How has astral projection changed your outlook on life

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Many people who have had NDEs have been profoundly changed by the experience. Whereas before, they were self-centred and materialistic, afterwards they became more "spiritual" and "loving". Has any of this happened with anyone here in relation to astral projection, OBE or even lucid dreaming.


 I know a number of people that had NDEs and it completely altered the rest of their life here. There are countless stories that you can read wherein people are describing how a "NDE" or even a spontaneous OBE changed them in one way or another. Normally for the better.

 Years ago, here on Pulse, I made this thread and thankfully one of the Moderators here stickied it. It made it much easier to find.!/tests-quests-and-challenges/
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Thanks for the link. I can't find any comments there about how the experiences of OBEs have changed people spiritually, like NDEs have been reported as doing. By "spiritually", I mean, changed people's outlook on life to a profound degree.


Quote from: orian on September 03, 2023, 20:03:24Thanks for the link. I can't find any comments there about how the experiences of OBEs have changed people spiritually, like NDEs have been reported as doing. By "spiritually", I mean, changed people's outlook on life to a profound degree.
Did you somehow miss this part of the post there?
 "From this practice you will become more "aware" of everything around you. It's kind of like "seeing" for the first time. You will see we are much more than you first thought we were. You will also find many "gifts" along the way. I feel that the reason we become "blocked", even the most experienced APers, is because we stop using what is being shown to us, what we are taught and we begin to revert back to our old ways. Also, it's because "life happens" and the deeper we get into the physical, the further we move away from the other.  A sense of balance is very important here.

I wrote this under another name I once used here on the Astral Pulse Forum and I still hold it true today:
" Learning these things has it's positives. But it has it's negatives as well. The more I learn and "know", the farther I grow away from the woman I love. I don't feel like I am growing away, but I can see it in her reactions and attitude towards me now. It tends to desensitize you to things that in life that we should be sensitive to. Just knowing that you are more then your physical body changes your outlook/mindset on life quite a bit. This is why there are many people that start down this road, but can't continue. The physical life fights back and ground them."

To this a good friend of mine and former member/Moderator here replied:
"This! This right here would be my only "warning" to people. It's a hard concept to explain how you grow to be more loving  and compassionate yet you are also less affected by tragedy and sensitive issues. I know longer care about concepts like justice or revenge. I would have no problem with the Hitler's of the world dying and then immediately going to their own heavens without a second of punishment. Why? Because my experiences have taught me to be accepting and nonjudgmental. I've learned lessons in the NP that ten lifetimes of reading religious books couldn't teach me."

 Spiritually and any other way, it completely altered my mind set on almost everything I used to believe. This has been said by countless people that have experienced a non-physical reality (NPR) experience of their own. I have read stories from people that were leaders of fortune 500 and very successful companies, that gave up their entire lifestyle and occupation upon having their own "awakening". That awakening occurring due to a NPR experience they had. That experience could have been a NDE. OBE or even came due to deep trance state as the result of meditation.
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


I think that a distinction is necessary here.

If you want a collection of NDE's that remarkably affected and altered people's lives, you probably won't find much of that here; you will find some. Possibly check out the many books of literally hundreds, if not a few thousand and more NDE's that author P.M.H. Atwater has compiled.

Here, on the Pulse, you will find Non-Physical explorer's reportings of their experiences. And these experiences don't so much as 'remarkably affect and alter' the experiencer's much as they serve to 'confirm' their prior spiritual understanding, beliefs and intuitions. You will find that most of the seasoned experiencers here at the Pulse have always had these beliefs, literally from birth! They did not need an event to wake them up! They were already awake! The experiences, whether NDE's or OBE's have only confirmed our thinking. That is not to lessen the power of the experiences, only to point out that many of us already had intuitional understanding to begin with. The experiences certainly can adjust or modify our prior concepts, and I think the majority of us remain open to new and more refined understandings as we grow and evolve. It is likely a never-ending system of learning and we remain open to that.
Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


I was just curious that NDEs seem to cause major life changes and attitudes to humanity, as well as the people who had them, saying they felt a pure unconditional love directed towards them by spirit beings while they were in the NDE state.


NDE's and certain higher level experiences do allow us to experience PUL (Pure Unconditional Love-Which seems to be a commonly-assumed name for it). My best PUL experience happened while I was on a lunch break at work back in 1984... not sure was delivered by a totally unexpected guy of South American descent, a shaman of sorts, who chanted me into an all-consuming PUL experience...transported me into a different, all-loving Presence-Realm...since then, I've been close to that in certain OBEs...but nothing actually equaling that. It was a one-of-a-kind-experience.
Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


Quote from: EscapeVelocity on September 03, 2023, 23:10:51I think that a distinction is necessary here.

If you want a collection of NDE's that remarkably affected and altered people's lives, you probably won't find much of that here; you will find some. Possibly check out the many books of literally hundreds, if not a few thousand and more NDE's that author P.M.H. Atwater has compiled.

Here, on the Pulse, you will find Non-Physical explorer's reportings of their experiences. And these experiences don't so much as 'remarkably affect and alter' the experiencer's much as they serve to 'confirm' their prior spiritual understanding, beliefs and intuitions. You will find that most of the seasoned experiencers here at the Pulse have always had these beliefs, literally from birth! They did not need an event to wake them up! They were already awake! The experiences, whether NDE's or OBE's have only confirmed our thinking. That is not to lessen the power of the experiences, only to point out that many of us already had intuitional understanding to begin with. The experiences certainly can adjust or modify our prior concepts, and I think the majority of us remain open to new and more refined understandings as we grow and evolve. It is likely a never-ending system of learning and we remain open to that.
I agree with you EV. The one word and an important one at that, that I missed above in my post was "confirmation". Many of us that are here on the Pulse have a strong sense of just "knowing". It was like we were born with it. Possibly we retained some of that knowing from our time out between lives. It's when that knowing finally becomes confirmed, that it really becomes our "reality".
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla