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Topics - Andali27

I've been hiatus on everything AP/phasing related for too long (even though it didn't leave me alone throughout my whole 'vacation'.

I'm been floating around here for a while and have finally decided to make a come back and get of my lazy backside and do something.

Just a couple of questions from things I've noticed while acting ghost:

1. Have these forums slowed down or is that just me?
2. Where the hell is Frank?  Did he get lost in some f4 state or whatever and decide not to come back?

Anyways, hope to get to know u all again!

Yes, that's right, Jpop is taking over.

If you want to hear something you've never ever heard before.  If u want to listen to music without all the c*rap u hear today, no s*ex, drugs, suggestive lyrics, etc, then switch to jpop.

Ayumi's new album, (miss)Understood, is sure to hit number one.  The most successful selling artist outside of the US has done it again.

Will be happy to answer any questions you have about this brand new craze.l  They'll even upload music for u to listen to!

Featuring all her number one singles plus brand new tracks and music videos on the DVD version.

You guys have got to give it a chance!  Translations are available from:

So what are u waiting for? :singer:

Feel free to PM me for more info.



P.S. Extreme boredom was the reason for this post
It seems to happen more and more when the thought isn't even on my mind.

I posted this before but it vanished so, yeah, here I am posting it again.  Do you know that period, just before you nod off into sleep and then realise you're about to fall asleep, then wake up?  Yup, well, during one of those times (with me lying on my back, something I hate to do), I suddenly became aware of a sensation like falling and kept falling.

I realised later I was aware of my position in the room in accordance to where I had been on the bed, meaning, I knew where I was without being able to see.

Anyway, I quickly began thinking "up", and basically began to go up where I was able to 'see' my room again.  My thoughts were really, "no you don't, no, no, no".

I moved over to the top of my bed as far as I could 'see' and tried hitting the wall to see if my hand would go through.  It didn't, as usual.  Anyway, I ended up forcing myself awake with bright recollection of the experience.  I daresay I could have considered prolonging the experience but the want to 'sleep' overode the curiosity I had nada of at the time.

Anyway, do people have any thoughts?  Just decided to share this with you for the hell of it.  Any questions, share other spontaneous experiences, etc....?

Others go 'yay' but I go "damn, I'm trying to sleep!"

I've discovered through much annoyance, that place where you boarder on sleep, given the right conditions, it's a troublesome area.

I was lying on my back last night, kind of dozing, trying to sleep but was too hot to be comfortable and I ended up drifting for a moment only to have the sudden sensation that I was falling.  I realised what it was but also KNEW where I was in my room in relation to my original position, somewhere near the side of my bed below? the carpet where my desk usually resides.  Anyway, there I was falling and thought "oh no you don't", "no, no no", and began to think thoughts of going 'higher' so to speak.  Up, up, up, until I found myself next to my bed.  I was quite surprised it actually worked, telling myself to go 'up', cause it usually doesn't though I've never fallen and kept falling before.  Anyway, I've kind of floated, and I use that word loosly, to the top of my bed where I proceeded to try and get the attention of someone?  I recall hitting the wall and trying to force my eyes open as if in a dream.  Finally I did and had perfect recollection of the experience.  I checked my watch and found that I couldn't have dreamt yet because I hadn't been asleep long enough.

Thoughts anyone?

Welcome to Dreams! / Storm dreams
August 01, 2005, 00:54:50
Just a general question:

I had a dream about a massive storm approaching somewhere near where I live and I'm interested to know if anyone has had any similar dreams.  Big black menacing clouds.

For example, I remember reading somewhere that before 9/11 some people dreamt of planes crashing into buildings.  I wondered if that happened for the London thing?

Also, this is purely a question of interest.  Has anyone else aside from me had a dream about storms lately?

I decided to bite the bullet and post something that happened that confused the hell out of me.

For a while, I haven't done anything within this whole AP/phasing scheme of things (though I probably should have).  I've been busy with school and have been having too many late nights.

Recently, I've been stressed out about school and work and due dates (the whole final year of secondary school thing).  I went to stay the night at a friend's house for her B'day the next day and just as we were trying to get to sleep, I had a 'stress attack' if that's what you want to call it, more closely a panic attack maybe because I felt I 'just had to leave' (NOTE: nothing before sleeping could be associated with the cause of this and I'm sure watching The Pacifier, wouldn't count).  It's never happened before.  Anyway, I SMSed my mum and got her to come and pick me up around 12:30, just after midnight.  I calmed down enough when I got home to go to sleep but had a strange dream on waking that morning.

I dreamt that I was still sleeping at my friend's house, where I had been before I left, in the same place.  I dreamt that she walked past where I was lying down.  I could see her, tried to say something but found I couldn't move and felt paralysed.  It was similar in feel to AP experiences and I was wondering if I was actually 'there' but not, at the same time, if that makes sense.

Then, I had a bunch of odd dreams and whatever and this morning, recall I was dreaming of flying up and down over my bed in the dark.  I kept going up, then down, pulling up short of the floor.  This repeated until I had a weird dream about ascending several floors in this massive building to go to this sort of 'party' thing but there was some 'person' there whom grabbed me and we jumped out the window but I wasn't afraid.  Me and another person then started throwing whatever we could find at these other two people because somehow, throwing things at them from 'this realm' would affect their stability in our reality.  Finally, they faded from sight.

I came to the conclusion a while ago that if you start (AP/phasing), and get a positive experience, then stop, things keep happening even when you're not trying.

I think that's what happened here.  I could have been dreaming, then not, but the flying thing was rather lucid and all my dreams have taken on startling realism since attempting things like phasing.

This is a long post, I know; anything anyone can say to 'lighten' me on these experiences, please post because I'm happy to hear anything.

Thanks in advance

I decided to post this in regards to something Frank said in his newsletter, that he can't seem to understand the definition of mediation.  The truth is, the definition has become confused over time.  There are several definitons of the one words depending on your culture.
On one end of the scale, meditiation is simply thought on a single subject, and at the other end of the scale medition is deep silence of the mind, leading to OBEs etc.  Basically, it's the silencing of the mind to concerntrate on one thought and that thought alone to gain insight.  If you're a star wars fanatic, 'search the force'.
I look at it as 'deep thought on a single subject'.  Mentally sorting out a problem in your mind.
The mystic definition of meditation doesn't work for me.

Don't take what I've said as solid truth, these are just my thoughts.  Any comments welcome.

Hello!  I'm back!  Too much school work is keeping me from doing anything I want to do and I keep on running out of Internet credit at school.  Sooooo, VCE should be condemed.  Onto the topic of the post.

From what I've been reading recently, it seems when we're talking about AP in a foC way, then saying 'projection' would be rather inaccurate.  To project is to go 'outwards' but we seem to be going inwards so rather, you'd call it astral injection but that word's a bit iffie as well as it sounds like you're shooting up on the Astral.  Weird.

Anyhow, what would you call it if not projection?  There has to be some funky latin word we can pull from somewhere to better describe the process.

On another topic, I have been seriously slacking off lately in regards to foC.  I've been meaning to revise my f2oC rundown but I've almost forgotten the basics.  Can anyone refresh my memory in regards to the difference between Franks f3oC and Monroe's, if there is a difference, and what to do to achieve an f2oC state (aside from the rundown, before that).

Any comments greatly appreciated!

Yes.  I've been lazy and the main reason for that is because school is stressing me out.  I hate the education system, dumping everything on you last minuet and then telling you its due in two weeks.

That's mainly the reason I haven't even being doing relaxation.

I'm not totally void of doing anything, but as per usual, spontaneous RTZs still greet me with open arms (so to speak).  Saturday morning, still haven't left my room but that's a work in progress.

Anyway, the reason I'm posting this is in regards to F2oC.  I haven't really sat/lay down and full out tried but I haven't done anything at all lately really.  I have problems concentrating on my rundown, because its so simple and I get bored with it and end up giving up and going to sleep.

My rundown is basically me(trying 1st person) sitting beside a stream in this nice forest garden thing I created mentally a while ago, and I'm threading a daisy chain.  I can't keep thinking about the smells, the feel of the daisy stalks, what I hear.  I get confused and then other thoughts creep in that are more interesting.

I like the rundown, it's better than peeling potatoes, as even in reality, I hate peeling potatoes.  First time I tried the potato peeling, just because I had nothing else.  I ended up wandering around (mentally, imagination here), up onto the deck of this pirate ship were I tried to recall a song I was working on and ended up fooling around and dancing (this was all taking place in my imagination, dancing and whatnot, I was directing the sequence of events).

The only thing I've noticed so far is that when thinking about, or doing my rundown or any other thing using imagination, after a while, I'm able to more easily imagine what I'm seeing.  It becomes clearer but by coming clearer, I start to think about other things when that happens.

Basically, I want to know what I'm doing wrong, or, if sticking it out is the best course of action.  No matter how bored I get, keeping doing the rundown.  The boredom is my main problem.  I know, how can you be bored!  You're trying to get to F2oC!!!!  It's the repetition, that's all.

Aside from that.  Even if anyone shares they're experiences here, I can maybe work something out.  Any advice, ideas, anything?  If I'm doing anything wrong, or leaving something out, tell me!  I want to do this!

Okay, I'm trying to explain the concept of AP/OBE to somone but they refuse to believe that it has nothing to do with demons, witchcraft and all the like.  They beleive that as soon as you leave, some other entourage of whatever will try and take u over while you're out so to speak.

For a fact, I know this is false but how can you explain that to someone that seems adament and set in their ways?  As far as I can see, it's impossible and no matter how hard I try, the conversation ends up turning into an argument, and others seem to be on their side too.  Okay, I'm tiptoeing around here, the one I argue with is my mum, and her point of view (though I know terribly much more on the topic than her), and my brothers and sister jump on the bandwagon like she's right because they don't know any better.

The topic keeps cropping up and it's beginning to really get on my nerves because I can't seem to get my point across no matter what angel I try to go in at.  Whether it be from dreaming, or even something else, she refuses to even consider my point of view.

At one stage, she even went on these forums, which is why I created another username.

Not only was it done behind my back, but she literally read all of my messages!!!!  All 200 +, or so she claims, but I don't beleive that for many reasons.

The problem is, the argument is getting on nerves, that and the fact she keeps bringing up the whole "why are u using the forum if you're not trying for an OBE"

I would then say something and she'd make some unwarrented comment such as "why would u want to hang around with a bunch of nutters?" referring to the people on the forum, here.  Those that have helped me!

I keep trying to dismiss the argument, no, I've been having dreams, no, I didn't try, I don't try, I had a dream.

Please, anyone, some advice?  She's so stuck in her ways I can't get a damn thing across from my perspective.  She believes in all the mystic and old age c*rap while I'm trying to convince her otherwise but it's like she's stuck in a groove, demons, evil spirits.  Arrrgghhhh!!!! :x

Anything at all people!  I really want to lay this argument to rest but I want to do it so I we both end up happy with the result, though somehow, I can't see that.

Anything at all is appreciated

I made this up a while ago, the first time I actually sat down and tried to nut it out.  I know now that it's got a lot missing but it's pretty good for a basic idea of the main phasing levels, from F10,12,15,21,27,  and that's all that's here for the moment.

I'm not too up to speed on f2oC, 3oC and 4oC.  Could someone explain that?  So I didn't include them in the original drawing, frankly cause I didn't know about them.

Any thoughts or comments on this are appreciated in advance!


P.S.  It may come up with a weird no hotlinking kind of message, just copy and paste the address into your browser, hit enter and bob's ur uncle!
As the subject header says!  I'm getting absolutly nowhere!  By that I I mean, nowhere with everything!  Phasing, AP, the lot.  I can't even get a suitable F10/MABA state these days and I try then I don't try (*grabbing head in frustration*) because not trying is suppose to help but all that does is annoy me.  I know you're not supposed to get despondent or anything  :shock: but even though you get the whole two steps forward, three steps back thing, I'm like, two steps forward, ten steps back!   It's frustrating the hell out of me!  As far as I know, it's the repetition that may be putting a spanner in the works. :x

I need another way to go about it but I can never seem to recreate the circumstances where  I actually get somewhere!

Does anyone have anything!? :idea:   Something else I can try or maybe what I should do to get back to where I was?  Absolutely anything is GREATLY appreciated.  Thanks in advance!


P.S. My net visits are spontaneous at the moment so sorry if I can't reply or anything for a few days at a time.
RV Method
Reverse Method

This is a method I found suprising good at bringing about visual perceptions, common at the on set of an F12 state.  I developed it basically on one of those 'spur of the moment' thoughts and got the idea from some information I was reading on Tibetian Space Expanding Meditation.  This is my first method posting so I hope it works for more then just me.  We'll see...

To begin, go through your normal routine of relaxation/meditation.  If you don't have one, simply start by breathing in an out and concerntrate soley on your breathing for about five minuets, or until your hands begin to feel as if they're going to sleep.

Imagine yourself in a square room.  Any kind of room, it doesn't really matter but make it one you've never been in before.  There is a door in front of you.  Slowly, turn and look at each of the four walls in the room then orientate your vision back to the door.

Will the door open as you approach it.  As it opens, look down and see a set of ten steps.  Step down onto the tenth one and begin to mentally assure yourself that you are relaxing.  As you decend each step, stop and say to yourself various things like "I'm relaxed"  "With each step I'm taking, I'm relaxing"  "I have no worries and I am free"  "As I decend, I am getting closer to an F10 state/mind awake body asleep state".

Once you reach one, step off the last step onto the ground below.  Visualise that it's grassy and mentally feel the grass underneath your feet.

Turn your attention back to your body and 'notice' how you feel at this stage, but don't dwell on the feeling, simply accept it.

Imagine yourself as a point of consciousness hovering above your body.  Make sure that you are hovering with your head orientated towards your feet.  As you hover, begin to image yourself rising and visualise the space between you and your body expanding.  Keep on rising until you're above your house.  As you rise, take notice of your yard, street, and keep on rising, seeing your neighbourhood.  As you continue to rise, continue to build up speed.  While rising, visualise your city/town and then as you go further, your state/territory.  Increase speed and view your entire country as you rise, the ocean surrounding your country (if there is any, if not, the continent your country is on) and keep rising until you can see the whole planet.  Keep pulling back/reversing, and visualise all the planets in the solar system as you
go past them (maybe even a satellite zooms by).  Keep increasing speed and leave the soloar system.  Reverse further till you visualise the entire galaxy and keep going back and see more galaxies, then our Universe.

Go back as far as you wish imagining other galaxies.  At some point, stop and watch the space behind your eyes.  You should percieve some light to heavy visual perceptions, varying from flashes of light, to swirling colors and whatever you're used to.

If you want, reverse the method to return, returning through the Universe, galaxy, solar system, eventually to your country,state,neighbourhood,house...etc  or simply go about whatever else you do at this stage.  You can chose to flip your awareness around and go backwards as you return, or forwards.

I'd be interested to know what this method turns up/brings on for other people.


P.S. Sorry if there are any long delays in replies, I'm on school holidays and can't get on the net as much
Hey.  I'm Andali and I've never posted in the dreams forum before.  Actually, I'm here for someone else.  A friend of mine, Amie, has been having recurring nightmares for at least a year.  These aren't just the general nightmare nightmares that wake you up and freak you out for fifteen minuets, these are more vivid and rather distrurbing.
With her permission, I'm going to post several of them in the hope that someone can analyse them and try and see what's going on.  We're hoping to find a solution to the issue as no one else has been able to.  Hold off on the psyc analysis because my friend is perfectly sane; okay, here goes.

The following content may contain elements of horror, and the reading of is taken at your own risk.  No responsability will be taken by the dreamer or the poster for experiences/dreams resulting from the reading of this post.


the nightmare begins and I am entering the house at mornington where my mother lives, when i walked through i looked around the front room, no one was there except for magenta my 6 year old sister. I looked down at her, she had jeff, my pet rat in her hands, she was lifting him up like she did with the baby at one she killed once in front of me. she then looked up at me, and bit jeffs head off, blood splatterd everywhere and i heard him faintly squeal before blood spewed all over the front of magentas clothes. i stood up and covered my eyes, and then called out to my dad. no one replied, ' mum ' i cried out almost ready to cry, i walked out into the kitchen in the kitchen i saw benson my saint bernard, he was gutted on the floor, i knelt down and touched his face, it was cold, ' dad' i called out again. i started to cry as i moved out of the kitchen, i heard the back door swing open and wind howl outside. when i went out side it was the back yard in nyora. Nyora being the location where I grew up. when i went outside i see kate, my 8 year old sister, in the paddock. i started to walk through the back fence and I move toward kate. kate started to run away up near the trees near the rail way station. before i started to follow her emma another one of my sisters (13) interupted me. I turned around, she told me ' ( i can't remember something to do with people hating me ) ' i looked at her for a second and said kate shouldn't be playing in the paddock, i started to jog up to wear kate was sitting, she was sitting on a tree log. I asked her wear dad was, she shrugged. I then told her not to go inside ( because of benson 'i didn't tell her that' ) she looked at me and a tear fell out of her eye, when she opened her mouth blood flickerd out onto my face, the climate changed it was now the side of a road, kate was crushed inbetween two cars, her arm was reached out toward me and blood was falling out of her mouth, she was dead. I walked away from the car past mum, peices of her hair shaved off and she was in hysterics over the accident. I kept walking as i walked it started raining


in the gas chambers. the chambers wern't like the ones i saw on the discovery channel they had a pure white background, the floor and roof were coverd in holes. no one told me what it was, i knew what it was before i entered the room. two boys were in there with me, Seth and Cory, ( characters in my stories ) (cory's about my age with longish blond hair and dark brown eyes like magenta my younger sister and seth has pale white skin and jet black dyed spikey hair seth also appeared to be a character from a few movies, not my own creation ) they were arguing about a necklace of some kind. the one cory was wearing. i keep telling them that we needed to get out of hear, and that we will die if we stay hear. I also mentioned that i wanted to look for my dad. i soon got involoved with the argument as the necklace they were arguing over i had recalled seeing before, and made the mistake of mentioning it. I said i saw seth wearing it at the orange beach. Cory all of a sudden looked at me as if i had just shot him. Then the dark green door at the end of the room shut. then from the top of the room drops of red water started to fall out, eventually it got heavier until it was teaming like hale. The red water started to raise about a foot on the floor, then i heard dads voice. I looked up and saw his face through the small window on the green door, he was calling me, i started to slowly walk through the water and red rain coming from the top of the gas chamber room. when i reached the end of the room i pushed the green door open, when it opened the drops stopped falling, and i pulled me head out of the room and called out ' dad' he was already gone. I turned around and saw cory and seth laying down in the water. I rememberd my heart pounding fast when i saw them like that, the water was still deep up my pant legs. then i started to run toward the two boys. when i reached them i knelt down and started calling out there names. i was getting angry that they wouldn't answer me. the red water finnished draining and now there was nothing but puddles on the white floor. I flipped seth over and shook him a little bit, i started to yell at him. i told him not to leave me, and to answer me. then i saw cory was facing the floor so i moved over and flipped him around, he was so heavy.  yelled out his name and touched his wet face, i started to get more upset and kept yelling. Then i shook him, when i shook him it was like the entire world went silent and i heard that snap. it was the sound of a rib breaking, i let go of cory and stood up and screamed.
there was a corridor, the one alike in the gas room chambers ( previous dream ), this time it was coverd in a dark turquiose color with a slight glare, there were stains in the corners of the rooms and splattered all over the wall were brown or dark moron blotches. I had no idea what i was doing, i was just starting to walk. i started to look into the rooms, in one there was just a bath tub, in another there were dead animal carctuses hanging on hooks, there was wet blood on the floor in that room. i remember smelling it, the smell was overwhelming so i kept walking a bit faster.
for some reason there was a small fog reenacting as the scent, it started to cover me, i coughed a few times and jogged faster. The fog slowly evaporated, i was little soaked in red driplets, as if the fog was the blood evaporated from the room, and now had clouded and rained over me.
i started to furiosly whipe at my skin trying to get the red of my skin, when i looked ahead i saw the end of the corridor it ended with just a square room. I walked inside of it to meet a long queue of people. the only person i recognised was my dad.
i walked over to dad and held onto his arm, his hair was long now. he smelt like the old dairy he use to work at with me. it didn't bother me. what then bothered me was that i realised that i smelt like the bloody stench of the abbitor ( the one dad used to work at after the dairy ). I told him not to leave me. and he patted my head, the way he does when i have a headache. he told me that it was okay, that he was going to be fine. so i let go and wondered a little up the queue, trying to find out what they were lining up for, as i walked the people in the queue staired at me. i turned back around feeling arkward and went back to dad. he told me they hated me because of my skin. he then pointed down the end of the room, there was a small enterance leading to a bathroom. I looked back at him and then started to walk fast toward there, hopefully not leading people to stair at me.
when i got there i turned the shower tap on, without taking my clothes off i started spashing water on myself. my hair was drentched and when i looked in the mirror i saw my eyeliner was running just a little. then i turned around,
two officers were linking arms with dad and pulling him away, i ran out of the bathroom and followed then screaming ' no don't take him please don't ' they didn't listen as they kept pulling him away,
they pulled him behind the receptionest and into a room closing the door. i then started to get angry and questioning the people, telling them to tell me what they were going to do to dad. kates voice interupted me ( kate my little sister [8] ) as i turned around to see her behind me, she was wearing her pajamas, she started to run back down the corridor. I screamed out " kate " repeatingly telling her not to go down there. when she got to the dead animal room kate walked in there, i ran up behind her, before i could enter the room the door closed, kate was screaming on the inside, and i repeated 'let her go intill' i woke up,


all i can see is seths( seth being a character based on a movie star I saw in some movies, he was involved a few f my childhood stories) seths head, it's laying down on the floor, i can't even see myself, i could only watch. i could see a cut on his head, it drew a slight line of  blood, than as i watched a crow apeared, it started to peck at his cut, than a large gash about 10cm wide was opened near his bloodied up hair, the crow started to peck at the reddy pinky brain showing, then i watched it tear parts of his brain out of his scull all in one line, than it started to get coiled up in the line of brain, it eventually got so tangled it couldn't move, than it died, after it stopped moving seth blinked.


i was walking through, for some reason my wrists were bleeding and my hair was blond, and i started to move over these rocks
  it wasn't scarry more strange
than i saw something
it was a horse
i moved towards it, i like horses and we used to own one like her, she was a light chesnut and she had a black main, alot like horry ( our old mare ) and when i approached her
i flicked her forlock inbetween my fingers and down her long face when i reached her nosel. she licked my hand,
i left my hand there and she started to lick furiosly at the dry blood splattered on my forarm and wrist, i watched, than i moved my arm because she was hurting me, she backed away from me and sprinted down the rocks,
i started to chase her, half way down she fell and twisted down the rocks and climate, i sprinted down after her, when i got to the bottom i knelt down next to her and watched her die,
when i lifted my head i saw there was a dry climate and puddles of dead people, the horses were drinking out of the puddles of blood, at that point i lay down next to the dead horse, and when i blinked i woke up,

Sorry about the duration of the post but can someone please give their honest opinion on these and anything my friend may do to stop having these nightmares (aside from never sleeping again)

Andali (on behalf of Amie)
Alright, this isn't exactly the entire email I was sent by a friend, I can't exactly recall all of it but here goes:

I was speaking to one of my friends I hadn't spoken to for almost a year and we ended up getting onto the topic of astral travel where she proceeded to tell me that only recently, she was told by her mother, that when she was little she used to sit down in a corner alone.  She'd then close her eyes and eventually, her mum would call her and finally, my friend would open her eyes and say "I had to get back to my body".

Trying to relate back to the subject heading, my friend suffers from severe nightmares.  She doesn't know the cause and they happen almost every night and repeat themselves, recurring in high detail.

There's an odd twist to this.  When she was younger, she wrote a series of stories with a character she invented called Corey.  He appeared in all of the stories she wrote as a child.

The problem is, he appears in these nightmares she's been having, and they haven't always happened, they just started in the last year or two.  According to my friend, Corey doesn't act like a normal  dream character, he says things that are non dream related and more 'higher' related as she tried to explain to me.  

Is it a possability, that her 'higher self' so to speak, has chosen to take on the appearance of this fictional character, and appear to her in her dreams?  I'm sorry I can't be more specific as I'm relaying from memory here.  I've promised to help her so if anyone can take the time to analyse this, or tell me what this could possibly be, please do so.

I'd post one of the dreams but she's going to edit them for clarity and they are rather disturbing but Ii'll get around to it.

Any help or thoughts would be appreciated.

Andali  (on behalf of Amie)

P.S. For my own clarification here, could someone please give me a definition of 'higher self'.  The topic keeps popping up around me and I'm beginning to think maybe I should get off my little hill of naivity and sweet ignorance :roll: .
Welcome to Astral Consciousness! / Attaining F21
March 23, 2005, 23:12:38
As the subject description says, I pretty much try every night and I can't seem to get back to F21.  I usually end up with LDs or RTZ projections early in the morning or before I go to sleep instead.  Does anyone have some sort of method or idea how I can get F21 again or why I can't seem to get it?

This has happened before on another occasion but in a different form, this is from last night.  Here goes.

I'm not really regretting what happened but am frustrated by the fact that it actually does happen without my consent.

I went through my usual AP/Focus states routine, only getting to a deep F10 and after that, as I usually do, got bored, got up for a few minuets, went back to bed then proceeded to try and go to sleep.

I knew I couldn't have been dreaming because I had barely been asleep for an hour.  I was probably bordering around the 'twilight zone' when I felt pre-exit symptoms.  I don't get anything like violent vibrations or things like that (only even did twice), simply a soft feeling over my body and a loose kind of feeling.  The next second, I was standing and making a B-line for my wall, which I intended to go through.  I figured it was belief systems still holding me back cause I hit the wall.  I tried again but to no avail, before I opened the door experimentally.  I figured I wasn't RTZ but somewhere else if I could interact with physical matter, or whatever it is.

Annoyed, I zapped back, thinking that I shouldn't do that again.

I was lying on my stomach when it happened and tried to alter my sleeping position so it wouldn't happen again.

Alas, it did, along with the pre exit symptoms.  I kind of 'floated out' top half first, half in half out hanging over my bed.  I waited and eventually my legs came free.  It kind of clicked that I was floating so I took advantage of that and pretty much went zooming around my room, watching it below as I did so.  I rose, dove, tried to get through a wall, it didn't work.  I turned and even felt my hair floating back against me as I stopped for a moment, it was down and wasn't when I went to sleep.  I kind of pushed off the wall then everything started to take on a lucid feel so I got out of it.

I was C1 again and was going to just turn over and sleep but figured it would probably happen again cause I could feel it coming.

I ended up getting up, recording the experience, then I stuffed around for about ten minuets before I went back to bed, endeavouring to make myself uncomfortable so it wouldn't happen again, it didn't.

It was a great experience mind you, the flying and all, but the problems I had was getting through the wall.  I figured since I could open the door, it wasn't RTZ, no biggie.  Then there is the fact that I was lying on my stomach both times it happened without me even wanting it to.  As much as I like the progress, it happening without my consent is kind of annoying, especially when have school in the morning.

Problem three, I think, Is it a problem that I don't have stronger pre-exit signs or was it because I was already half asleep, that I didn't notice anything besides the warm fuzzy feeling?

How can I go RTZ if it just happens when it wants to?  Also, no "clarity now" "fully clarity now" techniques seem to make my vision clearer.  I can see, that's enough, but the room was dark kind of, making me wonder if the RTZ version of my reality or whatever it's called, almost exactly mirrors the hours of the physical, give or take a few hours.  All this happened before midnight.

Also, at the moment, I can't seem to go beyond my room, though it's probably not a good idea as yet, as I still have some little mobility problems.

Sorry for the long post but can someone answer my questions?:?:


Has the whole treatise online!  Merry Christmas fellow APers!!

I know a lot have been looking for it since it's no longer available here but your waiting has reached it's end!  Use it well young padawans, and may the force with with you!


(Guess who's been watching Star Wars? :P )
Okay, this may be a bit long so sit tight.

I ran into a couple of things and need some clarification.  I recall from reading something that there's a certain part to focus states that includes something called 'nullpoint', somewhere between F12 and F21.  I seemed to have encountered this twice in a 24 hr period while attempting F-states and AP.  I was drifting and had some annoying song repeating in my head and  I just 'snapped back' to term it, and kind of felt inbetween something though I had been drifting in and out of F12 for about ten minuets that night when I encounted the null as it where.  I never got to F21 from it but something else occurred.

I remember the first time I had the vibes, first two times actually, how they weren't exactly gentle but I believe I came across them by developing a 'ho hum' attitude as it's been deemed.  They weren't giving my any discomfort but I remember the sound of a chainsaw starting up outside my window (in the middle of the night, I think not, auditory hallucinations)

I also recall a partial seperation of my head but I wasn't able to disengage from the physical apart from that, no matter how I willed.  I recall an increase in pulse and a rising and falling sensation and other oddities in sound such as high pitched sqeaks.

I used a visualisation I've developed, counting down from ten to one to get me to  F10 and then I basically switch to auto from there from the act of 'noticing'.  I was happy with whatever happened but another thing happens that annoys me on a regular basis.

My body temperature will suddenly rise quite fast whenever I'm actually "getting somewhere" and I'll overheat wherever I am.  I try to wait it out, hoping it will go back to normal but I end up cutting whatever I'm doing short only to find that when I get up, I'm fine.

Any ideas?  Also, a clarification on this 'null point' thingie, please?

I also got slight vibes that morning, plus the null again but was able to pull nothing from it.

Any suggestions or thoughts ont this.  Also, maybe anything I may be doing wrong or right for that matter?  I'm basically asking for a troubleshoot for future attempts.  Anyone game? :P

I was talking to a friend the other day and we were recounting our favourite television shows when we wondered, why not project to some place other than the RTZ or Astral Realm?  Why not to the world a book you've read was set in?  Or why not invade the SCG from Stargate SG-1 just so you can take a trip through the wormhole?

What about a story you wrote or read?  You have it all in your imagination, the world, everything!

A movie?  Even if it was animated, or life action, like Lord of the Rings, APing there would be just  :shock:  .

Has anyone tried it?  I knew there used to be a thread here once about AP to fictional places, but who else would want to go anywhere in their imagination/into a TV series/movie/book  etc?  I can't be the only one.  Where would you want to go?
Alrighty, sorry about the weird title.

I'm aware that experiences tend to pile up but this was beyond weird.

I'm pretty sure I was RTZ but I was lying on my back on my bed and I thought I was awake at first but I'm sure I was consious (in RTZ).

What happened was, I was thinking 'wa hoo!' but then I raised my arms and was kind of confused to find that I couldn't see them.  I had my arm in the air and I couldn't see it.  I was turning it this way and that but it was, invisible.   I could see like a sort of shimmer, but not my arm.  I then raised my other arm and couldn't see that either.  There was kind of a shimmery outline but apart from just looking in awe, I kind of rolled over then opened my eyes for real.

Ii was posotive I wasn't dreaming but the experience was strange none the less.

Any thoughts?

I've been getting to 12, no probs in under half and hour but I haven't been able to get to 21 since the first time I got there by pure accident.  Is there anyway to get there aside from one of those 'it just happens' things?

Any advice is helpful.

Welcome to Astral Chat! / Kiela Neki
March 03, 2005, 22:01:42
Hello!  Just thought I'd drop a line about a brand new forum that is now accepting members:

It's mostly for the Kiela Neki website but also includes an Astral Projection forum aiming at the younger generation to help them in their AP quest.

Even if you're over 18, you can join up!  We're trying to get a regulary functioning web community and the sooner you sign on, the better chance you have of becoming and a moderator!  (that and good behaviour)

So visit, have a look, and join so we can up our numbers.  Any suggestions on extra forums, etc, are appreciated and all questions can be directed to the appropriate forum.

Hope you like!


P.S. Don't be dismayed at the small numbers, that's how eveything begins!
I seem to have a knack for sudden RTZ APs, early in the morning but have found with increasing annoyance, that I can hardly move and vision is slightly impaired when these occurs.

The other morning, I ended up spinning around basically with no control and had to return.  As fun as it was, is there any way to help gain control on movement and clarity?  Aside from the 'clarity now' command, anyone know of anything else that may work?

Jerky walking and uncorrectional vision (I can't move my head/look side to side), are really annoying me.

Anyone have any ideas how to combat this?

Ooooo-kay. Time to troubleshoot something.

This is kind of, under two topics, AP and phasing but bear with me.

Okay, last night as I usually do before I go to sleep, I practiced phasing but only managed to do some deep F-10 levels. I ended up rolling over and going to sleep.

I woke up around 3am or something and thought, well, it's a few hours before I get up (7am) so maybe I should try focus states again. So I did, and didn't get too far besides feeling like I wasn't there at all and some weird feeling like I was all gloopy like honey, or something. Then I suddenly rolled over, thought damn, then went to sleep.

I found myself in a dream later on where I was at my school and was running away from this guy that was trying to kill me with a pinecone  Don't laugh.

I was jumping really high and then I ended up running into the school and I hid under a bed in our sick-bay. There was 3 when there are only 2. So I rolled across the floor to the other and lay there until I knew the trouble was passed.

I then stood up then looked down at my hands, suddenly thinking, hang on here, I'm dreaming, I think.

I then exited the sick bay but noticed hardly anyone was around and it was lighted differently, like after school but everntually, more people showed up but I couldn't interact with them. I was thinking, oops, I RTZed to my school but I touched a wall and could touch it so thout maybe it's a lucid dream. I found some friends and was saying "Hey, I think I'm lucid dreaming but I can't tell", cause I couldn't. It was one of the most vivid dreams I've ever had.

I then noticed the school looked older, more worn but saw 2 other girls I knew across the quad so I ran and told them the same thing but then I breifly woke because I was wondering, if it was RTZ, then it can't last too long.

After that, I recall feeling vibes early in the morning, around 6am, and cause I haven't had that for like, ever! I thought, rippa!!!!  I'm gonna project, so I kind of swung my legs out over my bed and got stuck. I managed to right myself but my head was kind of still in my sleeping position and when I tried to move forward, I could hardly walk. I tried the "clarity now" technique and could walk but was confused about seeing and then I kept walking back but I couldn't see me on my bed so I thought it must be and RTZ projection so I ended up stumbling backwards to my bed and then I felt a kind of 'merging' feeling like I was going back into me or something and I woke up, late for school.

Okay, what happened? And why? Please!

Ooooo-kay.  Time to troubleshoot something.

This is kind of, under two topics, AP and phasing but bear with me.

Okay, last night as I usually do before I go to sleep, I practiced phasing but only managed to do some deep F-10 levels.  I ended up rolling over and going to sleep.

I woke up around 3am or something and thought, well, it's a few hours before I get up (7am) so maybe I should try focus states again.  So I did, and didn't get too far besides feeling like I wasn't there at all and some weird feeling like I was all gloopy like honey, or something.  Then I suddenly rolled over, thought damn, then went to sleep.

I found myself in a dream later on where I was at my school and was running away from this guy that was trying to kill me with a pinecone :shock:  Don't laugh.

I was jumping really high and then I ended up running into the school and I hid under a bed in our sick-bay.  There was 3 when there are only 2.  So I rolled across the floor to the other and lay there until I knew the trouble was passed.

I then stood up then looked down at my hands, suddenly thinking, hang on here, I'm dreaming, I think.

I then exited the sick bay but noticed hardly anyone was around and it was lighted differently, like after school but everntually, more people showed up but I couldn't interact with them.  I was thinking, oops, I RTZed to my school but I touched a wall and could touch it so thout maybe it's a lucid dream.  I found some friends and was saying "Hey, I think I'm lucid dreaming but I can't tell", cause I couldn't.  It was one of the most vivid dreams I've ever had.

I then noticed the school looked older, more worn but saw 2 other girls I knew across the quad so I ran and told them the same thing but then I breifly woke because I was wondering, if it was RTZ, then it can't last too long.

After that, I recall feeling vibes early in the morning, around 6am, and cause I haven't had that for like, ever!  I thought, rippa!!!! :D   I'm gonna project, so I kind of swung my legs out over my bed and got stuck.  I managed to right myself but my head was kind of still in my sleeping position and when I tried to move forward, I could hardly walk.  I tried the "clarity now" technique and could walk but was confused about seeing and then I kept walking back but I couldn't see me on my bed so I thought it must be and RTZ projection so I ended up stumbling backwards to my bed and then I felt a kind of 'merging' feeling like I was going back into me or something and I woke up, late for school.

Okay, what happened?  And why?  Please!

Welcome to Astral Chat! / Aussie Ap-ers
February 27, 2005, 22:27:50
Okay, just interested to know how many Aussie Ap-ers there are out there.  I mean, who wants a Gateway program in Australia?  Come on, raise your hand! *jumps up and down, hand raised "me, me!"*.

Out of curiosity only, come say G'day!!


P.S. G-day!!!!
Hmm...where to begin.  At the start may be good.

Okay, last night, as I always do, I lie down, relax and try to get into the focus states.  I find the feeling of your sense of touch dwindling rather pleasent so I lie there happily no matter what happens.  I was in F10 in fifteen minuets.

I started to troubleshoot the possible reason why I couldn't get further and decided to detach myself further from what was occuring and notice instead of think.  That and phasing 180 degrees in and out of my mind.

I was attempting to get to focus 12 (at least that was my intent) last night and think I may have gotten there when I encounted a problem.  I began to percieve the dim lights and geometric shapes associated with F12 but then they stopped almost as soon as they began and something else occurred.

I lost all sense of feeling, touch, the cutaneous senses as it's termed.  A wave of total loss just flowed over me and at the same time, the shapes vanished.  I had no idea where my body was and I felt kind of floaty but had a vague idea that I was still in bed, though I couldn't feel anything.

I was noticing the blackness in front of my eyes, relishing in this new discovery, but then I noticed the blackness was different now, it appeared, on first thought, no longer 2D and in fact 3 dimensional.  I had the feeling as if I was on the edge of something, something big.  Like I had just sitting at the entrance to a massive space, a new dimension.  I had no idea how I got that feeling but it was...quite indescribable.  If you've encountered this before, then you'll know what I'm talking about, hopefully.

I just watched this blackness wondering how I could think it was 3D and how it could be 3D when the feeling began to fade and I quite instentaneously felt normal F10 feelings again.

I lay still for a few more minuets, wondering if I could get back but I was getting hot so ended up stopping.

From what I read the next morning, I seemed to have entered F21, totally bypassing F15, apparently 3D blackness is common at this point, even though I still can't understand how I knew it was 3D.  It seemed everything was thought and feeling alone.

I know I must have answered my own question here, but was what I experienced really F21?  And what was the whole "on the edge of something big, massive even" feeling I got?

Of course, when I read up on it, I discovered I should have done more while there but simply being there was great in itself.

Any ideas?  Was it 21? Why I speed through F15 without noticing?  Thoughts on what occured?  Anything at is appreciated, even bursting my bubble of happiness :P  (please don't!)

Also, when I manage to get there again, what should I do?

Thanks in advance!

Just a question.  I've already looked for the answer and haven't found anything too precise.  What I want to know is, is it possible to get to a focus level and then from there, phase into the RTZ?

I remember a recent post by Gandalf, but that didn't really say how you could do it.

Does anyone know and could you tell me?  I'm interesting in other methods of acheiving AP cause so far, some other methods I'm using aren't working too good.

Okay, I've been itching all weekend to get on the net and now I'm here.

Let me explain and sorry if it's long winded cause I need to give you as much info as I can and I haven't been able to talk about it with anyone because no one would understand.  Breathe in, breathe out.

I recently read some great topics on phasing and the focus levels.  A paper by Major Tom and some great posts by Frank.  I decided to give focus levels a shot for a while becaue I hadn't been having too much luck with trying AP.  Friday night, I lay down and relaxed like I usually did and actually managed to get to focus 10.  No fear, nothing, just a plesent floating inside my own head.  I ended up watching some little geometric white shapes flash in front of my eyes like something weird on a static TV screen.  I got bored and decided to roll over and go to sleep.  I had a couple of dreams that weren't really relevent to what happened but were vivid and I recalled them which I usually can't do.

I woke up around 8am (oh, and fell asleep before 11pm last night), and went to let the dog out.  I then went backt to bed and decided to try focus 10 again because of the success I had.  I managed to get back in under half an hour like the last night and ended up watching green and orange swirls for a while until my leg twitched and I got bored again.  I wanted to go back to sleep but couldn't for at least an hour and when I finally did, I had another two dreams which switched to semi lucid and I woke myself up.  I tried to sleep again but got four shots of paralysis and became annoyed.  Eventually I managed sleep again but then the thing that totally freaked me out happened.  I was lying on my stomach and suddenly my bed seemed to lean towards the ground and I esentially felt myself falling through my bed.  I floated to the floor under my bed and lay there for a moment thinking OMG I APed but then I tried to move and couldn't.  I then realized that the underneath of my bed didn't look like the under of my real be (cause it was too clean).  I tried to mvoe my fingers and opened my eyes.

The odd part is, it happened again.  I tried to fall back to sleep again and fell through my bed again.  I wasn't afraid and this time I could move.  I managed to crawl out from under my bed.  I noticed that everything I saw seemed to ripple, like static flashing across my vision like a bad picture on a TV, big slash recurring through the middle.  I stood up and stumbled over to the mirror on the back of my door and looked at myself (cause if I ever APed, that's what I planned to do), I looked different to me and wasn't wearing my pajamas and then I turned and looked back at my bed but couldn't see me.  I thought I couldn't be APing if I couldn't see me.  So, I walked back to my bed and decided to try and fly (I always try this in lucid dreams), I jumped and there was only a brief hesitation and then I landed on my bed.  Movement wasn't fluid like APing should be, it was jerky and I was stumbling.  I woke up again and got up, deciding not to risk whatever happened again.

Basically, I'm confused.  I reached focus 10 another time since Saturday morning (when this happened) and besides what I've stated here (and falling into a parallel Universe), I'm confused and kind of un-balanced by what happened.  I know people that have read my posts before have said reaching paralysis is a good think but this is different.  I don't want to reach it, it just happens every now and then, especially early in the morning like 3am or something stupid like that.  It just hits me and I can't move and it isn't at all plesent.  As far as falling through the bed goes, aside from being rather fun and aside from me being pleased with myself from reaching focus 10, almost even 12, I'm totally confused and really need answers.  I've only talked to my friend that's trying AP too and I know more than her.

I'd like to know, what the hell happened, why and anything else anyone can tell me because nothing like this has ever happened to me before.

I tried something with BWGEN yesterday but didn't get into the vibes stage, probably cause I wasn't keeping at it long enough.  I tried again without it later on that night and pretty much reached the same stage as BWGEN got me to.  It felt different from other times I've tried to AP but I gave up at 10:15pm.  I woke up at almost 4am for no apparnet reason and couldn't get back to sleep.  When I started to get close to sleeping, I got hit with a paralysis I had had before I started trying AP again.  I got that twice before I flipped onto my back deciding I'd try and take advantage of it and try to AP from a paralysis state.  No avail.  I fell asleep shortly after that I think during another bout of it.  Annoying to say the least and the experience isn't exactly plesent.  Anyway, any suggestions?  No matter how hard I try and how hard I don't try, I can't get any vibes.  Help!

Welcome to Astral Chat! / UNDER 18 AP goers
February 14, 2005, 21:40:42
I want to know how many under 18 AP goes there are in this forum.  You usually don't get much in the way of under agers trying AP cause there's other things for them to do but I wanna know how many of you signed up here there are.

Post, introduce yourself and maybe we can all help eachother down the road and create a 'beautiful friendship' (high on brainwaves, :shock:  excuse).

Strictly under 18 only but others can give hints and suggestions if they wish if anyone asks a question.

I'll start.  I'm Andali!  17, wanna AP real bad.  Next!



back up my hard drive? how the hell do I put it in reverse?
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / BWGEN
February 13, 2005, 23:02:14
I was looking in the preset library on the bwgen home page and among all the AP, relaxation, focus orientated presets, there's other related to mimicking effects of different drugs like LSD among others.  Could BWGEN get to the point where people get addicted to the brainwaves or what have you?  Not that I'm worried or that, I think the program's great but stimulation via drug like effects are the only reason some people are downloading it and is that really a good idea?

Hi, this is just a question for a friend.

"I woke up one morning and this ball jumped from my dream and threw itself at me.  I was dreaming about it and it was still there when I woke.  It wasn't a false awakening but I thought it was attacking me! (no I'm not on drugs), but I really want to know what went on and how the 'dream ball' seemed to translate into real time"


Thanks, I hope someone can answer this for her cause I'm stumped.

Okay, I've pretty much got the relaxation down, mind awake, body asleep, that one, now what?  I can't seem to get any further no matter what I do! :x

Anyone ever thought about this?   :?: I mean, an accomplished APer could literally go anywhere and everywhere.  Why hasn't anyone tried it simply by thinking about it?  I mean, if we ever wanted to know if the givernment was hiding UFOs in area 51,  :shock: why couldn't we go and see?  Or what really goes on in the President's office?  A network of successful APers could be enough to reveal the best kept secrets of the world, the New World Order aka Illuminati, I mean come on!  We have the access!  The CIA discarded all their psychic programs because of funding and such  :? but we know it it all so why can't we simply go and check out the truth behind Area 51 or even the most top secret organizations like the CIA, and other spy agencies?

I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on this and if anyone has tried it or have know decided to, let us know!

For those that haven't read my profile or checked out my site, I like to write.  Mostly fiction novels and the like.  I usually have about five on the go at one time.  I'm hoping to publish one by the end of the year, called TELEPATHS.  It's a sci-fi/drama/action/adventure book with a bit of comedy on the side and will most likely end up as thick as a Harry Potter book.  It's about three kids that work for an organisation that employs Telepathic children.  There's a lot of content to say the least.

This isn't about that though.   I've decided to start on another one in the meantime with the pending title Astral Estrellas.  It's basically about a young teen that discovers Astral Projection and becomes interested in the spiritual side of things.  Her name is Adrianne Estrellas.   I can post a few of the opening paragraphs at a later date.  Basically, I was wondering if anyone would be interested in participating in the production of this book.

I've been looking for something different to do instead of a normal chapter 1, 2, 3 etc.  I want to break it up with different forum posts from the main character Adrianne and I need replies to her questions regarding AP.  Basically, I want to create a new ID (for Adrianne) and get you guys to answer her various questions and I'll pick the best and most coherent reply to her query.  They'll mostly be common problems with AP.

She discovers she can AP/OBE because her grandmother went a bit loopy in her old age and always claimed she could see Adrianne's aura and was always telling her things about her future, numerology and dropping things about 'being outside your body'.  Her grandmother dies and she finds a bunch of old books her grandmother had decided to give to her in a will.

I'm just asking for anyone interested in taking part to reply to this message.  It'll be an ongoing thing as well and I might change things part way through.   I will hope to get it published once finished.

If there's any problems regarding this with the moderators or whatever, let me know before I start.

I really want to use you guys to answer the questions for Adrianne without me having to make up answers because it having real people answer give the book an individuality.  It's basically aimed at the pre-teen/teen market and subtly getting people aware of the almost seamlessness of AP.  I want to get everything correct and will hopefully include some info on the Astral Pulse forum in the credits and such.  I will also credit the people that posts end up in the book.

Please let me know if you'd like to participate and if you want more info on the book.

Hey.  I was wondering what  I'm doing wrong here.  I've started trying AP again and have managed twice to get my mind awake and body asleep so I couldn't really feel the rest of my body and just my mind.  I can't seem to get vibrations or anything else going and can't really get past that stage.  I'm not sure if I have enough energy or what but I need some tips and maybe some advice on energy building.

I read something about there possibly being a relation between succesful  AP and numerology.  Apparently, you seem to be able to have more success on certain personal days then others because of a meaning they have attached to them.

You work out your personal day by working out your personal month and year first:

Personal Year = your month of birth + day of birth + current year.  Reduce it down to a single digit, eg  6(June) + 10 (day) + 2005 = 2021, 2 + 0 + 2 +1 = 5, so your personal year is 5.

Personal Month = Pesonal Year + current month, eg, 5 + 2 (Feb) = 7.  So your PM is 7. (if needs be, reduce it down to a single digit)

Personal Day = day of current month + personal month, eg, 6 + 7 = 13, reduce to single digit 1 + 3, = 4.  So your PD is 4.

According to some research I found, the personal days 3, 5, 7 and 9 have a better success rate for AP then 2, 4, and 6.  Apparently 8 and 1 goes either way.

Just for some insider info, the numbers basically mean:

1 - new starts
2 - patient waiting
3 - fun year
4 - hard work
5 - year of change
6 - home and family
7 - quieter year
8 - money year
9 - ending year, cycle of experience

I'm not sure if anyone knows this but according to the book I read it in, the author was suprised nothing had been mentioned so I thought I might as well post it and see what everyone thinks.  Any feedback would be appreciated.

Hey.  Problem here.  I haven't been trying to AP for a while because I've been put off it by someone.  Some idiot fear about possesion, reprimand me later.  My problem is, I've got a friend I told about AP and a paralysis episode I had but I'm over that.  She decided that she wanted to try and I told her I'd call her and give her some info.  What happened was I read her the steps over the phone.  I went to bed that night and in some period before I woke, I had about three odd things happen.  One, I had a lucid dream (no big deal), I keep trying to fly in these, weird.  The problem there was, I never tried to induce it.  Two, I felt odd vibrations in a half waking state similar to a repeated conscious paralysis I'd been experiencing (something to do with my changing my conscious state, no biggie), and three, I wasn't sure if it was a dream or what the hell it was but I thought I was having an OBE but at the same time could feel all the sensations associated with one.  I was standing on my bedroom floor and there was this kind of glow but it was darker then it should have been (it was early morning and the sun was rising).  I was thinking, hey, what the?... and decided to go and have a look in the mirror on the back of my door and see what I looked like.  I turned around to see if I could see me back in my bed and thought I couldn't which triggered some warning in my brain because I knew I should be able to see me.  The covers on my bed were back, I think, either that or I was tucked under them, either way Ii suddenly thought, what the hell am I doing? and  I tried to move my fingers and thought of my body, failing that, I tried to force my eyes open only wake up then open my eyes and wake up again.  Totally screwed up.  I also remember that I couldn't really move or see properly, like everything was slightly off center and I was trying to see straight but I couldn't.

Sorry, long post.  I think I dreamed and OBE but the problem is, how can this happen if I only read about AP during that day?  And if it was a spontaneous  OBE, my aversion to them shouldn't let it happen should it?  Not total aversion, probably just a stupid fear.  Anyway, please answer my question if anyone can and I'd be so greatful!


~coming soon~  *my new home!*