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22 Nov 2020

Out of body experience - lucid dream - astral projection

This is the first concrete set of experiences I've had in well over a month. I started having a weird lucid dream that I think involved Robin Williams (?) Then I thought to myself about whether or not I should take this opportunity to project, given that technically, I'm maybe not supposed to in order to conserve more of my energy. I guess I couldn't help myself! I asked to be taken to my spirit guides. I had a variety of experiences that seemed to last a long time, and because of that, things are a big out of order and I lost a great deal of the details.

This time, my "spirit guides" seemed to be a small group of people. Like 5 or 6 people, both men and women. They seemed to know who I was, and they seemed to know that it had been awhile since I'd been there. I believe I said something about how I hadn't been out in a while, explaining about the qigong, and how my AP experiences just seemed to stop basically right away, and that I don't really understand how that happened. The first order of business from this group of guides was to fix certain things regarding my "energy body" as it relates to my ability to travel out of body. I think I said something about how I was having trouble seeing, as I often do, and often lose my "focus" of the non-physical too soon/easily. Similarly to what happened a while ago where I brought these issues up and the spirit entities recognized this as a problem, my guides from this morning did, too. They said a few things explaining what was wrong, but I can't remember all the details, tho it seemed like they said something like there was a "leak" somewhere. They needed to do something to finish or complete some sort of process. Oddly, it was sexual (shrug??). During it, I felt a fire sensation in my ankles, especially my right ankle. Anyway, after that, I seemed to have one main person who was my tour guide, a woman, she flew around carrying me with her. It seemed like a strange other-worldly, outer space dimension, where there were moons, planets, strange animals and landscapes. I looked around in awe, occasionally getting very excited by what I was seeing. I asked where we were, and it sounded like she said "Sega" (rhyming with "Vega"), and I said, "Oh, like in that movie, Contact!" And she said, yes, but you probably shouldn't say that to anyone (meaning: people will think you're looney). A lot of the incredible things I saw as we flew around I think, in part, were designed to be distractions. She even said to me at one point that it's important to not just see something and fly off randomly to look at it. I was like, Yeah! This is the same advice the people in the forum tell me! Just let the experience unfold, observe, and go with it. Well good on you guys, because she said that's right! So ya'll feel proud, you got a shout out =)

Random interlude: at some point, it seemed we were in a room somewhere, and there was a song playing. I asked what it was, and, weirdly, it *seemed* like she told me it was a George Harrison song from 1992 (RANDOM). So I looked up what all the songs of his there were that came out that year, and the only one that seems to make any "sense" is the song "Tears of the World":   Read the lyrics!

Anyway, at some point, outside flying around, below us was an ocean, and I thought to myself, Uhoh, I bet she's going to take me underwater, as I was thinking about how so many experiences ago, there was the pool, and I was too afraid to put my head below water, because I was afraid I wouldn't be able to breath. And I was right, we flew down into the ocean. It wasn't a bright sunny day, it seemed like the entire thing was unfolding at night, so the water was dark, I couldn't see more than a couple inches in front of me. At first, I could still feel her hands holding me, and I told myself to stay calm, my physical body could breathe air just fine, so my energy body would be OK under water. After a little bit of me breathing underwater, she let go of me. I couldn't feel her hands anymore and I couldn't see her. It was very disorienting, gravity doesn't really exist like we're used to, so since I had no other sensory markers to get a sense of which way was up and which way was down, I became  confused with a vertigo sensation. I didn't know which way was up to the surface! I wasn't sure what to do, but I figured that what I needed to do was get myself, without her help, to the surface, so that's what I did. When I "felt" my head break thru the surface of the water to the air again, I could hear her either clap or say something that affirmed I'd done right/done a good job.

A lot more happened, and they all said many more things to me than I can remember. When it seemed to be time to go, my main guide didn't want to say goodbye/let go of me, and I didn't want to go, either. I felt cared for, protected, and loved. She said, "See you tomorrow!" and I was like, Well, I'll try! But I don't know if I'll be able to get back tomorrow! Anyway eventually she slipped away, and I no longer felt her hands carrying/holding me.

I didn't really want to go back to my body yet, even though that was a really long experience and I knew I would have trouble remembering it all if I didn't start writing things down quick. I think I said what I often say, Take me where I need to go, tell me what I need to know. I felt myself moving/floating through the air, heading in whatever direction. Often at this "in between" stage where I'm in the act of being transported, if I crack my eyes open it seems like I'm in some sort of tunnel, or wormhole, or something. I saw that the wall of this one, when I looked at it, was a particular kinda trippy color pattern of waves and swirls. They weren't bright colors, more subdued pale earth tones, or terracotta shades, almost like combinations of browns, tans, peaches, pinks and oranges. I'm not sure why or how this happened, but I went thru the wall. I'm not sure I was supposed to do that, to be honest. On the other side of the wall was a very weird, mostly empty space. It wasn't the Void I don't think. It was indeed 3D but not perfectly black. There were a few zaps of light, like electrical sparks or signals. There was a lot of mottled gray "noise" and I could feel things "hitting" me, or rather, they seemed to be going thru me, but I felt the impact. Not beings, but like objects. Imagine if you could feel neutrinos banging into you and going thru you. I really wasn't sure what this place was, but I felt scared, like, uh, maybe this isn't a good idea, I'm not sure what's happening.

So, I asked for like a protector angel or whatever to come rescue me. Something or other did show up and take me away, and at first, it seemed like we flew into an indoor, old building, with a built-in stage. I looked out the windows and there were lots of tall buildings mostly covered with water, as if there'd been a great flood. I recognized one of the buildings as Big Ben in London. We flew outside, and I got confused, because I thought the doctor was inside the building where the stage was, but I was told that no, it's actually in the mountains. I was deposited onto some grassy area, and there was a kind of medicinal leaf that I was supposed to eat. The leaf needed to be folded in a very particular way, and then dipped into a special oil, before eating. Also, the stem needed to be removed, because they were toxic. However, it was really hard to get the stem off. I couldn't rip it off just with my finger nails. And I didn't want to use my teeth, because biting into the stem would cause me to feel an electric shock. When I tried pulling the stem out, even though it was a relatively small leaf, this long thread/membrane came out, still connecting the leaf to the stem. I needed help getting this membrane (the one I did NOT want to cut off with my teeth) removed. There was a very burly man, and he had a bow and arrow. He instructed me to hold out the leaf and stem (connected by the long membrane) vertically, so that he could break them apart by shooting the arrow through the membrane. I remember thinking something like, Man, this guy better be a good shot! It worked, and now I finally had just the leaf. I asked him to help me fold it right, because this seemed very important that I eat it, and I wanted to make sure I did it right.

Then I bloody well woke up!!! So now I've been worried all day about how I was in some weird dimensional reality with who-knows-what passing through my body in a way that didn't feel quite right, and eating this leaf was the "medicine" that I needed, and I didn't even get to friggin eat it!

PS Lumaza, that video you posted last time to the Robert Moss talk was great!


6 Dec 2020

Out of body experience - lucid dream - astral projection?

Was being carried along, and then my helper and I stopped, she seemed to look at my teeth. There was either a shadow or something dark on part of one of my teeth (top of mouth, slightly off center). She tried to clean it off, because whatever it was, wasn't a good thing that was supposed to be there. Whatever it was, in the act of trying to get it off my tooth for me, it got on her. Then everything started to tilt, like we were on a ship that was sinking head first. Something was wrong, at this point, something bad - like she and her good power/energy was neutralized by whatever the dark thing was that was on my tooth, making her powerless and effectively making her disappear. Then, an evil creature, like an incubus, or demon, or whatever it was, showed up. Kinda looked like the Balrog as depicted in LOTR. One large hand placed on my chest, the other I'm not sure, maybe underneath on my back. I think it was saying things, whatever it was doing it wasn't good. I started saying a Hail Mary, because this thing was bad and I needed help/to be rescued - and my little helper was not capable of being there or trying to help me at this point! But, the being seemed to mock me for doing that. I have no idea what it was saying or doing, but it seemed bad. I could feel something happening to me/my energy where it's hands were on me. Somehow I snapped myself awake.

So this now makes two experiences in a row where something seemed "bad" and like I was being affected with or inflicted with "bad" energy. I'm already sick enough, definitely don't need this  :| :cry:


My reply likely will not resonate with you immediately because I understand the feeling of certainty you have for the emotions you sensed during this experience. I would ask that you think about it, consider it and maybe ask your guide(s) for some clarification.

Maybe 5-7 years ago, I had a very similar experience: I was in a barely lucid dream and in a doctor's office. He closely examined my teeth and determined that I had a problem which I took as meaning cancer of the mouth. He put me in a wheelchair and wheeled me into an outdoor operating theater and put an anesthetic mask over my face and I began breathing a purple gas. I had, by now, become increasingly anxious and suspicious of the whole affair. Then a crowd of strangers surrounded me as if to observe the operation. This was finally too much. It felt like the LD was devolving into a nightmare and I struggled and resisted until I broke free and woke up. At the time, I thought that was all it was, a nightmare and maybe a test of my ability to pull myself out and back to PR awareness if I had to; I couldn't make much sense of it otherwise.

It was at TMI that I gradually learned some things about myself. My Lifeline training had involved much work with the color purple- purple oceans, purple landscapes, purple hells and just plain purple energies. As a child, when the other kids described their favorite colors, they always chose blue or red or green or automatic choice was always purple, even though that seemed out of the ordinary. At TMI as I toured the hospital in Focus 27, I was in fact told by a helper there that all the purple was healing energy for me. He also had me undergo a "balancing" therapeutic exercise that I had originally experienced as what I considered was another nightmare that I had "escaped" from- the Veggie Chopper.

There in Focus 27, I realized that years before I had been wrong about the Veggie Chopper dream, mistaking a healing experience for a nightmare. At that moment I also remembered the Doctor/Dentist Chair experience with the purple gas anathesia and I realized that was also likely a healing experience, but I had misunderstood the purpose, gotten fearful and rejected it.

GR, it seems likely to me that the "demon" with its hands behind your back and on your chest, you could feel something energetic happening. Maybe it was adjusting your energy around your heart chakra or your solar plexus chakra? I have had little "protector" thoughtforms removed from the Heart center more than once; it is also a center that likely needs balancing/adjusting for many of us.

Again, in NPR thought can instantly manifest and fear or suspicion can instantly derail our experience before we even know it; this could be an instance of that. Again the similarity of our experiences on more than one occasion certainly points toward this, so I hope you will consider it and maybe ask for clarification.

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


I've been thinking about your post this afternoon, EV, and while doing so I remembered another detail. When my helper said there was something not good/bad/black on my teeth and indicated that she wanted to remove it, I said to her: Just don't hurt me. Obviously, I was remembering that fun time when I was electrocuted, and the last experience before this when I found myself in some weird Cloud Coocoo Land of black and gray electric signals and something passing through me that felt....wrong.

It's interesting to me that both of our experiences involved dental work. The teeth and mouth are a fraught (dream) symbol for so many people.

So yes, it's possible that because I was clearly skittish about something bad happening to me, given the other 2 times, there was a fear element involved. I hope that this is all it was. Next time, I hope I have my wits about me more and can ask for clarification, as you say - but we all know my track record of getting answers when I ask questions! LOL


 Too many times to count, I have been in a Lucid Dream and for some reason, the scenario begins to spiral out of control. Things start occurring at such a rapid pace and find myself fighting to stay in the experience period. When the Dream scenario begins to spiral out of control it begins to take on a very negative turn. The next thing I know, I am waking up thinking what the hell was that all about.

I think your experience may have been a test to see how long you could make it last, even as it was taking a negative turn. You did great and held your lucidity for quite awhile.

But as EV was saying there is always symbolism in our Dreams. Perhaps the evil shadow in your mouth was symbolizing your inability to say something to someone in your life that you feel you need to. I see the problems with the mouth or even the throat symbolizing a problem that you need to talk about. I guess the teeth could fall into that category as well. People are always conscious of their teeth and the condition they are in. That to me is more of the "ego" taking over though.
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


10 Dec 2020

Out of body experience - astral projection

Was dreaming. Became lucid and decided to project as soon as I realized I was dreaming. Said my usual - take me where I need to go, teach/tell me what I need to know. Usually that's all it takes, and I feel myself float, turn/rotate this or that way, and start floating/moving in a particular direction. But nothing seemed to happen! It seemed like I needed to do more to "get out", as it were. I was pondering this and it seemed almost like I began to experience sleep paralysis. There was lots of strange noise which, at the time in my altered state, I thought sounded like scraping metal. I stayed calm and tried troubleshooting/thinking through the problem, because this "glitch" had never happened before. I decided to try the "roll out" method. I rotated myself slowly, so instead of laying flat on my back I was moving to be up on my right side. It's odd how in that altered state, I still always wonder, Am I moving just my energy body, or my physical body? Because I don't want to somehow "wake myself up"! Anyway, that seemed to work. I started rolling out and I think I experienced the "spinning" sensation. I increased the feeling of that perception, and resumed thinking my usual Ask/Command, until I finally felt myself turn in the air and float off somewhere.

I wound up in something that looked like a somewhat ramshackle office. Lots of stuff everywhere, not super tidy. There was a man at the desk and there was a window behind him. He wanted me to sign some sort of contract or agreement or waiver of some sort, for whatever level of Non Physical Reality. Like, basically, stuff like "I promise not to wreck the place" or whatever. It's a contract/agreement stating things that shouldn't (and won't) do, like I can't needlessly destroy their property - as it were. The guy's name, weirdly, was something like Hopscotch. I told him I'd probably forget, and he said "It doesn't matter." The contract he showed me of course wasn't any discernible language. It looked mostly pictorial, with strange dots and lines and markings and drawings, but it didn't look sophisticated. It looked like a child drew it, honestly.

I asked him to go over the scenarios with me (like, the main things I'm agreeing to), so I know what I'm signing.

The only one I remember going over with him was kinda what I mentioned above - you can't needlessly destroy stuff. Like, there was a tall filing cabinet, and the concept was conveyed to me through the idea of randomly knocking it over. But, if there's a *good reason* to knock excrement over, then it's OK. Like (and this makes no sense, but whatever) what if the only spot of cell phone reception is right behind the filing cabinet, and you *need* to knock it over in order to access that one spot? Then it's alright. That seemed to be the gist of it.

When we were reviewing the contract together, a female employee walked in, and brought three people into a side waiting area. Two younger women, one older man. I remember looking over at them, especially the younger women, and thinking to myself, I wonder if those are real humans who are projecting right now! I want to go talk to them so we can swap email addresses to contact each other! But then I was like, Wait, don't get distracted, focus!

Anyway, then the older man came over to the desk where the guy was going over the contract with me, and he tried talking to the person who'd been helping me before he was actually done helping me. I stood their waiting to see how this would play out. At this point I lost my focus and was back in my body. Never actually signed on the dotted line! Sometimes it seems like right before somet objective "completes", I get booted. Like, Oh I'm supposed to sign this contract --- aaaaand I'm booted. Or, Oh, I'm supposed to eat this medicinal leaf -- aaaaaand booted. I wonder if that final act of completion (actually signing the contract, actually eating the leaf) is truly *necessary*, or if once we cognize "the thing that they want us to do", we don't actually have to do the thing anymore. I'm guessing we do actually have to Do/Complete The Thing, but I'm still scratching my head why, in some cases, right when that thing is going to happen, poof! It's over.


Awesome! Have you ever exchanged contact info with someone in the astral before?


Well, sort of LOL you can scroll back up to my entries of 3 July and 31 August. They weren't particularly robust attempts. And, it's most likely that whatever I was talking to were not actual humans projecting at that time!


I have read of experiences like this, 'contract discussions and informal signing ceremonies', on this site, others and in some books. I think that I had a couple of these experiences but they were quite vague and some ten or twenty years ago. This again, is a reminder to write all this down as best we can in a journal, even during those years where it seems relatively unimportant...just notes or comments can be so valuable years later.

GR, I'm not sure about the earlier experiences you referred, but this one likely does involve interaction with a sentient being on the helper/guide/higher self level. The scene/situation is your individual interpretation of the energy structure you are operating and interacting within at that moment. This is an example of the 'agreements' that we sign onto as part of our entrance into the PR. Those are certainly mysterious documents; I would surely like to review mine...

It may be what seems to be an incomplete and slightly confused interpretation but nonetheless a fairly accurate one. Strange how they tend to end in such a disorganized sense; I've had that more than a few times. Lol.

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


Very interesting, EV! I don't think I've come across that on this site yet. Well if anyone out there is reading this and had a similar experience, send me a link to your post about it! Would love to read =) And, you mean (if I follow you correctly) that the different ways we perceive Non-Physical Reality is something we each agreed to ahead of time, upon coming into this lifetime? Yeah, I wouldn't mine sneaking a peak at mine, either!


Wow Grumpy I just read through some of your experiences from August 31st. That's a lot to recall in one night. I had learned in school that we average 8 dreams a night, most people I talk to have a hard time remembering 1. I will have to go through some of these again. It's nice having something to read.  :-)


Quote from: GrumpyRabbit on December 13, 2020, 05:01:17
Very interesting, EV! I don't think I've come across that on this site yet. Well if anyone out there is reading this and had a similar experience, send me a link to your post about it! Would love to read =) And, you mean (if I follow you correctly) that the different ways we perceive Non-Physical Reality is something we each agreed to ahead of time, upon coming into this lifetime? Yeah, I wouldn't mine sneaking a peak at mine, either!

I have wrote about these contract experiences in the past here on this forum. One that really comes to mind is posted in the sticky "Souly for Retrievals" and the post was made Nov 22/2017. There is another post about a contract situation I have had in that thread as well. That one was made April 25/2019.

"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Tides - Well, remember that we're "conscious" when we're projecting in a way that we're not when "just dreaming", which is why it's easier to remember - but, still difficult, of course! I forget far more than I'd like. That's why it's important to have pen/paper next to your bed so you can immediately write down everything you can as soon as you're up. Also, after I've written everything down that I can remember right away, I lay there and sit holding the pad and pen and just think over the whole experience, because often little bits that I'd forgotten will come back to me, and then I can quickly jot those down, too =)

Lumaza, thanks for pointing me to those experiences! In one of them I think you (or someone??) posted a link to Bruce Moen's talk about getting information through "imagination/visualization" and I thought it was spot on. It's very similar to what it's like getting information about/for a client during a shamanic journey. There's that tug of "am I making this up?" followed by "well, let's just go with it and trust that there's something legit here".


Quote from: GrumpyRabbit on December 14, 2020, 18:46:06
Lumaza, thanks for pointing me to those experiences! In one of them I think you (or someone??) posted a link to Bruce Moen's talk about getting information through "imagination/visualization" and I thought it was spot on. It's very similar to what it's like getting information about/for a client during a shamanic journey. There's that tug of "am I making this up?" followed by "well, let's just go with it and trust that there's something legit here".
Yes, that's Bruce Moen's technique. He taught people how to open up imaginary/mental conversations with people who have transitioned. I know I am not "making it up" in my mind when the answers/replies I receive seem to either be in another voice or different personality/trait then my own. It's like when I focus on something a person said, a post here on the Pulse and all of sudden I feel I am being shown to say what it was that they needed to hear or do. I guess you could call that "Channeling". Trust is a big thing and yes it has to be earned. But after years of doing this, I have found that it is not simply "coincidence". I don't believe in coincidences anymore!
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


26 Dec 2020

Out of body experience - astral projection - lucid dream

I was dreaming, realized that I had an opportunity, because I was then in the right state to project, and I needed to take advantage of it. I asked to be taken to my spirit guides. Didn't really seem like I got an immediate response, I was just sorta floating there with my eyes closed, waiting. I started yelling (mentally) "TAKE ME TO MY SPIRIT GUIDES." Over and over, insisting. Ain't taking no for an answer! Finally, I felt myself start to move/rotate in the air, and head off in some particular direction.

I wound up in some sort of scary death warehouse. Not really, but I don't really know how to describe it. It was just the vibe. It seemed almost like someone took a warehouse and tried to turn it into a haunted house. I told myself not to be scared. I kept thinking, Take me to my spirit guides, over and over. I didn't have a usual helper carry me along. Instead, I started floating through a cavernous hallway. I think someone shushed me and told me to be quiet, not sure why. I floated thru the warehouse quietly, not recognizing the random people I saw/passed, until I floated into what appeared to be a sparse scary death classroom (as it were, in keeping with the theme of someone trying to make a classroom kinda scary). A desk with someone sitting at it, working, and chairs for student type people. There were a few "students" in the chairs. The "teacher" woman sitting at the desk was petite and had short brown hair, relatively young looking. And, I recognized her! I called out to her that I knew her, I'd seen her before. I always get excited when I'm projecting and I see someone who I think I've encountered before. She looked up at me and responded, somewhat sternly (and maybe with a little surprise), "You're not supposed to be here."

I mean, thanks for the warm reception.

I was kinda like, Well, OK, I know, but I need help and I'm still in the dark about what I'm supposed to do. What are my next steps?!

She and I left the classroom together and "walked" down the hallway, tho it was really more like I was floating randomly and a bit haphazardly beside her, still not being carried, or even locomoting myself. I didn't have full control over the floating. I asked her many questions, first and foremost was, What is my mission? What's the next thing I'm supposed to do, like right now? I'm pretty sure she responded something like, "Do You Hear It?" Like, that was the title of my mission, I think, which makes no sense to me.

Thanks, spirit guide.

She said many more things, most of which I cannot remember, tho I surely tried. It seemed like she said something about the Sisters from Ireland (religious Sisters), as she herself morphed into an older woman, and something about an abortion and the blood that came from it. Not sure. But it seemed like there was a lot of information about the blood and something about the blood was important. Didn't seem to relate to anything else and I don't remember the rest of the conversation surrounding it.

4 January 2021

Out of body experience - astral projection - quasi-lucid dream


I started off having a dream, but it was one of those dreams where I thought it was happening in real life. I dreamed that I was laying on my back in some sort of auditorium space with other people, we were all watching something (e.g., a movie, a performance); I was laying there with my eyes closed, and was slipping into the right "state" where I could project. However, nobody knew that, they thought I was just resting or maybe napping. I decided that even tho I was in a public place and there were lots of people around, I should take this opportunity to project. I figured I'd be "back" before anyone tried to rouse me or thought something was wrong. So I was partly lucid in the sense that I was aware of who I was and what I wanted to do, but I didn't realize that I was actually dreaming at the time, I thought that my dream was actually happening.

Anyway, so I project from this dream that I didn't realize was a dream. I decide to say my usual, Take me where I need to go, tell me what I need to know - rather than demand to be taken directly to my spirit guides since apparently, as I was told last time, I wasn't supposed to be there. I slowly start to feel myself floating along. This time I had a helper, there was a woman who accompanied me along the way, we seemed to move down a hallway, and perhaps through a wall/door or two. She was telling me things along the way and of course I don't remember - except for ONE, VERY IMPORTANT THING she said that I do recall. She told me I would meet "A-." - this is the name I use to designate my "main guide" that I encounter on my shamanic journeys. I've wondered this whole time why I don't ever see anything that looks like them when I leave my body!! I recently (a couple weeks ago or so) had a channeling session with someone I've worked with before, and the guide who showed up said that "A" had been a mentor to us both (me and the guide), who taught us both; "A" was higher up, as it were, to me and the guide who showed up during the channeling session. Anyway, at first I didn't realize who she was referring to! Then I was like, "A., my guide from the shamanic journeys?!" (or something like that) and she indicated, yes! I was very excited at the prospect of experiencing my first "crossover" between the shamanic journeys and my out of body experiences!!!

We wound up outside. There was a grassy field/lawn, it was sunny out. There was a group of people/entities sitting in chairs that was gathered and appeared to be there for me, or waiting for me. I scanned the group for something that looked like A. I didn't see anything that looked exactly like him, but I did see something that appeared humanoid and didn't have a head. In this manifestation, however, instead of having feathers come up out of the neck, there were flowers - like a bouquet of flowers. I didn't get too good a look at the group, but as I was floating by and scanning with my "eyes", I thought well, that could be him? It's the only headless humanoid I can see, so...

I had some trouble controlling my body. Like my last experience, I was sort of floating along, rather than experiencing myself "walking" with energy legs. There also seemed to be some force sucking or pulling me away from the gathering, back in the direction I'd come. I clutched ahold of the grass with my hands to not be pulled away. I'm pretty sure I called out to the group for assistance. They seemed to be guides, or otherwise entities who were on my side and there to help me. Two people, who seemed male, helped me and held me steady, floating above the ground, as I was on my back. They seemed unfamiliar to me. One of them told me that we'd do the "last Time Phase" to "learn my fate for the internship." I asked, "The one [internship] I'm doing right now?" He said, yes.

The fact that he said we'd do the "last" Time Phase indicated to me that we've done this [a Time Phase] before, and this would be the last one. I took "Time Phase" to be phasing into the future - essentially, getting a vision of something that would happen in the future. In my state of projecting, I interpreted internship literally, as if I were literally doing an internship in real life, and that I would learn something relevant to how that would end up and thus what the point/end result/my mission of the internship was - conveniently ahead of time. However, I'm not in an internship in my real life. I don't know whether this is more symbolic of where I am in my energetic growth or if it does pertain to something more literal about some project of my life (e.g., I recently had an idea to offer guided shamanic journeys to groups for free until the pandemic ends).

Anyway, the entity who was telling me this put a bracelet on my left wrist. He said that I could take it off whenever I wanted the Time Phase to end; taking it off would take me back to where I was. The other entity, which was on my right hand side, put a ring on one of my fingers on my right hand - either my pointer or middle finger, but I think it was my pointer. I was told not to lose this ring. It was important to make sure it stayed on my finger. Also, I got the sense that this last Time Phase had to happen before I could meet/speak directly with "A" (at least, in an out of body experience!).

As the Time Phase began, I was held by these two beings that seemed male, and I was held with what felt like care, attentiveness, and love. I felt calm. The Time Phase process began with my right leg, or rather my energy right leg, floating up and moving up and down, side to side, in weird ways. This "moving around" of my right energy leg felt familiar, and I thought to myself, "This same thing with my right leg happened last time, so that must have been a Time Phase, too." (but I don't think so?)

So, where did my Time Phase take me? Well, I opened my eyes and it appeared like I was laying on my back in the crowded auditorium that I thought I was in, in real life. There were medical personnel around me. They put something around my neck. I got the impression they were trying to do a tracheotomy. I thought to myself, Do they think I'm dying? Do they think I'm unconscious? Are they trying to resuscitate me? That is to say: I thought that I was having a vision of the future ("Time Phase") of what would happen in my very near future, because I thought my actual physical body was laying in this public place with other people, and because I was in some degree of trance (projecting) it's possible that the people I was with couldn't rouse me and thought something was wrong, and therefore called 911 (of course, I was actually laying in my bed at home the whole time!). But during this projection, I thought I was getting a peek into the future that people would think something was wrong with me medically, because I was super tranced out in a projection; furthermore, to make this weirder, this was supposed to be a peek into the future of how my "internship" would end up. In the dream I projected from (which, again, I didn't realize was a dream), I think I actually was *in* an internship; but when I projected (from the dream that I didn't realize was a dream) and was told this, I didn't think it was in reference to the dream, I thought it had to do with my actual life. Of course, I thought the dream was my actual life, so this gets complicated. This is starting to feel like the screenplay for Inception 2!

Anyway, I knew I was in a Time Phase, and so I knew I wasn't actually under a resuscitation attempt. No one was actually trying to trach my throat. Still, I thought it would be best to "signal" to the medical personnel, even if it was a Time Phase, that I wasn't unconscious/dying. I tried moving my tongue, opening my eyes, to signal, Uh, no, hello, I'm here. I continued trying to stay calm and to indicate I'm neither dead nor dying, so I could continue in the Time Phase to learn the fate/point of my "internship" - unless the fate/point of my "internship" dying? Me almost dying?  

However, there was something that began to seem violent about it; something didn't feel OK, like I actually couldn't trust these medical personnel. Eventually, one of them asked for the "keys", and I interpreted that as something that would lock me in place or trap/keep me there, so at that point I decided to do what I was told I could do: remove the bracelet on my left wrist so I could go back to where I was before. I expected to be taken back to the sunny grassy field/lawn where my spirit guides/helpers were. To remove the bracelet I had to use my right hand to grab the bracelet on my left. Problem was that I was being restrained and held down in some way. So I needed a distraction, to get them looking in another direction so I could quickly free my right arm to rip off the bracelet. Bizarrely, what I yelled was that there was an alligator "over there" in the other direction. They all looked, and I tore my right hand free to remove the bracelet, and in that frantic action I woke up.

So I have no idea what exactly my "internship" referred to, nor do I understand how what I experienced in the "Time Phase" (this fast-forward vision of people thinking I was dead/dying and medical personnel trying to resuscitate me, and then this turning sinister and me feeling like maybe they weren't there to help me and I needed to get away) has to do with the "my fate" for the internship. Does that mean that "my fate" is that I will have a severe medical crisis at some point and people will have to try to revive me on the scene? That's terrifying. I don't know what this means. In the moment of being told I'd learn "my fate for the internship" I interpreted it along the lines of what the point or mission for the internship is. Definitely scratching my head over this one!


Hey Grumpy, that is a cool experience. I love those, dream within a dream sensations. It is something to think on, what it means when we witness a dream that we mistake as our waking life. I hope my thoughts don't take away from any experience you share, ever, your intuition knows best. I think the confusion or scare might have come in part from recognizing that something was off. Maybe recognizing that the reality was not the reality you thought it was. My friend shared something with me this morning that reminded me exactly of sleep paralysis, but because her mind was engrossed with her dream and she was not as familiar with the common signs of sleep paralysis- this "reaching for definition" happened. Now that grasp for meaning still gave her quite an experience- all of which I consider to be real and have special meaning- but I also believe this confusion and grasping for familiarity steered the direction of the experience into what she described as "dark energy" or "scary."
As for the internship, I think this will become more clear down the road.

So cool!


Great experience GrumpyRabbit,

Lots to digest there but I think the basic conclusion is you passed!  You were told what you needed to do to get out of the situation...Remove the bracelet.  You were prevented from doing that...being restrained.  You created a distraction and got out of the situation.

Congratulations!  That's a pass in my books!  :-)

The Adventure Continues...


There is a lot in these experiences GR...but that is good, or at least it should be...suitcases can pile means that your NP travels are providing results and opportunities for growth...and damnably difficult riddles and questions...but it sounds like you continue to get more of them.

This is my opinion and mine perspective...but your experience does seem to parallel mine and a few others here at times and to some degree. Not sure if that implies connection or a fairly limited course selection that is available to us...maybe we are all just in the same NPR college...

This is an experience that you really have to question your gut feeling- I sense this as a failed healing opportunity. It's not surprising because these experiences catch us off guard and so much out of position. The last three spontaneous healing opportunities that I had over the last seven nightly semi-lucid dream events...I failed them all...I just failed to recognize them for what they were. In fact, I came aware enough that I resisted and ejected myself from the dream and woke up each time. And I made the mistake of thinking that was some sort of successful NP awareness control that got me out of a possible nightmare or bad situation. I thought that for three or four years. I thought I was getting that much better at my NP mind control...I was wrong. I was mistaking a healing event for a negative event.

At TMI, I became aware of the distinction and in one session was put through an event that years before I had decided was a simple, nasty nightmare (the veggie-chopper) TMI I had the implicit trust in my own NP safety based on their curriculum, so I went through the procedure and realized the healing experience for what it had been all along. Then it happened again with another formerly rejected experience.

Years ago, I made the same fail...people surrounding me, a medical procedure that wasn't fully explained to me...I bailed on the dream and really had no answer for it. It does appear to be a difficult test- as events proceeded, my trust level just reduced to zero, until I said no more.

In your case, I would even point to the metaphor or the symbolism- You are challenged with communicating and getting across your message to the NPR. So you get a healing LD or an experience that leads to an operation on your throat...a tracheotomy possibly. There is a chakra associated with the throat and it has a link to communication within the NPR...hmmm...

This experience sounds like one that deserves further meditation.

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


Occam's Razor: The simplest explanation is usually the right one.

Haha!  That's how I usually start off with my interpretations.  But I forget that this is NP reality and there is nothing simple, easy or straight forward when it comes to the NP!

EV, you are always so great with your comments and insights.  You always make things look so easy and straight forward but I do understand you have accumulated your years of experience and have many notches on your belt!

Quote from: T-Man on January 04, 2021, 19:56:51
Congratulations!  That's a pass in my books!  :-)

Time for me to get some new books!   :-)
The Adventure Continues...


Hello T-Man and thank you for the compliment! I prefer Occam's Razor as well, even over an electric, lol. And five years ago, I likely would have put forward an assessment similar to yours; after all, she got herself out of a difficult situation, an artful dodge as it were. The arm bracelet was a seeming provided outlet to the experience so that likely lends to your interpretation, but maybe it is a subtlety and complexity of her NP awareness. I'm honestly not sure because this is, significantly, her personal experience.

Another good reason for keeping a Dream or Experience Journal. After a number of years, I realized that I had experienced this 'dodge' many times. For years, I thought I was gaining more awareness and response to situations that could result in nightmares and extricating myself from them. Then at TMI, I had the 'veggie chopper' healing experience and I remembered that exact scenario happening in a LD years before. It was memorable because it reminded me so much of the Resident Evil movie when the soldier is trapped in the hallway with the laser grid that multiplies and eventually slices and dices him...gruesome and absolutely an unavoidable situation. So I remembered that scene! And when it happened to me, I bailed!

But after TMI, I got to thinking about the nature and reason for nightmares and difficult situations like these. Are they actually different kinds of tests or learning opportunities than we normally discuss here on the Pulse and we just usually misunderstand them? So, I've been thinking upon this...

And the subject isn't in any books I've come across, which is most of them. This 'nightmare theory' may be one that I can lay claim to, or at least the pointing out of some of the more subtle mechanics of what is happening...

GR's experiences are just so good that it gives me the opportunity to ask these questions.

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


EV, I'm curious if when you realized the scary experiences, like the veggie chopper, were actually healing opportunities (and thus, you decided to take advantage of them) - what happened as a result? Did healing actually happen? E.g., you had chronic migraine every day for 20 years and then you submitted to the veggie chopper and Lo! No more migraine. Or some other thing that shows that the experience was actually healing because it changed something for the better? You may have talked about this elsewhere on the forum so forgive my shoddy memory!

Quote from: EscapeVelocity on January 05, 2021, 03:09:12

In your case, I would even point to the metaphor or the symbolism- You are challenged with communicating and getting across your message to the NPR. So you get a healing LD or an experience that leads to an operation on your throat...a tracheotomy possibly. There is a chakra associated with the throat and it has a link to communication within the NPR...hmmm...

This is a very interesting catch. I hadn't thought that this might have something to do with communication. A very, very interesting possible tie-in with some information the shaman/channeler/energy worker recently told me about my mission (the one I know, not the one you know). It's such an obvious potential connection I'm shaking my head I didn't see it! Leave it to EV to point out all the important stuff =)


GR, in this case the healing was felt as very subtle, an energetic and calming of energies...I will admit, nothing dramatic on the Physical level...but not that I really was suffering from any substantial issues. Severe stress at times, as I am susceptible to the general idea of re-balancing energies was very acceptable to me. It is not like a specific condition was healed; possibly because I didn't have one at the time. So, to your question no, but that doesn't disqualify the experience itself but to only point to a more subtle level...which is kind of how it played out at the time. Another participant commented on being "put through the wringer" and I commented about the basic and prosaic quality that was, and then I mentioned my session...and our Trainer was calmly eating her lunch sandwich and commented that all this was normal energy adjustment just part of the that simple comment became very significant, in fact it blew me out of my seat, there while eating a simple lunch. It was not just a simple recognition of her experience but also mine, and the fact she had seen these situations before...this was qualification and confirmation on a very direct level...comments at lunch, think about it.

So yes, that taught me something about difficult or nightmare experiences. But I really haven't had one since I have nothing further to offer...have nightmares been reduced as a result? Because they're no longer required in the same sense? no longer a growth mechanism at the moment? IDK

The recognition and dealing with these states of mind is still an ongoing process...

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


 Hi Grumpy! Your are doing great here!  :-)

I didn't want to interrupt EV's "Tutoring" here. You are in good hands, EV is a great teacher.

Anyways, I replied here because I came across this fantastic Binaural Beat youtube video and immediately thought of you! Enjoy! I still am!  :-)
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Word up Lumaza! I listen to old-school shamanic drumming when I journey, like these:

The one I tend to use is the one with "multiple drumming" at the very bottom. I also really like the double-drumming, towards the top (2nd track from the top). Super simple can be very effective!


"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla