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I'm having an Exorcism done today

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QuoteAlso something else that seems to help to "Test your spirits" is to get them to say things that a neg might not want to.

That might work, but I find that my way of testing spirits is foolproof - at least for me. Try seeing what you can feel coming from the spirit. If it feels bad, or there's no feeling of PUL from them, you can be sure they are not what you want hanging around you.
We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience. - Dr. Wayne  W. Dyer

Please visit Astral Planet.


MacArthur --

You hold your own so well, it never occurred to me to pony up and say that part of my healing involved spirits coming in and being a part of me for awhile as The Universe "cleaned house" with some of the more seriously unpleasant squatters.

I was lucky enough to have someone really great going through a parallel experience, not specifically the same but close enough for support and perspective.  

She would just shake her head about both our lives and say that most of the time she felt like a revolving door homeless shelter for lost and displaced spirits, while I was an upscale timeshare condo.  Same "problem" just a better class of transients.

But that was all a long time ago.


Part of you? How, you mean, like soul braiding, walk in?


Quote from: AndromachePart of you? How, you mean, like soul braiding, walk in?

I'm never sure about the words.

I don't know what "soul braiding" is but I think not that.  Sounds too intimate and tightly wound.

People talk about walk ins but all I know is my own experience.  

I think for me, it's a matter of the spirits being resident in my personal space and STAYING there for some reason -- not wandering in and out.  It's like the difference between a roommate, a house guest, people at a dinner party, and the guy who comes to spray for bugs.

The ones that helped me were beautifully behaved with exquisite manners and moved on when their work was done, leaving me in much better shape than I was in before they came.


Quote from: G3MM4

That might work, but I find that my way of testing spirits is foolproof - at least for me. Try seeing what you can feel coming from the spirit. If it feels bad, or there's no feeling of PUL from them, you can be sure they are not what you want hanging around you.
Yes, this works at times too if you know how to 'feel' a spirits energy signature.  What is "PUL"?


Quote from: ChimeraeMacArthur --

You hold your own so well, it never occurred to me to pony up and say that part of my healing involved spirits coming in and being a part of me for awhile as The Universe "cleaned house" with some of the more seriously unpleasant squatters.
Yes, this is exactly what is meant to be happening with the help of this Khodam. I ingest it so it blends into me and then once properly in and a part of me it goes to work kicking out all the uninvited squatters. I've experienced something like this before back in about 1997. I can't be exactly sure what happened but I had a male helping spirit that was talking to me and it seemed like he projected into my head from outside. After a short while he projected back outside my body again and said something like, "OK, I've just cleaned your mind for you."

edit: Another instance of help by what I think was the same spirit was when he gave me a healing session around the same time. I was lying on my back on the bed and he was at the foot of the bed holding my feet (I couldn't see him but could hear and feel him). I remember at the time I was amazed at the energy he was giving off, very warm and gentle but strong. He then guided me to use breath-awareness (luckily I had been learning about T'ai Chi) to inhale energy from him through my feet up to my head and then down the front to my heart chakra (I had had a severe psychic attack there.)


Quote from: McArthurOK here we go!!! Read this old thread of mine:

Em, Negs and Possession

I propose in that thread that negs somehow affect humans using subtle Electromagnetic fields in the brain, something which health authorities have also been able to do. I also postulate that EM fields also somehow affect negs in an adverse way. Now read this!
Researchers at McLean Hospital's Brain Imaging Center have found that the oscillating magnetic fields of an MRI scanner (a machine commonly used in medicine to produce high-resolution images of internal organs and tissues) can immediately improve the moods of depressed patients suffering from bipolar disorder, a psychiatric illness characterized by alternating periods of mania and depression. A controlled study recently published in the American Journal of Psychiatry indicated that 23 out of 30 bipolar patients (77 percent) reported an improved mood after receiving the scan—and that 100 percent of the patients who were not taking antidepressant medication indicated a better mood.


In fact, researchers first noticed the scan's mood-enhancing effects by accident, while conducting an unrelated study of medications' effectiveness on bipolar subjects. During that study, many subjects emerging from their EP-MRSI exams remarked to the technician on how much better they felt than before the scan. Some were even cracking jokes as they departed. "There were enough patients who told us—and these were unbiased observations—that we thought we ought to pay attention," Cohen explains. For some, the elevated mood lasted for hours; for others, it persisted as long as a week.

They don't know why it works, but I do!!!

They're inadvertantly zapping negs from people who don't know they have them!!! Depression, Bi-polar? Negs. Want a cure? Zap em with some strong EM pulses! (but do it regularly over a week or two to stop re-attachment, possibly getting Reiki healing for the auric holes where the negs are getting into the aura)

Now I just need one of these to test out my theory:

McArthur, i read the exact same article about six months ago and took it to my therapist to show him. Now, he's just a regular therapist (far as i know) and i don't think he knows much about occult issues. But, he listens to me and he's about the only person i have to talk to.

I've been reading the Kryon channelings for a few years now, and a MAJOR point that Kryon makes is that as humans we have only a basic understanding of electricity, and magnetism, and virtually nothing of electromagnetism. At the risk of sounding whacky, i do believe in all of these things although i lack hardcore evidence, even experientially. Kryon focused several times on ancient Atlantis and their healing techniques that were pseduo-science/magic, and they involved low dosages of electromagnetism and a group of hands-on healers. Their powers of rejuvenation were quite amazing, but were reserved for the higher caste. Kryon states many many times that our scientists have the very answers to healing and health at our very fingertips, but we can't see it yet.
If but we knew the power of our thoughts we would guard them more closely.


Quote from: narfellus
Quote from: McArthurOK here we go!!! Read this old thread of mine:

Em, Negs and Possession

I propose in that thread that negs somehow affect humans using subtle Electromagnetic fields in the brain, something which health authorities have also been able to do. I also postulate that EM fields also somehow affect negs in an adverse way. Now read this!
Researchers at McLean Hospital's Brain Imaging Center have found that the oscillating magnetic fields of an MRI scanner (a machine commonly used in medicine to produce high-resolution images of internal organs and tissues) can immediately improve the moods of depressed patients suffering from bipolar disorder, a psychiatric illness characterized by alternating periods of mania and depression. A controlled study recently published in the American Journal of Psychiatry indicated that 23 out of 30 bipolar patients (77 percent) reported an improved mood after receiving the scan—and that 100 percent of the patients who were not taking antidepressant medication indicated a better mood.


In fact, researchers first noticed the scan's mood-enhancing effects by accident, while conducting an unrelated study of medications' effectiveness on bipolar subjects. During that study, many subjects emerging from their EP-MRSI exams remarked to the technician on how much better they felt than before the scan. Some were even cracking jokes as they departed. "There were enough patients who told us—and these were unbiased observations—that we thought we ought to pay attention," Cohen explains. For some, the elevated mood lasted for hours; for others, it persisted as long as a week.

I don't know why this applies, but it feels like I should share this (somewhat goofy) bit of info here.

My therapist is most unusual -- solid in the hard sciences -- chemistry, physics, biology -- solid in traditional theraputic techniqes -- solid in his own development.   His theory is that I am able to process in my etheric front brain and have intuition and cognition when and were none should be biochemically possible.  From there (he thinks) I adapt my energy patterns and drop them down on my physical psychobiology and effect change in traditionally unpredictable ways (quantum leaps) which in turn disorients my organic front brain patterns, simply because of the chaos of sudden change.  And homeostasis opposes the whole process.  He thinks that what he's seen is that as I grow in my ability to coordinate all this, I move forward faster and with less disruption.

IN his theory, I'm set up for this as an option because my energy package is so sensitve and reforms so easily in any kind of an energy field, with my body then following right along behind with just the predictable time lag for physical manifestaion.

Now, I treat all of this as "mythology" and suspect it may be like the story of the sun as a chariot driven through the sky during the day with the horses in the barn at night.  Some part of it is a workable model for something.  Me, I just keep doing what I do and exploring whatever works.


Quote from: Chimerae
My therapist is most unusual -- solid in the hard sciences -- chemistry, physics, biology -- solid in traditional theraputic techniqes -- solid in his own development.   His theory is that I am able to process in my etheric front brain and have intuition and cognition when and were none should be biochemically possible.  From there (he thinks) I adapt my energy patterns and drop them down on my physical psychobiology and effect change in traditionally unpredictable ways (quantum leaps) which in turn disorients my organic front brain patterns, simply because of the chaos of sudden change.  And homeostasis opposes the whole process.  He thinks that what he's seen is that as I grow in my ability to coordinate all this, I move forward faster and with less disruption.

Now, I treat all of this as "mythology" and suspect it may be like the story of the sun as a chariot driven through the sky during the day with the horses in the barn at night.  Some part of it is a workable model for something.  Me, I just keep doing what I do and exploring whatever works.

I always find it so fascinating the different approaches people take to the mysteries. In some ways your therapist probably IS right, from his perspective. I wonder what he would say if he knew you posted on boards with legitimate ghost hunters, wizards and psychics?

Quote from: McArthur
Now theres an idea i would certainly give a try. Its not so much about having to stay in the coils, its more to do with getting a really strong *pulse* of some kind of field (or degausser) to see if it affects this entity or not. The very weak EM field given off by my beard trimer seems to do something, so i need something with a bit more Umph to it. I know this sounds like Sci-Fi and a little crazy but its all i have to go on right now. And i bet those [edit] coils are expensive too.

I noticed that thread was 2 years old! Whatever happened to your gauss coil experiment?
If but we knew the power of our thoughts we would guard them more closely.


Quote from: narfellus

I noticed that thread was 2 years old! Whatever happened to your gauss coil experiment?
I tried making a Magnetic Pulser myself from a coil and a camera flash (instructions here: How to make an EM pulser    ) but it didn't work very well (not strong enough or I didn't make it properly) and I kind of lost interest and/or had a feeling it didn't work....   and perhaps my resident negs helped me to believe it didn't. But now I stumbled on those medical articles I definitely have a renewed interest in trying one out.

The idea is still there and I still have the small coils I had made. I just need a better curcuit to connect it to with mains power supply rather than a battery operated flash unit. I've been collecting articles and links to places that sell them though.

The "megapulser" on this page that goes around your body looks interesting....

And this one seems powerful (but expensive):

I would seriously love to get my hands on one of those professionally made ones to test it out on this neg(s) but I'm broke now after paying for this shamanic stuff. I may try to see what I can fix together with the coils I have after Christmas. I do have a small mains powered strobe light I might be able to use but would probably need a stronger capacitor for it.


Sounds like you have some really fun stuff lined up. If i lived in the UK i'd help you!
If but we knew the power of our thoughts we would guard them more closely.


At the link to the instructions on how to make a Pulser there is a link to an article about how long exposure to  Em fields might be connected to an increased risk of  cancer/brain tumors.  And because entities/ghosts are giving off Em fields it's not too far fetched to propose that some cancers may be being caused by an attached neg. So get rid of the neg and the cancer should go into remission...


Quote from: kaili

the story of one woman who had multiple sclerosis and was struck by lightening.
That's an interesting story about the MS sufferer as I've just read this on another page about Magnetic pulsers:
'I have an old neighbor that is 82 and active and arthritis free.. He had diagnosed with arthritis in his 50's when he was still working and was about to be forced to retire, because of the pain and swelling of joints..On a fishing trip to Canada, his last he felt he would ever be able to take, he was struck by lightning that hit the ground about 20 foot in front of him and rendered him unconscious.. He only remembers the "Buzzing' sound of high voltage electricity.. His friends shook him and applied CPR and he awakened and stood up and stood there swinging his arms and dancing on his lags and his friends asked him what he was doing , and he said that all the pain was gone.. He said he felt a little numb all over his body and After 3 days all the joint swelling was gone and he has "never" been bothered with Arthritis since..  


Quote from: narfellusSounds like you have some really fun stuff lined up. If i lived in the UK i'd help you!
Yes I do and thanks. My mothers b/f is an electrician so I think I'll rope him into helping me put one together if I can catch him in a good mood.


Do you think the Wachowski brothers know something we don't (well, I think I do)?

But the bug reacts violently. Neo screams as it wraps itself around the soft tissue web of intestine.

GIZMO: Sh*t.

TRINITY: What's happening?

GIZMO: I don't know. They've never done that before.

Neo writhes in pain.

GIZMO: Hold him down.

NEO: Jesus! God!

TRINITY: Do something!

GIZMO: I got it! Maybe we can stun it.

TRINITY: Are you crazy? That will kill him.

We watch Neo, who can't see what they are talking about.

GIZMO: It'll work. Come on, do it or Hacksaw will.

NEO: Do what?

The instant he hears the word, he knows.


NEO: Oh, sh*t --

The cry is frozen in his mouth as the paddles hit his chest. Gizmo wrestles with the bug.

GIZMO: Hit him again!

Again, the electricity convulses through him as Gizmo yanks the speculum out.

GIZMO: Got it!

Trinity touches Neo, who is just beginning to breathe. She eases the tape off his eyes.

TRINITY: Neo, are you okay?

He nods.

TRINITY: It's over. We got it.

Hanging from the claw pick is the inanimate metal wire- tap.

GIZMO: Nasty little bugger, ain't it?

And of course they also used EM pulses against  those "sentinels". Stranger than fiction eh?


Stranger than fiction. Too bad the Matrix movies couldn't live up the hype. They had some great ideas.  I've often wondered if being struck by lightning could have an effect other than killing you. The curing Hand of God, or something such. After all, our entire body is an electrical field, and EVERYTHING is energy. It still blows my mind that lightning is hotter than the surface of the sun.
If but we knew the power of our thoughts we would guard them more closely.


Quote from: McArthurAt the link to the instructions on how to make a Pulser there is a link to an article about how long exposure to  Em fields might be connected to an increased risk of  cancer/brain tumors.  And because entities/ghosts are giving off Em fields it's not too far fetched to propose that some cancers may be being caused by an attached neg. So get rid of the neg and the cancer should go into remission...

Phew, ok, I am finding a lot of interesting things on this subject of Em fields. For instance:
Magnetic Crystals
Research has now confirmed the presence of small magnetic particles in living cells, and these could possibly act as natural magnetic detectors. Samples of human immune cells (leukemic T-cells) were found to respond to magnetic fields in experiments my colleagues and I conducted at the VA Medical Center in Loma Linda. When Dr. Kirschvink, at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, analyzed these cells, he confirmed the presence of tiny magnetic crystals, called magnetite.
This was the first hint that there might be detectors in the human body that could explain the sensitivity of the immune system to EM fields. Previously, Kirschvink and his colleagues had also discovered magnetite in the human brain, providing a possible basis for interactions between EM fields and the brain.  
If 'ghosts' are Em in nature could it be that one of the ways they attach to humans is via these magnetic crystals on a cellular level? Are some dis-eases caused by the magnetic properties of these crystals being damaged/changed/disrupted by a Negs invasive Em field? How about degaussing them?

It has been known for quite a while that E-M (electro-magnetic) fields
can effect biological mechanisms & controls.  This is not surprising
since living things have developed against an environmental background
of naturally occurring E-M fields.  There exists today a danger of EM
pollution that may approach in severity that of other more well publicized
types of environmental pollution.  Statistical studies have shown that
high current ac and very high current DC produced fields have a significant
effect on certain cancer rates.  Even low current ac produced fields
have shown brain chemistry and immune system effects in animal studies.
The most pronounced effects have been shown to occur in the band of
frequencies known as the ELF band.  These are frequencies between 1
and 100 cycles per second.  Effects have been noticed at very low power
levels within this band, even when higher carrier frequencies are modulated
at ELF frequencies.

Are brain chemistry imbalances in some people being caused by a Negs Em field?

Also here:

Are our thoughts made of electricity? Not the familiar kind of electrical signals that travel up and down wires in our computer or nerves in our brain, but the distributed kind of electromagnetic field that permeates space and carries the broadcast signal to the TV or radio.


What Professor McFadden realised was that every time a nerve fires, the electrical activity sends a signal to the brain's electromagnetic (em) field. But unlike solitary nerve signals, information that reaches the brain's em field is automatically bound together with all the other signals in the brain. The brain's em field does the binding that is characteristic of consciousness. What Professor McFadden and, independently, the New Zealand-based neurobiologist Sue Pockett, have proposed, is that the brain's em field IS consciousness.

The brain's electromagnetic field is not just an information sink; it can influence our actions, pushing some neurones towards firing and others away from firing. This influence, Professor McFadden proposes, is the physical manifestation of our conscious will.

The above theory that consciouness is an Em field is highly interesting and fits in with the fact that "ghosts" (disembodied consciousness) are Em in nature. So what a 'possession' or Neg interference might be is when a foreign 'consciousness'(Em field) gets tangled up with our brains own Em field/consciousness. So perhaps when people experience Intrusive Thoughts (or telepathy?) from negs could it possibly be because it is our brain picking up and translating the Em field/signals from the 'Ghosts' own Em field/consciousness?


I just can't resist...this whole topic of the EM field of the body reminds me of an interesting short story.

Isaac Asimov, one of the greatest science fiction writers (Arthur C Clark called him the greatest SCIENCE writer), wrote a short story called "The Last Answer".  It begins when a scientist has a heart attack and discovers himself floating above his body watching the concerned friends around him gathered around his body.  His first thought is "Miracle of miracles, the life after life nuts were right!" LOL  

He then precedes to have a conversation with a Being of Light who approaches, one of the first questions he asks is, "Are you God?"  the Voice responds "It is strange that I am always asked that in, of course, an infinite number of ways.  There is no answer I can give that you would comprehend.  I Am--which is all that I can say significantly and you may cover that with any word or concept you please."  

The man than asks the Voice "And what am I?  A soul?"  The Voice answers "You are easy to explain--even to you.  You may call yourelf a soul if that pleases you, but what you are is a nexus of electromagnetic forces, so arranged that all the interconnections and inter-relationships are exactly imitative of those of your brain in your Universe existence--down to the smalled detail.  Therefore, you have your capacity for thought, your memories, your personality.  It still seems that you are you."  

Later, after more Q and A with this Being of Light, the man says "I know that we are not speaking in the ordinary fashion.  You adjust my nexus in such a way that I believe I hear you and I believe I speak, but you transfer thoughts to me and for me directly.  And when my nexus changes with my thoughts, you are at once aware of them and do not need my voluntary transmission.    The Voice says "You are surprisingly correct."  

There is much more to this humorous dialogue...and what makes this short story most interesting is that Asimov did indeed have a heart attack in his life.

During my experience with the negs, I became aware of something called a "thought before a thought".  It was an odd realization when I discovered that the negs were responding to "pre-thoughts", though difficult to describe, before a thought is formed in your mind, there is something I call a pre-thought.  

One of the main goals of this neg who has invaded my CNS was to try and pretend he was me.  But he would goof up sometimes-- a thought would pop up in my mind, though it may have been something I thought before, was not applicable to how I felt and thought now.  Sometimes he could fool me--but most of the time, he could not, because being a creative human being with a soul, with emotions, constantly evolving and growing, my consciousness is constantly changing.  

Perhaps because we are souled beings (perhaps it's a characteristic of our Divinity) we are not static beings, and are not easily predicted, even if a being can "read" our EM fields.  But having said that, I am concerned that these experiments are all about learning how to more easily imitate ones conscious mind so that more people can be manipulated.

Several great books have been written about the affect of ELF's (extremely low frequency waves) on the human body, including "The Body Electric" by Becker who wrote a follow up book with more tests and experiments.  It's well known by scientists, all this stuff.  What has not been done in a wide spread scientific manner, is to test how these fields not only affect life, but how we can use them to heal.  People like Tom Beardon talk about the potentials for machines to be built to allow this kind of healing using EM waves, and the people who try to do this, or try to illuminate the non scientific community about what the average person does not know about EM waves, is usually brought down in some manner.  I am not about to spout conspiracy theories, because that doesn't help to dwell on, but people, the truth of the matter is that the military already knows much more about this than we do--and they consider it top secret because they would prefer to use it for weaponry.  

It's a two edged sword,  Ex--the Russians bombarding the US embassy with radio waves (which they admitted to later) and the people in the embassy developed cancers at a much higher rate than the normal population.  Much research HAS been done on EM waves and it's affect on biological life.  I suppose we can all approach this from a purely "let's get rid of the negs" and not worry about how it works, why it works, or what other potentials there are for it...but this is not new.  

Which isn't to say "thank you" to McArthur for bringing it up because I've never heard of it being used to eliminate negs before (other than simple magnet experiments) and it's a fantastic idea.

One thing that I want to bring up in regards to my own experience that I have not heard anyone else mention--I would hear a tone whenever the negs were bring pumped out of me.  And a tone whenever they were being "pumped" into me.  During the height of my hell I felt like an inflateable balloon where I never knew who or what was going to be pumped in next.  (They told me they were experiementing with how much I could take...)  

In fact, I imagined the negs existing in canisters, and the ET's or non physicals (whatever you want to call them) would roll up the canisters, emit the tone and add this or that consciousness to my own consciousness field.  There is something to these tones that is significant.  

And I can't speak for anybody else, only myself--but my experience was a planned, coordinated event, not a result of "drive by" negs or consciousnesses becoming intertwined with my own EM field.  But having had the purposeful experiences allowed me to realize that I had felt certain of these feelings before, long before this purposeful, cocordinated attack, so I had been dealing with negs in a far less invasive manner for years without even knowing it.   But as my awareness grew, the attacks grew.  

If any of us can come up with a simple method of neg removal involving EM pulses or something like that, we could then find an open minded scientist willing to work with us to figure out why it works.  I believe the understanding of how and why it works, though secondary in importance, is extremely important.  In my experience, the negs are adaptable too.


Quote from: kaili
During my experience with the negs, I became aware of something called a "thought before a thought".  It was an odd realization when I discovered that the negs were responding to "pre-thoughts", though difficult to describe, before a thought is formed in your mind, there is something I call a pre-thought.

The Toltec shamans called it "the Parasite." insidious little thoughts that worm their way into your consciousness and proclaim themselves as your real thoughts. This happens way often than most people would believe. Your story is a wonderfulexample. It is all part of human evolution i believe, to become aware of these energy fields and transcend/understand them. And everyone is on their own path thru multiple incarnations, with persons such as yourself probably having similar experiences in the past.

QuoteOne of the main goals of this neg who has invaded my CNS was to try and pretend he was me.  But he would goof up sometimes-- a thought would pop up in my mind, though it may have been something I thought before, was not applicable to how I felt and thought now.  Sometimes he could fool me--but most of the time, he could not, because being a creative human being with a soul, with emotions, constantly evolving and growing, my consciousness is constantly changing.  

Don Miguel Ruiz writes about how we must be Warriors of Light against the Parasite, and the resulting mitote, a Veil of Mist that seperates us from our Higher Self.

QuotePerhaps because we are souled beings (perhaps it's a characteristic of our Divinity) we are not static beings, and are not easily predicted, even if a being can "read" our EM fields.  But having said that, I am concerned that these experiments are all about learning how to more easily imitate ones conscious mind so that more people can be manipulated.

Perhaps. I believe there are many many entities in the universe, all on their own Path. Some are as mean and cruel as humans. Some are just curious. Some are our "angels". For every bad group of ET's i like to think we have some good ones on our side. It's a difficult topic to understand because there are so few ways for most people to test it, although many people on this board have a darn good chance!

QuoteOne thing that I want to bring up in regards to my own experience that I have not heard anyone else mention--I would hear a tone whenever the negs were bring pumped out of me.  And a tone whenever they were being "pumped" into me.  During the height of my hell I felt like an inflateable balloon where I never knew who or what was going to be pumped in next.  (They told me they were experiementing with how much I could take...) In fact, I imagined the negs existing in canisters, and the ET's or non physicals (whatever you want to call them) would roll up the canisters, emit the tone and add this or that consciousness to my own consciousness field.  There is something to these tones that is significant.  

Sound vibrations are incredible important. Yes, i think that must be related to the Em field somehow.

QuoteAnd I can't speak for anybody else, only myself--but my experience was a planned, coordinated event, not a result of "drive by" negs or consciousnesses becoming intertwined with my own EM field.  But having had the purposeful experiences allowed me to realize that I had felt certain of these feelings before, long before this purposeful, cocordinated attack, so I had been dealing with negs in a far less invasive manner for years without even knowing it.   But as my awareness grew, the attacks grew.  

Again, i think you are one of the Earth's growing populace of "shiners." You are attractive because of the progress you have made, although i'm sure you would rather not be. I think it's probably a good thing in a spiritual sense, you're higher on the rung to perfection than many others. But that's all just conjecture on my part, i could be completely wrong, but you seem to have a solid grasp of what has been done to you.

QuoteIf any of us can come up with a simple method of neg removal involving EM pulses or something like that, we could then find an open minded scientist willing to work with us to figure out why it works.  I believe the understanding of how and why it works, though secondary in importance, is extremely important.  In my experience, the negs are adaptable too.

i'm all for experiments! This is a fun thread, thanks all for sharing.
If but we knew the power of our thoughts we would guard them more closely.


That was a really interesting story about the Light being and also some other interesting bits I will think about. For now I will comment on this:

Quote from: kaili

One thing that I want to bring up in regards to my own experience that I have not heard anyone else mention--I would hear a tone whenever the negs were bring pumped out of me.  And a tone whenever they were being "pumped" into me.  During the height of my hell I felt like an inflateable balloon where I never knew who or what was going to be pumped in next.  (They told me they were experiementing with how much I could take...)  
You have to remember that they are probably lying. They will weave stories trying to get you to believe this or that because it might give them a better hold over you. At least that is what I have found through my own experiences anyway. Why should you trust what they tell you?
In fact, I imagined the negs existing in canisters, and the ET's or non physicals (whatever you want to call them) would roll up the canisters, emit the tone and add this or that consciousness to my own consciousness field.  There is something to these tones that is significant.  
Ahh, we now come back to Tinnitus that I have been researching and that I mentioned earlier in this thread. People suffering from "Tinnitus" get that tone and at times it's many different tones with the pitch fluctuating. This is, in fact, how I opened up my Clairaudience. I started getting these tones and for some reason I wondered if it was a spirit. So the next time I heard the tone I said out loud, "If you are a spirit making that tone in my ears do it again." And it did. I then spent time concentrating on the very faint hissing sound in my ears with the occasional tones for a week or two. Eventually I could make out fluctuations in the pitch of the buzzing/hissing sound which got stronger and stronger until I started to 'hear' words and then whole sentences. Unfortunately it was a neg I was foolishly opening my Clairaudience to and that was how my whole problem really started and got worse.

The occasional sharp tones, I have always felt, are to do with an influx of energy nearby as an Entity projects into the room. Something happened recently which kind of goes with my theory of this. My mother also gets occasional tones in her ears (and also has a neg problem) but I haven't told her what I think it is because I don't want her opening up even more to the neg that is bothering her (which she doesn't know is there--I won't tell her until I am sure I have a way of getting rid of it). Anyway, we were on holiday a few months ago in the caravan when I heard a loud tone again. But I was facing my mother at the time and I saw her 'jump' (the tones always make her jump when she hears them...) so I asked her, "Did you just hear a tone in your ears again?" She said yes. I said, "So did I." She was busy with other things and didn't really notice what I said or the possible implications of it. But yes, it wasn't just in my head, she heard it too!

So as you can imagine, I am fairly convinced that a lot of Tinnitus sufferers are having entity trouble.  I definitely advise against talking to the tone in your ears and not paying it any attention (and coincidentally, Tinnitus sufferers say that if they concentrate on the sound it gets louder/worse.) What happened with me is that I opened my Clairaudience but couldn't shut it down again. So the entity really had me by the balls with constant chattering in my ears and me wearing headphones with loud music to try and drown it out. Of course, "where the attention goes the energy flows" and it was plugged directly into one of my senses and draining me of energy with the constant noise I couldn't switch off. This is what is happening to Schizophrenics all over the world. They aren't having "auditory hallucinations", it's bloody negs vampirizing them! It's no wonder "11 out of 12" of them in the study I quote in this thread had lesser symptoms after the doctors had been zapping the negs with Em pulses!

Time for a cigar I think, I love it when a plan comes together. :wink:


QuoteYou have to remember that they are probably lying. They will weave stories trying to get you to believe this or that because it might give them a better hold over you. At least that is what I have found through my own experiences anyway. Why should you trust what they tell you?

They ARE lying.  And I don't trust anything they say--nor should you.  I am simply relating my experience.  Now, we can stop lecturing and advising each other and just start sharing experiences.  (I added this comment on their part not because I think they were telling the truth, but because it's a good example of how they can make you feel like a labratory rat instead of a human being).

As far as advice goes, the only comments that I find helpful are what worked for you (he, she, whoever is recounting their experience).  I share my experience for those who may have similar ones and can relate.  Now, to share what does work for me:

1) concentrating on one non moving picture in my mind, like a blue sky (they hate this).  It's much harder to do than it sounds once entities have access to your CNS.  This is a temp "fix" and simply disrupts their ability to gain further control

2) low doses of benzodiapezem like clonopin, valium, etc.  I am more relaxed emotionally as well as physically, my lymbic brain is not so exciteable, and they can't arouse me as easily (get me mad, frustrated, etc).  Also, the sounds that they project seem farther away and are therefore much easier to ignore.  As McArthur states, where you put your attention, you put your energy, which is why they work round the clock to keep you focused on them.

3) Being with other people who engage my thoughts or emotions in a positive way.  Focusing on a conversation, a video game, anything that brings me joy and brings my focus away from my inner world.

I have tried "letting go" and using non resistance--once when my emotional and mental state was depleted, I simply laid back and said "go ahead, do your worst" or something to that affect and then waited to see what would happen.  They continued their attack but could not take over my mind or body.  I sensed they were trying desperately, but there was some barrier.  They are trying to break down that barrier.

The tones, or high pitched sounds--my point about them is they are directly related to the projections.  They are using technology, something we know very little about.  A type of technology that uses access to your own mind and cannot be done without your own mind.


QuoteNow, we can stop lecturing and advising each other and just start sharing experiences.
Well, I'm sorry you felt that I was lecturing you, I just comment on things that come to mind and certainly don't mean to come across as though I am telling you what you should or should not do. If you are upset about the way I post it's not because I am trying purposefully to do so.

Also, you might know they are lying, and I might know, but someone else reading might not. I was merely using it as an example to show how negs play their mind-games on people, as it was not clear in your post whether you believed what they were saying or not. The advice about not conversing with Tinnitus 'tones' wasn't especially just for you but for anyone reading, as Tinnitus is quite common and I wouldn't want someone to read it then go off trying to contact spirits through it and get into the same mess that I did. Although I suppose my post was, in part, a reply to you and not clear on whom I may have been addressing and why. Hopefully I've now cleared that up and we can concentrate on the topic rather than bickering.

The tones, or high pitched sounds--my point about them is they are directly related to the projections. They are using technology, something we know very little about. A type of technology that uses access to your own mind and cannot be done without your own mind.
I'm not sure I fully understand what you are saying here. Are you suggesting that Inorganic Spirit-Beings use physical technology? Do you have any links or more info on what you mean?



The tones, or high pitched sounds--my point about them is they are directly related to the projections. They are using technology, something we know very little about. A type of technology that uses access to your own mind and cannot be done without your own mind.
I'm not sure I fully understand what you are saying here. Are you suggesting that Inorganic Spirit-Beings use physical technology? Do you have any links or more info on what you mean?

I don't have a source for this anymore, but I'll bet there are people here who know all about it.

Part of my healing 15 years ago, involved tone therapy.  A Unity church paid for me to have whatever alternative therapy might possibly help and about that time one of my healers went to a seminar and bought a system that recorded people's voices analysed them and then calculated what pure tone was needed to balance and stabilize that person's electroharmonics.  

The voice pattern analysis was linked to a color coded chakra linked chart that described specific patterns of "unwellness"  Mine voice test just nailed me with perfect accuracy.  As I recall, the missing pattern for me was "B"

It was just some goofy thing, but since I had a free pass, we tried it.  I can't describe how powerfully effective it was for me.  I used it for years and wore out 2 tapes.  

I think I'm the only person that healer ever used that system on effectively.  

I STILL use sound therapy when I get into the least bit of trouble -- usually one of a handful of Steven Halpern CDs, but most recently Shastro "Shambala"


Quote from: McArthur
QuoteNow, we can stop lecturing and advising each other and just start sharing experiences.
Well, I'm sorry you felt that I was lecturing you, I just comment on things that come to mind and certainly don't mean to come across as though I am telling you what you should or should not do. If you are upset about the way I post it's not because I am trying purposefully to do so.

Also, you might know they are lying, and I might know, but someone else reading might not. I was merely using it as an example to show how negs play their mind-games on people, as it was not clear in your post whether you believed what they were saying or not. The advice about not conversing with Tinnitus 'tones' wasn't especially just for you but for anyone reading, as Tinnitus is quite common and I wouldn't want someone to read it then go off trying to contact spirits through it and get into the same mess that I did. Although I suppose my post was, in part, a reply to you and not clear on whom I may have been addressing and why. Hopefully I've now cleared that up and we can concentrate on the topic rather than bickering.



I get a lot of benefit out of your posts.  
This is for feedback, and not in any way a criticism.

I experience an oppressive lecturing tone when you comment on someone else's post.  I do not experince that when you post something that's original to you and not in reaction to someone else.

I hear you "referee" what's real and what's not.  The trouble with that is that your sense of "real" is ontological.  Even though you have a HUGE range and scope and some pretty "out there" experience, "Reality" is a big place and there's a lot of "real" that doesn't fit for you.  

Your point that there are novices out here who can be damaged by misdirection is doubtless accurate, but they're going to get in trouble anyway.  There's a lot of stuff that gets posted that's pretty questionable that nobody challenges.

For what it's worth, some people (and I am one) can only truly LEARN something when they TEACH it.  I'm still immature in that but it's completely part of who I am, so it becomes part of my communication patterns when I least intend it.  

It's a gift, but one with a bit of a "pet tiger" quality to it.  It's really tough when the tiger cub grows up with the kittens and doesn't understand why it doesn't work out when they jump on the top of the bookshelf like everyone else.  

Feedback.  For whatever it's worth.


Quote from: Chimerae

I experience an oppressive lecturing tone when you comment on someone else's post.  I do not experince that when you post something that's original to you and not in reaction to someone else.
Ouch. Oppressive? OK I'll have to work on that I guess. But, oppressive? Would you mind giving an example from this thread of what you mean?

p.s. Thanks for the lecture. ;)