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David Warner


Here's a few extracts from previous posts on AP that might give you some ideas and help you out.

Set an alarm clock to go off every 15mins and when you start to fall asleep imagine yourself rolling inside like a log. Once you feel the vibes come on, roll yourself out onto the floor.

The last 3 months(4/27 - 7/25) - I've been keeping track of my experiences and I believe this helps the overall picture. With keeping a journal what I eat during the day, time tracking of the experience, along with journal notes.

So far to date here's the breakdown

Conscious Astral Projection - 19
False Awakening - 4
Lucid Dream To Astral Projection - 2

I'm constantly mentally thinking of astral projection, reading, listening to the subliminal tape, talking with people on-line here at the astral pulse, mental affirmations to myself during the day, reciting, crystals, and acting out my intent, setting up experiments and with goals in mind.

This is what it takes for me to be successful at projections. Its a lot of mental/physical work and its paying off.

Hopefully, you can use this information to further your own studies and practices.

InvisibleLight - Book Release 12.12.2012


Tvos, thanks alot for your very detailed responce, ill definitely give that a try.

David Warner


Let me know if that helps you out and sets you straight. Feel free to email me anytime.

InvisibleLight - Book Release 12.12.2012


Here is quote I wrote and pulled from the metaphysics forum.  I'm posting it here, maybe it would be of some help.

QuoteJames, you said that you never wear glasses when you meditate. Do you meditate with yours eyes open or closed?

The only reason I say this is because I know most people meditate sitting down with their eyes closed in a quiet room. I'm just using this as a generic description of meditation. In my meditation sessions I usually stand in the middle of the room and I have small tv stand/alter that I place a candle on and I stare into the flame. I have trained my self to meditate with eyes open. Even when I project astral and travel I use the aforesaid procedure. To go even farther I take a small radio and turn up the volume all the way. I've trained myself to block out my surroundings when I meditate or travel. I don't even notice the radio or anything else in the room for that matter.

Another method I do is I stare at myself in a mirror until it goes black. Once black I know I'm projected, but for me this method demands a little more concentration.

Maybe I'm more advanced than most, or maybe I've found what works for me.

Only in the most demanding situations of concentration do I sit and close my eyes.

"A wise man sees with his heart, not his eyes"


OK, I just joined this site and wanted to post a method that works for me. I work at a freight dock and do a lot of heavy lifting for almost 14 hours a day nonstop which makes this method real easy. No charts, or drugs, or bar graphs, or pie diagrams, or any hoo-haa like that. Step one: one must become physically exhausted while mentally awake and alert (energy drinks do the trick nicely here). Weight training will do. I'm not just talking a little tired but to the point that one would put considerable conscious effort in not falling asleep on the spot. You'll know you're at this point when you move your astral limb and your body limb soon follows as if attached by rubber bands. From what I understand, your astral form and physical form is supposed to occupy the same time and space. When you reach the prime time point they're slightly off from each other. Almost like a bad trace drawing laid offset over the original drawing if that makes sense to you. Step two: this is the prime moment. Get in bed somewhere quiet alone comfortable and protected. I like to use a small fan blowing softly on the bed to give the feeling of floating in water  :) Anyways, from here on use any relaxation method you're most familiar with whilst staying off falling asleep. If it works you should be able to leave your body with simple ease.
The Gods will not do for us what we can do for ourselves. The surprise is just how much that is.

David Warner


It sounds like sleep deprivation that you are performing. It is a good method to inducing oobe's, but also might be tiring and can cause your physical body damage. I think its important to have equal balance between the physical and astral for mental,health, and spiritual reasons.

InvisibleLight - Book Release 12.12.2012


hi astral bodies

i m new to this forum and i don't know how to use this forum, i don't know even how to ask question and get answers but i m trying and here is my request  i don't know about focus 1-10 12-15 . what do we mean about focus and how can know about it. plz help me




Quote from: deepurohillahi astral bodies

i m new to this forum and i don't know how to use this forum, i don't know even how to ask question and get answers but i m trying and here is my request  i don't know about focus 1-10 12-15 . what do we mean about focus and how can know about it. plz help me


Hi deepurohilla, and welcome.

Check out the Astral FAQ:

There is a post in there which answers your question.


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A technique that is described often in astral proj. books and has worked for me is while falling asleep at night (on nights youre not too exhausted), think about standing next to your bed.  Keep this thought on your mind , putting all other thoughts aside.  Continue to do this until you fall asleep.  You just may find yourself out.


Ive been trying to have an OBE for a couple of months. Its really easy for me get to the sleep/awake state. I could do it sense I was like 5, I just didnt know what it was really for, or what it was really called until recently. The only thing I cant do is get out. But do get to the tingle sensations or vibs i guess, i listen to Boxed NIrvane, and just visualize a square or keep telling my self Im Gonna Project lol.


Hi benrachor,

I use Hypnosis been using it for 8 years on my own then went to school for it and got Certified in the Advanced Level.

Glad I did, doing it on my own without the right training I found I was doing some techniques a little off lol.

Now for me I can use the newer techniques and go into Ultra Depth in 1 to 2 seconds.

Post Hypnotic Suggestions using words or sensations (sight, smell, touch, hearing or even taste) to go into trance. Or a KEYWORD

Yes, meditation can be done with eyes open and even standing up.  Meditation is only a Heighten State of Awareness.  Focusing one a single thought or idea or image.

When we put groups in hypnosis they to will not hear other sounds that are around them as they are in trance unless they allow it.

My 2 hypnosis scripts are posted in a website if anyone would like to try it?

It can be read by yourself as you record it or have another person read it to you.

Used it on my mother-in-law her first hypnosis session and I guided her into her first AP trip.

With the first session she accomplished her first astral.  I guide her half way to the moon then back above the earth.

When she opened her eyes she was surprised that she actually had one lol.

She Said the view was too beautiful to come back lol.

Frank (hypnotist1)


Though I haven't managed to separate as of yet, this is what I usually do.

Basically, relax myself, then straight in with climbing that rope, with every tug, I make a "huaa" sound in my head, and then I usually start chanting something like "I'm coming out I'm gonna kill the rope!!" you know, motivational then I get to the vibration bit quickly. But then I get stuck, I can't get out, I keep climbing, and then eventually I get really stressed and just stop.


i think here is a good technique but i suggest you being in a relaxed state, the mantra LA RA SS not really sure if any one tried this on here but you just pronounce out the words like for LA is Law for RA is Raw and SS is like ssss, i havent tried this out yet but hopefully some one else can confirm this :) i think saying it out loud a few times and just keep saying it in your mind till the vibes hit or something good luck  :smile:


QuoteBasically, relax myself, then straight in with climbing that rope
Opera, you have to get to the trance state first before the rope climbing, because the motivational stuff and the effort can stress out your body and move, and that'll kill the projection.
other than that you're doing fine.

What I do: relax, energy work, and focus on a blank spot in front of my eyes until I feel I'm in trance- when I feel "loose" then I try an exit technique.  Of all I've tried the rope is what's worked.


It was only my first time using this technique, and my first time in general going for an OBE. In fact, it was my first night dealing with this stuff. When I used it I had 3 seperate "dreams", as I think they were. They were very VERY lucid and I ended up getting sleep paralysis for a few minutes.
I just breathed in deep for a good three seconds, and while inhaling I said:

                           "I will seperate from my body"
I then exhaled another three seconds and said:

                           "And I will remember everything"

After a good 15 minutes I felt vibrations and I felt myself actually going into a "dream". I was lying either next to my bed or on it, but my tv was in a different position. I was paralyzed in the "dream" so I couldn't look around. It just felt like a very comfortable matress underneath so it leads me to believe I was still in my bed and hadn't exited yet, but the tv in a different position really threw that off.

But it worked well for my first time doing ANY of this.


i think you had an obe since you felt the vibes


Um, about the "C" method or looking at your hands...
Would you think you could examine a ring of sorts??Ive got a pentagram ring, so would it help doing "reality" checks on that???

Thanx all ya
The greatest illusion yet, is that mankind has limitations- Monroe


Its funny how its similar , because I done almost the same thing as xsgtpepper !

The first time I tried it , i gotten at the state of transe and I seen too my television at a different place. But I was viewing my chamber not from my Astral eyes but physic , they were like open.

this was my television at a totally different place that coulnt be putted there ... It would be impossible.
The channel was changing like the speed of my vibration  :smile:

I experienced 2 transe after that , one in normal self suggestion and one in Lucid Dreaming . But i can't get out yet . Hopefully i will get it soon.
But its just like 4 to 5 days Im into astral projection , so I got plenty of times.


Hello, i don't if this fits here but i will just spill it out here.

Althought i had never had a obe althought i am not sure i had lucid dreams but not that often.
Now however i am practising the F10 state.
And what i find usefull when i practice before i go to sleep, to place my arms above my head, and because i am not used to sleep this way it is very difficult for me to fall permanently asleep.
However i can relax with my arms this way so it does not interfere with the process.

It is not much of a technique but perhaps it may help some.

Much luck :grin:

and krisna answered; Yes ascension is truly very very difficult for men, unless... Adi Shakti interferes.


where do you see the F*something* state ?


Hello Sepultura123,

To answer your question, the F10 state of consciousness is very clearly explained in the Permanent astral topics section, It made me really understand it and with it i was not a failure at astral projection.

Hope You'll learn something from it to.

and krisna answered; Yes ascension is truly very very difficult for men, unless... Adi Shakti interferes.


Thank you I never checked this part of the board I will check it tommorow because I go sleep in a couple of minutes.

Thanks again...


I astral projected for the second time, on accident.  While visualizing a rubik's cube in my head just for fun, it happened.  It's really hard to visualize what happens when you twist and turn that darn cube.  I guess the stress made me project.  Also the fact that I did not want to move because my girlfriend was hugging me while sleeping, and I didn't want to wake her up could of influenced the projecting as well.

Well anyways I freaked out because I had forgotten about projecting and thought I was deaf because I could not hear anything, so I woke back up.


It would be great to see your girlfriend after astral project and try to go in contact. Maybe you can go in his dream if you think about getting in his head  :lol: