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Messages - twilighter

This is going to sound a little strange, but it really happened. A few months back, while attempting an obbe, I heard a strange mechanical voice coming from my hallway, that startled me so much it knocked me out of my trance and I sat up in bed, and quit trying. I had head strange sounds before and knew they weren't at all uncommon right before APing, but this voice was so eerily robotic, I sat right up in bed and quit trying to AP. I found it so disturbing in fact, that I no longer could relax as I once could. So I decided to order a digital voice recorder for meditation, and binaural beats. When I received it, something told me to try placing it in the hall where I heard the voice and to see if I could pick up an evp. I only left in on about 5 minutes. and when I went back to play it, I was shocked to get something right away. I head a woman shouting in distress, and a mechanical mans voice speaking back to her. The same robotic voice I heard while in my bedroom without a voice recorder. I made a few more attempts at recording and got more, they were quite menacing sounding, with cursing back at me, The whole thing left me so shaken I erased them, but later made another recording one night in my yard, once again, After playing it on my sound organizer I head the mechanical voice speaking again in a menacing way, about me being one of them one day, and even heard Hail Satan. I said Hello and got a Hello back in a very deep dark tone and another voice saying welcome to your dreams.. It sounded very lower astral. Can anyone explain how I was able to hear the voice before getting the recorder?  Has my experiences with Astral projection simply attuned me more with the astral realm? And have my vibrations been so low that I have attuned myself more to the sub planes? So many questions? I don't even think it would have bothered me, had the messages been less scary. I still am a great believer in Astral projection, and have gained so much insight from it, though I am wondering, if I need to work on raising my vibrations? Also, has anyone else here every experienced any thing like this? Thanks:)
Quote from: ChopstickFox on February 07, 2013, 10:44:23
Once I was going to bed alone (this only happens once in a blue moon, haha!) so I decided that I would try APing and keep at it until I had a projection. Ended up being a bad idea. Hours later, I gave up. Went to fall asleep then popped out of my body like it was nothing. Slap in the face, eh?

Sometimes the harder and more stubborn you get, you are actually making it more difficult on yourself unintentionally. Thinking too much can be a hinder sometimes.
I can definitely relate! I remember one time laying on my back and trying and trying to AP. And finally becoming so tired, I decided to roll on my side and give in to sleep instead. As soon as I switched to my side, vibrations hit me, and I was floating upwards out of body. It really is true, that sometimes trying too hard can work against you.
Quote from: Xanth on January 19, 2013, 00:50:33
Bedeekin makes a wonderful point here.
Always have a point of destination or a goal in mind for each projection.

Even if you're having mostly spontaneous projections.  Try to always keep some rough goals in mind, so that when you do randomly find yourself consciously aware of being in the non-physical you can make some use of the time.  :)
Thanks, will definitely put some of these tips to use.
Quote from: Bedeekin on January 18, 2013, 20:28:45
When you separate... what do you do?

Do you have a distinct clear idea of what you want to do or where you want to go... or do you get out and think "now where shall I go?"
To be honest, the one thing I focus on after separation is trying to get as far away from my body as soon as possible. In fact, I have never even tried to view my sleeping body. This is because when I was new to APing, I seemed to go back to my body very easily. I think I am just too focused on trying to not go back, that I forget to think about where I would like to go, and it just unfolds on it's own.
Quote from: Lionheart on January 18, 2013, 19:12:42
When you are new, "flitting around" is completely natural!  :-)

You will get better at maintaining one scenario with more practice. The key is to learn to hold onto a scenario as long as you can. When it disappears, bring it back.

Try to anchor yourself in the scene by focusing deeper and deeper on the scenario. Try using other senses to keep it in view. Listen to what you are viewing, try to touch it, smell it, etc.

 Right now, when I do a Phase session, I open myself up to any teachings that are needed or any thing I need to see. I let my higher consciousness choose the destination.

But, once in awhile I just go to lay down on my tranquil island/beach scene, that I created for myself. Many times while doing this I will see something that is out of place per say. This immediately leads to my curiosity kicking in and I then will do some investigating on the purpose of this new object or person. From there, this usually takes on a life of it's own.

Do you see the pattern there?
Yes I do, although I am still in the flitting stage. I forget to do things like rub my hands together or try and ground myself. Even though I always mean to, I forget once I separate from my body. I guess I do need to learn more about focusing on my higher consciousness, in advance through some form of meditation. Do you try and visualize where you want to go, or what you would like to experience in advance? Thanks
Quote from: Xanth on January 18, 2013, 19:09:46
Learn to meditate.

Learn to focus your mind, then learn to hold that focus for extended periods of time.

The usual problem, I believe, isn't that people can't travel to a desired location... it's that, once there, they can't stay there for any meaningful amount of time.

Traveling to where you want to be is as simple as desiring that which is where you want to be.  Meditation will help you to focus your mind towards a single thought for longer than the usual microsecond that most of us humans are able.  LoL
Thanks! Maybe that it? I usually try and AP right upon going to bed, when I am focusing more on getting my body and mind in a deeply relaxed state, and waiting for the usual signs that indicate an AP experience is near. Or upon waking from a lucid dream. I probably do need to focus more on meditation and intent. Am definitely willing to give it a try.
Although it is getting easier to AP. The one thing I am having difficulty with is controlling where I travel. I would love to meet a guide, or see someone who passed on that I miss. Or simply travel to desired location. But, the minute I step out my door, I can wind up anywhere, but there is no control. How is that achieved? Would love some feedback. Thanks.
Quote from: Volgerle on January 07, 2013, 15:32:10
there are reports that this has been already undertaken, yes. the TMI has reports on "partnered explorations", Tom Campbell tells about it too, some examples of this type of 'validations' can be found in my validations collection (see my signature for this)
Thanks very much! I will check it out.
Quote from: Lionheart on January 06, 2013, 17:48:16
This quote in itself speaks volumes.

In order for us to understand any of what is happening, we have to open ourselves up to it 100% first, without reservation without scrutiny.

ALLOW yourself to experience it fully first. There will be plenty of time for questions later.  :wink:
Good advice Thank you  :wink:
Quote from: Szaxx on January 06, 2013, 17:26:38
Take a step back and ponder for a moment.
Assume the 'you' is a speck of conciousness, an orb of energy or similar. Look at the physical existance as a lesson that you have to learn, like leaving home and going to college.
If this reality is the only thing there is then why do we dream?
Why are so many people seeing loved ones after their demise?
Ghosts caught on a surveillance camera...

Look at things from a wider perspective.
We dream as a reconnection to our true existance.
We see loved ones as a reassurance and their continuance after physical life has expired.
Ghosts well this speaks for itself.Thanks Szaxx, I really like what you said, and how you worded it. It's what I would like to believe. So it's good to hear it from others.

The physical is only a tiny part of everything.
It's almost insignificant compared to whats real.
Like a grain of sand on a beach. Its part of everything.

Thanks Szaxx I love the way you worded that. It's also something I truly would like to believe, so I was happy to hear you say that.
Quote from: Volgerle on January 05, 2013, 16:42:28
every 'thing' in your mind is real
Touche! I guess what I am also wondering is, if two people took an AP journey together, would they share the same memories and experiences?
Quote from: Bedeekin on January 05, 2013, 16:35:24
You will receive many different replies as to WHAT is exactly happening.

But the large majority of active posters and practitioners here, myself included, are in agreement that the nonphysical is as real as this one. Whether you call it inner or outer it exists as part of this reality.. not separate.

So what you are experiencing is a real construct... but you ultimately interpret it in your own way... like you do this reality. We all agree on what we see but we all interpret the information differently... Our individual interpretation of this reality is more a case of Qualia and is quite subtle... whereas in the nonphysical sense, interpretation is more literal and radical.

You are seeing your room as it exists in the nonphysical... which is essentially information like this one but less constrained and is being decoded by your raw consciousness... not a pair of meat based eyes looking at a rock hard constrained reality.
Interesting, thanks very much for your input.
I am not sure if this is the right forum to ask this on, but since having experienced several successful AP's, I am 100% convinced that I left my physical body. I felt myself lift out or up, could feel my carpet under my feet, all very real etc..
Still, there are usually details in my bedroom that don't completely match up. While it's almost always an amazing experience, things are often so surreal, I have to ask, is it all something I am conjuring up in my own mind, or is it real? It's often said that our state of mind will effect our experiences, so when we leave our bodies, are we simply going in a journey into our on minds, or is it more of a collective experience? Sorry, if this sounds like a crazy question, but I have been wondering about this for some time.
Quote from: Szaxx on December 22, 2012, 11:39:49
You're in a better position than those who refuse to accept this art.
As far as being embarrassed, forget it. You're here and willing, those refusing should be the embarrassed ones.

Thank you as well. It's a shame that so many, know so little about this subject matter. Simply because our society represses things that they consider too out there, or too new-agey, or paranormal. When it is something everyone could experience for themselves if given the right information. This is why I am so grateful for this site, and the people on here.
Quote from: Lionheart on December 22, 2012, 11:32:47
Do not be embarrassed at all. I am in my 40's and just learned in 2011 to project while consciously aware. We all learn when we are open and ready to.

Be proud that you have begun down this path in "this" lifetime!  :-)
Thank you Lionheart! You're right, better late than never. For me, discovering something so incredible and so real, at this stage in my life, has been an amazing gift. Although others might see it differently, I see it as the confirmation of a soul.
Quote from: Szaxx on December 22, 2012, 07:04:58
Welcome to the wider reality. Your next learning is to think of a location and imagine being there when you next go through a door. I experienced this 40 years ago. You may find doors appearing that are not there in the physical. You can make them appear too. Its just a thought to do this.
Enjoy it. You feel really good to when its all over when you wake.
Fascinating! I am sure that with your 40 years of experience, you have learned quite a bit, and have amazing stories to share. I am no kid, but my first experience was less than a year ago. And as embarrassed as I am to admit this, I only learned of Astral projection a little bit earlier. I love this site, because so many here have so much to offer to those of us who are newer at it. It never even occurred to me that it was even possible to create your own reality. I definitely would like to give it a try. Thanks
Quote from: newmethod on December 22, 2012, 05:42:00
that's why i posted  :-D
What did YOU think was happening when you were passing through doors?

YOU probably have a theory..  :-)
Honestly, while it was happening I felt slightly confused and little awed at how quickly the scenes changed, that I didn't give much thought. It was only after I got up, that the door connection hit me. I am not really sure that I have a theory or a metaphor to attach to it. Other than the fact that each door represented a new experience.
Quote from: newmethod on December 22, 2012, 02:46:39
i had a crazy experience once that lasted for what seemed like hours but i felt myself crawling through this tunnel and every time i exited the tunnel i was in another scene.

I wondered if me crawling through the tunnel was me exiting my body though maybe i was just entering new energy bubbles.
That's interesting, because it sounds so similar to my own AP, only with tunnels in the place of doors.
Quote from: twilighter on December 22, 2012, 01:58:23
I would also like to know, if opened doors represent something in Astral Projection? Thanks!
This might sound a little crazy, but I am curious to know if this has happened to anyone else. At around dawn this morning, I woke from a lucid dream, and went straight to astral projection. This happened multiple times, and it was awesome. Although this never happened to me before, I know it's not unusual. The weird thing was, everytime I opened a door, including my bedroom door I wound up somewhere else, in places I had never been before. It was an amazing experience, but it really tripped me out how each time I opened a door everything changed.
Hard to say, even my own personal experiences have been different every time. The other morning, right before my AP, I heard a blip blip sound, as though something was underwater, then heard music. Finally I APed and heard voices in my bedroom. I have never had anything like that happen before. So, it not surprising each person's experience will be slightly different from the others. I am not even sure I would wan't it to be the same every time. I feel like each  AP has a new lesson to teach us in some way.
Congratulations! It's an amazing feeling when you experience your first obe. Keep trying, and I am sure more will come. For me, each experience has been different, there have been times when my mind was calm enough I could induce them upon laying down for a while, and would literally float up and out. Other times I rolled out after a lucid dream. I do know what you mean about trying to speak, and not being able to. I could not say the words Clarity now either. Though I heard my own voice saying it a few seconds later. A very strange feeling!

Obe's often come in fits and starts, but try and not get discouraged when you have dry spells. We all get them, I went months. But kept at it, and am glad I did. I just experienced one again upon waking this morning, which is why I am up at 3 am :roll: This time, I actually heard voices in my room, not while I was transitioning, but after I APed, and I felt like they were aware of me. Each and every experience has been unlike the other. Congrats again, and keep at it.

Quote from: AstralCody on November 18, 2012, 08:02:18
This happens to me all the time. I learned not to talk and if I need to I learned it's all telepathic. I also tend to get dual awareness and will find myself in my astral body breathing through my mouth feeling my physical in bed at the exact same time. Can't breathe through my nose... but only my mouth haha. If this happens try and get further away from your body. For some reason when you get close to your body while out some funny things can happen.  :-D
True, I try and get as far from my body as possible, out of fear I will be pulled back. For this reason I have never even tried to turn back and look at myself sleeping. I just try and get out of my bedroom as quickly as I can.
Quote from: Bedeekin on November 17, 2012, 14:48:14

It makes you realise how slow communication is in this constrained reality.

Also... spoken word can be easily mis-read or taken the wrong way and can prove to be the start of wars in some cases.

It's as if obstacles are put in our way to be conquered. It's like a perfect game with very high stakes...

Stick us all on a ball floating through space... separate us off onto isolated land-masses so that we create different beliefs, ways of life and languages... give us all the motive to survive and make us clever enough to invent ways of destroying each other...  GAME ON!!

The aim of the game... to love each other and find balance.

How are we doing at the moment do you think?

That's a different thread altogether.

Well said.