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I'm having an Exorcism done today

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QuoteIf it was a spirit that just turned up 'out the blue' and claimed to be my 'spirit guide' I wouldn't want to know because that's how I got into this mess in the first place...  

Same thing happened to me.  I had had readings by Ra (David Wilcock), and began reading the channelings of Kryon, the Group, Tobias, and Gaia.  In addition, I'd imagined for years that I had these four body guards in the astral realm--they were tall, with Asian looking eyes, only emerald green, of ET origin.  So when I started to get visitors in the night that I could actually see with my physical eyes, I was startled.  I was going through the early phase of awareness of the non physical realm and at least a year earlier I had asked my spirit protectors to leave, thinking it was time to be sovereign, to test my own mastership.  And because I didn't really know who these protectors were or where they came from, which made me nervous.  I sensed they were ET's and I was just opening my mind to the possibility of ET's and how they have been involved with humanity.  So the fact that they were of ET origin made me nervous--just the same, I called them back.  I don't think they came back, and if they did, they weren't on my side to begin with.  

In any case, I began feeling really strange manipulations of my physical body at night--pulses in my third eye, vibrations, colors, some sounds and a definite sense of a manipulation of the energy of my body.  I experienced projected holograms for the first time in my life, and this is something that has to be experienced to believe.  But during the night time visists, I kept saying "is this Tobias, is this Voltar (an ET I read about in an abductee's story that played hero to humanity in the story), is this...?" and so on, only not getting an answer.  One time I simply said "identify!" and when I didn't get a response, got out of bed, ate something, waited, and then went back to bed.  They immediately resumed their activity, only this time I heard "just someone trying to help you."  I did not trust them, but I didn't get out of bed again, as they were relentless.  Saying "no", resisting them, was a short lived answer, they always came back.  I even told them "I am too much of a warrior to allow this" and still they came back--they certainly did not respect me, or my wishes, and there was no one to stop them in the astral realms, no matter who I called on.  

Finally, a friend of mine who had the ability to talk to spirit guides asked her own spirit guide (at my request) who these Beings were and she told her that I was being visited by multiple Beings.  She warned my friend (and this spirit guide turned out to be a liar--they all are) that I must ask specifically for one being by name or I could be decieved.  Well, I did that--and to make a long story short, was deceived anyway.  Asking for a being by name is a joke--you don't know who will truly show up.  By the time I realized that this being who was coming to me was not who he said, and I had tried everything to get rid of him, crying, praying, burning sage, etc. I was informed by another entity projection to resist him, he wanted to merge with me.  I told this projected being I would rather die than for that to happen.  The next morning, I awoke under the illusion that having asked that question, that was the end of it.  Instead, a few days later, the imposter came to me and I underwent a nine plus ordeal of feeling an entity enter my body quadrant by quadrant of my body for over nine hours.  I wanted to commit suicide.  It felt exactly as you would imagine it would feel.  My family dragged me to a psychiatrist the next day--I had lost over ten pounds during these visits and this episode marked the end of my will to live.  The entity was inside me, had tried to take control of my consciousness and failed, but the feeling was more than I could take.

That night, I decided if it was still here in the morning, I would go through with my plans to commit suicide.  I heard a tone, and then could feel as if my body was deflating--and I thought it was leaving.  The next day, the feeling was still there, but not as strong.  So I decided to stay because now somebody was helping me.  But he never left.  And every day since that day (almost a year ago) has been a trial.  

Calling Archangel Michael, the Christ, you_name_it Ascended Master, spirit guides, God, didn't work, nor does positive affirmations.  In fact, I learned that the source of these so called "positive spirits" and the negative ones is the same.  Can you imagine the headlines when humanity learns that what they think are "angels" are really parasites?  

DaeMon, on this webboard, tried to help me.  He talked to what he thought was my "Higher Self" and was told by this being that he thought he was doing the right thing allowing this, that suffering was good, pain a good teacher.  I told DaemOn that he was talking to the parasite that had entered me, not my Higher Self, that he was an expert liar and manipulator.  My own "observer/soul" self and I were in touch--I knew who I was, who I was not, I knew my astral/soul body.  It had separated from me on occasion while I watched, tyring to help me but could do no more than coach me not to resist to mitigate the harm during an attack.  

DaemOn went back after talking to me and found out that the Being that pretended to be my Higher Self was manipulated into doing what he was doing by a Being above him who was also manipulated, that the Source of manipulation was two sources up.  Think grays, then lizzies.  I think "they" include many other such races, including the so called "bird tribes" or what people call angels.  He could do no more to help me, he said I was on my own.  

But the point I would like to make here, is that these Beings have accessed my central nervous system.  They are able to induce sexual stimualation, pain, induce thoughts and emotions.  And where I am now is at the point of trying to pinpoint every incident of me and "not me".  When they are able to access your CNS, this can be hard.   I have tried just about every theory known to man to get rid of it, including psychic weapons, sending it love and peace,  calling for help, whatever.  It's still here.

I contacted Aziz via email and he told me he would get back to me and then never did.

Was this recently? He's had some pc trouble.

It was in the last two weeks.

QuoteI'm getting some insights today of how negs possibly somehow connect to the Central Nervous System, something which I think Robert Bruce thinks may be what happens in certain cases.

They most certainly do that.  And you can seem to destroy them, only to have others come back.  If this powerful being who is able to manipulate my CNS weren't there, perhaps I could fight them one by one.  But he brings them to me.  It's a most bizarre situation--I have had dreams where he is collecting all this "food" for others.  DaemOn called him a harvester, a souless being.  But the source is not without emotion, is quite sophisticated.  I do not underestimate their capability for harm and they are certainly not figments of people's imaginations.

These negs are NOT a creation of the human involved.  The negs love to say that, to pass the blame to their victims.  They have been "feeding" off of humanty for a long time, and on me, I just didn't know it.  

Perhaps vibration of earth is changing because my ability to discern things has's just that what I discern is so disappointing.

I am trying to become strong, become sovereign, free of attacks for good, if I can get rid of him once and for all.  Or dying.  Either way, I choose freedom.  This attack against humanity is the deepest, most profane torture of the soul I could have ever imagined.  I could not have imagined this.

And so the thought of letting a "good spirit" enter me, is not something I would ever consider.  I figure the "good guys" must not be so powerful against the bad ones, or else why would I still be dealing with this?  And then it occurred to me, they could not be so impotent.  The Source must be the same.

But I wish you the best, from one person to another, who knows how tough this is, physcially and psychologically, to deal with.  Good luck.


Hi kaili, that was a very interesting post/story. I'm going to read it again a bit later when I'm warmer (I've only just turned my heating on and my hands are freezing so it's hard to type :) )

But I wanted to comment on this for now:
Can you imagine the headlines when humanity learns that what they think are "angels" are really parasites?
The negs giving you trouble are influencing you to believe this so that you lose all hope in your situation and give up. It is very understandable that you might fall into such a belief-trap, negs are extremely clever and cunning that way. But I assure you that Angels are not parasites and that they really do exist and are extremely powerful and loving Beings. If an Angel visits you, believe me you will know about it, the power emanating from them is so strong and positive that it's unmistakable (it almost feels 'too' strong... it's hard to explain).

Why Angels don't seem to be helping humanity more than we would like them to is a whole other subject that we could spend hours on.


As for my stuff, I had it shown to me last night that there is what seems to be an entity/attachment point stuck to my left foot where I have a verucca. I was in trance and could feel some kind of energy (maybe 6 inch by 2 inch) sticking through my foot near my toes.

Today I can feel what seems to be healing being done on me and various urges/thoughts induced by a resident neg seem to be almost gone (or very weak and weakening). My heart chakra has been very active today and I felt so happy it was close to Joy. I even managed to give my mother a short healing session and got rid of a pain she had at the top of, and in between, her shoulderblades. Due to neg interference I haven't been able to do any healing for a while because I have been low on energy, plus it didn't feel safe to give healing while I myself had neg problems. But that seems to be changing too.

More later.


Quote from: McArthurThe negs giving you trouble are influencing you to believe this so that you lose all hope in your situation and give up. It is very understandable that you might fall into such a belief-trap, negs are extremely clever and cunning that way. But I assure you that Angels are not parasites and that they really do exist and are extremely powerful and loving Beings. If an Angel visits you, believe me you will know about it, the power emanating from them is so strong and positive that it's unmistakable (it almost feels 'too' strong... it's hard to explain).

Why Angels don't seem to be helping humanity more than we would like them to is a whole other subject that we could spend hours on.

The truth has nothing to do with beliefs.  Prior to my experience with negs, I believed in loving, non physical entities, what others would call angels.  After this experience, I can only come to two conclusions--the benevolent ones are impotent, or won't help--or they are all the same Source, sometimes appearing as benevolent to fool humanity.  And yes, they can fool you with overwhelming projections of love.  Where do you think they get this love?  What do you think this harvesting of energy is about anyway?  Do you really believe they only harvest negative emotions?  The negs I am acquainted with love the positive emotions--humor, love, like, whatever.  They harvest both.

I think the non physical/angelic realm is interdependent with ours.  But while some non physicals believe in "win win" situations, or giving as well as taking, others simply take.  Just like humans--but that's why we have laws.  It seems like the Wild West in the non physical realms right now--no agreements.  And yes, I too have heard the theories about why this is so, about how humanity is about to ascend and all gloves are off so to speak...we'll see.  I won't wait for that magical day--I'm trying to take each day as it comes right now, and not believe in some theoretical day of freedom.  After all, the Source of that infomation (the ascension, rebirth of humanity) comes from the same source as the crimes against humanity.  The non physicals, ET's, etc. in channelings,  have been incorrect many times in their predictions.  Either they lie or don't know the truth, or are themselves manipulated.  

The sooner humanity understands our own physiology, or own body, including the energy body, the less we can be manipulated.  As long as the idea that our "beliefs" create reality exists, they can manipulate us.

QuoteDue to neg interference I haven't been able to do any healing for a while because I have been low on energy, plus it didn't feel safe to give healing while I myself had neg problems. But that seems to be changing too.

As I said, keep us updated.  I am more interested in the truth than in being right.  I am simply telling you my experience, my conclusions.  I can be proved wrong.  That's why it will be interesting to me if this "positive spirit" truly is able to rid you of negs.  



Quote from: kaili
The truth has nothing to do with beliefs.  Prior to my experience with negs, I believed in loving, non physical entities, what others would call angels.  After this experience, I can only come to two conclusions--the benevolent ones are impotent, or won't help--or they are all the same Source, sometimes appearing as benevolent to fool humanity.
It sounds like you are blaming "angels" for the suffering caused by negs. Why not just blame the negs? Like I said previously this belief might be partly influenced by the negs themselves because it obviously fits their agenda.

The choice of conclusions you have come up with are all negative...  that seem designed to fit some preconcieved idea of what Angels are and whether they are supposed to help us at all times.

What you are saying is that neither God nor the Angels have helped you (as far as you are aware) with your neg problem so they too must therefore be bad. This is bad logic. What you are having is a kind of severe crisis of faith because you expected God or the Angels to protect you at all times. I've been there, I know it well. The utter despair, loneliness, feelings of powerlessness, abandonment, that perhaps God doesn't love one (because if He did why would he let this happen), Guilt etc etc. It becomes a downward spiral that negs then feed into trying to distort the whole thing all out of proportion. And that seems to be what is happening to you here. If you can start to realize some of this you can then begin to put an end to their manipulation.

And yes, they can fool you with overwhelming projections of love.
I totally disagree. Can't you see how the situation is even making you untrusting of loving energy? Stop and think for a minute or two and ask yourself if the above belief might be neg-influenced...    if you can't trust in Love then what can you trust? I feel for you the utter hopelessness that must have caused you to lose your trust in Loving energy, I've been in similar situations/thought-processes. You're going to have to re-find your trust in Spirit and in Life and to realize that things aren't quite as hopeless as some Negs would have you believe. I know it can be a hard task because I've been there, but I'm now recovering because I just plain flat-out refused to give in (and also because I'm a sore loser ;) ) They sow the seeds of hopelessness and doubt because they know it works to grind people down and that you may just give in without a fight. And if you do that then they get to keep their food source. They really are insidious little buggers but they aren't as powerful or as organised as they would like you to believe. Part of how well they can maniplulate you is how much control they have over what you believe. Which is why they attempt to influence their victim to formulate various beliefs that will suit their agenda. If they think getting you to not trust a being that gives off loving energy will help their agenda they will do what they can to influence you into believing it.

And of course, if an Angel now turns up to try and help you and is giving off "overwhelming projections of love", will you trust it enough to let it help you? And if you won't let it help you, whose agenda does that serve? Yours or the negs?

Where do you think they get this love?
Who, God and the Angels? They are Love. Love is a form of higher energy, it is not something that can be stolen, "harvested" or faked. It's almost like you're saying the Sun needs to steal heat from the Earth.

If you meant negs then I can tell you I've never come across a neg giving off loving energy...  if it was able to emanate loving energy it wouldn't need to feed off others and wouldn't be a neg.
 What do you think this harvesting of energy is about anyway?
 Do you really believe they only harvest negative emotions?  The negs I am acquainted with love the positive emotions--humor, love, like, whatever.  They harvest both.
They feed off energy, full stop.
As I said, keep us updated.  I am more interested in the truth than in being right.  I am simply telling you my experience, my conclusions.  I can be proved wrong.  That's why it will be interesting to me if this "positive spirit" truly is able to rid you of negs.  
I'll keep posting in this thread anything that happens. I've had an intense healing session tonight. My heart and crown chakra are crackling with energy and I feel very empowered.

Don't give up, keep fighting, try to read something positive or watch comedy films (laughter is a form of banishment) and remember you're not alone in this problem.  A good book you may find helpful  is "Creative Visualization" by Shakti Gawain(sp?). What spiritual exercises are you doing to help yourself with this neg problem?

In Light



I wish you well, kaili. You are going through a tremendous spiritual upheaval that i don't understand without having been there. I'd say that God has worked in this method before, causing abandonment of all hope in his servants as a way to cathartically shape them. If you live, you will indeed be stronger. I'm reminded of Job actually; he lost everything that possibly mattered, but never caved in. I think you can still find help on this forum. If the negs have you believing that even angels are parasites, i'd say the whole universe is just how HP Lovecraft envisioned it: food for the gods, and we're the appetizer.
If but we knew the power of our thoughts we would guard them more closely.


Kaili --

I have kept silent because I couldn't think of anything helpful to say.

I've gone through very similar circumstances to the one you describe.  It was made worse for me by well intentioned, genuinely caring people of power who didn't understand reframing what I was in to fit their own experience.  At the time, it made my difficulties much worse.  

And, I felt beat up and "bad" because I had a situation that wasn't supposed to exist.  Did that mean that I wasn't real?  

On the other side of the experience, I realized that among the many incredibly unhelpful "positive mental attitiude" and "love and light" coachings I got, there were some scattered few bit that got in and took tenuous root.  I still don't know why some helped even a little and most didn't -- but that's the way it was.

As they say in the old movie "Pump Up The Volume" The Truth is a Virus.

I would hope that you would keep posting, keep telling your truth as you see it to the absolute best level of your ability in that moment.  I would hope that you would take the posts in response, distill whatever's workable, and let the rest go.  You  have too much going on to carry any extra baggage -- even if it's REALLY GOOD STUFF.    

As long as you keep posting both you and the people who respond to you are held in a special kind of consciousness by a great number of people who are active, albiet silent participants in the conversation  

Every post here is READ by more people than respond.  In the etheric, I sometimes think that matters more than the words.

The way out is THROUGH.  

One of the annoying people who actually helped me used to say:  If you're going through Hell, don't pitch a tent.  Just keep moving.


Quote from: Chimerae
 If you're going through Hell, don't pitch a tent.  Just keep moving.

Hmm. That's cute.
If but we knew the power of our thoughts we would guard them more closely.


Thank you Narfellus and Chimerae

I read every post at least twice, and your thoughtful responses mean a lot to me.  I will keep posting, if only to continue to describe what I am experiencing.  People who know me--including a psychiatrist I went to see--have all admitted I am an intelligent person with a good grasp on reality.  

I am trying to look as objectively as possible on what I have seen, felt and experienced--but emotions are a part of me and I would be inhuman, a robot, not to have any, not to feel tremendously crushed and disappointed.  People can be insensitive to that sometimes, but mostly, just naive.  As if I have not tried positive affirmations thousands of times, sent love, etc.  It simply does not work.  The negs--or whatever they are--don't care.  This is not about losing faith--I never had any faith to begin with--and I still don't believe in it.  I believe in me and I believe in you, if I can look you in the eye or I sense that you are telling the truth.  With the non physical world, I don't have that option.  I can only go by what they "choose" to show me or have me experience.  I try to get "energy signatures" but this is not often helpful because most of the time what I am dealing with is a projected illusion which, combined with their manipulation of my CNS might as well be real...and yet it's not.  In other words, think of a virtual reality game that is plugged into your brain, and various other parts of your body so that you not only see something, you feel it too--or smell it, etc.  If you are seeing something and feeling something than it is real, whether it's a manipulation (created reality) or not.  For all we know, all of earth and life is one giant hologram and yet it is real to those of us here experiencing life.

McArthur--You choose to stick to your faith--I understand.  If that's how you feel, that's the route you should take, I know that.  But dont' assume that's the route for me.  You and I disagree on issues of a spiritual nature, and I don't mind disagreeing on philosophy.  I won't call you wrong--but give me equal respect.  Don't assume that I am bitter, or blind--perhaps my eyes are open despite the pain.  I have seen and experienced much more than I can tell in just a few posts, as I am sure have you.  

You think of the world in terms of duality--the good and the bad.  Yet you and I are what I would call "mixed beings" and yet, still Divine.  We are capable of both good and bad.  We can choose to live a moral, humane life (defined differently by various cultures and religions), but which I define as respect for self and others, respect for freedom, mitigation of suffering, and a free flow of ideas.

You have a very simplified belief (non challenging) in God and Angels.  Not stopping to think, if angels are on your side, where are they now, my friend?  Do they really require a request from a shaman to help you?  Do you need a "middleman" to communicate with those who can help?  Can they not hear you on your own?  Don't you have guides (if you believe in that sort of thing) who know what's going on?  If so, where were they when you were being invaded and attacked to begin with?

I have seen powerful spiritual Beings here (perhaps ET's)--I have seen them visiting through other humans and I know them by their eyes.  Often, I sense their presence even before I see them.  One of several incidents that had a profound affect on me--I was having a dream that I was dying, and my four year old son came into the room in the middle of the night and turned on the light.  I saw in his eyes, what most people would call "God"--overwhelming love and compassion that is difficult to describe.  I have never seen or felt anything like it, a feeling so powerful it is not of this world.  But what I also saw, what I did not close my eyes to, was the shadow in his eyes.  And it scared me a little--this was a "mixed being" too.  

You think that God and Angels are pure love?  What you really mean to say is you want to believe that, to believe otherwise would hurt you deeply.  And so that is what you will continue to believe...until you discover otherwise.  And in that sense, ultimately, you will discover that the truth does creep up on your beliefs.  Beliefs only create reality as long as you close your eyes to the truth.

I have seen what people have described as the joyful, loving, light filled Beings--these are not "mixed beings" like you and I.  They are "produced" by a Source--the same source that propagated the greatest lie of the last 2000 years--the Christ myth.  The ONE who will come and save us all, or the aliens (whatever).  The ever present carrot before the horse that every Christian has died believing yet not seeing come to pass because it's always "just around the corner".  In our century, people said it was going to happen during the passing of the century (Y2K), when that didn't happen, they said 2012, the end of the Mayan calender.  I feel fairly certain, that date too will come and pass with no "second coming" in the sense that Christians want and expect.

These Christ-like Beings I have seen and other groups are allied with the ones who are committing crimes against humanity.  They don't necessarily agree with their tactics, but they are not stopping them either.  Which leads to the conclusion that they are "turning the other cheek" or they are not as powerful.  Which do you want to believe?

Or you can believe that there is a war going on in the spiritual realm--many believe this, including Robert Bruce.  The classis good vs evil battle going on the spiritual realms.  But if that is the case, than the "good" guys are losing because humans are being played with and tortured by non physicals in a deeply immoral sense.

We reach out to Spirit in the absence of facts, and sometimes because of a yearning desire to connect with more than what we are.  My solace is that I believe that all Beings, whether human or non human, physical or non physical, have to pay the consequences for their actions.  I had a dream once where a Being came to me and said that the entity who was attacking me had lowered his vibration as a result of his actions.  We are ALL accountable, even them.  And they are not perfect--they learn from us.  They are not perfect beings, nor are they either "all love" or "all evil".  

I said before that the spiritual realms, these other dimensions, parasite humanity.  They do--but in the same sense that we do the earth.  The spiritual realms need life, they need the energy produced by life, which is why the work so hard to preserve it.   Many from these other dimensions have "milked" humanity in the same way that most cultures have milked the earth, taking advantage of humanity's naivete and child-like notions about God and the Saviour.  Some native cultures respect earth and all life and live in harmony with it--but most do not.  This rarity of respect and harmoney towards what is used/needed is reflected in these other dimensions.  

Let's each of us define what we experienced in our own way, without condemning the other--just let us know, does this "good" spirit that you had to obtain from a shaman do the job?

It's a legitimate question on the road to the truth.  If it works out for you, I will be relieved.  :-)


Quote from: narfellus
Quote from: Chimerae
 If you're going through Hell, don't pitch a tent.  Just keep moving.

Hmm. That's cute.

Yeah.  She was really was obnoxious.  When I was really struggling she would say it and then add in a louder voice:  

. . . and for God's sake DON'T BUY ANY REAL ESTATE!



You mentioned you went through a similar exerience as mine.  Did you mean that you experienced a multi hour entity invasion or did you mean, a "dark night of the soul" involving negs, or what?

Would you like to share your experience?  I would be interested in hearing about it.


QuoteOne of the annoying people who actually helped me used to say: If you're going through Hell, don't pitch a tent. Just keep moving.
It's a quote of Sir Winston Churchill, "If you're going through Hell, keep going."


Quote from: kailichimerae--

You mentioned you went through a similar exerience as mine.  Did you mean that you experienced a multi hour entity invasion or did you mean, a "dark night of the soul" involving negs, or what?

Would you like to share your experience?  I would be interested in hearing about it.

Kaili --

Astral Pulse is a difficult place for me because it's so energetically intense and I tend to be somewhat fragile.  

In consequence, I come and go here.   I feel like I'm on the edge of being "gone" from AP.  Sharing that sort of story is rather more intense than I can manage at the moment.

But the short version is:  Yeah . . . multilevel, multihour neg invasion where there just is no room for consciousness of anything other than the negative -- it's like a virus where they get in and take over.  Also, sometimes as a consequence of that invasion, benign well intended powerful entities -- both human and otherwise -- create genuine damage in their attempts to "help."  The "good guys" then escalate their helping aggressiveness, unaware that it's YOU that's being damaged and the invading entity is just happy as clam.  

Still though, there are positive forces that step in to support and advocate for you.  It's just that my experience was that the ones that are effective in that sort of situation are subtle and easily overlooked, even when they're doing the most.

There is life on the other side of this.

Another interesting but annoying aspect of it that I feel that I need to share with you, is that when these things are tangled up with you, they're not running around loose wrecking havoc on everyone and everything else.  That awareness didn't actually help me feel better -- I don't remember ever volunteering -- but it was part of the mechanism of getting to the other side.  

MacArthur:  THANKS for the source on that quote.  I still have too much of a bad attitude about it to have looked it up myself.  It's saved my butt a thousand times, but I still wince whenever I think of it.


Hello kaili,

Quote from: kaili
I am trying to look as objectively as possible on what I have seen, felt and experienced-
May I ask if you have tried Roberts 'Belief System Cleanse' (Link at the bottom of all my posts)?
-but emotions are a part of me and I would be inhuman, a robot, not to have any, not to feel tremendously crushed and disappointed.
I don't think anyone is saying we should repress our emotions.
People can be insensitive to that sometimes, but mostly, just naive.  As if I have not tried positive affirmations thousands of times, sent love, etc.
What I posted at the end of my post was me trying to offer you encouragement because you sounded so despondant. I don't know what you may have tried, or are trying, which is why I asked you what you are doing right now to help yourself with your neg problem. Are you doing any spiritual exercises to protect yourself against negs or not?
 It simply does not work.  The negs--or whatever they are--don't care.  This is not about losing faith--I never had any faith to begin with--and I still don't believe in it.
Ok, perhaps I jumped the gun a bit from you saying, "Prior to my experience with negs, I believed in loving, non physical entities, what others would call angels." I wrote what felt right to write at the time when perhaps I shouldn't have written anything if it's not going to help you. I will try to be more careful.
  I try to get "energy signatures" but this is not often helpful because most of the time what I am dealing with is a projected illusion which, combined with their manipulation of my CNS might as well be real...and yet it's not.  In other words, think of a virtual reality game that is plugged into your brain, and various other parts of your body so that you not only see something, you feel it too--or smell it, etc.  If you are seeing something and feeling something than it is real, whether it's a manipulation (created reality) or not.  For all we know, all of earth and life is one giant hologram and yet it is real to those of us here experiencing life.
That sounds like a variation of the Philisophical question known as 'Brain in a Vat'.

It's also a similar Philisophical question to Rene Descartes' "Evil Genius" hypothesis.

And of course the Matrix films.

McArthur--You choose to stick to your faith--I understand.  If that's how you feel, that's the route you should take, I know that.  But dont' assume that's the route for me.
I didn't so far as I am aware.
 You and I disagree on issues of a spiritual nature, and I don't mind disagreeing on philosophy.
Of course there's nothing wrong with having different philisophical views. If everyone agreed with everyone else it might be quite boring. ;) But can we both have opposing beliefs and both have the "Truth" at the same time?
 I won't call you wrong--but give me equal respect.
Don't assume that I am bitter, or blind--perhaps my eyes are open despite the pain.  I have seen and experienced much more than I can tell in just a few posts, as I am sure have you.  

You think of the world in terms of duality--the good and the bad.
Yet you and I are what I would call "mixed beings" and yet, still Divine.  We are capable of both good and bad.
That is still a duality.
You have a very simplified belief (non challenging) in God and Angels.
You ask for equal respect but then start assuming that what I may or may not believe is 'simplified' and 'non challenging'.  And:
You think that God and Angels are pure love?  What you really mean to say is you want to believe that, to believe otherwise would hurt you deeply.
You are doing what I did in my previous post to you and assuming things from what little of my posts you have read. I will think about the rest of your post a little more before I make any response. Don't get the idea though it is because you have questioned my beliefs, it is for other reasons. Except for:
Let's each of us define what we experienced in our own way, without condemning the other-
I apologize if you felt I was somehow condemning you in my post, I even went out of my way to try and make sure it didn't come across that way. I was trying to help you, not condemn you. The only ones I would condemn are the negs.

-just let us know, does this "good" spirit that you had to obtain from a shaman do the job?

It's a legitimate question on the road to the truth.  If it works out for you, I will be relieved.  :-)
It is a legitimate question yes, although the way you phrased it sounds a little sour. I "had to" get the Shaman to do it because he knows how to, I don't. The reason I started this thread was because I was trying yet another way of something to get rid of negs. I am not sure either way but I am giving it all the effort I have to make it work, because I want it to. If it doesn't, I will get up, dust myself down, and try something else.


p.s. Is your real name Lisa?


Let me share a story by a friend of mine. Her husband had died recently at a young age when this happened. There are typos and grammatical errors, but I have left those in because they kind of reflect the emotions she was feeling while writing this down. The first draft was all one block, it must have been hard for her to relive some of these memories.

My Angel by Rose

Gettin to the hosptial that day thinking everything is goin to be fine. David will be home soon. It is 10 am.We can see David now, but only for 10 mintues. I go in to see him. He layin there.I thought he was a sleep. I sit down, "he say's" I love you baby. but Im not comin home this time. I said, David hush please, "he say", It is true baby I'm not. Please remember, "How much I love you." And that I will always be there watchin over you.

  The nurse came in and say we have to leave now. Soon David will be taken for test.Then put dialysis for his kidneys. They have stopped working. As I was walkin out of the room." David said", Remember, "I love you baby", And I won't be talking to you again.  Tears was rolling down my cheeks. I didn't want to leave. I wanted to go back and be there with him. "Please", I said, "Lord let me go back please" .

I went back to the waiting room. At 12 I could go in and see him again. Vikki, had left. She had to go to work, but would be back after work. I waited for 12 to come. At 12, I went back to Davids room. He wasnt there.  The nurse came by and said they had taken him for the test.  I went back to the waiting room. Had been sit for about 10 mintues. They called code blue. I was like," oo no no." It can't be, but I knew it was.I  really knew in my heart it was David. I  looked up there was a nurse stand in front of me. "Saying Mrs **** ", Come with me please. I just said," Nooo nooo please nooooo". The nurse took my arm. We went to a private room. She was talking, " please make her hush".I dont want to hear it no. No David is fine. She is lieing. Tell her to shut up please. The doctor comes in say. I'm sorry there was nuffin we could do he is gone. No, he isn't gone. No we have 3 kids. He has to help me rasie our kids. He isn't gone stop it now . They call Vikki. They say she is on her way. Why does she need to come? David is fine. Vikki doesn't need to come here.

 Vikki gets to the hosptial. They ask if we would like to see David. Yes I want to see David. We go in to his room. He is just laying there. He looks so peaceful.  David please tell them you are fine. Please. It is time to leave. When will I wake up? Please let me wake up. I just want to wake up.

 I get home. Why are all these people here? I don't want them here. i just want my kids. Where are my kids? I can't stop cryin. Please just make everyone leave. I don't want anyone, but the kids here. David will be upset with all these people. Stop trying to make me eat I don't want to not until David gets here.  What was that pill? I don't need no pills. Yes I am tired. Why yes I will lay down. Waking up looking at the clock. Oh my! I over slepted David is late for work. I jump up. I grab David. Oh, It isn't David it is Matt.(my 11 year old son) I look at him. Oh no!  I start crying. It hit me David is gone. Please lord let him come back to me please. I need him so bad. I will be good. I promise lord let him come back. They tell me I have to plan Davids funeral. I dont want to.  Just don't bother me. You do it what ever you decide. It will be fine with me. They wouldn't stop they was all say I had to do this. I said I didn't want too I want to be left alone. Just make them go away please. I just want to sit here and cry that is all. My life is over. After the funeral I told them all I wanted to go to my house.  Just me and kids be there no one else. I didn't want to do nuffin but sit in my room. Melissa (my 17 year old daughter) took care of everything. I hurt so much. I was so empty.

I started drinkin so I wouldnt hurt so much. No one was to come in my room unless they ask. I sit in the dark. I didnt eat. I lost down to 90 pounds. I looked bad. I knew if I kept up like this I wouldn't last long. I would be with David that is where I wanted to be. I didn't get dressed in the day time. I didn't asnwer the phone or  the door. I didn't want to see anyone at all.

 After 6 about months. One night sitting there in my room I was crying. I had been all day. I just prayed for the lord to take me. I need to go now I was ready. I hadn't had a drink for 2 days. I was praying to the lord please just take me please. When I felt someone touch my right hand. It was more of like a warm feeling than a touch. I opened my eyes the room was lite up. There in front of me was this angel. I blinked my eyes to make sure I wasn't seeing things. He was wearin a off white robe it came down to the floor.  His wings was like of real feathers but yet they glimmered like pearls.  He had long hair. I have never seen anything as grand as this. I just knew i was safe with him there.  He spoke it not you time yet. The lord as a reason for you still being here. You are one of his special angel to help here. His voice was so soft as he spoke. As i heard his voice I was just so relaxed.   Go to bed and sleep tomrrow will  look better to you.  As he spoked his wings was like giveng off a warm rays. I could feel the pain being lifted from my heart as he spoke. There was a ring around the angel that was of bright yellow. The angel turned and started walking away. The room was grown dark. The lite was getting father away until there was just a dot of lite and it was gone. Then I felt something change in me. It was like  something was lifted out of me. I went to bed getting up the next morning feelin like I had just been borned again everything looks so much better to me. I could hear thr birds singin.  The flowers with such bright colors. I was ready to live again and I knew David was in a great place and  when my time comes I will see him again  *smiles *


QuoteNot stopping to think, if angels are on your side, where are they now, my friend? Do they really require a request from a shaman to help you? Do you need a "middleman" to communicate with those who can help? Can they not hear you on your own? Don't you have guides (if you believe in that sort of thing) who know what's going on? If so, where were they when you were being invaded and attacked to begin with?

I need to address this, but kaili, you're right, you have to do what is right for you.

We're all connected to God, and sometimes that connection can be either severed or corrupted when under severe neg attack. It wouldn't be a big deal to rebuild on your own, if you didn't have negs attacking you and kicking you down as you are trying to climb up. Angels and such can see but don't always intervene, not out of cruelty but out of respect for our free will.

Negs go out of their way to make you feel like evil rules the universe, that power decides everything. That gets translated to relations with God and angelic beings. We think, "We have to ask for their help out of respect for their power." It's the other way around. We have to ask for help out of respect to us, our choices, our will. Look at how hard some negs work to turn around a person's life, luck, fate, etc. Would you want an angelic being acting the same way, deciding your fate instead of you doing it?

Going to someone else to help/ask? You mean like someone else who is unadulterated in connection to God and can bring more light in thatn you can at the moment? It gets us to turn to each other out of compassion and love, instead of being little islands, self focused and isolated.


QuoteAnd so the thought of letting a "good spirit" enter me, is not something I would ever consider.

Well, you know, that is really quite a sensible approach. Allowing a spirit to connect with one is not something I would normally try myself or even recommend to others. But there were so many synchronicities that led me to it that I felt confident enough to give it a go. I've made myself the 'guinea pig' in this thread; if things go wrong (not that I wish to tempt fate, of course ;) ) then you'll know it's no good. But actually, it IS working. There is still something in my aura/body, but it is getting weaker by the day. At first I was a little disappointed that the entities weren't gone straight away, but I now see that it will just take a little bit of time and effort before my neg problem is gone for good. In fact, I've never been so confident in the 8 years of neg trouble that I've actually found something that just might be working.

I've had two very strong healing sessions tonight. There is so much energy flowing through me it almost feels like I'm connected into the mains electric supply. It kind of feels like a dimmer switch is being slowly turned up and as it does so the entity gets weaker. Kind of like my vibration is rising beyond where the negs are able to affect me. My entire body is literally tingling with what I can only describe as Spiritual Power that at times is verging towards ecstasy (it's quite hard to explain). I would imagine it to be fairly easy to Astral Project from this state. I did make a short attempt earlier, but then felt I was trying to rush things, so stopped.


I think spirit encouters and partnerships like this are like any relationship.

For the right person in the right place in their life, they're beyond wonderful and it's possible to reach things unreachable alone.

For anyone else, they're hell dressed up in "Sunday go to meeting" clothes.

And even if you are the right person in the right place in your life -- life changes and so relationship change.  Ready or not.  

Even spiritual ones.

But spirits -- even good ones -- are in a different time frame than we're in.  Things change for us material beings and the spirit just doesn't get it.  Not unlike a lover who doesn't understand that yes, they're still loved (or not) AND it's time to let go and move on.  And they cling too tight.

Or the spirit moves on and WE as material being cling too tight and something less wonderful moves in to fill the empty place we are holding open with our clinging to something that's GONE.


Quote from: Chimerae
But spirits -- even good ones -- are in a different time frame than we're in.  Things change for us material beings and the spirit just doesn't get it.  Not unlike a lover who doesn't understand that yes, they're still loved (or not) AND it's time to let go and move on.  And they cling too tight.
What you just described is a low-level spirit pretending to be a spirit guide. Higher level spirits are far more intelligent that what you describe above and they certainly don't need to cling (attach) to you. There are some 'ghosts' that really don't mean to do any harm, but they still have to feed off you to survive, which harms you in the long run. So they give 'advice' in exchange for the energy they steal. A lot of the time this 'advice' is made up from knowledge you already know or things it may have learnt off its previous host. If I had a spirit guide like you describe above I would work on getting rid of it straight away (it probably wouldn't leave by itself and come up with all sorts of excuses why i.e. "We made an agreement prior to your incarnation" or "We have important spiritual work to do together" are the typical kind of thing used to pursuade one to allow it to stay and continue feeding). Read the article I posted in the "Depression" thread on this forum.

A good exercise to do with spirits is to tell them to go and leave for 3 months and not come back until you call them. Any good spirit will fully understand and respect your wishes. If it won't go, then you have a problem.


Some more of what is happening. Last night during one of the healing sessions I was having, while I was in trance, I could feel where this entity is in my head. I have felt it before but am getting a much clearer idea of where what seems to be its main attachment point is. If you stick your thumb in your mouth with the nail facing downwards and run the tip of your thumb back along the roof of your mouth you come to the end of the bone to a soft fleshy part. It's just above the roof of my mouth at the spot where the bone ends and soft part starts. From there it seems to have cords attached to other points such as where the jaws join just below the ears (where I believe there are secondary chakras). I could also feel a very numb energy feeling in the centre of my head and also crown chakra.

Anyway, it looks like it's not going to go without putting up a fight and this might take a little longer than I expected. While in trance I started drawing pentagrams of light with my astral hands and throwing them at it like ninja stars, making them explode on contact trying to loosen its grip to where it is attached. It seemed to have a little bit of effect so I may keep trying it when I get the chance. But anyway, I know now that it's main attachment is inside the skull (I can feel it moving about every so often like a throbbing sensation), from where it might be possibly somehow connecting to the brain/CNS (or trying to).

Here's an old journal entry from the last time I felt this thing there, but didn't at the time know for sure what it was.

7th Jan 2001 00:52
I have just got out of the shower after a trance meditation. I did some energy work and it was mind blowing. I sort of just went with intuition as to what i was doing, built a cone of light above and below me so i was encased in it, then was sending waves of light/energy all around the contours of my body, at one point i was spiraling a line of energy up and down my body (cross legged), imagining any attachments being dissolved and cut away. Also remember being inside a blue flame. Then i started vibrating Om.. it just felt right.. but i was doing it from low to high pitch... the tone sounded VERY loud and was vibrating all around me. After a while i said prayers in trance asking the Great White Brotherhood for assistance and guidance etc. Then i tried to exit my body.. got the tingling body and throbbing heart chakra at one point... i opened all my chakras and energy flooding my room and all around me.. i tranced deeper.... i stopped trying to exit and just floated in mind... at this point i could feel something tugging at the inside of my brain. Well its not my brain.. but feels like inside my skull.. it was as if either myself, or someone/thing, was slowly moving the whole inside of my skull (like a ball of energy inside it) up and down... my head was slightly heavy. This felt like going from my throat through roof of mouth to core of brain... wiggling up and down slowly. There was something watching me and either asked, or noticed, that i could actually feel this movement inside me. My brow chakra and crown chakra were very active... slight pressure on brow and top of nose. As i write this i still have a sensation inside my head and crown chakra... feels a little heavy/throbbing..... i just got an impression... a thought..... from me, or something... i just saw a Lotus bud moving from below the surface of water and emerging above. But at the same time i just saw this, i re-lived the inner sensation i just mentioned.. up throat to centre of head etc. I kind of saw both things at the same time as though the lotus bud was inside my throat/head and the surface of the water was above my crown chakra. Have to forgive me but i'm still a little spaced from the trance, even after a shower.
one cigarrette later.
Now i cant decide wether this numb-dull-heavy feeling in the core of my head is Kundalini or something else moving there. It's not painful, only slightly uncomfortable... the whole top of my head and deep inside it too is kinda numb. Thinking back now to my trance 30 minutes ago... it did feel as though something was trying to move up my throat and out the top of my head.... after i had re-surfaced and opened my eyes... i sat there staring into the mirror.. everything took on a ... blurry vision type look as i sat staring at my brow chakra in the mirror.. still in semi trance.. my eyes wide open my vision was going blurry and surreal (although i could have stopped this if i re-focused) and like invisible whispy smoke(almost liquid like) running/moving over my eyes(retina).
Went for shower and my t-shirt was soaked with sweat (its winter here).
Wow, hope this isnt too long, i'm kinda auto writing as if remembering a dream. Oh, when i was in trance, i was using awareness hands that Rob Bruce mentions in NEW(like astral hands) to brush up and down my spine (like brushing cobwebs(any attachments) off me) and i also kind of did this inside my skull too(i think i did inside skull -thinking of my mind and cleaning any attachments that may be in my personal inner meta-space.. hmmm), and sealed the inside with a circled pentagram, just managed to remember that part.

So anyway, it's obviously a nasty little bugger and means business, but my fight to get it out of me isn't so one-sided anymore.


OK here we go!!! Read this old thread of mine:

Em, Negs and Possession

I propose in that thread that negs somehow affect humans using subtle Electromagnetic fields in the brain, something which health authorities have also been able to do. I also postulate that EM fields also somehow affect negs in an adverse way. Now read this!
Researchers at McLean Hospital's Brain Imaging Center have found that the oscillating magnetic fields of an MRI scanner (a machine commonly used in medicine to produce high-resolution images of internal organs and tissues) can immediately improve the moods of depressed patients suffering from bipolar disorder, a psychiatric illness characterized by alternating periods of mania and depression. A controlled study recently published in the American Journal of Psychiatry indicated that 23 out of 30 bipolar patients (77 percent) reported an improved mood after receiving the scan—and that 100 percent of the patients who were not taking antidepressant medication indicated a better mood.


In fact, researchers first noticed the scan's mood-enhancing effects by accident, while conducting an unrelated study of medications' effectiveness on bipolar subjects. During that study, many subjects emerging from their EP-MRSI exams remarked to the technician on how much better they felt than before the scan. Some were even cracking jokes as they departed. "There were enough patients who told us—and these were unbiased observations—that we thought we ought to pay attention," Cohen explains. For some, the elevated mood lasted for hours; for others, it persisted as long as a week.

They don't know why it works, but I do!!!

They're inadvertantly zapping negs from people who don't know they have them!!! Depression, Bi-polar? Negs. Want a cure? Zap em with some strong EM pulses! (but do it regularly over a week or two to stop re-attachment, possibly getting Reiki healing for the auric holes where the negs are getting into the aura)

Now I just need one of these to test out my theory:


More on EM pulse treatment:

Electromagnetic Treatments

Berman and his colleagues recently applied electromagnetic stimulation to schizophrenics who daily suffered with auditory hallucinations. Reported in the British medical journal, The Lancet, (March 25, 2000) Berman et al. was able to use electromagnetic stimulation to reduce auditory hallucinations in 11 of 12 schizophrenic patients over six-months.

Schizophrenia is caused by Negs! So is cancer...



You and I must have had a similar experience, perhaps because we are both female?  I have noticed a similarity in the way females are betrayed/attacked/fooled as opposed to the way that males are.   Negs often take advantage of maternal instincts, the desire to nurture. They also take advantage of our vulnerability in our sexual/emotional make up.  You hear of females being sexually manipulated much more often than males.  I don't know if that was the case for you, but it was part of my experience and I had several conversations (privately) with other females who had similar experiences with negs.  With males, they work on the fact that they are often more cut off from their emotions, and their ego is more easily manipulated.  

I want to make one thing clear to all who are religious or believe in God and Angels.  Please don't apply different standards to non physicals than you would physical beings (as we are Divine also).  Dont' use anomolies and lack of logic to keep your eyes blind.  Of course there is some kind of God/Force/Cosmic Intelligence.  But what most people think is God is not, it is simply the non physical realm giving you what you expect.  In other words, there are plenty of ET's and non physicals currently on the God/Jesus/Mohammed/etc. circuit to please your expectations.  Don't be fooled.

A minister in church once told everyone, what is the difference between true wisdom and false wisdom (the latter of which he attributed to the devil but what most of us here would attribute to negs)?  He answered that true wisdom is gentle, it is capable of being analyzed from all angles, and it does not hide.  I thought these were good, common sense rules to apply what you might hear or think about what is going on the non physical realm.  Humans are not being tested, we are not bad--these are the words of a false God.   People talk about the Holy Spirit.  According to the New Testament, Jesus defined the Holy Spirit as "spiritual truth".  Not an invading energy, or force, not grace--but truth.  Keep that in mind when you are confronted with Beings who like to hide not only who and what they are, but information and understanding.  Negs thrive on secrecy.  

McArthur--well, you and I agree on some things.  :wink: I too am absolutely convinced that EM fields would destroy these things if we knew how to use them properly.  I also have always felt that they use the EM field of the mind, to manipulate thoughts and emotions in addition to direct manipulations of the CNS.  I used to use magnets in various different ways to try to gage the affect--holding one several inches from my frontal lobes and making a circular motion.  I never found one golden key but I am convinced that a way of protecting oneself lies with understanding more about these fields.  I too wondered about the connection with shock treatments and skizophrenic patients, and also, the story of one woman who had multiple sclerosis and was struck by lightening.  After she got out of the hosptital (she was in severe pain for awhile, and had suffered quite a bit of physical damage) she discovered that she was free of MS.  This was a story in the paper or on TV that was well documented.  I even thought, in one of my more desperate moments, is there someway to apply a low voltage to my brain to disrupt these things?  But to experiment in this way is extremely dangerous and I wouldn't do it.  But I do believe the answer lies with the understanding of the electromagnetic fields of the body.


Quote from: kailiChimarea

You and I must have had a similar experience, perhaps because we are both female?  I have noticed a similarity in the way females are betrayed/attacked/fooled as opposed to the way that males are.   Negs often take advantage of maternal instincts, the desire to nurture. They also take advantage of our vulnerability in our sexual/emotional make up.  You hear of females being sexually manipulated much more often than males.  I don't know if that was the case for you, but it was part of my experience and I had several conversations (privately) with other females who had similar experiences with negs.  With males, they work on the fact that they are often more cut off from their emotions, and their ego is more easily manipulated.  

I want to make one thing clear to all who are religious or believe in God and Angels.  Please don't apply different standards to non physicals than you would physical beings (as we are Divine also).  Dont' use anomolies and lack of logic to keep your eyes blind.  Of course there is some kind of God/Force/Cosmic Intelligence.  But what most people think is God is not, it is simply the non physical realm giving you what you expect.  In other words, there are plenty of ET's and non physicals currently on the God/Jesus/Mohammed/etc. circuit to please your expectations.  Don't be fooled.

A minister in church once told everyone, what is the difference between true wisdom and false wisdom (the latter of which he attributed to the devil but what most of us here would attribute to negs)?  He answered that true wisdom is gentle, it is capable of being analyzed from all angles, and it does not hide.  I thought these were good, common sense rules to apply what you might hear or think about what is going on the non physical realm.  Humans are not being tested, we are not bad--these are the words of a false God.   People talk about the Holy Spirit.  According to the New Testament, Jesus defined the Holy Spirit as "spiritual truth".  Not an invading energy, or force, not grace--but truth.  Keep that in mind when you are confronted with Beings who like to hide not only who and what they are, but information and understanding.  Negs thrive on secrecy.  

McArthur--well, you and I agree on some things.  :wink: I too am absolutely convinced that EM fields would destroy these things if we knew how to use them properly.  I also have always felt that they use the EM field of the mind, to manipulate thoughts and emotions in addition to direct manipulations of the CNS.  I used to use magnets in various different ways to try to gage the affect--holding one several inches from my frontal lobes and making a circular motion.  I never found one golden key but I am convinced that a way of protecting oneself lies with understanding more about these fields.  I too wondered about the connection with shock treatments and skizophrenic patients, and also, the story of one woman who had multiple sclerosis and was struck by lightening.  After she got out of the hosptital (she was in severe pain for awhile, and had suffered quite a bit of physical damage) she discovered that she was free of MS.  This was a story in the paper or on TV that was well documented.  I even thought, in one of my more desperate moments, is there someway to apply a low voltage to my brain to disrupt these things?  But to experiment in this way is extremely dangerous and I wouldn't do it.  But I do believe the answer lies with the understanding of the electromagnetic fields of the body.


I actually know men who have been through this.  The experience is similar for men and women.  I have not seen that there are more women than men like this, but I have seen that there are more women than men that SEEM like this, because women are conditioned to give up and give in and wait to be rescued.  (Because of what you're going through I want to be very clear:  YOU ARE NOT AMONG THESE . . . you are NOT giving in and waiting to be rescued)

In my experience, it's actually easier for women to get through it and to the other side than it is for men.

Men don't confess to problems like these as easily as women do.  When they do admit to the level of problem, they have an even harder time getting workable help than we do.  Hard to imagine, WORSE isn't it?

I don't know that I agree with your minister who said that true wisdom doesn't hide.  My experience is that true wisdom sometimes steps out and hands over an easy answer, but MOST of the time just keeps very quiet and helps me along while I discover the way to find the truth myself.  In my experience, true wisdom draws us on, it doesn't shove.  But maybe that's all the same thing you're talking about with different words.  

I have found that no matter how big my problem, if I just tell the truth, MY truth as simply and to the best of my ability, that everything will sort itself out.  The world comes back at me in a way to fine tune my personal truth until I get to a point where things are workable.

Keep posting!


Quote from: McArthur
A good exercise to do with spirits is to tell them to go and leave for 3 months and not come back until you call them. Any good spirit will fully understand and respect your wishes. If it won't go, then you have a problem.
Also something else that seems to help to "Test your spirits" is to get them to say things that a neg might not want to. For instance, this entity around me won't say "Allahu Ackbar" (meaning 'God is great' in Arabic). Of course, there may be some negs/ghosts that will say it to gain your confidence so it should be used in conjuction with other things. But if a spirit won't say it you can at least be sure it's not something you want staying around. Like a first level testing sort of thing; if it says it then you go onto a level two test etc.

I'm still having healing sessions and working on this attachment point in my skull. I just had my 'awareness hands' in there gently feeling the attachment point and kind of trying to gently loosen it. As I was doing this (with eyes closed) I saw a pair of hands in my minds eye holding what looked to be an attachment cord. I formed a pair of scissors with my awareness hands and cut the cord. Then created a large lit match and lit one end of the cord while imagining it being lit like a fuse and burning away.

Li Yun

Sorry McArthur I 've been abit slow on this your question the spasming in my groin area, yes i had felt wierd flowinf sensations and pinpricks etc that were not nice at all in the way you cant quite explain..(sort of like a violation i guess) but the spasm i spoke about not i had never felt that before. It was so felt as though there was somthing struggling, as though it disliked the energy from what peter was doing.

It eventually came away, but it had got a good grip!!

Nasty pieces of work...and not something 'talking about' solves..especially to your friends that are not in this sort of beleif system, so this forum is a good place for people to get things of their chest...