Ejaculated during Afternoon Nap Astral Projection Attempt

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Hello Everyone,

Today I went to take a nap at 12PM and at around 1PM I laid on my back to start the AP Attempt after I was in a deep state of relaxation.

I started to get vibrations around my whole body and I was trying my best to astral project but the vibrations would just keep on coming and going away.

When I started to get my biggest vibration, I felt that I had to pee and instead of taking a tinkle I immediately ejaculated all over my underwear.

Does anyone know why this happened when I was feeling the vibrations during my AP attempt?

Thanks in advance


I think you took "have a good sleep" to an entirely new level.  ;)


I don't know why that happened, but I can tell you that this post made my day. :)


Great nap!

One theory -Early projections involve activation of the lower Chakras, including the root or sexual Chakra. This often results in strong stimulation of the related sexual organs despite the lack of any outside sexual stimuli. This energization can power our projection but it can also divert us into sexual fantasies such as succubus or incubus situations. These can be greatly exciting and enjoyable; they can also go horribly wrong and turn into seeming astral rape situations. I've known a couple early projectors who have stumbled into this scenario and become nearly deluded with the experience; they are having way too much fun to move beyond the experience. This can be rightly argued as one of the 'dangers' of AP.

Simple question: how many times have you woken up in the morning or from a dream, and noticed you have an erection or your body is sexually excited? I can't speak for the girls but for the guys I know it is very common. It was for me.

As we progress, our projections become powered through the higher Chakras, such as the heart or third eye, and this problem diminishes greatly.

I'm always amused when news reports say 'the gun fired by itself'...which is simply untrue, somebody has to pull the trigger.

In these cases, yes...it simply fired by itself...Lol

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


I haven't ejaculated but there have been a few times where I became so sexually aroused, so fast, and uncontrollably that I had to stop and get up out of bed or finish myself off and go to sleep.  Weird stuff, I didn't consider that it could be someone else messing with me.


Hawk -if your mentioning someone else 'messing with you' is referring to my indication of a possible incubus/succubus experience, then please understand that this whole experience is not generated from outside yourself; it is purely an internal experience; a form of mental masturbation to be totally honest.

The attendant possibility that some wandering or interested astral energy may choose to join in and participate within the experience is definitely described within the literature; the fact of this, I admit I don't know, but the possibility is enough to have warned me off many years ago...

Buyer beware...
Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


  Experiences that follow beliefs and fantasies are as a rule self generated according to what I've been told by people living in spirit. The only way to test this for sure is to have a joint experience with someone you can talk to afterwards.


Great Theory EscapeVelocity, thanks for your response.

I can't wait to have my first conscious OBE. I've found out that I get these vibrations whenever I feel drowsy and lie down on my back because when I lie down on my sides I immediately fall asleep.


Quote from: +Explorer+ on November 24, 2015, 20:36:10
Great Theory EscapeVelocity, thanks for your response.

I can't wait to have my first conscious OBE. I've found out that I get these vibrations whenever I feel drowsy and lie down on my back because when I lie down on my sides I immediately fall asleep.
You, like MOST people, have most likely had LOTS of conscious OBE's.
You, like MOST people, refuse to recognize them for what they are though... as you've probably labeled them off as something else.  :)


Quote from: +Explorer+ on November 24, 2015, 20:36:10
Great Theory EscapeVelocity, thanks for your response.

I can't wait to have my first conscious OBE. I've found out that I get these vibrations whenever I feel drowsy and lie down on my back because when I lie down on my sides I immediately fall asleep.
Unfortunately trying to ap when you are drowsy is not a good idea.   You might succeed to ap but as you said you are not conscious.   It is too hard trying to ap if you are very tired.  It sounds like you will succeed.   Get some more sleep and you will get there.   


Quote from: Astralsuzy on November 25, 2015, 06:40:35
Unfortunately trying to ap when you are drowsy is not a good idea.   You might succeed to ap but as you said you are not conscious.   It is too hard trying to ap if you are very tired.  It sounds like you will succeed.   Get some more sleep and you will get there.   
Succeeding to "ap" but not being conscious is what everyone does every single night... it's just generally called "dreaming".  :)


What you say is correct Xanth but dreams are not great experiences compared to ap experiences.   I dream every night but I have no control over my thoughts or actions.   Dreams are boring.   Being able to have a conscious ap is a lot better.  It is like being physically in the astral.   I can see things clearly.   The scenery is magnificent depending where I am.   It is so much better than dreaming.   


For short answer, answer is linked here:


Long answer... a few ideas need to be explained, and it will make more sense.

The concept of an orgasm is generally thought of as something in response to genital stimulation, but this is only a very small part of the story. What an orgasm really is, is an overload of the sensory neurons all over the body, that all fire at once in waves. It can be caused by genital stimulation, but it can also just as easily happen by choice if you detach the concepts in your mind. You can literally have the experience basically instantly without any contact if you change the way you think about it. I think it is easier for women to understand this, as they generally have more experience detaching the concept of an orgasm from direct stimulation, but I think I anyone can grasp it.

Now think about what the vibrations are for most people... a full body sensation of sensory overload coming in tight waves. Does this sound similar to the above?

Given these two facts together, I surmise that the life-long link between such full body sensations and genital stimulation caused the effect you experienced.
"The Gardener is but a dream of the Garden."

-Unattributed Zen monastic


Quote from: Bluefirephoenix on November 24, 2015, 09:11:05
  Experiences that follow beliefs and fantasies are as a rule self generated according to what I've been told by people living in spirit. The only way to test this for sure is to have a joint experience with someone you can talk to afterwards.


To me sexual energy is as much important as any other chakras. you need to keep all your chakras in total balance to have the best experiences.
But yeah, you have to know when to say it's enough and not go over the edge. 50/50.
The partial becomes complete; the crooked, straight; the empty,
full; the worn out, new. He whose (desires) are few gets them; he
whose (desires) are many goes astray.


Quote from: +Explorer+ on November 23, 2015, 18:43:27
When I started to get my biggest vibration, I felt that I had to pee and instead of taking a tinkle I immediately ejaculated all over my underwear.

Does anyone know why this happened when I was feeling the vibrations during my AP attempt?
It could be an ap sensation.   There are all kinds of ap sensations, such as, noises, named being called, sexual excitement etc.  I would not worry about it.  Next time it may not happen.   Sexual excitement will routine ap attempts.