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Messages - astraluminated

Hello, i had a question conserning yogic flying.
Does anyone know the technique as taught by Maharishi yogi.
I have been searching the web for some time but i got only vage explanation, because the ones who knows try to desparately keep it for them selfs. most say you need to learn transcendental meditation, in order to accomplish yogic flying, but perhaps someone on this forum know something about this particular technique.

Just a while ago i was listening to boxes nirvana 2 and at about 35 minutes in the track the blackness before my eyes changes only for a second, briefly i saw that blackness in spatial 3d and at about 42 minutes in the track i got a blue like lightflash before my eye and after that it looked like a curtain of blackness was erased before my eyes. and after that unfortunately i had to go to the toilet, big bummer.

And thanks Gnomad i think this can really help me and others. I have burned it on cd and gonna download it on my psp.
Allrighty then everyone, This technique that i am gonna tell you prabrably gave me some auric sight, However this technique was briefly mentioned on this forum but Perhaps people did not realised the potential of this easiest to do method i ever know.

First make the visible invisible, then the invisible becomes visible.

It's really that easy, it's so simple it must be true right, right? :peace:
That sentence is the basic principle behind the technique.

And then here comes the technique: First put one finger in the air, i prefere a white backround and then bring the focus of your eyes exectly on the tip of that finger, preferably the index finger. Then when you concentrated for about five to ten seconds on that finger, move your focus point behind that finger so that you can see through the finger and that you see two of them. Also keep your focus point about five to ten second beyond the index finger. And just repeat that process until you make yourself grazy or insane, which one you prefere offcourse, i'm not gonna force you between the two (lol).

But the thing that is so funny is that since tonight i have discovered that by focusing or manipulating my eye-sight in such a way that i can make one of my index fingers, when looking through them totally invisible.
Now perhaps i could do this all along and everyone two, but it is still kind of funny discovering the relation between this making finger invisible thingy and the potential aura excersice behind it.
So perhaps some of you can practise it for a month or so and see what it does, and if it works than everybody can see auras so that no one can deny the existence of a etherical universe.

Note: A good way to check the progress is by putting a piece of white paper verticle on your desk with a bright lamp above it but not shining in your eyes and then put your fingers in front of the paper en move your fingers(Best use thumb, aura is biggest there) slowly up and down a little while focusing half a inch or a centimeter of the tip of your thumb and then focus on the white paper behind it.

Well i wish you all the best of luck,

And i would really like to hear if this really works.

Welcome to Magic! / levitation
January 25, 2006, 12:57:24
Heres a levitation picture although the man does not seem to make any effort
Astralbermudian on your question off seeing negs, from the way you all describe negs i get they are all evil but i haven't read all ten pages so forgive me if i am wrong.
I think negs are just a certain kind off energetic entities that may have different kinds of moralities.
And for the seeing question, i don't want to brag but it might be that i am able to sometimes faintly see them, sometimes i see certain shadows varrying in sises flying through my room(there's a lot off them in the bathroom, it's problably with my auravision that i see them, although my auravision is really not spectacular but sometimes is funny.

However some negs or whatever you wanna call them are really bad, one night one of those guys attacked me while i was kind of in F10 state, so i had my mental barriers down, thats my theory.
It shot some sort off energy-sphere at my head, and days after that it felt like that part off my aura was really messed-up. Next time i'll put a shield up

But some negs are funny, they always try to flee from my focus point. Probrably scared senseless of mee lol
Welcome to Magic! / levitation
January 25, 2006, 11:13:24
Hello everybody,

To what i have heard is that you first have to awaken enough kundalini energy and have totall control over your hart-chakra and the nerves near the hart-chakra to be able to fly.
And in combination with the plavini method.

And yes i think dragonball see rocks too, my favorite is still Goku

Hello Sepultura123,

To answer your question, the F10 state of consciousness is very clearly explained in the Permanent astral topics section, It made me really understand it and with it i was not a failure at astral projection.

Hope You'll learn something from it to.

Well thanks alot

I did not expect such a warm welcome but i really appriciate it, thanks.

Welcome to Energy Body and The Chakras / 3rd eye
January 25, 2006, 10:55:25
Thanks again for the technique I think i've read that technique also somewhere else but i am not sure.

But anyway it is said by the vedic teaching that the link to the energy of god or god inself lies in the hardchakra, in Bakti yoga the devotees of the krisna movement also meditated and concentrate on this chakra with their perfect image off their god.
Which is Sri Krisna.

Theire was this one time when i read the Bagavat Gita and pondered about it's teaching and about Sri Krisna. And at a certain point i started to see a whole lot of sense in certain principeles off the teaching and the same time off that realisation my heartchakra began to activate and burn, but not like hot burning like the chakras below but more a white burning sensation. Felt really intense but at the same time illumination, really makes me believe those teaching aren't bovine excrement you know.

and after that i for experiementation began to chant the hara Krisna mantra and then i could feel my hart-chakra again.

I hope this rate off development keeps up.

Wishing you may progress as well

Welcome to Energy Body and The Chakras / 3rd eye
January 24, 2006, 17:00:03
Thanks for the tip.
I think this microorb technique is not going to be a problem for me since i practiced mobile body awareness and the invisible hand technique earlier and that off the energy rising from the feet is also handy i have done that before to supercharge my muladhara chakra and then shoot golden light energy against it from the sahasrara chakra to ignite kundalini energy currents, That is a agressive technique when putting all your mental power in it. give me a vometing feeling when overdoing it and pains in my back. Would not recommend this for easely spooked guys.

But thanks for the tips.


Greetings Astraluminated
Welcome to Energy Body and The Chakras / 3rd eye
January 24, 2006, 11:55:48
Thanks for the Technique Andoni,

What did you mean by making energy circles or microorbits, is it like making mini circles before your third-eye in clockwise direction? If that is so that only makes the feeling worse with me, but don't get me wrong it is not pain, just a intens cold windy feeling at my ajna chakra.

I guess i am gonna look for that thread, wish me luck


For the past half-year i also feel my third-eye chakra, even bij remotely thinking about it or even unintended when trying to reach F10.
It hasn't given me severe headaches yet, that may be because i have worked on my muladhara very often.
But what is also worth noticing is since a week or so the energy that i feel at my third-eye chakra is more cold then before, before it was a more burning sensations now it is more icy nature. This is problably duo to the cold kundalini energy which i feel during sahaja yoga meditation.

does anyone else experienced this change of energy at the third-eye?
If so i would like to know about it.

Well byby

Hello, i don't if this fits here but i will just spill it out here.

Althought i had never had a obe althought i am not sure i had lucid dreams but not that often.
Now however i am practising the F10 state.
And what i find usefull when i practice before i go to sleep, to place my arms above my head, and because i am not used to sleep this way it is very difficult for me to fall permanently asleep.
However i can relax with my arms this way so it does not interfere with the process.

It is not much of a technique but perhaps it may help some.

Much luck :grin:

Hello everybody off astral pulse,

I have already known this forum for some time but decided since recently to join.
I must say that this is one of the greatest resource on the web on the given subjects. So i am happy to be here.

A little something about myself now:
I am a 22 years old boy and i live in Belgium, i have been studiing parapsychology and other related things like OBE's and yoga and kundalini.
And about three months ago i started sahaja yoga, wich is a form of kundalini yoga and i am going to do a atma yoga training in the ardennes at the Hara krisna conscious movement at radhadesh which is for 40 day long and six days a week, so pretty intense. And i hope it will aid me on my spiritual path.

Well see you on the forums,


Welcome to Magic! / levitation
January 22, 2006, 15:29:54
hello, I guess i am going to bring this topic back alive but i think that must be done with may topics.

I have heard of this new movement which is started by Maharischi yogi, a yogi from india whom introduced transcendental meditation and he also teaches the yogic flying method in which he when in meditation hops from the floor and kind of bounches around.
The orginasation charges a lot off money for such teachings.
I think however that every time they hop from the ground they uses spikes of kundalini energy but cannot maintain the flight long because they are just energy spikes and not permanent.

well is anyone succeeds in this don't hop out off a window twelf high.

greetings astraluminated
Hello I Am,

I am new to this forum but however not new to the paranormal yoga and kundalini.

It happens to be that i have been doing sahaja yoga for about three months now, so i can tell something about it and its usefulness.

First of all theire are different yoga style and sahaje yoga is actually a kind of kundalini yoga system, the method off raising the kundalini at sahaja yoga is one off the most subtle and friendly method of raising it that i know. Most methods have a more agressive way of raising the kundalini while the sahaha yoga method does not, therefore the sahaja yoga method has less negative side-effects than other methods like pranayama or asana methods.
You can indeed truly say it is the more feminine way off raising that is also why there are so many females in my group :razz: .

I will now explaine the meditation:
You sit in a chair with straid back or in lotus asana(posture) on the floor with a blanked underneath. After that you make a kundalini raising movement with your hands which you place your left hand before your belly with the palm facing your belly and then with the right hand your circle around the left hand clockwise when vieuwed from your right, then while maintaining that movement your move your left hand slowly and steady while your right hand still circling the left hand upwurths until above the top off your head is reached, still do a couple off turns above your head and finally make a knot above your head to close the movement.
After this you repeat the process another two time only the second time you make two knots and the thirth time you make three, this represent the amount of central nadis which sahaja yogis work upon, which are called the left side is ida, or respectivally the cold and emotion or passive side and then you have the nadi in the middle which is called the sushamni nadi in which the kundalini current runs through when activated and then you have the right side which is called the pingali nadi which is the warm side which represent the action and active side.

after making the three movements you make the bandans those are movements with the arms to protect the chakras from inpuraties from outside. you place your left hand with palm up on your left knee and with your right hand you stroke from your left hand over your head and then back and doe this seven times, thus seven times up and seven times down.

Then you concentrate on your first chakra or/and place your right hand fingertips against it and repeat the affirmation; mother, give me divine innocents. when you begin to feel that point of concentration or feel warmth there then place the right hand on the left side off your second chakra, and repeat the affirmation; mother, give me divine knowledge, after you feel the warmth, after a minute or so place your right hand on the left side of your thirt chakra and speak the affirmation;mother i am my own master, and after you feel the warmth there also, place your right hand on the left side of your hart-chakra and speak(or think)the affirmation; mother, I am the spirit.
Then place the right hand on the left side off the neck and speak the affirmation; Mother, i am innocent.
Then place your right hand on your forehead(on your third-eye) and speak the affirmation;Mother, I forgive everyone including myself.
Then place your right hand on the back of your head and speak the affirmation; mother, please forgive the mistakes that i have made against myself.
Then place your right hand on the top off your head and speak the affirmation; Mother, give me self-realisation. your can repeat het affirmations as many times as deemed nessecary and off-course with sincerety.

After this you place your right palm firmly on top off your head and turn your head-skin seven times clockwise when vieuwed from the top and then raise the right hand about fifteen centimeters or seven inches from the top off the head and bring your point of focus and concentration just below the right palm and ofcourse above the head. And keep doing this as long as possible and then bring the right hand back and place it on the right knee with palm up and keep concentrating on the point above the head.

The objective here is off feeling a cold breeze on top off the head, this cold breeze that really seemed to be comming out off your head is determined to be kunalini-energy.

And at the end off the meditation or how long you want or can maintain it, you repeat the procedure with the hands which you begin with.

Mostly the only sensations you get is that off the cold breeze during the meditation, but other sensations might occurs when progressing in this yoga-system.

For those whom wish to awaken the kundalini i recommend using this type off awakening technique first duo off the lack off negative side-effects and the ease off which it can be peformed. and after you feel you energetic body is purified enough you can use the more agressive methods, because this method in particular is also very usefull in cleaning your nadis of blockades and other inpurities.
A very important note is this; the stronger the cool breeze is the more purified you have become, but yes there is a but, it can be at some days when you feel very good or very happy or connected to god-energy or are at a very spiritually strong place that the cold breeze is stronger than other days.
Only when it really feels like there is a constant airco in your head blowing very cool strong wind out of your head constantly during your meditation you can use stronger techniques to raise stronger currents off kundalini energy.

Sometimes that cool breeze can come up spontaniously without meditation, it happend to me three times, one time i was visiting the hara krisna conscioussness community in the ardennes when it happend, that breeze was cooler and stronger than i had ever felt and besides that my vision changed, i could see auras about three times better than normal and i could see the world differently i saw everything in a deeper meaning. this lasted about a couple of minutes. and a other time when it spontaniously happened was when i had concentrated a while on a symbol which is a circle with a dot in the middle.
and the other time was standing on a hilltop in the ardennes in belgium.
The pressence of kundalini energy was stronger during that holiday in the ardennes, problably of frequently visiting the hara krisna movement and the more spiritual landscape there.

Another observation of mine is that hatha yoga can greatly help this sahaja yoga meditation for cleaning and flexing the three major nadis.

Well i guess i have written enough for this post or it will get to boring to read i bett.
At least i hope that this technique may help many on the path of spirituality.
My hopes are strong for you, and off course i'll be happy to answer your questions, you can also email me at the given adress.

Much greetings astraluminated