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shared dreams?

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Wow.. what a coincidence.
I joined this board because I wanted to respond to this inquiry.  I am wondering about the same thing.  Can two people dream share?

I think I may have dream shared with someone but can't quite tell.  It's a gut feeling I have but one can never be too sure without hard evidence.

Any advice on this?? HELP!



I'm new at this, but I heard that when you're dreaming someone, that you did share dream with him, but he doesn't remember. But it depends, i think that it can be only virtual reality that your brain created in some cases.


When I first read of this subject, I was fascinated by it. I take a guess it's yes to all your questions. Afterall, if you think about it, isn't waking life alot of common and shared experiences?

I read somewhere that a shared dream may happen when two people are connected and a shared dream would benefit both in someway by the message. This makes sense to me.

A gut feeling is the same as an intuitive feel. Hard evidence is the same as manifested in the waking world. Both these things require some interpretation. There is such a thing as wishful thinking too.

If the other person doesn't relate to your experience, this may be an example of wishful dreaming. A person in your dream could be an aspect of yourself your seeing in the other one.


Yes, I have read many reports of shared dreams.  IF you are an accomplished lucid dreamer or OOBEr, all you need is someone else who is also accomplished.  

Though time is theoretically nonlinear or nonexistant in higher worlds, it helps considerably to focus your energies by deciding on a mutual agreed on time and place to 'meet'.  Once in a lucid or OBE state, call out to your partner with your mind.

Always keep notes when you awaken, to compare later.

Non semper ea sunt quae videntur.


When you consider our interconnectedness and actual oneness, the possibilities raised by this topic are in actuality quite real. There are books by people such as Bruce Moen, for example, who have observed people in the non-physical realms, who are dreaming. Yet these dreamers are interacting with one another in their dream state.

The fact is that most people do not remember a great deal after awakening. It seems quite possible though, that were both people to share a dream experience and both remember it, then they would relate similar themes.

Very best,
"What lies before us, and what lies behind us, are tiny matters compared to what lies within us...." - Ralph Waldo Emerson


About 20 years ago I was really into learning how to produce lucid dreams and learned how to navigate pretty good.  The love of my life (at that time) had to go to a different state during spring break.  I was a senior in high school.

We agreed to go into our dream that night and try to find each other.  We tried every day for a week, this is what happened.

We only found each other three times, and it was as real as if we were together.  In the dreams we agreed to remember the dream the next day after we woke up and to call each other on the phone.  When I would call her we would discuss the dream and found that we had the exact same experiences.  Since I was skeptical by nature I would ask her about the dream she had before divulging any information about mine.  I needed proof that it was real and not just her agreeing with whatever I told her.

It was real, and we had the same experience.  I have only tried it that one time.

What ever the mind of man can conceive, and believe, it can achieve.  Napoleon Hill

There is no spoon.

Life is a dichotomy within an enigma, based upon dogma affecting karma...... Or my dogma ate my karma....


Wisp:  I don't think this is the case of wishful thinking.  I have been studying dreams and have been interpreting for years.  I also have lucid dreams and once almost OBE due to a lucid dream. I find the experience of shared dreaming very fascinating but I wouldn't say the events have been wishful at all.  

TheLou:  What an experience you had. You actually shared a dream with a friend.  I hope to experience this someday myself.  You are a perfect example of this actually happening.  Please continue to share your experiences in this thread.



very interesting. i have always wondered if you could talk to a real person in a dream. i believe it is totally true. how do i know? because a few years ago i had a dream where i was lucid, i had no idea what that meant back then, but i must have been lucid because i was talking to this girl, and she was talking back, we had a real conversation, about stuff, i actually didnt want the dream to end.

for me, when i dream usually people dont talk to me, its like i know what they are thinking, and i know what they are gona do and say, so speach is not needed. HOWEVER once i was lucid i began talking to her, and she talked back...i asked her if she was a real person dreaming and she said YES.

also a few weeks ago, i was dreaming, and realized it. so i started taling to this girl, and i said "wow hey this is tripy, i know im dreaming" something like that..

anyone else have any experiences like this?


Thanks Blissful,

Well its funny because a few months ago I had my first lucid dream since back then.  It is sort of the reason I decided to get "back into" this stuff.  Having 2-3 in one night, 3-4 nights a week now.

In my dream I was back in school, not lucid yet though.  Then I ran across this girl I had a major crush on back then.[:D]  We did the ususal "hi" thing.  Then something weird happened.  It was like some kind of energy thing reach out from each of our hear chakras and pulled us together.  That is when I became lucid that it was a dream.  I viewed it third party at that moment.  It was amazing.  The feeling of pure unconditional love was very strong and real.  We started to make love.  It was more realistic than the real world.  When we finished I woke up and thought about the dream.  For days after it was like it really happened.

Remembering what happened with my high school girlfriend back then, I could not help but wonder if she drempt it also, because it was so real.  I felt like it had really happened.

Writing this has brought another question to my mind.  Most of the time, (say80%) when I have a lucid dream I view it third party.  Like watching it from someone else's perspective.  Does that ever happen to anyone else?[8)]
What ever the mind of man can conceive, and believe, it can achieve.  Napoleon Hill

There is no spoon.

Life is a dichotomy within an enigma, based upon dogma affecting karma...... Or my dogma ate my karma....


THE LOU SAID:  Remembering what happened with my high school girlfriend back then, I could not help but wonder if she drempt it also, because it was so real. I felt like it had really happened.

Writing this has brought another question to my mind. Most of the time, (say80%) when I have a lucid dream I view it third party. Like watching it from someone else's perspective. Does that ever happen to anyone else?

I SAY:  Yes, I have been watching my dreams in third person most of the time.  It's like watching a movie.  Now, I'd rather be a part of it rather than watching.  AND, can you call your high school sweetie and just say hi how are you doing? See if she says "Oh my gosh I was just thinking about you" or maybe it's been a while and the days have passed since that dream. That's what I would have done.

The person that's been in my dreams isn't someone I can call up and say hi to. I only know this person because we have similiar interests and we hang out with people with these interests but I don't know him personally.  He's actually very hard to reach but the few times we caught each others eyes it's been real intense (NOT SEXUAL AT ALL.. NOT IN THAT WAY) Intense like we both might know something about each other but don't know how... that sort of thing.  He appears in my dreams fairly often but not all the time.  He appears every now and again.  Of all my dreams, I'm starting to question whether this is telepathic or a dream sharing situation, as the dreams really feel that way upon waking.  It's quite strange but the possibility of that actually being the case is sooo DYNAMIC AND FASCINATING!!  It's taking my experiences with dreams to a whole new level (and one that I'm ready for).


Your original message stated:
Any advice on this?? HELP!

I then stated my thoughts on a "possible". Beware of your own motives.


Wisp:  Beware of my own motives?

I don't understand what you mean.  Please explain.



Hi Blissful,
It seems that a person who is at peace with what their doing would not ask for Help. Since learning of other person's ability to control their dreams, I've wondered about the effect. I read people who have repeated nightmares or dreams not wanted, are advised to control their dreams. If this is a possibilty, and I've read continuously about  this in this forum, what can happen? One of the things I've come to believe is that we can interject alot of our own beliefs and ideas (true or false) in our dreams. I look for this in my own dreams. During my waking time I am very aware of my true motives and intentions. In my dreams, though very subtle, there are falsehoods. These may be innocent or calculated, this I'm not yet so sure about. Either way, there is a wish fullfilment aspect in dreams. Wishdreams may serve a purpose, but really doesn't go anywhere in the big picture of one's life. Maybe that's why I'm not too much into creating my own dream scenerios. For me, life is very much a single journey.This does not necessarily mean it's everyone's. However, in waking life, many people have codependency issues. This is something which may play out in dreams, I'm only suggesting caution.

Sorry Blissful, I didn't mean to through off your train of thought. You asked for help, I thought you were distressed about something. I was throwing in another prospective to the shared dream idea.[:)]


Wisp Said:  Sorry Blissful, I didn't mean to through off your train of thought. You asked for help, I thought you were distressed about something. I was throwing in another prospective to the shared dream idea.

I say:  Oh Wisp, thank you very much for your concern.  Me saying Help wasn't necessarily a "cry for help" just wanting to relate to others who may have these experiences (as you've read on this board there are). I'm very up to speed on dreams, particularly wish fullfillment, I can totally tell when I have one of those dreams.  I'm also a lucid dreamer and have had one OOBE, now I think I may be experiening dream sharing.  I can get a ton of information on Lucidity and OBE but not much by the way of dream sharing and telephathy unfortunately.  I think it's a beautiful experience and it, beyond all things, makes me truly see that we CAN and DO live in two different "reality" worlds (and heck.. maybe even more than that).  So, don't apologize, I appreciate you even reading my issue and responding.  I enjoy reading what conclusions people might come up with (knowledge of the subject) or experiences that they've had.  I'm almost convinced mine is dream sharing (based on all my experiences) but yet I don't see too many others going through the same thing.  Only a handful. hmmmmmf

Blessed be...



Re: Your accidental posting of a new subject. You can delete your posted message by going to the icon(top of page) at the site of your messaged post. I think you have to email a moderator to remove the new subject accidently posted. I haven't had to do that, so I'm not sure about how to remove a new topic.

Your right, there are not a lot of people who have shared dream experiences. If I happen across anything, I'll try to get you some more info. If you have been interpreting your own dreams for some time, I'm sure you have much of the intuition that is picked up by it.Good hunting on your quest. [:)]


Hi Wisp and all
Recently I have been working on WILDs and its going good, however I am having some problem understanding the nature and experience. It seems that the dreams I enter are my own. Sort of a creation. I may be dreaming of someone while they are awake and therefore it would not be a shared dream. However sometimes it seems that some of the people I meet are very much more real than others. It seems that they have entered MY dreams. Who are they and why do they do that?
If it is possible to share dreams , and it seems plausible, then certain conditions must exist first, ( first one being that both should be asleep [;)])

What are thise conditions.? I also asked RB what to do in my Lucid dreams, and was counselled to think in ways of healing , praying for world peace etc, however since my dreas are my creations how about using them to work through issues. Is that possible being Lucid?

Regards MS
Words.....there was a time when I believed in words!


Hi Mustardseed,
This is a good subject, and some very good questions. The people in dreams is something I look at closely. This is very challenging. I had a couple of dream people who have appeared in dreams before, show up again recently. The reason I'm so interested in these two repeaters is that my life took an odd and rough turn since they showed up. I've been thinking of posting a description of these two dreams with these two in it. One of them was seen while I was waking up in the middle of the night. The other was in a regular dream,the woman said something that could be connected to what I was yet to find out in my waking life.Either or both could be my aspect, I'm just not sure yet. I'm still trying to fit the pieces together. The popular other opinions is that they are spirit guides or angels.

It seems to be quite rare to connect a person in your dreams with another person, but why not? Anything is possible. By recording (and remembering dreams) I pay attention to waking life events that may connect with someone I have dreamed about.

Here is a link on mutual dreaming. I read it a long time ago.I need to read it again.
What are thise conditions.? I also asked RB what to do in my Lucid dreams, and was counselled to think in ways of healing , praying for world peace etc, however since my dreas are my creations how about using them to work through issues. Is that possible being Lucid?

I'm not aware of any conditions. I don't see anything wrong searching with the intention of self improvement.I think anything is possible, not restricted to lucid, or even the fact the other person may not be sleeping, if that's what you mean, MS. People have waking visions,synchronicity,and even moments of subconscious activity in waking time, why put a restriction on whether anyone is physically sleeping?


I had a dream a couple days ago that my wife said to me if it were not for me and the kids she would have gotten a visa and made a world trip. I told her about this dream the next day and she said amazed "that is exactly what I was thinking". Unfortunately she does not write down her dreams but I suspect that when I dream with her in it that she could really be in it. It would therefore seem to be the best thing to do to try to share dreams with one's spouse as the emotional ties and interests are just so close and you could agree on it so much easier without making any complications in relationships and check the facts later upon waking up. Hey this could even improve the marriage love life considerably![:D]

A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds.
There's more than one way to skin a cat.


QuoteOriginally posted by wisp

It seems to be quite rare to connect a person in your dreams with another person, but why not? Anything is possible. By recording (and remembering dreams) I pay attention to waking life events that may connect with someone I have dreamed about.

Hey Wisp:
Oh my goodness, that is so helpful.  I record 90% of my dreams and YES, some waking life events have connected with my dream events (and they involve the person I think I'm dream sharing with).

Incredible.  So simple how come I didn't think of that.  

Now, as for me being rare, well yes that's possible (I say that with a sense of humor).

Thanks for the thought and the website.



Hi Blissful

It does sound strange, but sometimes truth can be much stranger than fiction. If two people are connected at a very close level...maybe family, spouse, soulmate or whatever-it can happen (more than just once by coincidence).

My advice is...if you identify that you are doing this, make sure the other person is open to dreams and "unnatural connections". If might just freak them right out![:D]


Hi Blissful,

You and others have talked about OOBE and OBE.  You just talked about both in the same paragraph.  At first I thought it was just two different ways to say the same thing.  You know, tomato, tamato?  Is there a difference between OOBE and OBE?  What does the second "O" stand for?


What ever the mind of man can conceive, and believe, it can achieve.  Napoleon Hill

There is no spoon.

Life is a dichotomy within an enigma, based upon dogma affecting karma...... Or my dogma ate my karma....


Originally posted by thelou

Hi Blissful,

You and others have talked about OOBE and OBE.  You just talked about both in the same paragraph.  At first I thought it was just two different ways to say the same thing.  You know, tomato, tamato?  Is there a difference between OOBE and OBE?  What does the second "O" stand for?



Thelou, it's the same thing (oobe and obe) it's just a typo on my part.

And yes, one has to be EXTREMELY careful when sharing these things cause you can freak someone out!!  I'll be cool and wait to see if the "sign" are there before speaking.  



Have you tried to contact this person using telepathy (calling their name)?

Have you ever received a telepathic message? If so, how did this message appear to you?  

Why don't your use you lucid dreaming or telepathy to get them to the website? That would be a good sign...wouldn't it?


Originally posted by fisherman32

Have you tried to contact this person using telepathy (calling their name)?

Have you ever received a telepathic message? If so, how did this message appear to you?  

Why don't your use you lucid dreaming or telepathy to get them to the website? That would be a good sign...wouldn't it?

No, I'm only under the suspicion of dream sharing at this point.  When I had my first WILD I tried to reach him but my excitement woke me up. I have been lucid but am trying to use that time for other things.  I will eventually do that though.  I'm trying to take this adventure slowly.




This may sound goofy to you, but you have the strongest psi vibe that I have yet to pick up on. I really don't think you realize what you have yet. I have nothing to quantify that statement, but I am usually a pretty good judge of talent. If your co-worker is your "Soul Mate/Friend" he will have the same level of talent. You would make quite the couple! lol

Make sure you keep your dreams to yourself so you can find out for sure.

Good luck with your adventure!