Not Dec. 21, 2012... but Oct. 14, 2008?????

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Quote from: Stookie on October 01, 2008, 11:55:24
Here's a depiction of the gnostic veil that someone else posted here a while back:

The original gnostics believed the veil is the physical world and the physical body, created by Satan to deceive man and keep him from knowing his true self and God. Some believe the veil is created by ego, and our goal is to alchemically transform ego into spirit, or something of that nature.

And I bet that CFTraveler knows much more about this stuff than me and my armchair mysticism :)
I know nuthin'. 
But I will say that in premedieval times the early christians believed that the sky was made of copper and was shaped like a dome- hence the word 'firmament'. (Which means 'firm').  However, my very little knowledge of ancient gnosticism revolves around a system of thought that involved a pseudo-god who created the world out of his own belief, not knowing he was the offspring of Sophia (knowledge).  This stemmed from the idea that a god that creates situations that are not so good can't be so good.  Hence the veil in which reality is dual, separating it from nondualism, which this pseudo god doesn't even know about, being limited in understanding.
As you can imagine, I don't subscribe to gnostic dualism but see why they thought what they thought...... :-D


There is a book called Alien Interview with information from Matilda O'Donnell MacElroy. It could just be some dang good made up story or truth. *shrug*

I have a PDF of the book which you can find in book stores in print as well.  Pretty much it boils down to we are in a "prison" developed by the Old Empire which has been ran out of this part of the galaxy by The Domain.  We are all spirits which were caught in "traps" or sentenced to this prison by the Old Empire.  A younger government, as you may call it, now rules this area and is named "The Domain" and it's their ship that was downed in Roswell.  Matilda O'Donnell MacElroy is the female nurse who was the one who received the mental communication between the "alien." Supposedly the spiritual being (aka: alien) would only speak with her and no one else.  She had a pure and concerned spirit which it sensed. The spiritual being told her that 3000 of their own spiritual beings were trapped here. Yada-yada-yada. Point being, we are trapped here and reincarnated back with our mind wiped each time. In a short while (thousands of years our time) The Domain will remove the "traps" keeping us bound to this planet.  They say maybe we can free ourselves by being more spiritual and unlocking our memory to escape.

Here is an interview with the author of the book.

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Part 5:

Ok, now I am NOT trying to offend anyone here with my next comment so please don't flame me. The spiritual being explains how religion was first created by the Old Empire to keep us in line, fearful, and to look to the Prison Guards as Gods.  The Domain changed some things in the religion later when they ran the Old Empire out of this area.  I personally keep an open mind because what's told in this book could be real. Then again it could have been a LOT of information on history made to look fake. 

I hope my first post isn't going to start a fight =\

But anyways if the Federation of Light is here to open us up this goes along with what The Domain's future goals.


Quote from: CFTraveler on October 02, 2008, 15:07:28
I know nuthin'. 
But I will say that in premedieval times the early christians believed that the sky was made of copper and was shaped like a dome- hence the word 'firmament'. (Which means 'firm').  However, my very little knowledge of ancient gnosticism revolves around a system of thought that involved a pseudo-god who created the world out of his own belief, not knowing he was the offspring of Sophia (knowledge).  This stemmed from the idea that a god that creates situations that are not so good can't be so good.  Hence the veil in which reality is dual, separating it from nondualism, which this pseudo god doesn't even know about, being limited in understanding.
As you can imagine, I don't subscribe to gnostic dualism but see why they thought what they thought...... :-D
Oops... I didn't mean to imply you subscribe to gnostic beliefs, I just assumed you're more knowledgeable on the subject than me.  :)

I mean, come on, satan creating the world as an illusion - that sounds like a crazy science fiction movie involving people in leather and sunglasses doing kung-fu.


Quote from: Stookie on October 03, 2008, 11:19:52
Oops... I didn't mean to imply you subscribe to gnostic beliefs, I just assumed you're more knowledgeable on the subject than me.  :)

I mean, come on, satan creating the world as an illusion - that sounds like a crazy science fiction movie involving people in leather and sunglasses doing kung-fu.

If Lucifer is a symbol for the mind then it makes sense.
"What are you doing here, Nasrudin? his neighbor asks. "I'm looking for a key which I lost
in the wood?" Nasrudin replies. "Why don't you look for it in the wood?" says the neighbor,
wondering at Nasrudin's folly. "Because there is much more light here"


I thought the gnostics called the creator either Yahweh or Yaldabaoth, not satan or lucifer-

Thanks for the vote of confidence Stookie- I  have some gnostic friends and like some gnostic gospels (like the Gospel of Thomas) but not others.  I didn't think you thought anything in particular, I just wanted to clarify that little detail.
I'm sure there have to be some gnostics around here that can explain their cosmology better, 'cause I really don't know nuthin'.




The brain trust here at the Vitruvian Institute has confirmed that there will indeed be a large circular object appearing overhead the night of 14 October 2008 - the full moon. The inescapable conclusion: the Lunarites (i.e. 'loonies') are coming.
For the Institute,

kurai kokoro

Somehow I feel that they indeed could be from farther away, say the orion constilation at the center star of orion's belt. (by the way my crystal was taken.)
"I am the Phoenix that engulfed the dragon."


Somethings definitely going on today...  cuz I can't think of anything smart-@ssed to say about it.


So where is it? Where is the UFO we were promised? Come on!



The day has not ended, and already you have lost faith.

Steel Hawk

It's a media blackout, they already came I am on the mothership now.


LOL. Yeah, things aren't looking too promising for the fervent believers. To be fair though, one of the channelings stated:
QuoteWe WILL do as we say and before the 15th Oct has come to pass in all corners of your globe this event shall have come to fruition for all to glory in. We shall surprise many in how this all comes about. We say this to you people of earth who are in anticipation of the greatest vibration ...

So I'm willing to give it until the 16th but chances are looking slim. Plus who knows what they mean by "We shall surprise many in how this all comes about." Maybe the surprise is they DON'T show up on the 14th and pop in on 15th instead? Either way you want to spin it, if nothing shows up by the 16th there's no amount of theorizing that would excuse the message of "We will definitely show up and everyone will definitely know it." Already there are posts and videos saying.. "well, this was a test by the aliens and look at how we've all united as one.." NOPE. They promised a ship and I want that ship! But apparently Steel Hawk is there already! How is it? Do they have space nachos?


You know who I feel most sorry for? The guy that runs this site:

(Yeah, I got it back!)


according to , it can arrive anytime between now and february because of the nature and progression of linear time. Not quite sure what that means but it may make sense.


Oh sure, now it's FEBRUARY! Heck, I just sold everything but my sleeping bag (in case the Mothership doesn't have bunks) . . . what am I supposed to do until February??

kurai kokoro

I thought they was supposed to broadcast on all channels and through our minds, well i wouldn't have seen it anyway i fell asleep.
"I am the Phoenix that engulfed the dragon."


Quote from: Vitruvian on October 14, 2008, 20:30:36
Oh sure, now it's FEBRUARY! Heck, I just sold everything but my sleeping bag (in case the Mothership doesn't have bunks) . . . what am I supposed to do until February??

Serious or Sarcasam?


"If safety cannot be assured for people on the planet and souls in the star nations themselves for their announced appearance October 14, the delay in that occurrence would not be lengthy--simply, the time for this has come. And when it happens, it will be extremely disruptive especially within the US government..."     From Matthew's message


Yeah, she locked it down to only "subscribers" or users she allows. Which absolutely makes sense if you had a chance to catch all the hateful, spiteful comments that were being left there. I do expect her to come out and say something about this though.


QuoteSerious or Sarcasam?
See my previous posts in this thread - my idea of humor.
PS - just to put a fine edge on it, I'd go with 'facetious':
1 : joking or jesting often inappropriately : waggish <just being facetious>
2 : meant to be humorous or funny : not serious <a facetious remark>

kurai kokoro

then explain why my mom and I's geoed crystals just vanished, I left it there for a couple weeks and it disapeared just a week ago, and my mom says her crystals also disapeared from her secreat hiding space which only I know where it is and i'm like 2-3 hundread miles away. and no one here has even known that I left my crystal outside. so explain that.
"I am the Phoenix that engulfed the dragon."


I doubt Blossom Goodchild will show her face again. In all likeliness, she used this as a ploy to sell her books and profit, and my bet is she took the money and ran. It wasn't here real name, who knows what she'll go by now, and she's probably retiring on the beach in Tahiti with gullible people's cash. She knew her "Galactic Federation" crap wouldn't work much longer and figured it was time to cash in or get out.

I suppose it's possible that it was really channeled, and she really believed it, but it was some just some frat ghosts playing a prank on her. If that's the case, I bet they're doubled over laughing right now. Another reason not to believe anything channeled.

It's both irresponsible and cruel to play off of peoples' hope for a better world. It's also a warning: Don't believe any channeled message, no matter how much "Love and Light" it's full of. Channeled messages are always either wrong or unprovable, and the new age movement is more full of it than Christianity. Find your own reality, stop believing in someone else's.