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Conciousness and the Aether.

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Hi All,

This multidimensional theory of seven planes crossed by seven planes was the best utilisation of words to describe those subjective experiences from times gone by. The more modern reduction of this is respective towards layered conciousness experiences of the same subjective matters. At this point in time the focus levels are being brought into question as their complexity wavers towards the excessive for most. An understanding from this must be brought into fruition, so that all benefit from a simplistic system of reference that provides a wide enough variant from the subjectivity experienced at differing non physical realities.
That said to keep it in line with Lionhearts K.I.S.S. complex would be an achievement in itself. Xanths non physical experience handle suits this too but needs a little expansion to fulfill the differentiation of that experienced.
We have a list of experienced practitioners on this site ranging from the near scientific to the artistic. On occasion paths may get crossed over the same thing, which is expected, and the results will be the acceptance of the differing viewpoints.
A suggestion is to use any present reference in explaining that relative to the posed idea.
A start...
It could in reality be described as simple as a frequency of vibration. Ok, we've all heard this one but what medium?
The Aether itself has permittivity and permeability giving us c or the speed of light set as a standard. In the astral this may invariably change as the atomic structures physical matter is composed of do not have the same properties in the astral. The laws of physics don't apply totally so immediately we have a problem. If matter is a composition of rotating standing waves then the complexity takes on a magnitude of unknowns.
This task needs as little reference to physics at the beginning as possible.
Ideas and thoughts for a basic framework could be a start, a list of possibilities, then perhaps an ideal which works with everything known.
I'll start with the frequency idea. In the physical we click along at a pulse every 2 seconds or so.
In the RTZ this has increased to 5 HZ.
The astral lowest planes will be from almost no clicks per year to maybe 10 HZ.
The general idea is the less chaos within your NPR the higher the frequency.
There also has to exist a minimum of 2 dimensions to this. These are the overlap creating the reality fluctuations known. In my opinion based on emotional effects. Thoughtforms etc.
In nature, pure single frequencies hardly exist so this frequency chart will have harmonics too creating an overlap of the experienced subjectivity.
It sounds plausible...
Enough for now.
Any input greatly accepted.
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.


Quote from: Szaxx on August 17, 2012, 18:30:48
In nature, pure single frequencies hardly exist so this frequency chart will have harmonics too creating an overlap of the experienced subjectivity.
It sounds plausible...
Very interesting post Szaxx. I know that the Schumann Resonance are a set of spectrum peaks in the extremely low frequency. So to be physical here on this plane we have to "vibrate" at this level. There has been quite a bit of work done with Brain Entrainment to where people that meditate quite a bit can control find that they can mask a Theta or even a Delta state quite easily, even without using the machines. They have even seen that some people that have used Brain Entrainment machines started to show signs of the brain slowing down to the fact that they couldn't even speak properly. It's almost as they were becoming in tune with another level not yet discovered. We talk here about lowering our entropy quite a bit, lowering our entropy also lowers our stress level. Actually everything that we do here with Astral Travel changes us in that regards. Could it be that that's the answer to altering our frequency? Just getting rid of stress, becoming aware of our existence. Getting more in tune with who we are. Does this slowing down process actually shift us per say?
We see evidence all the time that like begets like. A person that lives in a chaotic existence is constantly surrounded by gloom and doom. Yet a person that meditates and has gotten in touch with themselves seems to live the life of bliss. Are we seeing a lower astral world and higher one right here on our own World?


Shuman resonance is created by the height of the atmosphere in some texts.
Im thinking along different lines. As c is 186300 miles per second divided by the shuman frequency you get half the distance following a circular course around the earth. How this affects us is strange to put it mildly. It may be related but I've not researched it as of yet.
The frequency idea is based on millenia of comments made referring to psychic abilities. The astral could follow a similar set of rules as the physical EMF spectrum.
Each frequency has its particular pro's and con's per se.
VLF is used in the HAARP systems of over the horizon radar.
LF is used for long range radio transmission.
HF utilises the changing D,E,F1 and F2 ionospheric levels in the atmosphere.
VHF is used for high definition radio.
UHF the same but wider bandwidths allow for video too.
SHF has advantages of becoming extremely directional for long range telecommunications of that required for space craft.
Going higher we get Infra red, thermal camera and surveillance systems.
Our visual spectrum, speaks for itself. The energy in higher still frequencies gives flourescence as found in X rays. Above this are cosmic waves, physics studies are making use of this respecting nuclei of atoms and their counterparts..
Each group local has similar properties yet distant groups are so different in nature of effects. They ALL are common in their constituent makeup of electric and magnetic quadrature coupled energy.
How can we say the astral is related in a similar way? By studying all the experiences over a long time repecting the language used at the times of the reports. Lower levels being foggy and coupled to our physical dimension could be related but that could make the physical a place full of nasties. The higher planes would therefore not contain this badness of the lower levels. This also sounds true. Dreams fit in if you divide the physical and astral as related but only connected by the dream state. (hard to explain).
The info is available and the diagnostics are within us. It woyld create a sentence akin to " I exited the physical and entered a medium to high frequency state of the NPR. It had a pleasant feel to it and everyone I met had many questions to ask."
This may help beginners as to their experiences and natural ability could be put onto a scale of the frequency chart. Thats once its established and a suitable datum range is agreed upon.
It fits very well into simplification and provides enough diversification to be easily understood.
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.


Quote from: Szaxx on August 18, 2012, 06:02:26
The info is available and the diagnostics are within us. It would create a sentence akin to " I exited the physical and entered a medium to high frequency state of the NPR. It had a pleasant feel to it and everyone I met had many questions to ask."
This may help beginners as to their experiences and natural ability could be put onto a scale of the frequency chart. Thats once its established and a suitable datum range is agreed upon.
It fits very well into simplification and provides enough diversification to be easily understood.
The only problem I would have with that is that sometimes we enter a realm/NPR where there is no people or anything period that we can identify with. Like travelling through color waves or patterns. Not all the places we go to lead to an "earthlike" enviroment.
Besides that I think it would definitely help in simplifying things, especially for new guests and members.


Agreed, that's reported as the very high planes. This would fit in towards the top end of the spectrum. Little is known as this locale is basically pure energy. It reflects well too as the EHF waves (EMF) act more like particles rather than waves.
Interesting as it still fits the overall idea.
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.