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Gateway Experience

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Quote from: Nameless on September 03, 2023, 10:07:17That is one good looking harvest Blossom.
You have a flower fairy lurking in your garden.

Thank you!! I love gardening in the spring. That flower fairy is welcome anytime. :-D

"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
In Alice in Wonderland by 'Cheshire Cat'



Well, since I've learned how to use Audacity, I ripped the .cda on the disk that I am supposed to listen to for 21 straight days and made it an mp3.  I added Jurgen to the end of it --  his Multidimensional Man, which I love. I added it playing three times to the end of Dr. Steve.  :-D  It's a little over two hours in length.

I went to bed last night listening to my ripped mp3.  Even though it was long, I had it on repeat.

During Dr. Steve's portion, I fell asleep and woke up twice while the mp3 was playing the first time around. 

The first time I woke up to Dr. Steve, I was absolutely in a deep meditative state.  I stayed awake as long as I could and just really got into what he was saying.  I just flowed with his background noise. It was beautiful.  But I fell asleep at some point.. I suspect I was awake around 10 min or so.  Not long.   

The second time I woke, it was getting toward the end of Dr. Steve's portion on the tape.  Probably 10 min or so until his portion ends and Jurgen takes over. I was in some sort of dark floaty place, not the void.  But I was definitely in some sort of trance state upon awakening.  I tried hard to only listen to Dr. Steve's voice and to stay coherent.  But I fell asleep..  :roll:  again...

When I came to for the third time, Jurgen was playing.  The tape of Jurgen had passed all the OM portions of his recording, which are at the beginning of his tape. I have no way of knowing if it was the first, second, or third insert of MultiDimensional Man I had added behind Dr. Steve. I only know it was after the OM portion. 

But this third time -->> when I regained consciousness (woke up during Jurgen), I was out of body and floating INSIDE my body:-o  :-D  :-o  :-D And my astral body was lying face down, and not face up, INSIDE my physical body. I just kept listening to Jurgen in the background and marveled at the state I was in. In the position I was in, I could see through my physical body and see the bed below me, which was just a few inches away from my astral face. I started trying to move my fingers and toes but fell back asleep pretty quickly I think. I wasn't coherent for long. A few minutes. Just long enough to know what was happening.  I completely forgot how to move away from my physical body even though I was fully conscious inside my astral body.  :lol:  :lol:  :lol: I couldn't figure out how to move away, how to fly, how to bounce.  haha.  I have read everything, listened to everything and I went blank. It wasn't excitement that made me go back to sleep or jump back into my body.  In fact, l I don't even remember going back to my body.  I was still trying to move AWAY from my physical body when all of a sudden it was morning and I knew I had fallen back asleep. But I woke up smiling.  It was the first thing on my mind this morning.  I didn't fly to the moon or have some great adventure, but "I saw through my physical body" to the bed.  My physical body was of no concern. Seeing the bed below my astral face, at the time, seemed like a bigger deal than seeing through my physical body.  lol...

HISTORY: A day or so ago, I listened to one of Dr. Steve's tapes, where he was describing advanced techniques, and one was "the Superman technique". You were supposed to get out of body and then flip your astral self inside your body so you can take off like Superman.  I think maybe that influenced my being in the position I was in when I woke the third time. Hallelujah!

There was another method by Dr. Steve that I listened to was about programming yourself to wake at a certain time WHEN you are out of body. I wonder if that also influenced me.  They "superman technique" and the "awake during obe technique" were on the same tape.  I think I better listen to that one again.. hahaha

My practice is paying off.  I had just a taste of what is to come..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am super pumped right now... YES YES YES!!

Jenn 8-)

p.s.  I know this seems like a small thing, but it's a very big thing to me.  I was floating inside my body fully conscious..  ah... I have been trying to do that for so long.  I'm thrilled and over the moon! I did it.


"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
In Alice in Wonderland by 'Cheshire Cat'


Today is the eighth day of my 21 days to repeat my pre-energy work and listen to my tape.

"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
In Alice in Wonderland by 'Cheshire Cat'


I'm just sitting here marveling.  I actually saw through physical matter.  wow..


I started listening to Monroe on July 23, 2023 and today is Sept 4th. 
That's how long took to get "out of body" while being fully immersed in multiple daily meditations with Monroe, Dr. Steve, and Jurgen.  AND listening to one of them constantly at night while sleeping.
It took me 43 days of meditation immersion.

I know most people could not do this the way I have done it.  Because most people just don't have the physical time in their schedules.  And everyone is different too.  Some people might do it really quickly.  Some slow like me.

And I'm still not sure HOW I did it.  I'm thinking that all the things I have been doing and listening to have trained my brain in some manner.  Because last night was no different than the other 43 nights, except I have more knowledge, more practice, more experience in practicing..  Thats the only difference between last night and night 1.  And I am also extremely tenacious.  I don't give up.  I have been trying to get out of body for 20+ years and have refused to give up --   since I first experienced a conscious OBE.  But for 20 years, I failed. Then 43 days ago, I started Monroe and did 4-5 waves, then added Dr. Steve and then Jurgen, as I did not feel I was making progress with Monroe.  They were all my first "music, guided meditation etc..."  Something about what I have done the last 43 days had made my success happen but I'm not sure exactly what it was or how I did it. But the method of guided meditations might have made the difference.  Either that or it was just my time to progress spiritually.

I just know I am looking forward to tonight.


"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
In Alice in Wonderland by 'Cheshire Cat'


 How you did it? Your continued practice and patience finally convinced your "higher self" that you are ready to experience anew. You have been using a very strong form of "brain entrainment". You have showed your passion and never gave up. You were challenged, yet you met those challenges head on. Congratulations. Pretty soon you are going to also notice that just simply closing your eyes kind of jump starts the whole process again and again. You probably also notice by now that when you just simply close your eyes, it looks and "feels" different than it did before.
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Quote from: Lumaza on September 04, 2023, 13:46:59How you did it? Your continued practice and patience finally convinced your "higher self" that you are ready to experience anew. You have been using a very strong form of "brain entrainment". You have showed your passion and never gave up. You were challenged, yet you met those challenges head on. Congratulations. Pretty soon you are going to also notice that just simply closing your eyes kind of jump starts the whole process again and again. You probably also notice by now that when you just simply close your eyes, it looks and "feels" different than it did before.

You are right in saying when I close my eyes, things are different.  I'm nearly instantly in the vibrational state.  I feel like I should have been this determined years ago..

Thank you Lumaza.  I always love your input.  It's puts things back in perspective.  I just hope this was not a fluke and that it continues.  This small success makes me MORE determined than ever.

My next goal is to get out again and fly to the moon...



"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
In Alice in Wonderland by 'Cheshire Cat'


I have a sign on my bathroom mirror that says "I am more than physical matter".

My ex came by today and I was dying to tell someone what happened last night so as I started relaying all of it to him, I happened to catch the look on his face. ut oh...  I put on the brakes,  stopped talking about it, and diverted the conversation in another direction and onward to another subject.  Thank god I had not gotten to the good part yet about being conscious inside my astral body while inside my physical body.

I could tell by his look that he thought I was stark living crazy, regardless of what he said in the past about astral travel... I will never discuss this with him again. 

"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
In Alice in Wonderland by 'Cheshire Cat'


Quote from: Blossom on September 04, 2023, 21:36:40I have a sign on my bathroom mirror that says "I am more than physical matter".

My ex came by today and I was dying to tell someone what happened last night so as I started relaying all of it to him, I happened to catch the look on his face. ut oh...  I put on the brakes,  stopped talking about it, and diverted the conversation in another direction and onward to another subject.  Thank god I had not gotten to the good part yet about being conscious inside my astral body while inside my physical body.

I could tell by his look that he thought I was stark living crazy, regardless of what he said in the past about astral travel... I will never discuss this with him again. 
Yeah, you can usually tell right away how receptive to this subject people will be. 
I'm always careful with whom I share.  :)


Quote from: Xanth on September 04, 2023, 22:10:21Yeah, you can usually tell right away how receptive to this subject people will be. 
I'm always careful with whom I share.  :)

I'll be doing the same.  Being careful. I can talk to my son about it but not my daughter-in-law.  I tentatively mentioned meditation to her.  She is in her mid-20s and she said "Oh I know some people who meditate.  Every morning they do a 2 min Christian meditation.".  I did not continue the conversation.  I felt like it would go nowhere. She is a wonderful person, but she has some set ways and that's okay. She came from an extremely religious family.  Her dad is a preacher.  Each unto their own, but I sure hate to see someone be closed to new things and new experiences, especially being so young. I hope one day, for her, that she has a wonderful experience that opens her eyes.

My son is more open.  Most of the time.  :-o  :-D He is 40.


"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
In Alice in Wonderland by 'Cheshire Cat'


Yes, you have to be aware of the 'look', that slight sidewise glance or stare that explains no one is receiving...

It is disappointing when it happens, yet enlightening. It proves a certain sense of solitude many of us share; which is its own community, I guess.

There is often the hope of Time and that attitudes open wider.

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


Most people know of meditation. I feel that it should really be normalized even more than it already is.

It should be taught in schools starting as early as kindergarten. I truly believe it would bring a new era to humanity.  Such a simple thing - to sit quietly.

Now, unlike projection, I am a bit more open about my meditations to people and the benefit it gives.

Prayer is also a form of meditation, you could broach that subject with your in law.  👍

Feel the waters from there.


Quote from: EscapeVelocity on September 04, 2023, 22:38:02Yes, you have to be aware of the 'look', that slight sidewise glance or stare that explains no one is receiving...

It is disappointing when it happens, yet enlightening. It proves a certain sense of solitude many of us share; which is its own community, I guess.

There is often the hope of Time and that attitudes open wider.

Yes, I caught that look from my ex.  I know the look. :? It was the sideways glance.  I think I understand the solitude now.  This forum is basically the only place I can be open about everything.

It's really kind of sad that in this day and age, people still are closed on some issues spiritually. I think they are afraid of finding out it's true. If they believe this is possible, it changes basic concepts that everyone is raised by in this modern age. They just don't know how to handle "the possibility" of something so different ... It scares them but they would not dare admit it. It's easier to believe the person is a little off.

Quote from: Xanth on September 04, 2023, 22:41:56Most people know of meditation. No feel that it should really be normalized even more than it already is.

It should be taught in schools starting as early as kindergarten. I truly believe it would bring a new era to humanity.  Such a simple thing - to sit quietly.

Now, unlike projection, I am a bit more open about my meditations to people and the benefit it gives.

Prayer is also a form of meditation, you could broach that subject with your in law.  👍

Feel the waters from there.

I think it would be great if it were in schools. Even if it were only five minutes in the morning and five minutes after school before they went home. I'm with you on that. But I doubt many parents would agree. I think it would benefit young children a lot. Not many know how to sit quietly.  They are over-stimulated most of the time with television, movies, gaming etc...

I think for now, I just won't share my experiences with my family members. In the future, maybe. I'll just have to make that call if it happens. Right now, my sister, my son, and AP forum are it.


Right now, I'm listening to strategies for moving around after someone gets out of body. I've got to have a plan WHEN this happens again.  And I sure hope it's tonight. :-D  :-D


p.s.  Thanks y'all.



"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
In Alice in Wonderland by 'Cheshire Cat'


Quote from: Blossom on September 05, 2023, 00:00:50I think it would be great if it were in schools. Even if it were only five minutes in the morning and five minutes after school before they went home. I'm with you on that. But I doubt many parents would agree. I think it would benefit young children a lot. Not many know how to sit quietly.  They are over-stimulated most of the time with television, movies, gaming etc...

I think for now, I just won't share my experiences with my family members. In the future, maybe. I'll just have to make that call if it happens. Right now, my sister, my son, and AP forum are it.
I remember my parents thinking I was brainwashing myself when I started to meditate in my early teen years.  Haha

It wasn't until years later that they realized it was actually a healthy thing to do - that it actually helped.

Nowadays my parents are more open with stuff like this.  👍


Quote from: Blossom on September 04, 2023, 15:40:14Thank you Lumaza.  I always love your input.  It's puts things back in perspective.  I just hope this was not a fluke and that it continues.  This small success makes me MORE determined than ever.

My next goal is to get out again and fly to the moon...


You're welcome!  :-)

Unfortunately, you will find you are challenged to repeat it "like you already did". I find that the next couple of times after the initial success seem to be more challenging than the initial one was. That's when the real "tests" begin. I don't believe it was a fluke, but I do believe that your next success will be something that you never expected. Good luck!
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Quote from: Lumaza on September 05, 2023, 19:28:13You're welcome!  :-)

Unfortunately, you will find you are challenged to repeat it "like you already did". I find that the next couple of times after the initial success seem to be more challenging than the initial one was. That's when the real "tests" begin. I don't believe it was a fluke, but I do believe that your next success will be something that you never expected. Good luck!

You are right --> absolutely.  I have not been able to repeat the process. I changed my process for two days trying to enhance things and that was a mistake. Excitement got the better of me.

My Mistake:
I had been trying the last couple days/nights to go to bed earlier and so PRIOR to being sleepy. I did this because I wanted more time to meditate. I was excited. I tried that for two days/nights. It definitely does not work for me. I am very hyper mentally.  I discovered that if I go to bed prior to being sleepy,  I can't meditate and my mind races.  I cannot slow things down enough to get in a meditive mode mentally. In my normal waking mode, I can concentrate and think with clarity about 10 things at one time and keep track of them all. When my older relatives were alive, we would all sit around a table and all have many many different conversations at the same time with everyone and we all knew what we were talking about. Used to drive my husband crazy. He could not keep up with what was happening but it was normal to us.  :-D  8-) It had always been so.

I think I MUST be sleepy in other to get in the right frame of mind because that's when my mind is winding down.  Last night I also slept with Monroe again in my ears vs Dr. Steve to try and slow down.

I think the best thing to do is "to change nothing". Just keep doing what I was doing. No change.

The two things I discovered the last couple days is 1 -I don't fall asleep if I am not sleepy AND 2 -if I am not sleepy, I can't slow my mind down to meditate..  lol...  Those seem like a gimme to most people, but I know now. You don't know until you try something. I need to be in a S L O W - M O D E, a S L E E P Y - M O D E to be successful...  At least I know that with certainty now.

So... I am going to keep doing what I was doing.  I need to flow again. I can't flow with a racing mind.
1am to 2pm needs to be my time when I start. That's when I start slowing down.



"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
In Alice in Wonderland by 'Cheshire Cat'


One more thing.. 

REF: Going to bed without being sleepy has no bearing on the vibrational state when I close my eyes.  I still vibrate when I close my eyes and sense movement, regardless of my racing mind. But the racing mind stops it from going further.

My mind and being able to slow it down sufficiently is the entire key. No problem with vibrational state OR movement.

"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
In Alice in Wonderland by 'Cheshire Cat'


"Laser focus" is my primary goal.. I'll keep "flying to the moon" as a quick second..

"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
In Alice in Wonderland by 'Cheshire Cat'


Prior to "turning on my earbuds", I'm going to do breath counting exercises and then breath awareness exercises for a period of time.  I'll know when I'm ready to turn the earbuds on.

"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
In Alice in Wonderland by 'Cheshire Cat'


I've had Monroe in my ears most of the day..

After I finish Dr. Steve, I'll start back on Monroe.  I've made a list of the recordings and took out what might be considered fluff :-o . Then I copied a list of several of them, stuck them in a separate folder, converted them to mp3s and when I start back on Monroe, this is what I am going to listen to and also the order I plan on using. I changed the name to reflect the file type and now I'm set. This is a couple weeks out at least.

Jenn  :lol:


"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
In Alice in Wonderland by 'Cheshire Cat'


I'm going to go 48 hrs (this weekend) with no guided meditations. I need a break I think.

HOWEVER, I'm going to meditate the old fashioned way during this time.  I'm hoping I can get where I want to be.

I'm going to do my tree meditation for a couple days.  I was extremely successful doing this in the past, so we'll see how it goes. Since I can feel the vibrational state and movement when I close my eyes, I am hopeful that will jumpstart the process.

Another meditation I used in the past (to get sucked out through a straw) was a head concentration meditation.

I'm going to do both of those.

"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
In Alice in Wonderland by 'Cheshire Cat'


I'm not posting because there is nothing to report.  I am having zero luck.  Tonight I am back to listening to Monroe.  FreeFlow Focus 10.  Back to the beginning.

I'm trying to not get discouraged.  This has to be simpler than I am making it. I will try to only meditate to Monroe and put obe out of my mind. I'm trying to hard. I need to relax more I think.

"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
In Alice in Wonderland by 'Cheshire Cat'


Hello Blossom, I'm so glad you were successful! I loved reading your experience seeing the bed through your physical body and feeling yourself in your astral body. Nice to see all those hours of practice paying off!  I'm sure that soon everything will be clearer and you will be able to repeat the experience, you will find "the twist" and you will reproduce it. You are very detailed and organized and I am sure you will realize it soon. 

Respect talking about this with others, I never do it. In fact it's sad that some of my friends have even had some spontaneous obe in the past, but they got scared and weren't interested in broaching the subject. And the saddest thing is that despite knowing of the existence of other planes, it is difficult for them to believe my experiences because they have not experienced anything similar, many people only believe what they experience. Luckily I no longer feel the need to communicate this with the people around me, my family never knew anything about what I do, nor do I plan to talk about it, many of them could be scared, and see it as "a ride into dead's world".
How lucky we are because Astral Pulse exists! I give thanks for that.

From my window I can see now a big full moon today, it makes you want to fly there :wink: 

.~Exploring the Wonders of Consciousness~.


Quote from: Tak_09 on September 28, 2023, 18:38:23Respect talking about this with others, I never do it. In fact it's sad that some of my friends have even had some spontaneous obe in the past, but they got scared and weren't interested in broaching the subject. And the saddest thing is that despite knowing of the existence of other planes, it is difficult for them to believe my experiences because they have not experienced anything similar, many people only believe what they experience.

I hear you, Tak! For us, we wish more people were on the same wavelength, but I have come to understand that they have chosen not to have that awareness at this time so they can keep themselves in that isolated environment in order to experience certain lessons for learning purposes. So, at the end I do understand them and respect their choices. That doesn't mean that they are less advanced. They have their own plans of experiences and when and where to lift the veil. Some of them have agreed to play the bad guys here in order to create scenarios and be tools for others to learn and grow, and also for themselves to test to what degree they can become aware within the game and discover the love. It's a true collaboration between all characters.
We are all equal from a larger perspective. By knowing that nothing bothers me anymore behavior wise that is coming from others. I am grateful for the Pulse where we find outlet to talk about it, but I never feel alone, even in this quest. No one is ever alone. If felt, that is just an illusion. If we only know how many helpers are around us at all time. It's truly a huge party :)   
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


I am on a fruit juice fast for 30 days to detox and rejuvenate my body.  The last time I fasted I had amazing results just in the general feel of my body.  I am on day 4.  I'm hoping for a breakthrough in my meditations..  I'm not trying to lose weight, so I can drink as much as I want in order to feel sated.


"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
In Alice in Wonderland by 'Cheshire Cat'


Last night as I lay in bed, I could feel electric jolts shooting through my head every few seconds or so. At the same time it occured, I could see a flash of light. The flash of light was was wide but thin.  Shaped like a piece of plywood. I was NOT meditating, but just laying there quietly thinking about things to do when it started. It was around 3:30am  It was awesome!!  I'm hoping... It lasted for five minutes or so and I just enjoyed it while it was there.

I think cleansing my body with fruit juice is going to have a big effect eventually.  I am not using the tapes at this time. I'm back to the old fashioned way. I tried with the tapes but had no results except very minimal. I might try again while I'm juicing but I'll just have to see when I think the time is right.

Also by the way, I feel amazing on this juice fast.  I feel on top of the world. I'm trying to purify my body and basically just give my body a break.  It takes a lot of vital energy and vital force from our bodies for sold food to digest.  In spite of being 99 percent vegan, my body needed/needs this break.


"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
In Alice in Wonderland by 'Cheshire Cat'