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Is The Olympics The Next 9/11? Whistleblower Speaks Out!

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alex jones talks to a undercover journalist who got himself into the security job at the olimpics and he talks about what happend and what may happen while the olimpics is on. The guy is trying to get the info out in the media but he is haven a hard time but apparnty he does alot of filming and part of the BBC (if I remmber correctly) def worth watching and hope this isn't true.
Firmly understand that there is no joy or sorrow in this world. If you believe worldly objects are a source of happiness, in their absence you will feel sorrow. Accept the fact that there is no true happiness in the world.


Ok, so I watched the first 17 minutes. Firstly, the guy says he worked on the Cooke Report. That TV program was good, and they did a lot of undercover investigative journalism. So if he worked on that maybe he's a good journalist.

Secondly, all the stuff about poor security, long term unemployed being dragged in and offered jobs, without the slightest security clearance, no effective job interview, no aptitude testing etc. Absolutey I believe that. The company awarded the security contract will be doing everything they can to cut costs.

Thirdly, bussing in (or rather flying in under cover of darkness) 1000's of UN troops. Yep that's probably happening. They will be there to take care of stuff should tbe worst happen.

Fourthly, the evacuation of London, and the "significant event" which are both "definitely going to happen". Almost certainly there will be plans to evacuate the immediate area(s) around Olympic venues should terrorist attacks render them unsafe. Sure, that makes sense. But this is contingency, not "definitely going to happen". This is where it began to lose me.

Finally, there was talk about the German authorities having staged the atrocity at the Munich Olympics, where the Israeli team were taken hostage and eventually killed by Black September terrorists. Implication was that some similar conspiracy was planned for London. Total b@ll@x. I can see why mainstream news channels are avoiding this story....

So the video starts well but goes rapidly downhill at the half way mark. I may watch the rest of it and might adjust my view, but from what I have seen, seems like a journalist trying to make a name for himself?
The bad news is there's no key to the Universe. The good news is it's not locked. - Swami Beyondananda


Quote from: catmeow on July 03, 2012, 09:30:00Finally, there was talk about the German authorities having staged the atrocity at the Munich Olympics, where the Israeli team were taken hostage and eventually killed by Black September terrorists. Implication was that some similar conspiracy was planned for London. Total b@ll@x. I can see why mainstream news channels are avoiding this story...
I also watched a part of it recently. Jones mentions a documentary where this allegedly is a claim at the end of the movie. However, it 'only' refers to a later event and not the terrorist's attack during the games. It mentions that weeks later 2 of the caught terrorists were released to some hijackers. It was suspected but never confirmed that the then German government had somehow 'helped to manage' this hijacking in order to get somehow rid of the terrorists. I bookmarked the minute here:

Hence Jones makes a false statement on it if he states that 'the whole thing was staged by the German government' giving the impression it was about the entire attacks instead of this aftermath. Of course it suits his agenda as well as his world view.

That being said, I do not say that there weren't such a thing as 'False Flag Attacks' by governments in history. (Thus I do not claim Jones to be wrong on other similar issues).

There are many previously classified documents now available (CIA etc.) that exactly state that these kinds of things were planned to e.g. start or justify wars. (Hitler's attack on Poland the most prominent historic example, but there are many more, e.g. by the CIA / American government).

Nevertheless, this 'whistleblower' journalist stating that these drills for evacuation of London were for a 'certain' event instead of a contingency makes me suspicious a little, too. Because s.o. in charge 'says so' (and it is all about wording) does not mean that it is meant so. Drills are done as realistically as possible. So the drill planners and observers always say "this is happening" (and which is true of the drill anyway) instead of using the conjunctives in speech.

On the other hand (again), I wouldn't say that one can know it all at this point in time. Maybe something is indeed planned by some sick and powerful people in order to justify further wars (e.g. Iran) in the future. Or a (non false-flag) attack is planned by 'genuine' terrorists. Who knows?


Yes I agree with you. The tone of the documentary is misleading and sensational, but I actually don't write it off completely.  Some of it is definitely true. And yes, they may have been referring to the evacuation in simple military-speak, and this has been taken out of context.  In fact that might summarize the documentary - a bunch of facts taken out of context.

Also, not exactly a False Flag event, but the attack on Pearl Harbour is widely believed to have been known about by American intelligence, the implication being they allowed it to happen as an excuse to go to war. I can see this one, but many many conspiracies are invented just because they make a good story.
The bad news is there's no key to the Universe. The good news is it's not locked. - Swami Beyondananda


I would say aliens too if what the undercover guy is saying is true =p
3 more weeks left and well know for sure. I'm like looking farward to see what happens and if it does I really want an alien invasion cause of the ships they will be in  :-D
Firmly understand that there is no joy or sorrow in this world. If you believe worldly objects are a source of happiness, in their absence you will feel sorrow. Accept the fact that there is no true happiness in the world.


Within the last hour, the security firm, G4S, contracted to supply 10,000 security guards for the olympics has just admitted they can not fulfill their contract. So they are now asking the army to supply the 3500 shortfall.

So even trawling the job centres for desperate jobless workers, and even neglecting essential security checks during interviews, they have still cocked up. The army is furious, since they are experiencing massive cuts and redundancies, and are still expected to supply 3500 men.

At least we will get some decent security.
The bad news is there's no key to the Universe. The good news is it's not locked. - Swami Beyondananda


The bad news is there's no key to the Universe. The good news is it's not locked. - Swami Beyondananda


The Olympics this year really could not have fallen under darker auspices. The Middle east is ready to catch fire again, Europe is falling apart financially, and even Britain is near bankrupt- and hosting these olympics will set them back further, like it did to Greece years ago.

People are not in a cheery olympicy mood, and if something does happen, I think it will hit people hard emotionally, and allow them to be manipulated into accepting drastic measures, similarly to the US population in 2001.

*That was your daily-downer-dose* ( "DDD" tm)
"The Gardener is but a dream of the Garden."

-Unattributed Zen monastic


I remember a vid where Ron Paul also said he was always worried about False Flag operations. It is unusual that a political person in public spotlight says sth like this. But maybe he is not the 'usual' public politician.


So now have a security crisis at the Olympics with the army drafted in to make up numbers, the main arterial motorway linking Heathrow Airport with the City of London closed due to structural problems, lengthy queues at our airports, because half of the immigration desks are closed, everyone going on strike to get a £500 Olympic bonus, because the tube drivers got one, City workers asked to work from home because the transport system is close to collapse, a jet stream which is dumping rain continuously on all the venues, and all the World's eyes focussed sharply on London.....
The bad news is there's no key to the Universe. The good news is it's not locked. - Swami Beyondananda


Never mind that. All us Brits do is queue up.
Then wait and wait and wait and zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
Oh well tomorrows another day.
Glad Im busy workin'.
I don't do London either.
Too urban for me.
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.


Quote from: NoY on July 29, 2012, 12:19:22
this is amazing lol

august the 4th for the alien landing  8-)


what If nothing happens on the 4th? That would make the new agers look silly.
I'm suprized they choose the 4th and not on the 11th (11 seems to be very importent to theses beings)
Firmly understand that there is no joy or sorrow in this world. If you believe worldly objects are a source of happiness, in their absence you will feel sorrow. Accept the fact that there is no true happiness in the world.


Quotethis is amazing lol

august the 4th for the alien landing 


No... the opening ceremonies were the day the UFO people handpicked for the alien landing. They don't get another try when their first try failed.

And why is Yahweh in the middle of the image at the head of their site... and much larger and more important than any of the other deities? Seems a bit hokey. And who is the guy on the left lol... the Tinman?
"The Gardener is but a dream of the Garden."

-Unattributed Zen monastic


Hasn't NoY been saying that the London Olympics were gonna be an "illuminati" type ritual for a long time?

That's what 9/11 was.
be awesome.


Illuminati I can get on board with, lol...

Just look at the stadium...

How many "all-seeing-eye pyramids" do they need?

It is like the symbolism was deliberate.

"The Gardener is but a dream of the Garden."

-Unattributed Zen monastic


Quote from: Stillwater on July 29, 2012, 13:12:37
Illuminati I can get on board with, lol...

Just look at the stadium...

How many "all-seeing-eye pyramids" do they need?

It is like the symbolism was deliberate.

I've noted these all-seeing eye pyramids too (and I only watched it via stream yesterday for a few minutes).

D. Icke also mentions more but I don't know if it is an over-interpretation or not:


Firmly understand that there is no joy or sorrow in this world. If you believe worldly objects are a source of happiness, in their absence you will feel sorrow. Accept the fact that there is no true happiness in the world.


QuoteI've noted these all-seeing eye pyramids too (and I only watched it via stream yesterday for a few minutes).

D. Icke also mentions more but I don't know if it is an over-interpretation or not:

The funny thing about Icke, is that in the 90's he had to speak about Lizard people and alien-controll to fill his discussions.

Today, there is so much violation of human rights, so much domestic survielance, so much violation of the basic "freedoms" we are told we had in the west, that he barely even has to make stuff up any more. When a former crackpot becomes a near-prophet, you know things are bad.
"The Gardener is but a dream of the Garden."

-Unattributed Zen monastic


Aliens with internet access!

It's good to see that these advanced beings still make elementary grammatical mistakes:


Should read:


Schoolboy mistake!

They clearly didn't take the quiz:
The bad news is there's no key to the Universe. The good news is it's not locked. - Swami Beyondananda


Quote from: Stillwater on July 29, 2012, 15:30:57
The funny thing about Icke, is that in the 90's he had to speak about Lizard people and alien-controll to fill his discussions.

Today, there is so much violation of human rights, so much domestic survielance, so much violation of the basic "freedoms" we are told we had in the west, that he barely even has to make stuff up any more. When a former crackpot becomes a near-prophet, you know things are bad.

Good point, but "former"?

Actually he is a nutjob, who used to believe he was the Second Coming of Christ. However, having said that, if you listen to his lectures, and so long as he keeps off the subject of reptiles, he does make a lot of valid points, regarding control, influence, misdirection and power.
The bad news is there's no key to the Universe. The good news is it's not locked. - Swami Beyondananda


Quote from: catmeow on July 29, 2012, 16:16:01
Aliens with internet access!

I don't want to look now as if I believe this (I don't). Still, from a technical point I would like to hint out that each one who wanted to defend this now would hint to the fact that it is a "channelled" message. The channeller is normally the human person that 'translates' it into either voice and/or text language. Hence it would not be the alien's grammatical mistake but the channeling human's fault. It is normally a critique (and a justified one) even of believers in channeling that a great many inaccuracies and unreliablities of channelled information lie with the channeller's linguistic or conceptual inadequacies, not with the channelled being.

Quote from: catmeow on July 29, 2012, 16:24:11
Good point, but "former"?

Actually he is a nutjob, who used to believe he was the Second Coming of Christ. However, having said that, if you listen to his lectures, and so long as he keeps off the subject of reptiles, he does make a lot of valid points, regarding control, influence, misdirection and power.

Maybe I remember this wrong but I think he just pointed out that he is the 'son of god' such as everyone of us is a 'son / daughter of god', hinting to the mystic concept of 'god' (to which many of us here also adhere to, I assume). He also said it was in a phase of his life (including that Wogan interview when he was ridiculed) when he had to sort out all the new impressions. Maybe he had a phase of kundalini awakening or sth similar (according to his own account), so we can correctly say he was maybe a temporary 'nutter' back then. Therefore I agree with Stillwater that it is justified to say he was a 'former' nutter. I am not sure if he is a nutter now, to be honest. And if so, does it make a differerence as our world is going nuts anyway, right?  :wink:


 Once again the we are shown the power of the Pyramids. One of these days we will do some 'real" research on these things and find out the fascinating truths that surround them. There are many theories, but not one of them is proven to be true as of yet. Probably never will!


Perhaps they just liked how they looked and it was a "nice" design?  :)