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Something is attacking my gf...

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For one, is it a neg or inner demon?  Most negs I know of go for a direct assult rather then trying to cause someone to do something, mostly because ones own psyche is alot better at it then they are.

 If it's an inner demon, usually from repressed emotions (anything from being bulled in school to a tramatic experence), can help her fight it off like a regular neg, but only way to truly get rid of it is for her to face whatever she represeed.

 If it's a neg, as some more powerful ones could probably try to mess with your head, I'd reccomend getting her a runic amulet, Eolh (Protection) would be a good one.  I don't have a picture, but combine and Y and and I and yah got it.
Could probably buy one, but I'd reccomend the following:
1.Get fallen branch that a couple inchs thick if you can find it.
2.Cut about a 1/2 inch thick piece of wood, so it in the shape of a large coin.
3.Cut hole in top, to put string though.
4.carve that symbol in both sides.
Either way, hold it and use your love to help charge it, then give it to her to wear.

Metal Ice

Fat turkey,
That is scary what happened to your girlfriend.
I'll try to help though.
Have her try all of the following:
have her hold onto anything made of steel or iron.
(steel & iron padlocks helped me avoid alot of
psychic pain). It is the most powerfull tool I
found besides protective stones & jewelry.
Have her purchase plenty of hematite, sterling
silver, tiger's eye, onyx jewelry and or the
stones themselves.
Get her to see a Healer under Reiki or Wellness
practitioners in the phone book. A Reiki master may
help. Above all, she needs to get her fear level down.
If her fear is really bad, a doctor could prescribe
something. Attacks run on fear and paying attention
to them. That's the hardest part, I found. Getting
rid of the fear. That's where the medical profession comes in.
The steel & Iron HAS to help. It should get it under control.
Attacks get stronger? have her fill her pockets with padlocks.
It even gives a nice kick to Black Magic being sent to a person.


Hi Fat Turkey!

I just experienced what I think was a Neg-attack the other day, perhaps you can get some help or inspiration in dealing with your girlfriends experience from reading that?

There is one thing though, that I could suggest with regards to the fear:

Quoted from Albayley:

Above all, she needs to get her fear level down.
If her fear is really bad, a doctor could prescribe
something. Attacks run on fear and paying attention
to them. That's the hardest part, I found. Getting
rid of the fear. That's where the medical profession comes in.
The steel & Iron HAS to help. It should get it under control.


I am not sure, if getting the fear "under control" is a sound path in the long run. (In the short run, yes!).

My experience with "hidden and/or strong emotions" tells me, that it actually is possible to "seperate" the thoughts, the reactions and the emotions from eachother!

In this case it means:

- Blocking the "thoughts and images" from either the inner or the external source of attack. (Keeping your attention inwards to you higher self is a GREAT help here - or train meditation and how to "block" stray thoughts when meditating.)
- Sometimes it helps to SHOUT in your mind "SHUT UP!!!!", and then just listen and keeping the focus on the silence that follows, and NOT allowing any images or thoughts penetrating that silence.
- It is the same thing with the compulsions and urges to do something. Try to stay focused on your Inner self, on that "state" of mind.

Then there are the feelings - i.e. Fear. If you have an "Inner knowing" of your inner love/ your true self / Your Immortal part, you can use that. Focus on this "state of mind" and keep that focus, while allowing the feelings to sort of "wash" over you. (And at the same time keep the thoughts out of your mind).

Pure Raw Feelings has a way of coming in "waves" of about 6-10 seconds in length, and it is only if you try to "repress" these feelings (fighting against them), OR you begin listening to what your mind tells you, that they can get stuck in your system, and do some REAL damage later on!

Instead of using your energy to fight off the feelings, try and use your energy to sort of "stay balanced" while these (sometimes VERY strong feelings) wash over you. Know, that they come i waves of about 6-10 seconds, before they subside - like they need to "recharge" before they come again. For each "wave" you stay balanced in, give yourself a BIG pad on the shoulder, think "YES - I DID IT!! [:D] ...", and then try and notice that the NEXT wave actually is a little bit easier to stay focussed in than the previous.

It can sometime feel like living hell - I know, I have been there!, but for me the living hell actually first BEGINS, if I don't let the feelings out when they arrise. Feelings only want to be acknowledged and recognized AND felt. If they don't, they WILL come back later, when a similar "situation" arises, and be even stronger. (The current situations feelings, along with the "old" situations feelings - Double Trouble .. and so on, and so on for each time you repress your feelings).

So the THOUGHTS should (imo) be pressed down and locked out, but the FEELINGS should be allowed to surface, as long as you can stay balanced and focused in the storm. (Like the center of a hurrycane, where there are NO wind at all)

This is a VERY tricky thing to achieve, and only practice and knowledge of yourself can do it easier. If the feeling gets TO strong, try and move your body, shift your focus onto your different bodyparts and MOVE them, to get a little "Pause" in the emotions. (or find something that you find hilariously funny, that you just HAVE to laugh out loud. [:D]

It has reaaly helped me dealing with my Inner Deamons to read "The Journey" by Brandon Bays, where she gives some (in my mind) sound and logical advice on how to deal with FEELINGS.

I hope, that this helps a little!


--- One thing at a time, be in NOW, and be gentle to yourself ---

--- Your biggest obstacle is most of the time also your most powerfull startingpoint ---


FT- That sucks. I wonder who would attack your gf and why. It doesn't make sense. People who do that tinkle me off. If I were you, I'd pray to the Archangel Michael to help you. Both of you should pray, and never stop until your prayers are answered. Good luck.


FT, if there's anything at all I can do to help you, let me know. Even if it's the most minute thing in the world. You should contact CriminalMind, as she went through a similar problem for years because a black magician was attacking her as well as many others. She got some good help and could probably give you really good advice.


Hi everybody.

Thanks for the feedback, I'll get to work ASAP.

As for an update:

Today after I went running I felt very light and slightly hypnagogic so I decided to put myself in VERY light trance. Because me and her have a very weak psychic link I decided to experiment with expanding that link - it worked (I think). Well now that I had a sort of interface with her mind (I didn't look at any thoughts), I angrily ORDERED the neg or whatever it was to show itself. What I saw was a massive cloaked being with red eyes. I attacked it instantly with my trusty mental sword[:P]. After a while it shapeshifted into an alien. I have no idea why (probably my mind's own perception of the being). I attacked and attacked but it always healed. Then I decided to make the black void that was that part of her mind become a meadow of happiness. I let the meadow grow and fill her mind as far is it could reach. Then I heard a shriek and I look up and see a giant sphere in the "sky."

Growing out from the sphere were thousands of tentacle looking things that were attached to giant screens. I figured they must've been core images so I leapt up, cut each one down and burnt them all thoroughly. The tentacles shrunk back into the creature and it was nothing but a black floating ball. I then "summoned" or called apon White Light and yelled out certain religious names as I created huge bright crosses and sacred symbols that surrounded the creature and held it down. I felt HUGE mental pressure in trying to destroy the creature, and I actually found it to eventually be impossible. I figured it was either the Gatekeeper of the Threshold (or maybe the Shadow... same thing) or there were more core images and attachments elsewhere within her mind.

I also made choir music play outloud projected from my mind into hers. Such as HALLELUIAH being played incredibly loud as these crosses and symbols circled and bound the creature down. The surface of the sphere DID start to "melt," however, it seemed to be able to self-heal itself easily.

Again I can't do telepathy very easily and I probably was fighting my own Neg(s). But eventually I started to feel the same pressure on my face as she described, but milder as I had obviously weakened the creature somehow. I have no idea whether those efforts helped or not but I might help her stock up on the protective stones, metals, etc.

Black magicians are assholes aren't they.

Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

No amount of rigorous training, sitting and doing nothing, and clearing one's mind can help a man who hasn't overcome his doubts.



Consider getting the help of a responsible professional medium. It may be difficult to locate one depending on where you live. Check out some message boards for ideas on who to look for.
A really good medium can sense or even see the entity that is causing trouble. The medium may not be able to make contact with it but the medium should be able to get some idea of how to 'deal' with that entity (whether by persuasion orf by force). Whatever works !


Hello Fat Turkey
  Your girlfriend should do the self-exorcism from Robert's book Practical Psychic self-defense. I also suggest the egg spell for three weeks in a row.
  She should work upon her core images and see how things go after that. I would suggest rosemary oil behind the ears since that is one of the areas targeted. You can also get oil with garlic infused in it that could help if the rosemary doesn't seem to be helping. It is used in cooking.


Thanks EVERYBODY for the feedback. This has helped so much, I am incredibly grateful.

Nita - Thanks for the tips, I'll suggest them to her if things persist and I'll lend her Practical Psychic Self-Defense. I haven't had much luck with the book, I can't focus properly to do the active countermeasures or doing the core-image removal very effectively...or at least I think I can't.


I've gotten her those stones. I got them last weekend and she just got them today. I'm also going to make that amulet for her. Like I said, I'll lend her the book and I'll also suggest some more counter-measures. I've found a Reiki healer in town (I don't trust mediums - I have heard bad stories of mediums turning out to be black magicians") but she doesn't seem to want to see the healer unless she has another attack. She's reported another attack to me before I got the stones to her, so I just want to see how they work before overloading her with unneccesary countermeasures, that may make her feel uncomfortable.

Just as a note - I got two tiger's eye, one black onyx, one white onyx, and one hematite stone. The white and black onyx do a balancing act on the energy body. I held the black onyx to my chakras and felt one half react more. The white onyx had the opposite half reacting more than the black had an effect on. Guess my yin-yan idea worked [|)]

Thanks again everybody. I don't know where I'd be without her and without this board.

Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

No amount of rigorous training, sitting and doing nothing, and clearing one's mind can help a man who hasn't overcome his doubts.



I just got a call from my girlfriend and she was absolutely freaked about a psychic attack she had today. I won't go into detail but she heard a deep man's voice tell her to bang her face on a desk but the more she wouldn't the more a pain under her ears increased. She nearly felt like screaming and crying the pain was so sharp.

I told her to cross running water the next time it happened but she had already tried that and the attack didn't go away. I have no idea how to help her because training for psychic self defense actually takes a long time to do - in my eyes - and you should be readied for a Neg attack well before it happens. This has caught me and her by surprise and I need to help her.

Any ideas?

Also any healing help would be EXTREMELY appreciated. I'd go crazy if this damned Neg ended up killing her.

Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

No amount of rigorous training, sitting and doing nothing, and clearing one's mind can help a man who hasn't overcome his doubts.