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Steve G. Jones, a con artist?

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Mini stapler

25k for a 2 hour session!!!  :-o No doubt that's a lot! But then I guess you have to ask how is he spending the money, how does he live, I think that would give a more critical understanding of his character... I don't think making large amounts of money off what he knows is a bad thing, and if people have more money than they know what to do with, I see nothing wrong with them paying large amounts and then him using that money in a positive way that could help others or open up opportunities for others to help themselves... but on the other hand, if he lives in a house with 10 rooms, only using one, has 8 high end sport cars and 3 yachts, and is versed in tax avoidance, I think it would be fair to say he's a con man. lol

(On a side note that has reminded me of something I saw today; the guy who presents rougue traders, investigating con men and catching con men, was sent to jail for benefit fraud...)

But I don't think even then that takes away from information he gives, even if he is only repeating information from research done by others.
I don't buy stuff anyway, I learn everything from myself and people like you guys who are living it and don't have monetary incentives to deceive and then come to my own conclusions, although you might all be stark raving mad!  :wink:  :lol:


my mom watches televangelist peter popoff on TV and believes he is a prophet. here's some dirt on him... i don't believe that the wisdom he preaches is necessarily gained through personal experience -if it were, i believe he would be more ethical and less focused on obtaining riches for himself and promising it to his followers. however, he probably helps a lot of people. are his motives geared toward helping people, or himself?

steve jones claims you can meet your soulmate via mystical methods. if he were that advanced wouldn't he understand the importance of altruism? or wouldn't he have a better sense of fair-play when charging people to help them lose weight? some of the posts in this thread make it clear that jones' programs do work, so we can't throw the baby out with the bath water.  the same situation applies to popoff -he probably helps a lot of people.

either way the inclination to judge these guys is going to affect most people.


Benny Hinn in the US

Sally Morgan, Colin Fry, Derek Acorah in the UK

Actually I quite like Derek Acorah, he's a"medium" here in the UK. Has been caught cheating, but he's an absolute hoot

Colin Fry was caught cheating during a seance. They turned the lights on unexpectedly and he was standing on his chair waving a spirit trumpet.

Sally Morgan was "allegedly" caught using an earpiece and repeating information passed to her by assistants. She's suing for defamation, but was caught more recently. repeating a completely fabricated story which investigators had primed her team with.

Derek Acorah similarly repeated a fabricated story which the TV crew had been primed with.

It's depressing. But I still think Derek is hilarious, check out the link above, watch the whole thing, the TV crew crack up in tears of laughter at the end.
The bad news is there's no key to the Universe. The good news is it's not locked. - Swami Beyondananda

Mini stapler

Quote from: catmeow on July 18, 2012, 19:26:45
Benny Hinn in the US

Sally Morgan, Colin Fry, Derek Acorah in the UK

Actually I quite like Derek Acorah, he's a"medium" here in the UK. Has been caught cheating, but he's an absolute hoot

Colin Fry was caught cheating during a seance. They turned the lights on unexpectedly and he was standing on his chair waving a spirit trumpet.

Sally Morgan was "allegedly" caught using an earpiece and repeating information passed to her by assistants. She's suing for defamation, but was caught more recently. repeating a completely fabricated story which investigators had primed her team with.

Derek Acorah similarly repeated a fabricated story which the TV crew had been primed with.

It's depressing. But I still think Derek is hilarious, check out the link above, watch the whole thing, the TV crew crack up in tears of laughter at the end.

haha Derek is pure entertainment to watch, bit OTT and I've never been able to quite believe him because of his very umm flamboyant style lol but still very entertaining. Did not know he had been caught cheating though. Colin fry... I remember hearing about that and laughing quite hard at the scenario, must of been THE most awkward moment ever!

I was thinking, I said before I don't don't buy any books on the subject or anything and I'm likely missing out, I'm not really into the binary beat stuff or guided meditation mp3's, but what would you guys say would be a couple of "must read" books...

Edit - I gotta stop doing this, just looked around the forum for suggestions on good books, and instantly find a recent post! I will learn to search before asking one day :P


Ahh, our Derek, the guy with wooden marbles in his pocket.
"Who threw that?", what a giveaway!
Entertainment with a twist.
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.


Steve G Jones claims to be one of the worlds leading hypnotherapists.

Yet it's impossible to get to know where he got his hypnotherapy education.
It's not really possible to get to know what he means with "worlds leading expert",
or among whom he is regarded as "an expert".

When making a search on "steve g jones Scam", most of the hits are on marketing
pages by Jones or similar selling sites, which is kind of strange in my opinion.

I can find very few sites mentioning any detailed success stories on Jones stuff,
and what I find is very sketchy. There are almost no experiences of Jones own's
on the astral.

Having watched several video clips with Jones, I must say that there is something
dishonest with this person, in my opinion. Or maybe he is just a poor video talker.
But what he says sounds often very cut up, faked/constructed, and too short.

When I try to find any independent source of information on Steve Jones, it's almost
impossible, because I constantly hit aggressive marketing pages on his products,
promising "unlimited confidence" or "stop smoking and loose weight".

But on the side of verifications or anything scientific I will have to say things look
very poor. Too much details are lacking in my opinion. I would suggest that people
be a little more questioning than just accepting those marketing pages claims.

What Jones talk about may fit simple souls, but I really doubt that he has found anything
which he hasn't either copied or made up, with little or no research background on his

Those few persons who talk about their astral projections very seldom refer to Jones
products for their success. I just get the impression that these people are very skilled
in astral projection, regardless of any CD products.


Apparently you can buy Steve G Joes penis enlargement hypnosis program,
and here is a more specific:

Steve G Jones hypnosis Penis enlargement CD, by all natural hypnosis. Yes, "natural" like out in the nature..

There is also a sample on his site. I almost can feel my penis grow... :/

I really, really doubt this is more than a con.

At best, you get a placebo penis.
Former PauliEffect (got lost on server crash),


Either try it or don't try it.   You judge too much.  :-)


Xanth, I find it a little disturbing that you and Lionheart question Steve G Jones
so little. From my point of view Steve G Jones shows the traits of a con man.
As I perceive it, his video clips have the air of scam, bluff and hoax, with the
intent to make money on naive people.

I'm wondering why you from time to time have expressed yourself in a way which
could be viewed as sort of degrading on OBE persons who have backed their claims
with tons of descriptions of their own experiences like Monroe, Moen or RB. And at
the same time you seem to support people who have little (or none) backing of their
claims about the nonphysical (by their own experiences), persons like Steve G Jones,
Kepple and Campbell. The big difference with the last two persons is that they don't
try to make $25k on client phone calls, and Campbell also recommends people to be
openminded sceptic, a thing Jones certainly doesn't.

And in such an obvious case as Steve G Jones, I had hoped for a little more critical

With the risk of making this discussion ridiculous, what happens if someone thinks he has
managed to make his penis too big with the help of Steve G Jones hypno-CD? Can Steve
G Jones give a treatment like "Shrink your penis by natural hypnotherapy" for only $XXX?
Former PauliEffect (got lost on server crash),


Quote from: Pauli2 on July 19, 2012, 09:36:21
I'm wondering why you from time to time have expressed yourself in a way which
could be viewed as sort of degrading on OBE persons who have backed their claims
with tons of descriptions of their own experiences like Monroe, Moen or RB. And at
the same time you seem to support people who have little (or none) backing of their
claims about the nonphysical (by their own experiences), persons like Steve G Jones,
Kepple and Campbell.

Pauli makes a good point. In order to bring OBE's into a scientific and reproducible phenomena, we need to have the critical awareness thinking.

Mini stapler

His website is very in your face, 'as seen on - fox news, CBS, CNN NBC' Well what does that mean... I think straight away you have to ask why is this person being presented to the public by the mainstream media... Mainstream media tend towards the presentation of egotistical and materialistic music, films, information etc and have been known on occasion to warp things to appear to be something they're not, for what ever reason... So why is this guy, who is stepping up with a positive, spiritual message, take control of your life, astral projection, find your soul mate, etc etc being presented to the public by mainstream media?

I know from my perspective, I listen to some British artists, who are intelligent, spiritually, socially and politically aware, who try to send out something closer to the truth than you will get from most mainstream music, touching on real life concerns that make you think, not what cars they own, how hard, good looking or rich they are, but these people you will not really see in the mainstream media, you won't hear their songs about consumerism on the radio, or videos about social and political concerns on the t.v, they skim a bit too close to truth for that.

It may just be me, as this is simply my view, but to me this gives me an idea of what main stream media wants to present to the public and what it does not, this leads me to the need to question further his authenticity as some one on a path away from materialism and ego, someone with real understanding and knowledge - I mean a hypnoses track to increase the size of your penis... is that not the appitimy of egotism... would it not be of more help to make a hypnoses track to wake you up and know that the size of your penis is irrelevant and will not in any way shape or form bring any real happiness. (is it just me who wants to crack an immature sex joke here... )  :lol:

I'm a bit biased though, I have issue with anything in mainstream media, it instantly puts me on guard, if I have interest in it I have to do more digging, cause I simply don't trust information to be full, correct and in context when it's pushed in mainstream. Not to say I just accept info from other places at face value, mainstream just puts me in auto research mode straight away, if I'm interested. Between what I read, this penis enlargement hypnoses and the video I watched on his site, I'm inclined to believe he's all about the money; he may well be a top notch hypnotherapist, and may well of had AP experiences, but I wouldn't hold him up as someone with any real insight of his own outside of marketing and manipulation. Though that's not to say he doesn't have good information, I just doubt it is his own from what I saw.

But then it's just my opinions, my opinions are probably of about as much value as his penis enlargement tape. :lol:


Will someone send all their money for this CD.
Them we can all see who's the biggest willy.
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.


Well, for what it's worth, I'm totally with Pauli on this. Talking common sense!
The bad news is there's no key to the Universe. The good news is it's not locked. - Swami Beyondananda


First (and I want to make this 100% crystal clear), I have never heard of this dude before, nor have I any idea who he is or what he's about. 
And honestly, I really don't give a damn either way.

Regardless of how other people "perceive" him, the fact remains that people have had success with his "program". 
I can't deny that.  We have multiple individuals on this very forum giving firsthand "successful" testimonial.

And if I was having issues projecting and I had money to burn, I might give it serious consideration to buying the program and trying it.

Suffice to say... how you perceive things might not always line up with what they actually are.  Some of you *COULD* be 100% correct about him.
I'm NOT saying this guy isn't a con man... I honestly really couldn't care less if he is, but if he's helping people to project, who am I to argue?
A perceptual example: My first impression of Michael Raduga's website was that it sold softcore porn guised as an astral projection program.

Tom Campbell also says that if the data/information you get from something is helpful to you in some way... why does it matter where it came from?

Quote from: todd421757 on July 19, 2012, 09:53:38
Pauli makes a good point. In order to bring OBE's into a scientific and reproducible phenomena, we need to have the critical awareness thinking.
In order to bring OBE's into a scientific and reproducible phenomenon we need one simple thing: For people (mostly scientists) to open their mind to the possibilities.

Quote from: catmeow on July 19, 2012, 18:31:44
Well, for what it's worth, I'm totally with Pauli on this. Talking common sense!
Then don't do his program, nobody is forcing you guys to do it.  See how simple that is?  :)


Quote from: Xanth on July 19, 2012, 18:59:14
First (and I want to make this 100% crystal clear), I have never heard of this dude before,
nor have I any idea who he is or what he's about. 

Are you serious?

Never heard of?

Lionheart has pointed out the excellence of Steve G Jones' CD-pack time and time
again on the Pulse. He has for example compared the price to that of Gateway Wave.

You can't suddenly make such a claim.
Former PauliEffect (got lost on server crash),


Pauli, I don't have the time to read EVERY SINGLE POST every single person makes on this site.


Quote from: Xanth on July 19, 2012, 19:46:34
Pauli, I don't have the time to read EVERY SINGLE POST every single person makes on this site.

You have Steve Jone's name quoted in the following post.;msg292206#msg292206


Quote from: Xanth on July 19, 2012, 19:46:34
Pauli, I don't have the time to read EVERY SINGLE POST every single person makes on this site.

But you have read some of Lionheart's posts.

Do google " steve jones lionheart" and you
may get a 100 hits.
Former PauliEffect (got lost on server crash),

Mini stapler

This is a bit pointless - I think authenticity should be talked about and cared about, it does matter, people come to places like this for information on this topic, so it should be talked about, but without turning into all sorts of madness. Whether Steve G Jones is a con artist or not, we all have our views on it, and that is a good thing, it gives a fuller picture, but trying to prove one wrong or right is fruitless, anyone outside reading this, can look at it see the differing points of view, maybe go off and have a deeper look into it themselves and make up their mind about it. I don't think it matters If Xanth knew who the guy is, my gut says if he remembered the guy he'd say he did, but then I don't really think it matters either way, he made his point, and a valid one, that if it helps people to AP it's a good thing - but like I said that does not exclude discussion about the validity of the 'teacher' or what ever you want to call him.


Quote from: todd421757 on July 19, 2012, 19:53:19
You have Steve Jone's name quoted in the following post.;msg292206#msg292206
Would you prefer "I have no memory of" instead?  LoL

You'll also find that I've never made any reference to him in any of my posts on the Astral Pulse, ever.  ;)
This thread would be the first.

Quote from: Pauli2 on July 19, 2012, 20:01:53
But you have read some of Lionheart's posts.

Do google " steve jones lionheart" and you
may get a 100 hits.
Check out how many of those posts I put a reply in... chances are good there will be very few, if any at all.


Never heard of the guy either, but I agree with Xanth.  If you wanna try it, try it.  If it works it works, if it doesn't, it doesn't.  If something helps you, who cares where it comes from.

I used to work for a psychic that I think is a bit of a con man (not that I doubt his ability completely, but he charges a lot of money for private readings and sells the crap out of himself), but he was still very well versed in occult studies and i learned a great deal from him in that regard.
be awesome.


Quote from: Xanth on July 19, 2012, 18:59:14Tom Campbell also says that if the data/information you get from something is helpful to you in some way... why does it matter where it came from?

If it works. Do you believe that it works?

Do you believe that anyone can make their penis grow by help of
Steve G Jones Penis enlargement CD, all natural hypnosis ?

Do you think it is possible to make any body part grow or shrink by hypnosis?

Increase body height by hypnosis? In only 21 days?

Female Breast enlargement?

By hypnosis?

Former PauliEffect (got lost on server crash),


The law of attraction?
Does this have anything to do with it too?
Placebo effect in action, I wonder.
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.


Quote from: Szaxx on July 20, 2012, 06:08:07
Placebo effect in action, I wonder.

In my opinion, this likely will explain the results.


Now ask yourself this: what IS the placebo effect?  Why and, more importantly,  HOW does it explain the results?

It's all good to say that it's just the placebo effect... But it's still an unknown in the scientific world.
In other words saying something is the placebo effect is a cop out.   It means you have no idea how to describe or define what's actually happening.   :-)


Quote from: Xanth on July 20, 2012, 07:41:33
Now ask yourself this: what IS the placebo effect?  Why and, more importantly,  HOW does it explain the results?

It's all good to say that it's just the placebo effect... But it's still an unknown in the scientific world.
In other words saying something is the placebo effect is a cop out.   It means you have no idea how to describe or define what's actually happening.   :-)

The placebo effect happens when a stimulation of mechanoreceptors or proprioceptors block the pathway of nocioceptors (pain and other displeasure sensation receptors) into the dorsal horn of the spinal cord.

Stimulation of mechanoreceptors or proprioceptors after blocking nocioceptors may lead to states of euphoria, greater vitality, or thinking progress is being made. But the nocioceptors are still present. They are just being blocked. As soon as the mechanoreceptors or proprioceptor input is stopped, the nocioceptors will be activated again.

Mechanoreceptors and Proprioceptors can be stimulated in many ways.

This explains the theories of mind over matter. This explains how drugs (prescribed and illegal) work. This explains how meditation works. This explains how hypnosis works. And this explains hows massage, biofeedback, and many health care treatments work.

Unless you can keep the mechanoreceptors and proprioceptors stimulated for a long time, then you are only achieving a temporary state.