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web-bot forecasts big change to come for this year

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Heard from Oazaki much lately QS?
Look at this:
Also a transition to 4D is already happening. But not in the way Oazaki predicted....


Thanks for pointing that out Cacodemon. I haven't heard from Oazaki, by email or w/e for some time, but I think as Cacodemon said, things are not going exactly as Oazaki predicted, though still I think his works are all set to happen in this year as that was the 'plan'.

Things have progressed up to this point, as you may be aware, in it's own time and there is more if one might want to take note of, like the links I gather and more. Here are some new ones to name some:

Evidence OBL DIED IN December of 2001!

Read this and you will never believe mainstream "News" again

Kerry Won(!)(?)

Citizen Grand Jury Indicts Feds over Sept. 11 Attacks

Terrorists In The Voting Booths

Poll Worker Photographed In Election Fraud

Bush & Kerry - a scripted and staged drama - completely phony, both worked together

The Skull & Bones Brothers Tag Team

Fixed - The Stealing Of Another Election

Voting Without Auditing - Are We Insane?

Rockefellers choose US Presidents...since 1876.

There were/are people protesting the fraudulous election also:

Portlanders protest Bush victory

Local Protests Make News, Disrupt Traffic

Protests breaks out in VT

Now watch the world ´vote´ against you

Are You Pleased With The Outcome Of The Presidential Election?


And here are 2 articles which I fully read but I thought might be of interest to at least one reading this:



That all pretty much covers a lot! So enjoy, while you can...


A meditation that is needed to raise body's vibrations and to become a 4d being has recently leaked out. Of course not from "spiritual guides", angels, etc.(they would never let people know of it, because they want humanity to be dependent on them). My friend tried in and is now in 4d. The 4d is somewhat similar to what Oazaki described, but not as much astral like. If you want more info - PM me.


QuoteA meditation that is needed to raise body's vibrations and to become a 4d being has recently leaked out. Of course not from "spiritual guides", angels, etc.(they would never let people know of it, because they want humanity to be dependent on them). My friend tried in and is now in 4d. The 4d is somewhat similar to what Oazaki described, but not as much astral like. If you want more info - PM me.
Is that right?  Why not meditiate so one can achieve 5d then?  And what's so good about being 4d?  Is your friend no longer on this planet?


Interesting Cacodemon. Tell me more, I'm curious ;)

I'm very much aware of that forum and his posts there... you seem to be changing your view on Oazaki continuously :P


I'm very much aware of that forum and his posts there... you seem to be changing your view on Oazaki continuously
This is true. Oazaki is the greatest puzzle I have ever had to solve. Also my view on spirituality is changing continuously, because in last few weeks I've learned very much, and now I know that I was wrong with many things.

Is that right? Why not meditate so one can achieve 5d then? And what's so good about being 4d? Is your friend no longer on this planet?
He is still there. Transition is just a change in perception, and raising consciousness to much higher level. You can feel then that "we are all one mind" is not a new age dogma, but it's true. Some persons reported also, that in 4d they can see through walls, etc. About 5d: If we would call our normal consciousness level 3d, then logically we would call next 4d, some people are referring to it as 5d, but I think that names don't matter.

Sorry but I can not post this info openly now(This has something to do with Oazaki, I can't explain now). I will post it on Astral Pulse when I will check it by myself. I can PM it to you if you want.

Eric g

Quote from: AdamInteresting Cacodemon. Tell me more, I'm curious ;)

I'm very much aware of that forum and his posts there... you seem to be changing your view on Oazaki continuously :P

Interesting indeed!! Please tell me CaCoDeMoN.. has the mediation something to do with inner Merkeba? (sp?)
Death don't scare me, it's the dying that freaks me out


Sure man, spin me over a PM. I'd be interested to hear it.


OUTRAGE IN OHIO -- Angry residents storm State House


Hey Cacodemon,

I just got the tool album called Lateralus. Wouldn't ya know there is a track on here called Faaip De Oiad that has a clip of a guy exposing area 51, the same exact interview from Coast to Coast some years ago, that I even mentioned in the Year 2004 prediction, and made a connection with the NSA and their depopulation tactics....

Tool rox!! :twisted:


Hey Cacodemon,

I just got the tool album called Lateralus. Wouldn't ya know there is a track on here called Faaip De Oiad that has a clip of a guy exposing area 51, the same exact interview from Coast to Coast some years ago, that I even mentioned in the Year 2004 prediction, and made a connection with the NSA and their depopulation tactics....

Tool rox!!
Yea, and they have great metaphysical knowledge. The song "Lateralis" is about astral projection, find out by yourself what others are about. And about cover: the image was designed by Alex Grey, and I think that it  shows how person looks in 4d. We have another TooL fan!  :D




Good Grief...America of 2004 is not Germany of 1930.  

Bush isn't Hitler.  If he were, he would have shut down the internet on day one of his presidency.

The country isn't festering over a lost war from over a decade ago.

Half the population isn't unemployed.  It is actually only about 5 or 6 percent.

There aren't food riots in the streets.

The constitution hasn't been declared null and void nor is it likely to be.

And most of all, the public is more vigilant than the Germans of the time who were looking for a savior to save them from their misery.  Hitler told them what they wanted to hear.  He was a master manipulator and knew his just what his audience would be receptive to.

The world may change, and no doubt, there will be some terrible events in the coming years....but that is true in every time.  Hard times come and hard times go just as do good times.  

None of which means the USA is about to become a Nazi country.  Only if we allow it to become that.  

The future is yet to be...ever changing with our individual and collective choices and how we choose to respond to events is as important as the events themselves.  The trick is to choose wisely and not to believe every hairbrained theory put forth by people with questionable motives and agendas.


Haha!! Do you think they'd ever do those things in the open Jenadots? These wankers are far more sophisticated than that.



Adam & Quiet Storm,  aren't you two of the people who claim George Bush is dumb as a bag of rocks?  

So how could he possibly be smart enough to manipulate the whole country into Nazi-ism?  

And sophistication means nothing in the face of a population that is, and always has been, a rather disobedient and troublesome bunch - and a well-armed bunch at that.  

So let the wankers as you call them try.....doesn't mean they will succeed.   :D


Adam & Quiet Storm, aren't you two of the people who claim George Bush is dumb as a bag of rocks?

Count me as number three.  The guy might not be the brightest crayon in the box, but he's definitely got some very intelligent (for whatever else they may be) people behind him.  Dubya is just a visible front for the neo-con movement who happened to have enough name recognition to make him the most electable of the bunch.
Jesus said, "I have cast fire upon the world, and look, I'm guarding it until it blazes."
    --Gospel of Thomas, saying 10


Nothing ever happens in politics by accident, give them a leader he'll open the gates, in we go! George Bush and associates are doing Gods will; whether they know it or not. If this were not so he would not be president, we must remember god punishes those he loves. To understand Gods love you must be prepared to ask yourself, what if god hates me for gods unconditional love is slightly different from mans love. Ask yourselves who is being punished now? All this was warned in the Reading Of Nature, which was written via Spontaneous semiconscious soul communication, as is this. Due to Oazaki's early deception this was overlooked. I can't say it worries me; I have happy and sad joyful thoughts, which will look after me, but woe to the man who spends his last hours screaming in panic where shall his thoughts take him?      

                        What you reap is what you sow
" I say nothing and look at YOU"


I didn't say Americans were being turned into nazi's. I think though that this situation is very similar to what went on then in germany, in the 1930's and as explained in that artile. Even though and I still do sometimes, I don't like what Bush does. I don't think, he views his life as all that bad, and that he has fun, and his life is no less than an adventure/quest to seek w/e he desires. The re-election does have it's purpose and it should be recognized for what it is and hey I think some can learn more about themselves through their reactions towards his presidency.  But that is of course for the time being. The president stole the election, and that's that. Votes are supposed to count right? It's part of democracy. 49% of America might still not like the presidency.

Bush is Bush, I accept what is going on, on one end, and no the other I have other inclinations toward him, because I think, I can catch certain glimpses of understanding toward his situation, to get a 3rd eye view of it. Some like greed and lust, and I guess I can understand that, I've been there before. But that doesn't mean I can't have my own emotions toward the things which I think I could have been done better for the purpose of whatever I want to do, especially if for justice, and if in another system of government. The democracy, and the set of martial laws that were dictated that were dictated to be implemented by the presidents after him in case of 'major' emergency or anarchy or w/e are kind of opressing and limiting, but I do accept it for it's purpose. It may just be that an 'all volunteer army' really means that, and anything like UN 'peacecorps' troops or other allied armies can join for the purpose of fulfilling one of 'gods' will. Being taken to a prisoner camp is avoidable even when in case of where martial law has been in place. I'd probably just have to keep cool, and do the right thing, and that's just probably stay in the house so that I don't get shot because I was taken as a terrorist or perhaps I CAN get out, but I'd just have to get out of their way and not get all crazy with them and convict them for something which may or may not be true, or somthing else which they may not like and provoke them to do something to me which I don't like. There might be that chance, that some of the security, could do w/e they want, like in the Abu Gharaib prison, but I think that all has to do with being at the right place at the right time, because not all will be that way I think.

I had a dream the other nite, of a bunch of elites getting into a gun fight and killing each other, and the cops in the area watching knew what was going on, and just let it happen. The cops didn't do anything to me, they cared for the citizens, and if anything, they saw the good in w/e that was occuring, perhaps they didn't like Bush either. And I also didn't do anything stupid.

SO I think that all has to do with just how one handles that kind of fascism. Not to flip out and stuff or be too resistant because if anything god punishes when one steps out of line, for whatever that line may be defined by that moment's nature may be. That of course does certainly not mean that one can't defend what they are, what they stand for, and their lives if and when in danger. That's all in nature's purpose. And I think you should already know that....

I of course, could be wrong as hell tho...  :shock:

edit: thought you could be interested, this article is related: What´s Up on Planet Earth? Part II: The Election

This is interesting:Law to introduce GOD above the US Supreme Court
The "Constitution Restoration Act of 2004"

...the [Bushies] in Washington are pushing a law through Congress that would "acknowledge God as the sovereign source of law, liberty [and] government" in the United States. What´s more, it would forbid all legal challenges to government officials who use the power of the state to enforce their own view of "God´s sovereign authority." Any judge who dared even hear such a challenge could be removed from office.
The "Constitution Restoration Act of 2004" is no joke; it was introduced last month by some of the Bush Regime´s most powerful Congressional sycophants. If enacted, it will effectively transform the American republic into a theocracy, where the arbitrary dictates of a "higher power" -- as interpreted by a judge, policeman, bureaucrat or president -- can override the rule of law.



LOS ANGELES, November 9, 2004 - At 7:50 PM two armored tanks showed up at an anti-war protest in front of the federal building in Westwood. The tanks circled the block twice, the second time parking themselves in the street and directly in front of the area where most of the protesters were gathered. Enraged, some of the people attempted to block the tanks, but police quickly cleared the street. The people continued to protest the presence of the tanks, but about ten minutes the tanks drove off. It is unclear as to why the tanks were deployed to this location. Uploaded here is video from the event.


Whoa, QS -- no evidence...absolutely none, that Bush stole the election.  Dan Rather who would have loved to report that, even admits there is no sign of it.  Kerry isn't even hinting at it.  

Besides, under the surface, those two are more alike than anyone wanted to recognize.  

And no one is waiting outside of your house to take you to some prison camp and torture you.  And you can't possibly be afraid some woman soldier is going to put undies on your head and point and laugh at you privates.  I have no doubt that all of the people who have been beheaded this year would gladly trade places with those Iraqi prisoners - who walked out of there with their heads attached.

Get a grip.  Not that terrible things can't happen here.  A watchful vigilence is in order to prevent concentration camps and dictatorship of any kind here.  That has always been true throughout our history.  

And so what if somebody wants to say we are a nation ruled by God?  OK, fine...just nod and go on living your life as usual.  You won't get rounded up in the middle of the night for not going to church or whatever.

Have you noticed people in your neighborhood disappearing?  Have you been threatened with arrest?  Has anyone tried to take away your computer?  No.  

So, maybe, just maybe, you are believing things that are not necessarily true and are being a bit too paranoid.

And birdman -- unconditional love does not involve hate and I have no idea what you were talking about.  

Bush is smart, Bush is dumb....
Think I'll stay home and suck my thumb!

F.Scott Fitzgerald said:  The rich are different from you and me.  And they surely are.   The same is true of people in power, be it corporate, political, or religious.  It changes them.  For some it brings out the best in them and for others the worst.  Most just muddle along doing whatever it takes to stay in power.  Hence, the wisdom of the 2 presidential terms only tradition and now law.  

They all have to be watched.  The press is supposed to do that.  But the press is too obsessed with scandals and sexual adventures to actually focus on investigating real issues.  

So be watchful, yes.  But don't be so overly fearful that you don't go out of the house and enjoy life.  You are much too young for that.


w/e jenadots. I'm not here to change your opinion. TO each his/her own opinion, enjoy it.

You dont like what I post ok then, that is fine, but I'm just letting people think w/e they want. I post the evidence, and the news and I let them choose for themselves.  You don't want to see the evidence, ok, I can't make you, what the hell?

and in no way did I say I was fearful of all this.

also, what if statements or ideas do not mean that is what I beleive will inviolably happen jena...

I just state what I feel, jot down some ideas.