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Messages - owl

Hi newmethod,
try holding a herb in your hand and clear your mind of all thoughts. Pay attention to any sensations you feel in any part of your body. Then research the herb and see if it is used for heeling in the areas that you felt the sensations in. I have learned through the teachings of a Lippin Apache shaman that it is possible to hold a plant, know what it's used for and how to prepare it. You seem to tapping into this. I must say though to allways check at least 3 references before using any plants.

This is how the animals know what to eat, what not to eat and what plants they need to heel themselves. The only thing is is they don't think about it, they just know instinctively. Primitive peoples had this ability and some still do but modern humans have lost it or at least are not aware of it.
Quote from: peto lux lucis on March 18, 2009, 22:03:04
I too have this problem.  I start to relax, my body gets heavier and 'numb'.  My mind is relaxed but aware - then *boom!*, I have to swallow and it knocks me out of my relaxed state.  Any ideas?

I have this problem too. I read somewhere here to try and lay half on your side and half on your back. This seems to help me with the swallowing but it's a bit uncomfortable. Maybe try laying on your back but lay your head to one side.
Maybe this jolting is a common thing that happens to a lot of people. I just haven't heard anybody talk about it though. CFTraveler would probably know if it is common for people who meditate and practice obe stuff and such. Do you remember if you had these twitches and jolts before you started meditating years back?

For me these things seemed to start after I started using my mind in different ways.
Thats interesting, when I started meditating and started what I call becoming aware a few years ago my right eye lid would twitch uncontrollably. At first I didn't think to much of it but then I started thinking it had something to do with the things I was doing with my mind. The twitching lasted for about a year and then went away so I'm still not sure if it was connected to my mind stuff.

Now I have a new thing thats been happening for quite awhile now. When I am laying in a relaxed position I will get these jolts. Sometimes it is just my arm flying up or one leg jerking. It's like a jolt of electricity and my arm or leg will just jump up. This happened today as I was trying to take a nap but this time it was my whole body.

I don't know if any of this is connected to meditating and the mind stuff but I thought it was interesting that you brought it up.

Also I have never had any pain involved with my experiences.
you might be intrested in reading Hank Wesselmans books, SPIRITWALKER, VISSIONSEEKER, and MEDICINEMAKER. He writes about how he connects with himself as another person 5000 years in the future. Your experience is very interesting and I think you could take it to a whole new level.

Keep us posted, this is really cool.

This has happened several times to me too. It's a great experience for me because I feel all the exit sensations. I know what you mean about the static electricity. A while back I projected from a dream, as I was exiting my dream body I was a ball of swirling energy and I shot straight up into space in a split second then shot back into my body and woke up. We will get there sooner or later, at least dreaming about AP you know you are getting your intent to AP into your subconscience.  :-)

Hi summersolstice, yes I have read all the books. I was fascinated with them and couldn't put them down. I plan on reading them again this spring when I can read outside, I read them back in December and kind of rushed through them the first time. What ever or who ever Anastasia is I believe she has vast amounts of knowledge and wisdom. There are some things in the books that I have a hard time accepting as real or possible but I may wrong.

I think anyone who feels a connection with nature would enjoy these books. Also the explanations she gives on such things as the pyramids, stone henge, aliens and many other things really blew my mind.

Anyway, I think a lot of people here would enjoy the books. Please let me know your thoughts once you read them. There are allready Anastasia workshops going on in the US right now and in Russia there is a major Anastasia movement.

Hi bondgirl,
Artemisia vulgaris is mugwort, Artemisia ludoviciana is western mugwort, white sage, cudweed. The warning about abortion was only mentioned for the Artemisia vulgaris. This is in the Peterson field guide of "Eastern/Central Medicinal Plants and Herbs". It might be worth looking into further if you are concerned. Hope that helps.
I would be interested to hear others opinions on these books. You can learn about them at,

Quote from: Lighten on March 30, 2009, 21:32:05
You both seem to know a lot about herbs. Any other useful ones for dream or OBE?
Not sure, I'll have to look into it. I know more about medicinal values.
Hi bondgirl, thats pretty cool. There are two types of mugwort, western mugwort is also known as white sage. The other is just called mugwort. Do you know which one you are using? You should be able to find some growing in your area this spring. There is a warning about mugwort that it has been reported to cause abortion. Just thought I would mention that in case your thinking about becoming pregnant. Anyway I have some white sage so I'll give it a try under my pillow. It makes sense, white sage is a very sacred powerfull herb.
Thanks for the info, I think I will try to stay in the dream next time and take control from there. It will probaby take some time to program this into my subconscience but I know I can do it eventually. I have been working with my dreams for the last few years and feel like I am really getting good results.
In the dream I was walking with an old friend, we no longer talk but thats a another story. Anyway we came up to this lake with a little bay about 30 feet across, the water was crystal clear and about 4 or 5 feet deep. We instantly dove in to swim across. When we got out we started walking and I looked to my right and I saw this big long tunnel of snow, it went on for as far as I could see and there were other tunnels going off in different directions, I was amazed at the size of the tunnel. When I was looking at the tunnel I became aware that I was dreaming so I said to myself " I'm dreaming". I wanted to induce an obe. So right when I said this everything went black and my head was buzzing loudly. It was like I was standing in a strong wind blowing on the back of my head and past my ears. I tried to focus on the buzzing while at the same time tried to feel myself floating up. I could not catch the floating feeling because I was laying on my side and then it all faded away and I realized I was now awake.

So I am seeking any advice on what to do if this happens again. I am real excited about this because I have been using affirmations when I go to sleep telling myself that I will wake up in my dreams and this is the first time I actually woke up in a dream and was aware.

Any suggestions would be appreciated, thanks.
I will try not to make this to long so I will leave out a lot of details.
I have not had a conscience obe yet but I have had several dreams of leaving the body over the last few years.
I will start by saying that I have not been practicing lately because I have been in a somewhat negative state of mind and do not want to have a bad experience should I succeed.
Two nights ago I was dreaming I was in a bed at my grandmas house where she made me sleep in the upstairs attic room. I allways slept up there as a child. Grandmas house had what she called a poltergeist. There was a lot of activity in the house. My mother, sister and I dream about this place often and there is allways a negative presence there in our dreams.
So in this dream two nights ago I was in the bed there in my dream and I felt this negative presence curl up by my legs and was grabbing me. I decided to ask for protection and felt and saw myself fill with white light and instantly the presence left and I woke up.
Now to last night.
I was in the attic again in the bed in my dream. I wanted to have an obe but was afraid because I could feel this negative presence there watching me. I was very uneasy so I remembered that I could ask for protection and fill with light. As soon as I did this I filled with this HUGE force of energy and felt this incredable almost over whelming power an I was expanding up and over this negative presence and I could feel it was frightened by my power. I kept expanding and found myself floating to the ceiling. I went to the ceiling and stuck my head through the roof and then back to my body. I decided I would try spinning out of my body. I started spinning at a fast speed counter clockwise and could see through my eye lids the trees and leaves all spinning and I was thrown out of my body up into the trees.
I wanted to fly and was having trouble. I figured out the best way to fly and soon was flying all over the place. I won't get into all the details but in the end I met up with an old friend and told her I had to get back to my body. As soon as I told her this I woke up in my bed here in the physical.
So after having several of these obe dreams I am really curious as to what is going on. I feel, smell, hear and see everything in great detail in these obe dreams.
Has anyone else had experiences like these? 
Thanks for sharing that. I agree whole heartedly with this concept. I have not heard of the 90/10 principle but over the last few years I have been practicing this. Once I started to live like this I discovered how freeing it is. I no longer get stressed out about much of anything. I have also noticed that when you live this way you get into the flow of life and things just some how allways work out. I think if a lot more people would practice this there would be a huge shift in the global consciousness and the world as a whole would function and flow in a much more positive way. People would discover it feels good to live this way and they would also find that there body and mind would feel healthy again. Well I am just rambling on here, just wanted to say thanks.

This goes right with the Eckhart Tolle book ''A NEW EARTH AWAKENING TO YOUR LIFES PURPOSE" if you are living any one of these three things at all times , acceptance, enjoyment, or enthusiasm, your are living in accordance with your purpose.

Have a great day
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Re: Got it!
February 25, 2009, 23:40:36
you are really moving along with your projections, that's awesome.

So the question i want to ask first and foremost does anyone else go through this base emotions/instincts kinda thing when they project or is it just me?

I was just reading the other day a book by John Magnus, "ASTRAL PROJECTION AND THE NATURE OF REALITY". He talks about how he would project and would get caught up in acting out his sexual urges in the astral. He finally discoverd with the help of his guide that this was keeping him from progresing further. So he worked on manipulating his mind to get past this. When he would have a sexual encounter while projecting and he would tell himself things like, this can wait till later. Then he was able to move on and do the things he wanted to.

I don't know if this will help, I have'nt gotten out yet, and when I do I'll probably get caught up in the same kinda thing. Really it probably would be fun to have astral sex, but I can see how it could really  limit your expierences and growth.

Anyway good luck
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: The Last Day
February 21, 2009, 23:03:09
I too would like to see the story continue.
I hear the voices too. I think they are probably there for everyone but people who are working on projecting are more aware off the things that are happening in our minds. I often wake up with statements in my head that I would never have come up with on my own. The last time this happed I woke up saying in my mind "RE-CREATION IS THE CAUSE OF EXPANTION IN THE UNIVERCE" not something I would come up with out of the blue. So I am not sure where the voices come from but I feel we learn things in our sleep. So I don't think your going nuts, your just noticing more.
Yes I have had this happen. A while back I had a dream where I was telling my friend in the dream that I was seeing in the dream world but was physically awake. In the dream I could see in the sky what looked liked 6 parachutes floating but no one else could see them. The dream kept on, and in the dream I kept floating in the air with no control. Throughout the dream I kept seeing the parachutes untill I finally woke up with my eyes open looking at the wall in my room where there were some paint chips on the wall that were the parachutes I was seeing. Weird feeling.
Quote from: JeanBelieves on February 17, 2009, 15:25:29
It's not that I believe, but it's more the 'what if god was really telling us not to do this kinda thing because it would be dangerous' factor. Sounds silly, but you know. Demons, spirits. It's not very... comforting. Simply put, I don't know what to believe. But I didn't believed much anyway, so perhaps I just pray or something and curse less and see what happens when I try OBE. Hehe.

The way I look at it, is if there is a god and we were created by this god with the ability to travel in the spirit then why should we not. I believe the search for finding our own truths about where we came from why we are here and where we go when we die is perfectly natural.

Good luck in your search
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Re: Got it!
February 15, 2009, 20:53:46

sounds like a great expierence. It is nice to see someone who has been working on projecting acomplish there first oobe. I have not yet had a conscious oobe, but last night I woke up and recalled being half out of my body and stuck. Not sure if it was a dream or what.

I am not expierenced enough to answer your questions, but I have read many times that once you have had your first oobe you are well on your way to having more.

If it were me I would go for it as often as you wish. I would think having your expierence fresh in your mind would really start the ball rolling. It's great motivation and now you know it is real and you have expierenced it.

So good luck and happy travels


"The mind screen is where it's at!"

yes I agree, for me by watching or waiting for something to appear while at the same time listening to the ringing in my ears it helps to keep my mind from wandering off.

"Phasing--nearly, if not total, physical immersion into dreamstate and other dimensions, ranging from spiritual to parallel realities. Authors Monroe, Kepple, Moen describe these."

Awesome stuff, I will study more on what these authors have written. I have read some of Franks stuff and am amazed at his findings.

"With regard to guides, personally, I've 'asked' numerous times, but still no response. Maybe I'm deaf."

I know what your saying. I ask for them all the time and have not met with them yet that I remember. I feel something though and often I feel like I am learning things when I sleep but can not remember. I can recall the setting and the learning envirnment but not what the teaching was. I belive our guides are there and hear us, but for me it is a slow process. I bet you are not on your own and it is just a matter of time.

when you say you shot out of bed wide awake did you mean wide awake physical or obe?

On the subject of guides, I have noticed or felt the presence of something around me more and more over the last few years. I have also seen this eye that shows up. I have seen it in my journeys to my medicine area and I had also seen it in a past life regression session that I had. It shows up when I am in meditation too. I feel like I am being watched and when they feel I am ready I am given a little help or something that keeps me working on my spiritual development. So don't forget to call to your guides, I feel like they are there to help when we are ready.

Since my last post I have done some digging around here and there is a lot of info on the phasing in the old discusions with Frank.

Let me know if you get anywhere with the phasing.   
First off I send a thank you to Escape Velocity for some info on another post that led to the Frank Kepple resource.

So I went bed, made some affermations and directed my conversation to any guides or helpers that might be listening. I spoke to them saying that I would like to meet them so that I could learn and grow and these sorts of things.

Ok, after all that I did my usual body relaxing and energy bouncing, I just went to noticing anything that showed up on my mind screen. After catching my mind drifting off a few times and bringing it back a scene formed and I willed myself into it. I just walked in, but just after I walked in I lost all awareness. Well this went on for about an hour, in and out of scenes. I would come back to awake, watch another scene form, step into it and loose awareness. The last time I woke my body was vibrating not real strong but kind of rummbling or rippiling and I felt that my hands were floating about 6 inches above my physical hands. I told myself to relax and not think about the hands and step into another scene. Well I was kinda facinated with the floating hands and lost focus on my mind screen and soon found myself wide awake. So I gave up and went to sleep. I also want to say that the whole time this was going on I felt a warm presence with me or behind me the whole time and I felt like I had communicated with this presence but could not remember anything.

What was cool was this was the first time I tried this technique and it seems to work for me. So I am wondering if anyone here has used the phasing technique and any tips they might have.

Nice post Escape velocity. I now reallize I am probably not relaxed enough. I can recall times that I have been sleeping and heard myself snoring and was aware that I was sleeping but did not have enough clarity of mind to really do anything. Your post gave me something to shoot for, hope it helps saberdog too.