I did a RTZ verification experiment this morning

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Millions of people every year undergo general anesthesia for surgery with complete and reversible loss of consciousness. At a critical concentration of anesthetic drug, consciousness is erased while many nonconscious functions of brain and other organs continue (e.g. EEG, evoked potentials, control of breathing). How does this happen?  
The situation seems confusing, with many different types of drugs acting on many different types of proteins in the brain (e.g. receptors for various excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitters, channels, enzymes, connexin in gap junctions (Masaki et al 2004, He & Burt 2000), actin, tubulin in microtubules). Purely inhalational anesthetic gases which travel through the lungs and blood to the brain constitute a variety of types of molecules: halogenated hydrocarbons, ethers, the inert element xenon, nitrous oxide etc. However there is one important unifying feature.
All anesthetic gas molecules are non-polar, and thus poorly soluble in water/blood, but highly soluble in a particular lipid-like, hydrophobic environment akin to olive oil. The potency of anesthetic gases in erasing consciousness correlates perfectly with solubility in such an environment. The brain has a large lipid-like (olive oil-like) domain, both in lipid regions of neural membranes and hydrophobic pockets within certain proteins. Anesthetics were originally thought to act in lipid regions of membranes, but protein hydrophobic pockets were determined to be their primary sites of action (Franks and Lieb 1982). Anesthetic gases bind to non-polar amino acid groups in the pockets (e.g. the benzene-like ring in phenylalanine, and the indole ring in tryptophan) by van der Waals London forces, the same quantum forces which form the pockets and govern conformational dynamics.
Why do weak quantum forces have such profound and selective effects? Anesthetic gas molecules form their own London force interactions with non-polar amino acid groups, preventing or altering normally occurring London forces necessary for protein conformational dynamics and consciousness. Anesthetic gases prevent quantum leverage.
Most protein conformational changes are unaffected by general anesthetics-muscle contractility, enzyme function and most brain activities (as evidenced by EEG and evoked potentials) continue during anesthesia. Axonal action potentials are also relatively unaffected by general anesthetics. Proteins which are affected include post-synaptic receptors (acetylcholine, serotonin, GABA and glycine), tubulin (Allison and Nunn 1968) and actin, which disassembles in dendritic spines when exposed to anesthetics (Kaech et al 1999).
Anesthetics act (and consciousness occurs) not in any one brain region, or in any one type of neuron or particular protein. Rather, anesthesia and consciousness occur in hydrophobic pockets of a class of proteins in dendrites throughout the brain (Hameroff 1998c). In these pockets, quantum London forces govern protein function responsible for consciousness. Does that imply that consciousness is related with subtle energies?

This points rather in direction of subtle-energycal stream of consciousness.

A radical distinction of approach, not unrelated to the
contrast between first- and third-person perspectives, can be
drawn between those who assume that consciousness is entirely
dependent on brain processes and those who contend that con-
sciousness may in some sense be 'beyond the brain'. In his
Ingersoll Lecture on Immortality that draws upon the ideas of
the Oxford philosopher F.C.S. Schiller, William James contrasts
theories whereby consciousness is thought actually to be pro-
duced by brain processes with those positing that consciousness
is in some sense filtered by or transmitted through the brain.

                                                                                                  "Consciousness has never been observed.
Neither has it been weighed or measured.
The source of consciousness is unknown.
It's location, within or without the body, has never been discovered.
No one has determined what consciousness consists of, or contains.
And, there's not one single bit of scientific proof that consciousness is biological.
Therefore, it appears, all the material written about consciousness is subjective." (Roger Penrose)

Mind, matter, thought, and the deepest biological control functions also use the Whittaker internal electromagnetics, and always have done so.  Now we know where the human bodymind software is, how it is filed, and how to engineer it directly.  What is involved is not only a unification of the branches of physics, but also a unification of physics and metaphysics. Living systems have long used the internal EM Whittaker channel for deep cellular control of the organism.  By manipulating this channel, researchers have shown EM induction of cellular death and disease, and absolute cures of terminal tumors and leukemias in lab animals.  Popp also discovered the master cellular control system, including its virtual photon storage characteristics, without knowing of the internal Whittaker storage channel and mechanism. The scalar EM potential is an organized space-time lattice of perfectly ordered EM energy [Fuller's Isotropic Vector Matrix], passing through it in a Whittaker wave structure.  Living systems alter this internal EM Whittaker channel (this space-time lattice structure) and communicate through it for mind, thought, personality, long-term memory, and deep control of cellular and body functions.  All the deepest biological control systems are in the Whittaker channel. Scalar interferometry of Whittaker potentials alone, e.g., can reproduce any kind of normal EM, and the potentials can pass deep into the body before that interference occurs.  So Whittaker potential interferometry can produce much deeper EM fields in the body than present field theory and dosimetry would indicate.  The Whittaker potentials interact in the nuclear mass potential of the body--and that is where the signals and functions for deep cellular control, immune system control, etc. are located. The mind consists of stabilized Whittaker structures inside the living system's bio-potential.  Thoughts are a special class of changes/waves in that overall Whittaker-structure ensemble.  The personal unconscious is a single, small, localized sample of yet a greater collection that represents even deeper unconsciousness.  That is why the unconscious is unconscious, just as the vacuum potential is non-observable. The conscious mind is a serial processor, one thing at a time.  The unconscious mind is a parallel processor, of infinite potential.  The multiplicity of the unconscious makes it appear as blackness, or nothing recognizable at all. Jung's collective unconscious consists of archetypal infolded EM structures acting in common in an overall bio-quantum-potential for the entire species.  The Spirit of the living system, an undivided whole, an Unbound Self, is everywhere in the universe, and every when as well.  It's all a giant hologram, not only in space, but in space-time. A thought or thoughtform is just a specific, dynamic Whittaker structure in the hidden EM channels of the biopotential.  Thoughts and thoughtforms are real.  They are virtual spatially, but occupy the real dimension of time.  Physics and metaphysics share this nonobservable dimension time.  You can build the whole observable, detectable physics model out of the nonobservable, nondetectable vacuum.  With Whittaker EM engineering, you can conceivably "make" thoughtforms to order, and input them directly into the mind and long-term memory and personality. Vector fields can evidently be assembled by properly interfering scalar potentials.  Conversely, scalar field can be created by destructively interfering vector field, in a nonlinear medium.  Varying the vector components rhythmically produces what Bearden calls "scalar waves".  These ripples in space-time are believed to induce a wavelike stress in the "aether" and this in turn leads to engineering the structure of pure space and/or mass in a localized area--in other words, implementing General Relativity (space-time curvature) on the lab bench.
The implications are staggering.  Among other things it means direct engineering of quantum change via a new kind of "hidden electrodynamics variables," the direct engineering of the vacuum's virtual photon flux exchange with matter; action at a distance; direct engineering of the local curvature of space-time; and using the hidden EM to engineer body cells including the reversal of diseased cells, genetics and all, back to a previous healthy state; research toward the direct engineering of the mind, including both the conscious and unconscious minds, long-term memory, and the personality itself. There is a predominance of non-linear processes in biological systems.  Several types of quasi-particles, each with their own characteristic resonant frequencies have been proposed to mediate these non-linear phenomenon, including solitons, excitons, and plasmons.  The right frequencies of non-linear energies might have profound healing properties, according to Stanford researcher Dr. Glen Rein.  Due to the non-linear nature of biological systems it is proposed that scalar waves should be more biologically active than their linear electromagnetic counterparts. Scalar energy is transduced into linear electromagnetic energy in the body by liquid crystals in the cell membrane and solid crystals found in the blood and in several biological tissues.  Clinical studies of the effects of scalar energy on the mindbody and brainwaves have been conducted since the 1980s.  If they can be believed, research from Stanford University Medical Center produced some tantalizing results. Electrochemical oscillation between membrane-bound lipids near phase-transition temperature have been analyzed with and described by nonlinear quantum mechanical equations.  They also analyzed the coupling between harmonic oscillators represented by action potentials generated from active neuronal networks in the central nervous system, finding evidence of chaos.  The extraction of scalar components from Maxwell's original electromagnetic equations and from Schrodinger's equation using imaginary numbers has been reported, and their unusual non-linear waves described by many experimenters. A Crystalline Transduction Theory has been put forth to explain the interactive mechanism of scalar waves with biological systems.  Another possibility is transduction in microtubules dispersed throughout the whole organism.  Tissue culture studies imply that the action of scalars on biological systems is more than a placebo effect mediated by the brain/mind, such as stress, moods or beliefs.   Stray EM energy in the ambient atmosphere makes it difficult to study the healing properties of scalar energies in a clinical setting. Clinical healing sometime occurred several months after initial exposure to the scalar waves.  It is known that the brain and body, each the immune system, communicate bidirectionally.  Thus, a direct action of scalar energy on the body could cause a subsequent change in brain state.  Therefore EEG studies do not indicate whether scalar energy also affects the body directly or whether the brain and the body are both affected.  Even if scalar energy directly affects individual cells, it may also affect the mind resulting in an altered psychological outlook which results in clinical improvement. Dr. Michael Persinger was the first person to test the effects of scalar energy using isolated cells.  The scalar waves were generated by partially cancelling two vortex-type magnetic fields (0.SHz, 10pT) by intersecting them in the air.  The biological endpoint, degranulation of mast cells, was increased by the scalar fields.  Dr. Puharich, in another study, grew tissue samples of E. Coli, and detected an increased activity of ubiquitone, a protein involved in DNA repair.  These results indicate that scalar energy can have a direct effect at the subcellular level as well as a direct effect on the immune system. Another project detected an effect of scalar energy on neurotransmitter function, which mimicked the effect of antidepressant medication.  Scalars appear to modulate the basic biochemical communication between nerve cells mediated by neurotransmitters.  Cultured nerve cells called PC 12 cells were isolated from rats, and the functional properties of noradrenalin release from PC 12 cells was shown to be increased by a 500Hz monopolar square wave, and noradrenalin uptake was inhibited by a 15Hz bipolar square wave, (Rein). Noradrenalin uptake was chosen because it is directly mediated by the plasma membrane via an intramembrane protein carrier.  The plasma membrane, with its liquid-crystal structure, is the critical cellular barrier which interfaces with the chemical and electromagnetic environment.  Since other intramembrane proteins show non-linear properties, the plasma membrane is a likely target for scalar energy. The physiological function of carrier mediated neurotransmitter uptake is to remove excess neurotransmitter from the synaptic cleft after its release from presynaptic nerves.  Thus, inhibiting uptake results in the accumulation of the neurotransmitter in the synaptic cleft.  This is the mechanism of action of tricyclic antidepressants, since they inhibit noradrenalin uptake. Depression is associated with decreased noradrenalin levels.  Rein exposed confluent monolayer culture of PC12 cells to noradrenalin in the presence or absence of scalar energy.  After 30 minutes, the cells were washed and centrifuged and noradrenalin uptake measured.  Overall, uptake was inhibited by 19.5% in the presence of the scalar field as compared with the control value obtained in its absence.  This is a significant statistical difference of p 0.01. Researchers think a wide variety of physiological changes could be created resulting in improvement of a variety of clinical diseases, only one of which could be depression.  Scalar energy can have a direct effect on the cell membrane.  Researchers want to test whether diseased cells are preferentially sensitive to scalar energy; and what characterizes its mechanisms of action. The brain halves could constitute natural scalar interferometers; the cortex, the acupuncture system, the 'chakras' would be coupling elements. :eyecrazy:

We should note here that the spin polarization of an atom is not necessarily fixed in either a right-handed or left-handed direction. The Institute of Material Research in Kiev, Ukraine performed a series of experiments where an object was exposed to torsion radiation. They found that if the torsion radiation was strong enough, then the spin state of the atoms themselves could be changed. These changes can eventually be substantial enough to alter the structure and appearance of a material, such as the color of granite and the sharpness of a razor blade.

Even more interestingly, the Institute of Material Research also determined that people with strong psychic abilities were also capable of creating identical changes in the spin polarization of various substances by the sheer focus of their consciousness. No other known technologies could create such changes in a physical object. This again suggests that consciousness and torsion-waves are actually related. .

                                                                                              The concept known as dualism is attributed to the seventeenth-century French physician/mathematician/philosopher Rene Descartes (1596-1650), who probably is most famous for his well-known dictum, "I think, therefore I am." Interestingly, however, the idea for dualism did not originate with Descartes (although he is the one who generally receives credit for it). Some twelve hundred years earlier, Augustine, in his City of God had written:
Without any delusive representation of images and phantasms, I am most certain that I am, and that I know and delight in this. In respect of these truths, I am not afraid of the arguments of the Academicians, who say, "What if you are deceived?" For if I am deceived, I am. For he who is not, cannot be deceived; and if I am deceived, by this same token I am.
In the end, however, it was Descartes who "resolved to take myself as an object of study and to employ all the powers of my mind in choosing the paths I should follow". The paths Descartes chose eventually designated him as the father of the mind/body theory of interactionism. In his 1642 book, Discourse on Method and the Meditations, Descartes suggested that the mind was every bit as real as matter, yet was entirely separate from matter-and therefore from the brain as well. In Descartes' language, the mind was res cogitans (thinking substances), as opposed to the brain, which was res extensa (material or physical substances). Descartes even thought he had located the actual "seat" of consciousness in the brain. Arne Wyller summarized Descartes' views as follows:
Descartes...believed that mind states and physical states are mutually interactive. Thus arose the Cartesian mind-body dualism that still influences modern scientific thinking in this field.
It is something of an understatement to suggest that dualism "still influences modern scientific thinking in this field." In his classic 1949 book, The Concept of Mind, British philosopher Gilbert Ryle referred to dualism as "the official doctrine". In commenting on that phrase, Australian physicist and mathematician Paul Davies asked in his book, God and the New Physics:
What are the features of the dualistic theory of the mind? The "official doctrine" goes something like this. The human being consists of two distinct, separate kinds of things: the body and the soul, or mind. The body acts as a sort of host or receptacle for the mind, or perhaps even as a prison from which liberation may be sought through spiritual advancement or death.... However, the mind (or soul) is not located inside the brain, or any other part of the body; or indeed anywhere in space at all.... An important feature of this picture is that the mind is a thing; perhaps even more specifically, a substance. Not a physical substance, but a tenuous, elusive, aetherial sort of substance (see Torsion Fields).
James Trefil summed it up like this:
One way of looking at this question is to imagine that somewhere in the brain is an "I" who is watching the final products of the processing of signals by neurons. The essence of this view is that there is something in "mind" that transcends (or at least is distinct from) the workings of the physical brain. The seventeenth-century French philosopher and mathematician Rene Descartes advocated such a view of mind/body dualism, so the hypothetical place where mental images are viewed is often referred to as the "Cartesian Theater".
The fascinating book, Nobel Prize Conversations, includes the text of a series of "conversations" that occurred in November 1982, at the Isthmus Institute in Dallas, Texas, among four Nobel laureates: Sir John Eccles, Ilya Prigogine, Roger Sperry, and Brian Josephson. Norman Cousins was the moderator for those conversations. After listening to Drs. Eccles and Sperry discuss their research, documenting that the mind exerts a significant influence on the brain, Cousins was constrained to say that when we see evidence such as that produced by the scientific research of Nobel laureates like Sperry and Eccles, which shows
...that mind is in charge of brain, we spontaneously recognize their conviction as something we've always known or at least suspected. What grips us as we listen to these men is not only the elegance of their demonstrations, nor the sheerly rational force of their arguments, but their everydayness.... We find ourselves agreeing with Sperry and Eccles because what they say seems "right".
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  The only model that explicitly states that consciousness exists in an axion BEC (a coherent Bose-Einstein Condensate (BEC) that surrounds and permeates galaxies) residing in Dark Matter is by Father Jerome:  http://www.fiwd.org/CompleteBook.htm

To quote him:

" I do so identify the basic and necessary Particle of Universal Consciousness as being the Quantum Axion Particle, a microcosmically quantum unit of four predominantly differing "flavors": a Positive Particle of positive half-integer spin; a Negative Particle of negative half-integer spin; a Positive Particle of positive integer spin; and a Negative Particle of negative integer spin."

Briefly the model of consciousness is that Cooper-pair layers of positive and negative half-spin axions couple to the "corporeal" physical brain on one (metaphorical) side, and to an "incorporeal" higher self or soul composed of half-spin axions on the other. The incorporeal layer is said by Jerome to be a living, sentient life-form. The actual coupling mechanism to the brain is also incorporeal, i.e. not chemical or electrical, consistent with Bohm theory.


Dark matter may be just as real as visible matter, but a subtler form of matter. The physical (and chemical) properties of dark matter are unknown. Devoid of electrical charges, the dark matter permeates the visible matter without being detected. Will charge-less particles form dark atoms? Will they then interact strongly with each other and with ordinary matter? If subtle dark matter chemistries exist, they may yield subtle bodies and may give us a theoretical basis for the subtleties of the mind. Then, the possibility exists for dark atom structures and chemistries which are parallel to ordinary structures and chemistries, but undetectable. That sounds like the mind stuff. It is conceivable that the confirmation of a chemically active dark matter will have a greater impact on science in this century than quantum mechanics, information theories, and DNA in the previous century. Mind is admittedly mystifying. It is invisible and undetectable, but is coupled to the physical body, in and through which mind operates. However, a mystery per se need not be metaphysical or mystical.

Mind Matter.
Wave function collapse is universal, but complex mental phenomena are unique to humans. So, the mental world must have sources other than wave function collapse. Jung and Pauli (See Meier, 1992) suggested a thought-field with its own elementary particles. Since thoughts are invisible any such field and particles must also be imperceptible. It must be a hidden physical field parallel to that of the ordinary material realm. The dark matter realm may fill the bill. Present data seem to indicate that ordinary (baryonic) matter constitutes only about ten percent of all matter. Both theoretical physics and cosmological models predict the possibility of existence of certain type of exotic particles (nonbarionic), which are strands of localized energy in space, with very low mass and no charge. Predictions of super-symmetry theory in particle physics, also suggest the existence of vast amount of dark matter (R. Peccei and H. Quinn, 1977). The two major possible candidates for the dark matter, with the amusing acronyms MACHOs and WIMPS, are the Massive Astrophysical Compact Halo Objects (West, 1992) and Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (Griest, 1993; West, 1992). WIMPS are the little weak dark matter candidates, which are thought to be made of exotic stuff, called non-baryonic matter. Astronomers look for MACHOs and particle physicists for WIMPs.

                                                                                                                                                                                                         Dark Matter Realm.
Current speculations about the Big Bang do not conclude that all forms of matter began at this event (Trefil J. 1993; Silk, 1989). Dark matter may have been present even before the presumed Big Bang event. Luminous matter is what is claimed to be formed during this singular event. The microwave background radiation of the universe (the "echo" from the Big Bang) and the red shift which shows an expanding universe are presented as quantitative experimental evidences supporting the hot Big Bang Theory. Both of these phenomena are based on observation of radiation from luminous matter. This does not rule out that some form of "dark matter" may have existed before the Big Bang and the primordial production of atoms. Conceptual bias notwithstanding, dark matter field theories are likely to be developed more systematically within a theoretical framework of a unified field theory, that includes gravitational and electromagnetic fields. Dark matter fields may have been primal phenomena within a physically expanding universe. There are many categories of WIMPs suspected. Various theorists have dubbed some of them supersymmetric particles, photinos, neutralinos, cosmic strings or membranes, preons, quark nuggets, monopoles etc. Microleptons also have been proposed. Another candidate for dark matter is a theoretical non-thermal particle called the axion. This type of matter may fall into the broad category of "dark matter", because it is invisible, and cannot be easily detected being electrically charge-less. Our visible bodies could be permeated by it, without us ever knowing. All the other candidates for dark matter were created in cosmic thermal processes and have thermal velocities, including the thermal axions presently being created in the sun. However, there are no definitive conclusions about the exact nature, size, shape, mass or form of dark particles, except that they have no electric charge. Being charge-less, dark matter does not interact with electric charge. In the ordinary chemical sense, there is no reason for it to preferentially interact with body physiology, which is charge dependent. So, chemists have not looked into the possibilities of extra-ordinary chemistries, though extra ordinary matter has been known to physics since the 1930''s as a necessary ingredient of the cosmos. Mass estimates of dark matter range from tiny subatomic particles weighing 100,000 times less than an electron to black holes with masses millions of times that of the sun (Mateo, 1994). In order to accurately describe the structure of dwarf galaxies, Wayne Hu et al (2000) assumed an arbitrary mass of 10-22 electron volt. He claims this is reasonable, since the mass of dark matter particles is an unknown, adjustable parameter. Its quantum mechanical, or de Broglie wavelength (non-thermal) would then be a few thousand light-years, large enough to span the whole galactic core, which automatically spread out the mass from the centers of dwarf galaxies and match observations more closely. This is called "fuzzy cold dark matter". Such particles would form a colossal Bose-Einstein condensate in and around every galaxy, a state known to exist only for ultra cold atoms in laboratories. If the mass of an axion is about one billionth of an electron mass, the axion wave extends well beyond the earth. Then it is plausible that the axion matter must be a BEC from ambient to perhaps even to solar temperatures. In the ordinary physical world of electrons and protons, BECs can exist only at ultra cold temperatures, but the extraordinary world of axions may have this intrinsic property at all temperatures, satisfying the zero-point temperature requirement for a BEC. This is of significance for information theories and processes, and hence for the invisible mind. A conceptual leap from the invisible matter to invisible mind is appealing.

Axion Atoms.
Presently it is assumed that axions exist apart from ordinary matter and interact very weakly with it. If a symmetry breaking process produced cosmic axions before matter and anti-matter recombined, the number of axions will be comparable to the number of photons in the universe. It is estimated that there must be more than 10 trillion axions for each proton and neutron in the cosmos, making them a major part of dark matter. Physicist John Cramer ("http://mist.npl.washington.edu/av/altvw05.html) claims that axions are geometrically similar to an electric and a magnetic field oriented parallel to each other, so that intense electric and/or magnetic fields can theoretically transform axions into photons of all energies including microwaves. Axions of Wayne Hu et al (2000) have a mass of 10-22 electron volt, with non-thermal de Broglie wavelength of a few thousand light-years spanning the galaxies. An axion of 1 eV = 17.83 x 10-31 gm i.e. about one- tenth of a million-trillion-trillionth of a gram, has thermal de Broglie wavelength of about 12.0 x 10-10m (or 12 Angstrom units, A). The average optical wavelength is about 6000 x 10-10m, i.e. 6000 Angstrom units; the average atomic wavelength at ambient conditions is about 0.166 x 10-10m, about 36,000 times lesser. The smallest atom is about 1 Angstrom in diameter. The mass of choice for axion will be such that it isomorphously permeates each subatomic particle. It is inane to think that such dark matter are afloat carrying information and solving the mind-body problem. It is not free floating subatomic particles, but a structured configuration that constitute ordinary matter. So also, corresponding structured configurations of dark atomic particles of very low mass and capable of dark chemistry seem to be an interesting prospect. Toward that goal, the following assumptions are made:
1. Axions of very low mass are confined to the dimensions of ordinary subatomic particles. They occupy the same space that the fundamental particles occupy, but with masses several orders less than one electron volt. 2. They will permeate the visible particles and atoms in an isomorphic manner, and become indistinguishable from the latter. 3. They may form axion atoms possessing bonding properties, through spins and configurations of constituent units. 4. Specific axion dark atom exists corresponding to each known ordinary atom. This relationship will be similar to that between objects and their signs. 5. Certain elemental relations exist which govern the axions such as spin, gravity (exchange of gravitons), resonance, entanglement or an yet to be determined bonding force. 6. Coupling of these dark atoms to the ordinary atoms is possible. 7. Associated with every axion particle is an undetectable charge "C" that can be plus or minus similar to electrical. A hydrogen atom may have a dark counterpart existing parallel to it. Its one proton and one electron (and no neutron) may each have its shadow axion form condensed within its dimensions and permeating it. Similarly all known atoms will have their protons, neutrons and electrons isomorphously suffused by their shadow axion forms. For dark chemistries to occur, these are confined to the ordinary atomic dimensions, with their wavelengths condensed to those of ordinary atoms. If these axions must interact with physical energy and be coupled to physical particles, that should be through mechanisms that are logical and relevant to the physical realm. In the visible realm of ordinary (baryonic) particles, electric charge is the bonding force between them. No such charge exists in the extraordinary non-baryonic matter. However there are such physical forces as spin, gravity (graviton exchange), resonance, entanglement or an as yet undetermined force, which may bond these dark particles together and or bind them to the visible particles. [There are many non-falsifiable theories afloat such as axion fields, spin fields, microleptonic fields, heterogeneous physical vacuum, torsion fields etc]. Then, such invisible axion bodies may form the substrate extraordinaire for the mental realm. Dark chemistries parallel to and coupled to ordinary chemistries, will involve electrically charge-less components of dark matter atoms and their reactions through some kind of bonding. Spins and configurations of electrons lead to chemical bonding in ordinary matter. Same phenomena may occur in these axion atoms also. It could be through an intrinsic angular momentum (spin) with clockwise and anticlockwise directions (positive and negative signs). Then spin-spin coupling between dark particles may facilitate dark chemistries parallel to normal chemistries. The spin-charge coupling of dark and ordinary matter may lead to coupling of the ordinary subatomic particles to their dark counterparts. In addition, there is the possibility of resonance, entanglement and graviton exchange, which may be facilitating factors for interactions that lead to possible dark atom chemistries occurring parallel to ordinary chemistries. This may lead to a dichotomy or even trichotomy of physical entities (made of both visible and dark atoms), depending on how one wants to look at this complex hierarchy. The dichotomy will be made of ordinary matter and processes coupled to dark matter and dark processes. That will be a diune structure of ordinary matter and dark energy states. The trichotomy will be triune hierarchical states of ordinary matter, dark matter and energy processes. In other words, the trichotomy will consist of ordinary physicality, extraordinary physicality, and energy processes (both dark and visible). Interactions of Dark Matter Axions can be as Bose-Einstein-Condensate (BEC), which pervade all matter, from ambient to solar environment. However, we are interested only in axions that are confined or condensed within baryonic particles. As already stated, different axion atoms with different but negligible mass, and zero electric charge, may be held together by a binding force other than electromagnetic. The binding force may result from spin, resonance, gravity, entanglement or an as yet unknown force. Then we need to consider: 1. Dark atomic structures similar to those of the ordinary atoms. 2. Bonding between dark atoms, through spin and configurations as in ordinary matter. 3. Coupling of dark atoms to the ordinary atoms. The first two aspects have to address the prospects of electrically charge-less components of dark matter atoms, and their reactions through some kind of bonding. Spin and configuration, entanglement [coupling of the two such that the state of the one determines the state of the other] or a yet to be determined force, may be involved. The asymmetries of structure or forms may also be pertinent factors here. The third question of dark matter coupling to ordinary matter may involve resonance and gravity (exchange of gravitons). If dark atom chemistries are plausible, a hierarchy of products may exist, from dark molecules, genes, cells gametes, and organs to dark organisms, covering all stages of the development of life. These will exist parallel to and isomorphously permeating their visible counterparts. Thus, a dark soma may exist coupled to the visible body and parallel to it. These doubles of luminous atoms coupled to their dark matter forms produce the doubles of atoms, molecules, cells, organs and organisms. The dark forms exist in parallel to the corresponding luminous (ordinary) structures. For example, the ordinary DNA is suffused with an information loaded dark DNA. The genetic code and information on the dark DNA's may also have phylogenic specificities. From the zygote to the total human body, all constituents made of ordinary matter are permeated by their axion counterparts.

                                                                                                                                                                                               Spin Coupling.
If the charge-less shadow particles possess an intrinsic angular momentum (spin) with clockwise and anticlockwise directions (positive and negative signs), spin-spin coupling between dark particles may facilitate dark chemistries parallel to normal chemistries. Instead of, or in addition to, spin-spin coupling, there is the possibility of resonance, entanglement and exchange of gravitons. The spin-charge coupling of dark and ordinary matter may lead to coupling of the shadow particles to the subatomic particles. Evidence seems to be mounting for a positive answer to the question regarding the relationship of the axions to the ordinary matter. It is difficult to conceive of a kind of matter that interacts gravitationally with ordinary matter in the normal way and yet fails to distribute itself in the same geometric formation as that of normal matter. If dark matter is governed by conventional gravity, its distribution will be the same as normal matter. However, it interacts with itself differently from how ordinary matter does with other ordinary matter. Perhaps, spin, entanglement and resonance and quantum properties may play their roles in dark atom interactions. Existence of spin-coupling forces remains open. Any coupling relation existing between luminous and dark matter in a galaxy cluster core should in principle shed light on the physical properties of dark matter relative to the visible mater and perhaps on the nature of dark matter itself. In two recent papers, Giraud (1998) showed that the observed kinematics of disk rotating systems are consistent with a coupling relation between the visible (stars + gas) and dark mass distributions. One force that does act on both is gravity, which means we should be able to detect this effect. There is also the possibility of spin-charge coupling between dark and ordinary particles and spin-spin coupling between dark particles.

Quantum Coupling.
In quantum mechanics, coherence coupling involves objects being in more than one state at the same time. This uncanny concept known as superposition makes instantaneous interaction between objects possible. Quantum computing is an ingenious method of computation that tries to use quantum coupling to carry out logical operations and develop quantum computers. Spin-spin coupling in nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) is an example of quantum coupling where the states of two particles are shared. Quantum coupling is being used to develop quantum computers at IBM. Since such coupling can take place over long distances by the process of entanglement, the coupling is said to be simultaneous. Regardless of whether quantum coupling is really simultaneous or just so fast that it seems simultaneous to us, it is a highly reliable and predictable phenomenon. It is vital to life and makes nanotechnology possible. According to the second law of thermodynamics, no coupling can be 100% efficient in a physical system. However, muscles and brains have molecular motors known as actomyosin complexes which couple energy from ATP into mechanical motion with nearly 100% thermodynamic efficiency.

Resonance Coupling.  
                                                                                                                                                                                              Structural resonance contributes to the stability of many molecules or ions. A classical example is the hexagonal benzene molecule with alternate single and double bonds (chemical). This is very common in chemical states, especially organic chemistry where different electronic configurations of the same compound contribute to its extra ordinary stability. Benzene molecule is a well-known example. Usually reality is best represented by a hybrid structure of the resonance entity. Resonance between different electronic configurations strengthens the bonding between adjacent atoms and distributes charge over a greater number of atoms. The hybrid becomes more stable than any individual resonance structure. Here, resonance means stability. (Riordan, p. 213, also: Silk, p. 125). An analogy with Phonon-Photon coupling may be relevant. In solid-state physics, a phonon is a quantum of lattice vibrational energy. In analogy to a photon (a quantum of light) in electromagnetism, the phonon can be viewed as a wave packet with particle-like properties. Its behavior characteristics determine or affect various properties of solids. When photons and phonons interact in semiconductors used in communications systems, undesirable system behavior can occur (Weik 1989). The energy of a phonon is usually less than 0.1 eV (electron volt) and thus is one or two orders of magnitude less than that of a photon. [See the American National Standard Dictionary for Information Technology (ANSDIT), ANSI X3.197-1996, and the draft of the Millennial Edition of ANSDIT 2000].
Matter + mechanical energy = matter + photon emission + phonon emission.
The classical mechanical excitation has a continuous character, but the response energy (photons) is quantified. That is, the mechanical energy is concentrated from the macroscopic and continuous distribution to the local quantum distribution in the atomic scale. In the absorption-emission reactions in solids by mechanical action, the energy transformation occurs from continuous into the quantum states. Likewise, the continuous phonon energy is coupled to the discontinuous light energy. A similar process may exist between the dark and the luminous bodies (and processes). There will be individual differences in these resonance processes. Resonance may be esoteric, but not metaphysical or mystical. At the quantum level there may be a unified field resonating to intensify, through sympathetic vibration, the interactions necessary for any contextual event or phenomenological moment. Such resonance innately possesses complementary aspects of existence and experience such as "conscious and unconscious, voluntary and automatic, nurture and nature, wave and particle, time and space (Keener, 1999). It is a contrasting continuum of complementary characteristics. Holistic self-organization is possible. The luminous body particles may resonate recursively with its shadow self. There may be an explicit quantitative and an implicit qualitative aspect of this dark-luminous particle resonance, at the quantum level.

Extraordinary Chemistry.
With the development of Quantum Mechanics, the atom is no longer considered a solid indivisible mass of particle that cannot interpenetrate other atoms, as was assumed by Dalton, the English chemist and school teacher who developed the atomic theory over one hundred years ago. Only, it does have a solid appearance due to interactions of the electric field. Absence of electric charge in dark matter raises questions about its combining capacity. Some force other than electromagnetic must bind the axion atoms. They could then form a hierarchy of atoms, molecules, compounds, cells etc. which will invisibly penetrate the corresponding visible entities. These dark atoms could interact with each other by their own individual binding force, much like ordinary atoms interact mutually through their electromagnetic binding force. It must be noted that the electric charge is a property of the luminous matter, not a thing in itself. So is spin. When charged bodies interact, that interaction is between properties. We know the role that spins play in chemical interactions. Besides, there may be other charge-equivalent properties enabling charge-less dark matter to interact and lead to dark chemistries and dark physiology at the cellular level. Graviton-exchange, resonance, spin, entanglement or an as yet unknown force may enable them to interact between themselves, couple to and resonate with the ordinary physical world. Surprisingly, modern chemistry somehow has so far omitted dark matter for any such considerations. If these atoms interact with each other through their own distinct binding force, that may lead to subtle chemistries and subtle bodies. Subtle bodies made up of different types of invisible matter, could be a venue to shift the problem of consciousness. This would suggest that mind may be invisible, but superbly physical, of an exotic form, a spiritual body (1Corinthians 15:44).

The Axions of Mind: Microleptons.
As stated already, the axions may exist as both local and cosmic BEC. Eminent Russian researchers posit the idea of an universal lepton gas, having several levels of particle masses between 10-40 and 10-30 grams, with full information about the material world. Anatoly Okhatrin (1989), a Russian physicist, claims that super weak electromagnetic pulses and clusters of the lightest particles called micro leptons carry visual and audible signals, as well as thoughts and feelings, traveling in space-time at almost the speed of light. Super weak pulses of electromagnetic and micro lepton fields carry them. Visual, audible, and other images, and all thoughts and feelings exist in the form of clusters of super light elementary particles of micro leptons. These are reminiscent of Plato's eidoses (ideas or thoughts) autonomously afloat in the air with no boundaries and Aristotelian forms. Thus, thoughts and feelings are material, according to the micro lepton concept. Expressed in mathematical formulae, every single human thought has a mass of weight varying from 10^-30 to 10^-40 g. It must be emphasized that, these are all unverifiable speculations and irreproducible experiments. However, if confirmed, these will be momentous findings. Even if an axion medium exists that is capable of computation, that by itself cannot explain mind and consciousness. These axions must be in a structured form. If micro hadrons such as micro protons and micro neutrons made of micro quarks, and also micro leptons such as micro electrons exist, they all will have zero electric charge. Their masses are few orders of magnitude less than 1 eV. For the somatic axions, we assume that they have their wave functions reduced to zero except within the physical bounds of protons, neutrons and electrons. A dark atom is composed of these dark micro particles. These dark atoms may combine to yield dark chemistries. The mediator, in the quantum depiction of this process may be as elusive as graviton. It is not necessary to totally rule out an intrinsic angular momentum or "spin" for these particles, which could be clockwise (+) or counterclockwise (-). These spins may facilitate dark interactions and dark chemistries via bond forming configurations. These processes analogous and parallel to their luminous counterparts. We assume that micro dark atoms could be formed through these forces, much the same way as ordinary atoms, according to rules similar to the Auf-Bau principle of atomic structure. The resonance between the dark and visible bodies offers a new approach to explicate mental phenomena. Alternatively, the micro proton may have a positive attractive force of +f; the micro-electron may have a negative attractive force of -f. The micro neutron has zero f, where f is an undetermined force factor. For convenience, the micro electron, micro proton and micro neutron are respectively named emoton, psychon (McCulloch and Pitts, 1943) and neumaton. Collectively they may be given the term noumenon, though not necessarily in the Kantian sense. The noumenon here is a permeating axion that isomorphously condenses within an ordinary subatomic particle. Since all life forms are made of the same matter, certain structural and functional similarities at the basic level of the cell components can exist in the different phyla. However, there is a sharp delineation into plant, animal and human, from the inanimate world. The DNA information, both dark and ordinary, is a causal factor here. The ordinary and the dark DNA code seem to differ in content of information in plants, animals and humans. There seems to be genetically determined different subsets of subatomic particles and their dark counterparts in plants, animals and humans. The information associated with the dark matter is different in the animate and inanimate realms; so also are the dark chemistries in each realm. Plants have only emotons; animals have emotons and psychons but no neumatons. Humans have all the three. These differences and/or selectivity are genetically ordained. [See McCulloch and Pitts, 1943 for use of the term psychons]
Plant cells have (electron + Emoton), proton and neutron, where proton and neutron are also suffused with axions which are not confined within them and do not enter into any dark reactions. Alternatively, all the three elementary particles may have the dark counterparts. In either case, the plant genetic materials (both dark and visible) have information that determines the nature and functions of the plant cells. Animal cells have (Psychon + protons), (electron + emoton) and neutron. The dark matter permeates the neutrons in animal cells but have no dark atom chemistries, because the axions are not confined within their neutrons. Then again, all the three elementary particles of animal cells may have the dark complements. In either case, the animal genetic materials (both dark and visible) have information that determines the nature and functions of the animal cells. Humans have all the three subatomic particles permeated with the axions. Human genetic materials, made of both ordinary and dark matter, have information that determines the nature and functions of the human cells. The genetic structure is almost identical in all animals, plants and bacteria. The close resemblance between insects and vertebrates, humans and bacteria are startling! The organs and limbs of animals, the roots, leaves and flowers of plants have all nearly the same universal DNA double helix. For any given living organism, all its cells descend from one cell. Since all living forms are made of the same gluons, quarks and electrons which are completely and exhaustively described by the laws of physics (Tipler, 1994, p xi), it is often assumed that there must be a message about an "all encompassing principle of the unity of life, even more universal than the cell theory" (Klein, 1970, p 150). Yet, living systems are so diverse, even within the same phylum, indicating a corresponding diversity in genetic information. The similarities in the visible genetic structures fails to account for the phylogenic order, including the levels of consciousness and the hierarchy of mental activities, in the biosphere. The subsets described above of subatomic particles and the noumenons of axion like dark matter particles can account for these differences. The electron subsets are the same for all plants, animals and humans. The proton subsets are the same for animals and humans, but different in plants. The neutron subsets are found only in humans and this matrix is empty for both plants and animals. In other words, only emotons participate in plant cells, both emotons and psychons are involved in the animal cells. Only in humans, all three noumenons are active. The information on these subsets within the genetic materials is species specific. :naughty:

                                                                                                                                                                                                    Resonance & Consciousness.
Resonance has a relational character. Two or more apparently different things or phenomena are linked. They can selectively communicate being integrated into a systemic whole. The links that unite the visible physical objects and the dark-matter processes have their source in the process of resonance. It initiates and amplifies a vibratory response (a link) in the visible receiving system that is attuned to the dark emitting system, rather similar to tuning a radio set to different radio frequencies. The frequency of the receiving and the emitting systems must be very close or equal. During resonance, the dark matter frequencies can be received by the corresponding foci of the visible body, when energy transfers from the emitting source to the receiver. The received energy brings with it the information forms and patterns of vibrations of the emitting source. Specific energies may be associated with specific feelings, inner states, information, ideas, etc. The details of how the subtle and the ordinary bodies interact can be now pursued without resorting to metaphysics. Scientific methodology may not be effectively applicable for this purpose, until we can experiment with subtle matter directly in super colliders. Then, science, philosophy and psychology and all related fields may possibly undergo a significant revolution, cognitively and technologically. The physical and the mental will loose their customarily dualistic implications. There will be no need for the mystical underpinnings for consciousness, either. What is mental may be a super-physical reality. There is nothing unusual about it in the Western thought, since physical resurrection has been a fundamental New Testament principle, well reasoned and articulated by the Apostle Paul (1 Corinthians Chapter 15, among many others). Then science need not accept and entertain spooky notions and make quantum leaps in to the bizarre to explain consciousness. The resonance between the luminous structural forms and their nonluminous forms made of dark matter is a physical phenomenon, making one recognize the other. This enables us to shift the problem of sentience and consciousness to this subtle body and leave the operational functions to the visible body, and offers a conceptual basis to work from. A dark matter body may be wrapped up in us without being detected. That seems like the mind stuff. But it is physical. Self-awareness is a recognition problem. In the resonance of the parallel structures, each structure is programmed to identify its resonant forms. Recognition is a resonance phenomenon. Resonance between the ordinary and dark matter system act as a body/mind transducer. Consciousness stays as long as the ordinary energy form is connected to the dark matter energy forms. When the body disintegrates, the axion forms remain. Storage and retrieval are the same neuronal procedures. New thoughts will be stored in the axion memory. A new axion thought just "triggers" an old one and the thoughts linked to it, according to the general principle of signaling in the nervous system. This is not Cartesian dualism. It ascribes phenomenal contents to dark-matter forms. Thus, in principle, there is a link between extended brain-state patterns and the extended shapes of phenomenal experience. Then it is no mystery that a circular pattern in the brain substrate would correlate with the same shape in phenomenal experience, rather than a cubical shape.

Paradigm Shift.
Abandoning a baryon-centric view of the physical world to a more complex baryon-nonbaryon system should not collapse the well-established standard model of the particle world. It may dethrone electrons, neutrons and protons (or ordinary baryons) from the center of the physical realm and add an invisible world in resonance with and coupled to the visible world. Possibly, this may offer a scientific basis for solving the mind-body problem. The invisible conscious mind may be of this extraordinary medium. The ordinary brain and the axion brain will exist in resonance and in parallel with each other. A spiritual body is in tune with the original Hebraic and orthodox Christian view of a physical resurrection as found in both the Hebrew and Greek Testaments. (See Job 19:26, Daniel 12: 2-3; Isaiah 26: 19; Mathew 28:9; John 20:27; 21:13-20; 1 Corinthians 15: 44). The difference between a spiritual body and a physical spirit is only semantic. A spiritual body may be an all-pervading body of nonbaryonic matter with no electric charge. This extraordinary stuff may be the axion like dark matter. The mysterious physical-spiritual gap is bridged by means of dark matter. The subtle physics and chemistry of this exotic matter may yield subtle bodies. This may enable us to have a deeper perspective of life, mind, consciousness, the nature of man (pristine and fallen), our position in the universe, a better appreciation of our actions, decisions, free-will and their consequences at personal, social, and global levels. One may have to learn to acclimatize to the idea that what is coupled to and operates on a physical body may very well be superbly or extraordinarily physical. Interestingly, the Biblical record begins with an affirmative statement involving the Creative Word: "Let there be light" (Genesis 1: 2-3). The light here refers to "luminosity", in the original Hebrew. This is stated differently in John 1:1, as "in the beginning was the Word". "Word" archetypically presupposes vibrations of some sort. Because "light or luminosity was separated from darkness"(Genesis 1:3), it seems to indicate here that darkness or dark matter existed before light or luminous matter, and not all of this obscure stuff, or dark matter, was turned into luminosity. Many times in the Hebrew and Greek Scriptures, darkness refers to obscure matter (see James Strongs Concordance). Darkness is referred as follows: "He sets an end to darkness"; "darkness hid in its secret places"; "a swaddling band set for darkness"; "where is its place" (Job 28:3, Job 20:26, 38:9, 38:19); "darkness was under His feet"; "made darkness His secret place", "darkness round about Him"; "blackness of darkness" (Ps. 18:11, Ps 18:9, Jude 13). The space between the "let there be light" instant and the separation of luminous matter from dark matter constitutes time, i.e. space-time. In a general sense, the physics of the brain and the dynamics of conscious mind are related through invisible quantum entities. Neurons are made of semi-local waves of matter in "vacuum" space enveloped by non-local waves. These semi-localized waves collapse into stable structures in the cosmic expanse permeated by "all the non-local waves", as well as some unknown dark matter waves. Thus, a neuron is semi-locally structured piece of the quantum-vacuum continuum, interfacing "matter" and the "vacuum". In this flow of matter-energy quanta, there is an invisible resonance mechanism that generates, store, transfer and recognize information. Dark-matter structures may provide a base for this dark mechanism. At the primary level of reality, the perceptible physical universe itself may be a manifestation of thought. The ontological fabric of the universe smacks of a thought-stuff (Edington, 1928, Jeans, 1929). This mind-stuff need not be metaphysical. It may be the invisible axion forms. As such, the mind-stuff may be a fundamental property of the universe made of discrete quanta of dark matter. There need be no infinite number of parallel universes, as certain interpretations of the quantum theory would require (Everett, 1957). One invisible (dark) parallel universe of intelligence that can produce an immense array of information may straddle the visible universe. The psychons, neumatons and emotons described above may provide the components of this mind stuff, each geometrically permeating the corresponding ordinary particle counterpart. The phenomenon of subjectivity is "an imagining spun out by this mind stuff" (Edington (1928) in resonance with the perceptible physical counterparts.
They are not free floating dark matter particles, but axion-like extraordinary matter existing as Bose-Einstein Condensates (BEC). They are confined within and permeate their conjugate luminous particles (proton, neutron and electron). For each of the physical atom (phi-atom) in the system, a corresponding mind atom (psy-atom) exists. The structure of dark matter and dark chemistries will then provide a means to arrive at the structure of mind. In other words, the elusive mind stuff is made of axion like dark matter. The relation between dark and luminous matter forms may be similar to the semiotic relation between objects and their signs. A manifold S1 of ordinary objects is bound up with an isomorphous manifold of S2 dark objects, with certain fundamental relations existing between the two. An array of phenomenal qualities defined by axion like dark matter structures or conformations may be ordered in a 3-dimensional space, according to their apparent similarities. This will correspond to a neuronal system whose states also can be arranged in a 3-dimensional state space (See Lockwood, 1989). The two states may be equated with each other. The phenomenal qualities may be identical with the dark matter states, confined within, corresponding to, and in resonance with, the ordinary physical systems. Secondary qualities like colors are then merely a series of values of mathematical functions related to the three dimensions of space (Weyl, H, 1934). The secondary properties need not reside in the invisible and inexplicable extra spatial dimensions of something like M-theory, or Bohms curious hidden variables. They are simply the dark neuronal structures.

Human consciousness is evident but not physically detectable. A non-material thing can be purely physical, such as the photon, neutrino, energy, field, space, time etc., but it makes no such sense to suggest that non-material mind can be physical. The only physical mind that science recognizes is the brain. Axions, and possibly axion atoms made of axion fundamental particles, make it plausible that the invisible mind stuff is physical. Due to the absence of electrical charges in dark matter, other forces such as resonance, spin, graviton-exchange, entanglement or an as yet undetermined force may enable them to interact between themselves, couple to and resonate with the ordinary physical world. Spin and configuration may play important roles here, as in ordinary chemical bonds. The mind-body problem will putatively shift to this invisible internal physicality. A model of consciousness could be developed on the basis that the resonance of a dark soma made of quantum coherent axion like Bose-Einstein Condensate (BEC), with its corresponding ordinary body. Resonance makes each body recognize the other. Recognition is awareness. (PHILIP BENJAMIN).


Interestingly, such a trick- rapid and sufficient inhibition of TPJ gives temporary switching down of this horrible computer- computer guarantying metastable symbiosis (or reincarnational ontogenesis) of "subtle" bodies with phys. body. If seriously we must suppose a chain of events, not simply inhibition of TPJ, including certain changes in bio-energetics- not forget about the brain meridians, etc. Really a temporary switching down regardless what is happening further in TPJ. Not so few practical projectors wonder why some fully induced and excellent OBEs end abruptly after short time and absolutely contra will. Obviously, the abovementioned computer (astral hold) is more fundamental than brain; patient with permanent lesion in TPJ (lack of part) may think the doorknob is part of body, etc.etc, the angular gyrus is a complex part of the brain, responsible for things like body and space awareness, and logical sequencing, if something is awry there, a patient might put on his pants first, and then his underwear, and not understand that there's a problem, or the patient might feel like a hand or arm is not connected to the rest of the body, and he can't make it function, but we see not the slightest facilitation of OBEs. The same for ultra-rare cases of no-brainers (A number of writers have drawn attention to instances of mental activity being unaffected (or unaffected to the degree that would be expected) when brain damage or abnormality is present. Darling refers to the case of two hydranencephalic children described by John Lorber: the children had fluid where the cerebrums should have been located, but 'neither children showed any evidence of having a cerebral cortex, [but] the mental development of each appeared normal. New Scientist, 8 January 1995, Darling, p.82.
Darling also remarks that the findings did not attract the attention which was appropriate in the circumstances, and suggests that this was probably due to the fact that 'it raised too many problems or was too far off the beaten track of conventional brain science'. Nonetheless, although the findings were neglected, further research encountered one individual who was deemed to be a 'gross hydranencephalic' and yet he possessed an IQ of 126 and graduated with a first class honours degree in mathematics. And this was despite the fact that he 'had no detectable brain'. ibid. pp.82-83.
Gauld also cites Lorber's work (published tauntingly in an article entitled 'is your brain really necessary?'), J. Lorber, 'Is your brain really necessary? World Medicine, 3 (1980), pp.21-24. as an enigma for physicalism: with the victims of infantile hydrocephalus sometimes possessing as little as 5 per cent of the tissue that would be anticipated, 'many of them manage well despite this immense loss'. Alan Gauld, 'Cognitive psychology, entrapment, and the philosophy of mind', in The Case for Dualism, ed. by John R. Smythies and John Beloff, (Charlottesville, VA: University Press of Virginia, 1989), pp.187-253 (191-192).), not a facilitation of OBEs. One practically familiar with astral projection may feel this metastable symbiosis very directly. This symbiosis or hold is powerful, even very powerful; many practical projectors can feel this hold during half-induced OBEs┘even up to physical pain by attempting to go away (from body). But it is sufficient to somehow switch down the hold and getting away becomes shockingly easy.

                                                                                             The extreme unpopularity of substance dualism really is a problem. Most of today's philosophers are ardent materialists who do not believe in dualism at all since they believe that only the material world exists. Differently in the past when philosophers were less interested in word games and more interested in truth. See Olaf Blankes attempts to declare OBE for identical with multisensory illusions of the entire body related to a failure of integration of proprioceptive, tactile, and visual information of one's body (personal space). A little nightmare for reductionistic approach- overlapping from micropsia (failure...) with partial "astral senses", in certain conditions naturally.  For instance, the father of modern philosophy in the West, Descartes, was very suspicious of sensory experience. He made the argument that no one could trust such experience since the individual experiencer might at any given time be dreaming. Only the mind which analyzed and evaluated sensory experience by using "clear and distinct" ideas and categories could arrive at truth, and avoid the many illusions presented by the senses (both in dreams and in waking life).

                                                                                                                                                                                                 Confusion was related with Canadian neurosurgeon Wilder Penfield who also succeeded in eliciting an out of body experience using electrical stimulation, but he was stimulating a formally different area of the brain- right superior posterior temporal gyrus. Patient G.A. suffered habitual epileptic attacks that never evoked hallucinations. Yet upon electrical stimulation of her right superior temporal gyrus she spontaneously exclaimed: "I have a queer sensation as if I am not here. As though I were half here and half not
Here." She reported that she had never felt this way before, as if she were floating away. Penfield, W. and Erickson, T.C. (1941) Epilepsy and Cerebral
Localization, Charles C. Thomas Stimulation at a depth of 2 cm. along the superior surface of the temporal lobe, within the fissure of Sylvius, caused the patient to say suddenly, "That bitter-sweet taste on my tongue." He seemed confused and made tasting and swallowing movements. The stimulating current was shut off and the electro-corticogram showed that a slow wave 4 per second generalized rhythm had been set up as an after-discharge. While this was continuing the patient exclaimed: "Oh God! I am leaving my body." Dr. Karagulla, who was observing him, said he looked terrified at the time of the exclamation and made gestures as though he sought help. When the electrocorticogram had returned to normal the patient seemed to be himself again. Penfield W. The role of temporal cortex in certain psychical phenomena. J Ment Sci 1955; 101:451-65.

Nevertheless, this doesn't make any problems. Please, take a look at previous picture EEG during OBE. Certain inhibition covers right angular gyrus- superior posterior temporal gyrus. It doesn't make any problems to undergo stimulation exactly this area.

Compare- It exists an experimental method of inducing near death experiences, the high speed centrifuge used to study the effects of increased gravity on fighter pilots. They have "dreamlets" similar to near death experiences, at the point when blood flow theoretically is stopping in their temporal lobes, +G-induced ischemia (energy reduction) of the cephalic nervous system (Jim Whinnery, 1997). In such cases there is a marked drop or stop in blood flow to the brain temporarily. This reduced perfusion affects the border zone between the territories of two arteries. Arteries branch into more and smaller arteries and arterioles. At the peripheral end of an arterial "tree" the capillaries merge with those of the neighbouring artery in what is called the Watershed Area. When blood flow decreases, the area getting the worst of it is this watershed area. It is the area also suffering any neuronal loss (there is likely always some neuronal loss, varying with the severity of hypoxemia). Watershed areas are in the inferior medial temporal lobe (arteries are posterior cerebral and middle cerebral), sudden hypoxemia can precipitate temporal lobe like seizures. Other watershed areas are in the upper parasagittal areas of frontal lobe (rational, inhibitory, analytical), calcarine occipital lobe (visual), and cerebellar (balance, coordination (arteries are Superior Cerebellar, Anterior Inferior Cerebellar, and Posterior Inferior Cerebellar).

Sequence of events in TMS: delivery of a single pulse. An
Electrical current of up to 7 kA is generated by a capacitor and                                                                                          discharged (top panel) into a circular, or figure-of-eight shaped, coil which
in turn produces a magnetic pulse of up to 2 Tesla. The pulse has a rise time of approximately 200 mks and a duration of 1 ms (panel 2) and due to its intensity and brevity changes at a rapid rate (panel 3).The changing magnetic field generates an electric field (panel 4) resulting in neural activity (panel 5). The net change in charge density in the cortex is zero (panel 6). In addition to single pulse stimulation some stimulators can deliver trains of pulses up to a rate of 50 Hz. Rapid rate stimulation can induce seizures so there is a trade-off between stimulus intensity and the rate of repetition. The exact area stimulated by the pulse and the depth of stimulation depend on several factors including coil shape and whether the pulse is monophasic or biphasic. The details of the electric current in the stimulating coil and the subsequent effects on neural tissue are taken from Ref [the MagStim 200]. Transcranial magnetic stimulation see



                                                                                                      What means this for rotating supermagnet? Naturally, you will have substantially lower amplitude of induced electrical field and current (and biologically more favourable sine variable!), if also very longer current pulse duration. This don't rise any substantial questions. The insufficiently understood factor is biologically superhigh frequency as such. Naturally, extreme high frequencies may have biological effects as such, at 400 Hz it is reported strong prolongation of observed effects, at least hippocampus show long term potentiation, a 400 cycles per second electrical stimulation of only 1 second can lead to semipermanent changes in electrical activity and produce observable growth of dentritic spines within 10 minutes. The manufacturing of device makes absolutely any difficulties!!! Naturally, this is not a baby toy. In any way, guaranteed Obe induction does not relate with any kind of baby toys, this must be recognized. :scared3:
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Ordinary TMS devices may be basically ineffective in OBE context also because of limited impulses, but as we can se by electrical stimulation the point is continuous stimulation, what equals by so called "vibrations" the subjective rise of "vibrations frequency".    
It must be possible to find out optimum rotating magnetic field intensity and frequency relation for ROTATING SUPERMAGNET. Neodymium magnet may be 1- 1,5T, frequency 300-1000 Hz. Supermagnets sell allmagnetics.com, magnet.au.com, gaussboys.com, engconcepts.net, kjmagnetics.com. IMHO it is necessary to fasten magnet in some distance (exact distance may be specified experimentally) from motor- for guaranteed unimpeded motor function. Let make a simple motor axle elongation. Maxon DC brushless sensorless motor and speed control (maxon motor EC22, EC16, motor control 1Q-EC & power unit 8-35 VDC 3-5 A). (Also Medusa brushless, Multiplex Brushless

BL-480/4D  etc.). Fastening in some kind of hull IMHO is trivial. I think the needed magnet size is not bigger as 1X1in. Direct working factor is charge density per time constant.                                                                                                                                                                                           Stimulation must be accurate, note where angular gyrus; sylvian fissure etc. is located. Start with the lowest RPM, not with highest.                                                                                                                                                                                                           If the stimulation of a certain point gives falling sensation, floatation sensation, flying sensation, micropsia, and macropsia etc. etc. note this point and next time add a few RPM.                                                                                                                                                                                                         May be the right stimulation duration is a few seconds; fully induced OBE eventually is self-sustaining for a bit longer time. May be simultaneous stimulation of 2 points- temporo-parietal junction; posterior superior temporal gyrus must be considered.  May be the right tactics are- reach first indubitable symptoms (micropsia etc.) and hold on the device certain number of seconds with ensuing HYPERCHARGE and ensuing persistent INHIBITION in temporo-parietal junction. It follows OBE induction by little straining of will or even spontaneous.
If seriously what we have is not a baby toy. Any attempted experimentations will be reasonable in presence of medical sitters, moreover, let us pay attention to train duration in Olaf Blankes experiment- 2 seconds (and OBE entrance duration 0.0 seconds)-consequently we have to do with certain kind of absolute fundamental factor. Blanke said that at other times during the same session the patient screamed, because she "saw" her legs shortening, and "saw" her knees about to hit her face. Simply we see incompletely induced OBE (what confuses some people), a bit insufficient current-not to forget brain stimulation guidelines!!! Also effects of close aura zone- lack of astral sight with closed eyes, micropsia etc. (...applied on partial astral sight) - with open eyes. Alvarado, C. S. & Zingrone, N. L. (1998). A Study of the Features of Out-of-Body Experiences in Relation to Sylvan Muldoons Claims. Proceedings of Presented Papers: The Parapsychological Association 41st Annual Convention. We would find a positive and significant correlation between distance from the physical body during the OBE and a measure of thinking and mental clarity, and a similar positive relationship between the distance measure and a measure of control of movements. In addition, we also expected higher levels of thinking and mental clarity and control of movements at specific distances from the body (below and over eight feet from the body). Finally, we predicted a higher frequency of reports of shocks to the body at the end of the experience if the return to the body was sudden and rapid than when returns were slow and gradual. The hypothesis of a positive correlation between rate of control of movements during the OBE and distance from the physical body was confirmed. Similarly, the prediction of a positive relation between clear thinking/mental clarity (one variable) and distance was also confirmed. If the distances were limited to those less than five feet from the body and those over 15 feet from the body, which clearly include those below and above the eight feet range from the body emphasized by Muldoon for control, the difference was significant. The results for thinking and mental clarity and for shocks to the body were not significant.

Yes, "induced" OBEs are authentical (or real) experiences.


Hi skropenfield, that's very, very good information, thanks a lot !!!!!

I'm going to take a closer look at it, it looks really good.

bye. qbeac.