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Good stuff Lumaza!

Ah yes the excess saliva and the need to swallow, that was a big hurdle to overcome in the beginning for me. I guess it's like the 'don't think of a pink elephant' and all you can think about is a pink elephant LOL.

Tried the noticing thing too, but that lead to my eyes moving and focusing every time something would appear, and as you say it gets boring quick.

What works best for me now is "going to sleep" but staying awake. I mean when I go to bed I'm not focusing on looking at the back of the eyelids or focusing on the eyes at all, I'm just somewhere in my head/mind's eye drifting away. So I (try to) recreate that state while keeping a little focus on staying conscious, so far it's the most efficient way I've found and gets me to the hypnagogic imagery the fastest. Still struggling with actually phasing though, but it feels like I'm getting close :-)
Hopefully, the greed and exploitation of certain of mankind can no longer suppress that which is truth. -Richard E. Byrd


You're definitely not Bat$hit crazy!! Appreciate all you've said in this thread.

You're so right that creating a "port" for "astral mode" can be very important and helpful. You're describing making a ritual, so I'd like to share some things I've learned through my shamanism courses, picking a few that I think are relevant.

1) The Container - you start by creating a sacred space that will "contain" the practice, demarcate that here and now we are doing this special thing, i.e., it's "time", and keep you surrounded by good energy. You can do something to bless or clear the room/area if you want, you can incorporate special/sacred objects, you can do an invocation, calling in helping spirits - like Lumaza says, his container is the bath, his mantra, and the time of day. You may want to use crystals, a specific place (like a recliner) you may want to listen to certain music (even just before you start, to signal to you we're in "sacred" mode now!), "wake up" the space and its energies using a rattle, drumming, clapping, etc, create an altar with power objects, etc. Basically, how do you carve out/demarcate THIS special place and THIS special time? Imagine creating that space means surrounding your "area" with good energy on all sides, above and below you - bluish white, or gold, or whatever color works for you. What do you need to do to create that? Any of the above things could do that for you. Objects to represent the elements, the directions, a simple invocation and acknowledgement of your "workspace" -Whatever works for you.

2) Intention - clearly stating the goal or purpose of what you're doing. Can be very general/open-ended or specific.

Afterwards, 3) Grounding - after you come back, it can help to engage in a grounding practice - I remember that time that Lumaza said he got out of the bath too quickly and hadn't really "grounded" yet and got dizzy! This can also include acknowledgment of and commitment to what you've learned/received on your journey/projection, and writing out everything can be a good way to integrate/ground/acknowledge.

4) Dispersing - this is closing the ritual and the space. You dissolve the container you've created that you built at the beginning of the ritual. This may involve thanking your spirit guides, saying goodbye for now, bowing in the 4 directions to express gratitude, and in general dispersing the energies you've called in and created during your process.

The "after effects of images" suggestion is interesting - one way to create that for yourself without starting at a candle (not sure if that's good for the retinas!) is to take a white sheet of computer paper, and then cut a smaller square of black construction paper and glue/tape that in the center. So you have something of high contrast - black on white - or you can do the reverse, white on black! Stare at that for a while and you'll see the reverse image when you close your eyes. That is, if you do black on white, the image you see when you close your eyes will be the opposite: instead of dark on light, it will be light on dark. No bigs, that's just how our brains work, but the high contrast and strong shape are shoe-ins to make this happen. (I see after effects of things all the time without staring at them for long because I just have visual disturbances as part of my chronic illness, so I'm usually trying to *not* see those things! haha LOL)


Quote from: Bob_the_floater on May 17, 2021, 08:07:49
Good stuff Lumaza!

Ah yes the excess saliva and the need to swallow, that was a big hurdle to overcome in the beginning for me. I guess it's like the 'don't think of a pink elephant' and all you can think about is a pink elephant LOL.
Ah, the Pink Elephant, don't get me started on that, lol!  :-D Just kidding!  Thanks for the reply!  :-)

QuoteTried the noticing thing too, but that lead to my eyes moving and focusing every time something would appear, and as you say it gets boring quick.
At first it's the same as trying not to focus on the Pink Elephant. The more you focus on not moving your eyes, the more they move. This gets better in time too. You start to see that the physical eyes, as we know them, aren't necessary there. You open up to the entire scene, even getting into a 360% view of it all. When that happens if feels like some kind of profound expanse just occurred.

QuoteWhat works best for me now is "going to sleep" but staying awake. I mean when I go to bed I'm not focusing on looking at the back of the eyelids or focusing on the eyes at all, I'm just somewhere in my head/mind's eye drifting away. So I (try to) recreate that state while keeping a little focus on staying conscious, so far it's the most efficient way I've found and gets me to the hypnagogic imagery the fastest. Still struggling with actually phasing though, but it feels like I'm getting close :-)
The problem I had with this is I stayed awake many nights because every time I closed my eyes, even to go to sleep, noticing would kick in whether I liked it or not. I couldn't turn it off. Sometimes you just want to go to sleep like normal. I had to learn to rewire that. Once I had made my own Astral port or mode that didn't happen again.
It sounds like it works for you though, so you have found your "niche"!  :-) Now is the time to "perfect" it, as much as you can that is. But don't be surprised if you find that you are forced to find a new way. For some reason that seems to be part of the teachings. Just when you get comfortable with a certain technique you find yourself blocked and have to find a way around that block, that's if you you want to continue down this path.
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Quote from: GrumpyRabbit on May 17, 2021, 12:04:09
You're definitely not Bat$hit crazy!! Appreciate all you've said in this thread.

You're so right that creating a "port" for "astral mode" can be very important and helpful. You're describing making a ritual, so I'd like to share some things I've learned through my shamanism courses, picking a few that I think are relevant.

1) The Container - you start by creating a sacred space that will "contain" the practice, demarcate that here and now we are doing this special thing, i.e., it's "time", and keep you surrounded by good energy. You can do something to bless or clear the room/area if you want, you can incorporate special/sacred objects, you can do an invocation, calling in helping spirits - like Lumaza says, his container is the bath, his mantra, and the time of day. You may want to use crystals, a specific place (like a recliner) you may want to listen to certain music (even just before you start, to signal to you we're in "sacred" mode now!), "wake up" the space and its energies using a rattle, drumming, clapping, etc, create an altar with power objects, etc. Basically, how do you carve out/demarcate THIS special place and THIS special time? Imagine creating that space means surrounding your "area" with good energy on all sides, above and below you - bluish white, or gold, or whatever color works for you. What do you need to do to create that? Any of the above things could do that for you. Objects to represent the elements, the directions, a simple invocation and acknowledgement of your "workspace" -Whatever works for you.

2) Intention - clearly stating the goal or purpose of what you're doing. Can be very general/open-ended or specific.

Afterwards, 3) Grounding - after you come back, it can help to engage in a grounding practice - I remember that time that Lumaza said he got out of the bath too quickly and hadn't really "grounded" yet and got dizzy! This can also include acknowledgment of and commitment to what you've learned/received on your journey/projection, and writing out everything can be a good way to integrate/ground/acknowledge.

4) Dispersing - this is closing the ritual and the space. You dissolve the container you've created that you built at the beginning of the ritual. This may involve thanking your spirit guides, saying goodbye for now, bowing in the 4 directions to express gratitude, and in general dispersing the energies you've called in and created during your process.

The "after effects of images" suggestion is interesting - one way to create that for yourself without starting at a candle (not sure if that's good for the retinas!) is to take a white sheet of computer paper, and then cut a smaller square of black construction paper and glue/tape that in the center. So you have something of high contrast - black on white - or you can do the reverse, white on black! Stare at that for a while and you'll see the reverse image when you close your eyes. That is, if you do black on white, the image you see when you close your eyes will be the opposite: instead of dark on light, it will be light on dark. No bigs, that's just how our brains work, but the high contrast and strong shape are shoe-ins to make this happen. (I see after effects of things all the time without staring at them for long because I just have visual disturbances as part of my chronic illness, so I'm usually trying to *not* see those things! haha LOL)
Thank you for the share Grumpy. You have saved me from some typing, lol! I like your idea of the "Container". Robert Monroe used a box that you used to store all your pressing thoughts in so you would be "clear" to proceed. He called it a "Conversion Box".

Setting a intent is very important. Even mentally stating to be shown what you need to see and taught what you need to learn, then observing, is a intent.

Grounding definitely is important as well. It takes you awhile to get into a good NP state of being. You should spend some time walking yourself back as well. There is definitely a brain wave altering going on here. When we Dream and are in REM sleep there is a release of DMT from the Pineal Gland. I have a very strong feeling that during Phasing, there is a release of DMT as well.

Earlier in my own work, I did look into this "imprint/after effect" thing and began playing around with mental imagery mixing geometric shapes with colors. Example: A red square with a yellow triangle in it. After a while, I could change those mental images on the go or just observe as they morphed into whatever they wished to next. That's where "Mandalas" can be useful. They seem to have a habit of "rotating" or "spiraling" when I  focus on them.

I had frequented a few websites that spoke of all these kind of "mind tricks". I found there is a number of focus targets that actually have residual effects. Like for instance, slowly mentally running through the Alphabet and seeing how each letter had it's own mental association to go with it. That technique really helped when I was having problems visualizing. I would kind of "trick" the visual into appearing.

One of the things I continue to harp on is the importance I have found in introducing "motion" into your focus target. That is really what gets the ball rolling, literally and metaphorically!

One last thing. When I close my eyes and see/notice that darkness, I always view it as a dark hallway or cave like structure and what do you do when you come to the entrance to a cave or hallway? You proceed forward into it. That's another one of the many "tricks" that you can use to Phase. Like I always say, "change your mindset, changes your reality!  :-)
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


This is great stuff you got here Lu and so happy to see others chipping in which only takes it up a notch. :-)

I love the thought of creating a port (apport/a portal) <-- see how all those words come together?
Words are magic in and of themselves. I don't know if this is taught in other traditions but it is taught in the Holy Bible.

I agree heavily that it is important (very important) to create a ritual. I see this is done in all the traditional schools of thought again including the Bible. Just as you said Lu with brushing your teeth or hair or whatever in prep for going to bed to sleep. The ritual sets you up for success.

On the visuals I have found the very best way (for me at least) is to find out what my eyes want to do on their own and go with that. I find my eyes (eyeballs that is) naturally tend to drift downwards and slightly to the left as my body relaxes. So once my eyes have settled into their own most natural relaxed state I let them stay there. I know some say look upward toward the third eye, that actually makes my eyes hurt a great deal so then not only am I trying to focus I'm also trying to ignore the discomfort so I find it best to go with whatever positioning my eyes choose.

As far as all those bodily distractions I find it best to just do what I need to do and with as little fuss as possible. If I itch I scratch, if I sneeze I wipe, bathroom no problem, I just get up and go without creating more disturbance than necessary. It's easier doing this as it allows you to fall right back into where you need to be if you aren't constantly fighting your own body.

Intent, well someone is always listening and whether you know it or not it is possible that you have not given the correct permissions to the right beings for them to just reach into your brain and know your thoughts. So... stating your intent out loud as well with your inner voice is just good strategy.

But first and foremost always always always let it be known that you will only accept guidance from your highest intuition (God/guides/masters - whoever) with your best interest at heart. The last thing you want is to be led around the mulberry bush by a jokester or someone who absolutely cannot do anything for you. In short be careful WHO you give authority to. (That's a discussion for a different thread).


Quote from: Nameless on May 17, 2021, 22:35:08
On the visuals I have found the very best way (for me at least) is to find out what my eyes want to do on their own and go with that. I find my eyes (eyeballs that is) naturally tend to drift downwards and slightly to the left as my body relaxes. So once my eyes have settled into their own most natural relaxed state I let them stay there. I know some say look upward toward the third eye, that actually makes my eyes hurt a great deal so then not only am I trying to focus I'm also trying to ignore the discomfort so I find it best to go with whatever positioning my eyes choose.
A few days ago, while in a Phase soak session, a few minutes after I did my Healing Mantra and began to just "notice", I felt my physical eyes actually sink down. I have not experienced that sensation so strongly in the past. I was very apparent this time. It was like they just fell down and "clunked". That's how "heavy" it felt.

QuoteAs far as all those bodily distractions I find it best to just do what I need to do and with as little fuss as possible. If I itch I scratch, if I sneeze I wipe, bathroom no problem, I just get up and go without creating more disturbance than necessary. It's easier doing this as it allows you to fall right back into where you need to be if you aren't constantly fighting your own body.
Ditto. Nowadays, I fix whatever issue it is and stay the course! It's really a miniscule interruption and if you don't think it will hinder your progress, it won't!  :-)

QuoteBut first and foremost always always always let it be known that you will only accept guidance from your highest intuition (God/guides/masters - whoever) with your best interest at heart. The last thing you want is to be led around the mulberry bush by a jokester or someone who absolutely cannot do anything for you. In short be careful WHO you give authority to. (That's a discussion for a different thread).
I trust quite a bit. But, if the info doesn't "feel" right, I don't listen to it. I need to know that even a seemingly negative action, will still have positive results. Example of this" Directing "tough Love" when you know it's for the better good of the person, group and or situation involved. Sometimes you have to step in. This is very apparent in "Retrievals". You do what is necessary to help, but you can not make the decision for the Soul at hand.
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


 Today's Phase soak session seemed to once again focus on the "physical eyes" and their direction

The session began the same with me mentally stating "By my act of will, I release my focus over my physical body". I use the exact opener every single night when I go to sleep. At bedtime though, I also mentally affirm that I am consciously aware in my "sleep", knowing I am "asleep". I used to use the word Dream. I still use that here on this Forum, but I am not convinced that all that we experience in our nocturnal sleep is all just a Dream or should I say "in the head". I believe, as I have been shown, that the beginning stages are in the head. As you get deeper though, that seems to change.

Next, I went into my mental stated Healing Mantra, then just began noticing. First I noticed I noticed that I was "looking". I could feel my physical eyes still moving around. I then went into the mental zone and began thinking about the eyes a bit further. Next thing I knew, I wasn't looking anymore. Now I was experiencing the "expanse". That seems to be the best way to describe it. It seems like your vision has not only taken on a new depth, but also a expanse as well. At that point there is no longer to "look" any further. Right now, there are no physical eyes.

Then the NP tutoring began. A few people have asked me, "when I get the "tutoring", is it spoken? How does it come through? What I see, is that it begins with "observing". I would just be observing the expansive darkness and then thoughts not created by me would begin to appear. I say not created by me because at the time, the only thing I am focused on is observing. At that time, I can ask mentally questions and many times the questions begin to be answered before I can fully get them out. I guess the only way to explain it is saying that they are "Telepathic in nature".

So, back to the tutoring session, I am shown that what I said earlier in this thread about "memory" having it's own location was true and that if someone wants to experience the expanse, that they can do this simple exercise.
Close your eyes, Do what ever opening ritual that you do, whether that be a brief progressive relaxation exercise or whatever you do to "prime your pump" for a few minutes to unwind. Now just be aware of the darkness before your closed eyes. Are you looking and chasing it? At this point you normally would be.

Now I want to put all of your focus into thinking back to what you did last Monday. Start with when you woke up in the morning and what you did during the day. At least what you can remember. Use whatever method of remembering is normal to you. You can remember the visual, you can remember the emotion, even the tactile feel of it. Normally when i remember back I will see a visual representation of the experience. So much so that I may see me in 3rd person view there as well. Once you have worked through Monday, go to Tuesday and continue all the way to Friday. Do not take any breaks between the days or events. Do not put your focus back on your physical body. Stay the course here.

As soon as you hit Friday, slowly become aware again of the darkness before your eyes. Has it changed? Is there depth or expanse to it? If there is, you are well on your way to achieving a shift in consciousness while fully aware of it. You may feel some kind of "system overload" approaching. I used to call it the "exploding head syndrome". It is extremely intense, but very brief. Once you get through that, you are ready to move down the hall or Cave in front of you and open some Doorways,. They are everywhere upon that path. I experience that weird system overload often in my Phase sessions. It makes me think that I crossed some kind of "veil" or "border point". That's at least the way I personally perceive it. With you, it may be something completely different. But you will "know" when it happens.

When I was shown this technique today, as I finished up on the focus of Friday, I felt that my physical eyes were turned upwards and to the right. I take it that that is what happens when we utilize the memory compartment of our brain. I was then aware as they slowly fell until they were looking or had dropped downwards and that's when all that was left was a expanded field of semi-darkness right in front of me. There seemed to be a glowing wall of white ahead There is way to tell if you are "there". Once you become aware of this expanded field of darkness or as I see many times, not so dark area, you can slowly shift your awareness to the left/right/front/back/up or down. Find what direction seems to respond to what are doing and go explore it.

Do this for a few days and report back with your findings. I am sure this will create more questions. Everything I experience in the NPR creates more questions!  :?
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Lumaza, this is what's yelling at me right now and I am grateful you are persistent with your guidance!
"By my act of will, I release my focus over my physical body."

That is beautiful! I hope I can do the same.  :-)


"system overload" 👍 there's the phrase I was looking for to describe my visual "white outs" that had me clicking out or "waking up" for months before finally getting past it. Just out of curiosity, do you also experience a series of small "overloads" leading up to the "big one" ?
Hopefully, the greed and exploitation of certain of mankind can no longer suppress that which is truth. -Richard E. Byrd


Quote from: tides2dust on May 20, 2021, 00:52:25
Lumaza, this is what's yelling at me right now and I am grateful you are persistent with your guidance!
"By my act of will, I release my focus over my physical body."

That is beautiful! I hope I can do the same.  :-)
It's so simple, But it does work. If you are having problems visualizing, use William Buhlman's command of "Clarity now". That works in Phasing as well! That command shows strong intent!  :-)
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Quote from: Bob_the_floater on May 20, 2021, 01:37:16
Just out of curiosity, do you also experience a series of small "overloads" leading up to the "big one" ?
While in my Phase soak session that "overload" goes from 0 - 60 in about 10 seconds. The only time it is a series of smaller overloads is if I interrupt the process or have to abort because of the intensity. Then it's like a game of cat and mouse, where I seem to be "teetering" on the borderline.
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


 Just curious Bob, what do you experience after you have that "system overload"? I ask that because you sound like you are ready to learn more about the Doorways that await you there. If that is the case, we can proceed with that conversation here.
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


 Last night I logged in here to the Astral Pulse Forums and went right to the "User's online" section of the Forum to get some good reading material. You will always find some Member or Guest reading some of the many interesting threads of the past here. This Guest was looking at book review of Robert Peterson's. I haven't been to Robert's website for years, so I clicked on the link and it led me to Robert's book reviews of all the many books on OBEs, Astral Projections and Lucid Dreaming he has reviewed through the years. Robert's view has always been that they are all separate entities. That's the way he perceives it and that's fine. Everyone is allowed to have and form their own opinion.

There I came across a new book by a couple of fun loving, like-minded, good natured ladies named Barbara Mango and Lynn Miller. Robert gave their book a 4/5 and had a great write-up review on it. You can find that review at Robert's website here:

After I read the review, I did what I normally do and I googled the book and the names of the Authors. I came across their website, but was looking for video interviews with them, which is what many Authors do these days. Sure enough I came across a recent Podcast they did a few days ago. The quality of the Podcast was not the best and the Host was kind of "awkward" in his attempts at jocularity. But you could see he had a good heart and also good intuition because the two ladies, Barbara and Lynn, really knocked it out of the park. I nodded in agreement so much that today my neck is stiff, lol!  :-D Here is a link to that interview.

It seems their book is more targeted at the more skeptical Professionals, like the Medical and Psychiatric communities. It is not based on "application" or "technique". It's not a "how to" book. It's based on research that has been done on the the subjects at hand. They delve into OBEs, Astral Projection, Spontaneous Healing, NDEs, UAPs, formerly known as UFOs and what I thought was fascinating, the talk of the "Anamalously Sensitive Person". The ASPs as they call it are people like us here on the this Forum that share the same traits, per se.
Here is a link to their website as well. I do not know these ladies personally, neither am I getting paid to say anything here. I just thought they deserved the kudos and respect for such a well done job.

Now that I am done with that, it's on to today's Phase session. I did what I do, my daily rituals and primed the pump then moved onto just noticing. I did not use any visuals at all. My sole intent was to  "observe" the process at hand. I did not put my focus on my eyes. But I found that just looking into the darkness and noticing actually had me more aware of my eyes then I wanted to be. At this point I seemed to still be "looking". I then felt my eyes drooping lower, but then a blink of light occurred (hypnagogic imagery) and my eyes went back to chasing it again. This happened a few more times, then I aborted the session for a few minutes. After about 5 minutes of just looking at the tiled wall of the bathtub area I close my eyes and restarted the session. This time I used imagery. I began with a simple "Yo-Yo". Just watching it go up and down. Soon I changed to tossing a Frisbee. After about the 3rd toss, I found myself on a beautiful beach loaded with people. The water was that beautiful Aqua color and the beach sand solid white. The people or "Beings" seemed to be of a "cartoon kind of look". They weren't fully cartoon, like Technicolor. They seemed to be somewhere in between. They were having a great time on the beach though. They were playing all kinds of games. I then started being more aware of the my surroundings, like a 360 degree point of view. I did that to ground myself there, since I felt my awareness fading. I stayed with this scenario as long as I could and when I returned back to my physical focus I found myself somewhat "energized" by the entire experience.

What did I learn during this? I learned that I am still not a fan of just "noticing" the darkness itself. I need to fire things up to get things going. While firing things up, the natural shift is occurring. I also noticed more about that eye thing. I had a few times where my physical eyes and my "Mind's eye" seemed to be split. I could sense both of them at the same time. It was very strange and as usual, hard to describe.

"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Quote from: Lumaza on May 20, 2021, 18:51:55
Just curious Bob, what do you experience after you have that "system overload"? I ask that because you sound like you are ready to learn more about the Doorways that await you there. If that is the case, we can proceed with that conversation here.

So far I've only gotten past the "overload" 2 times. The first time (the one in my journal) lead to a calm silent blackness. The second time I didn't "go" anywhere but saw a golden yellow blob/field floating around in the dark like the wax mixture inside a lava lamp, at times it covered the entire field of view.
Hopefully, the greed and exploitation of certain of mankind can no longer suppress that which is truth. -Richard E. Byrd


Quote from: Bob_the_floater on May 21, 2021, 22:25:27
So far I've only gotten past the "overload" 2 times. The first time (the one in my journal) lead to a calm silent blackness. The second time I didn't "go" anywhere but saw a golden yellow blob/field floating around in the dark like the wax mixture inside a lava lamp, at times it covered the entire field of view.
To me, both of those seem like invites to explore further. You had a number of options there, a couple of them being, stay where you were and bask in that calm silent darkness or move forward into it and see where that would lead. I mentioned above that I see that darkness as a Cave/Cavern/Hallway that is waiting to be explored. As I slowly move forward into it, I see little blips of light along the "walls". I then have a choice to move back and explore that little blip or continue to move forward and await a full blown scenario to appear. It may seem like this is time consuming, but it really isn't. A full blown scenario can reveal itself at any moment. The trick then is to allow your curiosity to drive you further into, while not totally losing your consciousness and falling asleep. I do that by keeping in the back of my mind what I am doing here. I know that I am Phasing or LDing at the time, but I keep that thought way in the back of my mind. To become too aware of that fact, seems to end the experience then and there. I have purposely aborted a experience because it was getting too deep with a lot of moving parts and I knew that I would likely lose my memory recall of it. So, I stopped so I could return and log what I had seen, learned or experienced. It really is a balancing act of sorts.

One trick I have used to keep that memory is to build a mental compartment of sorts. This is a place that I number and put the events or teachings of the experience in so that I bring that recall back with me and access it after my Phase session. This compartment seems to be just another one of the many Doorways that can be accessed there. Examples of this. While in a experience I halt it for a minute and visualize a door/room with the number, let's say, #78 written on it. While back in the physical and wanting to mentally revive that memory, I close my eyes and access that Doorway. I was taught that little trick in the NPR a few years back.
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Thanks for the insides Lu!

Both times was something completely new to me, so got a little too excited and that ended it. But hopefully I'll get to explore it more once I get accustomed to it.
Hopefully, the greed and exploitation of certain of mankind can no longer suppress that which is truth. -Richard E. Byrd


Quote from: Bob_the_floater on May 23, 2021, 03:20:16
Thanks for the insides Lu!

Both times was something completely new to me, so got a little too excited and that ended it. But hopefully I'll get to explore it more once I get accustomed to it.
Your welcome!  :-)

That's a perfectly normal response and will get better in time. It's easy to get too excited. But don't do the Cardinal sin in this practice which is to mentally narrate, especially when things get going good. That will always lead to a quick end to your session then and there. The thought "here we go", I have found is a no no, lol!  :-)
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


 Just now I was perusing the "Users Online" section of the Forum and came across this interesting discussion in this thread here. It is pertinent to the discussions and my basis for my Doorway thread here.

I really liked the post by Jeff Mash where he shares this quote by Frank Kepple "Basically, there is a fine, THIN line between your imagination and the astral realm". I find this to be oh so true!  :-)
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


 For the last while now I have been experiencing lessons on how to slow the process of non local states of consciousness down to almost a crawl.

I have said often in this thread how I will sometimes utilize a focus on 6 directions. Those being left/right, up/down and frontwards/backwards. Today in my Phase soak, I was shown a technique that would convince even the strongest of the skeptics of AP and it was a very simple thing to do. So I shall share that with you here. It doesn't matter whether you consider yourself a "Newbie" or the highest of Experiencers. Both alike will get "something" out of this.

Either do this or don't. Don't give it a "good ole ho-hum try". If you do it, put a honest effort into it. See it through. Be serious about it. Especially if you are a skeptic. Prove it to yourself. We can talk about this stuff here until we are blue in the face. Nothing beats personal experience. Don't question it during it. Question it later. Observe it now. Don't complicate it!

So there is a bit of prep before we start. If you are doing this in the middle of the day, with it being light inside your room, with everyday noise around, then we need to handle that first. The way we do that is we find ways to stop the distractions. Headphones or Earplugs for the sound and some kind of Blindfold for the light. We want to be able to hold our focus with very limited if no interruptions. So handle that first.

Now, we are going to lay down on our back and stretch our arms and legs out "spread Eagle" like. Do not stretch until it hurts. Be comfortable in it.

If you have a blindfold, skip this step here. If not, your eyes should still be open. Look down at your hands and legs. See the position they are in. Why is this important? Because this technique is solely about "Etheric body motion". I want you to know, without a shadow of a doubt, that your physical body is in the exact position it currently is in, which is spread Eagle, laying on your back. When you close your eyes to do this, the 6 pts of direction will be to the right or left of you, the up/down will be over your head and under your feet, the forward and backward, will be the movement/motion of forward or backward. I explained that because while lying on a bed, it's it can get confusing. We want to experience those 6 directions, like we would if we were standing. The problem is, it is very likely that doing this experiment while standing or sitting in a chair could lead to actually falling to the ground. I have done it all 3 ways, so it is possible, but very difficult to do.

Close your eyes and relax for a minute. Take a few deep breaths if that helps. I have a hard time concentrating on my breathing while relaxing. It normally leads me to more of a hyper-ventilating then anything. But that's me. So take a few moments to relax. Just notice the darkness that is right before your closed eyes.

Now I want you to very slowly. put your entire focus on your right hand side of you, almost like you are turning or veering to the right. You may actually feel your nerve impulses spiking to create a actual right turn of the body. Hold your focus there for a few minutes. You don't need to visualize anything. But if a visual accompanies that mental thought, more the better.

After a few minutes, slowly move your focus from your right side to your left. Be aware as your focus moves in a arc like fashion from the right to the left side. There is no race here.

Next, you are going to focus on the two directions up and down. Put your down as low as you can. We want to have the sensation here of a downwards motion. That can be the feeling of shrinking, plummeting, some kind of downward motion. Now hold it there for a few minutes. Then slowly move your focus upwards until you get as high as you can put it. Here we want to feel raising of some kind. It can be stretching, growing, basically any kind of upwards motion will do. Hold it there, then release and we are going to move to front and back.

Put your focus completely on the darkness in front of you. Draw your focus forward into it. You know the feeling. You walk forward and backwards many times a day. Once you feel the motion forward, reverse it and go backwards. I find backwards to lead to some really extraordinary experiences.

One or more of those directions seemed to be easier to attain than the others. You can go back and revisit them if you wish.

After a few times of doing this, start to play around with the directions. Start at the right side and quickly change your focus to you left or start with down and go up or vice versa. Feel the pull. Feel the etheric motions of those directions. Remember, your physical body is spread eagle, totally grounded on the bed. Every motion you are "feeling" is etheric in nature. After awhile you can watch as your awareness moves slowly from right to left. That's a experience in itself.

It took me longer to write all of this, then it does to actually perform it, lol. It may look like a lengthy process, but it really isn't. It will introduce you to the wonderful World of etheric body motion though.
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


 I just completed my daily soak and saw some things that I needed to edit from my post above.

Mainly it comes to the focus of the forward and backwards mental motion. Years ago when I began using this technique of the 6pt directional focus, I was like many of you here. I was still in a 100% physical mindset. That means like you, I was aware of my breathing, aware of any sensation/exit symptom that occurred. I was aware of everything. Too much to tell you the truth. Because of my physical mindset, that played over to the way I experienced the NPR as well. Examples of this, when I moved forward, I still needed to do it step after step. I moved the way we physically do. Then I was taught how to disassociate my physical focus almost immediately and now movement there is just a simple thought or mental command away. Like everything else in this practice, this didn't happen over night. It took a lot of trial and error to do.

The most important part of the directional focus, I feel to be, is the forward and backwards motions. When you peer into that darkness, you can mentally step right into. But if you need, do it slowly. Move your "etheric legs". Watch as they move if that helps you. When utilizing a focus on certain directions, you may have visuals that accompany those directions as well. They will likely be short lived, like blips of visuals, fade in and outs. So don't let that catch you by surprise. These are  the "mental associations" to that certain direction that seem to be engrained in us. For some reason, when I focus on my left side and mentally veer that way, I am met with the visual of a ship that is leaning to the left, due to a large wave. When I focus on my right side, I see a Motorbike veering around a corner of a racetrack. So yes, the direction you are focused on may produce a visual as well. Sometimes the visual will be really vivid and you are off. If this happens, stay the course. at this point there is no need to continue focusing on other  directions. The "shift" has already occurred.

Now, back to the frontwards and backwards focus. Like I said, you can mentally walk into the darkness there. You can also create a Rollercoaster or Driving simulation. Many times when I do this, a "Pace Car", like you see at a Racing event, seems to appear. It can be a car, a plane, a rocket, motorcycle, even a "Horse". I found the Horse one odd. But for some reason it seems to show up quite a bit. Lately I have been viewing the darkness as a tunnel/hallway or cave. I will then engage the mental motion of moving forward into it or moving backwards away from it. I was shown this years ago in my own lesson.

Years ago in one of my own experiences, I was mentally moving through the cave at a good pace. Ahead of me was a split in the cave tunnels. The problem was, I wasn't veering, I was still moving forward and moving right at a wall that was in the middle of the fork in the tunnels. I braced for impact. But none came. Now I was going right through the cave, like barreling through the stone. What did that teach me? TRUST. It taught me not to freak out because there was nothing there that could hurt me. After that, a simple focus on movement into the tunnel or cave became a hurtling through the Multi-verse at warp speed scenario. It was and still is "surreal".

I find the strangest experiences happen when I lock onto the mental movement of going backwards. I can feel myself moving backwards, but the visuals, because my focus is now in back of me, seems to be spiraling forward. It's really weird. That one can very easily "overpower" and overload your senses, leading to the early aborting of your session.

Learning to "navigate" the NPR is very important. You need to learn the lay of the land there. But once again, my words can only go so far. You need to experience it to find out for yourself.
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Quote from: Lumaza on August 17, 2015, 07:20:15
"Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere."
                 Albert Einstein

"Imagination is the beginning of creation. You imagine what you desire, you will what you imagine and at last you create what you will."
              George Bernard Shaw

"Everything you can imagine is real."
             Pablo Picasso

"Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things that escape those who dream only at night."
            Edgar Allan Poe

All these great men of history knew the importance of a creative imagination. Creative imagination leads to Astral Projection. You may start  by simply imagining a scenario, but then somewhere along the line something happens that wasn't in your planned "script". The scene starts to take on a life of it's own and now you sit back and watch at first as your passive curiosity draws you deeper in. Pretty soon it's just a "real" as it is here in this physical reality.

This exercise is meant to bring you to this point. It is simple, but if you are serious you will find positive results with it. I know how many people say they can't visualize. That is why I have started with the basics of visualization, then as you get deeper into this "walk through" of sorts, you will find that it gets easier and easier to do. At first the visuals are hard to maintain. The tendency is to drift off onto some other day to day thoughts. But this goes away with practice. As they say "Practice makes perfect"!  

I titled this the Doorway because that is the targeted object at hand. It is important in this exercise to take a few minutes to visualize (or try as you may) anything that you see in CAPITALIZED BOLD lettering. Example: If I ask is the doorway STANDARD SHAPED? You would automatically visualize a standard (rectangular) shaped door. You would then give yourself a few moments to visualize the door, before moving on to the next question.

This is not race. Take your time. Before we start I want you to make sure you are in a comfortable chair, not necessarily a bed, because I don't want you to fall asleep. Make sure your clothing is non constrictive. If it's too light in the room use a blindfold. If it's to loud where you are use some foam earplugs or noise cancelling earphones. Basically I want you to handle all your possible interruptions before they actually become interruptions.

I want you to just close your eyes and take a few minutes to relax. You can do this through a breathing technique, progressive relaxation, whatever makes you comfortable.

Now just notice the darkness in front of your closed eyelids for a about 5 minutes. Don't worry about "monkey mind" we will handle that soon.

You are in a dark hallway. There is a doorway about 10ft in front of you. You don't need to see it right now, just know it's there.

  Is the doorway a STANDARD SHAPE?
  Is the doorway ROUND?
  Is the doorway OVAL?
  Is the doorway LARGE?
  Is the doorway SMALL?
  Is the doorway GLOWING?
  Is the doorway RED, like a FLAME or a APPLE? (You could use any other examples that you want to see the color red.
  The same with the other colors as well.)
  Is the doorway ORANGE, like an ORANGE?
  Is the doorway YELLOW, like a BANANA?
  Is the doorway GREEN, like the flowing GRASS in a field?
  Is the doorway BLUE, like a beautiful CLEAR SKY in the day?
  Is the doorway INDIGO, like the DEEP OCEAN?
  Is the doorway VIOLET, like the glow of a BLACK LIGHT?
  Lastly is the doorway WHITE, like the SNOW, the CLOUDS or even just a BRIGHT LIGHT?

  Where does the doorway lead?
  Does the doorway lead to the PAST? Now you are going to reminisce or as they say you are going to take a brief walk down memory lane. You are going to think back to a emotional time in your past. Was it the Prom? Was it your Child's birth? Maybe it's just something that you wish you had the chance to go back and do over again. Don't rush this process. Go back to the past and see this again. Emotional thoughts are very powerful thoughts and for that reason alone are easier to bring back up again.

  Does the doorway lead to the PRESENT? What did you do today? Did you go out and visit friends? Did friends visit you? Did you just stay at home and watch TV? Relive something from the day. Make it as simple or complexed as you wish.

 Does the doorway lead to the FUTURE? This is when you visualize what you wish to accomplish further in your life. See yourself achieve a major goal. Watch as your future kids are born. See yourself receiving that promotion at work.

Now, walk towards and through that doorway. WHAT'S ON THE OTHER SIDE?

If at any time during this exercise the visuals begin taking on a life of their own, allow your curiosity to draw you deeper. Stay with the scene. Passively observe it and allow it to progress. The more it progresses the deeper you find yourself in the scenario and further away you are from your physical focus. This entire exercise is built just to help you to escape your focus on "this" reality.

I have chosen these specific questions for a purpose. First the shapes are simple and one of the first things people are taught in visualization skills are to see basic shapes. The colors I chose because not only are they the colors that correspond to the "Chakras", but they are also the colors of a Rainbow. I know not everyone subscribes to the Chakra theories and techniques, but these colors are seen everywhere in everyday life. I chose white because of its cleanly divine meaning.

The Past, Present and Future questions are there because all three of these will give a person a chance to "lose themselves" in these visualizations. Many times when I attempt this exercise I don't even make it to the final set of questions.

I have other questions I ask myself when I do this exercise, like for instance is the doorway a CAVE OPENING, or does it have SALOON DOORS, like the old Westerns? Is it a BEADED DOORWAY? You get the idea. Have fun with it. Every question you ask leads to another intended scenario.

Please reply with any questions or comments you may have on this. The whole exercise was to show you the importance of imagination. Many times, it's your imagination that leads you to the "Astral proper"!


Good stuff, Lumaza. I see you are more of visualization type like me, even our techniques look alike. How I even got mixed in this thread, is it some kind of destiny, look at reply N:184 :-D


 That was you? What was the site it was on again? Was it a "Reddit" post? What was the response from others there? A friend shared the link with me, but I can't seem to find that email or PM right now.
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Quote from: Lumaza on July 03, 2021, 21:56:53
That was you? What was the site it was on again? Was it a "Reddit" post? What was the response from others there? A friend shared the link with me, but I can't seem to find that email or PM right now.
Yeah, it is from my Reddit profile, it is a refined edition from previous versions which I posted on lucid dreaming forums. Reddit users usually doesn't come back to tell if they experienced anything, because of that there is not much of feedback, everything is lost in infinity scrolling.
u/JCKCSmama avatar
Maybe I sound silly, but do you mean ground yourself? How do I ground myself?

u/StarSeeker7 avatar
Experienced Projector :download-10:
Grounding in the moment as I mentioned in my post mean that you must use your senses:

-smell the air

-feel the floor under your feets

-what is the room temperature

-what noise floor produce when you walk on it

It's not only about visual part, as many of senses you can bring, the more your focus will increase, but there are not absolute requirement for successful entry, they are just gonna increase your chances.

u/fumkypunpkin_ avatar
Projected a few times
Is this meant to be done as a visualization before you project or once you are in the experience?

u/StarSeeker7 avatar
Experienced Projector :download-10:
Before of course, the door will lead you to the astral plane.

u/fumkypunpkin_ avatar
Projected a few times
Interesting! Is the color / composition of the room door meant to lead you in a particular way, or just pique your imagination?

u/StarSeeker7 avatar
Experienced Projector :download-10:
I would say yes, but that is part of the mystery so I will remain silent. I only will say, this technique can lead to a hybrid state, half here - half there, so don't be surprised if happen.

u/Dartrov avatar
How many minutes after laying down should we do this? Do we have to be in the vibrational stage or do we just imagine it all the time and just try until it works?

u/StarSeeker7 avatar
Experienced Projector :download-10:
You need to do this when you are relaxed enough, vibrations are not important.

u/Dartrov avatar
Oh I see. I have another question. Do I just pop up in the room after I open up the door?

u/StarSeeker7 avatar
Experienced Projector :download-10:
No you must ground yourself in the room and then open the door, you don't need to imagine what is behind the door, beyond her can be everything - another room, a landscape, the cosmic space or even an empty space.


Quote from: Alex77 on July 03, 2021, 22:36:10
Reddit users usually doesn't come back to tell if they experienced anything, because of that there is not much of feedback, everything is lost in infinity scrolling.
Unfortunately, neither do people that come to this Forum. It helps in the further development of techniques like these if you can get some input or feedback. Positive or negative, it's still input and it's still helpful.
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Quote from: Lumaza on July 03, 2021, 23:25:39
Unfortunately, neither do people that come to this Forum. It helps in the further development of techniques like these if you can get some input or feedback. Positive or negative, it's still input and it's still helpful.
Yes, I posted many techniques across forums, but without feedback I can't progress any further, forums are just too inactive these days, so I just gave up. Also I have physical illness on my spine which prevents me from using a PC, even if I want to make more comments/posts I just can't from my Phone alone, these days my fingers are getting numb from browsing only from my phone, so I'm trying to limit my time on internet.

I have a new(old) technique from my childhood(5 years old) time, which I just remember it some months ago, she was producing all of my NP experiences back then. I will try to post it, when arms hurt less. But there is something ominous about this tech, I didn't invent it, it was given to me in a dream from someone. I was having experiences back then which I couldn't reproduce now with any of the techniques I used through the years, but the moment I used her again, I got to the same place as back then, which lead me to believe that all techniques all there are leading to non-physical, but not all are leading to the same type of experience.