread why don't yall get the f*ck outa here!!!!!!!
Thats right I said it!!!! now carry your close minded a** out the F*ckin door you skeptical little B******
If I wanted your skepticism I would have made a thread that said "Those who wanna bash 2012" OKay!!! so go away!!!!!!!!!!!
why do you have to diss people
oh yeah and if 2012 doesn't happen the people that trained for it will be so strong if you talk Sh*t they will beat your little nerdy a**
Sorry if I offended.... wait no I'm not...


I was going to delete the posts that were getting out of hand..but there are too many, so I am locking this thread, for a reminder of what NOT to do, if you don't want your thread locked. [^]



Please don't make anymore threads about this or you will get mine and your deleted and also keep what you have to say in here and no where else or we will be locked... Be nice!!!!!!!!!!!!! No being mean and no recruiting either or i will request it be deleted this is for calm discussion about training strategies and plans for 2012....please if you do not like what is being said here don't reply and don't try to disprove anyone else if any of these are violated i will contact a mod or Adrian himself if necessary.

Oh i forgot i can delete it if it gets crazy....
Anyways.. How do you plan to train how do you think it's gonna happen will you live who will die where set up a base for yourself do you have a theory okay enough questions how bout some answers.