Time Dilation while OB

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Quote from: Xanth on May 26, 2014, 17:38:00
So, ultimately, what you're looking for is proof that this time thing exists?
Sadly, we can only base this kind of thing off of our "feeling" of the situation.  There's no way to get an objective reading on this.

Experience is an entirely unique and personal thing to the consciousness that is actually doing the experiencing.  As such, another consciousness can never have your experience.  Relaying this kind of "feeling" information can only be done verbally, which leads you to the problems of language.  :)

IF I manage to come across significant data (personal and otherwise) that can provide enough evidence (not proof, proof is yet very difficult in these matters like you said) of the objective experience of this phenomenon I think that would be wonderful. Not just for me of course, I just happen to have great particular interest on the subject, but for all the explorers out there. I've read recently somewhere that dreams are very difficult if not impossible to prove objectively but it would be non-sense to deny them because every single one of us dreams. Likewise it seems that many of us have these experiences, some people even claim consistency yet there's not really a lot of attention on the subject.

Of course if in the process we can share our subjective views and insights into the nature and mechanism of time dilation I can't see how we don't benefit. We're all explorers with no dogmas.  :-)

Quote from: raditus on May 26, 2014, 19:45:22
I have had this many times in the past when I went to a certain place. Hours would pass as I was rushing around, helping people with a major crisis. Certain behavior protocol had to be followed, as majority of the people around me were royalty. Two or three hours max each visit. At home, the clocks would all say onto a half an hour or so passed.

It was a life changing lesson for me, as the days I would come back to this place and shore up stuff to help the people, my thinking-before-speaking started creeping into my home life. I started being politer than I usually am, without thinking about it. 

I'm not sure if I understand your experience friend. You went to an alternate reality for long periods to help beings perceived as royalty?
Certain things you just gotta know to experience. Certain things you just gotta experience to know.


Quote from: Micael on May 26, 2014, 20:29:32
IF I manage to come across significant data (personal and otherwise) that can provide enough evidence (not proof, proof is yet very difficult in these matters like you said) of the objective experience of this phenomenon I think that would be wonderful. Not just for me of course, I just happen to have great particular interest on the subject, but for all the explorers out there. I've read recently somewhere that dreams are very difficult if not impossible to prove objectively but it would be non-sense to deny them because every single one of us dreams. Likewise it seems that many of us have these experiences, some people even claim consistency yet there's not really a lot of attention on the subject.

Of course if in the process we can share our subjective views and insights into the nature and mechanism of time dilation I can't see how we don't benefit. We're all explorers with no dogmas.  :-)
Well, honestly, there are probably MILLIONS of great experiences found all over the internet to satiate the objectivity of the concept.  A good chunk of those experiences can be found on this very forum.  :)

So providing "evidence" isn't the issue.  Experiencing it directly yourself is why *I* am here... to teach others that they don't have to simply 'believe', but that they too can actually do this for themselves and experience it likewise. 


Quote from: Xanth on May 26, 2014, 21:27:25
Well, honestly, there are probably MILLIONS of great experiences found all over the internet to satiate the objectivity of the concept.  A good chunk of those experiences can be found on this very forum.  :)

So providing "evidence" isn't the issue.  Experiencing it directly yourself is why *I* am here... to teach others that they don't have to simply 'believe', but that they too can actually do this for themselves and experience it likewise.  

Hum... I confess that even in a general quick search around the internet I didn't find nearly as much reports on this as I would expect when you investigate the subject a bit and discuss with people in a more personal manner, since I didn't find a place to discuss just this one experience and since it's something so huge and yes somewhat singular I thought why not.

I understand if you choose to dedicate yourself only to what's most important, getting people out there experiencing. Personally I don't see that as the only productive direction but definitely let me know if I go a way I shouldn't to on the board, not my intention.  :-)
Certain things you just gotta know to experience. Certain things you just gotta experience to know.


Quote from: Micael on May 26, 2014, 20:29:32
I'm not sure if I understand your experience friend. You went to an alternate reality for long periods to help beings perceived as royalty?

I projected to this one area for two months. This meant I would come back home, but kept going back there pretty much nearly day after day. And yes, there were people in that area whom you couldn't talk to as you pleased, as the area was set up like something from Medieval times. Which was going through a major crisis.

The time thing I was going through was per trip. It seemed and felt like two to three hours, most of which consisted of talks, broaching new ideas, and one attempted peace negotiation. but when I got done projecting for that session, only a half an hour or less passed back home when I got out of the bed I was in.


Quote from: raditus on May 27, 2014, 00:37:02
I projected to this one area for two months. This meant I would come back home, but kept going back there pretty much nearly day after day. And yes, there were people in that area whom you couldn't talk to as you pleased, as the area was set up like something from Medieval times. Which was going through a major crisis.

The time thing I was going through was per trip. It seemed and felt like two to three hours, most of which consisted of talks, broaching new ideas, and one attempted peace negotiation. but when I got done projecting for that session, only a half an hour or less passed back home when I got out of the bed I was in.

Ok got it! So everyday you experienced half an hour dilated to a few hours. You think some of it had to with your awareness and mantaining routines or it was completely natural like clockwork?

You said you learned from the experience, did you manage to finish what you were doing there over that period?
Certain things you just gotta know to experience. Certain things you just gotta experience to know.


Most of my experiences last hours their time, sometimes days.
This seems quite natural too. The same applies to NP experiences that actually occur in this physical world around a week later.
What are you wanting to know about this?
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.


Quote from: Szaxx on May 27, 2014, 10:40:41
Most of my experiences last hours their time, sometimes days.
This seems quite natural too. The same applies to NP experiences that actually occur in this physical world around a week later.
What are you wanting to know about this?

I see that many people seem to experience hours their time projecting regularly. That by itself is part of what I'm trying to discuss and definitely significant but I'm also trying to know how much this happens in a larger scale of days, weeks, months and even years in the non-physical that more than one or two people report to experience at a time or another. And hopefuly understand it a little better, just like we somehow understand subjective topics like control and awareness in the non-physical.

So have you ever experienced one of those big dilations in time in the non-physical? If not what do you think is the basis of you experiencing consistently more hours phasing while some experienced explorers seem to consistently get perhaps 30m or 40m at the most on average?
Certain things you just gotta know to experience. Certain things you just gotta experience to know.


Quote from: Micael on May 27, 2014, 08:14:35
Ok got it! So everyday you experienced half an hour dilated to a few hours. You think some of it had to with your awareness and maintaining routines or it was completely natural like clockwork?

You said you learned from the experience, did you manage to finish what you were doing there over that period?

I would a little was based on because of my awareness, but most of it, IMHO, was most likely because I fell into a comfortable routine with what I was doing.

And did I get to finish what I needed to get done? Not really, no. All the smaller details I got clear. Half of the major process I did get done, but there was one big thing that I couldn't finish and I hope someone better than I was eventually able to get over that plateau. But when I say I learned from experience, it was more like a work-as-you-go type thing. I was learning from this as I went along. Back then, the biggest thing I had to learn was not to be so impatient and at least address people with a mediocre of respect.


Quote from: Micael on May 27, 2014, 10:50:41

So have you ever experienced one of those big dilations in time in the non-physical? If not what do you think is the basis of you experiencing consistently more hours phasing while some experienced explorers seem to consistently get perhaps 30m or 40m at the most on average?

In the early days nothing outside of normally percieved time elapsed. As you gain experience time in the NP appears to increase with your learnings.
Most if not all of my experiences today are far longer than a few mins. They seem to last hours and days isn't new at all.
I've not given this a great deal of thought either, just accepted it as part of the art in general.
With a great deal to do in the experience you need this time there or you'll fail in your mission.
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.


Thought I would share the answer I got from Tom Campbell on youtube when I asked him about time dilation:

QuoteEvery VR has its own independent clock, besides that, digital communications (small VR scenarios) can easily be sped up or slowed down. 

VR = Virtual Reality

Certain things you just gotta know to experience. Certain things you just gotta experience to know.


Quote from: Micael on June 08, 2014, 12:38:18
Thought I would share the answer I got from Tom Campbell on youtube when I asked him about time dilation:

VR = Virtual Reality

Tom always provides the most logical relies.  :)


Yes and for all its worth you know there's always the weight of a lifetime of intense research behind what he shares. This is why I love Tom Campbell, the depth of his experience and the scientific way he goes about measuring reality. He also normally won't answer something just to satisfy the audience so if he actually does answer, you know it's not off the top of his head.  :wink:
Certain things you just gotta know to experience. Certain things you just gotta experience to know.