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Nameless' Everything Journal

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Projection/Remote View/Information

I entered this projection as a point of consciousness, as an observer. There is a lot to this and a lesson for everyone but like me you will have to figure out what that lesson is.

From above I saw a small blonde headed woman standing beside a crashed car on the highway. She was dead. She knew she had just died in that crash and she knew she would go into the light. But she stood there watching the man that was in an SUV. She knew he as well was dead. She could see his confusion and knew it was up to her to take him into the light or he would likely run around lost for a long time.

Observing from above I could see that the woman was a pure human with absolutely no attachments at all. What a rare sight. The man however had so many attachments he was bulging with them. I knew she would need help getting him into the light. So silently and unknown to the woman I gave her a boost of energy just to get him going and off they went. A nano-second later I see him as though sitting in the clouds with the most magnificent smile on his face, feeling joy he had never known.

An instant later I am in a mansion up a flight of stairs like on a balcony. There are three people on the second floor. I see the woman approach the door and instantly know that while she did die at the accident scene the EMTs were able to resuscitate her and took her to the hospital. The man however was pronounced dead at the scene. The current scene takes place many weeks after the accident.

The woman feels deeply distressed after the accident and only wants to meet his family. She wants to tell them he is in a better place. It had taken her a long time to find them.

Inside the mansion one of the three is the victim's brother, one his sister and the third is there in corporal form, not quite solid. Some might call him a demon, a ghost, a guide or something else. The brother and sister were having a conversation with him. They were into demon worship and pretty much all things bad. As you might have gathered in reference to the mansion these people were part of the 1% we all hear about. Part of that ruling class.

They were highly agitated because they had been trying to reach their brother through all sorts of methods of various demonic nature. They were truly baffled as this had never happened before, they should be able to reach him despite him being dead. He knew they would be calling him and they already had a small baby coming into the world for him to inhabit. So where was he???

Back outside the woman is pounding the knocker and the butler is answering the door. They nod and he brings her upstairs, they know who she is but had ignored her as insignificant. Just a lowly human with no special powers to speak of.

The woman, a little intimidated by the opulence of the place and this first time meeting and knowing what she is there to tell them feels a bit overwhelmed but she has made up her mind. She introduces herself and begins her story, telling them their brother is in a happy and safe place. They and the corporal presence are shocked beyond belief. The corporal being fades away leaving the brother and sister alone.

The brother and sister begin harassing the woman, they want her to bring him back. But of course she can't do that. She tells them that only he can make that decision. They are furious and ramp up their harassment and threats. She holds her own and does not let them intimidate her. But she finds out one very important detail.

Apparently there is some sort of contract that leaves her owning everything that had belonged to their brother. This contract is very involved and came into being long ago and can not be broken so whether she wants it or not it's hers. Only she is NOT one of them.

And although the woman doesn't want anything from them or their deceased brother she now understands that the world is not as black and white as she once thought so no, she will not be joining their corruption.

This is where she picks up her first attachment. It presents as a bag of roll-on luggage. She walks down the stairs and out the front door pulling the bag.

From my vantage point I can clearly see how this baggage will taint her if she doesn't rid herself of it soon as possible.

She now feels it is up to her to rid the world of this demonic energy. She decides to literally blow up everything the deceased man once owned. Me, I have to do something to stop her as her actions will only increase the divide between humanity and unseen forces.

She stands on a hillside with the luggage which now presents as a dynamite plunger (she's going to blow the mansion). Knowing my job, I glide down close to her and sort of whisper in her ear. I tell her she will hurt a lot of innocent people. That the evil (negative energy) is deep below and needs to be dealt with on a much deeper level. That the world needs a cleansing, not destruction. That people (for the most part) are unaware of these forces/energies/attachments that were not forced on them, but rather collected over time. That they must be empowered to shake those forces off organically.

The woman hears me although she thinks it is her own thoughts and begins her own journey down this thing we call the rabbit hole.
1  During this entire event I could clearly see the deceased man basking in the light. I could feel his energy, delight, glory and excitement as he felt things he had never felt before. He had many compounding thoughts. For the first time he understood true joy, he understood how kittens could make a person smile and really feel that smile. He understood a mother and father's love for their children. He knew things in his soul he had never known before. He would never give up this new found grace he had found and only wished he could reach his brother and sister and so many others and show them so they too would know the futility of the things they had done. He hooted and hollered like a kid on a slide to get their attention. But they could never hear him as their souls had no relation to the side of existence he was on. He knew deep within that he now had all the power he had ever dreamed in previous life. He was now a creator where as before all he and they could ever do was copy. And what a poor copy it was, not bringing joy only hate and death.

2  In other experiences I have on rare occasion seen people of a pure soul. Or you might say with no attachments. It is very rare and one of the most beautiful sights there is. These people though rare are what I personally consider PURE, untouched, totally human. And it isn't just humans, most of the beings inhabiting our little globe have these attachments, even plants and animals.

It is these dark attachments that make it necessary for there to be light workers. Light workers do not attach but we do guide as best we can.

3  I felt very sad for the brother and sister and even the corporal soul. Seeing that they simply could not ever FEEL LIFE the way most of us still have the capacity to makes it much easier to show sympathy to their human self. The human beneath is a gentle beast full of love and joy.


Remember, You came here to this physical earth to experience it in its physical form. NPR will always be there.


 Very cool!  8-) That experience is loaded with metaphors. I see why you said, "There is a lot to this and a lesson for everyone but like me you will have to figure out what that lesson is". It can be perceived and even deduced by everyone in their own personal way, depending on experiences and circumstances in their own lives.
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Yuu ARE a light worker, Nameless! Showing them the heaven' s door :)
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


Interesting development today. Had another astral family adventure this morning only I wasn't there. Well I was but not so they would know. Didn't realize till I 'woke' up that they weren't talking to me, they were talking about me, so to them I wasn't physically with them. But my grandmother was there (I never met her as she was long gone before my time). However, she frequently visits in my 'dreams', more so than my mother which I find interesting as my mother tends to visit my daughter more so than me.

Anyway, my grandmother popped in to say hi to our newest family member who is only about 4 months old now. Now the really interesting part.

My daughter text me this morning. Seems we both woke up about the same time (within minutes of each other). She had quite the experience as well. She too was hanging out with all the family and apparently, I presented myself to her, only I wasn't really there either.

So, it was like I was dead and coming to them in spirit in both our experiences. Of course that's what prompted her to text in the first place.

Now guys, I know I'm not in the best of health and don't have any foreboding feelings of my own demise or anything like that. Of course, I know it could happen any time, near or far, but that doesn't bother me in the least, so I feel there is something else going on here. I know we have some concerns but wow. How to explain this.

Was this just a snapshot of vague though real concerns or was there some lesson being taught/shown? I don't know (yet) but I did want to record this event.

Alls I can say is whether physical, spiritual, astral or mental life is never a dull moment.
Remember, You came here to this physical earth to experience it in its physical form. NPR will always be there.


Interesting dream, and your daughter having a similar one at the same time. But I don't see it as concerning. I've had many dreams with a mix of diseased and alive relatives where no one really interacts with me. I just observe the situations. We have so many parts of ourselves roaming around at different frequencies, and so is everyone else. So at times a mismatch of frequencies yet trying to get together for events may result on something like that. 
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


Quote from: Nameless on November 21, 2022, 23:46:27
Alls I can say is whether physical, spiritual, astral or mental life is never a dull moment.
I second that statement. The weird thing is, you can have so many completely different scenarios on any given night. Lately I am experiencing a "questioning" period. Night after night now I am becoming aware of a loud question that is asked of me. It seems to occurring in the dark void. I can't see anyone and the weirdest thing is I don't ever remember the actual question that is being asked, even though it is given with complete clarity.  :? All I know is that I have been becoming aware nightly for a while now after a voice appears.  I don't even know what my own answers were. It's like my memory has been wiped clean. At the time, I am fully consciously aware of the situation.

The first night it occurred it really caught me off guard. The nights after that, it seemed I was in the dark void "awaiting" the question that soon followed. I guess it's just another one of those "MPR" puzzles that we seem to be challenged with there.
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Thanks LB, I'm in agreement with that. We do seem very capable of carrying many frequencies at once.

God Lu, A definite signal that, "No, you can't take this with you. What get's discussed here stays here." I guess it's not something we either can or perhaps should think about consciously.., at the moment. All things in due time but it is really hard accepting the duality of 'being a part' and not being 'allowed to keep that part.'
Remember, You came here to this physical earth to experience it in its physical form. NPR will always be there.


Quote from: Nameless on November 24, 2022, 15:57:27
Thanks LB, I'm in agreement with that. We do seem very capable of carrying many frequencies at once.

God Lu, A definite signal that, "No, you can't take this with you. What get's discussed here stays here." I guess it's not something we either can or perhaps should think about consciously.., at the moment. All things in due time but it is really hard accepting the duality of 'being a part' and not being 'allowed to keep that part.'
That's almost like "What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas", lol!  :-D
I feel that whatever it was, was helpful on some level, even if I don't remember it. It's strange how I am "allowed" to remember that there was a question at all.  :?
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


About a week ago I had this amazing OOBE. I was with my husband and grandson playing in a beautiful pool of water. We were really having a good time splashing water everywhere and laughing with our grandson and little friend he brought along to play as well.

Well, after that experience I wrote a little note to myself and dated it. I keep a notepad by my chair for just such things as notes and stuff. As many of you know my husband passed away in 2019 so getting to spend time with him again was a very precious gift.

Two days later my daughter comes over and she asks me if I had had any weird experiences recently. I smiled and said, like what. She tells me her son (my aforementioned grandson) had told her the other day that he had gone and played with his grandma and grandpa and had a lot of fun. Haha.

I handed her the note pad.
Remember, You came here to this physical earth to experience it in its physical form. NPR will always be there.


Quote from: Nameless on July 21, 2023, 21:26:32
I handed her the note pad.
I would have loved to have seen her face when you handed her your pad!  :-o :-D

I have learned to really cherish those visits too!  :-) Once in a while they turn into a question and answer period. Other times, I just enjoy her company and cherish the short time we had to spend together!  :-)
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


What an extraordinary experience, Nameless! Such a validation of eternal bliss.
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


Lu, you should heard the OMG omg OMG's. She was super delighted. Thank LB, it truly was an eternal moment.

So recently I mentioned a small np episode I had with the AST (astral surgical team). Just a little background, I have nerve damage and since having emergency surgery for an aortic aneurysm just under a year ago I have had some really bad pain in my right foot. A few days ago, the 11th I think, I quipped out loud to the ast that it would be great if they could do something for my foot. It really messes up my sleep. So it was early morning and finally I was relieved enough to fall asleep. Next thing I know I'm grabbing this woman out of the woods (she had just done something completely random and sliced her foot open, it was ugly). I grabbed her and took her to the ER.

The AST was there in full force and they immediately starter working on her and another person was brought out to the waiting room whom they had just operated on for the same thing. I thought, hey while I'm here maybe they will do something for my foot.

That's when I realized they had already fixed me as much they could for the moment.

I can honestly say my foot has been much better. Some pain and numbness still there but not of the agonizing variety.
Remember, You came here to this physical earth to experience it in its physical form. NPR will always be there.


 Nameless, thankfully they don't charge like our Medical services here do in this physical reality. Otherwise, we would need some kind of "Insurance" there too, lol!  :roll: :-D
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Here's a cool split-second gem. Suddenly out of the great black void of a deep sleep I am snapped awake. I'm in a medieval dungeon. There's a singular slit (out of reach). The sun is pouring through the slit. A heavy shackle has been snapped around my ankle.

A split-second thought: What's this? A new adventure?

No, just my cat gripping my ankle in a vice-like grip and the sun blaring through my window. :lol: 
Remember, You came here to this physical earth to experience it in its physical form. NPR will always be there.


Ah, that would have been such an adventure  :-D
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


QuoteNo, just my cat gripping my ankle in a vice-like grip and the sun blaring through my window. :lol:


The vice-like grip and sun blaring in the window reminding you of your time elsewhere.


So, I'm reluctant to post this but here goes. You can thank Lu or choke him :-D  as he's the one that convinced me to post it as some of you may have a perspective on this or had something similar happen.

First, this is not an ap or obe or anything like that. The other day I was driving to town. There was a pickup truck and two other cars in front of me. I was behind the truck for 2 or 3 miles when we came to a traffic light. As we were all slowing down to stop at the light my eyes were directly on the truck in front of me when it began to turn translucent or transparent. It vanished as I watched. This was not a case of looking away and turning back and it was gone. I actually watched it vanish. I found a place to park and just sat there thinking about it. After a few minutes I cranked up my truck and went home.

What happened? I've seen a LOT of strange things in my time but not like this.
Remember, You came here to this physical earth to experience it in its physical form. NPR will always be there.


Ah, Dolores Cannon has the answer for you. I recommend watching the entire lecture, but the exact topic that relates to your experience starts at 20:15 time point.
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


Hello Nameless, I want to tell you that I have read your entire Journal and I loved it, you have really experienced things that have impressed me a lot! And as always, learning from everyone's advice. Thanks for sharing all this! It's good that you decided to tell this story... Whow! How much material these experiences leave us to process...

I also want to say THANK YOU to all for recommending Dolores Cannon, as I had not heard of her. I was reading some of her books, that have given me answers to things that until now I had not been able to find. Your story also reminds me of when Dolores Cannon talks about abductions, where they even take the cars with people through molecular acceleration.

I think that there is continually an overlap of realities, the thing is we're just not always aware of it.
I have lived the same experience as you and have come to that conclusion. It scares me a little sometimes, simply because I don't quite understand it. Something similar to your experience is the following... I was on the balcony of a first floor apartment, which is very close to the street. It was like 2 am and there were no cars or people passing by, everything was desolate, but suddenly I saw a stray dog. In the city where I live, especially in some neighborhoods in particular, you never see stray dogs, maybe only on the outskirts of the city, that's why seeing it caught my attention, it's not common, but... oh well!

This dog was behaving normally, and was quite big... He just wandered around for a bit, until suddenly he stood in front of a huge old house (which was right in front of me) and stared through the tall and huge iron fence that separated the house from the street in question. The dog suddenly gets into a position to jump, like cats do, obviously it was impossible for the dog to jump over the iron fence since It was about three meters long and ended with pointed arrows, I didn't understand what he wanted to do. However, he jumps (not too high) but what happens is.... (What I saw in great detail from being in front of all this without any distraction around, I would also like to say that the streets were very well lit)... When the dog jumps, he DISAPPEARS, in fact, I saw how first disappeared half of him, leaving for a fraction of seconds only the back part in the air, that disappeared later, that is to say that for a moment I only saw half of the dog in the air, as if he had entered through an invisible portal, so to speak.

Maybe you may think that the dog passed through the fence and entered the house, but the answer is no, since the fence were not wide enough, it was narrow and the dog was really big (I later went to corroborate). Nor was there any plant or dark object where the dog could have hidden when jumping, giving the illusion of disappearing, since as I say, there was only the dog in front of these tall iron fence, there was nothing else around. He jumped and disappeared, just that. I was speechless, as always, trying to process what had happened in my brain and in fact I stayed almost an hour longer to see if I saw this dog come out from another side, but I didn't see him again.

The place where I was was not my house, but a friend's. When I told what I had seen, (which in general I never do, but I felt in need because of the impact) my friend told me that that old house collected Egyptian's antiques, almost a kind of museum, just a curious fact.
I have also experienced other similar things and so have my friends and family, things that show that not everything is as solid as it seems and makes us question every aspect of reality.

.~Exploring the Wonders of Consciousness~.


Tak, you are just wonderful. Just wonderful.


Thanks LB for reminding me of Delores Cannon's great insights. I think what waffled my head the most was that it was a whole truck. Organic beings, animals, etc yes but a truck, lol.

Thanks Tak and I agree, Delores Cannon is no less than awe-inspiring. I'm really glad you discovered her and us as we are very fortunate to have someone of your caliber and experience join us. I definitely know places and objects hold energy and often transmute/entangle those energies. Also love that you talked about a dog. Dogs seem surround many of my experiences as well. Always looking forward to hearing more of your experiences.
Remember, You came here to this physical earth to experience it in its physical form. NPR will always be there.


Just want to chime in and comment, what an incredible experience. I don't think I've ever witnessed an entire vehicle disappear like that. I have seen a silver orb once coming straight towards my car while driving down a highway- it disappeared just before impact. My heart jumped thinking something was about to hit my windshield.


Thanks Casey :-D WE ARE all wonderful! I'm very fond of everyone here.

Oh Nameless, thanks to all of you for this great community, Astral Pulse is a great school, I regret not having found it 12 years ago, I wouldn't have stopped my practices if I had, since I could have worked my fears and doubts with your advice, instead of leaving everything. But well! I had a lot of time to process and find new ways. I'm just a beginner and an eternal student, I try to learn with respect and humility, with open heart and mind.

I had never read hypnosis books of these characteristics, I still have not read the 5 books The Convoluted Universe, but perhaps there are answers to questions that I have had all my life. I have a huge list of questions that I wrote in order to find an answer in AP and LD. But I feel a little disappointed because no one wants to answer me, they tell me that they don't know or that I don't have permission yet to access that information, or if I get intense they send me back to my body. I guess that means there are more important areas to reach in my practices than searching for information right now. However, I already know that all knowledge is within us and will be revealed at the appropriate time. I don't want to be capricious or greedy with information. I'm patient. So I continue searching in the readings of these great collaborators of humanity, for vestiges of Truth, like putting together a puzzle, until I'm able to find them for myself. Oh! I would love to be hypnotized one day.

As you say, one thing is a person or animal (if they are such things or entities wearing some kind of disguise) but the truck was wild! And then it's so hard to talk about it. We are equally fortunate to be able to witness these types of anomalies and I wonder if they occur to us because we are somehow attuned to expanded states of consciousness or if the phenomenon was witnessed by others at the time, we'll never know. But all of this is a great example of this overlap. I'll see LB's link and see what our friend Dolores Cannon has to say about it.
Take this event as a gift!

.~Exploring the Wonders of Consciousness~.


Quote from: Tak on February 18, 2024, 13:04:26I'll see LB's link and see what our friend Dolores Cannon has to say about it.
Take this event as a gift!

Hey, Tak, I think it would be more interesting for you to find Dolores' channel on Youtube, subscribe and watch all of her lectures. The information she shares is from her books. Watching the person is much better than reading, because seeing expressions and emotions will connect you deeper and you will get to appreciate her on a different level. I have completed her level 1 practitioner hypnosis course. If you go to, you can find a practitioner in your area (they are all over the world) and you can choose intern practitioner who will not charge to do a hypnosis. It has to be done in person though to have the full effect of connecting you with your higher self.

In regards to receiving answers during APs, I have also tried asking a straight question while out, but never did anyone appear, sit me down to spell out the answer. Not because no one is listening, but because this is not how knowledge is acquired. I have found that I receive knowledge and information through just knowing, "downloads" as we call them. while all of a sudden you get an idea, a feeling, a knowing about something you have been asking, but it' more a telepathic thing/energy exchange, not via a conversation of a human type with someone. The information is always flowing though us, we are all connected to it at all time, but it is us who are blocking its understanding until we gain enough experience and learn lessons to be able to process the knowledge and convert it to knowing. We just have to learn to trust our intuition.
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


Subtitle: Raising the Bar
This is a physical story with non-physical elements.

I want to tell you all about an experience I had many years ago. Lately I've been getting quite a few pushes to go back and re-evaluate some of these.

When I was six I fell into/through a plate glass window and nearly severed my leg. Not really but close enough for a game of horse-shoes. Damage to the ligament and scar tissue caused some ongoing problems. That's a bit of back-story for clarification.

One day at about 10 years old I fell out in the yard and twisted my leg. To say it hurt is an understatement. It was on fire and I couldn't use it to stand back up. Mom called us all to dinner. Being late to dinner was not an option.  I looked around and wished I had something to grab hold of to pull myself up. I saw a black bar hanging within arm's reach above me and almost reached for it.Then stopped and furrowed my brow. Where did that come from? The closest tree was 10 feet away and it was only a twig at best. There was nothing else around.

I looked down and studied my hands in my lap at that point. I absolutely knew the bar was there and that I could grab it but it certainly didn't fit into the reality I was immersed in. And a voice said, "look". I did and realized I had a dual-vision, one physical, one not so much but both totally real. The voice said, "See it there, see how real it is. Now see it here."  (those are not exact quotes but close enough)

I grabbed the bar and it was very solid and real as anything I have ever touched. It was even warm from the sun. I hauled myself up and limped inside.

This event lasted only a few minutes but has stayed with me for life. As I look back over this experience I am forced to face reality. And reality is not what I have come to believe down through the years. It much more resembles the reality I knew as a child.

As an aside, I haven't abandoned the Pulse. Just need frequent breaks.
Love and Hugs

Remember, You came here to this physical earth to experience it in its physical form. NPR will always be there.