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So i had few obe experiences but was very short (few seconds) because of my fear of stopping breathing. Finally a month ago, i have experienced my firs obe where i could stand out of my body but could not move. I should probably say that it was also my first spontanious obe that was achieved through a dream.
Now, yesterday i was going to sleep and i concentrate on my thoughts so i could have lucid dream. Instead that, i suddenly felt vibrations and i forced myself out of my body and could float all over my room. But when i turned to my bed it seemed to be empty. I forced myself to my body and tried to wake up. Problem was that i had very much troubles to stay in my body, like something was pulling me out, and my body was paralised, and i couldn't wake up. Also i remember a picture of my window and a dark siluete on it.
My question is
1)was it a dream of obe (fact that i didn't saw my body on bed is what troubles me)?
2)why i had troubles to stay in my body?
3)what was that damn siluete on my windows?
I am sorry because of my poor knowing of english   


Quote1)was it a dream of obe (fact that i didn't saw my body on bed is what troubles me)?

Sounds like an OBE to me. Don't worry about not always seeing your body. I don't see mine most of the time, but I also rarely turn to see it. Once I'm out, I head through my wall and out of my house.

Quote2)why i had troubles to stay in my body?

Not sure on this one. My closest experience to what you've described was about a month ago. I was sick and sleeping a lot. I didn't have the energy to try and project, even though it would have been the best. But on the second or third night, I was lying in bed asleep when it felt like I was literally kicked out of my body. I flew out and 'landed' on the floor near the bed. I had to actually laugh because I thought it was funny. It was as if my body was saying "enough already, go away!" So I stood up and glided through the wall.

Quote3)what was that damn siluete on my windows?

Probably your imagination. Your thoughts and emotions have a big impact on what you experience. I wouldn't think twice about it. Next time you are out, try and move away from your bedroom. Float around your house, glide outside, whatever you want to do.

QuoteI am sorry because of my poor knowing of english 

No apologies necessary. Your english is quite good!   :-)
Reality is what you perceive it to be.


Quote1)was it a dream of obe (fact that i didn't saw my body on bed is what troubles me)?

It was an OBE by definition. Having a ,,real" OBE is a little bit trickier and need you to sort of fit your sensory experiences to the physical world.

Quote2)why i had troubles to stay in my body?

Could be the result of your thoughts or specific suggestions while you have fallen asleep. Also, if you go directly to delta bypassing theta you will be automatically ejected.

Quote3)what was that damn siluete on my windows?

Its called the dweller of the threshold. As long as you remain close to your body you are basically in your personal subconscious. You may want to confront this figure to fasten your progress.


Quote from: upstream on February 14, 2007, 13:38:13
It was an OBE by definition. Having a ,,real" OBE is a little bit trickier and need you to sort of fit your sensory experiences to the physical world.
Could you explain it a bit more?
Quote from: upstream on February 14, 2007, 13:38:13
Could be the result of your thoughts or specific suggestions while you have fallen asleep. Also, if you go directly to delta bypassing theta you will be automatically ejected.
I don't know anything about delta and theta, could you explain it to me more or suggest some books where i can read about it?


What you have experienced was an OBE by definition, because you had the sensation of leaving your body. Whether this feeling was based on actual energetics or not doesnt matter. Most of us call these experiences OBE anyway. What really matters is that you actually did it, you really projected your personality out of its habitual constraints, and this just gets easier and easier.

Sensory fitting, and fluctocondensation practices in general, are designed to turn the typical OBEs into energetic experiences by sort of condesning the energy body into a form which is capable to interact with the energy fields of physical objects. It enables you to have glimpses of the waking reality. First you will see your sleeping body as a pulsating mass on the bed. Then, being exposed to all kinds of electromagnetic fields and potencials you have to learn to fly again.

From ground up you can build to perceive the astral as it really is leaving behind your expectations about what it should be. You may have good results even at your first try with these practices, but in order to stabilize your achivements you would have to go through many hours of dreaming practices. Still, as soon as you quit regression will happen, unfortunately. Take a look on the basics here if you are still interested.

By theta and delta I meant different states of sleep (conscious or not) where the brain produces predominantly either theta or delta waves. Most dreams are played out before a strong theta background, while the deepest sleep states are associated with delta brain waves. Other waves are also produced during these states but theta and delta waves have the greatest amplitude. Just spin the google with words, like sleep, egg, theta, delta etc.