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Messages - no_leaf_clover

Quote from: DreambreaX on August 07, 2014, 17:35:33
Another links

I believe there are mysterious things in this area but I'm also fairly sure that what this guy is pointing out is an artifact of the imaging process.

As far as I'm aware, Google maps also collects data from sonar imaging.  The satellites will give a contour of the ocean floor but not in that great of detail.  He points out U-turns and things.  Yes, that's likely because the ship doing the imaging made a real U-turn there.

Notice if these were roads or runways, they appear wider than the islands themselves and zig zag around making very odd patterns that wouldn't seem to make for very good urban planning.

Maybe I'm wrong, but I've seen this on Google maps before.  There are areas of the ocean floor in high detail, and then others which are blurry.  I'd sooner think in many cases that blurry areas near high-definition areas are more likely to hide something, since we aren't being shown the ocean floor in good detail in those places.

What about this thing underwater off the coast of Malibu?
That's an interesting idea.  I've used salvia before to launch into lucid dreams but never after I was already in one.  :D

I've drank in non-lucid dreams and maybe smoked marijuana, but I don't think much happened.  I wasn't lucid in those dreams so my consciousness level wasn't terribly high anyway, and I would compare non-lucid dreams to already feeling relatively "drunk" compared to clear lucid dreams.  I even stagger and have trouble moving sometimes in non-lucid dreams, if I feel like I'm having trouble going somewhere.  This is probably something symbolic of my waking life that Jung would have a ready explanation for.

Anyway if something did happen, I think I would just basically be convincing myself to believe that something was happening.  That's true of anything in a lucid dream -- whatever you think of, or believe is happening, is generally what happens, even if it's just a vague idea that's moving around "the back of your mind."
Welcome to Dreams! / Re: NLC's Dream Journal
June 03, 2014, 17:53:10
Morn. Jul 23 [2004] (19)

Shopping at a large bookstore or mall. Later in dining room at grandma's at a table with an atmosphere similar to that of a western poker table, a twin that I was attracted to told me she had to go away with me for some reason though she seemed to regret it.  A large, unintelligent looking man-beast as if of a comic or cartoon approached me after I had ducked down below the table.  I came out and struggled with him until finally successfully pushing him down the basement stairs and running.  I later found the girl again in the back yard where a [trailer?] used to [sit?] in the [trailer?].  We cuddled but weren't able to do much else as Kevin was there so I picked her up at left, carrying her to the front yard on the hill and trying to set up a large sleeping bag/tent from a large device made of hollow collapsible pole meant to be dressed & used as a large table umbrella.

[I still have many pages of dreams to catch up on in this journal spread out across many notebooks and loose sheets of paper, but I've been busy lately with yard work and designing a Portuguese website for my girlfriend. :) ]
I'm in accord with all this.  I wouldn't know the specifics of it all but the blocks are just too big and too precisely put together.  When you can't fit a sheet of paper or shine a laser between where the surfaces meet, and they're smooth to within hundredths or even thousandths of an inch, and some weigh hundreds of tons, at any of these ancient sites, they had something we don't have today.  Ba'albek is another example, and so are the so-called "cyclopean" ruins in South America that later natives built on top of.  The Romans even tried building a temple to Jupiter on top of the Ba'albak ruins, but the original site was so behemoth that the Romans just gave up trying to build over it.
Quote from: Stillwater on April 30, 2014, 14:32:56
Aquinas suggested to that problem that God could do anything that didn't imply a contradiction. Making such a rock would be a contradiction argued Aquinas, therefore impossible for God. Aquinas goes on further to explain this doesn't threaten the idea of God's omnipotence because he defines omnipotence as the ability to do all things that are possible.

The basic problem I think is that people think that if two things are contradictory, one of them must be "right" and the other must be "wrong," and then to take even further, the thing that is "wrong" therefore cannot exist or be experienced in any way.

I think this entire paradigm is wrong, because Taoist philosophy has shown me a more encompassing way of looking at things.  Hot and cold oppose each other, but that doesn't mean they don't both exist, they just don't exist at the same place at the same time.  Rather they both need each other to even form a conception of "this or that," otherwise if everything were of equal temperature then we wouldn't need words for different extremes of temperatures.

The act of creating a rock with weight is something that happens in a 3D world where time elapses.  This is space-time, and space-time is NOT the realm within which everything exists!  Space-time is just a special subset of a greater reality, and even the physical sciences are beginning to realize this as they study things like entanglement.  There can be one space-time where God creates a rock which is perceived as too heavy to lift.  Then he can set that reality aside and create another space-time right beside of it where he creates the same rock.... and lifts it!

In other words, here is my answer:

Can God create a rock so heavy that he can't lift it?  Yes.

Can he then lift it?  Yes!

Is it a contradiction?  Apparently, yes, if you try to force them to mean the same thing, when they are really just two different experiences that are equally possible.  The problem is that contradictions themselves are only limitations within a small range of things, specific points in space-time.  They do not limit the possibilities of larger spectrums of existence, where multiple realities and infinite experiences are possible.  Anyway this not only makes sense to me, but the logical part of my brain also has problems with an answer of "God can do everything EXCEPT _____."  I think everything that is possible, that can be experienced, WILL be experienced, or else consciousness would never be complete.  Anything that can be imagined by any conscious being, is possible to experience with consciousness in general, to any degree of "realness."  I don't think consciousness can envisage something that it cannot then experience in a very real way.  So I think the consciousness that makes up everything in existence can do everything AND apparent contradictions, not everything EXCEPT apparent contradictions.
If you did remote viewing it would be likely that (if accurate) you would be directed to several places, first to Diego Garcia to a US military installation there.  Remember hearing that the cell phones were still ringing after the plane vanished, and some calls were actually placed by people on the flight?  I don't know if those stories were scrubbed already but I remember hearing about it on TV.  Anyway those calls were traced and also the Boeing engines ping a satellite every time they land somewhere.  Several sources close to intelligence networks have reported that the plane was diverted to a US military installation on a British-owned island called Diego Garcia.  There were Chinese electronics engineers on the flight who ostensibly had inside knowledge of Chinese military projects.

Anyway the idea that a plane can't be tracked just because its transponders are shut off is crazy.  In war time, the enemy is never going to be nice and turn on some device to let you know where his planes are.  That's the whole reason radar was invented in the first place.  Every military presence in that entire region would have been tracking the plane, ESPECIALLY once it shut its transponders off.
Welcome to Dreams! / Re: NLC's Dream Journal
April 07, 2014, 17:05:52
Night of March 23rd [2004] (11)

Stopped at a small house in a small aged town to realize that I was aware of where I was and had been in a similar place in another dream (but, though excited, apparently didn't realize I was dreaming).  In a lightly wooded back yard or camp ground with my family on one side and another group on the other side.  Ground was mostly barren dirt ground.  I was playing around on a broken violin.  It appeared as though I was playing a small bow with another small bow, rather than playing an actual violin.  [An illustration of an intersection of streets with houses represented included with this entry is shown below.]

Undated/Previously Unrecorded (as in on Correct Date)
[Assumed between March & July, 2004] (13)

School in rock walls, etc., seemingly carved out of rock.  Outside like some kind of Greek or Roman garden except lots of [smooth?] rock & indoors.  Remember visiting a library, decorated red like the LB library.  Used computer to talk to Christine, who I'd seen around the halls.  Later returned to the entrance/exit of the rock halls.  [Scene roughly sketched below.]

The road continuing on from Patty's house to our old one in Giles.  Some sort of expedition or adventure going [on around] that road & on the banks.

Dirt road around a house w/ a barren yard.  Joe was inside.  In the tech drawing room waiting to talk to Mr. Bushong; realize dream.  Λες ταβλες σε τρανσφορμε δεδανσ σιèγεσ ώ υξκαβλεφαψ τρους.  Τιξκσαψ ιν, εελφαψ αυτρε ξôτé.  [This part of the dream had a very "floaty" kind of perspective, somewhat similar to but less dramatic than the flying I would do in later lucid dreams.  It also felt fluid and I seem to recall the outside of the "technical drawing room" as consisting of blue lines without much or any detail in between.]

[Undated Entry; Assumed between
March & July, 2004] (14)

In a house, dark & late at night.  I was on a comp. while Christine lays on a futon behind me, curled up asleep or resting.  I got up and went to her.  She remarked about a MIDI playing or something or other, and I laid down back behind her to hug her.  At a carnival-type event with band members.  Buying weapons & armor from shops like a video game.  In a Pokemon-like display, I walk up to Christine & try to interact with her only to notice that we're already engaged in french kissing.

Morn. July 17 [2004] (15)

Gym mats collapsing on a stand that lifts into the air where it becomes a room of some sort with a view of the city.  Metallica  res. below process[;] "aired" text through chamber on HPL. [Footnote: H.P. Lovecraft, the American author who inspired at least two Metallica songs.  It is no longer clear to me what "res." stands for, or what this sentence is really trying to convey as happening.  I remember trying to very quickly trying to convey lots of ideas and imagery from this dream when I woke up from it, and I used very condensed sentences.]  Visit dark setting & tour info on his work, development of chars [characters] in his early stories then returned.  A group starts taking turns lifting the chamber in a bound-like format [Footnote: "Bounds" were popular Starcraft UMS ("Use Map Settings") custom maps where the player had control of a single unit which he had to maneuver through obstacles without the unit dying from touching the obstacles.]

First day at school in 11th but @ RM.  First period teacher odd but good-natured & seems to already know me.  Like Ms. Kiker at times (writing up people in the back for talking).  Seemed to be an in-depth music class of some sort.  Went to locker but didn't know where it was.  Halls crowded, lots of people I knew.  Tyler F.5 congr. me on bec. bass capt. and wished my luck.  Looking in classrooms for CB.  Teacher had a hat of unclaimed lock. #'s [locker numbers] for me to pick from randomly.  Bus ride home down the street to Loretta's house [my aunt, across the hollow from where I grew up].  Then ends.

Morn. Jul. 18 [2004] (16)

[No actual entry for this morning is written.  Only the following text is written under this entry.]

Sleep disrupted for 19th.

Likewise for 20th.

Morn. Jul. 21st [2004] (17)

In PE sitting on bleachers.  I stopped off of them and coach Rob told me to go sit back down.  I started and then he told me to come back down.  Then he told me to go back up.  Here I told him no with a few obscenities, and then he sent me to the office.  Diff. principal.  Told him what happened & was sent back without punishment.  Went back into locker room to get my shoes.  Locker cleaning or searches were going on and I asked someone working there if they had seen my shoes.  I was directed to the wrong pair but still found [them].  I then lingered in the gym with the next class, which Rufus was in, before leaving.

House like a lab or pharm. in the forest housing an old man scientist/doctor.  Group of family members there.  Lacy needed an orange tonic that looked similar to bottled Arizona tea.  The man said he had none, but I went inside and won [one] out of a game sort of thing that was on 2 diff. walls of the house.  I brought one back to Lacy where I learned that Frank also needed one.  I had one left.  It was around here that the presence of a wolf or werewolf in need of one of the tonics [was felt].  We fought and eventually I busted the last bottle and scattered its contents onto bushes.

Traveling with family/band/school.  In van.  Eventually I'm in seat behind driver listening to various CD's and singing along, hoping no one is there with me (not realizing I'm asleep & dreaming.  I realize I'm quite confused.).  Finally I let Creeping Death [the Metallica song] play through realizing both two front seats are occupied.  We stop at a restaurant/shop.  While waiting behind an aisle some things fall from above and I pick them [up] and put them into a basket made of sticks (one of the items) and bring them to Kevin to see if he recognizes them, as I was thinking it was somebody's pocketbook.  He told me it wasn't a pocketbook but a collection of items from that aisle.  As I went to put them back I met an attractive girl about my age who identified the basket as her pocketbook & also recognized me.  She introduced herself as Stephanie Parker (?) and said she knew me from Narrows Elem.  She handed me a slip of paper similar to those from fortune cookies with personal information such as hobbies, occupation, etc.  Walking through the building with undefined people, I notice Mr. Bane or Brenner and allow those with me to go ahead to meet him while I myself cut right to head outside [to] the van.  Walking through the dark I notice Kelly Thomson under a light and speak to her.  She is startled but after realizing it was me is quite amused and proceeds to reenact the scene from my position, with myself in hers.  After this I get into the van by myself and the dream will promptly end.  Sometime during this dream, where I cannot place, was a beautiful mountain scene, outside my van window.  Beside me was a road with snow by the sides and a small trickle of water running out from under the snow down the mountainside.  At about a 10:30 position to me was a mountain top glistening with ice and wet tree tops in various colors.  I gazed at it at least twice, noting its beauty.

Morn. 22nd July [2004] (18)

Stopped at fast food restaurant resembling the Pearisburg Dairy Queen with family.

Later in house full of strange people.  Met & stayed around with someone reminiscent of Zach.1  House was 2 floors; tried to climb awkwardly placed ladders to reach 2nd floor where many others already [were].  'Zach' seemed reluctant to follow.  Later found stairs leading to 2nd floor in the middle of the house; carpeted.  Walked outside with 'Zach' along a sidewalk to a small gas station shop.  I charged and ran right into the outside wall of it perpendicular to the wall with the entrance doors.  Angry worker(s) came out & complained.  I told them I had tripped.
Welcome to Dreams! / Re: NLC's Dream Journal
April 07, 2014, 16:35:36
March 4/5, 2004 (10)

In a driveway similar to the higher part of the driveway at my grandma's house.  Christine pulled into the lower part of the driveway or was already there.  Plants arranged into the corners of a diamond-shaped plot of dirt.  [A small pattern is drawn here, shaped like a baseball diamond with circles where the bases would be, apparently denoting where the plants were located in this plot.]  For whatever reason (none or failure to remember) I and two or three unspecified people dug up the plants, which belonged to Christine.  Christine came up to the spot, insulted or hurt, and then proceeded inside to her room.  I followed her inside and went upstairs, peeking into her room but not being able to see her as I passed it upstairs.  Then proceeded into a big cafeteria-type room with several people inside.  I started to do something, or make something (tea?), when Christine looked in from the doorway to see that I was there in her house.

In cafeteria, at a table with Justin & Ray.  Curled Fritos are all over my tray, in a notebook in my binder and in my memo pad, as well as on the table.  Ms. Gray came over and seemed distressed.  We agreed I would throw the chips away when I took my tray up.  I noticed they were some kind of mint flavor, as it read on a bag.

In the car with my Mom, Rufus, Ray, Skiles and some unidentified person in the front passenger seat.  Skiles started singing lyrics to some darker metal song, mentioning a number of profane things, αϝαντ σταρτινγ παρλερ αβουτ ιττψταψ υξκινγφαψ αϝεξ λες γενς δανς λα φροντ σεατ.  Embarrassed, I turned my head around to look out the back of the car, later turning to my right to talk to Rufus and (?) Ray.

Some sort of hotel/summer house/etc.  Parents & grandparents from both sides come back from some sort of trip out.  [The following image is included with this part of the entry.]

Greenish hotel room with balcony & classical-styled theming.  Seemed to have artificial plant life.
I'm starting to say "non-humans" more often, because I think a lot of what people call aliens or extra-terrestrials may be from the Earth, and may have been around here for a lot longer than we've been.  I also think a lot of what people call extraterrestrials are really interdimensional beings that aren't subject to having to be in a particular place in this universe at all.
Well I posted that particular report, and I can testify that it actually happened, and find the other two witnesses too if I had to, and they'd confirm the same story.

When I read through the other reports on that website I try to pay attention to what details they're reporting and ask myself, "is this something I'd be focused on/remembering if this actually happened to me, too?"
I saw a UFO once, but it was just that: a UFO.  It stayed in the sky and I still don't know what it was.  But it was NOT the following:  star, planet, airplane, helicopter, hot air balloon, satellite, space shuttle....

I submitted a report to the national UFO reporting center here:

This is the report I submitted:

QuoteSaw an orangish fireball moving in erratic patterns in the sky for approximately 10 minutes over Carvins Cove.

It was around the spring or summer of 2008. I was working as closing manager at the BlockBuster in Daleville, Botetourt County, Virginia (now closed) and was working with two other people. We closed the store at 11:00 and were ready to leave by about 11:15 or 11:20 or so.

When we walked out into the parking lot (the Botetourt Commons parking lot where Kroger is), we stopped at my co-worker's truck to talk. While we were standing there talking, one of us looked toward the West and saw the object and directed our attention toward it. He said something like, "What is that?," and we watched it but could never figure it out. It was the topic of our conversation for the next 5 to 10 minutes, and just about the time we were losing interest in it, we noticed that it had disappeared. We had not actually seen it leave.

Here is my description of it. It was an orange ball of light. It did not appear to me to flicker like a fire, but just a steady orange glow, like a street lamp. Sometimes it stood still, then would slowly move in one direction, start turning in an arc, stop, move in another direction, and just generally moved erratically at different speeds in a relatively small area of the sky.

It was very high up but I couldn't tell how high or estimate its size, but it was significantly bigger than a star or planet. I have lived near airports and seen all sorts of aircraft, but this did not behave like any of them. It didn't seem to have a specific destination but just circled around erratically in the sky, turning too abruptly and moving too rapidly at times to be a helicopter or plane.

It also made no noise. For a helicopter to be so far away as for me not to hear it (because they are very loud), it would not be able to appear to make the kinds of movements that this object was! easily making. The best way I can describe the pattern it made is like lazy figure 8's that abruptly stopped and started and reversed direction at times.

When I looked on Google maps later at the location in the sky where we saw the object, I realized that we were looking directly towards Carvin's Cove, where most people in the Roanoke area get their water. It was directly on the other side of the mountain that the object appeared to be "dancing" over.

None of us three thought too much of it at the time except that if we told people that we had seen a UFO (since we literally couldn't identify it) they would just think we were joking or full of it. I still don't know what it was, I only know what it wasn't.
Welcome to Dreams! / Re: NLC's Dream Journal
March 25, 2014, 21:29:09
Yes, that's all true. Many of my dreams are in the same locations, but over time the prominent locations change, except for where I grew up in Giles County.  I've always had dreams of being around here ever since I can remember, even when I lived in other places for extended times.  It's also a great way to write yourself an autobiography for remembering what you used to do, since so much of the small things we do on a daily basis, that can also change greatly over time, appear in our dreams.
Welcome to Dreams! / Re: NLC's Dream Journal
March 25, 2014, 17:39:00
5/9/03 [May 9th, 2003] (5)

Gala Drive [Footnote: a house I lived in with my family, identified by the street it was on] – exit through back door into back yard and off the porch, forward from porch to a tent.  Tent short in height but long, made of plastic-like material, flapping in wind.  Felt like bringing dog out.  Brother was there.  Went back inside.  Kevin was in kitchen irritated.

Next, in van with family on drumline-type trip.  Arrive at area like amusement park.  We park our van next to a truck in the 2nd space from the left on the left side of the parking lot.

5/11/03 [May 11th, 2003] (6)

I'm having trouble remembering these two dreams.  In the first one, I was in a school that I felt was LB when it was in reality much different.  In the earliest part that I remember, I was playing around with people resembling the sophomores, running around "classrooms" evading them.  I slide between some weirdly set-up stairs and ran outside where people were pulling into LB in their cars.  I ran head-on into the passenger door of a maroonish-colored car with three guys in it.  I put some nasty dents in the door but the people inside the car seemed to find it funny.  I apologized and turned to go back in the school.  I felt like Caitie was there in a car, not yet pulled into the parking lot.

Δεδανς σε τρουϝαις Παυλα ετ σταρτεδ λα συιϝρε.  Σε στυξκ μα μαιν το λ'αρμωαψ, τιξκψσαψ ροτξηξαψ ετ υββεδραψ υνδ σθυεεζεδ υν πευ.  Σε σοον ρεαλιζεδ ελλε αϝαιτ εινε βιτε.  νους παρλιονς, Σε λα συιϝαισ αρουνδ σομε μορε.

Next I remember being in a dark, circular room, like a flattened planetarium with one row of seats forming a circle around whatever was in the center.  Probably an astronomy-related show.  I walked back and forth on my side of the circle between Chunk, Burt, Kevin, Paula, etc. [Footnote: These were all friends of mine in high school.]

Next I remember being in a room similar to the master bedroom in Giles.  I seem to have just woken up in a sleeping bag on the opposite side of the room from a computer.  A big water bed like the one in the real room is between me & the computer.  I see that it's turned on and that AIM is opened, on my sn.  I get up and go towards it, confused, to find that my grandpa somehow opened it & signed on for me.  I notice one sn in particular that I feel is Chunk's brother, going something like "mornin soweth" or some gibberish like that.

Next dream.  I'm on Gala Drive, where it feeds onto the main road.  It's sunny & warm.  David's there with cards and I'm filling them out for Burt because it's his birthday.  The message in one card ran something like, "Wow! You're gay." [Footnote: I realize this may be offensive to some people, but me and my friend "Burt" cussed at each other and called each other names often in good fun, knowing that neither of us were offended by cursing and thought that being offended at words was stupid.]  At the end of the dream, I start walking up the hill en route to Burt's house but don't get there.  At the beginning of the dream it was darker as if it had meshed with the last part of the school dream, but now it fades of [sic] warm & sunny.

5/12/03 [May 12th, 2003] (7)

I can only remember big fragments of this dream; I can't seem to remember small details.  We were on vacation at the beach in the middle of winter.  The house we were renting seemed to be about three stories, sinking into a hill, and there seemed to be a room for each of us.  We were getting settled in, eating whatever food items we come across in the kitchen as a lunch.  I wanted to go to the beach, so I got into my swimming trunks and got ready to go, but Kim never got ready.  Dyl was running around outside unwatched.  By now Kevin and Tyler have left.

Next I seemed to be on the side porch in Giles at the bottom of the steps.  A line [of people] was between me and the door inside, as the door seemed to be locked.  I climbed up the hill and walked onto the porch to get around the line.  Caitie was there and I told her how stupid it was for us to be going to the beach in the middle of winter, and how we should've gone somewhere else, like a cabin in the woods.  She agreed, and then pulled herself up on the inside of the roof, trying to get inside to unlock the door.  She couldn't get in and was laying [sic] on a ramp inside the roof when I jumped up and grabbed onto the D2-like [Footnote: Descent 2 is a computer game I used to play a lot.] roof obstacle course.  I pulled myself up.  I was trying to get around Caitie to slide into the living room and unlock the door.  I started slipping so I grabbed onto Caitie's pants leg and pulled myself up to get a better grip on the ramp.  Then I grabbed onto the back of her pants above her butt and pulled myself the rest of the way up.  When I pulled it exposed the top of her panties and I felt her skin on the back of my fingers.  It was smooth and cold.  Then the scene ended.

[Undated Entry] (8)

[This entry falls between the entries for May 12th, 2003, and July 21st, 2003.]

Last I remember I was walking into a Spelling or Geography Bee sort of thing that was held after school for people who missed the first one.  I was there with Ray and Scott and one or two people I don't remember, one of which was probably a girl.  On the way in I cussed and then realized a teacher was nearby.  Inside the small room was a scene resembling a restaurant, with booths set up for one person on each side with a piece of paper/meno [memo?] on each side.  The next part is blurry, but somehow the back of the room turned into the entrance of an amusement park type of ride, like a big dry tube slide.  After watching people go through it a few times from a p.o.v. [point of view] like that on a sports channel from different camera angles, a teacher/guard/etc. came in to complain but found themselves going through the ride violently fast.  This happened two times.

The next scene I remember, I was penned up in a rectangular fence by a school, like I was fenced in an elementary school playground.  There were no toys, rides, etc., but there was [sic] tons of thick grass, clovers, etc.  I was there with two people of vague identity, but seemingly like Ray and ramunsii from bnet. [Footnote:, the online network for Blizzard games like Starcraft.]  We were waiting for our parents to pick us up.  We played games with the clover, etc. and just wandered in the fenced area.  Beyond the fence, on the opposite side of the school, was a very shallow lake or pond, almost like a gigantic puddle, with clear blue water.  Beside it was an area of dirt like a road, and beside that was a hill/small mountain like the one beside the driveway in Giles.  There was a truck like Dee's parked in the blue water.  The water was deep enough to cover the bottom of his tires.

Last scene before I wake up.  I'm beside the school up on the driveway on the hill, which now turns out to be THE driveway in Giles, and the house now replaces the school.  The fenced area and pond are still there.  I was walking up the driveway in my boxers with Joe, Patty and Tyler, [unreadable] down and across at Dee's house/truck.  Try to get someone else's attention, Joe shoots a BB down at Dee's truck.  Dee hears something hit his truck and comes from the front of the driveway where he wasn't visible.  Patty yells out to him and he turns around and sees us while I try to cover myself.  Dee, Joe and Patty start a conversation, and I wake up.

July 21st, 2003 (9)

I remember stepping outside of my grandma's house onto the side porch, and looking straight ahead, down the driveway to the trees that blocked vision to the neighbors house.  I saw two heads moving around in the trees at the end of the driveway and assumed they were Rufus and "Teal."  I yelled at them, and then walked down the driveway towards them to find they were the "neighbors": three or four big men tearing down trees and digging holes.  They started complaining about me yelling at them, and I apologized and told them I thought they were a couple of my friends.  I then fell into the clay ditch beside the road a few times and was helped out by the workers.  I go back to the house and find Rufus & "Teal" at the door.  From then on, I only remember bits and pieces.  I ran through the house with Rufus & Teal a few times.  I vaguely remember having a Starcraft game, but I can't remember if it was around this time, or before everything I just recorded.  I remember Zerglings entering a base on Blood Bath.  I can't remember if they were attacking or not.

I also walked down (on the sidewalk) a street in Giles, the one with Debbie's Diner, if that's the name, with Rufus, Teal (?), Sara McNutt, and a bunch of other random people at varying distances.  I don't know where we were going but people going down the road (the opposite direction) spoke with many of us.

I remember going to the basement door (still in Giles) and opening it and going down a few steps.  I heard a light, fluffy buzzing/humming noise, which Rufus or "Teal" explained was coming from shoes they were made to wear in a store after shoplifting from it.  Rufus, "Teal," or not Burt, and Ray had robbed or shoplifted a shop on that street in Giles.  I then came back up the stairs, and Rufus went down the hall and into the "Red" (though now purple-ish in real life) bedroom, which was now a bathroom, to take a shower.

I then had a dream within a dream, where I was carrying around my explorer [Footnote: This is a model of guitar made by ESP.] in an environment like a fair in front of the retirement home in Narrows.  I didn't like carrying around my guitar out in the open like a poser. [Footnote: "Poser" is what me and my friends called people who would sit in the halls in crowded places and strums chords on guitars just to be seen, and who were not really interested in music itself.]  Soon a bass player/guitarist sat down and said something about a "jam session" and started playing Sanitarium in a choppy manner.  Right as I was about to join him, I came out of [the] dream within the dream, and sat at the computer in the living room telling Rufus (on AIM) to wake me up, because I wanted to wake up (into the dream; it's like I thought I was still dreaming in the dream).  I met "Teal," who now turned into a 68-year-old Burt, and told him about my dream, and the choppy bass player.  Rufus was getting out [of] the shower and walking down the hall to the living room when I remember pulling up a screen and unallying Teal.  I then ran past him several times but did not shoot automatically (snipers game), so I deliberately start running by and shooting, missing each time with my vision becoming constantly dimmer.  Then the dream ends and I awake.
Welcome to Dreams! / Re: NLC's Dream Journal
March 25, 2014, 17:06:30

11/30/02 [November 30th, 2002] (1)

I chose not to remember any dreams.[Footnote: "After the recommendation of MM (Modern Magick), page 2: "I did not choose to remember my dreams," which I had already previewed on Amazon."]

12/01/02 [December 1st, 2002] (2)

I heard the song "Master of Puppets" in a dream, or more like visualized the tabs [ a tab diagram is drawn ] and imagined I heard it being played.  I remembered this when I woke up around 6:25 AM, and I wasn't able to go back to sleep.

12/02/02 [December 2nd, 2002] (3)

I can't remember all of this dream, even though I feel there is more that's just slightly beyond my reach.  The earliest I remember was walking through the door in the gym wall while the wall was extended across the gym, but the other side of the door wasn't the gym, but like the hall leading to the band room, only wider.  I sort of walked through the band door, which there were now two or, then turned around and went to leave through the second door and go back up the steps.  The band room, while I was inside, was very high and dark but wasn't but maybe three feet wide.  As I exited the band room, I started walking beside Chris Ferguson's sister and threw something small at her.  She moved to the other side of the hall as Caitie Sellers walked by and then sort of floated back over towards me as I walked up the steps, leaving the band room.  I turned [left at the stairs] and went [down the hall] back through the gym wall door.  I went maybe three feet through the door before going into a door on the right wall.  It was the health room.  As soon as I sat down with the rest of the class, I looked outside through the windows (the right wall was lined with the school-type windows) and saw a single bus, fully loaded in the school parking lot.  I then realized that school was out and the health teacher, Mrs. Whitlock, was holding us after.  Then a bell rang and we all left class.  I was then on the bus, already leaving the parking lot.  I was sitting on the right side of the bus on the outside of one of the seats closer to the front of the bus.  Chris's sister was sitting to my right.  The bus followed the normal route home but skipped a lot of the trip.  I then found myself in the Wal-Mart electronics department, where an entity that felt friendly but wasn't anyone I know and was out of view told me what products I should look at.  The "friend" was behind the shelf separating the electronics department from the rest of the store.  As I was looking... [Entry was never completed.]

January, Wednesday, after 23rd
[Likely January 29th, 2003] (4)

[The date of this entry is recorded as "January, Wednesday, after 23rd," which suggests January 29th, the first Wednesday in January 2003 after the 23rd.  This entry may represent two different dreams, and is largely depicted graphically.  Photographs of the original entries are presented on the following pages.  The first depiction is of a dream scene in which I am with Caitie Sellers looking over a field similar to, and feeling like, Mildred's [Footnote: One of my great aunts] back yard, around twilight with stars in the sky.  After a moment, Caitie gets up and leaves.  The next scene is of an orc attack like something out of the Lord of the Rings movies, and the final one includes half-spherical vision and browsing a store with esoteric canes/staves.]

The text here reads, from the top down, left to right, "Similar to LOTR orc scenes[;] swirling masses on mountains," "Maybe 20 ascend jungle-gym-type thing," "Group of darker things, friendly," and "went into a game-like display."  Everything below this area, bordered with the double lines, belongs to a different scene in this entry. The scene being described here is one of an attack of a mass of orcs, which could be seen swirling in masses in the distance, on the side of a mountain as depicted above.  I was with a group of people, and as they descended upon us, we moved toward the jungle-gym-type structure, which I climbed to avoid them, though "maybe 20" followed me.  This scene soon developed a video game-like "display."

It reads, "Waterfalls/sewer rapids" (seen on previous page, but cropped from this photo), "Shooting LOTR Film on January, Wednesday, after 23rd," "Giant store," "Roof sticks out," "Shopping with around $10," "Road" (on depiction of front doors of building), "Aisles & Aisles of Hotwheels, videos, water guns... half unorgan./half fancy," "Elders sign?," "Moss Canes[;] Giant Canes," "First shop – shampoos? Moved right."

This part of the entry depicts a scene in which I was traveling along an underground waterway, and then am above ground at street-level.  At this part of the dream my vision is enhanced, and I can see in a half-sphere, resulting in my vision consisting of convex/concave images.  The area, for some reason, seems Hollywood-like and as if a movie is being made here.  The first shop I see (depicted as seen in half-sphere vision) was apparently selling "shampoos?"  The shop I end up browsing contains various items as described above, but the canes catch my attention the most, as they feature symbols reminiscent of H.P. Lovecraft's mythos.  The canes are apparently of unfinished wood, some are mossy, and some are very large.  At least one was apparently forked and in the shape of the letter "F."  Another had a face carved into it, which is depicted on the final page of this entry, shown below.

This reads, "Green face on giant cane like emerald on oak," "Left store with buggy[;] Dad & Mom & brothers exit dream/memory fails."  "Buggy" here is a shopping cart.  My brother Dylan wouldn't have been a year old yet.
Welcome to Dreams! / NLC's Dream Journal
March 25, 2014, 16:56:14
I started recording these in 2002 in various note pads, and I've only recently started putting them into a computer file, which I plan on eventually printing and binding into a small book.


   Owing to the large amount of autobiographical information included in these dream records, it has been treated partly as an autobiographical document.  Even some of the earliest dream records included here use explanatory titles (for ex., "my grandma" in the March 4/5, 2004 entry, instead of "Patty" or "Mamaw") as if I was already anticipating these records to one day be read by people other than myself.  Whether they are or not, I can at least hope that they will aid my memory if I should be lucky enough to live until I'm too old to remember these things anymore.
   The autobiographical information, aside from being presented within the dreams themselves, is also added through footnotes to the dream records which clarify and expound upon people and other things mentioned within the dreams.  The footnotes were written in order and assume that the reader has been keeping track of them from the beginning.  For example, once a person has been introduced once in the footnotes, they will not be introduced again when they reoccur in the dream records later.  Immediate relatives such as my mother (Kim), father (Kevin), brothers (Tyler & Dylan), grandparents (Patty, Joe, Leonora & Frank) or close uncles (Lacy) or aunts (Genevieve) are never introduced though they may be mentioned often in the dream records.
   After the dream records themselves, I have included various autobiographical information from as far back as I can remember or have recorded in one place or another, up until the time of the present volume.

   I have corrected my spelling and grammatical errors from the original writing when three cases are met:  first, when I notice them;  second, when I consider these actual errors and not just authentic features of an evolving, Southern dialect, or my peculiar way of abbreviation;  and lastly, when I believe these errors were made accidentally and absent-mindedly.  Otherwise the writing has been transcribed as-is, with additions from the transcription and editing process in brackets.  For example, "thoug" in the original writing has been transcribed here as "though," but "laying" has been transcribed as-is when "lying" would be the correct verb.  Punctuation and capitalization have also largely been edited from the original to a more standardized pattern.
   When a word is indecipherable because of handwriting, this is stated inside brackets inserted into the entry, or else an attempt to decipher the word is made within brackets, along with a question mark.  The centered date that begins each new entry is taken directly from the record itself, with additions or clarifications in brackets.
   The abbreviations I developed for recording dreams is left in these transcriptions, and the most common of these are given on the following page.  A very prominent abbreviation is "app," for "apparent" or "apparently."  I have adopted this word in recording my dreams to express information that is gathered indirectly and may not have been explicit to me from within the dream itself.  Representations of reality in the dream state are often surreal, vague, inexact or blended, and to try to properly portray this in the record of the dream would require an excessive amount of time and effort, especially when dealing with hundreds of dream records.  So instead, I often use the abbreviation "app." to indicate the apparent or implied significance of certain things which are not explicitly expressed in the dream itself, or else which I do not remember clearly.

This is a work in progress and while the entries are numbered, others may be inserted later that are out-of-order and even change the numbering of later entries.  Anyway the dates are given for each entry as best as they could be determined.  Some very personal information has been included, but it is slightly encoded.

I graduated high school in 2006.  So from 2002 until mid-2006, obviously, I was still in high school, and many of the dream scenes are related to school.
There is some amazing information here.  There were ancient "cyclopean" ruins found somewhere in Russia in the 1800s I think, but then nothing more was heard of them.  I have some notes taken on this somewhere, and a picture in a book, but it's not the same site as this.  Thank you all for posting.
This is an interesting idea.  I've been compiling some older dreams I recorded into a computer file that I'm planning to print off and bind into a small book.  I may post what I've compiled of them so far into a file this evening.  Of course just like any dream journal of certain length, there are some very personal things in it. :D   I've encoded these so they aren't readable unless someone who is very interested wants to sit around and try to crack their codes lol.

I think I have a slight amount of OCD when it comes to organizing computer files and folders and those sorts of things, and I'm just wondering if maybe it would make things easier to navigate if there was a sub-forum here for members' dream journals.  Or maybe that could be done if enough people started posting them here at once.  Just a thought.  I'm a member on a French spiritual forum and I've noticed that they seem to be almost obsessive about making threads for their personal journals for everything from dreams to philosophical thoughts to just what they do on any given day, with other members of the forum commenting from time to time, and that was interesting to see.
I drank some kombucha last night before I went to bed, and I had very vivid dreams for several hours this morning, though I can only remember some of them.

I used to keep a dream journal regularly, and still record them sometimes. I've recorded at least a few hundred dreams since about 2002 or so, and many of them were lucid. But I got bored with it I guess and stopped doing it, and when I stopped bringing awareness to my dream habits, I stopped remembering much of them, until most nights I don't remember any dreams now. But last night was unusual.

I remember once I ate a raw morel too. I had very vivid and earthy dreams that night, about hunting in the woods for morels. I talked to someone else once about morels, and I asked him if he ever ate one raw. I didn't mention that I had, but he yes said that yes, he had, and that it gave him crazy dreams that night! So I told him that the same thing happened to me.

So this all got me to thinking ... I believe some times that big Hollywood movies have grains (sometimes very large grains) of truth embedded into them, as if to suggest radical things to the public's consciousness without doing it in a threatening way to their belief systems. In the new Star Wars movies, it's said that "the force" comes from tiny organisms in the bloodstream. Maybe this was inspired by the micro-organisms in the kombucha and raw morels that have caused my dreams to become very vivid?

I also have been waking up, and while still in a trance-like state, half asleep, I've had two "voices" suddenly press themselves into my consciousness that told me things that were accurate, such as that someone was coming and would be there soon, and sure enough as soon as I got up my mom and brother had arrived to visit.

I did a Google search and found that others also have associated kombucha with changes in their dream habits:

QuoteAre you drinking the Kombucha right before bed? It is possible for Kombucha to improve your brain function so that you are more aware of your dreams. If you don't want to remember your dreams, I suggest stopping drinking it by 2 PM every day. Kombucha is a wonderful drink, full of phytonutrients, trace minerals, and great stuff!

Anyway, I just wanted to share this.
I don't know about your childhood, but for example many people are raised by parents who are going through their own problems, and they may take these problems out on their children.  Or maybe it's sibling or grandparents, aunts, uncles, neighbors, or whoever.  But once we're older we have the chance to be our own parents in that sense, and raise ourselves, and this is what we have to summon the strength to do.  We know ourselves individually better than anyone else on Earth knows us, and so each of us knows what is best, and what we're good at, and what we need to work on.  But just like any good parents, you have to love really yourself for the person that you are, and accept yourself....  then forgive yourself, and forgive others.  These are things that have to be worked on one at a time.  Many healing modalities are based on these things and they're very basic for the well-being and happiness of everyone, not just people with stronger traumas.

For example, to learn to accept and love yourself, you may have to think about some things, release some emotions and make some decisions, but there's more to it than that.  Maybe you should also find something that just makes you feel good in a healthy way, to release stress or built-up tensions that may be manifesting in your body.  Massage, acupuncture, meditation, just lying on the sun and reading a good book on a sunny day, just finding time to de-stress and pamper yourself, finding any way to allow you to show yourself love not only mentally but physically and emotionally.  It's amazing how hard it is for some people just to allow themselves to feel good and stress-free and happy.  But if you can allow that, then healing is very simple and natural.
One thing about Bashar, he did correctly predict a nuclear disaster in Japan.  I don't have a link to the video but I saw it before the Japanese disaster, and then later, after it.  Someone asked him if there would be a nuclear war and he said no, but there was a very good possibility of us taking a timeline in which there was a significant nuclear problem in Japan.  It's still on YouTube but I notice that now it's become more difficult to find through searches.  He's also said other things that have come to pass, and people have commenting on it on blogs and things, but none of the others made as much of an impression on me.
Thank you for posting this.  Very informative!

It's great how many resources from the early 1900s or even earlier are re-surfacing and making more of an impact than before... thanks to the internet!!!  :-D
How many of you see dramatic changes taking place around the world right now?

Apparently the Mayan calendar's time periods are speeding up, each lasting shorter than the last now, until Dec 2012.

A couple days after the latest cycle started, the Japan earthquake occurred, and this situation with Libya,  not to mention all kinds of local events in my area (police officers being shot,  mall closed and surrounded by police and SWAT for what was suspected a gunman but later turned out to be an umbrella).  I'm starting to take this stuff TOO seriously, and I already believe in it!   :-D

Not that these are world-changing events on their own,  but it seems more excitement happens in a month now than used to happen in an entire year during the 1990s.

What about you guys though?  Seeing anything to confirm a "transition of the ages"?
Taoism my philosophical back-bone to everything else I study.

I don't consider myself "Taoist" though if I had to tie myself to one named philosophy and only one then it would be Taoism...

What do I think of all of it?  I think the Tao te Ching is probably the deepest text, using the fewest words, I've ever read in my life.
Everything is real.

Like someone else said above, if you can experience it, it's real.
What's wrong with this picture?  You mean complaining about something other people are doing,  that is completely non-toxic and safe with the right precaution or supervision?  It's one thing to choose not to do it yourself but why complain about it when others choose to,  or because they make a video about it that you CHOOSE to watch?  Why do you feel the need to be everybody's Nanny?

I've done it and while I wouldn't call it a pleasant feeling,  I have enjoyed the experience itself as mind-expanding (or mind-blowing more like it).  They made it illegal in my state and I don't like that at all.  I enjoyed doing it maybe once or twice a week and did it responsibility.