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Topics - m0d0

Welcome to Dreams! / Common dreams
July 02, 2004, 12:59:10
we could make a pole votation (is that how you say in english) where  astral members would indicate, given a list, with the most common dreams. After that we could see the statistic results.

In the last months my dreams have no specific topic. They still are crazy dreams with amazing things, but no specific topic. This is what i can say related to the last months.

Now, speaking about common dreams on my life, i have 3 main themes:
- flying
- escaping from something (wich may include me flying, in order to escape)
-ufos :)

About flying dreams i will not say to much (see the stick post in the top of "welcome to dreams" forum), only that they are amazing and probably the best, even better than sexual dreams!

About ufo dreams: well, they are just great, because i have nice adventures and/or sensations. Sometimes i have a dream, very real (real here means about the fealings that i have, they correspond to what i would feel if i saw an ufo) in wich i see an ufo flying over the sky; an amazing ufo making incredible maneuvers. This kind  of dream is nice because i really feel an overhelming sensation. Just imagine what you would feel if you saw a dream, the sensation of mystery, adventure and atonishment.

Other ufo dreams give me sensations that i never had in my awaking life. I had once an amazing dream (words are not enough) in wich i saw the existence of a bad alien race, coahiting with us since milion years before. I saw there origins and it was amazing.

Now i must go, i will talk later about escaping dreams.

Interesting stuff! Thanks for the link! [:)]
i don't know much about scrying, but two things i do know is that you can use many things besides a mirror to do it, and you DON'T need a "black" mirror (never heard of it before, could you provide a link?) [:)]

happy scrying

Im not sure if its possible or not...
I personally would rather have sex then go into the astral and learn or whatnot.
Welcome to Magic! / Destiny by birthdates
December 15, 2003, 10:21:09
All I know that it means is that you are a Virgo.
Hey M0d0,
Thats really good to hear![:)]

Thanks for the positive news. These kind of successes are always good to hear about, and encouraging for others trying.[^]

Welcome to Magic! / Aleister Crowley
December 13, 2003, 18:27:18
I haven't research Crowley to any great extent nor have i read any of his books, but it seems like an interesting area to delve into. From what i have read he had a lot to do with The Golden Dawn.
I can't offer much more information, but i can offer a couple of links:
last night i woke up into partial paralysis and started focusing on my inner eye visions.. they formed a strange tunnel... and I reached out with my astral arms (as in, pulled them out of my body) and started grabbing onto the walls of these tunnels to pull myself deeper and deeper through...

walls started forming around me.... and i was pulling myself into a dark somewhat sinister looking kind of occult type library...


i'm inside... so... i think "hey... lets look up civil war and see if that John Titor guy was full of crap" so I grab a W book and look up "war" but there is no index for "war, civil" and in fact, nothing I'm reading is making any sense

(why would it? It's a creation of my mind)

So I asked this guy about it... he drew this diagram on a chalkboard starting with the year 1999... and he had this upward rising line graph... which charts wars we get into.

He said we would definitely have another civil war, and he said it would be in I think, 2034... then he later said 2072, and wrote 2072 on the board... and then when I looked again it was 2027 and I asked him to confirm that this should say 2072 and he said "yeah, 2072" so I repeated that over and over in my head and woke myself up and wrote that date down.

Not that I'll probably be alive then... I asked him about terrorism and he said there will be one more big attack, I asked him about WMD and he said no... and something about a battering ram....

i went back to that library again, and well it was much more dream like than before.... some people I knew were in it and they had some sort of fishing pole looking contraption that I ended up getting hooked on, which hurt... and I'm like "wait... shouldn't I be in my astral body? Why am I stuck on this hook?" I tore it out of my skin, which also hurt...

Being the lonely person I am.. I thought.. "maybe I can find a good looking chick I'm meant to hook up with in one of these books so I can go looking for her" so I looked for a book on love and couldn't find one, and asked some girl there who seemed to be a sort of librarian.. she lectured me about something and didn't want to help, she grabbed another book for me instead and told me to read it.. and I wish I could remember what the book was called, but maybe it was just gibberish... I remember what the cover looked like though, light blue like these forums with three words on it..

Inside it was just cluttered nonsense, and I asked her how I'm supposed to read this, she said "you don't READ it, you read it, just look at it briefly." so I did that, and nothing happened, and I'm like "so just flip through all the pages?" and she's like "no.... just... look at it and perceive it" and I tried, nothing really  happened...

I exited the library and went back to my paralyzed body and stepped out of it, into what I'd call a semi accurate version of my room, only it was extremely dark.. I turned on a light that wasn't there, which did nothing for the brightness of the room.

Well anyway I went outside and asked my guide (though I don't think I have a guide at this point) for info on women that I might be meant to be with or that would be compatible with me... nothing happened...

I then tried to go to astral pulse island... which... well.. I'm not sure I succeeded.

I'm unconvinced that any of this stuff is real as of this far.
Welcome to Magic! / Solomon books and more
December 11, 2003, 11:07:52
i'd be VERY careful about attributing a written work to the actual King Solomon. the "greater key of solomon" for instance was not written by him and it shows in the book itself (for instaces: the book uses the gregorian calendar rather than the hebrew, it makes references to "saint" peter/paul (i forget which), and other nuiances like that which seem to prove that it was written by a catholic rather than that actual Solomon).

but other than the authorship, a good book is still a good book [|)], so hopefully something of those will help someone in their journeys. thanks for the list m0d0 [:)].

Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Coma Patients?
December 10, 2003, 08:22:12
I'm sure Robert Monroe mentioned coma patients in his first book, or maybe I saw it on a website.  But yeah, apparently they're somewhere in the astral dimsensions.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Gr8 meditation music
December 08, 2003, 20:37:39
Aphex twin is awesome, but most of his stuff I can't really meditate too.  I recomend Boards of Canada, they take sounds from natue and mix them.  Music has the right to children is teir only good album.  Also Orbital is good, especialy insides ans sniviliztion.  But my favorite is the Orb, they also have a song called O.O.B.E (what does that satnd for?).
For me, the state seems to be different...  On one hand you have control.  On the other hand, you have not...

I think a closer one would be the whirling dervish guys...
I haven't actually projected yet sorry, but i'm almost there and i'll take a shot at your questions anyway.

1. Well it usually takes me about the same to get to a stage where i'm on the edge of seperation. I don't think it matters how long it takes.
2. I get the eye thing too, but usually after longer than a few minutes. I was thinking it was something like REM (Random Eye Movement) which you getting during dreams when you're aslee i believe.
3. I've been told that pulsing in the chest during projection attempts could actually be the heart chakra. I'm not sure if it's anything to worry about or not.

That's the best i can do. Sounds like you're progressing nicely as well!
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Ambient Streamin radio
December 05, 2003, 20:55:58
cool, try //, their not bad for chillout stuffs.
Try removing most of the energy from your head (not to much you don't want to pass out trust me I know[xx(]) Then once done just rest. Your body should balance itself out, or at least that's what I do when I put to much energy in my head;
As a person with money problems I know how difficult it can be to get money sometimes...

But if you can get one book in addition to Robert Bruce's book, I would suggest Psychic Vampires by Joe H. Slate.

There are a few people here that have been attacked by Psy Vamps and You'll probably hear from them.

Have fun in the Astral
Welcome to Dreams! / Fear of never flying
December 04, 2003, 10:16:17
I do not recall ever flying in a dream. I have jumped into the air really high, like above tall trees. I have done some Matrix/Ninja type moves like the movies. The ones like climbing walls, impossible jumps and twists, etc. But no flying that I recall.
Just to add quickly. I noticed an abundance of speeling mistakes in my post (Even the title). I apologise, i'm writing on the fly at work.



Edit - Ok, i spelt SPELLING wrong lol... I'm such a Goober!!

(mod note - use the edit button () to fix errors)
Welcome to Astral Chat! / a BIG first time hello
December 04, 2003, 05:32:27
Welcome [:)]
This certainly is an excellent resource for the metaphysical. Have fun! [:o)]
Welcome to Astral Chat! / a BIG hello
December 04, 2003, 05:30:59
Hi there Modo !
welcome to the forums. There is an "astral chat" forum which is the general area you were looking for.

Sorry - I haven't got any "theories" to explain what you saw ! maybe someone else has ?
