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are psychics real?

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are psychics real?
i've been trying to talk to them and have spent like 4000 bucks on them for the past year, but sadly i've gotten nowhere in my life.

every psychic i talk to gives me a different story to the same question i ask.

i know that the realm of spirituality is real, and that some of these psychics have actual abilities. but there's so many and they all look alike talk alike and sound alike. i'm so confused now, i think i've been fed a big white lie.


what was the question you asked?


i've asked a lot of questions.

my most important question was if i had any blockages in my energy that were serious.
others were if i'm going to meet a girlfriend anytime soon.

as for the blockages. some said i wasnt, some said i was. some said i had entities attached to me. some say this is all in my head. some said i had a curse, some said i just need to meditate.

as for the girlfriend. some say they didnt see one, some said they did. some said i would have found her two months ago, obviously i didnt. some say i'm going to find her in the next two months. some have described her, everyone described her physical appearance to be different.


Alot of them are just after your money sadly.

When someone removed an energy blockage in one of my chakras, which I had no clue was there, he did it for free.

Try to get involved in the phsychic community of your area, not the ones who do it for big amounts of money, but the ones which do it in private.

It is hard to tell a real physic from a fake one.

If you have no trouble spending all that money, go right ahead, but if you can invest it more wisely I would suggest doing that.
In somnis veritas


well i didnt have trouble spending all that money cause i thought i was getting help. sadly there are no psychics in my local area. only psychics i've ever seen are all online.


Here is something to think about. If you discovered that you had the talent what would you do? I bet you wouldn't quit your job to go sit on the boardwalk with a deck of tarot cards. Would you want your friends and family to think your nuts? My guess is that you would try to tell a few people, until you saw the doubt and sometimes fear in their eyes, then you would choose to hide it.

Some of the psychic may be real, many are not. There are people that do training courses for telephone psychics. The only goal in it is to keep the person on the phone.

The real ones are probably arround you already, but say nothing.


from my experience, the only thing that i can do to tell if what psychics tell me is real or not is this: i ask 3 or more different psychics the same question. if they give the same answer to within a small margin of error, chances are that the answer that all 3 or more psychics have said has a high probability of being real.


The only person you can believe 100% is yourself. When speaking about another person, it's always possible to be wrong, even psychics. When you have to give a person money, you already know that they're getting something out of it for themselves. They don't necessarily have your best interest at hand, even if they are really psychic.

The best psychic you can listen to is your own inner-self/intuition. It always has what's best for you in mind, which might not be a relationship, money, job, etc. If you listen to a psychic, always take the information with a grain of salt and compare it with your own intuition.


It does seem you are running in a circle looking for answers. I can see the benifit in getting another persons view of yourself, it is often hard to see yourself objectivly, but I would say save your money. You are not finding what you are looking for in these people and would be better served by both looking at yourself and looking for someone that genuinly cares about you.


nope you caught us  :lol:

it is time for the refunds
I stand at the threshold of what could be a new world

James S

I don't want to sound harsh sonicpunk32 , but it seems to me that if you've spent that much money in the last year trying to get the  psychics to help you with your issues, then you should stop looking for someone to provide you with all the answers, stop looking for a psychic that will tell you what you want to hear and take ownership of your own life.

I work for an institute that helps train people to work with their psychic talents, and your posts brings a few things to mind that we've experienced...

1) Any psychic, no matter how good they are will not be able to connect with your energies and provide you with helpful information if your not first being honest and open with yourself.

2) Avoid phone psychics. There are more shams out there on the phones than there are real psychics. We teach people to conduct live face to face readings. Its the only way you can properly connect with a client.

3) We have a standing rule at our institute that we teach all of our students - don't accept a client back for a reading within six months of their last reading. We've seen time and again that clients who go around from psychic to psychic are reading junkies who are not prepaired to put the effort in to owning their own issues, but would rather find someone who will tell them what they want to hear.

4) You could go to the best psychic there is and they'll still be wrong about your future events. Why? because NOTHING IS WRITTEN IN STONE! Every second of every day you make choices that affect the direction of your future. It's called FREE WILL. Psychics can only see possibilities, potential outcomes that depend on your own actions. A good psychic will provide you with guidance for you to achieve the best possible outcome for yourself, but you've still got to make the appropriate choices.

5) If you're trying to find a psychic who will tell you about your future then your more likely to come across scam artists. A psychics job, first and formost is to provide HEALING, not fortune telling. They are supposed to use their skills to provide a client with guidance and information not available through regular means in order for them to heal their own lives.

As to the money side of things, I've noticed a lot of whinging here about people receiving money for providing psychic services. I'm sorry, but the psychics I would NOT trust are the ones who offer free or discount services, because they do not value themselves.

A well trained professional holistic healer or councellor, which is what you would class a true psychic reader as, has as much right to charge for the knowledge and experience that they've gained as any other trained professional. They have to eat and pay bills too! No matter how "bohemian" they may appear, they still need to live in a world that's run on money. Besides, I've seen what happens to professional psychics who scam people - they don't tend to last long. Like any professional, the more you do the right thing by your clients, and work with the right intent, the more the universe will honour what you are doing by provinding financial abundance.

Last thing I'll write here about this is a buddhist saying - "If you want to know your future, look into your present actions."



if you want girlfriend so much why dont you just go out and find her? (or maybe you tried that?)
i live in small village with few boys and i still try my best to find a friend or a boyfriend when i can

im not sure i know what im talking about but  don't you feel if your alright or not?


Why would psychics that can see the future need money??They can simply see the lottery and win it

James S

Quote from: WANDERLEI on September 14, 2006, 22:01:24
Why would psychics that can see the future need money??They can simply see the lottery and win it

"A psychic's job, first and formost is to provide HEALING, not fortune telling. They are supposed to use their skills to provide a client with guidance and information not available through regular means in order for them to heal their own lives."

Firstly, this is the most common misconception about psychics - they don't see the future, they only see possibilities.

Secondly, it would be completely defeating the laws of abundance.
Anyone, psychic or otherwise, who lives according to the laws of abundance doesn't need things like lottery wins. They trust in the abundant provision of the Universe which can come in many different ways.

Respecting money and the value of a service being provided is an important part of living in the laws of abundance. Professionals in any field who recognise the value of their service will charge accordingly. Any professional, in any field, who give away their services will only succeed in putting themselves out of business, as they undermine their own value. The universe takes things very literally - if you don't value yourself, the universe will not value you.



What is the law of abundance???

James S

The laws of abundance, put in its most simple terms, state that there is that the Universe has an abundance of all things - be they relating to material gain or love, and that all we need to do is align our thoughts with this abundance and it is supplied to us by the Universe.

This is as opposed to the laws of scarcity, which in this world, is what all of our economic rules and material thinking is based on. The laws of scarcity, which we have been programmed with from very early in our lives states that there is not enough for everyone, so we must work or fight to have what we need, and if necessary, prevent someone else from having something so that we can.

The truth is, we are creators, we create with our every thoughts. If our thoughts are aligned with the firm belief that there is actually more than enough for everybody, that is exactly what we will create. And so we experience abundance.

This I can speak of from first hand experience. I lost my job late last year and got to a stage where I thought I would loose my house. By working with the laws of abundance, and aligning my thoughts with those laws, not only do I have a new career in a place that I absolutely love working, all my bills and my mortgage are being paid each month, we have the things we want, and I no longer worry about where the money is going to come from. If it seems like I don't have enough for something, I just trust that it will come, and it always does.

Its so much more relaxing working with abundance than being worried about having or not having enough money all the time.



im in 100 percent agreement with James on this one.  I went to an online psychic and asked him if I could read HIS aura.  I read it, he blocked me half way through and when I called him on it he disconnected.  Most of them use the people on the other end simply for the money.  its a per minute market out there for physics and prostitutes alike.  They milk you for everything they can get and when they meet someone who know anything about... well... anything they dissapear in a flash.  Be wary of internet or phone psychics... or.. well.. any psychics.
Profound Impatience makes the blind struggle in Stupidity.

lady of the ring

"By working with the laws of abundance, and aligning my thoughts with those laws, "


I have watched the secret and what the bleep : -  i am having difficulty in putting these laws into practice. I really would appreciate any help from your side



It's kind of like good-old christian faith. If you have 100% trust in that God will provide, he will provide... whatever "God" may be.

James S

Hi Lady of the Ring,

Stookie's exactly right! It's all about trust.
The trick is to build up that level of trust.

If you've watched What The Bleep, then you'll have an understanding about the "programming" that goes on in our brain, which so much of is based around conditioning. We're conditioned to think that there is a lack of the things we want or need.

The first step in putting the laws of abundance into practice, or indeed any positive change you wish to make in your life, is to re-write all that old programming. You can do so with affirmations - each day repeating a simple phrase to yourself. This will help reprogram your thinking.

A simple affirmation for abundance could be something like:
"I am financially provided for by the Universe abundantly."
"I deserve and receive abundance!"

Stick with that for a while, then wait and believe that you will see changes in your life.
The thing with affirmations and manifesting is that it does take a little time - firstly to recondition your old ways of thinking, and then to allow your thoughts to manifest into reality.

A more "full on" approach to affirmations is a system that's referred to as "22 x 11".

How you do this is for eleven days straight, pick a time of day you can sit down without interruption and write out your affirmation twenty two times.

Each time you write down that affirmation, which could be "I deserve and receive abundance!", write down the very next thought that pops in to your mind, which could be anything from "What a load of crap" to "I'd better pick up some milk on the way home tomorrow". Doesn't matter what the thought is, just write it down after each affirmation. Don't judge yourself or be harsh on yourself for what you write - it's all for a good reason, and its all to help you grow through awareness - it's all good!

You will find that as you keep going with this, the next thoughts you write down will start becoming more and more positive.

Through repeating the affirmation so many times, that idea starts becoming firmly etched into your subconscious. Because your subconscious quietly guides your conscious thoughts and actions, your conscious thoughts and actions will start working in line with this new abundance programming, and you WILL start seeing abundance coming into your life, in all sorts of wonderful and surprising ways.

The more you experience this, the more you will believe and trust in it.

Yes it does take a bit of effort to get going, but with anything worthwhile in life, the more you put in, the more you'll get out.

Hope that helps.  :-)


lady of the ring

thank-you so much

this is the first time i have heard of the 22x11 approach and will certainly
try it
i guess one should add being grateful and say thank-you to God/Universe for what you already have - something I/we so easily forget



i beleive that everyone has the potential to be psychic and that these telepathic ablities are latent in all of us. some people get a taste of these abilites and run off and try to make it their new source of income though they are undeveloped and largely inaccurate. others just are liars who want your money. but yes psychics are real. :wink:

James S

Quote from: gangta on October 06, 2006, 00:43:28
i beleive that everyone has the potential to be psychic and that these telepathic ablities are latent in all of us.

You've absolutely hit the nail on the head gangta!!!

You're also correct in your other comments. People do tend to grab hold of their budding psychic awarenesses and try to make money from it, thinking its an easy living. Trouble is it doesn't work that way. It's like any natural talent - if you want to turn it into a professional skill you've got to put time and effort into developing it, and making it something of true value to others.
