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Messages - astraluminated

Welcome to Astral Chat! / Members Pictures 2006
March 05, 2006, 15:55:20
On this site are some pictures of me, but just one correction i am not 57 kg i am really about 80 someone made a mistake there, those evildoers
Those are nice pics SmileySpirit14 You look like a girl a guy should not mess with I guess i will speak very polite to you from now on lol
Hello everybody,

As everybody knows, in a lot of books and literature about philosophy they urge us to find the self within us. And my mother bought a book for me called Yoga teaching. And in that book they say that you have to ask yourself the question; Who am i?
Off course i had done that many times before but i thought; what the heck, lets give it another go. so i did.
So i asked myself 'who am i'a couple of times and began to eliminate what i am not, such as my body, my thoughts and my emotions because what one can perceive, one can not be, because if there is something of which you can separate, then that something can not define your self.
After that process i just remained with I I I I like me me me me. So many wise man say that the I is the ego and the self is also not the ego, so i was thinking where that self is, so i started looking in the spaces of my mind behind the concept of I, past the ego. And i felt myself digging deeper into that kind of void that lies past the I and ego.
And very oddly but true my attention got redirected to the area around my hart-chakra and that chakra started to get very active and a lot of pressure was building up there. And that experience explained allot.
According to the Hinduism the self or the spirit, our true essence recite in the hart-chakra where the goddess Shiva also recites.
The objectives in certain yoga teachings is to bring the spirit, the self in the sahasrara or the seventh-chakra by means of awakening the kundalini shakti.

So i was wandering if some of you could also try to find the location of our true self, to get past the ego and shared your findings. Ofcourse whe all know that the spirit or the self is in the hart but it would really be funny if whe could all physically confirm that.

well, hope to hear from anyone :lol:
Thats interesting about that aura thingy InnateBuddha, perhaps my aura vision will also improve with the attunements.
just a question can you also see colors in human auras?
Hello everybody,

my brother found this movie on the net that is really interesting it goes about ufo's and alliens and some other interesting stuff especially the end makes it all worth while.

Perhaps whe can discuse this video when some of you have watched it.

Hello everybody,

I have also requested my kundalini reiki attunements from stefan, its a luck for me that i already know stuff about kundalini since i am doing kundalini yoga for six months now. and on of the most common sensations in my yoga class is that type of cold feeling in your body that some of you describe, well that energy IS kundalini energy, so that stefan guy is problably someone whom can ignite the serpents powers in someone else at a distance.

Hello Groovygoddes, that is really a wonderfull experience, It also confirms some inportant things, that a higher self is watching your development and experience joy in that.
Perhaps the real goal is to merge with that higher self.

Thanks really inspiring.
Well thanks everybody for your great response,

I am gratefull to have had those experiences, but besides that i fully realise that i am far from my reall goal, to be able to project to the rtz or the astral planes in a controled manner and not just some lucky strike. I know this will prablably takes me years but that does not matter for me, because the journey itself is one of the greatest part.

And i really hope you'll have a great spiritual journey to.

Kind regards,
Hello the present moment,

I know i am being a real moran with this but you were wrong with that movie, the chair in the movie broke AFTER ellie unbuckled herself to inspect something at the window, and in your scenario she would have been killed and that's not what daddy would have wanted.

But i am really sorry for being so darn lame, but i could'nt help it.

Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Area 51
March 01, 2006, 13:42:44
Yes kiwi,

If one of us could break their problable psychic defenses then perhaps you could force them to hire you. that's how it sometimes goes with master hackers.
But it is not a carreer i would chose, being a government lapdog.
I also think that perhaps they hired alliens with more psychic capabilities to set up a psychic defense grid around secret military areas.
A little bit like the government offer humans as labrats and get other stuff in return.

Well that's my look at thinks
Hello andonitxo you really make a lot of sense and new is indeed very powerfull and usefull, although i should pay more attention to it, no i am doing sahaja yoga which is yoga to awaken the kundalini, but in a non-agressive way the feminin way they say so you won't get all those side-effects. But to be honest there are side-effects although they clean there would not be any, but these effects like headaches and strange feelings at my chakras are duo to the purifing proces that i just have to sit out, and help by meditation.

But i think i am gonna give new some more of my attention.

bye bye
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Area 51
February 26, 2006, 17:01:14
Hello Pikmin,

About area 51 the rumor goes that it is protected against psychic an paranormal intrusion some barrier they say even remote vieuwers don't seem to get past it. most secret american bases are psychic protected. or else everybody sees those alliens running around and stuff, would look ugly on the news you know.

Well thats what i know of it.

Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / This sucks.
February 26, 2006, 16:57:24
hello wockle,

Try downloading the boxed nirvana 2 from one of the sticky topics, and it took me about a year before i got results but only real succes when i started listening to boxed nirvana 2,
but really it differs from person to person,
but to tell the truth frustration is very common but also a great obstacles to get succes, try taking baby-steps first, you can read how i first got out at the astral experience forum topic;Finally.
But really don't practice till you get sick, it can take years before one can do this in a controlled manner, i most certainly know that it will take me years, perhaps sometimes it happens on occasion which was the case with me, in that case it is just about being lucky and not getting scared so you'll blow everything.

Really it is not like video games, read the manual an go, this is a full commitment practice but the reward at the end is problably and most certainly much better than a unlimited ammo cheat.

Good luck,

Welcome to Energy Body and The Chakras / Whats this?
February 26, 2006, 15:31:43
Hello E3, the cool wind on the top of your head is usually kundalini energy in weak currents that runs from the kundalini center near the muladhara chakra through the spine and out the top of the sahasrara chakra

Try surfing to for more information about the cool wind above your head, you can also find good techniques there.

Hello the present moment,

Mostly, balancing the chakras can lead to opening the chakras and start a purification proces within the chakras itself, so negative energy may start poring out of them, this could be the reason why you feel this way. I suggest try balancing them some more and try guiding negative energys to mother earth, or make circling movements with your fingers before the chakra in clockwise direction when vieuwed from your perspective and keep realising that you are not the negative energy that flows within you, just realise you are not a part of those emotions.

Hope it helps.

Welcome to Energy Body and The Chakras / Whats this?
February 25, 2006, 08:44:42
Hello Jalef,

That must have been an interresting experience you had there, just a question, the energy that was moving up the spine, did it felt kink of cold?
If this is the case then you could have had a kundalini awakening, which can be very intense in most cases. this is however not a uncommon phenonmena. and it is problably not harmfull, although you might feel some side-effects of it. but that differs from person to person. If it happens again perhaps you could try putting your hand above your head and see if you feel some kind of cool breeze coming out of the top chakra.

I hope this information explaines some things for you and if you have any more questions feel free to ask.

hello Innatebuddha,

That is really a strange experience, i have never heard of something like this before but perhaps it your girlfriend really has her third-eye opened perhaps you could ask her is she is psychic or something, and perhaps your auravision is devoloping.
Hello echo,

My opinion about your experience is that you prablably had a astral projection and not an obe in the real time zone. because when you first obe in the real time zone you need to adjust your senses first and such an experienced does not last very long in the beginning and mostly you are flouting in the air, and in the astral plane your subconsciousness makes an intire new world for your consciousness to move in and explore but there might be a slight possebility that the happenings in the astral could be the same as in the real time zone, but that is really speculative thinking on my part, don't even know if that is possible but i do think so because the subconsciousness has a vast aray of psychic and paranormal capabilitys that you simply cannot comprihend.

well that about my explanation, i hope it will make some sense.

Hello outsideinfluence, I think someone or a entity wanted to pull you out of your body, perhaps its intentions where not harmfull, perhaps he wanted to communicate or show you something or someone in some astral plane.
Perhaps the next time you should be a little more cooperative, but however if you are involved or has been involves in some kind of spiritism or contact with spirits like the ouji bord, then it would be best not to give in, because doing such things would leave unpretected.

Perhaps try reading high spiritual teachings like the bagavat-gita or others. this way bad spirits might leave you alone if you study spiritual teachings.

don't know about that aluminium thingy but i know some materials can block negative energys and some can channel them.

i hope this answers your questions
Hello dragonhawk, well if you look at your hands it would be counterclockwise, but for the audience in front of you it would be clockwise.
And perhaps you could visualize colours for each chakra the only problem is that in many teaching they give different colors to different chakras. but for the agnya or third-eye chakra it is mostly purple and for the sahasrara is white or blue/violet.
and of course you can do multipul sessions of seven circles at each chakra, you can stop if you feel cool energy comming out of the chakra, and that cool energy is kundalini energy, i learned this technique at sahaja yoga, if you would like to know the whole sahaja yoga meditation technique then go to and search for a small format movie of shri mataji. it is dutch but the movies should not be difficult to find and of course the video is spoken in englisch,
I hope this works for you, if you have more questions feel free to ask.

hello cereal,

heres one method; take the right hand and with your fingers pointed to your chakra make seven circles before it in clockwise direction vieuwed from in front of you. do this with every chakra from the first chakra to the seventh.

Hope this helps for you.
Welcome to Astral Projection Experiences! / finaly
February 24, 2006, 10:49:00
Hello everybody, i finnaly had my first obe about 2 weeks ago, could not wright urlier because computer was down.
well it went like this;
Well at the evening i listened to boxed nirvana 2 and went to sleep, and had a dream that i was in a large mall, It happened to be that i was lucid and my basic instinct took the best of me and i started bothering ladies because i was off course in control. well after herrassing some girls i got tired of doing this and because i was bored i took some piece of stone and started wrighting OBE on the concreet floor of the mall. and well i started getting back at my body but i firmly continuet to wright that until i was pulled back to my body, but i was actually pulled back to my astral body and whit my consciousness in my astralbody i started swinging in my physical body and after some effort i got out and flouted in my room could not see anything so i decided not to try because that would problably pull me back. so i continiut on touch alone, when i felt the floor i putted my astral hand through it, pretty funny that was. then i pushed my whole astral body through the floor which felt kind of cold, but the funny thing was that when i wanted to push myself from the floor with my hands my hands did not went through the floor. so intent is everything on this level of excistence.
after about 30 to 45 seconds i got pulled to a astral plane from the real time zone. I got in some kind of coastal small town. everything was solid unchangable by my imagination. It was morning so people where getting ready for the new day. and i flew around somewhat and tried to fly to space but my awareness level wasn't high enough for that, so i gave that up after a few tries and went on flying through the city and went visting a house where people where getting up from bed, but they did not see me, only theire jack-russel dog, he was barking to me, and the owners where looking strangely in my direction but did not saw me, i found that very amusing but decided to leave them alone and flew out off there house and saw the ocean in a distance, and i decide to try to fly right in it to see if it would take me back or if the projection would continiu.
After flying to it i dove in and saw a bright yellow lightflash before my eyes and i was back in my physical body, and remembered everything perfectly.

A few days later i again got back from a dream and started rocking in my physical body but did not managed to get out of it, but i did got my astral right arm separated from my physical arm but everything else was still in place. and i also saw my astral arm flouting above my physical arm, however this did not really excited me nor got i scared, again i found the situation rather amusing and i started pushing my astral hand through my phisical body, which felt pretty funny but my astral hand felt kind of cold in my physical body, but pushing through my bones was much more difficult. after about 50 seconds i lost control over my astral arm and my consciousness moved back to my physical body.

Well thats about it for no, but whenever something new happens i will post it on this thread.

Thanks for the link, now i know i am on the right track, i am doing sahaja yoga which involves opening all the chakra and especially the crown chakra, and it is true about the taking in more air element into your body, that is also what the plavini method does, that's like swalloing air in your stumich and old it and fill your longs with air, and one also needs control over the nerves lying near the hart-chakra, and off course a opened hart-chakra itself. It prablably takes a combination of different technique to achieve levitation, which takes off course very long to learn.
But i think awakening the kundalini is the most important thing to do prior to anything else.

If i know more you'll hear from me, byeee
man, you make me feel like some kind of grazy grunt, and you are being all secretiv for really no reason, the point being is that the maharishi group are really just a silly bunch, who wants to feel really special by keeping some levitation technique a secret, unless you pay big money for it and become as paranoid as them, besides in the maharishi group it is even never recorded someone flying longer then a couple of seconds.
I believe the members aren t even properly informed of the possible side-effects nor the energetic proces of the technique.
By my understanding to be able to levitate you first need control over the specific abilities of the mooladhara chakra and very good concentrating and a whole bunch of kundalini energy and perhaps also control over the anahata chakra and of course a highly purified energetic body and perhaps which might also help is mastery over the yoga kriya plavini method, but i don't know the finest of it.

But the best what i have heard myself about the yogic flying technique the maharishi yogis use is some kind of reproduction of the sensations they experience when hopping of the floor by means of using the muscles of the legs.

So theire is no need to be all so secretive becuase i am not some kind of stupid newbie whoms running after siddis whitout any effort, so runlola i am really trying to put up a conversation from which whe could learn, and use the shared knowledge to augment our understanding about the energetic bodys and its capabilities.

So now another request to members who know more specifics about this topic, lets share this knowledge and for those whom likes to desparetely keep it a secret; perhaps someone out there find even a more powerful technique and might not share it because you acted so silly before.
Besides no one can stop the natural spiritual evolution of mankind.

i mean like levitation, but for short periods, more like hopping from the ground in lotus position.

And i wandered if perhaps somebody knows the exact technique for doing this?