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Nameless' Everything Journal

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Hi Everyone, I've been missing you guys lately. I see we have a new member who has blown in like a breath of fresh air. Course I'm talking about Dark (for short). Makes me happy all over again just being a part of our little home here.

I don't have much to report on regarding ap lately. I'm currently in a very soothing and relaxed place. I think I am experiencing a real physical world reaction to much of what has gone before in the lessons taught in projection. This is my time to assemble, organize and put to use those insights I've become aware of, some of them very small, some much larger.

I used to think, 'the universe is our friend' but now I know it in a way that before I mostly only gave lip service to.
Getting rid of old concepts, old thinking, old 'useless' beliefs is necessary to development of self on all levels. I stressed useless bc many of these beliefs are quite useful as they give us ways to express ourselves. So those 'beliefs' don't have to be core beliefs but things that give you understanding.

As has been the case many times lately we have had very low signal reception so getting online and staying here has been iffy and phone reception has been even worse.

On a personal level my daughter who is planning her wedding just had an awful experience. I know and they do to that a baby should come after the wedding but sometimes life does things differently and despite birth control (or maybe lack of self control) they became pregnant. Sadly at about 12 weeks she lost the baby a few days ago. We placed her beside her grandfather out under the oak tree and will be planting flowers later today. It makes me sad but I know the timing just wasn't good. Still I couldn't help but cry and my daughter and soon to be son-in-law are really grieving.

Not looking for anything from you guys just wanted to share a bit and kind of let ppl know that behind these posts on this forum are real ppl with problems and life issues just like everyone else.

Love and Hugs to All of You.

Oh Plume, I'm talking about extra-terrestrials/alien contact. I seem to have had contact in the past but there are problems with remembering and communication. We don't talk a lot about this side of things on this forum but hey, why not. LOL
Remember, You came here to this physical earth to experience it in its physical form. NPR will always be there.


I am so sorry for your loss, Nameless! This is very devastating. Life is full with ups and downs. We can try our best to understand the reasons behind each challenge, but it is extremely hard while in the mids of a challenge to stay calm. The situation needs to be processed. The processing may be long or short, but it needs to happen. Prayers to you and your family!
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


Thanks LB, prayers much appreciated. We're okay and doing really well as a whole. Hugs!
Remember, You came here to this physical earth to experience it in its physical form. NPR will always be there.



Became aware in my car driving through the small town just down the road from me. We live out in the sticks. I was doing something and just gaining awareness when I looked up and saw a tan/brown car coming towards me in the other lane. Then I was in the ditch and things got strange. At the time I thought it was still the dream.


But then I am sitting in my car in a parking lot facing a [store] I have been in many times during projections. I'm sort of dazed and confused and everything seems surreal. I see [cops] in front of the store and think I should probably talk to them just remembering there had been an accident. I stumble out of my car and notice a huge round dent in the side like something big and round had hit it. There is this really goopy translucent jelly like substance smeared all around the dent and down the side of my car. How strange and what the heck is that.

I look towards the [store] again and attempt to call out to the [cops] but I feel dizzy and disoriented. One of them notices me as I slide down the side of another car parked behind me. Several [cops] approach and one, a woman, squats down to ask questions. She asks me if I remember the accident, and I say what accident? Then I tell her I was in a ditch. She asks how I got here, meaning the parking lot. I tell her I don't know but there's a really weird dent in my car. She and the others go have a look, shaking their heads. She comes back and starts to ask more questions but she stops and asks me instead if I feel alright. I almost told her yeah I'm fine feeling fine as a daisy but I realize the top right side of my head is tingling and I do feel really 'spacey' and she keeps wobbling around in my vision so I tell her that instead.

She puts her hand on my knee and tells me to hang on everything will be just fine. She looks over her shoulder and I think she is calling for an ambulance but I'm not sure.

Click - the end

I put [store] and [cop] in brackets because of their dual nature. The store is a simulation area I have been too before and only represents a store in context of the experience. The cop and cops seemed to represent the dream, keeping in context but actually most were merely simulations while the one was a helper more along the lines of possibly a medic.

I'm not sure but this may have been along the lines of a premonition or a heads up if you will. If so then it is what it is and that's fine by me. I trust all will be well. If not then I'm a bit lost as I have never before experienced that dizzy, tingly, disoriented feeling. I felt glorious and peaceful other than that with a sense of calm and curiosity more than anything. I will say I did feel some relief to find myself in the parking lot of the store rather than IN the store. I don't particularly like it in there and felt relived to have come to my senses before entering.

Remember, You came here to this physical earth to experience it in its physical form. NPR will always be there.


Quote from: Nameless on March 15, 2020, 23:03:26
I felt glorious and peaceful other than that with a sense of calm and curiosity more than anything.

That's a very good sign. Reassurance that no matter what comes your way will be ok at the end.
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


Quote from: LightBeam on March 16, 2020, 01:07:38
Reassurance that no matter what comes your way will be ok at the end.
You could call that the true definition of having "lucidity" in your Dream!
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Thanks, I appreciate those comments. I'm not going to read this experience the way it appears as I have been fooled a time or two but...
Remember, You came here to this physical earth to experience it in its physical form. NPR will always be there.


 Nameless, I really like how you are able to dissect and find the true meanings/messages behind your Dreams. Not everyone can do that. That is quite the skill you have there!  :-) 8-)
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Quote from: Nameless on March 16, 2020, 03:55:07
Thanks, I appreciate those comments. I'm not going to read this experience the way it appears as I have been fooled a time or two but...
You had to say that just as I was complimenting you, lol!  :-D
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Quote from: Lumaza on March 16, 2020, 03:58:23
You had to say that just as I was complimenting you, lol!  :-D
Of course, LOL
Remember, You came here to this physical earth to experience it in its physical form. NPR will always be there.


Quote from: Nameless on March 16, 2020, 04:02:59
Of course, LOL
I'm leaving the compliment up. You deserve it!  :-) 8-)
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Quote from: Nameless on March 16, 2020, 03:55:07
Thanks, I appreciate those comments. I'm not going to read this experience the way it appears as I have been fooled a time or two but...
Haha!  Your wisdom is showing!!  Eeeeeeeee!  :D ;)


Quote from: Xanth on March 18, 2020, 01:14:51
Haha!  Your wisdom is showing!!  Eeeeeeeee!  :D ;)
LMAO Don't know about wisdom but my behind sometimes claims to be wise.;-)
Remember, You came here to this physical earth to experience it in its physical form. NPR will always be there.


I had an epiphany the other day. It started as a small thought and I brushed it aside, I really did not want to explore it at that time. I honestly thought it would be depressing. But the thought came back and somehow twisted itself up with a lot of the mysteries that have prevailed in my life. So to put this out there I will have to do a little backup story.

My family moved here to my current hometown when I was eight years old. I hated the move, I was devastated. I spent the next ten years plotting my escape thinking to return to Florida. So at about 18 I set out to return but life got in the way and I wound up right back here in Georgia. For the next 20+ years I plotted and occasionally made my way beyond my little town .

But something always brought me back. Always! I know some of you travel quite a bit and have seen much of the world. I'm not one of you, I've lived my life first in Florida then in Georgia, rarely leaving either state. I know I've missed a lot of sightseeing but so much has happened in my life I don't think I missed much in the way of living. Family ties are strong in this one as Yoda might say (if you ignore the part of me that would like to cut all family ties, haha).

Another twenty years and here I am with no desire to go anywhere. And it hit me, I'm in Georgia!

As we face this great pandemic (real or made up) and I look around our country and the world I have to honestly say my state is doing well. At this point in time I realize I really am right here for a reason. The reason is a little murky but with my own perceptions and views on the world there aren't many other places I could be that would agree with me and those views so well. Some areas of our globe and country are having it very rough right now and I don't envy the people there. So whatever my greater purpose is I needed to be here all along else I likely wouldn't be able to function or carry on as I was always intended, just don't ask me exactly what the heck was intended. But for the first time in my life I feel settled which is not the same as resigned.

I wonder if any of you have had any great epiphanies concerning your own selves. If you have I would encourage you to share them. Don't ask me why and you can share them here on a separate thread or somewhere else to your liking. I just feel right now is a good time to share.

Hugs to you all, you are all so very important.
Remember, You came here to this physical earth to experience it in its physical form. NPR will always be there.


I like the ending of this story, Nameless. Like lived happily ever after :) It seems to me that you have removed a major barrier that was an aspect of your journey for a long time. Perhaps that baries has been manifesting into some difficult circumstances in your life. You may notice some changes for the better now that this is disolved. I bet your overall happiness and sense of belonging will increase.

For me, I had a similar realization many years ago, after I started exploring the NP. I also struggled with where do I belong. I didnt like my small town and wanted to go to the big city. Then that city did not look cool enough and I wanted to move to the capital, then I wanted to move abroad, when I was a child I thought I dont belong to this Erath and I wanted the mothership to come and take me LOL, and so on. I was searching for a place which my heart to tell me is home. When I moved to the US, I started feeling extreme nostalgia to my home town. I realized how happy I was growing up there and I was missing the closeness of its people, although often accompanied by gossip, but I missed it so much. However, I didnt feel that I wanted to move back there. Then one day, I had my first full blown OBE. The more I was exploring freely the invisible worlds, the more I realized that I am a citizen of the multiverse and everywhere I go is my home. There is no one location that I should settle in, I "saw" the entire multiverse on the palm of my hand and I knew, it is all mine. It belongs to me, it is my home, all of it, including where currently I am physically . I felt like my spirit expanded and it filled in every nook and cranny of the multiverse, every timeline, every planet, every charachter, all that is. From that flood of intense thoughts that came to me that day, I never felt again lonely or out of place.  I stopped searching for "home". I realized that have always been home. I realized that the past is never lost. We can go back and relive the good memories (that happened several times during APs/incredible feeling), the present is most powerful, and the future could be anything we imagine.

"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


Thank you LightBeam for your thoughtful words and for sharing your own epiphany.

I loved this quote by you

"There is no one location that I should settle in, I "saw" the entire multiverse on the palm of my hand and I knew, it is all mine. It belongs to me, it is my home, all of it, including where currently I am physically . I felt like my spirit expanded and it filled in every nook and cranny of the multiverse, every timeline, every planet, every charachter, all that is. From that flood of intense thoughts that came to me that day, I never felt again lonely or out of place.  I stopped searching for "home". I realized that have always been home. I realized that the past is never lost. We can go back and relive the good memories (that happened several times during APs/incredible feeling), the present is most powerful, and the future could be anything we imagine."

That is truly beautiful and touches that deep place inside that can sometimes be so elusive. It truly is, all of it, Our Home.
Remember, You came here to this physical earth to experience it in its physical form. NPR will always be there.


Quote from: LightBeam on May 15, 2020, 03:33:48
when I was a child I thought I dont belong to this Earth and I wanted the mothership to come and take me LOL,
I did the same thing. I have to admit though, I still do today!  :-D

There are many sayings on "Home is where the ......". The one I really like is "A man travels the world over in search of what he needs, and returns home to find it." That's the one that has shown the most truth in my experiences.

"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Wow, I just spent a very surreal hour cruising through this thread. I had meant only to find something I had hoped I posted here. What I found instead was Reply #103 above dated March 15, 2020. How could I have forgotten this?!

A month or so ago (I am trying to remember the date) there really was an accident.

Just like the projection above. I go (in the here and now) to that exact store. Just a normal trip to the store. I go inside and as I am standing in line I notice someone in the parking lot running across the lot. We all (me, cashier, other customers) notice some activity taking place. We all go outside and a tan car is laying on its top in the ditch. This accident happened only moments after I pulled into the lot. There was a gas leak and smoke from the engine. One brave soul fetched the fire extinguisher from the store. An ambulance got there very quickly (it's less than a quarter mile away).

I am sad as I type this because I don't know anything else such as what happened to the driver. Did he survive? I've spent a while trying to find this on goo  gle. I can't find anything but down here it isn't uncommon for things like this to miss the paper.

I still struggle with this type premonition. What good is it if I can't do anything? And this is exactly what I meant by not reading into an experience because interpretations... (I'll just end this here).

Remember, You came here to this physical earth to experience it in its physical form. NPR will always be there.


Quote from: Nameless on July 17, 2020, 04:30:05

I still struggle with this type premonition. What good is it if I can't do anything?

Now, look at my reply on #104. In the dream you were in a collision with that tan car. The woman in your dream told you that you will be fine. In reality you arrived just moments before the car flipped, so you avoided the collision. I think through this dream, somehow one of your probable futures was altered in your advantage and you were not harmed. I hope the driver though made it, but I think it was not about you saving that driver, but saving yourself. 
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


Quote from: Nameless on July 17, 2020, 04:30:05
I still struggle with this type premonition. What good is it if I can't do anything? And this is exactly what I meant by not reading into an experience because interpretations... (I'll just end this here).
I always wonder this as well. Why show us if we can't do anything about it?  :|

I believe in this case Lightbeam is correct. Even though you weren't consciously aware of what was about to occur, some level of your consciousness was. Perhaps a couple of minutes difference and we would have seen a different accident involving you in it. These are the times I just look up and say "Thank You"!  :-)
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Thanks guys, you always make life better. Hugs

I haven't seen my oldest son in nearly a year. About a week ago I just really wanted to see him and he popped up in one of our shared LDs. He was with some friends and seemed really happy. He gave me a hug and told me not to worry. You know I can't help but hope this one is true.

Then the night before last there was another interesting shared LD with my son. We were out in woods picking flowers. He plucked the top flowers off what I think was an elderberry bush. It was so snowy white and frozen. He took a bite and offered it to me and I took a bite. The most (only) frozen flower I have ever eaten. It was amazing delicious.
Remember, You came here to this physical earth to experience it in its physical form. NPR will always be there.


Monday 12/14/20 around 3AM

An 'Other' visits Earth (AP)

She was a young woman, shoulder length straw textured blond/brown hair, blue eyes, reasonably fit and trim. I saw her walking along the edge of a paved highway only a couple of counties away from where I actually live. I immediately 'joined' her. She took little notice of me and basically paid very little attention to my presence. She did however allow me into her thoughts/mind/body and seemed to expect and accept that sharing as part of her purpose.

To say I was impressed with  this alien / other is so much an understatement it is laughable.

Physically she was very strong, much more so than is humanly normal.
And despite my brief description of her above it does not do her justice. Compelling is the only word in our language that would come close to describing her. It became very apparent very quickly that she naturally attracted attention even as she consciously worked to NOT do so.

This being was quite clearly on a 'walkabout'. If she had a deeper agenda I have no idea what it was.

She and I kept up a sort of running dialogue as we traveled. All telepathic. First thing I noticed was the incredible physical strength aaand the very tight feeling of clothing. She felt constricted as though clothing were a new thing to her. I believed her to be a Light Being because of this and the fact that she had a somewhat difficult time keeping her self within 'her self/body'. Hope that makes sense.

I will now refer to she and I in our adventure as us or we since it was a dual purpose trip.

We were attracting attention (not good). Mind you no one could see me, only her.

We were toting a very heavy duffle/backpack with absolutely no effort. I thought this thing would kill me if I had to tote it. We needed directions (not really) but she wanted me to understand. We looked up and saw 3 fellows down the road working off to the side. They were probably a mile or more away. She hinted for me to watch and within just a few steps we were within range of them being able to see us. We asked where we were and which way to go to get to a certain town (not naming towns). They pointed back down the road and right at the v. (I knew she wanted to go left, hmmm). So once we were out of close eyesight of the fellows we jumped down across the ditch (no normal human would have attempted that jump). And again within a few steps we were at the v and headed right.

A car with a family inside stopped and asked if we needed a ride. She said no but asked if there was a Piddles nearby. I took her meaning to be a Walmart. They said yes up ahead and drove off slowly. Just as they made a small curve we jumped off the road and walked a little in the woods along the side. The car came back. I understood this was due to that compelling presence she generated. They didn't see us and road on.

Back on the road within a short space we were in a Piddles/Walmart parking lot. We started to go inside when a man and his daughter with a friend came out of the door. They asked if we needed a ride (I think due to the backpack). We said no but then the daughter or friend got in our face with one of those modern day attitudes you see a lot of on you tube. She accused her/us of dissing her or something which was completely untrue. So we/she told her. "no no I was just shocked because you remind me so much of a friend I haven't seen in ages, blah blah blah. That appeased the girl and the two girls got into the van where 'dad' waited.

As they began backing out of the parking space we saw a very thick rope tied to their bumper and to another car. We squatted down and took hold of the rope so the van could not back up and waved for them to stop. They did and we untied the rope. (no idea why they were tied up)

The dad asked again if we needed a ride, we said no. As they drove of she said to me, "maybe we should have said yes, they're helpless on their own." I thought that was funny.

We turned and went into the store and this is where I made my exit returning to my own body.

This was a very powerful experience. I only wish now I had gotten a name for her but the only thing that comes to mind is Straw. So Straw it is.

What was so amazing was that I could feel how powerful she was in her own body (or lack thereof) and how confining it felt to be in a human form. But she loved it. To her it was like the ultimate adventure. She really enjoyed the chance to traipse around in human form knowing she had all these abilities ordinary people didn't have. But it didn't make her feel superior, she felt grateful. Grateful to be alive and living the dream. She was very careful not to reveal herself although despite her efforts it was impossible to spend much time around most humans as her affect on them was just normal and to be expected. So she kept to herself mostly and was why she chose backpacking and mostly wondered the highways only making brief appearances in public.

I just feel so privileged to have shared this with her. Talk about some amazing insights. I really feel she wants me to share this with all of you.

Remember, You came here to this physical earth to experience it in its physical form. NPR will always be there.


That is an awesome experience. Thank you for sharing. I am experimenting with a 3AM-4AM window.


You are doing great Tides, I know you can accomplish your goals. Glad you enjoyed this and super glad I could share it here.
Remember, You came here to this physical earth to experience it in its physical form. NPR will always be there.


Quote from: Nameless on December 16, 2020, 14:54:22
Glad you enjoyed this and super glad I could share it here.
So are we!  :-)
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla