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 :-) yes it's a lot to do just observe, I feel that it is a training on it own that really needs to be applied all day. Not always easy but you know you can be that observer if you actually observe how you feel and react when you are in a situation throughout the day.  :roll: like I said not always easy, I fall often into the drama and just feel so frustrated, but I know it in those opportunities that I learn to become a better observer. Avoiding people is also not the best training even if I would prefer to be alone all the time. So I came to the conclusion that I need to go out more and be of this world for all in the name of training myself to be a better observer and less a drama queen :-D :roll: Jeez ! Where shoul I go first ....Walmart or Tim Horton for a nice coffee?  8-) or maybe at a mall with my mom to get a nice ride in a wheelchair and look at all the things we can buy but don't need :lol: actually I need something with kitchen relate things , my favorite store now that I am on a diet...go figure... just got a dehydrator and boy oh boy it's fun.


Quote from: Lumaza on August 12, 2018, 07:45:36
...  I began relaxing into the water for my Phase/soak session. I did a quick progressive relaxation tech, to relieve some nagging shoulder issues I had, then kind of lost myself in thought for a few minutes. ...

I read today a paragraph that reminded me of your phase/soak method:

Itzhak Bentov was a mechanical engineer, inventor, author and mystic and explorer of cosmic consciousness.

He was able to combine his curious mind with a courageous soul to explore the unknown realms of cosmic consciousness with just wit and humor as his luggage. His plan was to publish some of his work as a comic strip instead of a cosmic trip! Bentov had two ways to prepare himself for his "trips," which were not drug-induced.

Initially, like Archimedes, he used the "wet method" of soaking in a bathtub full of hot water, going into a "twilight zone" to get flashes or ideas that he scribbled down on a notepad. Later he favored the "drier method" of meditation and relaxed concentration. He wrote:

"I could attain remote reality by simply visualizing myself to be there, and there I was..."
"Read not to contradict and confute, nor to believe and take for granted, but to weigh and consider."
- Sir Francis Bacon


Quote from: baro-san on August 28, 2018, 05:21:18
I read today a paragraph that reminded me of your phase/soak method:

Itzhak Bentov was a mechanical engineer, inventor, author and mystic and explorer of cosmic consciousness.

He was able to combine his curious mind with a courageous soul to explore the unknown realms of cosmic consciousness with just wit and humor as his luggage. His plan was to publish some of his work as a comic strip instead of a cosmic trip! Bentov had two ways to prepare himself for his "trips," which were not drug-induced.

Initially, like Archimedes, he used the "wet method" of soaking in a bathtub full of hot water, going into a "twilight zone" to get flashes or ideas that he scribbled down on a notepad. Later he favored the "drier method" of meditation and relaxed concentration. He wrote:

"I could attain remote reality by simply visualizing myself to be there, and there I was..."

Thank you for the share Baro-san!  8-) :-)

I have only been back a few days, from my State Fair vendor gig. I did immediately attempt to get some info on "Itzhak". First I looked for your tube videos and found this one here.

Unfortunately, I was so tired, I only made it through about 15 mins of it before I found I had went to sleep. His part is very good. The lady after him, seems to be what lulled me to sleep. Her voice seems to be very relaxing, lol. Itzhak was hard to understand at first. So, I had to really focus on what he was saying. He likes to use graphs though. Those were interesting.
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Two more unique experiences that occurred during my Phase/soak sessions. The first one was yesterday and I didn't write anything about that one while answering ScHMUSTIN's question about "Tug-o-wars".

I got into my tub of hot water, closed my eyes and kind of melted into it. I spent a few moments just enjoying the relaxation of it all. I then began my daily ritual, which is to do my healing modality focus. I use the Mantra "RA MA DA SA SA SAY SO HUNG". I mentally repeat it 3 times, then I will focus on whoever I wish to help. I have used many Mantras in the past, but for some reason, thins one seems to just resonate with me. You can hear more of this Mantra here. If you do a google search, you will find that indeed it is a very powerful Mantra that is used often in Eastern traditions.

I normally see the person as a chalk outline and upon closer inspection, can see different areas of concern highlighted by normally either a glowing orb or color. When I turned my focus to my Son, (he is really my Step son, but in my mind he is my Son), I saw him as is in his current situation. For some reason I see him etherically in his wheelchair. Today, I was shown that I shouldn't. I should view him standing, just like I view the others I attempt to aid, completely healthy again.

That whole process didn't take long, maybe 10 minutes max. I then just stared into the darkness and became aware of every bit of it. What I felt, what I saw, what I heard, etc.. All of a sudden a line showed up in my visual screen going straight across horizontal in front of me. I allowed this scene to progress and soon numbers were showing up as well. The number was 110 hrtz. I know that 110 hrtz is the Schuman resonance and that this visual had meaning. Another line soon showed up under the horizontal one, going the same way and soon a "dial" appeared. I could see that some form of a Radio was being created. The dial marker was currently on the 110 hrtz section. I then played with the dial, going up and down. I could see that "tuning" was the lesson here. I then repeatedly played with the dial mentally turning it up and down. I paid particular attention to what I was feeling at whatever the new setting was. What I could see, hear, how it felt different. I played with this for the entire session.

Afterwards I thought more about this and saw that there is ways I could heighten this experience. It would involve listening to different tones, from a MP3 or YouTube and getting used to what that frequency was. Then returning back to the "tuning" exercise and seeing if it still applied.

I could also see that the Schuman resonance was chosen here because it is the frequency of the Earth.
"Schumann resonances

The Schumann resonances (SR) are a set of spectrum peaks in the extremely low frequency (ELF) portion of the Earth's electromagnetic field spectrum. Schumann resonances are global electromagnetic resonances, generated and excited by lightning discharges in the cavity formed by the Earth's surface and the ionosphere."

So, that was an interesting session. Definitely something worthy of exploring again. I do want to point out though that I did not intend to see this. I didn't consciously image it to appear. Like I said above, I had finished my healing modality, then I was just enjoying the darkness before my closed eyes. But, when it started to occur, I allow it all the freedom it needed and sat back and passively observed it all, without question. My questions came afterwards.

Now to today's session. Once again I started with lying back into the water, closing my eyes, then mentally doing my healing ritual. I then blanked my mind and enjoyed the peacefulness of the darkness before my eyes.

A thought then came to me about a conversation I had recently with a good friend here, where I mentioned the fact that I still enjoy a focus on a "Child's Spinning Top", akin to the one in the movie Inception. I loved that movie and began using the spinning top visual immediately after I saw it in the movie. So, I jump started the spinning top visual

The Spinning top soon began to morph and this time it was into a flame. I continued to passively observe this and I could swear I heard something either orally or telepathically say to use the Elements. I am no stranger to mental associations of the Elements. Fire being the flame, Water, normally a gently running brook or stream, Air, the sun or a golden sky and Earth being flowers, tall grass, etc.

So, I started mentally visualizing these Elements and as usual a visual soon appeared in my mental screen. Then something weird began happening. I would be seeing the flame of a firepit and all of a sudden a flower would be superimposed over the scene. I would be witnessing the flame, but with the flower as some kind of "overlay". I then changed the element and once again watched as a overlay appeared/ The coolest one was a flame with water merging with it. Just yesterday in a post I made here on another thread, I was speaking about "layers". Well, in this session I really got to see the real meaning of them. The scenes and overlays got even more vivid, which led to more amazement.

I have always stated that I love experimenting and exploring anew. I know many of you reading this right now feel that things like this are unnecessary. I find that experimenting and exploring anew makes keeps this practice always fresh. It also creates a real passion to push the enveloped and delve further.

Many people make this practice much harder then they need to. Have fun with it. Release all that stress you put on yourself and just go see what you can see. You will soon find that all this work and prep you have been working on will really pay off. My techniques here are personally "tweaks" I have made on other people's successful methods. I wanted to keep it as simple as could. I have always and still always hear people say they can't rid themselves of their "Monkey mind". If you can't beat it, join it. Use that Monkey mind to take you away from your physical focus. Techniques like this don't have to be lengthy. See it for what it worth. I use a number of different techniques to reach the same goal/destination and I am constantly being taught new ones to share with you as well.
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


 I am going to add this reply with some new techniques to this Doorway thread. I really wanted to add it to the new "Astral Hotline" thread that EscapeVelocity created here, but it doesn't look like anyone is even using it or cares to. I know that once people do peruse this thread, so maybe they might find a answer that they are looking for.

First off I want to say a few things. The first being, I see new members come here, ask for help, get a reply, then totally ignore the reply and come back with the same problem that is hindering them again. Right now, I see it constantly here and that's a good reason that I haven't even logged on here for about a month now. That and the fact that the Astral Pulse Forum was offline for a week and half recently.

I see new members here constantly talking about this need to "get out of the body". They are looking at Astral Projection from a purely "physical mindset". A lot of this practice, just as life in general has to do with "common sense". So, common sense would tell me if I wish to have a "Etheric" experience also known as a true OBE, with all the bells and whistles, then I need to come at this from that point of view.
When I was new to projection, that's exactly what I did. I sat in a chair in my room and memorized everything around me. I memorized  where the table in the room was, the couch was, the stairs the windows, the walls etc. I sat there with eyes completely open and I tried to be aware of everything around me. I then closed my eyes, did a quick progressive relaxation and began focusing on my breathing. I mentally pictured everything around me while I did this. After a few more breaths, I decided to use inhale for expanding and my exhale for retracting. At first it was just on the length of one left leg or arm, kind of like a "stretch Armstrong" thing. Soon I was expanding and retracting towards my walls, tables, couches, etc. I felt the expansion and retraction as well. After about 15 minutes of doing this, I heard a brief Astral Wind. Next, I felt mild vibrations. I mentally noted them, then moved on. Soon, I was seeing my entire room, first through the fog, but it got better quickly, through my closed eyelids. I then got up and moved around. Not my physical body, My Etheric one. I didn't question what was happening. Yes, it caught me off guard, but I was "all in" when I started down this path.
I find that there are people that don't quite understand what it is to "PASSIVELY OBSERVE" and ALLOW" things to occur. I see that here in many posts that I read on a constant basis. They are constantly getting hung up because something did occur. They had one or two "exit signs" and then lost their entire focus. Fear has a lot to do with that. But I also find that those people will always disagree with that. They say they weren't afraid of it at all. But I know better, because I have and do still experience many fear tests. Just last week, a very vivid, completely aware experience of mine got thwarted by a simple "Doorbell". Yes, that's right, you can laugh, but I became ultra aware and just as I did, I heard my house doorbell ring. I got up to see who was there. Then I kicked myself all the way back to bed. Obviously no one was there. I got duped again, lol. It happens.

Now that I got that off my chest, I want to get back to teaching here again. The last few weeks I have had some excellent experiences and have been taught a couple of different new techniques of focus to share with others here that wish to learn, during my own Phase soak sessions.

The first one, we will call "Is it OHM/OM or AUM?. I laid back in the water and did a quick progressive relaxation/disassociation technique, then I asked "What's next". I just stared into the darkness before my closed eyes and soon a thought came to mind. It was based on the question "is it OHM/OM or AUM"? I didn't start that thought, my mind was basically blank at that point, but now I entertained that question. At first I thought that people may answer according to their Spiritual beliefs. Different cultures have different beliefs and that that belief would likely taint their findings. So, I began my own little test. I focused on the word OHM and mentally repeated it over and over for awhile, then I changed it up the other spelling AUM. I did notice a difference, but I felt that I flawed the process. The first OHM, I had practiced for the first ten minutes or so, before moving on the next AUM for ten minutes or so. I found this flawed because after the first ten minutes, I am normally already focused away from the body, meaning that the next ten minutes would be twice a strong anyways.
I then aborted that OHM/AUM focus and enjoyed the peace and quite of the 3D zone I was now experiencing.

Day two, I got in the tub, did my progressive relation, closed my eyes, went to focus on the OHM test again, did one OHM, got a really strong sensation to readjust my eyes, ignored it and found that I was now being catapulted at a extremely high rate of speed through some kind of portal experience. I didn't see the portal at first. All I felt was the feeling of being moved upwards at a fantastical rate of speed. Blurred colors soon joined the tactile sensations. I was already "out". I had shifted that quickly. That has happened very quickly, but I get a symptom before it does. It seems like it has to do with my physical eye focus. When you first close your eyes, your physical eyes are focused on the immediately darkness before them. If you have been looking at a cell phone, computer screen or even a TV beforehand, there is a likelihood that you will maintain a bit of that image in your closed eyes screen as well. Normally the imprint is, just as I said, a imprint of the outline of whatever it was you were viewing or looking at. Many times that imprint will be a rectangle. This is why "Candle Staring" is such a great technique to have a "shift of consciousness" with. One the imprint disappears, you can either "will" it back or just enjoy the darkness until something new occurs. What I have found on a number of occasions with myself personally is that if I fight the urge to readjust my physical eyes, I will instantly shift. I will tell you one thing too, that urge is hard to fight. Sometimes it feels like my head is going to explode. But I take it as a test. The bodies test to see if I am still physically oriented to it. It can happen quite quickly too.

Day three, I got back to the OHM test. This time I used OHM on the first breathe, then immediately afterwards I did a breathe using the other AUM. I kept aware and mentally recorded the differences, if there was one. When I finally aborted the OHM test, I focusing on opening some Astral Doorways.

I know people here that are going to say, "what a stupid question". There isn't any difference, ya da yada yada. It doesn't matter if there is any difference at all. To attack this, would show me you don't understand the reason for the "exercise" in the first place. This whole exercise, was based on giving you a target to focus on while the shift in consciousness naturally occurred. The entire time you were focused on the "is it OHM or AUM", you were focused away from your physical body, long enough for the natural shift to occur. After your half hour/hour practice session, for some, you would already find yourself, if you wish to use the term, "out of the body". This next technique is based on the same concept.

We will call this one "Contemplating the Meaning of life" and Other things".
For this one, as usual I got into my bathtub of water, closed my eyes, did a quick progressive relaxation technique and then just got lost in though contemplating things. In this session, the "chosen" topic seemed to be Blind/Impaired vision people. I was curious if they could see actual forms in their Dreams. Just like we do with our eyes open. At my shows, I come across when many people with come kind of impairment. Some are blind, some deaf, but I always try to go the extra mile when I speak to them. I will often hold the item we are speaking about out to them, so they can touch it and I guess, get a "visual" picture of it. Now the questions started. But do they see it like us? Is it just a "imprint" that they see? Is their "Mind's Eye", blind/impaired as well? This whole question and answer period has now taken my so far away form my physical body focus, that I have already shifted. When I stop contemplating "life and other", I find that I am deep in the 3D zone and now can move on to whatever lies there next. Then saw a "Bridge" in front of me and I crossed it.

The following days, I used the same focus on losing myself in thought. Weird as it was, the "bridge" showed up again and again once I lost focus on the losing myself in thought portion of the session. You might add this to your technique as well. Bridge's carry a lot of "symbolism" and mental association. Crossing one can quickly lead to a very vivid lengthy NP experience.
So, when you are done "contemplating life", cross that bridge in front of you. If you can't see, just know it's there. You can walk across, fly across, drive across, float across, etc. I have even had times where I was seeing a Horse or something/someone crossing the bridge ahead of me. This felt more like a 3rd person viewing. But I still mentally followed them none the less. I won't say what I saw on the other side because I don't want to "front load" you. But there was always a adventure awaiting. One time it even led to a lengthy Retrieval.

Even though I am still curious to know the answer to those questions above, this wasn't about that topic. This was once again about somewhat "tricking" or should I say, ""letting your guard down", enough so that the shift in consciousness can naturally occur. Both techniques do just that. Don't take these as written in stone "Blueprints". Take the idea/technique and run with it. Modify it to your own likings.

Many Authors have spoke of the "physical tests" that the body gives while attempting mind awake/body asleep. They can come in the form of needing to swallow, needing to move because of discomfort, also known a the "roll over" prompt. "Some" of these prompts occur when the body is trying to figure whether you are still awake or not. If ever tried to fight sleep, you would know exactly what I mean. I always give in to the "swallow" prompt. It can bring on the sensation of choking and get you to hyperventilate. So, if my throat wants me to swallow, I will. But I now have learned the importance of fighting the "eye adjustment" prompt. I have also learned how to get through it. I will just focus on a cone/pyramid shaped white light above my head. For some reason, that almost instantly will change the visual aspect from my physical eyes to my "Mind's EYE". Once that happens, I find the shift has already occurred. This can happen almost instantly or at least very soon after you close your eyes to start "noticing". If this happens to you too, "see it through" and you will find that the shift has just occurred. It doesn't always have to take a lot of time for this to happen. Sometimes you are just ready right way. Always "take what it gives you".

I hope some of these tips will help you on your Journeys.
                Safe Travels!  :-)
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Quote from: Lumaza on November 17, 2018, 04:43:42
I am going to add this reply with some new techniques to this Doorway thread. ...

I hope some of these tips will help you on your Journeys.
                Safe Travels!  :-)

Great post! Thanks for sharing.
"Read not to contradict and confute, nor to believe and take for granted, but to weigh and consider."
- Sir Francis Bacon


Thank You Lumaza giving in the effort for this text wall. We both need to accept the fact that others simply don't have patience for this and they will rather seek out their way to practice any of these mind travel tools. I try to help people understand any of these consciousness stuffs on my private ways and found the same issue, as soon as others got their answers, they stop the whole thing. Or as soon as somebody asked a question, they don't even accept your answer. We tend to share what we have but it seems to me after years that we are all alone with our best tools in this and others are just passing by.

I was on Reddit too and I had the chance to reinforce my thoughts about others. I talked with 500% people under the posts or privately and actually a small percentage reached out for me directly whenever I could help. Almost all gave up after some weeks or a month even in my email list and I felt myself like I can't do anything for others. They consume my articles and that is far where they can go. I'm not all-knower and I already experienced many things, maybe I sound very straight in what I say or write but I tried with my site. My impression is above and that humanity is not ready for this what we share on the Pulse too. I tend to only just read or take some research nowadays here because the Pulse is just transformed into some kind of personal crying out thing and I try to stay away from it.

This site supposed to be something where we can learn this together, or from others what they have but it is mostly about sharing our own beliefs and I can't really follow that approach. I tried to do it privately and actually a bunch of people contacted me to learn from me, I still have some nice people in my email list but they simply turned back to their own life and I don't have so much power if nobody takes it seriously, so my way is my way. I'm suck in normal projection, I'm doing it via falling asleep and fighting myself up to Focus 3 (according to Frank's model) and experience that way. Many times personal daily life just ruins all and I need days to get back on track.

So I think our efforts to help others to learn what we have mostly from experiences are just not enough I guess for that amount of people and we can't change their mindset. Think about that, nobody should tell us also what to do, we can gather or get insights and "methods" or "truths" but we are also alone in this. Some people are natural from birth in AP or Phasing, some are in high awareness LD like me, others in etheric practice. And we just can't really tell others what to do. It bugs me also, I don't want to tell others what to do, not even in my articles but I tried to represent my knowledge in a religious belief free form where I could. What I saw over 15+ months that people are just reading articles and move on. Like they don't give damn about the whole thing. I can't count how many times I tried to make people realize what fear tests, nightmares, dreams, AP and others are, told them in details, on Reddit, Quora recently, they just don't pay attention and will accept the next belief which will resonate with them. I don't know how many times I solved peoples problems on Reddit. They didn't pay attention, didn't care, like a venting forum. People are just not ready, we should admit it. They are slowly learning even about normal mundane dream life. They can't even IMAGINE that the physical Universe and their body with reflection is not the end of the story. This is not an easy thing. I won't do my work forever and eventually I will close my site too later, I don't know when but seems to be pointless.

Well, but I gave hope many thankful people and knowledge and they are really glad to know me, I'm glad too. I hope one day these people will share these too to others. But we can't change millions and their thinking, I don't want to, just share what I have and I guess moving on with my private life.
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Okay guys, this Topic is about Lumaza's Doorway Technique. Let's not ruin it.



Hey Lumaza, the OHM/AUM test was really creative. I had never thought anything of the different spellings. I'll certainly back you up that bridges, paths, trails, roads, a cart, car or such usually takes me somewhere interesting as well. Also light bridges or lights in the sky. Those are usually a quick way to exit for sure.

And yes yes yes, distracting yourself from the task at hand is a great way to lose your attachment to the body. Kudos!


 Thank You for all your replies here Baro-san, Philidan and Nameless!  :-)

I apologize for the late reply, we had a Benefit for Nathan last weekend and the Family was the one that was organizing it. There was a lot of things to do there.

I have explored this "eye adjusting" thing a bit more lately. It seems to be more of a "defocusing" than it does a "refocusing". I have experienced it recently many times now right at the start of my Phase sessions. I will do my quick progressive relaxation, than another quick "healing modality" for people that I know that are currently in need of it. Then the impulse hits strongly to readjust my eyes. I work through it and the next thing I know, I have shifted.

While working through the ever so strong impulse, I instantly feel the sensation of "rising". There is a strong burst of pins and needles that accompanies it as well. But it is short lived because the next thing I know, the darkness in front of my closed eyes has changed. It has become vast. I know this area well. It's the 3d dark zone. I can get there now in about 10 minutes, probably faster if I dropped my "opening rituals".

I am going to continue to explore this new "phase" of my Phasing exercises, lol, so, I won't be working on new techniques for awhile, unless another "lesson" reveals itself to me first.

I also want to say Thank You to all of you who recently PMed me with your comments. I will get back to you soon.

Philidan, I have found that that is the "new normal" and we just have to get used to it. I have spoke to others that teach Meditation, Yoga, etc. and they have told me that they are having the same problems. If people don't see instant results, they lose interest and move onto the next thing. Then you have the people that see this practice as the "flavor of the day". It will interest until the next "flavor" comes around.
There are people though that are serious about this practice. Many of them like to lurk in the shadows here. That's okay though, they don't need to reply. If they want though, they are always welcome to use the PM option on this Forum. That way, they can keep their comments personal.

Nameless, there are many "vehicles" that you can use to cross "over"/exit. I experience "portals and vortexes" in many things. I finally gave in to Tornadoes and found that they are very useful to "switch the scene". We are always taught to fear them here in the physical and we should. So, that "carryover" was causing fear in the NP for me as well. Until that is, I experienced what lied beyond the Tornado. Then I saw that in the NP they are used as a form of a portal or vortex.
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Lumaza, I'm finding it a bit difficult to follow precisely what you mean when you're talking about your eyes. What exactly does it mean to 'fight the urge to readjust'?

Do you mean that once you close your eyes, you must resist the urge to move them and stay focused on the darkness behind your eyes?

Sorry, I'm a bit lost!  :-D


Quote from: octave on November 22, 2018, 01:40:46
Lumaza, I'm finding it a bit difficult to follow precisely what you mean when you're talking about your eyes. What exactly does it mean to 'fight the urge to readjust'?

Do you mean that once you close your eyes, you must resist the urge to move them and stay focused on the darkness behind your eyes?

Sorry, I'm a bit lost!  :-D
It is really hard to explain.

I will be "noticing" the darkness before my eyes. Then I will have a overwhelming urge to readjust my eyes. It could be an urge to move them that I am fighting. All I know is the urge is very strong. I slowed the process down in the last few days to understand it more and it feels like I am turning my eye sight completely off. While fighting the urge, my hands and feet begin to tingle, like pins and needles and I get the sensation of rising. The next thing I know, I am in a vast empty darkness. The depth of that darkness has changed dramatically.

Yesterday I did a real fast couple of minute progressive relaxation exercise, then immediately the urge hit to readjust my vision, I did  and immediately felt the shift.

In the past I have times when new things like this start to occur. I mentioned it to Tom Campbell years ago when I had a few of my instant shifts while in the shower. They were spontaneous though. I didn't attempt anything besides trying to get the soap out of my eyes then, lol.
Tom says that things like this come in "phases", pardon the pun there!  :-D I am thoroughly enjoying this one now.  :-) 8-)
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Hm, maybe defocusing is the right word? I tend to practice it a lot. You defocus and watch a layer just backwards. We can call it our mind. But as soon there are some mental sceneries, we tend to ruin it with our eyes and we fall out. Frank actually had a battle with this lol. But I guess Lumaza you are a proficient god in this according to me haha.
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Quote from: Lumaza on November 22, 2018, 15:56:02
Then I will have a overwhelming urge to readjust my eyes. It could be an urge to move them that I am fighting. All I know is the urge is very strong. I slowed the process down in the last few days to understand it more and it feels like I am turning my eye sight completely off. While fighting the urge, my hands and feet begin to tingle, like pins and needles and I get the sensation of rising. The next thing I know, I am in a vast empty darkness. The depth of that darkness has changed dramatically.

I feel reminded of the old Nick Newport Lucidology material. In this video he talks about the eye's micromovements to be avoided and also some eye exercises. Is it connected to your practice?

Quote"Second Sleep Starter: Stop Eye Micromovements"

That wraps it up for sleep breathing. The second sleep starter is to stop eye micromovements.

During the day the eyes are searching for changes in motion. Because of this they make tiny micro movements all the time and at the end of they day they are still making these micro movements even though you may want to go to sleep.

If you close your eyes and try to keep them still you'll find that after about 30 seconds they are still twitching very slightly. It's not easy to totally relax the eyes. However if you can keep them at complete ease for several minutes the body will interpret that as a signal that the mind may have fallen asleep. In fact if you keep your eyes still your body will often fall asleep even if the rest of your muscles are fairly tense.

"Roll Eyes To Relax Them"

Before sleep, relax your eye muscles by rolling them around in wide circles in both directions several times and then letting them rest. After 3 or 4 nights of practicing this you'll be able to keep your eyes totally still and you'll fall asleep much faster.


Quote from: Phildan1 on November 22, 2018, 16:36:48
Hm, maybe defocusing is the right word? I tend to practice it a lot. You defocus and watch a layer just backwards. We can call it our mind. But as soon there are some mental sceneries, we tend to ruin it with our eyes and we fall out. Frank actually had a battle with this lol.
I guess "Defocusing" would be the right term then.

I had read about Frank's problem with this, in the past, in the "Frank's posts PDF" here on the Pulse. He says and I always restate that this is when it really important to just "passively observe". This is "much" easier said than done. With a lot of practice, you can entrain yourself to  control your reactions to the "stimuli" that you are experiencing.
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Quote from: Volgerle on November 22, 2018, 23:57:12
I feel reminded of the old Nick Newport Lucidology material. In this video he talks about the eye's micromovements to be avoided and also some eye exercises. Is it connected to your practice?

What a welcome walk down "memory lane".  :-) 8-)

Thank You for the share Volgerle. When I was new to this practice Nick's Lucidology material was one of the first things to really catch my eye.

I was coming at it from the approach of having a "OBE" in the real sense of the word. So Nick's info on the importance of the mind awake/body asleep and "triggers",  was responsible for many of my early SP success. It's been quite the while since I saw that video, so it was a pleasure to once view it once again. I love rehashing old tech and teachings, especially ones that worked.  8-)

He may be dead on with what I am trying to explain. I am basically stopping all eye movement. The pins and needles in the hands and feet,  the rising sensation, ,then the feeling of expanse immediately follows, but they are a result of my action or should I say "inaction", lol. Actually not necessarily follows. It's more like they get stronger the more I resist the urge to move my eyes in any direction. What follows is the realization that I am now experiencing a "shift in consciousness". The next task is to set an intent and explore what there is to know or see there.

"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


 I have been asked lately to further explain how I know I have actually "shifted". So, in the last 3 days I have been trying to slow down my Phasing to where I can identify and be aware of everything that occurs during it.

I just completed my daily Phase/soak session and once again I experienced the same thing. I got into the tub and did a quick progressive relaxation technique. That only lasted a few minutes. I then began focusing on just geometric, like I have been for the past 3 days. I then focused on different color schemes for those shapes. I had read about a similar technique before. I don't know where I read it, so I don't know who deserves the credit for it. I would visualize a red box. Then I would see a blue circle inside of it. I worked with this for a minutes and then it happened. A visual overlay, much more vivid then my imagined target appeared. It seemed to appear over top of the imagined vision, like there were two separate screens. I wanted to learn more about this, so I immediately stopped the session and opened my eyes, became aware of the physical again. Then I closed my eyes and went back to visualizing the colored geometric shapes again.

Somewhere along the line, a vivid overlay appeared again. Once again, I stopped what I was doing, opened my eyes and repeated the process again. Every time I did the vivid overlay or screen would appear. When I was getting near the end of my session and this repeating the initial steps of the Phasing process, I decided to focus completely on the new overlayed scenario. I stayed with that for awhile and then ended my session.

The 2 days previous to this, I experienced the same thing. I guess I never noticed the overlay thing. It is very subtle, so you really need to be aware. But, it seems to be a part of the process in some way shape or form. I found that that overlay seems to be a precursor of a successful shift. It seems to be the time when your focus on your physical eyes changes over to your "Mind's eye".
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Hi Lumaza,

Thanks for all the interesting ideas lately.

Right now I'm just trying to get my routine sorted out, to eliminate any questions about what I should be doing during my routine so that all my focus can be about the experience instead. I still have some basic newbie things to sort out. I have a free Robert Monroe Wave session I listen to called "open exercise" where Monroe sets up the conversion box, breathing, and affirmations followed by a chunk of empty time to explore before returning to c1. It has a good base of things you suggest here. I sort of follow something similar to Frank's script. That explore time is where I will fit in your exercises. It's about 40 mins.

I've decided to do this before bed once things are quiet, but there are days when it just doesn't happen because Im too tired. I was doing a simple breathing mediation at this time of the night before bed, but I am thinking this practice is more beneficial. The only other time to attempt this would be an early wake up time when I finish a rem period of sleep (4-5am). Not sure if you have any comments, but I think at least practicing this routine over mediation before bed will be more beneficial until the routine is without any doubts or second guesses.  

Regarding the eyes, there is a lot of switching happening between my physical eyes and trying to observe from the mind's eye/viewpoint. One thing that I remember Frank talking about was how he suggested the physical eyes should look up (maybe up as far as possible). Nobody else really mentions it though. If I am putting effort or attention towards making my eyes roll up, it seems like its putting additional focus on my physical eyes. So Im doing my routine and my viewpoint is struggling between my physical eyes and my minds eye, but then I start worrying about the direction of where my eyes should be looking. Lumaza, I couldn't find any real reference from you on direction of physical eyes, so my impression is to avoid thinking of the physical eyes all together, but I would like to clarify this.  Does having the physical eyes directed up or towards the brow "third eye" area help? Is it warranted for a newbie?

Finally, you've mentioned your "quick progressive relaxation technique" but not much detail on what that entails? I know you've mentioned experiences where things like a pac man eats away your body, and you suggest things like breathing or unzipping of the body suite. However, what is a progressive relaxation technique?



I should add the "up and right" after Frank's thoughts : ) But I guess you shouldn't take it that seriously. Don't forget that he was just an individual who experimented with these on his own way in the footsteps of Monroe. I know his work in and out but we are not similar, who are practicing this. This is why maybe Lumaza's work will work for Lumaza plus a few people and Frank's work will work for people like him. Just guessing. We need to figure it out alone.

Some people swear that eyes should be left out from this practice and some can phase with staring or using them. I can't really decide who is right so the best thing is just find your own way. For me, staring with them or using them, nothing works. Only if I switch "backwards" behind them into the NP stream so to speak. And not always. But these are just my own experimentations, others are surely better at this than me.
Visit my blog site:


Quote from: Lumaza on December 11, 2018, 22:32:14
I have been asked lately to further explain how I know I have actually "shifted".
I got into the tub

I always felt crazy that my best woo woo work is whilst taking a bath..

Thank you so much for sharing..

With Love
Lets keep the light on


Quote from: Yodad on December 12, 2018, 17:41:36
Thanks for all the interesting ideas lately.

Your welcome my friend!  :-)

QuoteRight now I'm just trying to get my routine sorted out, to eliminate any questions about what I should be doing during my routine so that all my focus can be about the experience instead. I still have some basic newbie things to sort out. I have a free Robert Monroe Wave session I listen to called "open exercise" where Monroe sets up the conversion box, breathing, and affirmations followed by a chunk of empty time to explore before returning to c1. It has a good base of things you suggest here. I sort of follow something similar to Frank's script. That explore time is where I will fit in your exercises. It's about 40 mins.
A few days ago I took a look back at the first Journal I had made based on my own experiences. The first technique I ever used, which ended up a success, was "Candle staring". I couldn't duplicate the same success using that the next time, so, I soon moved onto another method. This new method was Robert's Wave session. I could see that basically it was a "walkthrough"/guided meditative technique. Next I used Steve G. Jones "Moonwalking" technique. Then I moved onto Robert Bruce's new.

During that time I was listening to Tom Campbell's and William Buhlman's seminars and videos. So, basically I was bombarding myself with all kinds of info. So much so that I couldn't get anywhere. So, I began dissecting pros and cons from each of these techniques and devised my own.

Robert Monroe taught me the value of a "walkthrough". The candle staring taught me the importance of motion in a target. (I will talk more on this in a moment}. Steve Jones has a great Binaural Beat track that he created and I enjoyed using that. Robert Bruce's "NEW" taught me how to access my "etheric body". It taught me how to "defer" physical pain as well. Then there was Frank's teachings here, via his PDF. That taught me how to Phase. Tom Campbell taught me about fear and how to overcome it. He also taught me that the shift is just a thought away. We just need to get out of the way and allow it to occur.

Now that I had all the techniques, I needed to learn to hurdle the obstacles I was encountering.
1st obstacle: Eyes felt like they were opening just at the apex of a shift. I had vibrations, the Astral winds blowing, etheric motion and then my eyes would open and wreck it all. It could have been my "etheric/Astral" eyes opening. But whatever it was, I found it to be a major hinderance. I fixed it by using simple Blindfold. At first it was a cherry pit eye pad. But then I moved onto a real blindfold that purchased online.

Next obstacle was swallowing and breathing rhythm I would sit down to practice. I then closed my eyes to notice and then I had to swallow. That salivating problem was annoying. Next was the focus on breathing. How I fixed both of these was basically further practice and allowing myself to be immersed in my focus. This is also when I started to use progressive relaxation and disassociation techniques. Well, the disassociation technique was a result of my "pac man" experience, that you related to.

The next hurdle was chasing scenes. I would be noticing the darkness before my eyes, a visual would appear and I would get excited and chase it, using my physical eyes. This would cause all kinds of mental jumping around. This got fixed by a NP adventure I had with my deceased Brother-in law. He had died about 6 years previous, but at the time was not even slightly on my mind. In that episode, he taught me not only NP depth perception, but also the importance of PASSIVELY OBERVING with an air of curiosity.

One by one I had to handle all kinds of problems. The worst one though came through my Trigeminal Neuralgia. For a time, that blocked any success. I could no longer close my eyes and notice. My eye nerve would spam violently when I closed my eyes to focus. To beat that I needed to learn to bypass my physical eyes and go directly to my "Mind's eye". My Trigeminal Neuralgia also taught me Tibetan Dream Yoga.

There is one really important thing I wish to say though. The techniques used for a Etheric OBE and those of Phasing are completely different. I will explain why I say that. It's because Phasing is more of a mental process. Having a etheric OBE normally involves more of a physical focus. Very rarely have I ended up in a real time zone, meaning my current surroundings.
My Doorway technique and the Phasing techniques I have used are based on disassociation from a physical focus. I experience everything from a "point of view" focus. A Etheric OBE is based on "climbing out" of the body. That is still a physical focus in my books. You can't or shouldn't confuse the two of them.

QuoteI've decided to do this before bed once things are quiet, but there are days when it just doesn't happen because Im too tired. I was doing a simple breathing mediation at this time of the night before bed, but I am thinking this practice is more beneficial. The only other time to attempt this would be an early wake up time when I finish a rem period of sleep (4-5am). Not sure if you have any comments, but I think at least practicing this routine over mediation before bed will be more beneficial until the routine is without any doubts or second guessespretty
I find where there's a will you will always find a way. I like repetition. Routines are good!

QuoteRegarding the eyes, there is a lot of switching happening between my physical eyes and trying to observe from the mind's eye/viewpoint. One thing that I remember Frank talking about was how he suggested the physical eyes should look up (maybe up as far as possible). Nobody else really mentions it though. If I am putting effort or attention towards making my eyes roll up, it seems like its putting additional focus on my physical eyes. So Im doing my routine and my viewpoint is struggling between my physical eyes and my minds eye, but then I start worrying about the direction of where my eyes should be looking. Lumaza, I couldn't find any real reference from you on direction of physical eyes, so my impression is to avoid thinking of the physical eyes all together, but I would like to clarify this.  Does having the physical eyes directed up or towards the brow "third eye" area help? Is it warranted for a newbie?

As I stated above. I learned a lot about the eyes. I experimented with everything. Up/down, side to side. In the end I found the best thing to do is to focus straight ahead into the darkness. But when you do, feel that darkness surround you. Become one with it. At this point any visual you produce is normally flat, like it's on some kind of blackboard in front of you. This is why I like the flame so much. A flame "flickers". That creates motion. An apple is an inadament object. At least as a visual, that is.

So, now you are staring into the darkness and nothing is happening, you are getting bored. Well, take your etheric hand and grab hold of the curtain in front of you and swing it open or shoot that basketball in your hands into the darkness in front of you. In other words, do something spontaneous. Don't look for the curtain or the ball in your hands, just know it's there. Be aware of the depth you experience now. If you wanted, you could go back to your visual of the apple or what ever your initial focus target was, to see how it has changed. It does not look like it's on a blackboard anymore. It now has dimension and depth to it.

QuoteFinally, you've mentioned your "quick progressive relaxation technique" but not much detail on what that entails? I know you've mentioned dxperiences where things like a pac man eats away your body, and you suggest things like breathing or unzipping of the body suite. However, what is a progressive relaxation technique?

My progressive relation technique begins with a focus on my big toe and gradually follows up until it is "above" my head. You target each part of the body one appendage or area at a time. To use my disassociation from the body focus, when you focus on a area, you mentally turn it off, until you end up above your head. It doesn't have to take a lot of time. I use it as part of my "ritual".      

Here is what I have posted in the past showing my quick progressive relation/disassociative technique:

Here is a simple little step by step in that Disassociation process. I will also add some helpful tips to it that I have been finding lately in my own practice of it. All you want to do is focus briefly on the location until you actually feel it/become aware of it.
Left Leg-toes, heel, calf, knee, thigh, hip, the whole leg, then nothing
Right Leg-toes, heel calf, knee, thigh, hip, whole leg, nothing
Left Arm-fingers, hand, elbow, upper arm, all, nothing
Right Arm-fingers, hand, elbow, upper arm, all, nothing
Back-lower, middle upper, all, nothing
Front-stomach, solar plexus, chest, all, nothing
Shoulders Neck, nothing
Head-chin, mouth, eye sockets, 3rd eye/forehead, hair, nothing. You are done.

"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Quote from: catsquotl on December 12, 2018, 18:22:03
I always felt crazy that my best woo woo work is whilst taking a bath..

Thank you so much for sharing..

With Love
Yes, I found there is something "magickal" about water. The warmth of the water is perfect for just letting go and releasing your physical focus. Some day I want to try a "Float tank" too.
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Quote from: Lumaza on December 12, 2018, 22:18:26
Yes, I found there is something "magickal" about water. The warmth of the water is perfect for just letting go and releasing your physical focus. Some day I want to try a "Float tank" too.

You should.
I was in such a tank once way before I knew anything about the astral.
Had the most vivid hypnocogic imigary i had, maybe even have, experienced ever.
In retrospect it could have definetly been a full immersive astral experience come to think of it..

With Love
Lets keep the light on


Quote from: catsquotl on December 13, 2018, 03:23:23
You should.
I was in such a tank once way before I knew anything about the astral.
Had the most vivid hypnocogic imigary i had, maybe even have, experienced ever.
In retrospect it could have definetly been a full immersive astral experience come to think of it..

With Love
Thanks for the share!  :-) It's on my "Bucket List"!  :-D
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


 Happy "belated" New Years to all!  :-)

In the past few months I have been studying Hypnosis, in all it's forms and applications. A member here, who I greatly respect, named "Baro-san" will always reply to a person seeking help with Astral Projection, that all they need to do is to learn "Self Hypnosis" and they will have no problem achieving a completely aware shift in consciousness.  

The one thing I really liked that I learned through my brief study of Hypnosis is that they use the word "try", when they expect failure and the word "do" when they expect success. I am going to say that again and I will put that in bold capitalized letters here, because I feel this is VERY IMPORTANT. A Hypnotist will use the word TRY, when they expect FAILURE and DO when they expect SUCCESS. An example of this comes when they are attempting to induce "Eye Catalepsy", which is a technique used commonly in Hypnosis, even "stage" Hypnotist use it. To do this, they will have a person first focus on a spot in the room, on their forehead, wherever. Then the subject will close their eyes and the Hypnotist will then have them relax their eyes, Once fully relaxed, the Hypnotist will then tell them something along the lines "that when I count down 3-1, you will "TRY" and open your eyes, but they will be locked shut. The more you "TRY" the harder it will be to open them. They will use the word "TRY" for every circumstance that they expect the subject to fail in during the entire Hypnotic process and session.

I emphasized that point on the word "try" because I always see people here at the Pulse and other places that continually post how they will try this or that. I also realize that omitting that word out of our speech and sentences, makes us sound like "Egotists". I have learned throughout my life that you either "do" or you "don't". To try something, means there is indeed a chance of failure. When I was younger I had sales training. This training was for "direct" sales, as in door to door sales. At the time, the people teaching you were basically "slave drivers". Door to door sales was and I guess still is very high pressure and the methods of the teachers were very ruthless as well. We made our projected "quotas" for the day in morning meeting. You either reached them at the end of the day or didn't. You never used the word "try". It was greatly frowned upon and would always end up with you getting chastised by a superior in the company.

A stage Hypnotist will have a number of little tests to deepen the hypnotic trance state. They will bring their subject in and out of the trance state will quick exercise, which in turn will deepen the trance state. They will get it so the subject is responding to their "suggestion" as quick as possible. They find that that in and out process nullifies the thinking mind and gets them right where they want to be, which is communicating with the sub conscious itself.

The Hypnotist will use "progressive relaxation" and an "emphasis" on special words. Some of the Hypnotist will even lower their voice when they say certain words because they have found that the subconscious seems to respond favorably to lower tones. The emphasized words are normally the "trigger" words. Everything they say to the subject is positive. Every word they use has meaning.

In my Doorway technique, I have also used the use of progressive relaxation. When I mentally state or affirm something that I wish to be heard at a deeper level, I will visualize that word or phrase in large letters. I use mental triggers in my simple focus on color and or geometric shapes. Many of the techniques used in "Hypnosis", self or other, are also used in Astral Projection itself. The more I learned about Hypnosis, the more I saw that this is what we have already been doing here. I was really shocked to see all the things that were shared in common with our practice in general. Mind you, a stage Hypnotist is performing for show, so they need fast results.  

I just wanted to share that will others here. There were a number of great tips that I received in my study of Hypnosis. Possibly researching it will make you a better "conscious shifter" as well.

For the next part I wanted to share with you some things I have been working on to deepen my own experiences. I have already shared throughout this entire Doorway thread, how to get to the "Void", the 3D dark zone. Soon there is going to be a fantastic thread written by one of our valued members here that explains exactly what this void is, that he accumulated from a number of acclaimed and some not so acclaimed "experiencers".

On to the deepening. I got into the water and began messing with some new things I learned from my study on Hypnosis. So, I layed back in my tub of hot water, closed my eyes, did my brief opening ritual, some progressive relaxation, a bit of visualization, then I stopped and opened my eyes. I then began over again. This time though, all I did was to close my eyes and notice the darkness around me. Notice how I said "around" instead of in front of me. At that point I was already experiencing depth in the darkness. Not fully where I wanted to be, so I opened my eyes, became aware of my real physical surroundings again, closed them and began noticing again. Once again, all the work and prep I had done earlier wasn't necessary now. I was already experiencing depth. This time it was even deeper then last time. So I stopped, opened my eyes and repeated the process again. Every time I did this, I noticed that no prep at all was needed. If anything, opening my eyes and focusing became the only difficulty. It was like I was kind of stuck in the zone.

At this point now visuals were aplenty. There was no need to visualize or jumpstart anything now. I saw what looked like a star in front of me. For some reason, instead of focusing on it, I focused "beyond" it. Every time a new visual would appear, I would try to look/focus "through"/beyond" it. This was bringing me to a level of depth that I have very rarely experienced. This is when I noticed/perceived, that I wasn't moving forward towards these scenes, like I do in my 6 pt directional focus. They/the objects or scene were moving towards me. The scene or objects would be very vivid at first. When I attempted to see "past them", the visual would become ghostly like a grey image and it would approach until it felt like it went through me. It was very bizarre and if anyone reading this wants to experience a new level of depth, you will find this technique to be a very unique one.

When I use my 6pt directional technique while in the 3d Void or when trying to reach the Void, I will feel the motion in whatever direction is focused on. Example: the focus on Forward, will normally have me feeling like I am moving forward, like on a Rollercoaster or some driving simulation. I will experience the accompanying visuals as well. For a Rollercoaster, I may see the tracks ahead and feel as the track swerve and turn. Focus on backwards, up, down, right, left, will have their corresponding visuals and motion feelings/responses as well.

With this focus though, There was no feeling of moving towards something. There was no feeling of motion at all, except for the motion of me being perfectly still, as everything came at me. This is a very unusual sensation and one that we are not naturally accustom to.

Well, that's it for this post for now. I really hate typing, lol!  :-D
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla