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Gateway Experience

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Quote from: Blossom on October 20, 2023, 06:32:27I think cleansing my body with fruit juice is going to have a big effect eventually.

That's great, Jenn! I have noticed the same with fasting and strict healthy eating that does not burden the body too much digesting all the time. I have noticed that when during holidays when I typically eat whatever I want and abandon all types of healthy eating, my NP experiences significantly diminish and even my level of being connected at all time to the divine goes away. I turn into a complete human with a body that feels heavy and dense and my brain stops transmitting. I think it has to do with the brain also being burdened by slow functioning body if loaded with so much food and the wrong food all the time, and not having enough nutrients and break from digesting to give a rest and have the opportunity to function at optimal level to be able to transmit. Keep going and I hope you get greater and greater results.
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


Quote from: LightBeam on October 20, 2023, 09:19:38That's great, Jenn! I have noticed the same with fasting and strict healthy eating that does not burden the body too much digesting all the time. I have noticed that when during holidays when I typically eat whatever I want and abandon all types of healthy eating, my NP experiences significantly diminish and even my level of being connected at all time to the divine goes away. I turn into a complete human with a body that feels heavy and dense and my brain stops transmitting. I think it has to do with the brain also being burdened by slow functioning body if loaded with so much food and the wrong food all the time, and not having enough nutrients and break from digesting to give a rest and have the opportunity to function at optimal level to be able to transmit. Keep going and I hope you get greater and greater results.

OH thats so nice to hear about being more spiritual when eating clean!!  I feel so good right now. And I'm very excited about this fast right now also. I have had NO detox symptoms..

I'm not sure if I have already posted this but I am  having EXTREMELY vivid dreams in color.  Complicated dreams with lots going on.  I remember them in vivid excruciating detail.  They are not lucid, just vivid. And when I wake it's as though there are remants of the dream affecting my waking state.

This morning I lay down and fell asleep around 8am or so, and not to go into all the detail (too long and very involved), but in a portion of my dream there was this nasty looking guy driving a two tone yellow and brown chevy with dirty scraggly long blond hair.  I just KNEW he was a drug addict somehow.  How, I have no idea. But I decided to call 911 based on his driving.  :-) He was also going through a box on my neighbors porch and they weren't home.  This was across the street from my house. I got a phone out of my pocket and called 911.  This was not my personal cell phone and for some reason, when I called 911 it kept ringing my actual neighbor in real life.  Ruth. It would not connect to 911. So I sprinted to my garage and found my phone and called 911 from my cell phone but when the dispatcher answered, I could not remember my address or the town I lived in. I could not tell her where I was.  So I had the 911 operator "stand by" while I ran to the end of the next block to look at the street names. But my street was not on the sign.  So I ran to the next block and same thing occurred.  (end of the tiny dream portion)

When I woke up from this dream and got out of bed, my dream was uppermost in my thoughts. I was thinking about it in it's entirely. It was pretty darn awesome. It was soooo realistic. So real. So authentic. I remember everything about it. Every detail. I had only been awake a few minutes at this point. But I suddenly realized I had no idea what town I lived in or my freaking address... just like in the dream. I was clueless. I walked around my house and tried HARD to remember my physical location and I could not. I did not want to look at a letter to find out.  I wanted to remember but it was gone. It was like a blank spot in my brain. Totally.  I'm not kidding. My memory was exactly like in my dream. I hated to, but I finally, after about 10 minutes, I looked at some mail and there it was. My address. It all came flooding back.

Like I was saying earlier, it was like a remant of my dream was affecting my waking state.
Pretty weird, huh? :-o


"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
In Alice in Wonderland by 'Cheshire Cat'


I love reading your progress over time Jenn, how great the vivid and colorful dreams are. My dreams tend to be gloomy, cloudy, with gray and blue tones, in the twilight, if it's not night! I don't know why. This doesn't bother me, on the contrary, I love them, it gives a lot of suspense and adrenaline to everything (not always but most of them). Where do you buy those Dreamland's ink cartridges? I miss those explosions of colors!  :-o

What happened to you doesn't seem strange to me at all, although I don't know why, it happened to me (and even worse!) In the last years 3 times I woke up and didn't know where I was, in which country, or even in what year or absolutely nothing ... total reset! Only lasted about 10 seconds and everything came back, something inside told me that I should stay calm, that I would remember soon and so it was. This could be because I was a backpacker for four years (yes, I really like traveling and meeting people, on Earth too!) and changing places so quickly could generate that effect, but at that time I was stable, it was really strange, it happened to me last year also and I'm not traveling. Unlike you, I don't remember what happened during my dream to get into that situation. Perhaps I have gone further than I have been able to process, or I returned faster than usual... who knows.

I see that you have a great skill with dreams Jenn, the fact that they are so vivid and real means that you are just one step away from making them lucid. Have you not considered inducing lucid dreams and projecting that way? I believe you have the potential to achieve this. I never learned to induce paralysis and vibrations at will and detach myself like the classic OBEs, but I "cross the threshold" through lucid dreams. Maybe that's your way.

Let's go with those dreams!
.~Exploring the Wonders of Consciousness~.


Quote from: Tak09 on October 21, 2023, 10:01:32I love reading your progress over time Jenn, how great the vivid and colorful dreams are. My dreams tend to be gloomy, cloudy, with gray and blue tones, in the twilight, if it's not night! I don't know why. This doesn't bother me, on the contrary, I love them, it gives a lot of suspense and adrenaline to everything (not always but most of them). Where do you buy those Dreamland's ink cartridges? I miss those explosions of colors!  :-o

What happened to you doesn't seem strange to me at all, although I don't know why, it happened to me (and even worse!) In the last years 3 times I woke up and didn't know where I was, in which country, or even in what year or absolutely nothing ... total reset! Only lasted about 10 seconds and everything came back, something inside told me that I should stay calm, that I would remember soon and so it was. This could be because I was a backpacker for four years (yes, I really like traveling and meeting people, on Earth too!) and changing places so quickly could generate that effect, but at that time I was stable, it was really strange, it happened to me last year also and I'm not traveling. Unlike you, I don't remember what happened during my dream to get into that situation. Perhaps I have gone further than I have been able to process, or I returned faster than usual... who knows.

I see that you have a great skill with dreams Jenn, the fact that they are so vivid and real means that you are just one step away from making them lucid. Have you not considered inducing lucid dreams and projecting that way? I believe you have the potential to achieve this. I never learned to induce paralysis and vibrations at will and detach myself like the classic OBEs, but I "cross the threshold" through lucid dreams. Maybe that's your way.

Let's go with those dreams!

I'll have to do some readings on lucid dreams.  I have traveled too.  I'm 65 and back in my hayday, myself and a few friends went around the country a couple of times just seeing what we could see. I totally get the traveling bug. Right now I'm going back to work SOON to save frugally in order to erect a small off grid cabin on a piece of land. It is my dream and I feel it is still achievable.  It was awesome to travel however.

And back to lucid -- > Lucid, from what I've read, is KNOWING you are dreaming while in the dream.  I'm not sure how to achieve that but I think that would be great.  You might be on to something as far as my inner journeys.  I have had three conscious OBEs but thats all.  I'll try lucid.

Thank you so much for that tip!  And I am so glad someone else had a momentary loss of identity..  It didn't scare me but then I knew I was in my house.  Being someplace where I did not have access to a "letter" might have been totally different..

And I have always loved having vivid dreams.  They just seem MORE vivid right now than is usual.  I have had gloomy before but they are not the norm.


"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
In Alice in Wonderland by 'Cheshire Cat'


Quote from: Tak09 on October 21, 2023, 10:01:32Where do you buy those Dreamland's ink cartridges? I miss those explosions of colors!  :-o

Sorry I forgot to answer that.
The Gateway tapes from ebay.
The Dr Steve Jones Explorations Beyond the Body, Explorations Intensive, and Exploration Advanced Journeys are from ebay too.

That's all I have.  I have never heard of Dreamland but it sounds interesting based on the name!

Jenn :-D

"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
In Alice in Wonderland by 'Cheshire Cat'